Page 1: About Power and Invisible Bankers - De macht van de ... · “About power and invisible bankers” came about by connecting the dots. Whoever has access to a search engine on their

About Power and Invisible BankersThe unfair battle of the 0.1% against the 99.9%


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About Power and

Invisible Bankers The unfair battle of the 0.1% against

the 99.9%

By: B.Izarre

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About Power and Invisible Bankers

The unfair battle of the 0.1% against the 99.9%

Copyright © Bizar Trading 2019

All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, digital, photocopying or recording, except for the inclusion in a review, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Published in The Netherlands by:

Bizar Trading

Email: [email protected]


Original titel: De macht van de onzichtbare bankiers. (NL)

Translated by: Anita Vinkesteijn

Final editing: Saskia R. Beuvery e/v Van Melick

ISBN: 9789082700442

NUR: 697

Cover illustration by: Johan van Dam

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This book provides answers to endless questions I have had for many years. With the knowledge I have now, I understand what is going on in the world around me. It gives me great satisfaction to help people understand that there may be a world out there they have not seen yet, because great effort is undertaken by the Deep State to conceal the truth. Let us work together to reveal the world of lies and deception around us.

Keep in touch…


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The following is a collection of facts which are available to anyone with access to the internet. These facts are indeed so bizarre that they couldn’t have been made up. It is my fervent wish that what I have recorded was not based on truth.

For sources and web links please visit:


With thanks to my wife Godelieve for her endless patience and support. Without the important contribution of Anita this book wouldn’t have been translated from Dutch into English and for this I am grateful. I also owe Saskia gratitude for her major part in proofreading and final editing.


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Contents INTRODUCTION ............................................................................. 7

1 The elephant on our doorstep .............................................. 13

2 Conspiracy or conspiracy theories? ...................................... 21

3 The Federal Reserve Bank (FED) Bank of International Settlements (BIS) ................................................................... 25

4 Mayer Amschel Bauer (1744 - 1812) ..................................... 47

5 Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830) and Albert Pike (1809-1891) ........................................................ 53

6 The French Revolution (1789) ............................................... 61

7 The First World War (1914-1918) ......................................... 65

8 Second World War (1940-1945) ........................................... 69

9 John F. Kennedy and his brothers ......................................... 79

10 Vietnam War 1955-1975 ....................................................... 85

11 Problem Reaction Solution.................................................... 91

12 George W. Bush .................................................................... 95

13 Barry Soetoro ...................................................................... 107

14 Fire and Fury ....................................................................... 115

15 The invisible power behind the invisible power ................. 121

16 The End Game of the Illuminati .......................................... 139

17 The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion ....................... 161

18 They who have seen the light ............................................. 167

19 Anonymous letter by a Freemason ..................................... 183

20 Conclusion And what can we do? ....................................... 189

Sources ...................................................................................... 207

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Page 8: About Power and Invisible Bankers - De macht van de ... · “About power and invisible bankers” came about by connecting the dots. Whoever has access to a search engine on their


INTRODUCTION This book will take you by the hand on a journey of discovery possibly influencing choices you will make in the future. The sources used to uncover information, are all readily accessible in books and on the internet and accessible to all. I can recommend that you as a reader browse the internet to check facts and obtain even more information in order to create your own truth. Is everything you find on the internet true? Of course not. Is everything main stream media (MSM) tells us true? Absolutely not. What to believe and what not is then for you to decide. It is up to you, the reader, to judge if this book indeed reveals the truth and whether or not we live a lie. Whatever the outcome, what you are about to read will be hard to believe, because it is bizarre!

You will be introduced to a group of men and women with their sheepdogs. They are the owners of and conspirators of the system. And.. who are the sheep? That is you and I, as that is what they call us. Sheeple!

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The group of men and women this book is all about do not speak of people but of “their Sheeple”. The fiscal slaves exist only to be shorn and then slaughtered not aware of what is happening, deprived as they are of information and fed by lies provided by politicians and the media. This book describes the secret occult conspiracies originating from Babylonian times, but we will not go that far back. To keep a clear and well-organised view on things, we start our journey in the eighteenth century, the year 1744, with the birth of Mayer Amschel Bauer.

But let’s move on in time. There are institutions who are hard at work with what they themselves call the New World Order (NWO). This is a perilous development with the aim of creating a world in a North Korean-like fashion, obtaining total and absolute power over everything and everybody. Institutions concerned with this are the Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), World Economic Forum (WEF), World Bank, International Monetary Conference, World Trade Organisation (WTO), United Nations (UN), North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), National Security Agency (NSA), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and The International Monetary Fund (IMF). Most of the employees employed by these institutions are dedicated workers just doing their work. Meanwhile, at the top of all these institutions is a group of men and women with their sheepdogs in key positions, who pursue the following aspirations:

One world government with control of all the continents (slavery instead of sovereignty)

One central bank with one digital currency which can be manipulated at will. (no more cash)

One world army to squash mutiny or rebelling citizens (we see that happening right now)

One world religion based on Luciferian principles (antichrist - the devil rather than Christianity. Undermine norms and values)

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One world justice system based on the rights of power, rather than justice (already applicable today)

If businesspersons and bankers are behind wars and stock-market crashes, then do not be surprised that the profiteers in the top echelons of banks and multinational companies will continue to go unpunished. It will only cease once the banking system, including the Federal Reserve (FED), the European Central Bank (ECB), and the Bank of International Settlement (BIS), stop functioning in their present form.

This book tells a story which would be hard to make up yourself, however, he who does his homework properly will notice that the pieces of the puzzle fit together amazingly well. This book endeavours to uncover the world of the invisible powers - Deep State - at work. The story is so bizarre that every straight-thinking human will scratch his head and have doubts about the plausibility of it all. Granted, this book is sometimes suggestive and a bit cynical, but at the same time it challenges the reader to pursue the truth, his own truth. The website is a perfect source to start your own investigations.

After reading this book, the frame of the puzzle will be completed, but by no means the complete puzzle will have been laid nor the total story will have been told. In fact, the subject matter is so huge that this puzzle will never actually be completed. The tip of the iceberg will be uncovered in this book, yes, but the largest part of this iceberg still hides under the surface. What is an acceptable truth and what is not is up to you the reader, but in this era of information technology, ignorance is a choice. The clock is ticking, it is almost 12 o’clock. There is an elephant on your doorstep and it will not shift. It is heading straight for its target.

Do not expect a high standard literary work. See it as an informative book and let it take you on a voyage of discovery, an adventure and exploration into a world that for many of you was invisible until now.

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Jews are people who follow the Jewish religion and there is nothing wrong with that. Muslims are people who follow the Islamic religion and there is nothing wrong with that either. Most Jesuits are followers of the religious order within the Catholic Church. Fine. Freemasons want to enhance the human spirit to become a better human being in order to be able to serve the community, which is also alright. The majority of the above mentioned are ordinary citizens, like you and me, and this book is not about any particular population group. In any case most of the Freemasons work at the lowest 3 layers of the Freemason pyramid, the so called Blue Grades (apprentice, companion, and master), and have no inkling of the activities going on at the 33rd level. The same goes for Jesuits. By far the most Jesuits think they are part of a religious order within the Catholic Church and have no knowledge whatsoever of what goes on inside the 9th circle of the Vatican. Round Table, Rotary, and Kiwanis, they all fit somewhere in the Freemasonry pyramid, and all serve as a cover-up for the Freemasons elite hovering at the 33rd level who call themselves the “Illuminati”. They have a secret agenda that will ultimately lead them to a New World Order. A world where they reign with absolute power are and in total control of everything and everybody.

Millions of employees and directors of banks, financial institutions, pharmaceutical companies, oil and food multinationals, governments and corporations, also those who work in politics, are simply hardworking people. People, who have nothing to do with this secret agenda of the key figures at the top of the company or corporation who employ them. The same goes for the millions of Catholics (e.g. deacons, priests, bishops), who carry out their religion in the Catholic Church. They are oblivious to what takes place in the catacombs of the Vatican, cathedrals and, yes, synagogues and it has nothing whatsoever to do with them or their religion they so faithfully follow.

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In short, nobody needs to be offended whilst reading this book, unless of course they move in the highest echelons of the orders of Jesuits and Freemasons who call themselves Illuminati. So, for the record, this book is not about a conspiracy of the Jews or Christians, Muslims, Freemasons, Jesuits or Catholics in general. Believe you me, the Jesuits whom I mention in this book are not catholic. The Illuminati who play the main role in this book are highly positioned and consecrated Jesuits and Freemasons, who abuse the Vatican and the Freemason pyramid respectively as a cover-up for their criminal activities. They are members of a Zionist movement and please note, Zionism is a political movement, not a race. Members have abandoned their Jewish, Catholic, Protestant, Hindu and Muslim faith and have instead become faithful followers of the devil, Lucifer. Do I exaggerate? Let us find out.

Page 13: About Power and Invisible Bankers - De macht van de ... · “About power and invisible bankers” came about by connecting the dots. Whoever has access to a search engine on their


It is easier to fool someone, than to convince him that he is being fooled. This book e.g. “About power and invisible bankers” came about by connecting the dots. Whoever has access to a search engine on their PC, laptop, iPad or smartphone can start today with the making of their own puzzle and the writing of their own book. Do not look at one pixel but take a step back and look at the millions of pixels resulting in a different picture. Do not regard one event as one incident but connect the dots … Aeroplanes shot out of the sky, false Flag terrorist attacks, fugitives, ailing banks, and dubious trade treaties and the abandoning of referenda. Those are not random incidents, but part of a bigger plan. Take a helicopter view and you will notice that all of these incidents and events, are intertwined. Visit and be astonished over and over again.






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1 The elephant on our doorstep

Something is on our doorstep and it has the size of an elephant. Worse… it IS an elephant. He has been on its way for years now, but no one saw him coming and now he has arrived. One more step and he will be inside, destroying everything.

This book is a compilation of about 250 years of history, but you will not find this information in any history book. If you had, you would have seen this elephant coming, but you did not and now he has suddenly appeared. How can it be no one saw this elephant standing on their doorstep? The simple answer is, because the media does not report anything on this subject, but prefers to try its level best to disguise its imminent arrival. The smokescreens, the purposefully created confusion, the lies and half-truths all make sure that the media never tell the whole truth about the political floundering of our world leaders. And with reason! It is because our world leaders are not at all who we think they are.

Who the real leaders are will become clear in this book. We will discover that the grabbing by the “big boys” occupying the highest positions at the banks and multinationals will not cease, why there will always be wars going on. If we know that the banking world, in particular the investment banks such as Goldman Sachs and central banks like the Federal Reserve Bank (FED) and the European Central Bank are corrupt and fraudulent. We, then wonder why none of these bankers have never been locked up. Those banks are responsible for creating “bubbles” and bursting them. They are “too big to fail” and their managers “too big to jail”. How is it possible that these criminals seem to be above the law and why have their fraudulent practices not been stopped? Why not follow Iceland’s example? Iceland made short work of their fraudulent bankers. In 2008, they threw 26 corrupt bankers, pinstriped suits and all, in jail and with that, definitively ended this

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financial cesspool in their country. Iceland has paid their debt to the International Monetary Fund and is the only country that has completely recovered from the financial crisis. It now boasts a healthy economic growth. The media does not pay much attention to this, but you wonder why not every European country follows the Iceland example.

Why? The world’s food and drink production is sufficient for everybody. Why then do thousands of people die on a daily basis due to lack of food, drink, or proper housing? Why are we told nothing but lies about climate change, vaccinations and 5G and why do most people accept the garbage they are being told by government and MSM. Why do they not realize that they are being misinformed, misguided and brainwashed. Why has the 9/11 truth still not been told and why will it take years to uncover the truth about the MH370 disappearance and the shooting down of the MH17. Why are we not told that these events are interconnected and did not happen by accident. Why, would the USA want to take out seven countries in five years; Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Liberia, Somalia, Sudan and Iran (retired general Wesley Clark’s speech 30th October 2007). Why is The Netherlands such an important player in the worldwide distribution of drugs. How can it be that containers full of drugs enter Rotterdam supposedly “undetected” by our harbour authorities. Wealth flows from the poor to the rich, rather than vice versa. Why do mainstream media sources feed us with lies or, at best, half-truths? 75% of the American population (and probably European) live from month to month without any reserve and the number of people dependent on foodbanks has doubled since 2009. WHY INDEED?

Democracy you say? The Euro got shoved down our throats, governments have their own agenda and politicians have no mandate for that agenda. A typical example would be the people’s referendum of June 1st 2005 in which two thirds of the people who voted, voted against

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the proposed European Constitution. The leaders ignored the outcome, because for them the road to Brussels had long since been perfectly defined, with or without a mandate of the voter. Another example is the Association Agreement that concluded in June 2014 between the European Union and the Ukraine. Without having had any say in the matter European citizens found it partly implemented by January 1st 2016. A referendum on that issue followed and consequently the government in The Hague, being errand boys of Brussels, were rapped over the knuckles. Quite rightly so. Prime Minister Rutte knows he should not sign the agreement. After a lot of squirming and twisting, the Agreement gets an Addendum and Rutte signs it anyway. Then let us talk about the Brexit. The British people want to run their own country and have clearly indicated that they have no need for the interference of the EU in Brussels in its present form. Is it not interesting to see how the political elite in Brussels totally ignore the verdict given by the British people. A Brexit does not fit in the bigger picture of the New World Order (NWO) pursued by the true world leaders lurking in the shadows of the elected and non-elected politicians, whom we all know from our daily newspapers and TV. It is about time that politicians realise they are there for the people, and not vice versa. Peoples interests however, are not the question here, but rather the private interests of a handful of individuals e.g. the “owners” of the system. Brussels is full of non-elected marionettes who pursue one goal, namely the robbing of sovereign European countries of their sovereignty and making tax slaves of its ignorant citizens. The Deep State elite tried and failed during the first World War and then tried and failed again during the second World War. Now it is the EU, under United Nations (UN) control, trying to achieve what two world wars could not bring about. Day after day, we are being fooled and all the while living in the playground of the “old boys” network. To find out how this network functions and get some answers to our questions we need to interview those invisible rulers. They are the true head

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honchos behind the world leaders and in reality the owners of the system.

Getting answers to my questions. Alas, they are not at home, because officially they do not exist and non-existent people are impossible to interview. Once you start looking for answers however, it becomes apparent how surprisingly easy it is to unravel their secret society. “Seek and Thou shall find”. If you want to find out how and where the invisible power hides, start by following the shortcuts of the big money circuit. Even better, if you start by following the shortcuts of the criminal money circuit you then end up at the power base of the invisible bankers whose identities very few dare name, as it has proven to be bad for your health if you do. Look what happened to President Kennedy, only one of many whose life came to an unfortunate end. He refused to cooperate with the Deep State elite and their goals.

Central Banks The world’s best known central bank, the Federal Reserve Bank (FED), came about with the necessary lies and deceit. The media does not report about this and you will not find this information in any history book. That does not mean that this information is not readily available for those who seek to find it. Did you ever hear of the Bank of International Settlement (BIS)? This bank was formalized on the 20th of April 1930 in The Hague and is indeed the most powerful bank in the world, yet practically no-one has ever heard of it. Why this shroud of secrecy? That is not all though, because the owners of these banks were also responsible for financial crises and stock market crashes like the crash of October 24th 1924, known as black Thursday. Wars are no longer about occupying each other’s land or robbing each other’s livestock. Nowadays, the so-called “game of war” is like running a business, big business. Over time, communism, socialism and capitalism have all been manipulations by ruthless individuals, with the idea to cause chaos and play them off against each other. These

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