




A culinary cabin

Magical tour and a meal

Free Desser


or a glass

of wine

adama restaurantA culinary cabin

�e restaurant o�ers a varied selection of menus: rich menu for lunch and sun set

hours, a rich evening menu, and small hours enhanced by the well stocked bar.

Pastoral atmosphereUrban energies

Utstanding �avour

Adama restaurant o�ers you a walking tour ending with meal.�e magical walk in the

narrow streets of Zichrn Yaakov tells the story of the town's �rst settlers through the

personal story of the Rothschild and Aronson families.�e tour is an hour and a half and

suitable for ages 3-100.Come and enjoy the experience!

8 Maale Rishonim St.Zamarin hill, Zichron YaakovTel. 12:00-23:30F-S 09:00-24:00

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