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Dr. Nathalie Beauchamp

• Owner of Beauchamp Chiropractic: A Creating Wellness Centre.

• Dr. Beauchamp is a wellness chiropractor, a certified personal fitness trainer, a professional natural bodybuilder, a wellness consultant and lecturer.

• Co-Author of the book Wellness On The Go

• Creator of Roadmap to Wellness, an on-line, self-pace education/coaching program.

• Her mission is to bring wellness and optimal health locally and globally.

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Goals For Our Lecture

• Shifting the way we think about health • Understanding wellness and what it means• The impact of stress – the importance of the nervous system• Wellness in the physical dimension – tools and tips• Wellness in the biochemical dimension – tools and tips• Wellness in the psychological dimension – tools and tip• Questions

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Your Health – Your Life

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HEALTH QUIZTrue or False

It is possible that a person could have heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure and yet

not feel any symptom?


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HEALTH QUIZTrue or False

When a person has no symptoms, does it means that he/she is healthy?


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“A major concern is that so many people are turning to pills; they are simply ignoring the

warning signs of ill health. Symptoms or pain tells us something is wrong.”

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Fire Analogy – Crisis vs Prevention

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Stress anyone?

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Why stress is so important to understand

Stress is one of the

leading contributors to

preventable disease.

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What is stress?

Hans Selye was the founder of the concept of stress.

He was a Canadian MD, Ph.D., endocrinologist and became famous for presenting his research on the concept of Stress as a specific condition he termed

GAS – General Adaptation Syndrome.

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Two Types of Stress

1. Positive stress = Eustress

2. Negative stress = Distress

Not all stress is bad stress.

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The Effects of Stress

– Doubles the rate of heart and cardiovascular problems

– More than doubles the rate of anxiety and depression

– Doubles the rate of substance abuse

– Doubles the rate of infectious diseases

– Doubles the rate of relationship problems

– Triples the rate of back pain

– Contribute to a five time increase in some cancers

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Causes of Stress

Physical Stress

Bio-chemical Stress

Psychological Stress

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Physical Stress

Birth trauma Slips and falls Inactivity Overwork Illness Motor vehicle injury Sport injury Electromagnetic stresses:

Airplane travel Cell phones Fluorescent lights High voltage power lines Microwave ovens Television Computers

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Psychological Stress






Inadequate sleep


Family life Finances




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Biochemical Stress



Drugs (all kinds)


Nutritional deficiencies

Processed foods/sugar


Processed foods

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So, if you experience or suffer from:

• Anxiety

• Back pain

• Depression

• Fatigue

• Weight gain

… then you may be suffering from stress.

Do any of these problems affect anyone here today?

• Insomnia

• Relationship problems

• Stiff neck

• Upset stomach

• Constipation or diarrhea

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What are the Determinants of Longevity & Quality of Life?

• Genetics?

• Lifestyle ?

• Brain and Nervous System?

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Lifestyle Effects on Longevity

• Normal Blood Pressure: Adds 4 yrs

• Normal Cholesterol: Adds 4 yrs

• Healthy Weight: Adds 1-3 yrs

• Regular Exercise: Adds 1-3 yrs

• Optimistic Outlook: Adds 6-7 yrsBy eating a clean diet, being fit, and thinking well you can add up

to 21 years to your life!

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Nervous System• Fact 1.

We live our lives through our nervous systems: it’s the master system

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Nervous System• Fact 2:

The nervous system coordinates all tissues, cells and organs in the body.

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Nervous System• Fact 3.

Nervous System Interference

A state of the body where overwhelming lifestyle stress causes interference with the nervous system function and results in spinal misalignment.

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How do you “feel” versus…

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The Lifestyle The Lifestyle Choices You Make Choices You Make Today Will Today Will Determine Determine YOURYOUR Health Tomorrow!Health Tomorrow!

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What is Wellness?What is Wellness?

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The degreedegree to which an individual experiences health and vitality in the 3 dimensions of live.

Wellness and illness exist on a continuum. The human body is never static. Every decision you make moves you towards

wellness - or away from it.

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Wellness in the physical dimension – Be Fit

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Physical Dimension

1. Setting Your Goals

2. Strength

3. Core strength

4. Stretching

5. Cardio

6. Sleep and recuperation

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Where are you going? What are your goals?

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1- Setting Your Goals

Creating S.M.A.R.T goals– Specific

– Measurable

– Attainable

– Relevant/Realistic

– Timely and Tangible

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2. Strength training• Use a log book for commitment

and training improvements• Train each body part once a week• Combine two body parts per


– Day One- Chest, Biceps and Core– Day Two- rest– Day Three- Back, Triceps and Core– Day Four- rest– Day Five- Legs and Core– Day Six- rest– Day Seven- Shoulders, Traps and Abs

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3. Core Strength

• Importance of a strong core

• Not just your abs!

• Posture muscles

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4. Stretching

• Stretching is over rated…

• Try Yoga or Pilates

• Stretch only the body part you are working out that day

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5. Cardio

• Why cardio?

• Short burst vs long distance

• How long to get the benefits?

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6 - Sleep

• Sleep is crucial for proper metabolism, repair, growth, and immune function.

• Why your body needs sleep:– Regulates hormones

– Can prevents cancer

– Links to heart attack and stroke

– Decreases inflammation

– Increases energy level

– Better memory

– Healthy weight

– Links to depression

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6 - Sleep

Tips For Restful Night Sleep• Keep schedule

• Create a bedtime routine

• Maintain a healthy weight

• Exercise daily

• Make your bedroom dark

• Get some sunshine

• Avoid caffeine after noon

• Journaling

• Avoid alcohol

• Remove your clock from view - EMFs

• Power naps

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Sleeping position

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Wellness in the Biochemical Dimension – Eat Right

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Nutrition - Basic

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Macronutrients: Proteins, Carbohydrates and Fats

Micronutrients: Vitamins, Minerals and Water

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Function – muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin and hair

12 non-essential amino-acid and 8 essential amino-acid

Energy = 4 calories per gram

How much do we need? – level of activity

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Protein Consumption Considerations

• Average adult .4 gr. per pound-weight

• Exerciser\active .5 gr. to .75gr.

• Athlete .6 gr. To 0.9 gr.

• Bodybuilder 1.0 to 1.5 gr.Ex.– 200 pound active men = 100 gr.

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Good protein sources:

Organic beef

Organic chicken

Non-toxic fish

Organic Eggs

Legumes, nuts and grains

Fermented soy products

Whey protein powder

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Protein to limit or avoid:

Luncheon meats/hot dogs

Non-organic meats

Dairy products (non-raw)

Non-fermented soy

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Are they that bad?

Simple versus complex

Energy = 4 calories per gram

Function of Carbs (brain – blood sugar – glycemic index)

Insulin - diabetes

Fiber (soluble and insoluble) 20 to 35 gr.

How much Carbs do we need?

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Good sources:

Vegetable – all kinds


Yams and sweet potatoes



Brown rice


Whole grain bread and pasta

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Sources to limit or avoid:

White rice

White pasta

White bread

Instant oatmeal

Fruit juices

Process breakfast cereals



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Why we need fat: (cell – soluble vitamins –insulation organs – tissue structure – fuel –hormones)

Types of fat

How much do we need?

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Types of fats

Saturated fats: animal products, butter cheese and cream, coconut oil, palm oil and hard margarine (solid or semi-solid at room temperature)

Poly-saturated fats: (liquid at room temperature): safflower oil, sunflower oil, soy bean oil, corn oil

Mono-saturated fats: canola oil, olive and peanuts –liquid at room temperature but solid when refrigerated

Trans fat: (hydrogenation) potato chips and donuts

Cholesterol (animal products and dairy) – 1000mg daily needed

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Good fats:

Fish oil

Flax seed oil

Coconut oil

Olive oil

Almond oil

Walnut oil

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Fats to avoid or limit:

Trans fats

Fried food: any kind

Saturated fats from red meat and cheese

Salad dressing - mayonnaise

Cookies and cracker

Partially-hydrogenated vegetable oils


Processed cooking oils

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Nutritional Typing ™- Our differences!

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How do you know if you are eating right for your type?

• Do not feel satisfied with your meals

• Have craving, especially for sugar

• Have frequent and intense hunger (especially protein type)

• Experiences mood swings

• Experiences some degree of brain fog

• Have inconsistent or and low energy

• More prone to feeling anxious and depressed

• More prone to addictions

• Will be very prone to being overweight or underweight

• Are prone to all types of degeneration processes

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Vitamin basics

• Multivitamins – are they all created equal?

• Omega 3 (EPA and DHEA) – benefits

• Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin D – requirements

• Greens

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How do “YOUR” Multi-Vitamins rate in terms of absorption/quality?

• Quest Extra once per day 1 star• Equate Complete 1 star• Centrum no star• Life Brand Optimum .5 star• One a Day Adult no star• Kirkland Daily Multi .5 star• Jamieson Regular Vita-Min 1 star • GNC Ultra Mega 1.5 star• Equate Century Complete no star• Sisu Multi Active 2.0 stars• Swiss Super Adult 2.0 stars• Douglas Laboratories 5.0 stars• Creating Wellness 5.0 stars

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Fish Oil - Omega-3

• Omega 6 and 9?

• Omega 3 are found in abundance in fish oil

• Look for formulas that are purified with an advanced detoxification process to remove potentially harmful compounds, such as mercury and lead.


2. Cardiovascular health

3. Brain function

4. Joint health

5. Blood sugar metabolism

6. Pregnancy and child development

7. Increase energy

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Calcium Supplements

• Quality source

• For better absorption Calcium needs to be combine with:

– Magnesium

– Vitamin D

– Vitamin C

• Also needs trace minerals and other vitamins for proper absorption and “delivery”: Silicon, Strontium, Boron, Vitamin K, Copper, Zinc, Manganese…

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• Wheat grass or barley grass juices are green juice pressed from young wheat and barley plants that are one of the richest sources of chlorophyll, natural vitamins, minerals, enzymes and life energy available.

• Wheat grass and barley grass are very high in chlorophyll.

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Wellness in the Psychological Dimension – Think Well

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What Is Your Vision For Yourself?

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Tools for Wellness in the psychological dimension

1. Goals – where is your road map?

2. Meditation/visualization

3. Yoga

4. Exercises you enjoy!

5. Proper nutrition/fuel for your body

6. Daily affirmation

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Tools for Wellness in the psychological dimension

• Monitor what you are reading-watching and listening to

• Read self empowering book

• Avoid watching the news before going to bed

• Surround your self with positive people

• Vision Board – The

• Have fun – don’t forget life is a game

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The Creating Wellness™ Continuum

Which way are you moving…on the Which way are you moving…on the Wellness Continuum?Wellness Continuum?

Away from disease or towards Away from disease or towards wellness?wellness?

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“Take good care of your body.

It’s the only place you have to live.”

Jim Rohn

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My offer to you…

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[email protected]

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