Page 1: A Tumorigenic Factor Interactome Connected through Tumor MIA-MSLN cells. , P < 0.05. miR-198 Regulates Pancreas Cancer Tumor Network Clin Cancer Res; 19(21) November 1, 2013

Human Cancer Biology

A Tumorigenic Factor Interactome Connected throughTumor Suppressor MicroRNA-198 in Human PancreaticCancer

Christian Marin-Muller1,2, Dali Li1, Uddalak Bharadwaj1, Min Li1, Changyi Chen1, Sally E. Hodges1,William E. Fisher1, Qianxing Mo3, Mien-Chie Hung4, and Qizhi Yao1,2,5

AbstractPurpose: The majority of pancreatic cancers overexpress mesothelin (MSLN), which contributes to

enhanced proliferation, invasion, and migration. However, the MSLN regulatory network is still unclear.

Here, we investigated the regulation of a panel of tumorigenic factors and explored the potential of MSLN-

regulated miR-198 treatment in vivo.

Experimental Design: The expression and functional regulation of the tumorigenic factors MSLN, NF-

kB, and the homeobox transcription factors (TF) POU2F2 (OCT-2), Pre-B-cell leukemia homeobox factor 1

(PBX-1), valosin-containing protein (VCP), andmiR-198were studied inpancreatic cancer cell lines, patient

tumor samples, and xenograft pancreatic cancer mouse models.

Results: We found that miR-198 is downregulated in pancreatic cancer and is involved in an intricate

reciprocal regulatory loop with MSLN, which represses miR-198 through NF-kB–mediated OCT-2 induc-

tion. Furthermore, miR-198 repression leads to overexpression of PBX-1 and VCP. The dysregulated PBX-1/

VCP axis leads to increased tumorigenicity. Reconstitution of miR-198 in pancreatic cancer cells results in

reduced tumor growth, metastasis, and increased survival through direct targeting MSLN, PBX-1, and VCP.

Most interestingly, reduced levels of miR-198 in human tissue samples are associated with upregulation of

these tumorigenic factors (MSLN, OCT-2, PBX-1, VCP) and predict poor survival. Reduced miR-198

expression links this tumor network signature and prognosticates poor patient outcome. High miR-198

disrupts the network and predicts better prognosis and increased survival.

Conclusions: miR-198 acts as a central tumor suppressor and modulates the molecular makeup of a

critical interactome in pancreatic cancer, indicating a potential prognostic marker signature and the

therapeutic potential of attacking this tumorigenic network through a central vantage point. Clin Cancer

Res; 19(21); 5901–13. �2013 AACR.

IntroductionThe complex biologic functions that give rise to cancer

pathogenesis can rarely be attributed to individual mole-cules but rather arise from key interactions among hetero-geneous components interacting in modular regulatory

networks. The result is a specific disease signature withfar-reaching clinical effects (1). miRNAs are small, noncod-ing RNA molecules frequently dysregulated in cancers (2).miRNAs can individually regulate several links of a func-tional network; therefore, miRNA dysregulation can giverise to a complex disease phenotype (3). In this study, wehave identified a novel network of heterogeneous prognos-tic factors for pancreatic cancer interconnected throughmodulation of a central, tumor-suppressive miRNA, miR-198. These include mesothelin (MSLN), NF-kB, andhomeobox transcription factors POU2F2 (OCT-2), pre-B-cell leukemia homeobox factor 1 (PBX-1), and valosin-containing protein (VCP).

miR-198 was previously reported to be downregulated upto 5-fold in hepatic cancers compared to normal liver paren-chyma (4) andwas reported as a suppressorofhepatocellularcarcinoma cell invasion through negative regulation of theHGF/c-MET pathway (5). Yet miR-198 was also found to beupregulated in retinoblastoma, indicating that it may notbehave as a tumor suppressor in all cases (6). However, itsrole in pancreatic cancer pathogenesis has not been studied.

Authors' Affiliations: 1Molecular Surgeon Research Center, Michael E.DeBakey Department of Surgery, 2Department of Molecular Virology andMicrobiology, 3Duncan Cancer Center, Baylor College of Medicine; and4Department of Molecular and Cellular Oncology, The University of TexasM.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, Graduate Institute ofCancer Biology, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan; 5Center forTranslational Research on Inflammatory Diseases, Michael E. DeBakeyVeterans Affairs Medical Center, Houston, Texas

Note: Supplementary data for this article are available at Clinical CancerResearch Online (

Corresponding Author: Qizhi Yao, Michael E. DeBakey Department ofSurgery, Baylor College ofMedicine,OneBaylor Plaza,Mail stopBCM391,Houston, TX 77030. Phone: 713-798-1765; Fax: 713-798-6633; E-mail:[email protected]

doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-12-3776

�2013 American Association for Cancer Research.


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MSLN is a cell surface glycoprotein overexpressed in about90% of human pancreatic adenocarcinomas (7–10). Wehave reported that MSLN overexpression leads to increasedpancreatic cancer cell proliferation, invasion, and migrationin vitro and increased tumor growth in vivo (9) and consti-tutively activatesNF-kB to promote cell survival (11, 12). Yetthe mechanisms through which MSLN mediates pathogen-esis remained largely unexplored. Here, we identify theMSLN/NF-kB axis as part of the interactive network regulat-ing miR-198, along with a molecule whose expression hadnot been previously observed in pancreatic cancer, OCT-2.OCT-2 is a bifunctional TF that can exert both activating andrepressing functions (13). Its expression was previouslythought primarily restricted to B cells and tumor cells of theB-cell lineage, neuronal cells, and keratinocytes (14–17). Inthis study, we found that OCT-2 is expressed in pancreaticcancer cells, is induced by MSLN, and acts as a regulator ofmiR-198 activity, leading to dysregulation of downstreameffectors PBX-1 and VCP. PBX-1 was initially identified as aparticipant in pre-B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia(18, 19) and has been associated with progression of mel-anoma, (20). Furthermore, PBX-1 is an inducer of the genefor VCP, a ubiquitously expressed protein involved in cellsurvival (21), with prior indications as a prognostic markerfor pancreatic cancer metastasis (22–24). We found that thePBX-1/VCP axis plays a key role in MSLN-mediated pancre-atic cancer pathogenesis.

With miR-198 as a central vantage point, we examinedthe molecular makeup of heterogeneous patient tumors.We identified a pattern of expression that correlates withdecreased tumorigenesis in mice and has clinical relevancewith patient prognosis and survival, with implications forboth therapeutic intervention and diagnostic applications.

Materials and MethodsCell lines and cell culture

Humanpancreatic cancer cell lines used in this studywerepurchased from the American Type Culture Collection and

were authenticated by DNA fingerprinting at the Universityof Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Characterized CellLine Core. Human pancreatic duct epithelial (HPDE) cellswere provided as a gift fromDr. Ming-Sound Tsao (OntarioCancer Institute, Ontario, Canada). All cells were culturedas previously described (8, 9, 25). MSLN-overexpressingstable cells (or empty vector controls) were selected in MIAPaCa-2 cells or HPDE cells (MIA-MSLN, HPDE-MSLN) orvector (MIA-V, HPDE-V) using retrovirus vectors expressingpuromycin resistance (Origene) with 0.5 mg/mL of puro-mycin added into the medium as previously described.Stable cells overexpressing miR-198 or vector control weregenerated in AsPC-1 (AsPC-1-miR-198, AsPC-1-miR-Ctrl),MIA-MSLN (MIA-MSLN-miR-198, MIA-MSLN-miR-Ctrl),MIA-V (MIA-V-miR-198, MIA-V-miR-Ctrl), and HPDE cells(HPDE-miR-198, HPDE-miR-Ctrl) using the Lenti-miRmiRNA Precursor Clone Collection (SBI). The miRZipLentivector collection from SBI was used to stably knock-downmiR-198 in MIA-PaCa2 (MIA-V-Zip-198, MIA-V-Zip-Ctrl) and HPDE (HPDE-Zip-198, HPDE-Zip-Ctrl) cells.

Patient tissue collection and preparationHuman pancreatic adenocarcinoma specimens were col-

lected from the patients of any age, gender, and race whounderwent resectable surgery according to an approvedhuman IRBprotocol (H-16215) at BCM.A completematch-ing set of surrounding normal pancreas, plasma, serum, andblood cells from the same patient were also collected andstored at the Elkins Pancreas Center tissue bank. All patientsamples used in this study were diagnosed pancreatic ade-nocarcinoma stages IIA or IIB between ages of 40 and 79years. Tissue total RNA isolationwas done by using Ambion"RNAqueous-4PCR" kit. Total miRNAs were extracted andpurified by using mirVana miRNA isolation kit (AppliedBiosystems/Ambion). For detailed method, please see theSupplementary Experimental Procedures.

Subcutaneous andorthotopic pancreatic cancermousemodels

Animal procedures were conducted under guidelinesapproved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Com-mittee (IACUC). Tumor cells (3�106)were inoculated intothe right flank (s.c) or into the pancreas (orthotopic) of 5- to6-week-old male nude mice (NCI-Charles River) as previ-ously described (25). For the s.c. model, tumor size wasmeasured using digital calipers at different time pointsindicated throughout the study. Tumor volume was deter-minedwith the following formula: tumor volume (mm3)¼[length (mm)]� [width (mm)]2� 0.52. For the orthotopicmodel, tumor implantation and growth were monitoredusing a fluorescent filter to view GFP expression in theabdomen. Any mice experiencing leakage from the ortho-topic injection were removed from the study. After 4 weeks,mice were euthanized and evaluated macroscopically forthe presence of tumor/metastases in the abdominal cavity.Tumor nodules were explanted, weighed, and stored inRNALater solution (Ambion) in �80�C for subsequentanalysis.

Translational RelevanceWe have identified a novel network of tumorigenic

prognostic factors that plays a critical role in pancreaticcancer pathogenesis. This interactome is interconnectedthrough a central tumor suppressive microRNA, miR-198, which is able to both directly and indirectly mod-ulate expression of the various members of this networkto alter themolecular makeup of pancreatic tumors, withimportant clinical implications. When this tumor signa-ture network is intact, MiR-198 expression is reduced andpatient survival is dismal; patients with higher miR-198present an altered tumor signature network, better prog-nosis, and increased survival. miR-198 replacementreverses tumorigenicity in vitro and in vivo, indicating thetherapeutic potential of attacking a complex heteroge-neous network of factors through a central vantage point.

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Statistical analysisStatistical analysis was conducted using the Student t test

(paired, 2-tailed). Statistical significance was defined as P <0.05 (denoted by �). Survival data were analyzed using log-rank test and the data was plotted using the Kaplan–Meiermethod. Patients still living were censored from the results.In addition, expression values were log2-transformed, andCox proportional hazards model was used to examinethe association between the variables and the overall sur-vival.P values and95%confidence intervals are 2-sided. SAS9.3 (SAS institute Inc.) was used for statistical analysis. Dataare presented asmean� SD. Linear regression analyseswereconducted using Prism (GraphPad).Additional experimental procedures including in vitro

assays and confirmatory experiments can be found in theSupplementary Experimental Procedures.

ResultsMSLN-mediated NF-kB activation represses the miR-198 promoter through OCT-2 inductionWe have previously reported that MSLN overexpression

leads to increased pancreatic cancer cell tumorigenesis (9).

To further examine the mechanisms of MSLN-mediatedpathogenesis, we compared MIA-MSLN (overexpressedMSLN in MIA-PaCa2 cells which have low endogenousMSLN levels) and MIA-V (vector control) cells (8) inexpression of 95 cancer-associated miRNAs (selected aftera thorough review of the literature) by using real-timereverse transcription (RT) PCR. We found a global dysre-gulation of miRNA expression, with several miRNAs eitherupregulated (i.e., miR-10b, miR-196a) or downregulated(i.e., miR-198, miR-200c, miR-155) following MSLN over-expression (Fig. 1A, Supplementary Table S1). miR-198was the most significantly downregulated (�15-fold down-regulation). Conversely, transfection of MSLN-specificshRNAs in MSLN-overexpressing cells restored miR-198expression �12-fold (P < .05; Fig. 1B), further indicatingthat MSLN was responsible for the observed miR-198downregulation. We therefore selected miR-198 for furtherstudy and found a negative relationship between miR-198and MSLN expression in a panel of pancreatic cancer celllines (Supplementary Fig. S1A and S1B).

miR-198 is an intronic miRNA, located in the 30-untrans-lated region (UTR) of the gene for human follistatin-related

Figure 1. MSLN regulates miR-198 expression through NF-kB–mediated induction of OCT-2. A, profiling of 95 cancer-associated miRNAs in MIA-Vversus MIA-MSLN cells. miR-198 is �15-fold downregulated following MSLN overexpression. B, silencing MSLN restores miR-198 expression. Unt,untransfected cell control; Ctrl, scrambled shRNAcontrol; sh1, one of theMSLNshRNAconstructs. C,MSLNoverexpression inducesOCT-2.Wedelolactonetreatment restoresmiR-198 expression and blocksOCT-2 induction inMIA-MSLN cells. D, shRNA-mediated silencing of OCT-2 rescuesmiR-198 expressionin MIA-MSLN cells. �, P < 0.05.

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protein (FSTL-1) and as such was purported to be undercontrol of the same promoter (26, 27).We established a linkbetween miR-198 and FSTL1 (Supplementary Fig. S1C andS1D) and conducted in silico analyses of the FSTL-1/miR-198promoter to determine potential binding sites for repressivetranscription factors that could be downregulating miR-198in tumors (Supplementary Table 2).We identified 3 bindingsites for theNF-kB–inducible, repressive transcription factorOCT-2 (consensus sequence ATGCAAAT) in the FSTL-1/miR-198 promoter. As one of the hallmarks of MSLN over-expression is that it constitutively activates NF-kB in pan-creatic cancer cells (12), we examined whether OCT-2 mayprovide the link between MSLN and miR-198 repression.Forced MSLN expression in MIA-PaCa2 cells led to a stronginduction in OCT-2 (Fig. 1C). We treated MIA-MSLN cellswith NF-kB inhibitor Wedelolactone and observed a �17-fold increase in miR-198 expression (Fig. 1C) as well as analmost complete block inOCT-2 expression (Fig. 1C). Theseresults were also confirmed in endogenously highMSLN cellline AsPC1 (Supplementary Fig. S1E). Finally,OCT-2 knock-downwith short hairpinRNAs (shRNA) resulted in a 12-foldupregulationofmiR-198 expression after 72hours, restoringmiR-198 levels close to pre-MSLN expression levels (Fig.1D). These results show that MSLN-mediated NF-kB activa-tion induces OCT-2, which in turn represses miR-198.Blocking either NF-kB or OCT-2 in this pathway can effec-tively restore miR-198 expression.

MiR-198 is the central link between upstreamregulatory factors MSLN and OCT-2 and downstreamtargets PBX-1 and VCP

We used miRNA target prediction software to find poten-tialmiR-198 targets. After screening a wide number of genesusing real-time RT-PCR (data not shown), we identified apotential miR-198 binding site within the 30UTR of PBX-1(Supplementary Fig. S2A). This binding site is evolution-arily conserved in 22 of 23 species examined (Supplemen-tary Fig. S2B). PBX-1 has direct effects on tumorigenicityand is also a regulator of VCP; increased expression of thePBX-1-VCP axis has been associated with cancer metastasis,increased cell survival, and poor prognosis (28). VCP alsohas a binding site for miR-198 within its 30UTR (Supple-mentary Fig. S2C) that is conserved in a majority of species(Supplementary Fig. S2D). We used immunoblotting toshow the link between upstream MSLN/OCT-2 and thedownstream PBX-1/VCP axis (Fig. 2A). As shown in Fig.2A,MSLNwas co-expressed with PBX-1 (P < 0.05) and bothcorrelated inversely with miR-198 in a majority of pancre-atic cancer cell lines. We also confirmed the same correla-tion at the mRNA level in Supplementary Fig. S2E and S2F.We then examined OCT-2 and PBX-1 protein expression inour pancreatic cancer cell line panel (Fig. 2A). HPDE cellshad almost undetectable OCT-2 expression levels, in con-trast to the majority of pancreatic cancer cell lines, whichhad robust OCT-2 expression that correlated closely with

Figure 2. miR-198 is the central linkbetween upstream regulatoryfactors MSLN and OCT-2 and theclosely correlated downstreamPBX-1/VCP tumorigenic axis.A, MSLN protein expressioncorrelates positively with PBX-1expression and both correlatednegatively with miR-198 (P <0.005), in a pancreatic cancercell line panel. IncreasedOCT-2 protein expression isaccompanied by an increasein PBX-1 expression. VCPexpression along withdownregulation in miR-198expression. B, PBX-1 expressionincreases following MSLNoverexpression in MIA-PaCa2cells and is reduced after miR-198overexpression. C, VCPexpression in AsPC1 cells isdownregulated�50-fold followingmiR-198 overexpression. D,Wedelolactone blocks PBX-1expression.

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bothMSLN and PBX-1 (P < 0.05). A similar correlation wasobserved between OCT-2 and VCP (Fig. 2A), tying togetherthe last of the factors in our interactome in the pancreaticcancer cell line panel.To establish PBX-1 and VCP as targets of miR-198, we

stably overexpressed miR-198 in MIA-MSLN cells andAsPC1 cells (miR-198 expression in various engineered celllines is shown in Supplementary Fig. S3), resulting in adecrease in PBX-1mRNA(Supplementary Fig. S4A and S4B)and protein expression (Fig. 2B), making them almostundetectable. A similar result was observed for VCP follow-ingmiR-198 reconstitution (Fig. 2CandSupplementary Fig.S4C and S4D), although a basal level of expression was stilldetectable. We tied these results to the rest of our inter-actome using either Wedelolactone inhibition of NF-kB(Fig. 2D) or shRNAs against OCT-2 (not shown), both of

which led to the downregulation of PBX-1 expression.Finally, we used luciferase reporters and site-directed muta-genesis to confirm direct targeting of miR-198 to both VCPand PBX-1, as discussed in the supplemental results (Sup-plementary Fig. S4E–S4H).

MiR-198 reciprocally regulates MSLN expression bybinding to target sites within the MSLN coding region(CDS)

Interestingly, we observed that miR-198 overexpressionin MIA-MSLN cells led to marked reduction of MSLNprotein expression (Fig. 3A), with a partial decrease in themRNA levels (Fig. 3B), indicating a mechanism of post-transcriptional regulation. This suggested a reciprocal reg-ulatory loop betweenMSLN andmiR-198, yet we found noputative miR-198 targets in the 30UTR of MSLN using target

Figure 3. miR-198 reciprocallyregulates MSLN expression bytargeting its coding region. A, miR-198 overexpression blocks MSLNat theprotein level. B,MSLNmRNAlevels are partially downregulatedfollowing miR-198 overexpression.C, site-directed mutagenesis ofeach of the 3 miR-198–bindingsites within the MSLN codingregion separately or in combinationleads to differential restoration ofMSLN expression in the presenceof miR-198. D, miR-198 decreasesluciferase expression in WT MSLNCDS constructs; mutating themiR-198 seed region restores luciferaseexpression. Expressed as firefly/Renilla ratio. �, P < 0.05.

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prediction software. However, recent evidence suggestedthat miRNAs can also act within the CDS of genes (29). Wetherefore used RNA22 to search for potential miR-198binding sites within the MSLN CDS and found 3 potentialmiR-198 binding sites (Supplementary Fig. S5A). We usedsite-directed mutagenesis to alter the nucleotide sequenceof the 3 siteswithout altering the aminoacid compositionofthe MSLN protein (Supplementary Fig. S5B) and co-trans-fectedWTormutantMSLNplasmids alongwithmiR-198orcontrol precursors into COS-7 cells, which were chosenbecause they have undetectable endogenous levels of bothMSLN and miR-198 (Supplementary Fig. S5C). miR-198transfection abolished expression of the WT MSLN protein(Fig. 3C). Mutating the 3 binding sites resulted in differen-tial miR-198–mediated regulation of MSLN. When site 1was mutated, there was no noticeable recovery of MSLNexpression. However, mutating site 2 resulted in an almostcomplete recovery of protein expression, with the expres-sion of the site 3 mutant falling in between the 2. Doublemutants of sites 1 þ 2 or 1 þ 3 resulted in no noticeableimprovement in expression than their single counterparts.However, the site 2þ 3 doublemutant resulted in completerestoration of MSLN expression (Fig. 3C). This indicatesthat miR-198 binding sites 2 þ 3 cooperate to block MSLNprotein expression.

We further confirmed miR-198 targeting of the MSLNCDS regions by constructing luciferase reporter constructscontaining portions of the MSLN CDS with WT or mutatedseed regions (Supplementary Fig. S5D). Firefly luciferaseexpression was significantly decreased in 2 of the WT con-structs in the presence of miR-198 (P < 0.05) and wasrestored in the mutant constructs (Fig. 3D).

miR-198 is an antagonist of MSLN-mediated autocrinepancreatic cancer cell survival and resistance toTNF-a–induced apoptosis

We have previously reported that MSLN overexpressionconfers resistance to TNF-a–induced apoptosis (12). Weconducted a TUNEL assay in MSLN-high cells to determinewhether miR-198 expression could reverse this acquiredresistance. After TNF-a treatment, only about 11% of con-trol MIA-MSLN and about 1.2% of AsPC1 cells are under-going apoptosis asmeasured by TUNEL.On the other hand,MIA-MSLN-miR-198 and AsPC1-miR-198 cells exposed tothe sameconditions showadramatic increase in thenumberof cells undergoing apoptosis, of >60% and >90% overcontrols, respectively (Fig. 4A). Conversely, blocking miR-198 expression results in a significant and dramatic decreasein the number of apoptotic cells, down to�19% in MIA-V-Zip-198 cells (Fig. 4B). Further overexpressing miR-198 inMIA-V cells had a smaller effect in further increasing apo-ptosis from �68% to �75%, consistent with the effectsseen on proliferation. We confirmed apoptosis inductionthrough a Western blotting for caspase-3 activation. Thelevels of uncleavedcaspase-3decrease inmiR-198–high cells(Fig. 4C). These results indicate that miR-198 can antago-nize the cell survival effects conferred by MSLN overexpres-sion and its subsequent modulation of downstream targets.

miR-198 overexpression reduces tumor growth andmetastatic spread in vivo

Weexamined the functional relevance ofmiR-198–medi-ated targeting of our interactive network in a series of in vitroexperiments shown in the Supplementary Data. MiR-198replacement in vitro reduced proliferation, migration, andinvasion of pancreatic cancer cell lines, as well as sensitizedresistant MSLN-overexpressing cells to the chemotherapeu-tic effects of TNF-a (Supplementary Fig. S6 details in Sup-plementary Results).

We recapitulated these results using 2 separate xenograftmouse models with 2 different pancreatic cancer cell lines,the AsPC1-derived AsPC1-miR-198 and the MIA-PaCa2-derived MIA-MSLN-miR-198 (both cell lines propertieswere characterized in Supplementary Figs. S3 and S6). Ina subcutaneous model using AsPC1-miR-198 or corre-sponding vector control cells, 8 of 8 mice injected withAsPC-1-miR-Ctrl cells developed tumors by 3 days postin-jection (d.p.i.), which reached an average volume of 1,500mm3 by 24 d.p.i. None of the mice injected with AsPC-1-miR-198 cells (0 of 8) developed tumor by 35 d.p.i. (P �0.0001;Supplementary Fig. S6P). These results were con-firmed in an s.c. model using MIA-MSLN-miR-198 andvector control cells. In this model, 9 of 9 mice injected withMIA-MSLN-miR-Ctrl cells developed large tumors withrapid onset (measurable at 7 d.p.i.), with an average tumorvolume of�2,000 mm3 by 25 d.p.i. In contrast, only 3 of 9mice injected with miR-198 overexpressing cells presentedsmall tumors, which were notmeasurable until 35 d.p.i.; byday 45, they had grown to an average volume of only �37mm3, a highly significant difference compared to the con-trols (P < 0.0005).The rest of the mice (6 of 9) remainedcompletely tumor free (Supplementary Fig. S6Q and S6R).

Mice injected orthotopically with 2 different cell linesshowed a similar phenotype as shown in the subcutaneousmousemodel. Nudemice were orthotopically injected withAsPC-1-miR-Crtl cells and AsPC-1-miR-198 cells, respec-tively, for 4 weeks (n¼ 6 per group). The tumor weight wasmeasured at time of sacrifice. The average weight of primarytumor derived from AsPC-1-miR-Crtl cells was 0.568 g;whereas the weight of tumors derived from AsPC-1-miR-198 cells was 0.047 g, which ismore than 10-fold difference(P < 0.0001; Fig. 5A). Similar results were obtained from theorthotopic model withMIA PaCa-2–derived cell lines. Mice(n ¼ 8) received MIA-MSLN-miR-Ctrl cells developed pri-mary tumors with an average weight of 0.6 g, �10-foldgreater than primary tumors in mice injected with MIA-MSLN-miR-198 cells (�0.06 g; P < 0.0005; Fig. 5B). Controlmice all had observable jaundice, weight loss, and abdom-inal ascitic fluid, whereas none of the mice injected withhigh miR-198 cells had these symptoms. GFP expressioncassettes in our stable cells allowed us to visualize tumorspread after sacrificing the mice (Fig. 5C). Control mice allpresented with liver, spleen, and intestinal metastasis, andtumor spread throughout the body cavity. The MIA-MSLN-miR-198–injected mice, on the other hand, had few metas-tases in addition to decreased primary tumor growth. Five of8 mice had no metastases; one did not develop any tumor;

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the remaining 3 mice showed limited tumor spread. Weconfirmed the expression levels of the factors in our pro-posed network in mouse tumor tissues and found thatcontrol tumors had high levels of MSLN, OCT-2, PBX-1,andVCP and low levels ofmiR-198. In contrast, the smaller,less aggressive MIA-MSLN-miR-198 tumors were character-ized by a significant decrease in expression of all factors inthe network, indicating the potential of miR-198 to directlytarget PBX-1, VCP, and MSLN and indirectly modulateexpression of all by OCT-2 (P < 0.05; Fig. 5D).

An interactome of tumorigenic factors interconnectedthrough miR-198 serves as a prognostic indicator ofpancreatic cancerTo provide a glimpse into the potential clinical relevance

of our in vivo results, we examined expression of networkfactors in 37patientswithpancreatic cancerwhounderwentresectable surgery at Elkins Pancreas Center. We found thatmiR-198 was downregulated in�78% of tumors comparedto adjacent normal tissues (Fig. 6A), with downregulationranging from 2- to 142-fold (Supplementary Table S3). Wefurther found that patients could be classified into 2 groups

based on overall tumor miR-198 levels: patients with miR-198 levels of 0.01 or greater (relative to U6 control) wereincluded in the miR-198-high group and patients with amiR-198 level of 0.001 or lower were included in the miR-198-low group. The average relative miR-198 levels were0.08 and 0.0004, respectively. Therefore, the miR-198-highgroup had aminimum10-fold higher level ofmiR-198 thanthe miR-198-low group, with the majority of samples hav-ing a greater than 100-fold difference between the groups(Fig. 6B).

We then examined the correlations between our inter-actome members in the patient tumors, where miR-198 isshown to negatively correlate with all interactome factorsexcept for the positive correlation with FSTL1 (P < 0.05for all; Supplementary Fig. S7, further discussion in Sup-plementary Results). The relationships between thesetumorigenic factors and miR-198 were represented usingthe 5-order Venndiagrams depicted in Fig. 6C. Fold changesbetween tumor and adjacent normal tissues were deter-mined for each factor, calculating the percentage of timeseach individual factor was upregulated and how often theupregulation in each was accompanied by an upregulation

Figure 4. miR-198 is an antagonistof MSLN-mediated autocrinepancreatic cancer cell survival andresistance to TNF-a–inducedapoptosis. A, TUNEL assay showsa significant increase in apoptosisafter TNF-a treatment in 2 highMSLN cells followingoverexpression of miR-198. B,TUNEL assay shows a significantdecrease in apoptosis in MIA-Vcells (high miR-198 cells) down toMIA-MSLN cell levels followingblocking of miR-198 (MIA-V-Zip-198).C, overexpressionofmiR-198in MIA-MSLN cells results incaspase-3 cleavage.

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Figure 5. miR-198 overexpressionmodulates expression of regulatory network and reduces tumor growth andmetastatic spread in vivo. A, nudemice injectedorthotopically with AsPC1-miR-Ctrl cells develop tumors with an average weight of 0.568 g and only 0.047 g in AsPC-1-miR-198 cells which is morethan 10-fold difference (P < 0.0001). B, nude mice injected orthotopically with MIA-MSLN-miR-Ctrl cells developed primary tumors at approximately 10-foldlarger (by weight) than primary tumors in mice injected with MIA-MSLN-miR-198 cells after 4 weeks of injection. Resected primary orthotopic tumors (8 pergroup). C, GFP expression in the tumor cells allows for visualization of tumor spread in the orthotopic pancreatic cancer mouse model at 4 weeks afterinjection. D, real-time RT-PCR confirms RNA levels of all the factors in our proposed regulatory network. Mean � SD, n ¼ 4. �, P < 0.05.

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in the other factors and/or downregulation of miR-198. Toreduce complexity, FSTL1was not included in this graphicalrepresentation, as its close correlation with miR-198makes them interchangeable in this analysis. For the totalnumber of tissues (n ¼ 37), downregulation in miR-198was accompanied by a simultaneous upregulation in allother network members (MSLN, OCT-2, PBX-1, and VCP)in 71% of tumors. When we conducted the same analysisfor either the miR-198-low or miR-198-high groups sep-arately, we observed a very clear change in the molecularmakeup of this interactome: a simultaneous upregulationof MSLN, OCT-2, PBX-1, and VCP and downregulation ofmiR-198 occurs in 91.7% of the patients in the miR-198-low group. This percentage is the same for all the otherpossible permutations of interactions between the differ-ent factors, indicating a very close association betweentheir expression changes in this subset of patients. On theother hand, in the miR-198-high group, none (0%) of thepatients had a simultaneous modulation of the 5 factorsin our interactome. This also extends to most of the otherpotential combinations in expression changes. Thesecorrelations are also depicted in a more traditional man-ner in Fig. 6C, where miR-198 is shown to correlatepositively with FSTL1 and negatively with all other inter-actome factors (additional details in SupplementaryResults). To determine whether this unique molecularsignature correlated with a better patient prognosis, weexamined patient survival in the 2 groups. As measured bylog-rank test, patient survival was significantly increasedin the miR-198-high group compared to the low group(P < 0.0005, c2 ¼ 14.12 df ¼ 1), with an HR of 5.815(95% CI, 2.321–14.57; Fig. 6D). The median survival ofthe miR-198-low patients was �15.5 months, with only11% of patients still alive after �40 months. Conversely,miR-198-high patients who had died had a median sur-vival time of 35.75 months, with 80% of miR-198-highpatients were still alive at 40 months and 64% still aliveafter �60 months. Cox proportional hazards model wasused to examine the association between the variousfactors and the overall survival while adjusting for age.Univariate analysis shows a significant associationbetween each one of the individual factors and survivalexcept for PBX-1 (Supplementary Table S4), whereas amultivariate approach adjusting for both age and primarytumor size at the time of resection shows that miR-198 issignificantly associated with overall survival [P ¼ 0.0014;95% CI, 0.11(0.03–0.42); Supplementary Table S4].These results indicate that this interactive tumor signaturenetwork is very tightly correlated in patients with pan-creatic cancer with the worst prognosis, whereas thosewith the best prognosis have a global disruption in thenetwork expression pattern.

DiscussionWe have dissected the mechanisms by which miR-198

can alter the molecular makeup of pancreatic tumorsand present a unique perspective on the interplay between

several factors in a functional regulatory network inpancreatic cancer. The potential clinical implications areunderscored by the significant reversal in tumorigenicaggressiveness that accompanies alteration of this networkfollowing miR-198 reconstitution in pancreatic cancer cellsand mirrors the signature seen in xenograft tumor modelsand patient tissues. Our results are summarized in Fig. 7. Inaddition to elucidating the molecular mechanisms throughwhich MSLN promotes pathogenesis, our study identifiesOCT-2 and the PBX-1/VCP axis as critical biomarkers andtargets for pancreatic cancer treatment. By acting as the keyregulator of this network,miR-198 replacement therapy hasthe potential to influence interactions between these mole-cules and reverts the most aggressive pancreatic cancer cellsto a more manageable, less invasive phenotype.

The heterogenic nature of tumor cell lines makes itimpossible to ascribe all aspects of a more aggressive orless aggressive phenotype to one molecule and that theMSLN/miR-198 interaction may not be solely responsiblefor the entirety of the aggressive phenotype. We haveobserved that while MIA-PaCa2 cells or Panc-1 cells areinherently more aggressive than other cell lines, forcedoverexpression of MSLN in these cell lines leads to an evenmore significantly aggressive phenotype. The reverse effectcan be seen in cell lines with high endogenous MSLNexpression, such as ASPC1, which, while they may beinherently less aggressive than others, become even lessinvasive and proliferate more slowly if MSLN expression isartificially reduced. Loss of miR-198 may be indicative toaggressiveness of pancreatic cancer based on our dataobtained from several human pancreatic cancer cell lines,which are commonly used in the scientific community.However, it could be a limitation that we did not includemore cell lines such as L3.6pl (30) and SUIT-2 (31) in thecurrent study.

Within this concerted network, we have uncovered areciprocal regulatory loop between MSLN and miR-198that gives us novel insight into the mechanisms ofMSLN-mediated pathogenesis. miR-198 can reciprocallytarget multiple sites in the MSLN coding region, with anadditive effect that leads to an almost complete block ofMSLN protein expression. We have previously reportedthat MSLN overexpression leads to constitutive activationof NF-kB, resulting in increased cell survival and prolifer-ation of pancreatic cancer cells through NF-kB–mediatedinterleukin (IL)-6 induction (11, 12). Here, we extend thesefindings to show thatMSLN-mediatedNF-kB activation canmodulate miR-198 through induction of OCT-2. We haveidentifiedOCT-2 as an important factor in pancreatic cancerfor the first time. Our findings that OCT-2 is overexpressedin a majority of pancreatic cancer cell lines and is upregu-lated in more than 80% of patient tumor tissues present anovel role for this protein as a pancreatic cancer prognosticfactor and functional target.

We also found that miR-198 targets the tumorigenicfactors PBX-1 and VCP. PBX-1 dysregulation has beenimplicated in increased proliferation of cancer cells(20, 32); VCP overexpression correlates with increased

miR-198 Regulates Pancreas Cancer Tumor Network Clin Cancer Res; 19(21) November 1, 2013 5909

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Figure 6. An interactome of tumorigenic factors interconnected through miR-198 serves as a prognostic indicator of pancreatic cancer. A, miR-198 isdownregulated in 78.4% of pancreatic cancer tumors compared to normal adjacent tissue (n ¼ 37). Arrows point to the samples with miR-198downregulated in tumor versus normal. B, patients were grouped into 2 cohorts based on miR-198 expression. (Continued on the following page.)

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progression and metastatic potential of a variety of can-cers (23, 33–36). We have shown for the first time thatmodulation of PBX-1 in pancreatic cancer cells contri-butes to MSLN-mediated proliferation. In addition, ourresults indicate a novel role for the PBX-1/VCP axis inpancreatic cancer cell migration and implicate PBX-1 as akey factor responsible for the metastatic potential ofMSLN-overexpressing cells. Previous studies have linkedthe PBX-1/VCP axis to metastatic potential and survivalthrough the VCP-mediated activation of NF-kB (22).Here, we have shown that NF-kB also reciprocally mod-ulates PBX-1 and VCP expression through the regulationof miR-198 and the interconnectivity of our interactome.VCP can thereby feedback into the pathway, promoting

maintenance of NF-kB activation, OCT-2 induction, andsubsequent miR-198 repression.

The PBX-1/VCP axis is important in cell survival undercytokine stress, as shown by the resistance of PBX-1/VCP-overexpressing cells in TNF-a–mediated induction of apo-ptosis (28). We have reported that MSLN-overexpressingcells are resistant to the apoptotic effects of TNF-a (12), andhere we show that miR-198 reconstitution can act as anantagonist of these increased cell survival effects.

Two xenograft mouse models (subcutaneous and ortho-topic) with human pancreatic cancer cell lines were usedin the current study and show that miR-198 significantlyinhibits tumor progression. In general, the orthotopicmodel and a genetically engineered mouse model that


MSLN overexpression increases proliferation,

migration, invasion, and survival of tumor cells

miR-198 is downregulated and

cannot bind to target mRNAs

MSLN constitutively

activates NF-kB

Leads to increased proliferation,

migration and invasiveness




negative TF




PBX-1 upregulates VCP

PBX-1/VCP axis promotes

increased proliferation and migration


OCT-2 OCT-2 can repressFSTL1/miR-198 expression

VCPVCP induction leads to

futher NF-kB activation

Figure 7. A novel network of heterogeneous prognostic factors for pancreatic cancer interconnected through modulation of tumor-suppressive miR-198.MSLN overexpression represses miR-198 through NF-kB–mediated OCT-2 induction, resulting in upregulation of miR-198 targets and increasedtumorigenesis.

(Continued.) The miR-198-high (n ¼ 11) group had a minimum 10-fold higher relative level of miR-198 than the miR-198-low group (n ¼ 26), as depicted bydashed area (0.01 and 0.001 miR-198 level relative to U6, respectively). C, five-order Venn diagram representing the complex interactome between thefactors in our proposed network analyzed based on total patients with pancreatic cancer, patients with miR-198-low pancreatic cancer, or patients withmiR-198-high pancreatic cancer. The numbers inside each colored oval represent the percent of patients in which the specific factors are upregulated(or downregulated in the case ofmiR-198) either individually (represented by up/down arrows in each oval) or for all possible combinations (represented by thenumbers in the center of the diagram). Correlations between miR-198 and interactomemembers. D, patient survival after surgery was longer in the miR-198-high group than in the miR-198-low group (P ¼ 0.0008, c2 ¼ 14.12, df ¼ 1), with an HR of 5.8 (95% CI, 2.321–14.57).

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spontaneously develops pancreatic cancer (KrasLSL.G12D/þ, p53R172H/þ, PdxCretg/þ) (or KPC) (37) are moreclinically relevant than subcutaneous model because of thedifferences in vascularity andmicroenvironment. However,as there is no mouse homolog of human miR-198, KPCmouse model was not chosen for the miR-198 study. In thecurrent study, the cancer cells were labeled with GFP, andtumor size and metastasis status in the mouse models weredirectly visualized under the fluorescence apparatus whensacrificing mice for easy tracking of metastatic nodules.However, GFP is not an optimal imaging technology fortacking tumor progression in live animals. Luciferase, infra-red, and mCherry are better than GFP for cancer imaging.

Taken together, our results show that miR-198–mediatedmodulation of our interactome has implications in pre-venting chemotherapeutic resistance of pancreatic cancercells. Therefore, miR-198 may have clinical value fromvarious perspectives. The identified interactome could actas a surrogate marker for extrapancreatic disease, as tumorsidentifiedwith the low-miR-198 signature aremore likely tometastasize or have metastasized. miR-198 replacementtherapy may offer benefits as a deterrent to metastasis byreversing the metastatic and invasive potential of primarytumor cells; in addition, effective delivery of miR-198 mayhelp to arrest proliferation of both the primary tumors andextrapancreatic disease by targeting the various interactomefactors. Finally, miR-198 replacement may sensitize MSLN-overexpressing cells to chemotherapeutic agents such asTNF-a or gemcitabine, allowing for an improvement intreatment through a multimodal approach. We are current-ly exploring these possibilities in new studies.

Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of InterestNo potential conflicts of interest were disclosed.

Authors' ContributionsConception and design:C.Marin-Muller, M. Li, C. Chen,W. Fisher, Q. YaoDevelopment of methodology: C. Marin-Muller, D. Li, U. Bharadwaj, C.Chen, Q. YaoAcquisitionofdata (provided animals, acquired andmanagedpatients,provided facilities, etc.): C. Marin-Muller, D. Li, S. Hodges, W. Fisher, Q.YaoAnalysis and interpretation of data (e.g., statistical analysis, biosta-tistics, computational analysis):C.Marin-Muller, D. Li,M. Li, C. Chen,W.Fisher, Q. Mo, Q. YaoWriting, review, and/or revision of the manuscript: C. Marin-Muller, C.Chen, W. Fisher, M.-C. Hung, Q. YaoAdministrative, technical, or material support (i.e., reporting or orga-nizing data, constructing databases): C. Marin-Muller, C. Chen, S.Hodges, Q. YaoStudy supervision: C. Marin-Muller, U. Bharadwaj, M. Li, C. Chen, Q. Yao

AcknowledgmentsThe authors thank Dr. Lawrence Donehower for his insight into the

project and edits on the article, Dr. Yuqing Zhang for technical support, andMs. Kristen Lackey for editing the article.

Grant SupportThis work was supported in part by NIH Research Grants CA140828 and

Dan L Duncan Cancer Center pilot grant (to Q. Yao). Dr. Marin-Muller wasfunded by a fellowship from the Cancer Prevention Research Institute ofTexas (CPRIT RP101499).

The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by thepayment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby markedadvertisement in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicatethis fact.

Received December 8, 2012; revised August 2, 2013; accepted August 23,2013; published OnlineFirst August 29, 2013.

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2013;19:5901-5913. Published OnlineFirst August 29, 2013.Clin Cancer Res   Christian Marin-Muller, Dali Li, Uddalak Bharadwaj, et al.   Suppressor MicroRNA-198 in Human Pancreatic CancerA Tumorigenic Factor Interactome Connected through Tumor

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