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A note on polynomial functors and ext1 GroupsGeoffrey M. L. Powell aa L'institut galilee, universite de paris‐nord , Villetaneuse, FrancePublished online: 27 Jun 2007.

To cite this article: Geoffrey M. L. Powell (1997) A note on polynomial functors and ext1 Groups, Communications inAlgebra, 25:3, 979-987, DOI: 10.1080/00927879708825903

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Page 2: A note on polynomial functors and ext               1               Groups

COMMUNICATIONS IN ALGEBRA, 25(3), 979-987 (1997)

A Note on Polynomial Functors and ~ x t ' Groups

Geoffrey M.L. Powell


1 Introduction

Let F be a finite field of characteristic p and let F = F ( F ) denote the category of functors Ef + E , where E is the category of IF-vector spaces and Ef is the full subcategory of finite dimensional vector spaces.

3 is an abelian category; an object is szmple if it has no non-trivial subobjects and is finite if it has a finite composition series. It is known that the isomorphism classes of simple objects in F are indexed by the q-regular partitions; however, the details of this are not required for this paper. References for the study of the category 3 are [Kl, K2, K3, S].

No ta t ion 1.1 Suppose that F E 3 takes values in E f . Put dF(n) := d i m F ( F n ) .

Kuhn has shown that, for a functor F E F which takes finite-dimensional values, there exist uniquely-determined integral coefficients dk = dk(F) , such that:

for all natural numbers n (see [Kl] ) .

Definit ion 1.2 A functor F E 3 is polynomial if it takes finite-dimensional values and there exists n such that d k ( F ) = 0 for k > n. If d,(F) # 0, then F is said to have polynomial degree exactly n. 0

The category 3 comes equipped with the dzfterence functor A : F -+ F; this may be defined on objects as the kernel A F ( V ) = ker {F(V@IF) + F ( V ) ) , of the map induced by the natural projection: V @IF + V .

It is known (see [Kl]) that a functor is polynomial if and only if it is finite; moreover F is polynomial of degree exactly n if and only if An+'(F) = 0 but An(F) # 0. The full subcategory of functors of degree < d is denoted by Fd.

Copyr~gh t C 1997 by Marcel Dekker, Inc




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This defines a filtration F , C Fl C . . . c Fd C . . .3, by subcategories of the category 3, where the category F , is defined as the colimit of this filtration by the subcategories Fd and is called the category of analytic functors. 3 is a natural object of study in algebraic K-theory; it is of particular importance since the calculation of Ezt groups in F is equivalent to the calculation of MacLane cohomology [FLS]. For F = F , the prime field, it is of interest to topologists due to the connection established in [HLS] between F and the category U of unstable modules over the mod-p Steenrod algebra. Namely there are functors 1 : U + F and r : 3 + U, with 1 left adjoint to T ,

which induce an equivalence of categories U I N i l Z F , ( F ) , where N i l is the localizing subcategory of nilpotent unstable modules.

No ta t ion 1.3 Let M, denote the category of modules over M,(F) , the semi-group of n x n matrices with entries in F. 0

This note studies polynomial functors; the main results are the following:

T h e o r e m 1 If F zs a functor of polynomial degree 5 d and G is any functor, then the natural map Hornr(F, G ) 4 H o ~ ~ , + , ( F ( F ~ + ' ) , G ( F ~ + ' ) ) is an isomorphism.

Definit ion 1.4 Suppose that F E F is a functor; the connectivity of F is the smallest integer c such that F(IFC) # 0. If FA is a simple functor, indexed by a partition A, write c(X) for the connectivity of FA. 0

The next result is an immediate corollary of the preceding theorem:

T h e o r e m 2 Suppose that G zs a polynomial functor of degree d and that F is a functor with connectivity c ( F ) > d + 1; then Ext;(F, G ) = 0 = E&G, F ) .

The methods used to prove these results also permit the proof of the following

T h e o r e m 3 If H zs a functor which takes finite-dzmensional values and d n ( H ) = 0, for some n , then H splzts as H % G @ F, where d,(F) = 0 for s 5 n and dt (G) = 0 for t 2 n.

R e m a r k 1.5 The method of proof relies on constructing a 'model' for the zntermediate extension of F ( I F ~ ) , as explained in the next section; the results may become clearer to the reader when viewed in terms of the embedding theorem of [Kl], together with the understanding of the polynomial filtration of the symmetric powers given in [KK]. 0

2 Polynomial functors

This section provides an approach to the study of polynomial functors; the results will probably be clear to the experts and many are implicit in [Kl].

There is a natural functor en : F -+ M,, given by evaluation: F - F(IFn). The functor en admits left and right adjoints: r,, 1, : M , -+ T (see [K2]) which are exten- sions: the unit M 2 e,l,M and the co-unit e,r,M 2 M of the respective adjunctions are isomorphisms for all M E M,.

The zntennedzate extenszon is the functor c, : M , -, 3 which is defined on objects, M E M,, as the image h M of the map y~ : 1,M + rnM which is adjoint to

: enlnM + M . This is an extension, since e,c,,M M and is the smallest such extension, in that c,M is a sub-quot,ient of any functor F such that e,F Z M . The following holds:




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Propos i t i on 2.1 If F is a polynomzal functor of degree d and n 2 d, write N := F(Fn) There is an zsomorphzsm F c,,N.

Proof : By [K2], c,,N appears as a subquotient of F ; it is therefore polynomial of degree 5 d. However, since c,,(N) is an extension, c,,N(IFk) F(IFk) for k 5 n. The dimen- sions of these spaces 0 5 k 5 d determine d ~ ( * ) and d % ~ ( * ) , which are equal, since these are polynomial functions of degree 5 d which agree on d + 1 points. Hence, we may conclude that the functors are equal. 0

This paper essentially gives an explicit model for the intermediate extension in the situation of the proposition. The aim of this section is to give a description of the coefficients dk and a choice of basis of the vector spaces F ( F ~ ) , when F E Fd and k > d. The methods require the choice of a standard skeleton for Ef, together with a choice of basis for each functor.

No ta t ion 2.2 Fix a basis {xl , . . . , xn, . . .) for IFm and embed IFn -+ IFm as the subspace spanned by the first n vectors. Let I ( n , k ) denote the set of 'standard' embeddings F' -+ .Fk, which are induced by monomorphisms a : [n] -3 [k], via x, I-+ x,,. (Here, [N] denotes the set { I , . . . , N)). Thus; if C,v denotes the symmetric group acting on the left of [N] as the group of permutations, then I ( n , k) admits a right &,-action and a left Ck-action.

Define S ( n , k) c T(n , k) to be the set of standard embeddings induced by increuzng functions; S ( n , k) gives a set of coset representatives of I ( n , k) under the right En-action. Thus, for any a' E T ( n , k) , there are unique elements a E S(n. k ) and p E C, such that a' = ap . 0

For a fixed k, let {q,(1 5 z 5 k) be the set of standard projections IFk -+ pk onto k - 1 dimensional subspaces, which factor through elements of S ( k - 1, k). Choose the numbering of these elements so that ker(q,) = ( s t ) .

Definit ion 2.3 Suppose that F is a functor in F; define the following subspaces of

F ( F k )

1. C k ( F ) := { r E F(IF~)IF(I~ , ) (Z) = 0 for q,, 1 5 i 5 k)

The following lemma presents no difficulty:

L e m m a 2.4

1. x E Ck(F) zf and only zf x represents a non-tnvzal element zn Ck-l(AF), where AF(pk- ' ) zs the cokernel of the standard embedding F (pk - ' ) -+ F ( F ~ ) .

2. Ck zs a complement of Vk, so that F(IF~) 2 Vk $ Ck

The first part of the lemma shows that d imCk(F) = dimCk-'(AF); it follows that d imCk(F) = dim Akp(0 ) ; hence, the work of [Kl ] shows that:

P ropos i t i on 2.5 Suppose that F E FU 2s an analytzc functor, whzch takes valves of finite dimenszon, then dk = dim Ck.




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R e m a r k 2.6 Definition 2.3 provides another characterization of functors of polynomial degree 5 d. 0

This allows for the choice of a basis for F ( F n ) when n > d , the polynomial degree of F ; the result may be proved by an induction using the functor A and the first part of Lemma 2.4:

Proposi t ion 2.7 Suppose that F E Fd zs a polynomzal functor of degree d and that n 2 d; then the map


$ @ (a), - F ( F " ) > k = O a € S ( k , n )

defined as the sum of the maps (Ck) , 2 Ck - F ( I F ~ ) F2) F(IFn), is a n isomorphism. (Here, by conventton, S(0, n) zs taken to be the szngleton set and Co --t F ( F n ) is the incluszon of the constant part of the functor F ) .

This result has the following important, but straightforward, corollary

Corollary 2.8 A functor F whzch takes finzte-dzmenszonal values zs polynomzal of degree 5 d z f and only z f , V n > d , the maps F ( a ) . for a E S ( d , n ) , znduce a suqectzon

Corollary 2.8 may be refined as follows, by a method analogous to simplicia1 realization. The construction below may be thought of a s a suitable colimit in the category of vector spaces.

Definition 2.9 Suppose that F E F is a functor; define a vector space Gd(k) as follows. For k 2 d , Gd(k) := F ( I F ~ ) and, for k > d

where 5 is the quotient relation given as follows. If

is a commuting diagram, with y, 6 E S(a, d) and a,,G E S ( d , k ) , then, for all z E F ( F a ) , set ( F ( ~ ) x ) , = ( F ( ~ ) X ) ~ .

By inspection, the map @ f a : $ n E S ( d , k , F ( I F ~ ) , -+ F ( F ~ ) passes to a map f : &(k) -+

F ( P k ) . In fact, the following holds:

Proposi t ion 2.10 If F E Fd zs a functor of degree d , then the n a p f : Gd(k) --, F ( F ~ ) is a n isomorphzsm of vector spaces.

Proof: That f is surject~ve is clear. since the conditions imposed by the equivalence relation are necessary.




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Proposition 2.7 implies that F ( F d ) has a decomposition as @$o @aES(n,d) (Cn)a,

whereas F(F? hhas a decomposition: @$o @bES(n,k) (Cn)S, for k > d.

Consider a map F ( I F ~ ) F J ) F ( P " ) . for y E S ( d , k ) . Under this map, (C,), has image (C,),,, with ?a E S ( n , k ) . Thus, the map @ E s ( d , k ) ( ~ ( ~ d ) ) , -' F ( F k ) acts sending

{(Cn),), (Cn),a. In particular, to prove that the map on the quotient is injective, it suffices to show

that the map to each component of the decomposition of F(IFk) is injective. This follows since {(C,),), and {(C,,),I),I map to the same component if and only if y a = 7'a1, if and only if the quotient relation identifies the two summands in the decomposition.

Remark 2 . 1 1 The result of Corollary 2 8 may be compared with [FLS, Definition 1.21: A functor F E 3 zs generated zn finzte dzmenszon zf there exzsts a finzte dzmenszonal vector space E such that the canonzcal morphzsm F ( E ) @ PE -+ F (evaluation) is surjective, where PE denotes the standard projectwe in 3, P E ( V ) = IF[Homt(E, V ) ] . I t is easy to see that, if F is analytic, then F is generated in finite dimension if and only if F is polynomial. Thus the space F ( E ) should be compared with the use of F(IFd) above in Corollary 2.8. 0

Definition 2.12 Suppose that F E F is a functor and that x E F(IFk)),

1. x is strictly generated in degree d if there exists y E F ( F d ) and a E S ( d , k ) such that x = F ( a ) ( y ) .

2. x is generated in degree d if x = C x,, where each x , is strictly generated in degree d. 0

Remark 2.13 The argument of Proposition 2.10 shows that , for any functor F , Gd(k) is a sub-vector space of F(IFk), namely the subspace of elements generated in degree d; it is natural to ask when this may be given the structure of an object of F. 0

The following lemma depends only on the coset decomposition of I ( d , k ) with respect to the Ed action.

Lemma 2.14 Suppose that F E 3 and that x zs strictly generated i n degree d , say x = F ( a ) y , as above. If u E Ck represents a permutation matrix zn Mk(IF), then F ( o ) x = F ( O ) { F ( t ) y } , where P E S(d. k ) , t E Cd are uniquely determined by ucy = Pt i n T ( d , k ) .

I n partzcular, the element F ( u ) x zs stnctly generated i n dimension d .

Recall that a transuectzon of IFk, with respect to a given basis, is a linear transfor- mation in G L k ( F ) defined by a pair ( 2 , j) with i # j , so that x, +-+ x , for a # i and x , H x, + x j . The matrix semi-group n4k(p) is generated by the diagonal matrices d iagk (P) , the permutation matrices and the transvections.

Suppose that F E 3 and that z E F ( I F ~ ) is strictly generated in degree d , say x = F ( a ) y . with a E S ( d , k ) and y E F ( F ~ ) . Consider the action of these matrices on the element x.




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Actzon of diagonal matnces: Suppose that 6 E diagk(p) , then there exists a unique 8 E diagd(F) making the following diagram commute:

Then F (6 ) s = F'(a){F(&)y}, which is strictly generated in degree d. Actzon of transvectzons: Suppose that 7 E M k ( F ) is a transvection; then, either

the composite Fd 5 F k TFk is cr. or there exist a transvection i E Md+l(F) and i E 7 ( d + 1, k) such that the following diagram commutes:

where j is the standard embedding. z, i are uniquely defined given j and the composite along the top row is a .

In the first case, F(T)x = x; in the second F ( r ) ( x ) = F(i ){F( i )F( j )y} . In partic- ular, F(T)(x) is generated in degree d if and only if either we are in the first case or { F ( i ) F ( j ) y } is generated in degree d .

These remarks suffice to prove the following result.

P ropos i t i on 2.15 Suppose that F 6 F takes finite-dzmensional values, that d 2 0 and that every element of F(F*+') zs generated in degree d. Then the gnzded vector space Gd(k) (fork > 0) may be gzven the structure of an element in F.

3 Proof of the Main Results

Using the above details, it is now possible to prove the main results of this note. If F is a functor of degree d and G E F, then the functor en : 3 -+ Mn(B?) induces

a map Homr(F, G) -+ H~rn,~, ,(e,F, e,G). This is an embedding for n > d, since the definition of c, implies that, for any IM E M,, there is a surjection l n M --+ c,M, where 1, is the left adjoint of en. Proposition 2.1 shows that F c,,enF, so that the surjection Z,e,F -+ c ,enF induces the following injection:

T h e o r e m 3.1 Suppose that F zs a functor of polynomzal degree 5 d and that G E 3, then the natural ensbeddzng HomF(F, G) - HornM,+, (ed+lF, ed+lG) zs an isomorphism.

P roo f : It suffices to show that any f E HornM, (ed+1F, ed+lG) extends to a map f : F --+

G in F. By Proposition 2.10, to define f on F'(Fk), it suffices to define f on elements strictly generated in degree d (namely on F(IF~),, for a E S(d, k)) and to check that the resulting map is well-defined with respect to the equivalence relation defining Bd(k).

If x = F ( a ) y , for some y E F ( I F ~ ) , then define f ( z ) = G(a)y. It is not difficult to check that this defines a linear map f : F(lFk) 2 Gd(k) -+ G ( F ~ ) .

Moreover, by a combination of the lemmas above and Proposition 2.15, this is a map of Mk(F)-modules, noting that the above definition implies that f takes values in the space of elements of G(lFk) generated in degree d. 0




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Example 3.2 The following example shows that it is necessary to consider M d + l ( F ) - modules as opposed to the Md(F)-nlodules. Let q = p = 2 and consider the nth sym- metric power functor S n . The Ml(1F)-modules, Sn(lF), are all isomorphic, whereas Homr(S1, Sn) is zero unless n is a power of 2 . 0

This example, together with Theorem 1, should be compared with the following:

Proof : Given a map g : e d F -+ edG, take the intermediate extension cdg, which is a map F + G, since cdedF % F and cdedG "= G by Proposition 2.1. Moreover edcdg g, so that the map Homr(F, G) -- H ~ m , ~ , ( e d F , edG) is surjective, as required. 0

Definit ion 3.4 The duality functor D : F + Fop is the functor defined by (DF) (V) = {F(V*)}*; this corresponds to transpose duality in M n . It induces an isomorphism Hom3(F, G) r Hom3(DG, D F ) , for any functors F , G E 3, and is exact. 0

The second theorem follows as a corollary of Theorem 1

P r o o f of T h e o r e m 2: Suppose that G is a polynomial functor of degree d and F is a functor with connectivity c (F ) > d + 1; consider a short exact sequence F + H 5 G, representing a class in EX~$(G, F). To show that this class is zero, it suffices to find a section to the map p.

By the connectivity hypothesis on F, G(IF*+') r H(F~+ ' ) , SO that there is a map s : ed+ lF -- ed+lH in Md+lr providing a section to ed+lp. Theorem 1 then implies that this extends to a map s : G + H in F. By construction, ed+l(ps) = l(,,+lc); this implies that ps is an isomorphism of G, since G has polynomial degree d. (To see this, consider the cokernel and kernel of the map; these both have degree < d, since Fd is a thick sub-category, and thus have connectivity 5 d). Thus, s provides the required section.

For the statement concerning ~ x t i ( ~ , G ) ; one may apply the duality functor, to deduce the result from the above case, since D restricts to a contravariant functor D :

Fd -+ Fd, which is necessarily exact. Thus, an extension G -* H -- F is split if and only if the dual extension D F -t D H -, DG is split. Now, the functor D preserves the polynomial degree and the connectivity of functors, so that the result follows.

The theorem has the following special case; if F, is a simple functor indexed by a partition p, write Ip1 for the polynomial degree of F,.

Corollary 3.5 Suppose that A , p are q-regular partitions zndexing szmple functors FA, F, If c(X) > Ip/ + 1, then E x t & ( ~ x , F,) = 0 = E&(F,, FA).

R e m a r k 3.6 This is a considerable improvement on the result which is yielded by the methods of [FLS, Section 101, which suffice to yield a similar result for c(X) > $(/p\), where 6 is not a linear function. 0

3.1 An application to the coefficients d k ( F )

Theorem 3 may be wewed as a straightforward corollary to either Theorem 1 or Theo- rem 2 the fol~owirig lemma concerning the structure coefficients for slmple functors is reassuring (It appears, w ~ t h d different proof as [CK, Proposition 4 6 part 1))




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Lemma 3.7 Suppose that FA zs a szmple functor wzth connectzuzty c (X) and polynomzal degree IXI Then, zf c(X) 5 n 5 / X I , d,(Fx) # 0 Proof: Observe that , by the very definition of the constants c(X) and / A / , one has d,(,,)(Fx) # 0 and d l x l ( F x ) # 0. Thus. one considers the following case: suppose tha t there exists an integer n such that c(X) < n < / A ( and d,(Fx) = 0 . We show that the space of elements generated in degree n forms a sub-functor of FA.

The hypothesis implies that every element in Fx(lFn) is generated in degree n - 1. Consider the construction & l ( k ) for k > n ; Proposition 2.15 shows that G := G n - l ( k ) has the structure of a functor in F. Moreover, by this construction, G is a non-trivial functor of polynomial degree 5 n - 1. which is a subfunctor of FA. Since G has polyno- mial degree strictly less than \ A / , this implies G # FA, contradicting the fact that FA is simple. Therefore we conclude that no such n exists. 0

Theorem 3.8 If H is a functor whlch ta,kes finzte-dzmensional values, then H splits as H G @ F , where d , ( F ) = 0 Jor s 5 n a n d d , ( G ) = 0 for t 2 n.

Proof: The proof is a generalization of that of the lemma. G is defined to be the space of elements generated in degree 5 71 - 1. By the argument of Proposition 2.15, G has the structure of a sub-functor of H. which is polynomial of degree 5 n - 1. Form the short exact sequence: G - H + F, to define F . By the construction of H, d , (F ) = 0 for s < n and d t ( G ) = 0 for t > n. Thus. G is polynomial of degree 5 n - 1 and F has connectivity 2 n + 1. Theorem 2 implies that the short exact sequence splits, proving the theorem. 0

Acknowledgement: The author would like to thank Lionel Schwartz and Nick Kuhn for their comments on an earlier version of this paper'.


[CK] D. CARLISLE and N.J. KUHN. Smash products of summands of B(Z /p ) ; , Con- temporary Math. , A M S 96 (1989), 87-102.

[FLS] V. FRANJOU, J . LANNES and L. SCHWARTZ, Autour de la cohomologie de MacLane des corps finis, Invent. Math. 115 (1994), 513-538.

[HLS] H.-W. HENN, J . LANNES and L. SCHWARTZ, The categories of unstable mod- ules and unstable algebras over the Steenrod algebra modulo nilpotent objects, Amer. J . Math. 115 (1993), 1053.1106.

[KK] P. KRASON and N.J . KUHN. On embedding polynomial functors in symmetric powers, J. Algebra 163, (1994): 281-294.

[K] L. KROP, On comparison of 31-, G-, and S - representations, J. Algebra 146 (1992), 497-513.

[Kl] N.J. KUHN, Generic representations of the finite general linear groups and the Steenrod algebra: I , Amer J. Math. 116 (1993), 327-360.

'This earlier version appeared as 96-02, P~ipublrcations Mathimattpues d e I'Universiti d e Pam-Nod




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[K2] N.J. KUHN, Generic representations of the finite general linear groups and the Steenrod algebra: 11: K-Theory 8 (1994), 395-426.

[K3] N.J. KUHN, Generic representations of the finite general linear groups and the Steenrod algebra: 111. K- Theory 9 (1995), 273-303.

[S] L. SCHWARTZ. Unstable Modules over the Steenrod Algebra and Sullivan's Fixed Point Set Conjecture, Chzcago Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Univ. Chzcago Press, Chicago and London (1994).

Received: June 1996




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