Page 1: A Practical Congestion Attack on Tor Using Long Paths · 2009-06-12 · A Practical Congestion Attack on Tor Using Long Paths Nathan S. Evans ... make it difficult for web servers

A Practical Congestion Attack on Tor Using Long Paths

Nathan S. EvansColorado Research Institute

for Security and PrivacyUniversity of Denver

Email: [email protected]

Roger DingledineThe Tor Project

Email: [email protected]

Christian GrothoffColorado Research Institute

for Security and PrivacyUniversity of Denver

Email: [email protected]


In 2005, Murdoch and Danezis demonstrated the firstpractical congestion attack against a deployed anonymitynetwork. They could identify which relays were on atarget Tor user’s path by building paths one at a timethrough every Tor relay and introducing congestion.However, the original attack was performed on only 13Tor relays on the nascent and lightly loaded Tor network.

We show that the attack from their paper is no longerpractical on today’s 1500-relay heavily loaded Tor net-work. The attack doesn’t scale because a) the attackerneeds a tremendous amount of bandwidth to measureenough relays during the attack window, and b) there aretoo many false positives now that many other users areadding congestion at the same time as the attacks.

We then strengthen the original congestion attack bycombining it with a novel bandwidth amplification at-tack based on a flaw in the Tor design that lets us buildlong circuits that loop back on themselves. We show thatthis new combination attack is practical and effective bydemonstrating a working attack on today’s deployed Tornetwork. By coming up with a model to better under-stand Tor’s routing behavior under congestion, we fur-ther provide a statistical analysis characterizing how ef-fective our attack is in each case.

1 IntroductionThis paper presents an attack which exploits a weaknessin Tor’s circuit construction protocol to implement an im-proved variant of Murdoch and Danezis’s congestion at-tack [26, 27]. Tor [12] is an anonymizing peer-to-peernetwork that provides users with the ability to establishlow-latency TCP tunnels, called circuits, through a net-work of relays provided by the peers in the network. In2005, Murdoch and Danezis were able to determine thepath that messages take through the Tor network by caus-ing congestion in the network and then observing thechanges in the traffic patterns.

While Murdoch and Danezis’s work popularized theidea proposed in [1] of an adversary perturbing trafficpatterns of a low-latency network to deanonymize itsusers, the original attack no longer works on the mod-ern Tor network. In a network with thousands of relays,too many relays share similar latency characteristics andthe amount of congestion that was detectable in 2005 isno longer significant; thus, the traffic of a single normaluser does not leave an easily distinguishable signature inthe significantly larger volume of data routed by today’sTor network.

We address the original attack’s weaknesses by com-bining JavaScript injection with a selective and asymmet-ric denial-of-service (DoS) attack to obtain specific infor-mation about the path selected by the victim. As a result,we are able to identify the entire path for a user of today’sTor network. Because our attack magnifies the conges-tion effects of the original attack, it requires little band-width on the part of the attacker. We also provide an im-proved method for evaluating the statistical significanceof the obtained data, based on Tor’s message schedulingalgorithm. As a result, we are not only able to determinewhich relays make up the circuit with high probability,we can also quantify the extent to which the attack suc-ceeds. This paper presents the attack and experimentalresults obtained from the actual Tor network.

We propose some non-trivial modifications to the cur-rent Tor protocol and implementation which would raisethe cost of the attack. However, we emphasize that a fulldefense against our attack is still not known.

Just as Murdoch and Danezis’s work applied to othersystems such as MorphMix [24] or Tarzan [36], our im-proved attack and suggested partial defense can also begeneralized to other networks using onion routing. Also,in contrast to previously proposed solutions to conges-tion attacks [18,22–24,28,30,35,36], our proposed modi-fications do not impact the performance of the anonymiz-ing network.

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2 Related WorkChaum’s mixes [3] are a common method for achiev-ing anonymity. Multiple encrypted messages are sentto a mix from different sources and each is forwardedby the mix to its respective destination. Combinationsof artificial delays, changes in message order, messagebatching, uniform message formats (after encryption),and chaining of multiple mixes are used to further maskthe correspondence between input and output flows invarious variations of the design [5,7,8,17,21,25,32,33].Onion routing [16] is essentially the process of usingan initiator-selected chain of low-latency mixes for thetransmission of encrypted streams of messages in such away that each mix only knows the previous and the nextmix in the chain, thus providing initiator-anonymity evenif some of the mixes are controlled by the adversary.

2.1 TorTor [12] is a distributed anonymizing network that usesonion routing to provide anonymity for its users. MostTor users access the Tor network via a local proxy pro-gram such as Privoxy [20] to tunnel the HTTP requestsof their browser through the Tor network. The goal is tomake it difficult for web servers to ascertain the IP ad-dress of the browsing user. Tor provides anonymity byutilizing a large number of distributed volunteer-run re-lays (or routers). The Tor client software retrieves a listof participating relays, randomly chooses some numberof them, and creates a circuit (a chain of relays) throughthe network. The circuit setup involves establishing asession key with each router in the circuit, so that datasent can be encrypted in multiple layers that are peeledoff as the data travels through the network. The clientencrypts the data once for each relay, and then sends it tothe first relay in the circuit; each relay successively peelsoff one encryption layer and forwards the traffic to thenext link in the chain until it reaches the final node, theexit router of the circuit, which sends the traffic out to thedestination on the Internet.

Data that passes through the Tor network is packagedinto fixed-sized cells, which are queued upon receipt forprocessing and forwarding. For each circuit that a Torrouter is a part of, the router maintains a separate queueand processes these queues in a round-robin fashion. Ifa queue for a circuit is empty it is skipped. Other thanusing this fairness scheme, Tor does not intentionally in-troduce any latency when forwarding cells.

The Tor threat model differs from the usual model foranonymity schemes [12]. The traditional threat modelis that of a global passive adversary: one that can ob-serve all traffic on the network between any two links.In contrast, Tor assumes a non-global adversary whichcan only observe some subset of the connections and

can control only a subset of Tor nodes. Well-known at-tack strategies such as blending attacks [34] require morepowerful attackers than those permitted by Tor’s attackermodel. Tor’s model is still valuable, as the resultingdesign achieves a level of anonymity that is sufficientfor many users while providing reasonable performance.Unlike the aforementioned strategies, the adversary usedin this paper operates within the limits set by Tor’s at-tacker model. Specifically, our adversary is simply ableto run a Tor exit node and access the Tor network withresources similar to those of a normal Tor user.

2.2 Attacks on Tor and other MixesMany different attacks on low-latency mix networks andother anonymization schemes exist, and a fair number ofthese are specifically aimed at the Tor network. Theseattacks can be broadly grouped into three categories:path selection attacks, passive attacks, and active attacks.Path selection attacks attempt to invalidate the assump-tion that selecting relays at random will usually result ina safe circuit. Passive attacks are those where the adver-sary in large part simply observes the network in order toreduce the anonymity of users. Active attacks are thosewhere the adversary uses its resources to modify the be-havior of the network; we’ll focus here on a class of ac-tive attacks known as congestion or interference attacks.

2.2.1 Path Selection AttacksPath selection is crucial for the security of Tor users; inorder to retain anonymity, the initiator needs to choose apath such that the first and last relay in the circuit won’tcollude. By selecting relays at random during circuit cre-ation, it could be assumed that the probability of find-ing at least one non-malicious relay would increase withlonger paths. However, this reasoning ignores the pos-sibility that malicious Tor routers might choose only tofacilitate connections with other adversary-controlled re-lays and discard all other connections [2]; thus the initia-tor either constructs a fully malicious circuit upon ran-domly selecting a malicious node, or fails that circuit andtries again. This type of attack suggests that longer cir-cuits do not guarantee stronger anonymity.

A variant of this attack called “packet spinning” [30]attempts to force users to select malicious routers bycausing legitimate routers to time out. Here the at-tacker builds circular paths throughout the Tor networkand transmits large amounts of data through those pathsin order to keep legitimate relays busy. The attackerthen runs another set of (malicious) servers which wouldeventually be selected by users because of the attacker-generated load on all legitimate mixes. The attack is suc-cessful if, as a result, the initiator chooses only maliciousservers for its circuit, making deanonymization trivial.


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2.2.2 Passive AttacksSeveral passive attacks on mix systems were proposedby Back et al. [1]. The first of these attacks is a “packetcounting” attack, where a global passive adversary sim-ply monitors the initiator’s output to discover the numberof packets sent to the first mix, then observes the first mixto watch for the same number of packets going to someother destination. In this way, a global passive adversarycould correlate traffic to a specific user. As describedby Levine et al. [23], the main method of defeating suchattacks is to pad the links between mixes with cover traf-fic. This defense is costly and may not solve the problemwhen faced with an active attacker with significant re-sources; an adversary with enough bandwidth can dealwith cover traffic by using up as much of the allottedtraffic between two nodes as possible with adversary-generated traffic [4]. As a result, no remaining band-width is available for legitimate cover traffic and the ad-versary can still deduce the amount of legitimate trafficthat is being processed by the mix. This attack (as wellas others described in this context) requires the adversaryto have significant bandwidth. It should be noted that incontrast, the adversary described by our attack requiresonly the resources of an average mix operator.

Low-latency anonymity systems are also vulnerableto more active timing analysis variations. The attackpresented in [23] is based on an adversary’s ability totrack specific data through the network by making mi-nor timing modifications to it. The attack assumes thatthe adversary controls the first and last nodes in the paththrough the network, with the goal of discovering whichdestination the initiator is communicating with. The au-thors discuss both correlating traffic “as is” as well as al-tering the traffic pattern at the first node in order to makecorrelation easier at the last node. For this second corre-lation attack, they describe a packet dropping techniquewhich creates holes in the traffic; these holes then per-colate through the network to the last router in the path.The analysis showed that without cover traffic (as em-ployed in Tarzan [14, 15]) or defensive dropping [23],it is relatively easy to correlate communications throughmix networks. Even with “normal” cover traffic whereall packets between nodes look the same, Shmatikov andWang show that the traffic analysis attacks are still vi-able [35]. Their proposed solution is to add cover trafficthat mimics traffic flows from the initiator’s application.

A major limitation of all of the attacks described sofar is that while they work well for small networks, theydo not scale and may fail to produce reliable results forlarger anonymizing networks. For example, Back’s ac-tive latency measuring attack [1] describes measuringthe latencies of circuits and then trying to determine thenodes that were being utilized from the latency of a spe-cific circuit. As the number of nodes grows, this attack

becomes more difficult (due to an increased number ofpossible circuits), especially as more and more circuitshave similar latencies.

2.2.3 Congestion Attacks

A more powerful relative of the described timing attacksis the clogging or congestion attack. In a clogging attack,the adversary not only monitors the connection betweentwo nodes but also creates paths through other nodes andtries to use all of their available capacity [1]; if one of thenodes in the target path is clogged by the attacker, the ob-served speed of the victim’s connection should change.

In 2005, Murdoch and Danezis described an attack onTor [27] in which they could reveal all of the routers in-volved in a Tor circuit. They achieved this result using acombination of a circuit clogging attack and timing anal-ysis. By measuring the load of each node in the networkand then subsequently congesting nodes, they were ableto discover which nodes were participating in a particu-lar circuit. This result is significant, as it reduces Tor’ssecurity during a successful attack to that of a collectionof one hop proxies. This particular attack worked well onthe fledgling Tor network with approximately fifty nodes;the authors experienced a high success rate and no falsepositives. However, their clogging attack no longer pro-duces a signal that stands out on the current Tor networkwith thousands of nodes. Because today’s Tor networkis more heavily used, circuits are created and destroyedmore frequently, so the addition of a single clogging cir-cuit has less impact. Also, the increased traffic transmit-ted through the routers leads to false positives or falsenegatives due to normal network fluctuations. We pro-vide details about our attempt to reproduce Murdoch andDanezis’s work in Section 6.

McLachlan and Hopper [24] propose a similar cir-cuit clogging attack against MorphMix [33], disprovingclaims made in [36] that MorphMix is invulnerable tosuch an attack. Because all MorphMix users are requiredto also be mix servers, McLachlan and Hopper achievea stronger result than Murdoch and Danezis: they canidentify not only the circuit, but the user as well.

Hopper et al. [19] build on the original clogging attackidea to construct a network latency attack to guess the lo-cation of Tor users. Their attack is two-phase: first use acongestion attack to identify the relays in the circuit, andthen build a parallel circuit through those relays to esti-mate the latency between the victim and the first relay.A key contribution from their work is a more mathemat-ical approach that quantifies the amount of informationleaked in bits over time. We also note that without aworking congestion attack, the practicality of their over-all approach is limited.


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Tor Node 3 - Our Exit Node


Tor Node 1 - Unknown Node Malicious Client

Tor Node 2 - Known High BW Tor Node 1

High BW Tor Node 2 Malicious Server

Figure 1: Attack setup. This figure illustrates the normal circuit constructed by the victim to the malicious Tor exitnode and the “long” circuit constructed by the attacker to congest the entry (or guard) node used by the victim. Thenormal thin line from the client node to the server represents the victim circuit through the Tor network. The unwittingclient has chosen the exit server controlled by the adversary, which allows the JavaScript injection. The double thicklines represent the long circular route created by the malicious client through the first Tor router chosen by the client.The dotted line shows the path that the JavaScript pings travel.

3 Our Attack

Three features of Tor’s design are crucial for our attack.First of all, Tor routers do not introduce any artificial de-lays when routing requests. As a result, it is easy foran adversary to observe changes in request latency. Sec-ond, the addresses of all Tor routers are publicly knownand easily obtained from the directory servers. Tor de-velopers are working on extensions to Tor (called bridgenodes [10,11]) that would invalidate this assumption, butthis service was not widely used at the time of this writ-ing. Finally, the latest Tor server implementation thatwas available at the time we concluded our original at-tacks (Tor version did not restrict users fromestablishing paths of arbitrary length, meaning that therewas no restriction in place to limit constructing longpaths through Tor servers.1 We used a modified clientversion (based on which used a small fixedpath length (specifically three) but modified it to use avariable path length specified by our attacker.

Fig. 1 illustrates the three main steps of our attack.First, the adversary needs to ensure that the initiator re-peatedly performs requests at known intervals. Second,the adversary observes the pattern in arrival times ofthese requests. Finally, the adversary changes the pat-tern by selectively performing a novel clogging attack on

1Tor version and later servers restrict path lengths toa maximum of eight because of this work.

Tor routers to determine the entry node. We will nowdescribe each of these steps in more detail.

3.1 JavaScript Injection

Our attack assumes that the adversary controls an exitnode which is used by the victim to access an HTTPserver. The attacker uses the Tor exit node to inject asmall piece of JavaScript code (shown in Fig. 2) intoan HTML response. It should be noted that most Torusers do not disable JavaScript and that the popular TorButton plugin [31] and Privoxy [20] also do not disableJavaScript code; doing so would prevent Tor users fromaccessing too many web pages. The JavaScript codecauses the browser to perform an HTTP request everysecond, and in response to each request, the adversaryuses the exit node to return an empty response, which isthrown away by the browser. Since the JavaScript codemay not be able to issue requests precisely every second,it also transmits the local system time (in milliseconds)as part of the request. This allows the adversary to de-termine the time difference between requests performedby the browser with sufficient precision. (Clock skewon the systems of the adversary and the victim is usu-ally insignificant for the duration of the attack.) WhileJavaScript is not the only conceivable way for an attackerto cause a browser to transmit data at regular intervals(alternatives include HTTP headers like refresh [13]


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<script language="javascript">var count,timer,xmlhttp = 0;function runonce() {xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); }function start() {xmlhttp.abort();xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();count++;if (timer) clearTimeout(timer);timer = setTimeout("start()", 1000);myDate = new Date();"GET",

"/reportIn.html?num=" + count +"&time=" + myDate.getTime(),true);



Figure 2: JavaScript code injected by the adversary’s exitnode. Note that other techniques such as HTML refresh,could also be used to cause the browser to perform peri-odic requests.

and HTML images [19]), JavaScript provides an easyand generally rather dependable method to generate sucha signal.

The adversary then captures the arrival times of theperiodic requests performed by the browser. Since therequests are small, an idle Tor network would result inthe differences in arrival times being roughly the sameas the departure time differences — these are known be-cause they were added by the JavaScript as parameters tothe requests. Our experiments suggest that this is oftentrue for the real network, as most routers are not seri-ously congested most of the time. This is most likelyin part due to TCP’s congestion control and Tor’s built-in load balancing features. Specifically, the variance inlatency between the periodic HTTP requests without anactive congestion attack is typically in the range of 0–5 s.

However, the current Tor network is usually not en-tirely idle and making the assumption that the victim’scircuit is idle is thus not acceptable. Observing conges-tion on a circuit is not enough to establish that the nodeunder the congestion attack by the adversary is part of thecircuit; the circuit may be congested for other reasons.Hence, the adversary needs to also establish a baselinefor the congestion of the circuit without an active con-gestion attack. Establishing measurements for the base-line is done before and after causing congestion in or-der to ensure that observed changes during the attack arecaused by the congestion attack and not due to unrelatedchanges in network characteristics.

The attacker can repeatedly perform interleaved mea-

surements of both the baseline congestion of the circuitand the congestion of the circuit while attacking a nodepresumed to be on the circuit. The attacker can continuethe measurements until either the victim stops using thecircuit or until the mathematical analysis yields a nodewith a substantially higher deviation from the baselineunder congestion compared to all other nodes. Before wecan describe details of the mathematical analysis, how-ever, we have to discuss how congestion is expected toimpact the latency measurements.

3.2 Impact of Congestion on Arrival Times

In order to understand how the congestion attack is ex-pected to impact latency measurements, we first need totake a closer look at how Tor schedules data for rout-ing. Tor makes routing decisions on the level of fixed-size cells, each containing 512 bytes of data. Each Tornode routes cells by going round-robin through the listof all circuits, transmitting one packet from each circuitwith pending data (see Fig. 3). Usually the number of(active) circuits is small, resulting in little to no delay. Ifthe number of busy circuits is large, messages may startto experience significant delays as the Tor router iteratesover the list (see Fig. 4).

Since the HTTP requests transmitted by the injectedJavaScript code are small (∼250 bytes, depending oncount and time), more than one request can fit into a sin-gle Tor cell. As a result multiple of these requests willbe transmitted at the same time if there is congestion ata router. A possible improvement to our attack would beto use a lower level API to send the packets, as the XML-HttpRequest object inserts unnecessary headers into therequest/response objects.

We will now characterize the network’s behavior un-der congestion with respect to request arrival times. As-suming that the browser transmits requests at a perfectlysteady rate of one request per second, a congested routerintroducing a delay of (at most) n seconds would causegroups of n HTTP requests to arrive with delays of ap-proximately 0, 1, . . . , n−1 seconds respectively: the firstcell is delayed by n−1 seconds, the cell arriving a secondlater by n − 2 seconds, and the n-th cell arrives just be-fore the round-robin scheduler processes the circuit andsends all n requests in one batch. This characterizationis of course a slight idealization in that it assumes thatn is small enough to allow all of the HTTP requests tobe grouped into one Tor cell and that there are no othersignificant fluctuations. Furthermore, it assumes that theamount of congestion caused by the attacker is perfectlysteady for the duration of the time measurements, whichmay not be the case. However, even without these ide-alizations it is easy to see that the resulting latency his-tograms would still become “flat” (just not as perfectly


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t = 0


t = 1


t = 2Output Queue











t = 0


t = 1


t = 2


t = 3Output Queue

Figure 3: This example illustrates a Tor router which currently is handling three circuits at two points in time (t = 3and t = 4). Circuits (A, B and C) have queues; cells are processed one at a time in a round-robin fashion. As thenumber of circuits increases, the time to iterate over the queues increases. The left figure shows the circuit queuesand output queue before selection of cell C1 for output and the right figure shows the queues after queueing C1 foroutput. The thicker bottom box of queue C (left) and queue B (right) shows the current position of the round-robinqueue iterator. At time t = 1 the last cell from queue A was processed leaving the queue A empty. As a result, queueA is skipped after processing queue C.
































































t = 0


t = 1


t = 2Output Queue































































t = 0


t = 1


t = 2


t = 3Output Queue

Figure 4: This example illustrates a Tor router under congestion attack handling 15 circuit queues. Note that if acircuit includes a node multiple times, the node assigns the circuit multiple circuit queues. In this example, not all ofthe circuit queues are busy — this may be because the circuits are not in use or because other routers on the circuitare congested. As in Fig. 3, the left and right figures show the state of the mix before and after queueing a cell, in thiscase F0.


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regular in terms of arrival patterns) assuming the loadcaused by the attacker is sufficiently high.

Since we ideally expect delays in message arrivaltimes for a congested circuit to follow a roughly flat dis-tribution between zero and n, it makes sense to computea histogram of the delays in message arrival times. Ifthe congestion attack is targeting a node on the circuit,we would expect to see a roughly equal number of mes-sages in each interval of the histogram. We will call theshape of the resulting histogram horizontal. If the circuitis not congested, we expect to see most messages arrivewithout significant delay which would place them in thebucket for the lowest latency. We will call the shape ofthe resulting histogram vertical. So for example, in Fig. 6the control data are vertical, whereas the attack data aremore horizontal.

Note that the clock difference between the victim’ssystem and the adversary as well as the minimal networkdelay are easily eliminated by normalizing the observedtime differences. As a result, the latency histogramsshould use the increases in latency over the smallest ob-served latency, not absolute latencies.

3.3 Statistical Evaluation

In order to numerically capture congestion at nodes wefirst measure the node’s baseline latency, that is latencywithout an active congestion attack (at least as far as weknow). We then use the observed latencies to create nbins of latency intervals such that each bin contains thesame number of data points. Using the χ2-test we couldthen determine if the latency pattern at the respectivepeer has changed “significantly”. However, this simplis-tic test is insufficient. Due to the high level of normaluser activity, nodes frequently do change their behaviorin terms of latencies, either by becoming congested orby congestion easing due to clients switching to othercircuits. For the attacker, congestion easing (the latencyhistogram getting more vertical) is exactly the oppositeof the desired effect. Hence the ordinary χ2 test shouldnot be applied without modification. What the attacker islooking for is the histogram becoming more horizontal,which for the distribution of the bins means that there arefewer values in the low-latency bins and more values inthe high-latency bins. For the medium-latency bins nosignificant change is expected (and any change there ismost likely noise).

Hence we modify our computation of the χ2 valuesuch that we only include changes in the anticipated di-rection: for the bins corresponding to the lowest third ofthe latencies, the square of the difference between ex-pected and observed number of events is only counted inthe summation if the number of observed events is lowerthan expected. For the bins corresponding to the high-

est third of the latencies, the square of the difference be-tween expected and observed number of events is onlycounted if the number of observed events is higher thanexpected. Since changes to the bins in the middle thirdare most likely noise, those bins are not included in theχ2 calculation at all (except as a single additional degreeof freedom).

Using this method, a single iteration of measuring thebaseline and then determining that there was a significantincrease in latency (evidenced by a large χ2-value), onlysignifies that congestion at the guard for the victim cir-cuit was correlated (in time) with the congestion causedby the attacker. Naturally, correlation does not implycausality; in fact, for short (30–60 s) attack runs it fre-quently happens that the observed χ2-value is higher forsome false-positive node than when attacking the correctguard node. However, such accidental correlations virtu-ally never survive iterated measurements of the latencybaseline and χ2-values under attack.

3.4 Congestion Attack

Now we focus on how the attacker controlling the exitnode of the circuit will cause significant congestion atnodes that are suspected to be part of the circuit. In gen-eral, we will assume that all Tor routers are suspects andthat in the simplest case, the attacker will iterate over allknown Tor routers with the goal of finding which of theserouters is the entry point of the circuit.

For each router X , the attacker constructs a long cir-cuit that repeatedly includesX on the path. Since Tor re-lays will tear down a circuit that tries to extend to the pre-vious node, we have to use two (or more) other (prefer-ably high-bandwidth) Tor routers before looping back toX . Note that the attacker could choose two different (in-voluntary) helper nodes in each loop involving X . SinceX does not know that the circuit has looped back to X ,Tor will treat the long attack circuit as many differentcircuits when it comes to packet scheduling (Fig. 4).

Once the circuit is sufficiently long (we typicallyfound 24 hops to be effective, but in general this dependson the amount of congestion established during the base-line measurements), the attacker uses the circuit to trans-mit data. Note that a circuit of length m would allowan attacker with p bandwidth to consume m · p band-width on the Tor network, with X routing as much asm·p3 bandwidth. Since X now has to iterate over an ad-

ditional m3 circuits, this allows the attacker to introduce

large delays at this specific router. The main limitationfor the attacker here is time. The larger the desired delayd and the smaller the available attacker bandwidth p thelonger it will take to construct an attack circuit of suffi-cient length m: the number of times that the victim nodeis part of the attack circuit is proportional to the length of


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0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200





















(in s




es e



by a


er (

in k


Sample number

Latency measurement graph freedomsurfers

Control RunAttack Run

Downloaded Data








0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200










(in s




es e



by a


er (

in k


Sample number

Latency measurement graph bloxortsipt41

Control RunAttack Run

Downloaded Data

















0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200









(in s




es e



by a


er (

in k


Sample number

Latency measurement graph carini

Control RunAttack Run

Downloaded Data














0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200









(in s




es e



by a


er (

in k


Sample number

Latency measurement graph carini

Control RunAttack Run

Downloaded Data

Figure 5: These figures show the results of perturbation of circuits in Tor and the resulting effects on latency. Thex-axes show sample numbers (one per second), and the (left) y-axes are latency variance observed on the circuits inseconds. The attack on the first router of each circuit starts at time 600; the third line shows the amount of data (scaled)that transferred through the attack circuit (scaled to the right y-axes). These are individual trials; each shows a singlecontrol run and a single attack run.

the circuitm. In other words, the relationship between p,m and the delay d is d ∼ p ·m.

If the routerX is independent of the victim circuit, themeasured delays should not change significantly whenthe attack is running. If X is the entry node, the attackershould observe a delay pattern that matches the power ofthe attack – resulting in a horizontal latency variance his-togram as described in Section 3.2. The attacker can varythe strength of the attack (or just switch the long attackcircuit between idle and busy a few times) to confirm thatthe victim’s circuit latency changes correlate with the at-tack. It should be noted that the attacker should be care-ful to not make the congestion attack too powerful, espe-cially for low-bandwidth targets. In our experiments wesometimes knocked out routers (for a while) by givingthem far too much traffic. As a result, instead of receiv-ing requests from the JavaScript code with increasing la-tencies, the attacker suddenly no longer receives requestsat all, which gives no useful data for the statistical evalu-ation.

3.5 Optimizations

The adversary can establish many long circuits to be usedfor attacks before trying to deanonymize a particular vic-tim. Since idle circuits would not have any impact onmeasuring the baseline (or the impact of using another at-tack circuit), this technique allows an adversary to elim-inate the time needed to establish circuits. As users canonly be expected to run their browser for a few minutes,eliminating this delay may be important in practice; evenusers that may use their browser for hours are likely tochange between pages (which might cause Tor to changeexit nodes) or disable Tor.

In order to further speed up the process, an adver-sary can try to perform a binary search for X by ini-tially running attacks on half of the routers in the Tornetwork. With pre-built attack circuits adding an almostunbounded multiplier to the adversary’s resources, it isconceivable that a sophisticated attacker could probe anetwork of size s in log2 s rounds of attacks.


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7


ber o

f mea



ts in



Range of measurements (in seconds)

Histogram of latency measurements for freedomsurfers

Control RunAttack Run

Control Run Regression LineAttack Run Regression Line








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31


ber o

f mea



ts in



Range of measurements (in seconds)

Histogram of latency measurements for bloxortsipt41

Control RunAttack Run

Control Run Regression LineAttack Run Regression Line








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


ber o

f mea



ts in



Range of measurements (in seconds)

Histogram of latency measurements for carini

Control RunAttack Run

Control Run Regression LineAttack Run Regression Line








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


ber o

f mea



ts in



Range of measurements (in seconds)

Histogram of latency measurements for carini

Control RunAttack Run

Control Run Regression LineAttack Run Regression Line

Figure 6: These figures show the results of four independent runs of our congestion attack. In the histograms thex-axis groups ranges of latency variance values together and the y-axis represents the number of readings receivedin that range. The hash marked bars represent the unperturbed measurements on a circuit and the plain bars showmeasurements from the same circuit during the attack. The effect of the attack is a shift to higher latency values. Thefirst and second lines are linear least squares fit approximations for the baseline and congestion runs, respectively.These data show the difference between a single control/attack run and are not averages of many runs.

In practice, pre-building a single circuit that wouldcause congestion for half the network is not feasible;the Tor network is not stable enough to sustain circuitsthat are thousands of hops long. Furthermore, the differ-ences in available bandwidth between the routers compli-cates the path selection process. In practice, an adversarywould most likely pre-build many circuits of moderatesize, forgoing some theoretical bandwidth and attack du-ration reductions for circuits that are more reliable. Fur-thermore, the adversary may be able to exclude certainTor routers from the set of candidates for the first hopbased on the overall round-trip latency of the victim’scircuit. The Tor network allows the adversary to mea-sure the latency between any two Tor routers [19, 27]; ifthe overall latency of the victim’s circuit is smaller thanthe latency between the known second router on the pathand another router Y , then Y is most likely not a candi-date for the entry point.

Finally, the adversary needs to take into considera-tion that by default, a Tor user switches circuits ev-ery 10 minutes. This further limits the window of op-portunity for the attacker. However, depending on thebrowser, the adversary may be able to cause the browserto pipeline HTTP requests which would not allow Tor toswitch circuits (since the HTTP session would not end).Tor’s circuit switching also has advantages for the ad-versary: every 10 minutes there is a new chance that theadversary-controlled exit node is chosen by a particularvictim. Since users only use a small number of nodes forthe first node on a circuit (these nodes are called guardnodes [29]), the adversary has a reasonable chance overtime to determine these guard nodes. Compromising oneof the guard nodes would then allow full deanonymiza-tion of the target user.


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30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270






of A






Seconds of Measurement for Attack Run



Figure 7: This figure shows the development of χ2 values (using the modified χ2 calculation as described in Sec-tion 3.3) for the various candidates over a prolonged period of performing a congestion attack on the various nodes.The χ2 values are computed against a five-minute baseline obtained just prior to the congestion attack. The χ2 valueof the correct entry node quickly rises to the top whereas the χ2 values for all of the other candidates are typicallylower after about a minute of gathering latency information under congestion. This illustrates that a few minutes aretypically sufficient to obtain a meaningful χ2 value.

4 Experimental Results

The results for this paper were obtained by attacking Torrouters on the real, deployed Tor network (initial mea-surements were done during the Spring and Summer of2008; additional data was gathered in Spring 2009 withan insignificantly modified attacker setup; the modifica-tions were needed because our original attack client wastoo outdated to work with the majority of Tor routers atthe time). In order to confirm the accuracy of our experi-ments and avoid ethical problems, we did not attempt todeanonymize real users. Instead, we established our ownclient circuits through the Tor network to our maliciousexit node and then confirmed that our statistical analysiswas able to determine the entry node used by our ownclient. Both the entry nodes and the second nodes on thecircuits were normal nodes in the Tor network outside ofour control.

The various roles associated with the adversary (exitnode, malicious circuit client, and malicious circuit web-server) as well as the “deanonymized” victim were dis-tributed across different machines in order to minimizeinterference between the attacking systems and the tar-geted systems. For the measurements we had the simu-lated victim running a browser requesting and executingthe malicious JavaScript code, as well as a machine run-ning the listening server to which the client transmits the“ping” signal approximately every second (Fig. 1). The

browser always connected to the same unmodified Torclient via Privoxy [20]. The Tor client used the standardconfiguration except that we configured it to use our ma-licious exit node for its circuits. The other two nodes inthe circuit were chosen at random by Tor. Our maliciousexit node participated as a normal Tor router in the Tornetwork for the duration of the study (approximately sixweeks). For our tests we did not actually make the exitserver inject the JavaScript code; while this is a relativelytrivial modification to the Tor code we used a simplifiedsetup with a webserver serving pages with the JavaScriptcode already present.

The congestion part of the attack requires three com-ponents: a simple HTTP server serving an “infinite”stream of random data, a simple HTTP client down-loading this stream of data via Tor, and finally a mod-ified Tor client that constructs “long” circuits throughthose Tor nodes that the attacker would like to congest.Specifically, the modified Tor client allows the attackerto choose two (or more) routers with high bandwidth anda specific target Tor node, and build a long circuit byrepeatedly alternating between the target node and theother high bandwidth nodes. The circuit is eventually ter-minated by connecting from some high-bandwidth exitnode to the attacker’s HTTP server which serves the “in-finite” stream of random data as fast as the network canprocess it. As a result, the attacker maximizes the uti-lization of the Tor circuit. Naturally, an attacker with


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30 60 90 120 0 30 60 90 120 0 30 60 90 120






Seconds of Measurement in Run

Chi Sq. Values for Router RattensalatChi Sq. Values for Router TorSchleim

Chi Sq. Values for Router DigitalBrains

Figure 8: This graph shows three sets of cumulative χ2 computations for three nodes; the actual entry node(Rattensalat), a node that initially shows up as a false-positive (TorSchleim) and a typical negative(DigitalBrains). As expected, the χ2 values (at time 120 s) are consistently the highest for the correct node;false-positives can be ruled out through repeated measurements.

significant bandwidth can elect to build multiple circuitsin parallel or build shorter circuits and still exhaust thebandwidth resources of the target Tor router.

In order to cause congestion, we simply started themalicious client Tor process with the three chosen Torrouters and route length as parameters and then at-tempted to connect via libcurl [6] to the respectivemalicious server process. The amount of data receivedwas recorded in order to determine bandwidth consumedduring the tests. In order to further increase the load onthe Tor network the experiments presented actually usedtwo identical attacker setups with a total of six machinesduplicating the three machine setup described in the pre-vious paragraph. We found path lengths of 24 (makingour attack strength eight times the attacker bandwidth)sufficient to alter latencies. The overall strength of theattack was measured by the sum of the number of bytesrouted through the Tor network by both attacker setups.For each trial, we waited to receive six hundred responsesfrom the “victim”; since the browser transmitted requeststo Tor at roughly one request per second, a trial typicallytook approximately ten minutes.

In addition to measuring the variance in packet ar-rival time while congesting a particular Tor router, eachtrial also included baseline measurements of the “un-congested” network to discover the normal variance inpacket arrival time for a particular circuit. As discussedearlier, these baseline measurements are crucial for deter-mining the significance of the effect that the congestionattack has had on the target circuit.

Fig. 5 illustrates how running the attack on the first hopof a circuit changes the latency of the received HTTP re-quests generated by the JavaScript code. The figure usesthe same style chosen by Murdoch and Danezis [27],except that an additional line was added to indicate thestrength of the attack (as measured by the amount of traf-fic provided by the adversary). For comparison, the firsthalf of each of the figures shows the node latency vari-ance when it is not under active congestion attack (or atleast not by us).

While the plots in Fig. 5 visualize the impact of thecongestion attack in a simple manner, histograms show-ing the variance in latency are more suitable to demon-strate the significance of the statistical difference in thetraffic patterns. Fig. 6 shows the artificial delay experi-enced by requests traveling through the Tor network asobserved by the adversary. Since Tor is a low-latencyanonymization service, the requests group around a lowvalue for a circuit that is not under attack. As expected,if the entry node is under attack, the delay distributionchanges from a steep vertical peak to a mostly horizontaldistribution. Fig. 6 also includes the best-fit linear ap-proximation functions for the latency histograms whichwe use to characterize how vertical or how horizontal thehistogram is as described in Section 3.2.

Fig. 7 illustrates how the χ2 values evolve for variousnodes over time. Here, we first characterized the baselinecongestion for the router for five minutes. Then, the con-gestion attack was initiated (congesting the various guardnodes). For each attacked node, we used the modified


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0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14



of C





Number of Runs















0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30



of C





Number of Runs











Figure 9: Plot of the product of χ2 p-values for the top 20 candidate nodes (out of ∼200 and ∼250, respectively)by run (a run is 300 s baseline vs. 300 s attack) for two entry nodes. The first hop (Privacyhosting (left),Rattensalat (right)) routers were tested many more times than other routers, because the others quickly fell to lowvalues. We expect an attacker to perform more measurements for routers that score high to validate the correct entrynode was found. Our measurements demonstrate that the multiplied p-value remains consistently high for the correctentry node. The y-axis is plotted on a log scale from 0 to 1− 1× 10−10 and 1− 1× 10−20, respectively. We speculatethat the lower maximum value for Privacyhosting is due to its higher bandwidth (900 kB/s vs. 231 kB/s).

χ2 summation (from Section 3.3) to determine how con-gested the victim’s circuit had become at that time. Wecomputed (cumulative) χ2 values after 30 s, 60 s, 90 sand so forth. For the χ2 calculations, we used 60 binsfor 300 baseline values; in other words, the time inter-vals for the bins were chosen so that each bin containedfive data points during the five minutes of baseline mea-surement. The 20 bins in the middle were not includedin the summation, resulting in 40 degrees of freedom.As expected, given only 30 s of attack data some “inno-cent” nodes have higher χ2 values compared to the entrynode (false-positives). However, given more samples theχ2 values for those nodes typically drop sharply whereasthe χ2 value when congesting the entry node increasesor remains high. Of course, false-positive nodes χ2 val-ues may increase due to network fluctuations over timeas well.

Unlucky baseline measurements and shifts in the base-line latency of a router over time can be addressed byiterating between measuring baseline congestion and at-

tack measurements. Fig. 8 shows three iterations of firstdetermining the current baseline and then computing χ2

values under attack. Again the correct entry node ex-hibits the largest χ2 values each time after about a minuteof gathering latency data under attack.

Given the possibility of false-positives showing up ini-tially when computing χ2 values, the attacker shouldtarget “all” suspected guard nodes for the first few it-erations, and then focus his efforts on those nodes thatscored highly. Fig. 9 illustrates this approach. It com-bines the data from multiple iterations of baseline mea-surements and χ2 calculations from attack runs. Theattacker determines for each χ2 value the correspond-ing confidence interval. These values are frequentlylarge (99.9999% or higher are not uncommon) since Torrouters do frequently experience significant changes incongestion. Given these individual confidence values foreach individual iteration, a cumulative score is computedas the product2 of these values. Fig. 9 shows the Tor

2It is conceivable that multiplying χ2 values may cause false-


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Router Πp r Peak BW Configured BWRattensalat 0.999991 44 231 kB/s 210 kB/sc64177124055 0.903 3 569 kB/s 512 kB/sRaccoon 0.891 8 3337 kB/s 4100 kB/swie6ud6B 0.890 11 120 kB/s 100 kB/sSEC 0.870 13 4707 kB/s 5120 kB/scThor 0.789 8 553 kB/s 500 kB/sBlueStar88a 0.734 7 111 kB/s 100 kB/sbond 0.697 3 407 kB/s 384 kB/seponymousraga 0.458 7 118 kB/s 100 kB/sconf555nick 0.450 5 275 kB/s 200 kB/s

Table 1: This table lists the top ten (out of 251 total) products of confidence intervals (p-values). r is the number ofiterations (and hence the number of factors in Πp) that was performed for the respective router. As expected, the entrynode Rattensalat achieves the highest score.

routers with the highest cumulative scores using this met-ric from trials on two different entry nodes. Note thatfewer iterations were performed for routers with low cu-mulative scores; the router with the highest score (afterroughly five iterations) and the most overall iterations isthe correctly identified entry node of the circuit.

Table 1 contrasts the product of χ2 values (as intro-duced in Section 3.3) obtained while attacking the ac-tual first hop with the product while attacking other Torrouters. The data shows that our attack can be used todistinguish the first hop from other routers when control-ling the exit router (therefore knowing a priori the middlerouter).

Finally, by comparing the highest latency observedduring the baseline measurement with the highest latencyobserved under attack, Table 2 provides a simple illus-tration showing that the congestion attack actually has asignificant effect.

5 Proposed Solutions

An immediate workaround that would address the pre-sented attack would be disabling of JavaScript by theend user. However, JavaScript is not the only means bywhich an attacker could obtain timing information. Forexample, redirects embedded in the HTML header couldalso be used (they would, however, be more visible tothe end user). Links to images, frames and other fea-tures of HTML could also conceivably be used to gener-ate repeated requests. Disabling all of these features hasthe disadvantage that the end user’s browsing experiencewould suffer.

negatives should a single near-zero χ2 value for the correct entry nodebe observed. While we have not encountered this problem in practice,using the mean of χ2 values would provide a way to avoid this theoret-ical problem.

A better solution would be to thwart the denial-of-service attack inherent in the Tor protocol. Attackerswith limited bandwidth would then no longer be able tosignificantly impact Tor’s performance. Without the abil-ity to selectively increase the latency of a particular Torrouter, the resulting timing measurements would mostlikely give too many false positives. We have extendedthe Tor protocol to limit the length of a path. The detailsare described in [9]; we will detail the key points here.

In the modified design, Tor routers now must keeptrack of how often each circuit has been extended andrefuse to route messages that would extend the circuitbeyond a given threshold t. This can be done by taggingmessages that may extend the circuit with a special flagthat is not part of the encrypted stream. The easiest wayto do this is to introduce a new Tor cell type that is usedto flag cells that may extend the circuit. Routers thencount the number of messages with the special flag andrefuse to route more than a given small number (at themoment, eight) of those messages. Routers that receive acircuit-extension request check that the circuit-extensionmessage is contained in a cell of the appropriate type.Note that these additional checks do not change the per-formance characteristics of the Tor network. An attackercould still create a long circuit by looping back to anadversary-controlled node every t hops; however, the ad-versary would then have to provide bandwidth to routeevery t-th packet; as a result, the bandwidth consump-tion by the attacker is still bounded by the small constantt instead of the theoretically unbounded path length m.

While this change prevents an attacker from construct-ing a circuit of arbitrary length, it does not fully preventthe attacker from constructing a path of arbitrary length.The remaining problem is that the attacker could estab-lish a circuit and then from the exit node reconnect to theTor network again as a client. We could imagine config-


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Router Attacked Max Latency Difference Avg. Latency Difference RunsRattensalat 70352 ms 25822 ms 41Wiia 46215 ms 470 ms 5downtownzion 39522 ms 2625 ms 9dontmesswithme 37648 ms 166 ms 8wie6ud6B 35058 ms 9628 ms 9TorSchleim 28630 ms 5765 ms 15hamakor 25975 ms 6532 ms 8Vault24 24330 ms 4647 ms 7Einlauf 22626 ms 2017 ms 8grsrlfz 22545 ms 10112 ms 2

Table 2: This table shows the top 10 highest latency differences between the maximum observed measurement in attackruns versus the baseline runs for each router. Unsurprisingly, the difference between the maximum latency observedduring the congestion attack and the baseline measurement is significantly higher when attacking the correct first hopcompared to attacking other routers. Also included for comparision is the average max latency over all iterations (alsohigher for the correct first hop), and the number of runs.

uring all Tor relays to refuse incoming connections fromknown exit relays, but even this approach does not en-tirely solve the problem: the attacker can use any ex-ternal proxies he likes (e.g. open proxies, unlisted Torrelays, other anonymity networks) to “glue” his circuitstogether. Assuming external proxies with sufficient ag-gregate bandwidth are available for gluing, he can builda chain of circuits with arbitrary length. Note that thesolution proposed in [30] — limiting circuit constructionto trees — does not address this issue; furthermore, itincreases overheads and implementation complexity farbeyond the change proposed here and (contrary to theclaims in [30]) may also have an impact on anonymity,since it requires Tor to fundamentally change the waycircuits are constructed. We leave a full solution to thisproblem as an open research question.

Finally, given that strong adversaries may be able tomount latency altering attacks without Tor’s “help”, Torusers might consider using a longer path length thanthe minimalistic default of three. This would involvechanges to Tor, as currently the only way for a user tochange the default path length would be to edit and re-compile the code (probably out of scope for a “normal”user). While the presented attack can be made to workfor longer paths, the number of false positives and thetime required for a successful path discovery increasesignificantly with each extra hop. Using a random pathlength between four and six would furthermore requirethe adversary to confirm that the first hop was actuallyfound (by determining that none of the other Tor routerscould be a predecessor). Naturally, increasing the pathlength from three to six would significantly increase thelatency and bandwidth requirements of the Tor networkand might also hurt with respect to other attacks [2].

6 Low-cost Traffic Analysis FailureAgainst Modern Tor

We attempted to reproduce Murdoch and Danezis’swork [27] on the Tor network of 2008. Murdoch pro-vided us with their code and statistical analysis frame-work which performs their congestion attack while mea-suring the latency of the circuit. Their analysis also deter-mines the average latency and uses normalized latenciesas the strength of the signal.

The main difference in terms of how data is obtainedbetween Murdoch and Danezis and the attack presentedin Section 3 is that Murdoch and Danezis use a circuitconstructed by the attacker to measure the latency in-troduced by the victim circuit whereas our attack usesa circuit constructed by the victim to measure the latencyintroduced by the attacker.

As in this paper, the adversary implemented by Mur-doch and Danezis repeatedly switches the congestion at-tack on and off; a high correlation between the presenceof high latency values and the congestion attack beingactive is used to determine that a particular router is onthe circuit. If such a correlation is absent for the correctrouter, the attack produces false negatives and fails. If astrong correlation is present between high latency valuesand random time periods (without an active attack) thenthe attack produces false positives and also fails.

Fig. 10 shows examples of our attempts at the methodused in [27], two with the congestion attack being ac-tive and two without. Our experiments reproduced Mur-doch and Danezis’s attack setup where the attacker triesto measure the congestion caused by the victim’s circuit.Note that in the graphs on the right, the congestion at-tack was run against a Tor router unrelated to the circuit


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0 100 200 300 400 500 600






M&D Correlation on xbotA with Attack




0 100 200 300 400 500 600






M&D Correlation on chaoscomputerclub42 w/o Attack




0 100 200 300 400 500 600






M&D Correlation on charlesbabbage with Attack




0 100 200 300 400 500 600






M&D Correlation on sipbtor w/o Attack




Figure 10: These graphs show four runs of the method used in [27], two with the congestion attack being active (onthe left) and two without (on the right). The figure plots the observed latency of a router over time. Blue bars are usedto indicate when the congestion attack was active; in the case of the graphs on the right the attack was active on anunrelated circuit. Red lines are drawn to latency values above average to mark latencies that correlate with the attack,according to the Murdoch and Danezis style analysis.

and thus inactive for the circuit that was measured. Anycorrelation observed in this case implies that Murdochand Danezis’s attack produces false positives. The “vi-sual” look of the graphs is the same whether the attack istargeted at that relay or not. Specifically, the graphs onthe right suggest a similar correlation pattern even whenthe attack was “off” (or targeting unrelated Tor routers).This is due to the high volume of traffic on today’s Tornetwork causing baseline congestion which makes theiranalysis too indiscriminate.

Table 3 shows some representative correlation val-ues that were computed using the statistical analysisfrom [27] when performed on the modern Tor net-work. Note that the correlation values are high regard-less of whether or not the congestion attack was actu-ally performed on the respective router. For Murdochand Danezis’s analysis to work, high correlation valuesshould only appear for the attacked router.

The problem with Murdoch and Danezis’s attack andanalysis is not primarily with the statistical method; thesingle-circuit attack itself is simply not generating a suf-ficiently strong signal on the modern network. Fig. 11

plots the baseline latencies of Tor routers as well as thelatencies of routers subjected to Murdoch and Danezis’scongestion attack in the style we used in Fig. 6. There arehardly any noticeable differences between routers underMurdoch and Danezis’s congestion attack and the base-line. Fig. 12 shows the latency histograms for the samedata; in contrast to the histograms in Fig. 6 there is littledifference between the histograms for the baseline andthe attack.

In conclusion, due to the large amount of traffic on themodern Tor network, Murdoch and Danezis’s analysis isunable to differentiate between normal congestion andcongestion caused by the attacker; the small amount ofcongestion caused by Murdoch and Danezis is lost in thenoise of the network. As a result, their analysis producesmany false positives and false negatives. While these ex-periments only represent a limited case-study and whileMurdoch and Danezis’s analysis may still work in somecases, we never got reasonable results on the modern Tornetwork.


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Router Correlation Attacked? Peak BW Configured BWmorphiumpherrex 1.43 Yes 222 kB/s 201 kB/schaoscomputerclub23 1.34 No 5414 kB/s 5120 kB/shumanistischeunion1 1.18 No 5195 kB/s 6000 kB/smikezhangwithtor 1.07 No 1848 kB/s 2000 kB/shummingbird 1.03 No 710 kB/s 600 kB/schaoscomputerclub42 1.00 Yes 1704 kB/s 5120 kB/sdegaussYourself 1.00 No 4013 kB/s 4096 kB/sephemera 0.91 Yes 445 kB/s 150 kB/sfissefjaes 0.99 Yes 382 kB/s 50 kB/szymurgy 0.86 Yes 230 kB/s 100 kB/scharlesbabbage 0.53 Yes 2604 kB/s 1300 kB/s

Table 3: This table shows the correlation values calculated using the Murdoch and Danezis’s attack on the Tor networkin Spring of 2008. False positives and false negatives are both abundant; many naturally congested routers show astrong correlation suggesting they are part of the circuit when they are not.


0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000





(in s



Sample number

Latency measurement graph xbotA with attack

Control RunAttack Run



0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000





(in s



Sample number

Latency measurement graph chaoscomputerclub42 no attack

Control RunAttack Run













0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000





(in s



Sample number

Latency measurement graph charlesbabbage with attack

Control RunAttack Run


0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000





(in s



Sample number

Latency measurement graph sipbtor no attack

Control RunAttack Run

Figure 11: These graphs correspond to Fig. 10, showing the same attack in the style we used in Fig. 5. Note that duringthe attack phase the congestion circuit is turned on and off just as illustrated in Fig. 10. For all four routers the latencymeasurements are almost identical whether the attack was present or not.


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ber o

f mea



ts in



Range of measurements (in seconds)

Histogram of latency measurements for xbotA with attack

Control RunAttack Run








1 2


ber o

f mea



ts in



Range of measurements (in seconds)

Histogram of latency measurements for chaoscomputerclub42 with no attack

Control RunAttack Run








0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55


ber o

f mea



ts in



Range of measurements (in seconds)

Histogram of latency measurements for charlesbabbage with attack

Control RunAttack Run










ber o

f mea



ts in



Range of measurements (in seconds)

Histogram of latency measurements for sipbtor no attack

Control RunAttack Run

Figure 12: Once more we show the same data for comparison as shown in Fig. 10, this time in the histogram style weuse in Fig. 6. The overlap between the control run and the attack run is difficult to see due to the similarity of latencydistributions.

7 Conclusion

The possibility of constructing circuits of arbitrary lengthwas previously seen as a minor problem that could leadto a DoS attack on Tor. This work shows that the prob-lem is more serious, in that an adversary could use suchcircuits to improve methods for determining the path thatpackets take through the Tor network. Furthermore, Tor’sminimalistic default choice to use circuits of length threeis questionable, given that an adversary controlling anexit node would only need to recover a tiny amount ofinformation to learn the entire circuit. We have madesome minimal changes to the Tor protocol that make itmore difficult (but not impossible) for an adversary toconstruct long circuits.


This research was supported in part by the NLnet Foun-dation from the Netherlands ( under NSF Grant No. 0416969. The authors thank

P. Eckersley for finding a problem in an earlier draft ofthe paper and K. Grothoff for editing.

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