Page 1: Accessing and Funding Assistive Technology for Young Children with Disabilities

Early Childhood Education Journal, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2000

Early Childhood Special Education

Accessing and Funding Assistive Technology forYoung Children with Disabilities

Sharon Lesar Judge


In the last decade, new assistive technology devices When young children are being considered for as-have enabled young children with disabilities to play, sistive technology, the first questions asked are, “Whatlearn, communicate, and interact with their environment does it mean to need assistive technology?” “What ser-to a greater degree than ever before. Even with the thou- vices are available to provide training, technical assis-sands of commercially manufactured and homemade as- tance, and supports to teachers and families?” “Who willsistive technology devices currently available, profes- pay for the assistive device?” As early childhood educa-sionals and parents continue to demand more access to tion professionals and parents thoughtfully look at atechnology. Although the benefits of assistive technol- child’s need for assistive technology, some basic infor-ogy for young children seem clear, the reality of funding mation is needed for the development and provision ofshortages, bureaucratic barriers, and accessibility can be assistive technology services that align to federal, state,frustrating and discouraging for families and profession- and local mandates.als alike. Early childhood education professionals are The impetus for the use of assistive technologynow responsible for helping young children and families evolves from the passage of the Technology-Related As-select and acquire assistive technology devices as well sistance for Individuals with Disabilities Act of 1988as instruct them in their use. Unfortunately, many pro- (PL 100-407; commonly referred to as the “Tech Act”),fessionals have inadequate training and/or experience which expands the availability of assistive technologywith technology, its application, family participation in services and devices for persons of all ages with disabili-the selection and use of assistive technology, and knowl- ties. According to the Tech Act, assistive technology de-edge about accessing funding sources for assistive tech- vices include any item, piece of equipment, or productnology. system, whether acquired commercially, off the shelf,

As the number of young children using assistive modified, or customized, that is used to increase, main-technology increases, four areas emerge as particularly tain, or improve the functional capabilities of childrenimportant: accessing assistive technology, matching with disabilities. Assistive technologies range from sim-needs of child to technology, funding for assistive de- ple devices, such as adapted spoons and switch-adaptedvices and services, and training for early childhood edu- battery-operated toys, to complex devices, such as aug-cation professionals and family members. Frequently mentative communication aids, powered mobility equip-asked questions, common concerns, and suggestions for ment, and computers and peripheral devices. Using thisearly childhood education professionals and families are definition, assistive technology embraces all devices andreviewed for each of these areas. Finally, the implica- equipment that can help young children with disabilitiestions of that knowledge to improve the availability of to develop and use their skills to the best of their poten-assistive technology to young children and their families tial.are described. The 1997 revision of the Individuals with Disabili-

ties Education Act (IDEA) further identified assistivetechnology as a special factor that must be considered1The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, each individualized education plan (IEP) team. The2Correspondence should be directed to Sharon Lesar Judge, The Uni-most significant aspect of the new version is the require-versity of Tennessee, 331 Claxton Addition, Knoxville, Tennessee

37996-3400; e-mail: [email protected] ment that need for assistive technology must be consid-

1251082-3301/00/1200-0125$18.00/0 2000 Human Sciences Press, Inc.

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ered when developing each child’s IEP. IEP teams that type of device (Scherer, 1996). This crisis of technologyabandonment happens for various reasons, ranging fromhave not traditionally considered needs for assistive

technology, such as the teams for a child with emotional children outgrowing particular assistive devices to pro-fessionals determining what they think is appropriate asdisturbance or with speech and language disabilities,

must also answer the question: Is there technology that opposed to listening to child and family preferences. Of-ten the reason for this abandonment is that the familyis needed for this child to receive a free and appropriate

public education or to benefit from the educational pro- has had little say in selecting the assistive device. Othermajor reasons for technology abandonment include (a)gram we have designed?

Assistive technology services have been defined in lack of meaningful training on how to use the deviceand/or lack of ongoing team support; (b) sophisticationIDEA as a service that directly assists a child with a

disability in the selection, acquisition, or use of an as- of the device to the extent that it confuses the family,child, and professionals; (c) lack of access to and infor-sistive technology device [34 CFR ¶ 303.12(d)(1)]. As-

sistive technology services to young children include a mation about repair and maintenance; and (d) lack ofmotivation to use the device or do the task for which itnumber of specific supports such as purchasing and leas-

ing devices and equipment, customizing and adapting is intended (Phillips & Zhao, 1993). To avoid the prob-lem of technology abandonment, early childhood educa-devices, repair of devices, training in the use of devices,

and coordinating therapies, interventions, and services tion professionals must involve families in all aspects ofassistive technology decision-making.with assistive technology devices (Parette & Murdick,

1998). Problems associated with abandonment or lack ofimplementation of assistive technology may be a directFederal laws such as the IDEA require that assist-

ive technology devices and services be provided to chil- outcome of ineffective assessment and intervention pro-cesses. While the field of early intervention has empha-dren with disabilities by the public agency (e.g., public

school, early intervention program) serving them. With sized family involvement in all aspects of assessmentand intervention, family involvement during assistiveregard to assistive technology, IDEA provides that, if a

child with a disability requires assistive technology de- technology assessment has been limited (Parette & An-gelo, 1996). For example, agencies providing assistivevices, services, or both in order to receive a free and

appropriate public education, the public agency must en- technology services may utilize traditional assessmentmethods involving a succession of professionals seeingsure that they are made available to the child, either as

special education, related services, or as supplementary a child in isolation of the family. Traditional assess-ments, including standardized tests, have been recentlyaids and services. Thus, if assistive technology is identi-

fied as part of the child’s IFSP or IEP, the assistive tech- criticized for not providing relevant information to en-hance the acquisition of functional skills of young chil-nology, as well as the training in the use of it, must be

provided by the public agency at no cost to the parents. dren with disabilities (Linder, 1993). The results of atraditional assessment may lead to the recommendationof a device geared toward specific school tasks as op-

MATCHING NEEDS OF CHILDposed to a tool to facilitate independent functioning of a

TO TECHNOLOGYchild in multiple environments. Additionally, therapeuticassistive technology services (e.g., teaching a child toSuccessful use of assistive technology requires

team-based assessments that lead to identification of ap- use a device) may be conducted in structured settingsthat do not represent natural conditions under which apropriate devices and services. This occurs when family

members play an active role during the assessment pro- child will be expected to use a device. The lack of fam-ily input in the assistive technology service delivery sys-cess and assistive technology decision making is a col-

laborative effort between family members and profes- tem may delay a child’s progress in generalizing useof a device to natural settings. Finally, the outcomes ofsionals. When family and child’s needs, preferences,

abilities, and experiences are not considered in the as- traditional assistive technology assessments may yieldvery isolated recommendations that may result in limitedsessment process, the selection of the device will most

likely lead to limited use (Allaire, Gressard, Black- device use by the child and family. One way to increaseappropriate assistive technology recommendations forman, & Hostler, 1991; Culp, Ambrosi, Berniger, &

Mitchell, 1986) or its abandonment (Parette & Angelo, young children is to develop assessment and interven-tion strategies that promote child and family competen-1996; Scherer, 1996).

Although many young children gain access to as- cies in the assistive technology decision-making process.Another factor associated with technology aban-sistive technology, studies show rates of technology

abandonment ranging from 8–75%, depending on the donment is a failure to identify family needs, resources,

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and support as a component of the assessment process tech assistive devices—on their own. Without financialalternatives to help families obtain these assistive de-(Angelo, Jones, & Kokoska, 1995). IDEA recognizes the

key role families play in the development of the young vices, young children with disabilities are denied theability to play, learn, communicate, and interact withchild as reflected in language such as “family-centered”

or “family-focused” care. This rethinking of family-cen- family and friends.Early childhood education professionals and fami-tered intervention in assistive technology contrasts

sharply with a traditional perspective in which the term lies need to become knowledgeable about the most fea-sible sources of funding for assistive technology. Fund-“intervention” is generally defined either at the level of

program involvement or in terms of the provision of a ing under IDEA and the Tech Act is available for use insupplying technology-related needs; but with shrinkingspecific professional therapeutic or educational treat-

ment. For example, many assistive devices that are ac- budgets and limited resources, it is increasingly difficultfor funding sources to process all the requests for assist-quired for young children with disabilities are viewed as

something used in a school or clinical setting instead of ive devices. As a result, the application process may re-quire substantial energy expenditure and advocacy indevices that increase the independence and functioning

of children across environments. It is also frequently as- finding a source for funds. Although financial resourcesare often scarce, funding does not limit a child’s needsumed that only specialists have the necessary knowl-

edge and experience to make decisions about appro- for assistive technology. Professionals must assist fami-lies in becoming resourceful and actively involved inpriate devices for children to use. However, the child

and family have unique expertise concerning their activ- accessing funding mechanisms for needed assistive tech-nology. The following section briefly describes some ofities and goals and the environment in which they live.

Failure to use this expertise may result in the failure of the major assistive technology funding sources that existat the federal, state, local, and private levels.the device to meet the needs of the child and her family

and terminate in abandonment of the device.Medicaid

Medicaid is a jointly funded federal and state medi-FUNDINGcal insurance program for individuals and families with

Funding for assistive technologies remains one oflow income. The Medicaid program has a durable medi-

the biggest obstacles to acquiring needed devices andcal equipment category that covers some devices if that

services. Funding is available from a variety of publicdevice is considered medically necessary and a physi-

and private sources. However, finding and paying forcian’s authorization is obtained. Each state develops its

the right assistive technology can be difficult for fami-own regulations for program participation according to

lies. This may be due to the high cost of equipmentspecified federal guidelines, and each state may provide

(Hofmann, 1988), the restrictive or vague eligibility cri-additional services at their own discretion. Thus, there

teria imposed by potential public and private sources ofare wide variations in the scope of state services offered.

funding (McGuiness, 1982; Ward, 1989), professionals’In addition, assistive technology services (e.g., occupa-

lack of knowledge about finding funding options (Lesar,tional, physical, and speech therapy) are covered under

1998), or locating and accessing third-party paymentfederal Medicaid law.

sources (Church & Glennen, 1992). Even with a varietyThe Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and

of federal, state, and private insurance funding sources,Treatment (EPSDT) program for children from birth to

funding options beyond current practices are very muchage 21 requires that states cover regular and periodic

needed for young children to obtain assistive technologyexams for eligible children. This program specifically

(Wallace, 1995).states that any medically necessary services or durable

As assistive technology use among young childrenmedical equipment prescribed by EPSDT must be pro-

with disabilities becomes more widespread and as tech-vided, even if that service is not covered in that state’s

nologies continue to become increasingly sophisticated,Medicaid program. This includes assistive devices that

both their total cost and the demand for them rises. Formay have been excluded under the regular Medicaid

example, augmentative and alternative communicationprogram.

(AAC) devices, such as the Macaw by Zygo, cost up to$2,200. A Dynavox augmentative communication de-

CHAMPUSvice, which, through software, provides synthesizedspeech via direct touch, joystick, auditory or visual scan- The Civilian Health and Medical Program of the

Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS) is a federally-fundedning modes, costs $5,300. Thus, very few families canafford to pay for high-tech devices—or even many low- medical benefits insurance program for spouses and

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children of active duty, retired, and deceased active duty change (Hutinger, Johanson, & Stoneburner, 1996).Many agencies and school districts do not have a tech-and retired uniformed services personnel. CHAMPUS

provides funding for assistive technology if it is deemed nology repair system or a technology specialist to deter-mine the cause of the malfunctions. Funding of assistivemedically necessary. This federal program is operated

by contracts through various insurance companies to technology needs should include upgrading, maintain-ing, and repairing equipment in a timely fashion.provide health coverage in a designated region.

Public School ProgramsTRAINING

Local school districts are required by law to pro-The future of assistive technology depends on the

vide assistive technology for children with disabilities ifextent to which individuals who provide services to

it is shown to be necessary to allow the child to receiveyoung children and their families have the knowledge

an education in the least restrictive environment. Needand skills to access and use technology services. Since

for assistive technology devices and services must bepreservice training in assistive technology is often lack-

included in the IEP. Once the assistive technology needing, professionals who work with young children with

is determined by the IEP committee, the school systemdisabilities need additional training to increase their

must actively pursue funding to obtain the device for thetechnology competencies (Kinney & Blackhurst, 1987;

child.Parette & VanBiervliet, 1991). Lack of technology train-ing and technology support services has been reported

Private Insuranceas a barrier to implementing assistive technology (Behr-mann, 1994; Hutinger et al., 1996; Lesar, 1998). EvenSome individual health insurance policies fund as-

sistive technology, but private insurance plans vary though every state and U.S. territory has received fund-ing through the Tech Act to provide assistive technologygreatly in terms of insurance coverage and the degree

of payment. Most private insurance fund only assistive devices and services, many professionals, as well as par-ents of young children, are unfamiliar with assistivetechnology that is considered medically necessary and

prescribed by a physician. technologies and often do not know where to begin tolook for needed services or assistance. In a recent study,Lesar found that 68% of early childhood special educa-Private Fundingtion teachers surveyed felt unprepared in the use of as-

Private funding sources include nonprofit disabilitysistive technology. For these teachers, limited knowl-

associations (e.g., United Cerebral Palsy Association,edge and usage of assistive technology prevented them

United Way, March of Dimes), private foundations, ser-from accessing and implementing assistive technology

vice clubs and organizations (e.g., Lions Club, Shriners,services and devices. Even when school districts and

Rotary Club), and national advocacy groups. Most pri-agencies have technology specialists, assessments are

vate funding will assist in the purchasing of devices ifoften backlogged, devices are improperly matched to in-

other sources of funding have been unsuccessful. Thesedividual children following incomplete assessments,

organizations usually have specific guidelines and eligi-one-shot training may be provided, and there is little

bility requirements. It is often useful to contact thesefollow-up due to time constraints and multiple tasks im-

organizations by telephone for information about theposed on specialists (Lahm, 1996). As technology be-

process for obtaining funding and specific agency forms.comes more available for young children with disabili-ties, having trained staff available who can assess a

Loan Programsfamily’s needs and a child’s technological needs is es-sential. Ongoing training and staff development is im-Credit financing provides another option for fami-

lies who are not eligible for other third-party payment perative for professionals to become and remain in-formed users of advancing technology.programs. A variety of loan financing programs operate

in some of the state Tech Act projects that provide low- In addition to training early childhood educationprofessionals, family members need information aboutor no-interest loans to help buy assistive technology. In-

formation about credit financing of assistive technology and access to technology, including products, informa-tion services, and training on technology use. Parentcan also be obtained from the manufacturer of the equip-

ment. training should focus on their rights to request assistivetechnology devices and services from schools and agen-Related to funding resources is the difficulty of re-

pairing, maintaining, and upgrading the devices as needs cies (Hayward, Tashjian, & Wehman, 1995). To ensure

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that the device has enough practical applications and is family members clearly understand the expectationsthat families have for assistive technology devicesresponsive to child and family needs, training should oc-

cur in the context of the family’s daily life and natural and that they provide meaningful information tofamilies regarding device features and capabilities.routines. When training integrates the technology into

the home and community, it most likely will result in Planning for the delivery of appropriate assistivetechnology devices and services cannot be accom-functional daily use of a device that promotes the child’s

overall development of independence in their environ- plished successfully without information relating towhat is valued and needed by the family. This re-ment.

Though emphasis in the area of assistive technol- quires an understanding of family needs, strengths,and resources. Professionals can then use this infor-ogy training has increased over the last few years, it is

evident that professionals as well as families need addi- mation to collaborate with families in identifyingand obtaining assistive devices and services accord-tional training in this area. In order to maximize the

potential of young children with disabilities and to inte- ing to each family’s priorities. Once recognized,family needs and concerns (e.g., amount of time re-grate assistive technology applications to solve func-

tional problems, greater training opportunities in assess- quired to learn a device) can be addressed in waysthat support the entire family.ment, team decision-making strategies regarding device

selection, and device-specific training should be pro- • Request literature on assistive technology devices,ask questions, and suggest options for selections. Avided in all service systems. Until technology training is

significantly improved, young children with disabilities review of products advertised in various catalogs canprovide information on potential devices that mightmay often continue to be mismatched with devices that

do not meet their communicative, educational, and inde- be appropriate for the child. Vendors may also becontacted and requested to provide demonstrationspendent learning needs. However, enhanced educational

opportunities and training programs can better prepare and hands-on opportunities for children and familiesto use devices. Many states have established assist-professionals and families to make appropriate device

choices during the decision-making process. ive technology centers or resource programs and canbe located by contacting a state department of spe-cial education or early childhood education division.

IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICEIn other states, technological resources are availablethrough the Alliance for Technology Access CentersThere are several strategies that professionals and

families can employ to ensure access and prevent tech- (ATA). The Alliance works in partnership with tech-nology vendors, families, professionals, and personsnology abandonment (Male, 1997; Parette, Hofmann, &

VanBiervliet, 1994; Turner et al., 1995). The key to suc- with disabilities to provide the latest informationabout available products and services. A number ofcess in implementing any of these strategies is for pro-

fessionals to empower families to be involved in all as- organizations are devoted to supporting the use ofcomputers and assistive technology with young chil-pects of assistive technology assessment and service

delivery (Judge & Parette, 1998a). Family participation dren. Figure 1 lists additional resources available forfinding more information about assistive technologyon the assistive technology team is crucial. Descriptions

of teams in the professional literature emphasize the for young children.• Talk with other parents, professionals, and others in-involvement of related service personnel and early child-

hood professionals collaborating with the child and fam- volved in service delivery to young children with dis-abilities about their experiences in using specificily members. Assistive technology teams are necessary

since no one individual or discipline will have all the types of technology. Having information provided byother families who use assistive technology is ofteninformation available regarding the range of assistive

devices that might be helpful for a child (Smith, a much more powerful way to provide supportiveservices to families who have specific questions re-Benge, & Hall, 1994).

The following is a number of strategies for obtain- garding assistive technology device usage and main-tenance. Of course, access to a professional for tech-ing assistive technology that are helpful for identifying

and selecting appropriate technology for young children nical or other questions should still be madeavailable. Careful consideration must be given to theand their families (Judge & Parette, 1998b).

• Clearly understand outcomes of using technology demands that will be made on families for learningto use, maintain, and repair a particular device.that reflects existing family needs, strengths, and re-

sources. It is critical that professionals working with • Borrow or loan assistive devices for trial use prior

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Fig. 1. Selected assistive technology resources.

to ordering. Many programs offer a short-term loan devices being considered should be contacted to ob-tain user perspectives regarding dependability, lon-program whereby children and their families can

“try-out” the recommended technology. Assistive gevity and repair issues. Vendors should be askedwhether the child and family will have a backup ordevices can be borrowed for a trial period so the

family can access the technology over an extended “loaner” device provided by the manufacturer whilethe device is being repaired and whether a warrantyperiod of time and use it during actual home and

school routines. Some manufacturers offer rental op- is available.• Get information about the longevity of the devicetions for extended evaluation and trial implementa-

tion, often with credit of rental fees being applied and how it can be adapted or exchanged when it isno longer in use for the child. The longevity andtoward the purchase price of the device.

• Obtain information about the dependability and cost durability of devices become important considera-tions given that some assistive devices must be han-of maintenance and repair of device. Dependability

of the device includes the extent to which (a) the dled carefully and cannot be subjected to even mod-erate abuse (e.g., drooling, spills, being dropped)device performance matches manufacturer claims

and (b) the device meets the needs of the child. In- while other devices are specifically designed to resistvery rugged use by young children. Product manualsformation from vendors about product testing, relia-

bility, and repair records for devices should be ex- should be examined for information regarding lon-gevity and durability; if unavailable, contact theamined. Persons in the community who use the

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Hofmann, A. (1988). Funding: How you can make it work. In C. A.manufacturer for these data. Before an assistive tech-Costor (Ed.), Planning and implementing augmentative communi-

nology device is purchased, potential modifications cation services delivery (pp. 80–93). Washington, DC: RESNAPress.needed for the device to meet a child’s changing

Hutinger, P., Johanson, J., & Stoneburner, R. (1996). Assistive tech-needs over time must be carefully considered. Suchnology applications in educational programs of children with

needed modifications should then be weighed multiple disabilities: A case study report on the state of the prac-tice. Journal of Special Education Technology, 13, 16–35.against available fiscal and human resources in the

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1990, P.L. 101-476.service system that will be needed to make the nec-(October 30, 1990). 20 U.S.C. ¶ 1400 et seq: U.S. Statutes at

cessary modifications. Large, 104, 1103–1151.Individuals with Disabilities Education Act,, 20 U.S.C. ¶ 1400 et seq.In addition, implementing the strategies requires

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and services. It is important that professionals and fami- Kinney, P. G., & Blackhurst, A. E. (1987). Technology competenciesfor teachers of young children with severe handicaps. Topics inlies become familiar with the disability legislation. ByEarly Childhood Special Education, 7, 105–115.understanding the disability legislation and adopting

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Male, M. (1997). Technology for inclusion (3rd ed.). Boston: AllynThe use of assistive technology by young childrenand Bacon.has gained acceptance during the past decade. In the

McGuiness, K. (1982). Stalking the elusive buck. Boston: Environ-new world that is rapidly emerging, all individuals must ments Center, Massachusetts College of Art.

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technology. However, the mere provision of assistive Parette, H. P., Hofmann, A., & VanBiervliet, A. (1994). The profes-sional’s role in obtaining funding for assistive technology for in-technology to young children with disabilities and theirfants and toddlers with disabilities. Teaching Exceptional Chil-families is admittedly not an end in itself. The full po-dren, 26, 22–28.

tential of assistive technology for a particular child can- Parette, H. P., & Murdick, N. L. (1998). Assistive technology and IEPsfor young children with disabilities. Early Childhood Educationnot be realized unless early childhood professionals andJournal, 25, 193–198.families effectively identify, acquire, and implement ap-

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