Page 1: ADAM AND EVE SINNED - s3. · PDF fileGod then declared they would indeed die ... In the beginning God created ... eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

Unit 1, Session 3

LEADER BIBLE STUDY “Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?” Familiar

words in any court, but one might ask, “What is truth?” Truth is defined as “the actual

state of reality.” Telling the truth is stating what is or was actually real.

Truth is an essential characteristic of God. His Word is always indisputably true.

Adam and Eve enjoyed a perfect environment in the garden of Eden. God provided

everything they needed. They were free to do whatever they wanted with one

exception: They were not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

The sly serpent, however, planted a seed of doubt in the woman’s mind. He told

her that if they ate from the tree they would not die but would become like Him. Their

eyes would be opened, and they would know good and evil. The serpent (identified

as Satan in Rev. 12:9) attacked God’s Word saying it could not be trusted. He implied

that God just wanted to keep mankind from being like Him.

Instead of rebuking the serpent, Eve ate the fruit of the tree and gave some to

Adam. Part of what the serpent said was true: Their eyes were indeed opened, but

not to be like God. The consequences were soon manifest. When God came looking

for them, they hid. When He confronted them, they tried to pin the guilt on someone

else. Adam blamed God and Eve. Eve blamed the serpent. God cursed the serpent

and issued judgment on the couple: They were expelled from the garden; the woman

would suffer in childbirth; and the man would labor to grow crops for food. God then

declared they would indeed die and return to the dust.

How many versions of any story can be true? Explain. ���������������������

How are many people still being deceived about God’s Word? ��������������

NOTE: Downloadable versions of items identified as CD are available in the Music and Print Extras Bundle. Items identified as DVD are available in the Digital Video Bundle.

Additional training for Bible Studies for Life: Kids available at


LIFE POINT: God knew tHat people would sin, so He planned to send tHe savior.

SUGGESTED DATE:week of September 18

LEVEL OF BIBLICAL LEARNINGGod is still at work in His creation and cares what happens in it.



WEEKLY BIBLE VERSEBe careful to do as the Lord your God has commanded you; you are not to turn aside to the right or the left. Deuteronomy 5:32

UNIT VERSEIn the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1

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Page 2: ADAM AND EVE SINNED - s3. · PDF fileGod then declared they would indeed die ... In the beginning God created ... eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

›Bibles, paper strips, pens

›Write the following Scripture references on a sheet of paper and display for kids to see: John 3:16; Romans 3:23; Romans 6:23; 1 John 1:9; Romans 10:9. Option: “Scripture References” (CD)

›Pack Item 6—Assemble the cube. To make the cube more stable, fill the inside with scrap paper and tape each edge together.


›scissors, cup, 2 index cards—Cut the cards in half and number the halves 1 through 4. Fold the cards in half and place the cards in the cup.


1. As kids come in, guide them to write each Scripture reference on a separate

paper strip and use it to mark each verse in their Bibles.

2. Explain that these verses talk about God’s solution to our sin problem. Lead

kids to look up and read the verses together.

3. Discuss together the ABCs of Becoming a Christian. Use “Sharing the Gospel

with Kids” (page 98) as a guide.

4. Suggest that kids write A, B, or C at the top of each reference strip to help them

remember Admit, Believe, or Confess as they share the verses with others.

5. Encourage kids to share these verses with others so they can know that God

offers forgiveness for sin.

Option: “Adam and Eve Sinned” Coloring Page (CD)

INTRODUCTORY ACTIVITY ►Pick a Number, “Consequences Cube” (Pack Item 6)

1. Invite kids to play a game where they will make a choice and must obey the

consequences for every wrong choice.

2. Show the cup with the numbers. Inform kids that there are cards with the

numbers 1 through 4 inside. Kids must decide before a card is drawn what

number will be selected by holding up their fingers to correspond with the

number to be drawn.

3. Gently toss the numbers in the cup and invite a kid to select a number. Allow

a kid with a correct guess to roll the “Consequences Cube.” Kids who guessed

incorrectly must complete the consequence.

4. After several rounds, comment that choices bring consequences, both good

and bad. Ask kids to share examples of choices with good consequences and

choices with bad consequences.

5. Urge kids to listen for consequences in today’s Bible story.

6. Show the “Adam and Eve Sinned: Introduction” video.

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Page 3: ADAM AND EVE SINNED - s3. · PDF fileGod then declared they would indeed die ... In the beginning God created ... eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

›Pack Items 1, 2

›Teaching Picture 3



›Bible, gift bag, marker, index cards—Write each of today’s Review Questions from page 94 on a separate index card. Fold the cards and place them in the gift bag. Option: “Session 3 Review Cards” (CD)

›Print out a copy of the International Missions: “Storying Cloth Photos” (CD).

›Option: If possible, order a Bible Storying Scarf ($10) from or by calling (800) 999-3113.


TELL THE BIBLE STORY►“God’s Amazing World Title Banner” (Pack Item 1)

• Point out the title banner and challenge kids to share what they remember from the

previous two sessions.

• Share that today’s story tells how sin entered God’s perfect world.

• Explain that today kids will participate in the story by performing a motion each time

they hear one of the following names: Adam: pose as if showing muscles; Eve: pose

with hands on hips; the Serpent: hissing noise and pose hand like serpent.

• Open your Bible to Genesis 3 and tell the Bible story in your own words. Remember

to prompt kids to perform motions at the appropriate times.

►Tell the Bible Story: Adam and Eve Sinned

Adam, the first man, named his wife Eve. They lived in a beautiful garden God created.

Now the serpent was tricky and said to Eve, “Did God really say you can’t eat from

every tree in the garden?”

Eve said to the serpent, “God said we must not eat from the tree in the middle of

the garden, or even touch it, or we will die.”

The serpent replied, “No! You will not die. God knows that when you eat it your

eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

Eve saw that the fruit on the tree looked delicious, and she wanted the

knowledge the fruit offered. She took some of the fruit and ate it. She also gave

some to Adam, who ate it, too. At that moment, their eyes were opened and they

realized they were naked. So they sewed fig leaves together and made clothing for


Adam and Eve heard God walking in the garden, and they hid. God called out to

them, “Where are you?”

Adam replied, “I heard You and I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid.”

God asked Adam, “Who told you that you were naked? Did you eat from the forbidden


Adam replied, “The woman You made gave the fruit to me, and I ate it.”

Eve said, “It was the serpent. He tricked me and I ate it.”

God punished the serpent saying, “You are cursed more than any wild animal,

and you will crawl on your belly and eat dust all your life.”

God punished Eve saying, “You will have pain in bearing children, and your

husband will rule over you.”

God punished Adam saying, “You will have to work very hard to grow food to eat

22 U n i t 1, S e S S i o n 3

Page 4: ADAM AND EVE SINNED - s3. · PDF fileGod then declared they would indeed die ... In the beginning God created ... eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

LIFE POINT God knew tHat people would sin, so He planned to send tHe savior.

all the days of your life.”

God made clothing out of skins for Adam and Eve. Then God removed Adam and

Eve from the garden of Eden forever.

— B A S E D O N G E N E S I S 3

REVIEW►Teaching Picture 3

• Hold up the Teaching Picture and lead kids to discuss the consequences God gave to

Adam, Eve, and the serpent.

• Explain that God knew people would choose to disobey, so He planned to send the

Savior, Jesus. Discuss how Jesus paid for our disobedience or sin. Use “Sharing the

Gospel with Kids” (page 98) as a guide.

• Invite a kid to reach into the gift bag and pull out a Review Question.

• Continue with the other questions and other kids. Put the cards back into the bag

when all have been answered if there are more kids to participate.

• Show and discuss the “Adam and Eve Sinned: Life Action” video.

LEARN THE UNIT VERSE►“Genesis 1:1 Unit Verse” (Pack Item 2)

• Point out the Unit Verse poster, then lead the kids to say it together.

• Instruct kids to say it in different accents (western, British, gym coach, baby, or other

ways that suit your group).

MISSIONS EMPHASIS • Show the “Storying Cloth Photos.” Explain that this cloth is an important tool for

Christians who are teaching the Bible. Each block represents a story from the Bible. It

starts with the creation of the world and ends with stories about Jesus.

• If you have an actual storying cloth, let kids identify Bible stories they recognize from

the pictures.

• Call for several volunteers to pray for Kimberly Cain and other Christian workers in

West Africa.

PRAY • Lead kids to pray silently, confessing sin and asking God for forgiveness. Close the

prayer, thanking God for His plan to send a Savior.

• Dismiss kids to their Live It Out groups.

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Page 5: ADAM AND EVE SINNED - s3. · PDF fileGod then declared they would indeed die ... In the beginning God created ... eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”


CHOICE 1►“Saved From Sin” (Kids Activity Page), Mosaic Cross

1. Encourage kids to complete “Saved From Sin” on the Kids Activity Page.

2. Help kids know that sin brought punishment, but God’s plan was to provide a


3. Give each kid a piece of construction paper. Explain that when God created the

world, everything was perfect, just like these sheets of paper.

4. Challenge kids to name examples of sin. Be prepared to share examples if kids

are reluctant to share. Each time an example is shared, kids will tear a piece off

their paper. Continue naming sins until all papers are torn into small pieces.

5. Point out the torn pieces of paper. Comment that God offers forgiveness

from sin. Help kids understand that while God forgives sin, there are still

consequences. Explain that the paper can never be returned into a perfect

sheet of paper again.

6. Take some of the paper scraps and form them into a cross. Explain that God’s

forgiveness can make things new.

7. Give each kid a clean sheet of white paper. Guide them to glue the paper scraps

of all colors into the shape of a cross on their papers.

8. Emphasize that God knew people would sin, so He planned to send His Son

Jesus as the Savior.

9. Challenge kids to display their mosaic art in a place that will remind them that

God sent Jesus to save people from sin.

CHOICE 2 ►“Saved From Sin” (Kids Activity Page), Story Drama

1. Encourage kids to complete “Saved From Sin” on the Kids Activity Page.

2. Help kids know that sin brought punishment, but God’s plan was to provide a


3. Guide kids to find Genesis 3 in their Bibles and invite small groups to take turns

acting out today’s Bible story.

4. Direct groups to select parts to dramatize. If you have a large group, kids can

pretend to be the special tree or animals in the garden.

5. Assign someone to read the narration from the Genesis 3 while the actors

dramatize the story.

6. As time permits, switch parts and act out the story again.


›Kids Activity Pages

›construction paper sheets in a variety of colors, white sheets of paper, glue sticks


›Kids Activity Pages

›Bibles, variety of props

›Teaching Tip: Consider making a “prop box” to keep in your classroom. Fill it with a variety of items, including a few wacky ones. Encourage kids to be creative with the props, for example a clean plunger makes a great sword!

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Page 6: ADAM AND EVE SINNED - s3. · PDF fileGod then declared they would indeed die ... In the beginning God created ... eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”


7. Help kids understand that God knew that people would sin, so He planned to

send His Son Jesus as the Savior.

CHOICE 3►“Saved From Sin” (Kids Activity Page), “Your Amazing World” (CD, track 1),

Gospel Walk Around

1. Encourage kids to complete “Saved From Sin” on the Kids Activity Page.

2. Help kids know that sin brought punishment, but God’s plan was to provide

a Savior. Explain that it’s important to tell others the good news that God

provided Jesus to save people from sin.

3. Invite kids to play a game and stand on a paper.

4. Play “Your Amazing World” while kids move from one paper to another.

5. Stop the music and call out a number from 1 to 8. The kid on that number

will tell a fact they know about sin (everyone sins, sin has consequences, God

forgives sin). Write the answer on the large piece of paper.

6. After a few turns, change the category first to “facts you know about Jesus

paying for sin” and later to “how can a person become a Christian.”

7. Point to the kids’ answers. Explain that their answers are good news that needs

to be shared with others.

8. Emphasize that God knew that people would sin, so He planned to send His

Son Jesus as the Savior.

9. Challenge kids to share with a friend or family member this week the good

news that Jesus is the Savior.

WRAP UP • Gather kids and watch the “Adam and Eve Sinned: Wrap Up” video.

• Remind kids that God knew that people would sin, so He planned to send the Savior.

• Pray, thanking God for providing Jesus to save all people from sin.

• Remind the kids to give their One Conversation™ pages to their parents.


›Kids Activity Pages


›marker, large piece of paper, construction paper cut in halves—Write the numbers 1 through 8 on a separate half-sheet of construction paper. Place the papers on the floor in a large circle. Option: “Numbers” (CD)



God knew tHat people would sin, so He planned to send tHe savior.

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Page 7: ADAM AND EVE SINNED - s3. · PDF fileGod then declared they would indeed die ... In the beginning God created ... eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”


Page 8: ADAM AND EVE SINNED - s3. · PDF fileGod then declared they would indeed die ... In the beginning God created ... eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”


Adam, the first man, named his wife Eve. They lived in a beautiful garden God created.

Now the serpent was tricky and said to Eve, “Did God really say you can’t eat from every tree in

the garden?”

Eve said to the serpent, “God said we must not eat from the tree in the middle of the garden,

or even touch it, or we will die.”

The serpent replied, “No! You will not die. God knows that when you eat it your eyes will be

opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

Eve saw that the fruit on the tree looked delicious, and she wanted the knowledge the fruit

offered. She took some of the fruit and ate it. She also gave some to Adam, who ate it, too. At that

moment, their eyes were opened and they realized they were naked. So they sewed fig leaves

together and made clothing for themselves.

Adam and Eve heard God walking in the garden, and they hid. God called out to them,

“Where are you?”

Adam replied, “I heard You and I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid.”

God asked Adam, “Who told you that you were naked? Did you eat from the forbidden tree?”

Adam replied, “The woman You made gave the fruit to me, and I ate it.”

Eve said, “It was the serpent. He tricked me and I ate it.”

God punished the serpent saying, “You are cursed more than any wild animal, and you will

crawl on your belly and eat dust all your life.”

God punished Eve saying, “You will have pain in bearing children, and your husband will rule

over you.”

God punished Adam saying, “You will have to work very hard to grow food to eat all the days

of your life.”

God made clothing out of skins for Adam and Eve. Then God removed Adam and Eve from

the garden of Eden forever.

— B A S E D O N G E N E S I S 3

Page 9: ADAM AND EVE SINNED - s3. · PDF fileGod then declared they would indeed die ... In the beginning God created ... eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

UNIT 1. SESSION 3 Adam and Eve Sinned UNIT VERSEIn the beginning God created

the heavens and the earth.— G E N E S I S 1 : 1




: SH






Read each verse and draw an arrow to show which verses

teach about sin and which ones tell about the Savior.

If a verse tells about both, draw two arrows.

Sin Sav ior

Romans 3 :23

Saved From Sin

Romans 6:23

1 Corinthians 1 :9

John 3 : 16

Romans 5:8

B I B L E S T U D I E S F O R L I F E 3rd & 4 th G R A D E 7

Page 10: ADAM AND EVE SINNED - s3. · PDF fileGod then declared they would indeed die ... In the beginning God created ... eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”


THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE Parents, your child heard that sin entered the world through Adam and Eve’s disobedience. Sin and disobedience brings consequences. But God planned to redeem His people, even from the beginning.


God is still at work in His creation and cares what happens in it.

LIVE IT OUT Help your child memorize Deuteronomy 5:32, the Weekly Verse for this session. Discuss the meaning of turning to the right or to the left. Guide your child to write down some choices that reflect that turn away from God.

DAILY BIBLE READING Sunday: Isaiah 43:1Monday: Romans 8:39Tuesday: Luke 15:10Wednesday: 1 John 4:14Thursday: Philippians 3:20Friday: John 14:6Saturday: Jude 25


BIBLE VERSE: Deuteronomy 5:32

LIFE POINT: God knew that people would sin, so He planned to send the Savior.

Adam and Eve lived in the garden God created. A serpent was tricky and said to Eve, “Did God really say you can’t eat from every tree?”Eve answered, “God said we must not eat from the tree in the middle of the garden, or even touch it. If we do, we will die.”The serpent replied, “You will not die. God knows that when you eat it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God.”Eve saw that the fruit looked good. She ate it and gave some to Adam, who also ate it. Their eyes were opened, and they knew they were naked.God asked Adam, “Have you eaten from the forbidden tree?”Adam replied, “The woman You made gave the fruit to me, and I ate it.”Eve said, “It was the serpent. He tricked me and I ate it.”God punished the serpent saying, “You will crawl on your belly and eat dust all your life.” To Eve, He said, “You will have pain in bearing children, and your husband will rule over you.” God punished Adam saying, “You will have to work very hard to grow food to eat all the days of your life.”Then God removed Adam and

Eve from the garden of Eden forever.



Check out the “Adam and Eve Sinned” section of the Bible Studies For Life: Kids

Family App.



Page 11: ADAM AND EVE SINNED - s3. · PDF fileGod then declared they would indeed die ... In the beginning God created ... eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

1 GOD’S AMAZING WORLD TITLE BANNER 3rd & 4th Grade Leader Pack, Fall 2016 © 2016 LifeWay. Published in the United States of America.

Instructions: Use this item as directed during Unit 1.




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Page 12: ADAM AND EVE SINNED - s3. · PDF fileGod then declared they would indeed die ... In the beginning God created ... eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”


2 GENESIS 1:1 UNIT VERSE 3rd & 4th Grade Leader Pack, Fall 2016 © 2016 LifeWay. Published in the United States of America.

Instructions: Use this item as directed during Unit 1.

I n the beg i nn i ng God

created the heavens

and the earth .




: SH







I n the beg i nn i ng God

created the heavens

and the earth .

Page 13: ADAM AND EVE SINNED - s3. · PDF fileGod then declared they would indeed die ... In the beginning God created ... eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

UNIT 1, SESSION 3 Review Questions

What rule did God give Adam and Eve?

(Do not eat from the special tree.)

Why did Adam and Eve hide from God?

(They were naked and ashamed.)

From what did God make clothing for Adam and Eve?

(animal skins)

Why did God plan to send a Savior?

(to offer forgiveness for sin)

Who deceived Eve?

(the serpent)

Why did Eve eat the fruit?

(It looked delicious, and she wanted the knowledge it offered.)

Page 14: ADAM AND EVE SINNED - s3. · PDF fileGod then declared they would indeed die ... In the beginning God created ... eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

The Bible storying cloth includes pictures of Bible stories starting with the creation and ending

with Christ. This method of teaching the gospel is called “Creation to Christ.”

A Christian worker in West Africa teaches the Bible using a Bible storying cloth. It includes pictures of different Bible stories.

INTERNATIONAL MISSIONS: STORYING CLOTH PHOTOS 3rd & 4th Grade Enhanced CD, Fall 2016© 2016 LifeWay. Published in the United States of America.

Instructions: Use this item as directed during Study the Bible in Unit 1, Session 3.

Page 15: ADAM AND EVE SINNED - s3. · PDF fileGod then declared they would indeed die ... In the beginning God created ... eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”



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Page 16: ADAM AND EVE SINNED - s3. · PDF fileGod then declared they would indeed die ... In the beginning God created ... eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”


Numbers3rd & 4th Grade Enhanced CD, Fall 2016© 2016 LifeWay. Published in the United States of America.

Instructions: Use this item as directed during Live It Out, Choice 3 in Unit 1, Session 3.

Page 17: ADAM AND EVE SINNED - s3. · PDF fileGod then declared they would indeed die ... In the beginning God created ... eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”


Page 18: ADAM AND EVE SINNED - s3. · PDF fileGod then declared they would indeed die ... In the beginning God created ... eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”


Page 19: ADAM AND EVE SINNED - s3. · PDF fileGod then declared they would indeed die ... In the beginning God created ... eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”


Page 20: ADAM AND EVE SINNED - s3. · PDF fileGod then declared they would indeed die ... In the beginning God created ... eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

Adam and Eve SinnedIn the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1

© 2016 LifeWay. Printed in the United States of America.This item may be reproduced.

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