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Section 4

Actualisation Of

The Dreaming Attention

The Second Attention is like an ocean and the Dreaming

Attention is like a river flowing into it.

The Second Attention is the condition of being aware of total worlds, total like our world is total,

while the Dreaming Attention is the condition of being aware of the items of our dreams.

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Section 4 December 9th … … March 9th Write essays on Self Importance, The Petty Tyrant & A Synopsis. Exercise Program : Continue and complete. Stalking Practice : Complete Recapitulation. Sorcery Passes. Not Doing. 4 Moods. Dreaming Practice : Continue and complete Gazing and Setting Up Dreaming.

Month 10

Begin Essays on Self Importance & The Petty Tyrant. 1 circuit + 30 mins. workout. Continue Sorcery Passes, Recapitulation, applying Not Doing & the 4 Moods of Stalking. Gazing practice : 30 mins. + Continue Setting Up Dreaming.

Month 11

Continue Essays. 1 circuit + 30 mins. workout. Continue Sorcery Passes, Recapitulation, applying Not Doing & the 4 Moods of Stalking. Gazing practice : 30 mins. + Continue Setting Up Dreaming.

Month 12

Complete Essays. 1 circuit + 30 mins. workout. Continue and complete Sorcery Passes, Recapitulation, Not Doing & the 4 Moods. Gazing practice : 30 mins. + Complete Setting Up Dreaming.


Review and evaluate this section and the whole practice period. Essay : Write a synopsis of the years practice.

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Hierarchy of Criteria

Being There & Not Being There

Lack of Self Reflection Loss of Self Importance

Inaccessibility Sobriety

What’s in it for me? Erasing Personal History

Indifference Being At Ease

Equality of all things The Mystery that surrounds us

So What?

The Place of Silent Knowledge

Applying The Four Moods

Not Doing The Ring of Reason – The Concrete

Connecting to The Ring of Intent – The Abstract


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Following on from a conversation, where a specific quote in relation to a Sorcerer engaging in contexts congruently and yet not being there gave rise to the process as outlined, being broken down into accessible chunks. This cognitive description is fulfilled by the preceding graphic and it is here that this graphic will, in turn be expanded upon. This fulfils the outcome

of being another essay for inclusion within the pages of The Witness and constitutes another excellent example of the creativity that is taking place at this time. Another 1st Attention exercise which, as always is invaluable. Working from the topmost section of the graphic, though it is to be appreciated that the directional flow is two way. Wherever you are in the chain the component above or below precedes or follows in accordance with the viewpoint you are holding at the time. The statements to each side of the central column are effectively expansions upon and clarifications of the central axis components.

Being There & Not Being There : A paradox and yet one readily understood when one examines the nature of detachment. The ability to congruently set something up and then put it aside as if it no longer mattered. Practised effectively this cultivates the Freedom often outlined within Sorcery. Yet there is a way of applying detachment in such a way that it becomes a part of the strategy towards achieving success. This is a sham, as whilst thinking in an uninvolved manner the system at a deeper level is attached to the result and thereby influences what unfolds. The need for success is invariably based upon the presence of Self Reflection and Self Importance, hence there lateral placement within the graphic. Whilst Self Reflection exists we measure our actions in the light of the ensuing results and in the light of them either feel good about it, thereby enhancing our sense of Self Importance, or conversely we feel bad about it thereby diminishing our sense of Self Importance until we have the opportunity to recover and

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bolster ourselves by the presence of a new context. The question that arose during the conversation was : how does one achieve the state of being there and not being there? It was at this time that the chunking down process began. The first step down being :

Inaccessibility : To be attached to results is a sure sign of ones accessibility. One acts for a specific reason and in doing so limits to an extent the possibilities that can arise when ones filters are open to a greater number of possibilities. Inaccessibility is effectively the Erasure of Personal History, for only as a human being do we make ourselves accessible. And yet there is a paradox here : how do we make ourselves inaccessible, specifically to the self indulgent aspects of power whilst making ourselves accessible to the useful aspects? Aspects which effectively connect us to The Second Ring of Power – Intent. In many respects the accessibility that exists as a result of attachment to results stems from the attitude of what’s in it for me? An attitude that connects back to Self Importance as we evaluate ourselves in the light of what we have, in this instance success in whatever context, however abstract becomes a commodity. It is in the light of the presence of true Sobriety that we can begin to practice the equanimity and poise demanded by the pursuit of Sorcery. Again how do we attain the attitude and state of being inaccessible? The next level down the chain illustrates this, namely,

Indifference : In this instance generates the being at ease alluded to in the quote on the characteristics of Sobriety. Sobriety which enables us to proceed on the basis of being totally committed, a state we call congruency whilst maintaining our poise and sense of freedom. This is effectively set up by recognising the equality of all things, hence their lack of importance, and the mystery that confronts and surrounds us, which, in the light of this certainly tempers the tendency to evaluate the importance, or not of things, things which in and of themselves have no intrinsic value other than what we invest in them ourselves, whether this be abstract in the manner of values or concrete

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in the manner of time, energy and resources. The equality of all things as an awareness is facilitated by applying the Four Moods of Stalking. This indifference also permits the abandonment spoken of within the Stalkers practice of Cunning to take place, for only when we have banished Fear and relaxed totally can we effectively be at ease. The attitude of indifference in this instance is a highly charged attitude and in no respects is it to be viewed in the way which is normally associated to its application to a given context, for this indifference, like all practices in Sorcery is not a moral standpoint but simply a matter of strategy. In order to circumnavigate this negative tendency it is balanced by an almost indescribable phenomena known as ‘silent knowledge’ which arises from The place of Silent Knowledge. A position of the Assemblage Point arrived at as a result of the pursuit of Sorcery itself. Indifference is achieved by making the simple statement :

So What? : For in the light of the immensity that surrounds us, what do we really know? How valuable is that in the light of Eternity? And how can we be so blind as to assume that we count for anything in the great scheme of things, within which we are a small part? And yet, we are unique, ‘blooming into momentary existence and then departing, never to be repeated again.’ Again a paradox, one which requires that we hold each aspect, thereby holding a double description, a double description that reflects at a lower logical level the primary statement of being there and not being there. How can we simply say, so what? When in truth we value our pursuit, measure ourselves in its light and cherish the path, which for us, has a heart? The next step down leads us to this, namely,

Not Doing The Ring of Reason – The Concrete : The description of the everyday world is effectively maintained by this Ring of Power and it is the Sorcerers Intent to disconnect this and redeploy the energy into forming a connection with Intent itself. As a Perceptual Art, one which pertains to the abstract, it is none the less a requirement to work in respect of The Ring of Reason in its

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descriptions of being the 1st Attention and the Tonal. It is in truth all we have to work with and to deny it is suicidal, for its power is all pervasive. The ordering of the Island of the Tonal is effectively how we achieve the distinction between the Attentions in the first place and this is facilitated by performing at regular intervals The Sorcerers Strategic Inventory. Sorcery itself is rendered concrete through its various procedures and in this respect it is required that we walk a fine line between the recognition of the practices true outcomes and the more concrete results we recognise as arising.

Connecting to The Ring of Intent – The Abstract : The primary outcome in Sorcery and one which the practitioner applies themselves to at all times. It begins by developing Unbending Intent which is set up by Control and Discipline. It is our Dramatic Exertion that enables us to perceive, in part, what Intent itself might be. To perceive energetically is one outcome of connecting to this Ring of Power and to cognitively map our findings into a model that serves as a map for our journey into the unknown.

Sorcery : The pursuit itself. Immense in its implications and yet serving as our gateway into the matrix or hierarchy outlined in the preceding words and graphic illustration. Sorcery and its pursuit enables the chain to unfold for it is a matter of Perception and the Personal Power that fuels Perception that enables us to move onwards or not.

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Self Importance

Comments concerning Self Importance

It has been said that Self Importance is the singular cause for much of the energy being available to us being consumed within the fire of Self Reflection, hence the Sorcerers primary task is to address this and redress the balance. I myself possess confidence, congruence and a manner of speaking, as well as a way of acting that would indicate the presence of much in the

way of Self Importance. I feel however that I possess as much as the next person, the major difference being that mine is overt and up front. Others tend to mask themselves with a veil of modesty. In the areas of personal ethics, values and criteria Self Importance makes itself most apparent. The question arises does one value a thing or ones holding of that thing to be important? It’s as if we are not evaluating things, rather we are evaluating ourselves in the light of things. This is a fine distinction yet one which I feel makes a difference. In order to address Self Importance directly a Stalker brings to bear many of the precepts and practices of Sorcery. Stopping The World, of course serves as the most valid along with Erasing Personal History. Yet these are large chunk outcomes which in the main are the results of secondary processes being in place. To come down a chunk we have Not Doing, an excellent way of addressing the person we think we are or more specifically we have talked ourselves into being. Others play a crucial role in this. It begins with birth and ends with death [ ? ].

The tactic which is employed effectively is that of The Petty Tyrant. Who or what else could be more useful? Personally I feel that rather than supporting me in my various follies through time the world, in the form of others has served the role, very often of ‘putting me in my place.’ Because I have various skills and more importantly focus, I excel. This

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encourages resentment and envy on the part of others. Rarely have I been simply appreciated. As a form of defence I have consequently learnt to rely upon my own feedback, this invariably takes the form of what I consider to be humorous posturing on my part. Yet it is a role that has become habitual.

Though not listed as an Enemy of a Man or Woman of Knowledge, I feel that this Principle, as described by Don Juan, specifically in connection to The Old Seers is the Principle without equal that the Warrior attends to throughout their pursuit of Sorcery. It is my contention that properly speaking Self Importance is an Enemy of a Man or Woman of Knowledge and rightly belongs in this category. It operates at a higher logical level to the others and as such all Four Enemies are dependant upon its presence in order to succeed in overthrowing the Warrior. Conversely and appropriately it is only in the light of the Loss of Self Importance and its attendant lack of Self Reflection that the Warrior succeeds in not succumbing to the Enemies themselves, thereby attaining Inaccessibility.

Self Importance

Fear Clarity Power Old Age I have written extensively elsewhere concerning what have been called – The Four Enemies, as such not wishing to repeat myself I refer the reader to – The Enemies of a Man or Woman of Knowledge for information concerning them.

Fear – As described by Don Juan Matus can only exist in the light of our concerns about ourselves. The human description that holds these fears in place does so in the light of our Self Reflection which serves to fuel our sense of Self

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Importance. Without Self Importance we could in truth relax as described by The Moods of Stalking.

Clarity – Being so certain about anything and thereby curtailing the path of learning can only arise when one is not recognising and applying the precept of Stalking, namely, that one is equal to all things. It is Self Importance itself that separates us, makes us unique, distinct. Fine characteristics and yet sadly ones which fuel our sense of Self Importance.

Power – No finer example exists than Power for fuelling Self Importance for only in the light of its presence are our posturings inflated beyond redemption. Being available to power is one thing, being available to its inflatory aspects is another. It is only our sense of Self Importance that inhibits the latter and actualises the former.

Old Age – A concept that stems from the Everyday Description of The World. One which is based solely upon our sense of Self, how we succeed in the world, upon reflection enables us to feel either good, bad or indifferent about ourselves. Self Importance or more specifically its lack would render neutral the concept and reality of Old Age as belonging to a description that no longer applies.

A Sorcerer recognising the equality of all things, hence there unimportance, proceeds upon the basis of being 100% committed to an action, whilst also recognising the folly in so doing. Human life is seeded with folly, from the first waking moment to the last, and even dreams do not escape this human activity. The distinction lies in the attitude a Sorcerer adopts. Recognising folly, he or she acts ‘Deliberately’ as a result what was folly is rendered useful under the description of Controlled Folly. I realise that I may be undervaluing the beliefs of others and the meaning they grant things. So be it. Meaning is assigned in an almost random way, how many of us seriously rationalise our beliefs? How many know what we think at all? How many, swimming within the ocean of Self Importance recognise the changeable nature of the very things we seek to consolidate?

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Folly indeed. At least a Sorcerer knows this and in the knowing can act freely. There is a profound paradox here. I am not talking about meaninglessness, rather I am speaking of Seeing. Looking at surfaces activates the 1st Attentions pattern detectors off on their quest for meaning. Unhook the Ring of Reason, experience the uniqueness of each moment, each act. Only then can one truly laugh.

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