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ISBN 978-606-504-058-8

A New World AwakensA Saint-Germain Book

Dan Bennack and Alexandra Mahlimay

A New World AwakensA Saint-Germain BookDan Bennack and Alexandra Mahlimay

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Cover design by the authors.Cover illustration Spiral of Light (2005)By Alexandra Mahlimay

“Humanity is experiencing an unparalleled, spiritual awakening. The age-old tendency to act thoughtlessly, impulsively, and without love is being replaced by softer expressions from the heart. What does this mean to you? Simply this. The days of emotional self-indulgence are coming to a close. If this has been one of your favorite modes of expression, enjoy it while you can. It won’t last much longer.”

– A New World AwakensDan Bennack, Alexandra Mahlimay, and Saint-Germain

Thank you for your interest in A New World Awakens. It is our hope that by reading this book, you will be strengthened in the sovereign experience of your Divinity – in remembering that You Are God, also. These channeled materials from Saint-Germain will encourage you to live from the heart, as your Soul does, which is what living in the New World is all about.

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A New World Awakens:

A Saint-Germain Book

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A New World Awakens:

A Saint-Germain Book

By Dan Bennack and Alexandra Mahlimay

Alma Mater Publishing House

Cluj-Napoca, 2008

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Copyright © 2008 by Dan Bennack and Alexandra Mahlimay

All rights reserved. This publication may not be reproduced, stored in

a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic,

mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior

permission of the authors.

Cover design by the authors.

Cover illustration Spiral of Light (2005)

By Alexandra Mahlimay

First printing, December 2008

ISBN 978-606-504-058-8

Printing by Print Art

Email: [email protected]

In Loving MemoryGene E. Bennack


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We would like to thank our families for their love, support, and

encouragement in the preparation of this book: Aaron Bennack,

Gene Bennack, Jane Bennack, Jeremiah Bennack, Steven Bennack,

Patty Roach, Alexandru Moldovan, Ana Moldovan, and Mihai


Thanks are also due to Nicole Mocellin for offering us the

sanctuary of her home during the early stages of this project; to

Jane Cormack for her wonderful friendship and editorial skills; and

to Ray Higgins for his kindness and generosity.

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Table of Contents


Table of Contents

Greetings from Saint-Germain

What This Book Is About

Section 1: The New You

Chapter 1: The Truth About You

Chapter 2: Birthing the New You

Chapter 3: Your Spiritual Sovereignty

Section 2: New Relationships

Chapter 4: From Confl ict to Harmony

Chapter 5: New Relationships

Section 3: The New World

Chapter 6: Master Creators in the Making

Chapter 7: The New World Awakens

Chapter 8: Prosperity in the New World

Section 4: The Transitioning You

Chapter 9: Who Is “Not Good Enough”?

Chapter 10: Shame, Blame, and Money

Chapter 11: Choosing Life or Death

Chapter 12: Conscious Creation

Workshops and Resources

About the Authors

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments V

Table of Contents VII

Greetings from Saint-Germain IX

What This Book Is About 3

Section 1: The New You

Chapter 1: The Truth About You 9

Chapter 2: Birthing the New You 13

Chapter 3: Your Spiritual Sovereignty 17

Section 2: New Relationships

Chapter 4: From Confl ict to Harmony 25

Chapter 5: New Relationships 31

Section 3: The New World

Chapter 6: Master Creators in the Making 39

Chapter 7: The New World Awakens 47

Chapter 8: Prosperity in the New World 53

Section 4: The Transitioning You

Chapter 9: Who Is “Not Good Enough”? 59

Chapter 10: Shame, Blame, and Money 65

Chapter 11: Choosing Life or Death 73

Chapter 12: Conscious Creation 79

Workshops and Resources 85

About the Authors 87

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Greetings from Saint-Germain

“Do not believe me unless I do what my Father does…

But if I do [then]… know and understand that

The Father is in me, and I am in the Father.”

Jesus of Nazareth, The Bible

You’ve come far in remembering your Divinity these last two

thousand years – in remembering that You Are God, also. Jeshua

ben Joseph (Jesus) has shown you the way.

When Jeshua said, “The Father and I are One,” he was not setting

himself apart from you in Spirit. Instead, he wanted to remind you

that the living God indwells us all, and that acting this way is the

surest means of demonstrating it to yourself, and to each other.

In modern terms, he would probably say it’s time you “walk

your talk” upon this planet. That you put into practice your deepest

truths. Jeshua was a wonderful example of this for everyone he


If you are reading this now, you’ve probably reached a point

where you, too, like Jeshua, are ready to let your Divinity be the

main focus of your humanity. You’re ready to walk your talk. You

have awakened to the Truth About You, and you are calling upon

the rest of the world to awaken with you. You know that this is no

time for the world to slumber.

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A New World is awakening, indeed, and at a pace that is

overwhelming your planet. Much is falling away now. You are

seeing that cultures built upon self-interest and greed are not

sustainable, and that living your life without a spiritual focus is

really no life at all.

While this may feel apocalyptic, it is a crisis of the collective

heart, more than a collapse of your social systems as many claim.

Your interdependence is becoming too evident to avoid, and your

connection to Spirit is no longer deniable.

You will see many who are stumbling with these truths now. If

you are willing, then please listen to them, and offer guidance only

when it is asked for. Remember that the only thing they need to

hear from you is what you already know to be true, “You are God,

also.” This will encourage them to demonstrate this fact in their

lives, just as Jeshua did.

Know that you will be called to stand fi rmly on this truth in the

days ahead. This can be your joy, as it was for him – rather than a

burden, as you have been lead to believe.

Remember, do not offer unsolicited gifts. This is no time

to devote yourself to the care of others who will not care for

themselves. Instead be clear and compassionate with them. Offer

your support when the request is sincerely felt, and only to help

them remember their Divinity.

You can best serve the world now by demonstrating that God

lives in you, as your innermost Self. This was Jeshua’s path. When

you are certain about this, you will teach this certainty to others.

All else is unnecessary.

I Am Saint-Germain

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What This Book Is About

Humanity is experiencing an unparalleled, spiritual awakening.

The age-old tendency to act thoughtlessly, impulsively, and

without love is being replaced by softer expressions from the

heart. What does this mean to you? Simply this. The days of

emotional self-indulgence are coming to a close. If this has been

one of your favorite modes of expression, enjoy it while you can. It

won’t last much longer.

You, and the whole of humanity, are at a place where constantly

shifting your allegiance between base emotional states – such

as anger, self-pity, and depression – will no longer serve you as

catapults for your growth. In the old world, there was a point to

this. As you struggled to harmonize confl icting emotional states,

and your over-identifi cation with them, it led you to eventually

inquire about your Divinity. These experiences served to awaken

memories of the Truth About You – remembrances that You Are

God, also.

This book is not about the old world. It is not about pain and

suffering, drama, or distraction. Instead, it is about leaving the old

world behind and entering a new one. It is about experiencing

joy, freedom, and fulfi llment in greater measure than you have

ever known before. It is about a consistent experience of love and

mastery that is within your grasp, right now.

A New World is awakening, and you are starting to perceive

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it clearly. No longer lingering beyond the edge of your compre-

hension, it is coming into focus. You, are coming into focus.

Some experience this as a desire to have their inner and outer

worlds blend together in greater harmony. To give voice to their

inspiration, without being misunderstood or judged by those

around them. Others register this as frustration, reacting with

impatience and anger at how slowly the world is responding to

the impulses of change.

But rest assured, the old world doesn’t interest you anymore.

Its melodrama may entertain those around you, but for you it is

a misportrayal of life. It no longer appeals to you. And it cannot

touch you. Instead, your attention is upon the New You.

The New You (Section 1) is your Soul-centered self. It is you,

expressing your Soul’s love and desires in this body and in this

lifetime. Right here and now, you can enjoy the fact that you, as

your Soul, are having a wonderful experience on Earth. As the New

You, you remember your Divinity, and then consciously choose to

live your life that way. This is your legacy and your birthright.

If the New You is about remembering your Divinity, then New

Relationships (Section 2) are about sharing this with others. New

Relationships are founded on the simple truth that you need

nothing from anyone else, because You Are Everything.

With this awareness, you and those you are in relation with

no longer use each other to fulfi ll unmet desires or satisfy your

perceived needs. Instead, you share your experiences of Being

God. When you share Divinity in this way, you increase yourselves

in the only way possible – by expanding your love.

Moving from the old world to the New World can be confusing,

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as many of the landmarks in your personal life begin to change.

Relationships, family ties, jobs, and religious values will come

under your closer scrutiny. This may create disturbing experiences

for you, especially if you are unprepared.

What is happening is that your ego (the person that you think

you are) is being deconstructed, so that the New You can be born.

When this happens, trust your inner guidance. It will assist the

Transitioning You (Section 4) in this passage. Know that by releasing

beliefs about yourself that do not serve you, you will be able to

express more of your Divinity than ever before.

In the New World that is awakening (Section 3), you will

discover people just like you; individuals who have chosen to

align themselves with their Divinity, and then express this in their

human lives on Earth. Like you, they have decided to deepen their

relationships with themselves and others. Together you will learn

that your unifi ed experience of God is truly greater than the sum

of its parts, and that by living this way, you can create societies

that will serve you better than any that have come before.

This is the New World that awaits you. And it is our pleasure, in

preparing this book, to introduce it to you.

Dan Bennack and Alexandra Mahlimay

Chichilianne, Vercors, France

Cluj-Napoca, Transylvania, Romania


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Section 1:

The New You

Chapter 1: The Truth About You

You Are God, Also *

Proclaiming the Truth About You *

What Happens When You Proclaim the Truth? *

Remembering Who You Are *

Chapter 2: Birthing the New You

Deconstructing the Old *

No More Leaping, No More Ladders *

Birthing the New You *

Chapter 3: Your Spiritual Sovereignty

Spiritual Sovereignty *

What It Means to Be Sovereign *

Unity Makes Sovereignty Work *

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Chapter 1: The Truth About You

You have inhabited a world of false beliefs for too long. For too

long you have imagined yourself to be unloved and rejected by

God. You may believe that these thoughts have no consequence

in your life, but you are mistaken.

In a world such as this – a state that exists solely in your mind

– the best that you can expect from yourself is failure; the attacks

of others are unavoidable; and God prefers your obedience to

your love.

You have allowed these lies into the holiness of your mind and

given them a shelter that does not correspond to them. In this

unhappy home, the images you hold of yourself keep you feeling

weak and vulnerable, and believing that sooner or later even the

people closest to you will harm you.

In this confused state, you are unable to employ even the

simplest tools for right living. General principles that would

improve your life, if you would only apply them – such as “Love

your neighbor as yourself” and “Do unto others, as you would have

others do unto you” – are meaningless to you.

In this nightmarish world, the thought of trusting your neighbor,

or communicating with God, is as frightening as the prospect of

knowing yourself. This frightens you because you have forgotten

Who You Are.

This world is changing now, and so are you along with it.

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You Are God, Also

When you are ready to leave behind the world of lies and

uncertainty – of not knowing who you are, or what you should be

doing – you will rediscover the Truth About You. You will remember

that You Are God, also, and that God is your innermost Self.

By engaging the truth of your identity at this fundamental level,

you will begin to disentangle yourself from the complications of

living in the world. You will fi nd that the challenges you faced

were only imaginary. They only refl ected the energy you were

expending by keeping your masks in place – masks that hid your

true identity.

When you stop pretending to be something that you are

not, you will free yourself from the illusions of forgetfulness.

The constraints imposed by your beliefs, and by the people and

situations around you, will lose their power. They will no longer

prevent you from expressing your Divinity. You will remember the

Truth About You, and never deny it to yourself or the world again.

Proclaiming the Truth About You

When you remember your Divinity, there is nothing more to

demonstrate. There is nothing to justify, and there is nothing to

defend or argue about. You are no longer willing to hide in the

shadows of denial. Instead, you name and proclaim the Truth

About You. You assume this stance from within, and maintain it

with every breath you take. You stop pretending to be anything


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You are a Child of God, and God also.

This is the Truth About You.

What Happens When You Proclaim the Truth?

When you acknowledge your Divinity, do things get magically

easier? Not exactly. When you fi rst proclaim the Truth About You,

greater accord will come into the parts of your life that are already

aligned with the Truth. But whatever is not aligned will become

heavy and strained, and fall away. It will become apparent that you

are deceiving yourself, about your Self. This may cause temporary

confl ict within you, and in the world around you.

This shouldn’t surprise you. When the Truth enters your life, it

does create confl ict with anything that is untrue – and it drives it

out. So, please don’t be alarmed. Understand that this is a process,

and that your willingness to cooperate with it, will make it easier.

If you hang on to the untruths about you, then your struggles will

only be prolonged. You will spend more time moving through

confl ict to get to a place of harmony.

Remembering Who You Are

Remember to remind yourself often that You Are God, also.

This is the best corrective for any diffi culties you may experience.

This simple remembrance, as a daily practice, is a powerful tool for

moving forward in your life. It will remind you that just as a seed

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grows with the summer rains, so remembering the Truth About

You, will awaken it in you. All that is required is your patience.

Know that this Truth shall be revealed. There is nothing you can

do to prevent it. The Truth is inevitable – just as You Are. Take heart

in this, and be glad, and let this knowledge bring you peace.

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Chapter 2: Birthing the New You

There are many in the world like you, who are here to experience

life on Earth in a new way. You have come to remember the Truth

About You – that You Are God, also – and then to live your life that

way. You are opening to the broader range of experiences that is

possible for you, when you consciously choose to engage your

Divinity. By embracing your oneness with God, you begin to live

life as the New You – the Soul-centered you.

Living as the New You is not about having a perfect life. It’s not

some angelic ideal, and it’s certainly not about being free from

faults. It’s about living with the simple awareness that You Are God,

also – that God lives in you, as you. When you live this way as your

Soul does, you can immerse yourself in the physical world, but still

remember your origins in Spirit. You can express your Divinity in

every moment, while enjoying your humanity to the fullest.

The New You is Soul-centered.

It is you, focused upon your Divinity,

While living your life to the fullest.

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Deconstructing the Old

When you take up life as the New You, you come into conscious

relationship with your Soul. As you do, you are confronted with

everything you once believed to be true about yourself that is not,

and by any fi ctions that you have used to defi ne yourself until now.

If you feel that your life is coming undone when this happens, it is

because your Soul is deconstructing your old identity in order to

birth the New You. Nothing will be excepted.

For example, if you once considered yourself to be a good

partner because you lived to fulfi ll the expectations of others, your

Soul will encourage you to release this. As a consequence, you may

no longer know how to respond as a “good partner,” or even what

it means to be one. But if you allow your Soul to assist you in this,

eventually you will fi nd yourself relating to others, and to yourself,

in ways that are more loving and honorable.

No More Leaping, No More Ladders

Completing the transition from the old to the New You may

challenge you. It can defy your beliefs about who you think you

are, and about the purpose and meaning of your life. To embrace

the New You, you must be willing to let go of all that is not real, and

all that you are not. You must dispense with the self-deceptions

that have allowed you to function in a world conditioned by fear,

and not love. This is what your deconstruction is about.

How do you feel when you read these words? Are you ready

to relinquish control over everything you imagined yourself to

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be, in order to experience Who You Really Are? Or is this just one

more thing you have to work at? Be still and go within for answers.

Ask yourself if this is yet another leap of faith, or if something else

might be going on.

Perhaps this is not about leaping into the unknown at all, and

that living as your Soul does – in this body and in this lifetime

– is not as far-fetched as it sounds. Maybe you are not throwing

yourself into another endless process, but you are done with

processes altogether. What if this was true?

Consider that you no longer need to climb the ladder of

spiritual attainment, hoping to reach the top. Perhaps there is

no ladder at all. Have you ever stopped to contemplate this? Ask

yourself if ladders are even necessary, or if they simply materialize

before you each time you doubt yourself? Each time you feel that

you aren’t good enough, or believe that you haven’t done enough

to deserve a wonderful life.

If you’ve had enough of ladders, and the need to perfect

yourself to feel better about who you are, then answer these

questions honestly, because ladders place the appreciation of

who you are, always just out of your reach. When the illusion of

climbing no longer compels you, then you can give yourself over

to the spontaneity of birthing, instead.

Birthing the New You

Birthing the New You heralds your re-emergence into the

world of expression. It is your Spirit in motion again, but it’s not the

striving that you knew before. Like childbirth, you may be anxious

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or worried about what is happening. But if you can relax, then it

doesn’t have to be uncomfortable. The best thing to do is trust

yourself and your Soul to ensure an easy delivery.

Remember that the expectant mother does not labor

throughout the delivery of her child. Instead, she rides the waves

of her contractions. She pushes, when it is time to push – and rests,

when it is time to rest. She breathes in a conscious and rhythmic

way, and this assists her in staying calm. This is not striving. This is

allowing. And this is what you shall do, as you birth the New You.

With the coming of the New You, you will begin to notice

greater freedom in all areas of your life – from your relationships,

to prosperity, to the way your body functions in healthier, more

balanced ways. Although you may feel discomfort from time to

time, you will fi nd that good things appear more frequently in your

life, and with greater joy and stability, as you continue to embody

the New You.

Rest assured that this transition will be very natural. It requires

no great effort on your part. Just remember Who You Are in Truth,

and remind yourself to hold a focus on the light and love of your

Soul. This is all that is really necessary.

Allow the New You to emerge into this reality. Permit this

birthing to take place, and know that you have made it possible

through the clarity of your choices, and the love in your heart.

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Chapter 3: Your Spiritual Sovereignty

As you invite your Soul into greater relationship with the

human you, it will speak to you of sovereignty. Sovereignty is the

chief attribute of the New You.

Sovereignty can be experienced in many different ways. For

some people, being sovereign means being free from the infl u-

ence of institutions and outside authorities in their lives. For other

individuals, it’s about having the money, power, or status to satisfy

their needs and desires. For others still, sovereignty supports their

freedom of choice. What matters most to people like this, is their

right to decide what they will (and won’t) do with their lives.

Spiritual Sovereignty

When you welcome the New You into your life, you will be

choosing a life of sovereignty, too. But the sovereignty that you

will experience has nothing to do with your political or economic

situation. This kind of sovereignty is spiritual in nature.

What does it mean to be spiritually sovereign?

Does it mean that you feel superior to others? That you are

more evolved in consciousness than they are? That you have more

power, creativity, or authority? Does God enlighten your choices,

but not those of another, or make your prayers and petitions the

only ones of consequence?

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No, it doesn’t mean any of these things.

Being spiritually sovereign means only one thing – that you are

free of the illusion of being something that you are not.

When you are spiritually sovereign, you remember that You Are

God, also, and not the collection of false personas fabricated by

your ego. You know that God is your innermost Self, and as close

to you as your own heart; and because of this, you do not allow

yourself to be persuaded otherwise. You acknowledge that the

reason you are here on Earth is to embody the life of your Soul

– to give voice and creative expression to that unique focus of

consciousness that You Are Within the Mind Of God.

When you are spiritually sovereign,

You are free of the illusions of

Being something you are not.

What It Means to Be Sovereign

When you take up life as the New You, you will learn to

express many aspects of your Soul’s sovereignty. Some of the

most notable of these are majesty, autonomy, authorship, power,

and freedom.

Majesty – As the New You, you will come into deeper

communication with your majesty than has ever been possible

before. Majesty is the greatness and grandeur that your Soul

experiences all the time. You will feel that you are living majestically,

when you are absolutely aware of Who You Are – when there is no

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doubt in your mind about the love and well-being that is yours by


Autonomy – Being autonomous is another aspect of living

as the New You. When you are spiritually autonomous, you are

not independent of God, but you ARE Self governing. Spiritual

autonomy means that God, acting as your innermost Self, has

empowered you to live your life as you will. Because God is the

ultimate authority in your life, you won’t allow others to control

you, and this frees you to experience life in any way that you


God empowers your choices this way, so that you might fully

experience Who You Are. Your Soul knows this with certainty, and

revels in it – and as the New You, you will, too.

Authorship – As the New You, you are going to realize that

you are the author of your own life. God has vested you with the

authority to create your life experiences according to the thoughts

and beliefs that you hold in your mind. You will see that God

supports you in this, by molding the Universe around you in order

to provide you with the experiences that you have requested.

Because you are aware of the potency of your thoughts, you

are vigilant for the truth. You do not allow any doubts or misbeliefs

about who you are, or your place in the world to enter into your

mind. You choose to experience the Truth About You, and nothing

more. You know that by living this Truth, you will have the greatest

opportunity to experience the joy and fullness of your Being.

Power – Power is another attribute of the Soul-centered you.

But this is not power as the world knows it. The New You is not

interested in forcing its way upon the world, because power has

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nothing to do with dominating or manipulating others. Real

power is the ability to create. It’s as simple as that.

The New You recognizes that turning essence into substance

by using the creative power of the mind, is the greatest game

in town. It’s the game you were born to play. It also knows that

any other use of your talents would lead you to boredom and


Freedom – Sovereignty gives you the freedom to live your life

right now. Right here and now, you can enjoy the fact that you,

as your Soul, are having a marvelous human experience. The New

You is anchored in this awareness. As the New You, you can walk

into situations that would have shaken you in the past, and remain

calm and unperturbed. You are fearless, yet free – and responsive

to love in a way that is appropriate for each moment.

Unity Makes Sovereignty Work

It is important to remember that your sovereignty does not

separate you from others. This would be impossible to do. Every

person shares the Life of God with you, and all are free to live as

they choose, just as you are.

You are independent in choice, but interdependent in Life.

When you understand this, you will recognize that your sovereignty

functions only within the embrace of God’s Unity, and then you

will cease creating so many problems for yourself.

How can so many people making sovereign decisions ever

agree on anything? Where is the hope for harmony in this? The

important thing to remember is that there is only One Life – God’s

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Life, in which you are all equally loved. Anytime you need to make

a decision that affects others, remember to connect with this


Ask that your individual desires be aligned with God’s Love for

all life, and invoke the best possible outcome for everyone involved.

It’s not important to know what this is. Just trust that it will come.

By clarifying your desires, and then releasing them for the

benefi t of all concerned, you will fulfi ll the only mandate placed

upon you by your Creator – “Love one another, and do as you

will.” Remember this, and you will hold the key to your spiritual

sovereignty in your hand.

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Section 2:

New Relationships

Chapter 4: From Confl ict to Harmony

How Do You Release Confl ict? *

Letting Things Be *

What Happens When You Let Things Be As They Are? *

Judgment and Confl ict *

How Does Non-Judgment Work? *

Practicing Non-Judgment *

Mastering Confl ict *

Chapter 5: New Relationships

Stepping into the New You *

Rules of Engagement in Relationships *

The Nature of Old Relationships *

The Meaning of New Relationships *

What You Are, Is What You Share *

Inviting New Relationships Into Your Life *

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Chapter 4:

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Chapter 4: From Confl ict to Harmony

Your choice to begin a New Life has deepened and quickened

your spirit. It has brought you into greater resonance with the

Truth About You – that You Are God, also – and it has opened your

eyes to the possibility of living as your Soul does, without suffering

or drama.

But even though you are prepared to claim your Divinity now,

you may still have to respond to people who are confused about

theirs. What will you do? Telling others that they should live a Soul-

centered life, as you have chosen to do, may aggravate them more

than encourage them.

To resolve this dilemma, it is important that you understand

the nature of confl ict. This requires great compassion for others

and for yourself. You must be non-judgmental when people

challenge you, yet refuse to participate in their aggressions when

they provoke you. Can you do this?

Of course you can. Let’s explore how.

How Do You Release Confl ict?

Releasing confl ict is like letting go of any situation in which

you have felt hurt.

Do you remember when you were a child? What did you do

when you fell down unexpectedly? Did you dramatize your fall

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by staying on the ground, crying in despair? No. Soon you got up

and walked on.

Perhaps you cried for a while, feeling sorry for yourself as

you continued along your way. But soon you began to laugh,

remembering how a silly distraction caused you to trip in the

fi rst place. From this point on, you might have started paying

more attention to where you were going, choosing to look ahead

from time to time, and lift your feet higher whenever obstacles

appeared in your path.

The same is true with confl icts. The easiest way to release

a painful confl ict is to acknowledge that you feel hurt, while

remembering that it’s no one’s fault, really. It just happened. Then

pick yourself up, consciously step out of it, and be willing to seek a

higher resolution, instead.

Letting Things Be

Most confl icts result from miscommunication, followed by

episodes of blaming, judgment, and entangled emotions. If

shame is also involved, there is injury to the psyche. Why? Because

anytime you feel ashamed or shame another, your awareness of

the fl ow of God’s Love is disrupted. You see yourself as less than

you are, feel guilty about it, and judge yourself for it. If this persists,

you cannot help but fall into diffi culties.

But if you let yourself and others be As You Are, releasing

your desires and expectations for change, then you free

everyone from confl ict. By denying judgment, blame, or shame

any foothold in your disagreements, you will fi nd that there is a

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resolution to your problems. You will fi nd reSOULution. A Soul-

inspired resolution.

When you call upon the New You, your Soul-centered aware-

ness, to help you in this, then stepping out of confl ict will be

the most natural thing for you to do. It will be the path of least

resistance. Your willingness to go higher will automatically move

you in that direction. When this shift takes place, you will discover

how you were emotionally and intellectually entangled, and

determine what new road you might want to take up, instead.

What Happens When You Let Things Be As They Are?

When you allow people to be As They Are, they often explore

their values and fi nd higher expressions for them. But when

you try to restrict or control others through confl ict, indicating

a certain direction for them that you consider appropriate, then

you limit your understanding of them and their understanding of


Do you see this?

Each being, every relationship, and all situations have an inner

compass orienting them toward higher expression. It is the natural

way of things. It is the evolutionary impulse at its simplest. When

people, situations, and relationships are allowed to be As They Are

– without restricting them with judgment, expectation, or blame

of any kind – then you give them the opportunity to move forward

in the best way they know how.

When you stop holding back others, or yourself, with judgment

and misguided beliefs, then you free everyone to go beyond the

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limitations you’ve imposed and become more than you’ve been


Judgment and Confl ict

Remember that judgments are derived from what you believe

to be right or wrong with the world. They are not necessarily

related to the truth about the world, or the Truth About You.

Judgments fragment. They divide what God has established

as Wholly Perfect into acceptable and unacceptable categories.

These are determined solely by what you believe to be true, and

not by what you know to be Truth.

Do you see the difference?

Whenever you judge people, you encircle them with beliefs

about who you think they are, and blind yourself to the Truth

About Them. It stands to reason that if your perceptions

about people are limited to your beliefs about them, then

your understanding will be limited, too. You will be unable

to recognize their Divinity. And if you fail to recognize this in

others, how will you see it in yourself? This is the root cause of

all confl ict.

Forgetting your Divinity,

Is the root cause of all confl ict.

When you forget that you share God’s Life with those around

you, then you are lost. All you have are conjecture and opinion

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to navigate your way through life. Ask yourself, what else but

misunderstanding can ever come from this?

How Does Non-Judgment Work?

There is a way to remember the sacredness of your relationships

and step out of confl ict. It is called non-judgment.

Non-judgment begins as you become aware of your limiting

beliefs, and realize that your interactions with others are driven

by what you believe to be true about them, and not by the Truth

About Them.

Non-judgment begins when you recognize that limiting beliefs

will always separate you from others, whereas the truth will always

unite you. As you gain this awareness, you become more tolerant.

You can do this because you remember that beyond beliefs, you

are all One in God.

Non-judgment arises when you remember that your Divinity

IS theirs, too.

Practicing Non-Judgment

When you go beyond beliefs and allow your Divinity to touch

That of others, you reach a point of contact. You initiate a new form

of communication with them that is soulful and non-judgmental.

How do you practice this in the middle of a misunderstanding

or argument? It is simple.

When the fi rst signs of discord appear, acknowledge that

your beliefs may be limiting your understanding of people and

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situations. Then inwardly choose to go higher. Allow something

greater than understanding to penetrate your perception. Choose

to remember the Truth About Them and About You. Then silently

offer this remembrance to everyone involved.

Once you remember your Common Divinity, then grant

everyone the freedom to express themselves, and evolve those

expressions as they will. Free them to go higher with all they

say and do. Offer yourselves a place for respectful, unrestricted

exchange. When you suspend judgment, let go of expectations,

and stop blaming yourselves at every turn, you will come to

see each other As You Truly Are, and appreciate your love and

magnifi cence.

Mastering Confl ict

Remember, there is only one path to mastering confl ict, and it

is this. Share your Divinity with others. This is the key. And as you

do, you will free others to walk this path with you. Once you can

share your Divinity, you will know your mastery. You will see that

you respond to people, instead of reacting to them, and that you

have moved yourself greatly forward – from confl ict to harmony

in New Relationships.

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Chapter 5: New Relationships

You may imagine yourself to be many things, but a Child of

God is what you are. You are an immortal Soul acting in a physical

body on behalf of the God that birthed you.

As you become more aware of this unique relationship that you

have with God, you will feel motivated to live as your Soul does –

in close communion with God and in harmony with those around

you. This is the New You, and living this way is your destiny.

Stepping into the New You

Does stepping into the New You mean that your life will be

trouble free in an instant? No, not really. Instead, it means that you

are willing to accept the world just as it is, troubles and all, and act

from a place of loving discernment toward it.

When you love and embrace people in a way that is

appropriate for you, without demanding that they change, then

you free yourself from the diffi culties they face, and offer them the

best opportunity to fi nd their own resolution. By loving them as

they are, and then releasing them, you show them the way to the

healing power of their self love, while maintaining the integrity of

your own.

One of the areas where you may be challenged to do this is

with relationships.

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Rules of Engagement in Relationships

When you decide to live as your Soul does, some people may

see you differently and fear the changes they observe from lack

of understanding. This may provoke confl ict and resistance in

them. If this happens, don’t be alarmed. You are undergoing an

important shift in how you perceive yourself, so why wouldn’t

this alter the way you are perceived and treated by others, as


Rather than fall prey to self-doubt when this happens, realize

that you are still in contact with the old world, and that relation-

ships in the old world operate by “rules of engagement.” The use

of this term here is not casual.

Rules of engagement are used by your police and military

bodies to determine how, when, and under what circumstances

force or persuasion should be used to disable a confl ict. They do

not ask why harm should ever be directed toward another human.

They only assume that hurting another may be necessary to bring

a confl ict or disagreement to resolution.

New Relationships don’t work this way. And this is why you

may experience diffi culty functioning in old relationships now.

The Nature of Old Relationships

Old relationships are based upon neediness and lack. The

things you perceive you lack in yourself, you seek in another and

vice versa. You form relationships based on mutual exploitation

in order to feel better about yourself, simply because you have

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forgotten Who You Really Are – A Child of God, and God also. You

call this love, but it is not.

When the conditions of these alliances break down, you blame

each other for it, arguments begin, and before you know it, you are

engaged in confl ict. And what is the fi rst rule of engagement during

any confl ict? The right to attack another in order to defend yourself.

These are the beliefs that govern old relationships. And this is

what you have chosen to leave behind.

You might wonder if old relationships have served you at all.

The basic answer is yes, they have. Old relationships have provided

you with ample opportunities to remember Who You Are.

By experiencing confl ict and dependency in your relationships,

you have come to remember what is essential about you – that

you need nothing from anyone else because You Are Everything.

You are a perfect and sovereign refl ection of God’s Love for all

life. Grounding yourself in this knowledge is the basis for forming

New Relationships.

The Meaning of New Relationships

If old relationships were about remembering your Divinity,

then New Relationships will be about sharing your Divinity. How

does the one make the other possible?

First of all, when you remember that You Are God also, you no

longer fear losing yourself in a relationship by giving too much, for

it is impossible to lose What You Really Are. Nor do you fear that

a partner may deny you something you really need, because you

understand that you are complete, just As You Are.

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This realization is the key. When you recognize that nothing

can be taken or denied you because You Are Everything, then you

will share Everything You Are without hesitation. You will give and

receive God’s Love from each other freely and without fear.

What You Are, Is What You Share

Giving and receiving love is quite natural. There is no risk

involved, despite what you have been lead to believe. This is so,

because you are a living embodiment of God’s Love, and you can

never lose What You Are by sharing it with others. It is absolutely

impossible to be less than What You Are.

The only possible outcome of sharing your love with another is

to expand your experience of Being Love together. Just as waves

merge and grow in a shoreward encounter, so your experience of

Being God’s Love expands as you share your love with each other.

This is what happens when two or more of you come together in

remembrance of your Divinity.

By sharing your love with others,

Your experience of Being Love grows.

Inviting New Relationships Into Your Life

When you decide to live as your Soul does, taking up life as the

New You, you may feel drawn toward others who have made this

commitment, too.

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The most important thing you can do to invite New Relation-

ships into your life is to remember Who You Are. Remember your

Divinity. Do this on a daily basis, and you will attract relationships

of high quality and beautiful resonance into your life.

It is not about whether you will fi nd them or not. It’s about

trusting yourself enough to know that you deserve them. When

you are able to do this consistently, you will see how others are

drawn to you by the love and trust that radiates from you.

Do this without expectations, and then watch your life. See

who comes and goes, and be prepared for miracles and surprises.

Know that you can experience all the joy and satisfaction that

relationships provide, simply by being the Love That You Are.

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Section 3:

The New World

Chapter 6: Master Creators in the Making

Acknowledging Your Mastery *

Conscious Creation *

Fear of Creating *

Michelangelo *

You Are a Master of Self Awareness *

The Master Before the Canvas *

Being Still, Going Within *

Inspiration in the New World *

Chapter 7: The New World Awakens

The Human Tapestry *

The Symphony of the Soul *

What More Is Yet to Come? *

Chapter 8: Prosperity in the New World

Prosperity Begins with Charity, Charity Begins with the Heart *

Individuality and Interdependence *

What Is the Cause of Prosperity? *

Awakening to Your Prosperity *

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Chapter 6: Master Creators in the Making

When you dare to blend with your Soul in this lifetime, you

express the Truth About You. You acknowledge that You Are God,

also, and that you are willing to live your life that way. Neither a

statement of false pride, nor spiritual superiority – it is the simple,

earnest recognition that you are the Source and Author of your

own life. It is a declaration of your mastery, and a marvelous leap

forward in your awareness.

When you take this step, you recognize that you are an

individualized focus of Self consciousness within the greater life

of the God Source – uniquely you, but God, also.

Resolving this paradox in your mind is a sign of mastery. You

now understand that all of God’s power is vested within you. And

because of this, you know that you can create realities, love them,

and experience them fully – just as God does.

This IS mastery.

Acknowledging Your Mastery

But what happens when you recognize your mastery for

the fi rst time – when you fi nally see that everything you’ve ever

experienced is your own creation? The joys and sorrows are yours

alone. The highs and lows, you have brought upon yourself. No

one else can be blamed.

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Do you hurriedly rush to make things better? Do you retrace

every line you’ve ever penciled or change every brushstroke

you’ve ever laid down on the canvas of your life?

No. You don’t. These works are fi nished.

As a master, you accept them for what they are – expressions

of the knowledge and expertise you had at the time they were

created. You love them, and you move on.

You take up a fresh canvas, and you draw or paint again, but

this time with a newfound awareness of the creator that you are.

Conscious Creation

For many people, accepting themselves as a master creator is


After all, it is one thing to create unconsciously – generating

one portrait of yourself after another without acknowledging that

you are the artist. This way, it is easy to pretend that the fl aws you

see in these images are the result of someone else’s handiwork,

and then blame them for it. But this is delusional thinking.

It is quite another thing to create consciously.

When you are a conscious creator, you know that you are

the artist. You know that you pick the medium and choose the

tools for expressing your Self. And you are aware that you alone

determine whether your creations, and your creating, will inspire

you or not.

Yes. Accepting that you are the master creator of your own

reality can be quite unsettling, even when you willingly step into

this awareness on your own.

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Fear of Creating

Ironically, when you fi rst step into awareness of your mastery,

you are often afraid to create again. The responsibility just seems

too much to handle. You may still remember what it was like to

create unconsciously, and to not have enjoyed what you created.

This is what is inhibiting you now.

If you are an artist, you might begin to feel uncomfortable with

your tools. Your brushes might seem less familiar, and the colors

you used in the past might be distasteful to you now. The empty

canvas, rather than inviting your expression, turns you away. It

is blank and void – a place where nothing can be known and

nothing discovered. And the more you dwell upon your dilemma,

the more blocked you feel.

Does this sound familiar? Do you know this feeling?

What will you do? Perhaps you are not the master you imagined

yourself to be.

If you continue down this path, then before you know it, you

will convince yourself that you are unable to create.

“I’ve neither the tools, the medium, nor the talent for the task.

So why bother? Perhaps the right thing to do is walk away. No one

will notice, anyway.”

And so, you do.

This type of resignation is sad, and wholly unnecessary. There

is another way.

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You may be familiar with Michelangelo. He was well known in

his time, and even more so now, for his exquisite sculpting of the

human fi gure in marble. He was a master of his art and craft at a

very early age, and he knew it.

In the early 1500s, Michelangelo was asked by the Pope to

paint the ceiling of the Sistine chapel in Rome, a project that took

him four years to complete. Not much older than 30 years, he was

worried and apprehensive. He told the Pope from the beginning

that he would prefer not to accept the commission.

Michelangelo knew he was a master sculptor, but he did not

really consider himself a painter. He had painted during his youth,

and still sketched almost daily, but his confi dence with brush and

pigment was not the same as it was with hammer and chisel.

Michelangelo was also concerned about the motives behind

the request. He suspected that his rivals had encouraged the

Pope’s invitation in order to see him fail. After all, the scale of the

task was tremendous – and it was to be carried out using tools and

a medium (color upon wet plaster) that were not his favorites.

Despite his misgivings and self-doubt, Michelangelo accepted

the commission. What resulted is one of the fi nest works in the

history of Western art.

Of course, there were many obstacles to overcome along the

way: Designing a scaffold from which to stand while painting

high above the fl oor; developing a plaster that resists molds and

fungus; establishing a color scheme that can be seen far below the

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ceiling; and most importantly, creating brushes and brushstrokes

that convey the drama and pageantry of his Biblical themes.

This he did with consummate mastery.

You Are a Master of Self Awareness

Like Michelangelo, you have attained a high level of mastery.

You are a master of Self awareness. Self awareness is knowing that

God lives in you, as you. Mastery means that you live your life that


Mastery also means that you understand the nature of creation

and recognize your partnership with God in this. You know that

creations arise from the beliefs in your mind and desires in your

heart, and that God assembles Itself around these to bring you

what you have asked to experience in the best way possible.

You are free to experience your creations in any way you

choose. But when you have mastered Self awareness, the thoughts

in your mind are guided by the love in your heart, so that you have

a consistent experience of Divinity in all that you create.

The Master Before the Canvas

Like Michelangelo, there are times when you may feel

challenged by the creative potential you possess – by the scope

and magnitude of what you are capable as a conscious creator.

Perhaps now, with your newfound awareness of mastery, you feel

thrust into unfamiliar territory. Into the realms of unknown or

untried potential.

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You fi nd yourself standing before something vaster and

grander than you have encountered before. But this is a natural

occurrence. Major advances in awareness are often accompanied

by new and unusual opportunities, so don’t be afraid.

Yes, you may feel like an artist without his or her familiar

tools. But know that you have the possibility to create something

completely different now – something that combines your

knowledge, skills, and mastery in a new medium of creation.

What confuses you is the feeling of something unusual.

Until now, you have created your life with familiar tools – with

misperceptions about who you are, and the emotional highs and

lows of your daily drama. Your efforts have generated masterful

results. Perhaps not ones you are happy with now, but masterful

ones, nonetheless.

Being Still, Going Within

Before you decide to create again, allow yourself time to

readjust. Be still and go within, at least until you fi nd a place of

confi dence from which to begin again. Do not be dismayed by

the unfamiliar, but ask yourself what you might do with this

opportunity, instead.

Ask yourself, what did Michelangelo do when he was handed

a brush, instead of a chisel, and told to paint instead of fashion in


Was he desperate? Did he panic? Did he think, “Nothing

is familiar, so there is nothing I can do. I must no longer be a


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Of course not.

Instead, he took inventory of his mastery. He realized that

his ability resided in his knowledge, not in his tools, and that his

creativity could be expressed in many ways – using multiple skills,

not just one.

His mastery did not disappear with the absence of the marble

he loved to carve. He could still envision form and symmetry

as before; his grasp of perspective had not changed; and his

appreciation of color was intact. Nothing had changed.

He was a master creator.

He was able to adapt his knowledge to the change in his

circumstances, embrace the expansive medium that was offered

him, and create again with renewed inspiration.

He was a master creator. And so are you.

Inspiration in the New World

When you have accepted your mastery, and realize that your

creative ability transcends anything you may have experienced

before, then you will no longer fear creating again.

Instead, you will hold a vision of your Divinity and make it your

own, breathing deeply into it and calling it to life. You will charge

your brush with color, trace a line, and begin a course of movement

across the canvas that is uniquely yours.

You will stop comparing yourself with anything you have been

before, or once desired to be, and give birth to new expressions of

Who You Really Are.

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You will feel relieved at the mental level because you will know

that you are guided by your intuition, and not your expectations.

And you will feel relieved at the emotional level because you will

be free of self-judgment and criticism.

You will realize that you have entered a New World – a world

of fl ow and ease, where freedom of expression is yours by


And when your creation stands before you, whole and

complete, you will marvel at what you have done. You will look at

the New You with the eyes of innocence, almost not recognizing

that it was you who gave it life and inspiration.

You may even ask, “Was it me who created this wonder?”

And the answer you will give yourself is, “Yes.”

For indeed, you are a master creator.

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Chapter 7: The New World Awakens

If you step aside for a moment and consider the history of life

on your planet, you will see that something has changed. A New

World is awakening.

In the old world, you permitted many abuses. You let greed

substitute for happiness, and allowed your self-interests to

motivate your acts of kindness. In the New World, you will no

longer do this.

Now you know that happiness is not acquired at the expense of

others, but comes within a framework of unity that uplifts all alike.

In the awakening world, your Divinity will provide this framework

for you.

In the New World, you will discover people just like you, who

have chosen to deepen their relationships with God, themselves,

and others. Together, you will form societies that bring your planet

into greater relation as a whole, without denying you the personal

liberties you desire.

What will feel “new” about the New World will be a commonly

held vision of peace and goodwill. What the world will experience

as new will be harmony, instead of chaos.

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The Human Tapestry

Sharing your Divinity will build a better world, because shared

Divinity is What You Are. You are individual points of consciousness,

sharing the mind of the God that birthed you. Because you share

God’s mind with each other, cooperating is fundamental to your

nature. You cannot change this fact, even if you try.

Sharing your Divinity builds a better world,

Because shared Divinity is What You Are.

By consciously choosing to live your life this way, instead of

resisting it as you have, you will fi nd that you accomplish more

together in unity, than you could ever do alone. One way to see

how this works is to think of a tapestry.

Imagine yourself as a single thread in the greater fabric of

humanity. When you look closely at this tapestry, you will see that

you can distinguish yourself from all the other fi bers by a color and

luster that is all your own. This quality of light and love is the unique

way that you express your Divinity. You are a unique expression of

the God who dwells within you as your innermost Self.

If you look closer at the tapestry, you will notice that the threads

are interwoven, sometimes simply and sometimes complexly. This

interlacing of fi bers symbolizes your relationships. Relationships

add texture to your life by bringing you moments of sharing. But

when your relationships include God, they are more than just

sharing. They are you, sharing God with each other.

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Finally, the tapestry represents your human collective. Just as

many threads form patterns in the overall fabric of the tapestry, so

humanity is made up of many people living in complex societies

and relationships across the planet. And just as a fabric can clothe a

body, cover a table, or decorate a wall, while a single thread cannot

– so, your societies, when united in God’s Love, can accomplish

things that you as an individual would fi nd impossible to do.

The Symphony of the Soul

Another way to understand how your New World will function

is through the music that an orchestra makes.

In an orchestra there are violinists, fl utists, percussionists, and

many more musicians. When it is functioning as it should, this

diversity enriches the musical experience for all. Each person

performs well, but no single performer overpowers another. In the

ensemble, they execute their parts with precision; listen attentively

to each other; and blend together to create a unifi ed sound that

all can appreciate.

When an orchestra is unrehearsed or undisciplined, the musi-

cians perform with no regard for each other. Different sections play

loudly, softly, or not at all, and with no direction or coordination.

They produce dissonant sounds that are not pleasant to hear, and

that no one would tolerate for long. In the context of this example,

your old world has been one of musical chaos.

Now that you are moving into times of greater harmony, more

attention is called for. Your expressions are suffi ciently refi ned to

blend with others in ways that were not possible before. You are

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coming into resonance with your Soul; and as you do, you will

touch others deeply, and you will need to listen carefully to their

responses. All good musicians know this. Accomplished members

of an orchestra know that to express themselves fully, they must

also listen to those around them. Soon, you and all of humanity

will use this skill to create communities and societies that serve

you better.

What More Is Yet to Come?

Enough of you value harmony and fl ow now, that you will fi nd

it easy to come together. You have reached a critical mass. Soon,

this will allow you to build a world that is supportive of your needs,

without having to struggle to do it. But fi rst there is a clearing away

of that which no longer serves you, and this can be disconcerting.

When this happens, don’t be fooled. Be patient, instead.

Whenever you fall into doubt, remember the orchestra and

ask yourself this: When one musician meets another who values

harmony as much as the fi rst – is it not natural for them to unite

in their love of music and create something together that neither

could do separately?

If your answer to this question is “yes,” then know that this

response will serve you well – for this is the spirit that will build

your New World.

Much as a symphonic movement depends on each orchestra

member playing well and in harmony, so your New World will be

built by individuals who express themselves fully, within a context

of unity that actually works. Encourage each other in this, and

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soon you will fi nd that you live in a better world. All of you can

bring this greater awareness and sensitivity to the reconsolidation

of your planet.

Believe this, and it shall be so.

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Chapter 8: Prosperity in the New World

Humanity is opening toward prosperity consciousness. You

are learning that prosperity, security, and a sense of well-being are

gifts that you give to each other. Not things that you take from

one another or enjoy at someone else’s expense. The Earth will no

longer support you in this, and neither will you.

A major transformation is taking place now, and it has nothing

to do with an apparent scarcity of resources. This is pure fi ction.

There has always been enough. All of your key resources are


If you are truly lacking anything now, it is the collective

realization that all of your lives are interconnected. That you, your

neighbors, and your world beat to the pulse of a Common Heart.

Prosperity Begins with Charity, Charity Begins with the Heart

Soon you will experience what the rest of the Universe already

knows: That prosperity begins with charity, and charity begins

with the heart.

You will learn that what you give to yourself, you can easily

give to another. But what you deny to others, will be denied to you

– not because you are being punished, but because your hearts

are closed. A closed heart, like a tightened fi st, can neither give nor


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Shutting the doors to your heart does not protect your

treasures. Instead, it locks you inside and denies you everything.

You imagine that you are safe and secure, but you are not. You

inhabit a prison, where your only concern is survival and you

jealously guard everything you think is yours for fear that it will be

taken from you.

How can you ever hope to know joy and comfort this way?

Know this. You are interdependent. You are individual points

of consciousness within the greater life of the God Source. This is

your joy and your prosperity.

Are you prepared to accept this now?

The opportunities that are upon you as a global community

will advance you greatly in this, if you allow it. Stand united in this

desire and it shall be so.

Individuality and Interdependence

Many of you have come to understand the paradox of your

individuality and interdependence.

First of all, you have acknowledged that you are unique,

sovereign refl ections of the One God. And because of this, you are

beginning to live your lives as your Soul does – centered in its love

for you and anchored in its connection to Source. This is the New


You also understand the nature of relationships. You remem-

ber what is essential – that you need nothing from anyone else,

because You Are Everything. In knowing this, you do not permit

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others to become dependent upon you, and you do not allow

yourself to become dependent on others.

Instead, you remember to share your Divinity. You expand

yourselves in the only way possible – by sharing God’s Love with

each other. This is the meaning of New Relationships.

Finally, you acknowledge that you are interconnected, and you

welcome it. Just as a symphony depends upon all its members to

create a unifi ed musical experience, so your complete experience

of Divinity depends upon each of you expressing yourselves

fully, but in overall group harmony. You know that your unifi ed

experience of Divinity is truly greater than the sum of its parts, just

as God Is – and you relish this.

All of humanity must come to an understanding of your

Common Life. The only way this can be accomplished is through

direct experience. There is nothing theoretical about it. It is that

simple. Soon the mass of humanity will experience the reality of

your interdependence around issues of prosperity.

What Is the Cause of Prosperity?

Perhaps you have worked with your own issues of prosperity

with varying degrees of success. You may know, for example, that

attracting abundance requires your clarity, focused intention,

and loving self-acceptance. But there is more to it than this. To

CAUSE yourselves to be abundant you must be willing to give

and receive from each other. There is no other way. You must open

your hearts.

Why is this so?

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Because God is the Source of your prosperity, and collectively

You Are God, also. These facts are undeniable. One cannot exist

without the other. You can choose to remember this as indivi-

duals, as many of you have done, but that alone is not enough.

Collectively you must decide to live that way, too. Again, it is as

simple as that.

Awakening to Your Prosperity

You all have roles to play in this global awakening – in

remembering that the life you share as God is the cause of your

prosperity. You cannot fail to have a role in this, any more than the

cells of your body can refuse to accept the heart’s nourishment,

or the corpuscles in your arteries deny oxygen to the rest of your


In the coming times, you will all play your parts. Some of you

will give to others in greater measure, while others may receive

more. This is only temporary. Do not become fi xated on the illusion

of imbalance. What is truly important is that by playing your part,

you will collectively remember an important Truth About You –

that your interdependence is the source of your prosperity.

You will learn that by giving and receiving from each other,

without agenda or ulterior motive, you will all prosper. And you

will no longer permit abuses of this kind upon your planet again.

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Section 4:

The Transitioning You

Chapter 9: Who Is “Not Good Enough”?

Inner Confl icts About Your Worth *

Who Is “Not Good Enough”? *

Lightworker Illusions *

What You Can Do, Instead *

Chapter 10: Shame, Blame, and Money

God and the Ego *

The Creation of Sub-personalities *

Shame, Blame, and Money *

Ending the Illusion of Unworthiness *

Chapter 11: Choosing Life or Death

Chapter 12: Conscious Creation

Perceiving Guidance *

The Seven Steps to Conscious Creation *

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Chapter 9: Who Is “Not Good Enough”?

How many times have you asked yourself, “When will I receive

the goodness I deserve, especially after all the good I have done

for others?” Too often to remember, is what most of you would say,

and this would be essentially correct.

What about all the times you were told, “Do what you love,

and the money will follow,” – only to fi nd that when you did, you

weren’t valued by the ones you chose to serve? Again, more times

than you might care to recall.

What does it mean to feel that you’re “not good enough,” no

matter how hard you try? And why do these feelings seem to keep

good things from happening to you?

Feeling that you’re not good enough – or that you’re not good

at what you do – means that somewhere deep inside, you feel

unworthy of love, and you believe that you must do something

about it.

This misperception formed the fi rst time you felt separated

from the love around you. For many, this happened during

childhood. Perhaps you were criticized for something you did or

said. Often the words, “You’ve been a bad boy” or “Don’t be a bad

girl” were heard. The circumstances were not as important as the

feelings they evoked in you. Feelings that reside within you, even


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When you are told that you’ve been “bad” by someone you love,

how can you ever hope to feel “good” about yourself afterward,

especially if you are punished for this, too? Instead, you internalize

the hurt. And as more such painful experiences accumulate, you

begin to believe they are true. Soon, you accept that there is

something wrong with you, and that you must try harder to win

the approval of those around you.

And so, your journey into suffering begins.

Inner Confl icts About Your Worth

Any time you feel that you’re not good enough, you can be

certain that part of you is convinced that you must try harder to

be loved. This isolated portion of your self-awareness seems to be

in direct confl ict with the core part of you that remembers your

worth and goodness.

This internal confl ict is common in children, and unless it is

healed with love and understanding, it will be carried over into

adulthood. Inner confl icts like these can paralyze your capacity to

feel love, and they can prevent you from enjoying the things you

value most, whether at work or play.

Lightworkers are especially susceptible to this dilemma.

Although you feel motivated to serve with compassion and

understanding, what you do never seems to be quite good enough

for you or others.

You have high hopes that you will be appreciated and even

rewarded for who you are, and this encourages you to give more

of yourself, but again with negligible results. Your mind tells you

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that you’ve done everything correctly, but the empty feeling in

your heart tells you that it wasn’t enough.

The truth is that you are on a treadmill. You are conditioned to

keep trying harder and harder to get things right, because deep

down inside, you believe that you’re “not good enough” for good

things to happen to you. This belief can be traced back to the

rejections you experienced as a child, simply because you felt the

disturbances in your connection with others so profoundly.

Who Is “Not Good Enough”?

“Not Good Enough” is the part of you that feels that you don’t

deserve good things to happen to you, or to be loved just as you

are. It is a portion of your living energy – the Spirit that you are –

that was convinced in early childhood that it had been separated

from God, you, and those around you. It still feels threatened


This part of your awareness believes that it is you, but it is not. It

is a sub-personality or fragment of your ego. It seems to have a life

of its own, but it is only active when you focus your attention on it

– whenever you accept its belief that you are not good enough. In

truth, it is only a misperception of who you think you are.

“Not Good Enough” is one of your important sub-personalities.

It is so convinced that you are unworthy, that it can’t imagine that

you exist outside of this experience. Because it believes this so

completely, it waits for these conditions to be fulfi lled, knowing

that sooner or later you will be hurt by someone who fi nds you

fl awed and unlovable.

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“Not Good Enough” is also a saboteur. It will not allow you to

escape its beliefs about who you are. If you dare to do something

that you love – something you’re good at, or something that you

feel good doing – it will feel threatened by this, and not permit it.

It will tell you that who you really are is “Not Good Enough,” and

because you are, you cannot possibly feel good about anything. It

will remind you of this over and over, until you believe it again.

“Not Good Enough” will undermine you with doubt, suspicion,

and self-judgment to the point that you abandon what feels good

to you, or what you might enjoy doing. If this doesn’t work, it will

draw down the disapproval of others upon you, so that you can

blame them for your discouragement, instead of dealing with

your own feelings of unworthiness.

Lightworker Illusions

Does this sound familiar? Many of you struggle with this. The

tiredness, the discouragement, the pretty dreams that don’t come

true, no matter how hard you try to manifest them. You like to

attribute these setbacks to your ascension process, but this is not

always so. Sometimes they are lightworker illusions.

This kind of illusion lets you continue sabotaging yourself with

feelings of unworthiness, without having to bring them to the

light of consciousness. It lets you pretend that ascension is about

sacrifi cing what you love to do in order to grow in consciousness,

when what you are really doing is sacrifi cing your consciousness

in order to not grow at all.

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Many of you want to serve. You like the idea of it, and you can

imagine that it would feel good, if the world would only appreciate

you while you are doing it. But wait. Who is this talking? Is this you,

or is this “Not Good Enough” speaking on your behalf?

“Not Good Enough” is perfectly happy to let you be inspired by

lightworker ideals, and to even let you get involved in these kinds

of activities. But it will only let you enjoy yourself to the point that

it feels threatened by your growing happiness and pleasure. Then

it will remind you that you are “Not Good Enough,” and because

you are, it is impossible for you to feel good about who or what

you are.

It will tell you that no one knows how to appreciate you, or

what you have to offer. It will tell you that an employer doesn’t

value your work, or a parent or spouse doesn’t love you, as you

deserve to be loved.

Perhaps it will tell you that the world isn’t quite ready for

someone as sensitive, aware, and loving as you. And when it has

fi nished telling you all this, it will conclude by asking you to stop

doing everything that you feel good about. And that’s what you’ll

do, because by now you’ve been convinced, once again, that “Not

Good Enough” is who you are.

You’ll fi nd yourself believing that you don’t deserve to be

happy, or to have good things happen to you; and this is what

you’ll wind up creating, if you don’t put a stop to it.

So, what do you do then?

Do you sit in a corner and wait for things to fall apart? No,

dear friend. It’s time for you to see the game you’re playing with


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What You Can Do, Instead

Know that that you are good enough to live a life of love, fully

connected to your Divinity. You are more than good enough. You

are your Divinity. God lives in you, as your innermost Self; and

because God does, you can assume this perspective any time you

like – anytime you hear the voice of doubt telling you, that all you

are, is “Not Good Enough.”

When you consciously choose this higher perspective about

your Being, you take up the position of the neutral Observer. You

can look at the part of yourself that is confused, and offer it love,

instead. You can have compassion for its suffering, but you won’t

allow it to continue devastating your life. You gently remind it Who

You Really Are – a Child of God, and God, also. Then you welcome

it back home, into the integrated family of God’s Divine qualities

that you embody as the unique person that you are.

The greatest gift of kindness and reintegration that you can give

to “Not Good Enough” is one of re-purposing. You can tell it that you

are whole, and wholly loved, just As You Are – and that it is welcome

back in this place of Wholeness with you. Remind it that you are in

charge of love, and that you will give it all the love it needs. Then ask

it to be vigilant for your goodness in a different way.

Ask it to be watchful for all the opportunities you will have to

feel good about yourself, to do the things you enjoy, and to feel

good about them as you do them. Let this part of you safeguard

your goodness, instead of sabotaging it. Take it back to the truth of

your connection with God, and know that you will be supported

in this. And as you do, your life will be blessed in many ways.

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Chapter 10: Shame, Blame, and Money

The following chapter is based upon a private session with a

client. It describes the ego and its sub-personalities and explores

how both can undermine your feelings of worth by manipulating

your relationship with love and money.

Client’s request: “For most of my life, I have had issues with money

and fi nances, or more specifi cally, issues with fi nancial institutions,

banks, and creditors. This has fi lled my life with stress, fear, and an

acute sense of powerlessness. At this point, I no longer want to play

the game. I want to release it, and be free. Please, help me release

this illusion of form and exchange I play with fi nancial institutions. I

want to feel powerful, free, and abundant. Not fearful and powerless.

Thank you.”

Dear friend, we are Saint-Germain, Alexandra, and Dan, and we

are going to take a look at the part of you that is feeling powerless

and living in fear of fi nancial institutions. But fi rst of all, we need

to do a bit of reviewing. This may feel like a digression from your

question. But we will get back to it.

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God and the Ego

Most people identify heavily with their egos, or personalities,

and not so much with the higher aspects of their Being, such as

the Soul or God Self. This is the source of much confusion and

suffering in their lives.

Please remember that the ego is not you, and it has no

independent life of its own. Instead, it is a false belief about you.

The ego is a deeply rooted misunderstanding of who you are that

originated long before you ever walked upon the Earth.

At its core, the ego is convinced that you are separated from

God. It believes that God stopped loving you after your creation,

and then abandoned you, because you did what you wanted to

do rather than what God expected you to do. The ego believes

that God is punishing you for this now – for abusing your free will

in order to violate God’s Will for creation.

The ego is a deeply rooted

Misunderstanding of Who You Are.

In truth, God has never left your side. God’s Love is always there

for you because you are Its living embodiment. And your belief

that you have violated God’s Will is equally invalid. It is impossible

for you to violate God’s Will for creation because you ARE God’s

Will for creation.

You and all of humanity are God’s creative agents in the

Universe. Your belief that you have done otherwise is nothing

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more than your misunderstanding of how co-creating with God


Even so, this misperception has provided fertile ground for the

appearance of the ego.

The ego was born the moment that you fi rst imagined, and

accepted in your mind, that God had abandoned you. In that instant,

the ego appeared and promised to be your friend, if you would only

pledge your allegiance to it, and agree to accept its help.

The ego said that it would show you how to survive in a world

without God’s Love – in a world where you lack what you need,

and what you already have can be taken from you by others.

But because the ego’s assumptions about God’s Love are

wrong, it has never been right about anything it has offered you.

As a consequence, its promise to help has only sabotaged your

efforts to be happy in the end.

The Creation of Sub-personalities

How has the ego offered to help you?

To assist you, the ego has created a variety of personas to

deal with the various threats it perceives. These personas, or sub-

personalities, are psychological points of view that you assume,

which try to protect you from whatever is feared, whatever is

perceived to be lacking in your environment, or whatever source

of love you think will abandon you. They promise to assist you,

by fi rst assuming that the world is a fearful place, and then telling

you that you are in danger of losing what you value as long as you

are here.

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In this lifetime, your ego with its entourage of sub-personalities

began to assemble the fi rst time you felt unloved or abandoned.

For many, this was in early childhood. At this time, you likely

experienced an interruption in the fl ow of love between you, your

parents, or someone else you trusted.

You may have said something or done something that did not

meet with their approval, so they withdrew their acceptance of

you. You were made to feel bad about it; accept responsibility for

having caused it; and then have to do something about it to make

things better. You internalized this unlovable image of yourself

and accepted it as your true identity.

From that point forward, this internalized image has acted as

a sub-personality. Now it appears every time you are confronted

with similar circumstances.

It is there to remind you that you don’t deserve to be loved

because you have acted contrary to the wishes of another. It

frightens you with the possibility that you will be abandoned

by this person, and then it tells you that you must do something

about it, despite the hopelessness of your situation. This fear is so

similar to the shock you experienced when you fi rst believed that

you had been abandoned by God, that it cannot help but have


Shame, Blame, and Money

What does the ego and its sub-personalities have to do with

you and money? In this case, you have learned to be fearful, and

feel that you lack control over your life, when confronted with

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obligations to fi nancial institutions. This is because for you, and

many like you, having money is a measure of worth. Not monetary

worth, but self-worth.

By allowing yourself to feel unworthy, you are giving the ego

silent permission to sabotage your experiences of prosperity, as

well as love. You are projecting your inner doubt, “Am I worthy of

love?” into a world of money lenders, and then expecting it to be

resolved there.

Your fear of fi nancial institutions can be traced to the fi rst

moment that you ever felt unloved. To the fi rst time that your

worth was questioned by another, you felt ashamed of it, and

then you blamed yourself for it. In this moment, you created a

sub-personality called “Unworthy” – and then you identifi ed with

it completely.

Once you accepted this misperception about you into your

mind, it became possible for it to spread to other areas of your life.

You granted it the right to pattern your experiences of worthiness

in every situation, including in your encounters with money.

How does this sub-personality offer to help you now?

“Unworthy’s” strategy is to encourage you to seek love and

support from sources of authority and validation that you also

fear. As improbable as this sounds, “Unworthy’s” secret hope is

that if you can gain the approval of your accusers and critics, you

will be able to heal the wounds of your past.

Unfortunately, your experiences have been very different from

the fairy-tale ending imagined by “Unworthy.” Instead of feeling

supported in your dealings with fi nancial institutions, you have

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needlessly suffered. The control they have exerted has seemed

harsh and arbitrary, whether it really was or not.

You are right in saying that you are playing a game with yourself.

The real problem has nothing to do with getting their approval.

Instead, it’s about recognizing that your own validation is what

you need to reinstate, and not your fi nancial worth. Until you see

this connection clearly and heal your mind of this misperception,

you will continue to struggle.

Ending the Illusion of Unworthiness

You say that you want to feel powerful, free, and abundant

again. Not powerless and unworthy. But to dispel these illusions in

your mind, you must fi rst reclaim the awareness of Who You Really


You must remember that You Are God, also, and not “Unworthy”

– and that because of this, your worth is beyond doubt or question.

You must dedicate yourself to recalling this truth, each time you

are inclined to doubt it. As you do, you will untangle the thoughts

in your mind that hurt you, and fi nd the love and healing that you


There are really only two steps involved in doing this. The fi rst

thing that you must do is stop fi ghting with yourself. Every time

you struggle with the illusion of your unworthiness, you only make

it more real in your mind.

Understand that each time you allow yourself to feel ashamed,

blamed, or guilty about your fi nancial situation – whether

by another or through self-condemnation – you are actually

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confi rming that your unworthiness must be true. It is NOT. You

must step out of this cycle of reinforcement completely.

End the illusion with a simple proclamation, “I Am Perfectly

Whole; and wholly loved, worthy, and complete.” This is the second

step you will take, and it will heal your mind with the Truth. As you

do this, you will invite “Unworthy” back home, and give it the love

and acceptance from you that it needs.

Repeat this affi rmation often, and then live it with all your heart.

Make this a daily practice, and you will see that your struggles fall

away, along with any beliefs that you’re not worthy enough to be

loved just As You Are.

Once you have taken these steps, there is nothing more you

need to do. Simply anchor yourself fi rmly in the remembrance

that You Are God, also, and then live your life with confi dence and

joy. Know that you are fully supported in this and deeply loved,

and that your value before God is beyond question.

I Am Perfectly Whole, and

Wholly loved, worthy, and complete.

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Chapter 11: Choosing Life or Death

The following material was posted on an Internet forum in

response to a young woman who was contemplating suicide. She

had requested help in deciding what to do.

Dear friend, thank you for your courage in writing about your

recent experiences, and about wanting to release your trials and

your body through death.

I feel it’s important to honor our choices, even those we make

to exit this world. I also think it’s important not to romanticize,

mythologize, or otherwise misrepresent death or suicide to


Death is a transition from one state of consciousness to another.

This passage can be accomplished by releasing the physical body.

But it can also be accomplished while we are still living in the body.

It’s all a matter of choice.

Death happens all the time. Think about it.

Oftentimes when we enter a process of deep, transformational

change, we suffer as though we are dying. We engage in a process

so profound that it requires us to relinquish apparent control over

the direction of our lives in order to feel the true leadership and

direction of the Soul.

Yes, deep transformational change can feel like death and

resemble the experience of dying. But when it happens to us, we

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are still living. This is the paradox. It is not confi ned to the moments

in which we approach, contemplate, or experience physical death.

It hits us, full stride – right in the middle of the life we’re living.

The experience of psychological death requires that the ego

be still and surrender before the greater reality of the Soul. This

may be what you are feeling now. It can be quite overwhelming.

(The ego is the fragmented, distorted perception of your

personality that you experience in your day-to-day living. It is

driven by inner confl icts, strong desires, and beliefs in unmet


At certain times in life, we realize that the ego-driven personal-

ity can’t resolve our problems. That’s when the obstacles to our

progress seem insurmountable and our lives become heavy with

burdens we are no longer willing to carry.

That’s when the ego panics.

Its fragmented, helter-skelter approach to life is not working,

and it knows it.

Its habitual way of rationalizing, sentimentalizing, and doing

whatever is expedient to control our lives is falling short, and it

can’t handle the news.

That’s when the Soul approaches.

That’s when we hear the “call.”

That’s when we know there must be something better than

the challenges we’ve been facing, and we long for it.

We begin to feel the Soul’s presence and respond to it.

But at this critical time, especially when sadness, depression,

and desperation are running high, the ego may make one last

attempt to wrestle control from the Soul.

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It feels the Soul coming to comfort and guide. It knows it

cannot beat the Soul because the Soul offers something real and

priceless, while the ego offers nothing but trinkets and illusions.

The ego believes that it will be replaced or eliminated by the

Soul, when the Soul steps in to consciously direct our lives. The

ego fears that it will cease to exist, as the Soul takes over where it

has failed to resolve life’s challenges.

In a moment of vulnerability and desperation, when we are

ready to concede that there must be a better way and then choose

it, the ego may play one last trick – one that will allow it to retain

infl uence to the very end.

It will agree.

It will say, “Yes, the Soul is what you need. I agree completely.

You do need to be comforted and sheltered from the harshness

of this world.”

“Go and rest. Welcome the Soul into your life. This is what you


“And by the way, I will take you there. I know exactly how to

meet the Soul and fi nd the peace you have longed for. It’s easy.

Just listen to me.”

Then the ego will suggest the preposterous. It will say that there

is no other way to take up a Soul life, than to join the Soul in death.

The ego may sound comforting and truthful while presenting this

information, but it’s a lie. There are other ways.

The ego will tell this lie because it knows that when we choose

to join the Soul now in life, the ego will cease to exist. It knows that

when we embody the Soul in our physical form, that this will be

the ego’s undoing.

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When the truth and reality of the Soul consciously take up

residence within us, all that is unreal vanishes.

The ego – that vast amalgam of sub-personalities competing

for our attention, with incompatible interests and unreasonable

demands – ceases to exist.

It returns to Source. It becomes part of the greater life of the


This is terrifying for the ego. It would prefer to kill us than cease

to exist itself. Rather than relinquish control to the Soul, the ego,

with its twisted logic, will propose suicide as a way to return to


My advice, dear friend, is to welcome the changes that this

challenge is bringing to you. Allow it to initiate a process that is

part of the evolution of your consciousness.

But rather than undertaking this transition through death,

consider allowing your Soul to come closer to you in life. Give your

Soul permission to operate, where the ego cannot.

My friend, I honor your choice, whatever it is. Just remember

that whether you choose life or death, you will still fi nd yourself at

the same place.

You will fi nd yourself having to dismantle your ego.

In order to make the transition in consciousness you long for, so

that you can live a Soul life fully, you still have to reclaim the power

and control that you have ceded to the ego. And then you will

have to put this back in the hands of your Soul, where it belongs.

This is the “price of admission” to heaven, whether you choose

to experience it here on Earth, or somewhere beyond the veil of

death. There are no short cuts in this process. None at all.

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So my advice is to go to the depths of your current experience.

Make a commitment to see it through, even if you feel frightened

or discouraged. Promise yourself to see the other side of this

challenging time. You may feel like you’re dying along the way. But

when the ego is fi nally undone, and the psychological death and

suffering you are experiencing has ended, you will awaken closer

to your Soul than ever before. And you will be amazed at the New

You that you have become.

In closing, please remember this: You don’t have to die

physically to live as Spirit. You can take up a Soul life, right here

and now in the body. That’s the whole point of being on Earth.

That is why we are here.

With love and honor for a life well-lived.

Dan Bennack

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Chapter 12: Conscious Creation

This chapter outlines the steps used to manifest what you

would like to experience by conscious choice, rather than through

unconscious programming. It also shows you how to perceive

guidance from Spirit that will inform those choices. This text was

inspired by a private session with a client and is reprinted here

with permission.

Client’s request: “I would like to have some clarity on conscious

creation. How do I create what I would like to experience in my life? I’m

not sure what steps to take. Can you provide me with some guidance

about this? Thank you.”

Dear friend, please take a moment to receive the Love That You

Are. Be still, and listen to the whisperings of your Soul.

Many times you have felt a desire to contact Spirit, and many

times you have asked to manifest a better life for yourself. You sit,

and wait for a connection that inspires you – one that gives you

hope and fi lls you with zest for living. You may experience a bit of

an opening at fi rst, but soon you feel that you are shutting down

again, and you wonder what has happened to you.

Perhaps you are expecting guidance to strike you like a bolt

of lightning from above, when more often it speaks to you from

the “still, small voice within.” This is the voice of your Soul. It is

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the sound of you, when you are untroubled by your worries, or

by your desires to improve your current circumstances.

The expectations in your mind, along with the strong desires

in your heart about what you would like to create, are keeping

you confused and tired. They agitate your mind and intensify your

emotions, without giving you any clear idea of what to do next.

This has created a sense of futility within you, and an inability to

coordinate right action.

My friend, you have come here to receive the voice of Spirit. To

partake of the love and wisdom that it freely offers you. Turn this

matter over to your Soul. It knows exactly what to do. The only

thing that is required of you is to listen quietly to what it says.

To hear your Soul, you fi rst must calm your mind and curb the

intensity of your desires. Remember that troubled waters neither

refl ect the clarity above them, nor reveal the depths beneath


And so it is with Soulful communication. You don’t need to

seek it. It will fi nd you, instead. This is a natural condition. When

your mind is quiet and your emotions are calm, you will perceive

the guidance that satisfi es all your true desires.

Perceiving Guidance

To reach a place of stillness and perceive guidance from your

Soul, you must be willing to feel everything around you. If you fi nd

that you are afraid to feel deeply, then this same fear may dampen

your ability to sense the Divinity that is around you.

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To open the channels of communication with your Soul, you

must fi rst be willing to touch the old hurts that reside within you

still. These are the parts of you that were made to feel isolated and

unloved in the past. To reintegrate these aspects from your past,

you must honor their traumas, but without identifying yourself as


When you allow yourself to feel past wounds in this way, you

can welcome them safely home, and give them the love that they

desire. You can accept them as they are, and allow your love to

transform them into something better.

Healing your past this way will restore your ability to feel

without fear, and this in turn will improve your capacity to perceive

the guidance that comes to you from your Soul.

When you touch upon emotional wounds, please be gentle

with yourself and accept the love that comes to you from your

Divinity. Allow it to embrace you, and comfort you. This will

remind you that you are not alone, and that you are loved, safe,

and secure.

Once you are able to love yourself As You Are – without

judgment, expectation, or regret – then you will open widely to

assistance from the angelic realms. You will enter a place of quiet

contemplation that is the point of reconnection to your Soul.

From there, the inspiration that it brings you will permit you to

create things easily – things that bring you joy, and reassure you

that the world is a safe place to live.

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The Seven Steps to Conscious Creation

There are seven basic steps to conscious creation:

1. First of all, you should recognize that you attract into your life

the people, things, and experiences that match your beliefs

about the world, and about who you think you are. You often

do this unconsciously, but you can also do it consciously.

If you are creating unconsciously, you may be responding

to unresolved fears, or to the belief that something is missing

or unfulfi lled in your life.

But when you create consciously, you deny lack any place

in your mind. You remember that you are a Child of God, and

God also, and that you can experience anything your heart

desires because You Are Everything.

2. Affi rm that everything you desire to experience is within

you now, whether it is an enriching encounter, an intimate

moment, or a kind word from another.

3. With the certainty that you are denied nothing, look about

yourself and observe how you are already experiencing the

ESSENCE of what you would like to create – be it prosperity,

partnership, or anything else.

4. Once you have identifi ed the essence of this experience, then

choose to have MORE of it.

5. This is the key to conscious creation: Ask for more of what you

enjoy, acknowledging that its essence is already present in

your life.

6. As you do this, you will fi nd that you can transform essence

into substance easily, because essence can take on many

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forms. You can do this along new pathways if you like, or simply

maintain or increase what you are already enjoying now.

7. Remember to focus on essence before details. For example,

if you would like to experience more peace in your life, then

identify the peace that you are already feeling now; give

thanks for it; and ask for more.

Indicate your preferences, but be willing to accept what is

delivered. Trust that your Soul will provide the perfect match

for you.

Always focus upon your Divinity when you choose to create.

Remember that because You Are Everything, you can enjoy the

essence of anything you desire to create right now. The rest is just

attraction and amplifi cation.

Also, please remember that when you deny the illusion of lack

a place in your mind, you are affi rming the reality of plenty. This

will open the doors of manifestation for you, and let you create

anything your heart desires.

And so it is with conscious creation.

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Workshops and Resources

Thank you for your interest in A New World Awakens. It is our

hope that by reading this book, you have been strengthened in

the sovereign experience of your Divinity – in remembering that

You Are God, also. These channeled materials from Saint-Germain

encourage you to live from the heart, as your Soul does, which

is what living in the New World is all about. The chapters point

the way, with clear expositions of core truths and practical advice

about how to put them to work in your life.

But beyond the book, we have prepared other opportunities

for you to interact with the material in A New World Awakens.

Home Study Course

We are currently offering a home study course of A New World

Awakens on the Internet. During this course, we will guide you

through the book, chapter by chapter – providing you with lessons

and exercises that you can do at your own pace, and opportunities

to interact with us online. This course is offered several times a


For more information, please visit our website at www. or send us an email at [email protected].

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The other activity connected with this book is our workshop

experience. Workshops provide you with the opportunity to

explore the teachings in this book with us and a small group of

participants. We will provide you with overviews of the material,

our personal insights, group and individual exercises, and several

live channels from Saint-Germain.

If you would like to attend a workshop in your area, please

contact us at [email protected] for more information. To view

our current schedule of workshops and events, you can visit our

website at

Stay Informed

If you would like to receive the latest news, articles, channeled

materials, and much more by email, please consider joining our

mailing list at It’s an easy and friendly way

for us to stay in touch with you.

Thanks to all,

Dan Bennack and Alexandra Mahlimay

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About the Authors

Alexandra Mahlimay was born in Transylvania, Romania. She

is an empath and conscious channeler of angelic beings, ascended

masters, and spirit guides.

As a child, she enjoyed being outdoors, feeling the earth

beneath her feet, and marveling at the beauty of Nature.

In school, she discovered that her greatest sense of joy came

from helping others. This led her to obtain a Master’s Degree in

Social Work from the University of Applied Sciences in Merseburg,

Germany. Her professional experience includes crisis counseling

and refugee assistance. Alexandra is multilingual, speaking

Romanian, French, German, and English.

As an adult, Alexandra rediscovered a childhood gift. She

began to communicate again with Spirit. In 2004, she channeled

publicly for the fi rst time, giving voice to Saint-Germain, Kuthumi,

Jeshua (Jesus), and Miriam (Mary Magdalene).

At present, Alexandra divides her time between writing,

workshop development, and private sessions. In her session work,

she assists clients in opening clear lines of communication to

their sources of Divinity. These include spirit helpers, guides, and

ascended masters, but more importantly they involve the Soul

and Higher Self of the client.

Dan Bennack is from Texas in the United States. After obtaining

his Doctor of Philosophy degree in Ecology and Evolutionary

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Biology from Michigan State University, he worked for twenty

years as a conservation biologist in tropical Mexico and in the

Chihuahuan Desert of the United States. Dan also has experience

helping rural communities with environmental problems and has

served as a refugee resettlement specialist. He is fl uent in English

and Spanish.

Dan’s conscious spiritual path began as an adolescent, when he

was drawn to the works of Edgar Cayce. Since then, the love and

wisdom of many have guided him. He affi rms that the greatest

source of inspiration available to him is his Higher Self, the “God

Who Lives in me, as me.”

In 2007, Dan began a trip around the world to meet spiritual

adventurers he had come to know through various Internet forum

groups. During his travels, he shared moments with friends from

North America, Asia, Australia, and Europe.

In Romania, Dan met Alexandra, whom he married and with

whom he now shares his life, love, and service to Divinity.

Dan’s current passion is writing, developing workshops with

Alexandra, and teaching their channeled materials.

If you would like more information about Alexandra and Dan,

and their channeled materials, workshops, and private sessions,

please visit their website at or send an

email to [email protected].

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ISBN 978-606-504-058-8

A New World AwakensA Saint-Germain Book

Dan Bennack and Alexandra Mahlimay

A New World AwakensA Saint-Germain BookDan Bennack and Alexandra Mahlimay

visit our website at

Cover design by the authors.Cover illustration Spiral of Light (2005)By Alexandra Mahlimay

“Humanity is experiencing an unparalleled, spiritual awakening. The age-old tendency to act thoughtlessly, impulsively, and without love is being replaced by softer expressions from the heart. What does this mean to you? Simply this. The days of emotional self-indulgence are coming to a close. If this has been one of your favorite modes of expression, enjoy it while you can. It won’t last much longer.”

– A New World AwakensDan Bennack, Alexandra Mahlimay, and Saint-Germain

Thank you for your interest in A New World Awakens. It is our hope that by reading this book, you will be strengthened in the sovereign experience of your Divinity – in remembering that You Are God, also. These channeled materials from Saint-Germain will encourage you to live from the heart, as your Soul does, which is what living in the New World is all about.

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