
Adjectives Starting with C All C Adjectives C Adjectives to Describe a Person Interesting C AdjectivesStarting with CA

cabalistic cachectic cackly cacodaemonic cacodemonic cacodylic cacogenic cacophonic cacophonous cacuminal cadastral cadaveric cadaverous caddish cadenced cadent caducean caducous caecal caecilian caesarean caesarian caespitose caesural caffeinic cagey cagy cairned caitiff calamitous calando calcaneal calcareous calced calceiform calceolate calcic calcicolous calciferous calcific calcifugous calcitic calculable calculated calculating calculative calculous calcuttan calefacient calefactive calefactory calendered calendric calendrical calibrated calico calicular californian caliginous calisthenic callable caller calligraphic calligraphical callipygian callipygous callithumpian callous calloused callow calm caloric calorifacient calorific calorimetric calumniatory calumnious calvinist calvinistic calvinistical calyceal calycinal calycine calycled calycular calyculate calyptrate cambial cambodian cambrian cameroonian camouflaged camp campanular campanulate campanulated campestral camphoraceous camphorated camphoric campy campylotropous canadian canalicular canaliculate canary cancellate cancellated cancelled cancellous cancerous cancroid candent candescent candid candied canescent canicular canine cankerous canned cannibalic cannibalistic cannular canny canonic canonical canonised canonist canonized canopied canorous cantabile cantankerous canted cantering cantonal canty capable capacious capacitive caparisoned capetian capillary capital capitalist capitalistic capitate capitular capitulary cappadocian capped capricious caprine capsular capsulate capsulated captious captivated captivating captive caramel carangid carbocyclic carbolated carbonaceous carbonated carbonic carboniferous carbonous carbonyl carbonylic carboxyl carboxylic carbuncled carbuncular carcinogenic carcinomatous cardboard cardiac cardinal cardiographic cardiologic cardiopulmonary cardiorespiratory cardiovascular carefree careful careless careworn carinal carinate carinated caring carious carmelite carminative carmine carnal carnassial carnation carnivorous carolean caroline carolingian carotid carousing carpal carpellary carpellate carpetbag carpetbagging carpeted carpophagous carposporic carposporous carroty carsick cartesian carthaginian carthusian cartilaginous cartographic cartographical caruncular carunculate carunculated carunculous carved carven caryophyllaceous casebook cased caseous cashable cashed cassocked casteless castellated castled castrated casual casuistic casuistical catabatic catabolic catachrestic catachrestical cataclinal cataclysmal cataclysmic catacorner catadromous catalan catalatic catalectic cataleptic catalytic catamenial cataphatic cataphoretic cataplastic catapultian catapultic catarrhal catarrhine catarrhinian catastrophic catatonic catching catchpenny catchy catechetic catechetical catechismal catechistic categorematic categorial categoric categorical categorised categorized catenulate catercorner cathartic cathectic cathedral cathodic catholic cationic catkinate catoptric catoptrical cattish catty caucasian caucasic caucasoid caudal caudate caudated caulescent cauline caulked causal causative causeless caustic cautionary cautious cavalier cavernous cavitied

Starting with CE ceaseless cecal cedarn ceilinged celebrated celebratory celestial celiac celibate cellular celluloid cellulosid celtic cementitious cenobitic cenobitical cenogenetic cenozoic censored censorial censorious censurable centenarian centenary centennial center centered centesimal centigrade central centralised centralising centralist centralistic centralized centralizing centric centrical centrifugal centripetal centrist centroidal centromeric centrosomic centrosymmetric cephalic cephalopod cephalopodan ceramic cercarial cereal cerebellar cerebral cerebrospinal cerebrovascular ceremonial ceremonious ceric cerise cernuous cerous certain certifiable certificated certificatory certified cerulean ceruminous cervical cervine cesarean cesarian cespitose cetacean cetaceous ceylonese

Starting with CH chadian chaetal chaetognathan chaetognathous chafed chafflike chaffy chagrined chained chainlike chaldaean chaldean chaldee chalky challengeable challenging chalybeate chambered champion champleve chance chanceful chancroidal chancrous chancy changeable changed changeful changeless changing chanted chantlike chaotic chapfallen chapleted chapped characteristic characterless charcoal chargeable charged charismatic charitable charmed charming charnel chartaceous chartered chartless chartreuse chary chasidic chassidic chaste chatoyant chatty chauvinistic cheap cheapjack cheating chechen checked checkered cheeky cheerful cheering cheerless cheery cheeselike cheeseparing cheesy chelate chelated cheliceral chelicerate chelicerous cheliferous chelonian chemic chemical chemiluminescent chemisorptive chemoreceptive chemosorptive chemotherapeutic chemotherapeutical chequered cherished cherry cherty cherubic chestnut chesty chewable chewy chian chiasmal chiasmatic chiasmic chic chichi chicken chickenhearted chief chilblained childbearing childish childless childlike childly chilean chiliastic chilling chilly chimeral chimeric chimerical chinchy chinese chinked chinless chintzy chippendale chipper chiromantic chirpy chiseled chitinous chivalric chivalrous chlamydeous chlamydial chlorophyllose chlorophyllous chlorotic chockablock chockful choice choked choky choleraic choleric cholinergic chondritic choosey choosy chopfallen chopped choppy choragic choral chordal chordate choreographic choric chorionic christian christianly christless christlike christly christological chromatic chromatinic chromatographic chromatographical chromosomal chronic chronological chthonian chthonic chubby chuffed chummy chunky churchgoing churchillian churchly churlish churning churrigueresco churrigueresque chylaceous chylifactive chylifactory chyliferous chylific chylous

Starting with CI cilial ciliary ciliate ciliated cimmerian cinematic cinerary cinnabar circadian circinate circuitous circular circulating circulative circulatory circumboreal circumferent circumferential circumlocutious circumlocutory circumpolar circumscribed circumspect circumstantial cisalpine cislunar cismontane cissy citified citric citrous cityfied citywide civic civil civilian civilised civilized

Starting with CL clad clairvoyant clamant clamatorial clammy clamorous clandestine clanging clangorous clanking clannish clarifying clarion clashing classic classical classicistic classifiable classificatory classified classless classy clastic clathrate clattery clausal claustrophobic clawed clawlike clayey clean cleanable cleanly cleansing clear cleared clearheaded cleavable cleft cleistogamic cleistogamous clement clenched clerical clever cliched climactic climatic climatical climbable clinched clinical clinking clinquant clipped cliquish clitoral clitoric cloaked clockwise cloddish clogged clogging cloggy cloisonne cloistered cloistral clonal clonic close closed closefisted closelipped closemouthed closing clothed clothesless clotted clouded cloudless cloudlike cloudy cloven clownish clownlike cloying cloze clubable clubbable clubbish clubby clubfooted clueless clumsy clunky clustered cluttered

Starting with CO coagulable coagulate coagulated coalesced coalescent coalescing coarctate coarse coarsened coastal coastwise coated coaxal coaxial coaxing cobwebby coccal coccoid coccygeal cochlear cockamamie cockamamy cockeyed cockney cocksure cocky cod codified coeducational coeliac coenobitic coenobitical coequal coercive coetaneous coeval coexistent coexisting coextensive cogent cogged cogitable cogitative cognate cognisable cognisant cognitive cognizable cognizant cognoscible coherent cohesive coiled coiling coincident coincidental coinciding coital cold coldhearted coleridgean coleridgian colicky collaborative collagenic collagenous collapsable collapsible collarless collateral collect collectable collected collectible collective collectivised collectivist collectivistic collectivized collegial collegiate collinear colloidal colloquial collusive colombian colonial colonic colonised colonized colonnaded color colorectal colored colorfast colorful colorimetric colorimetrical colorless colossal colour coloured colourful colourless coltish columbian columnar columned columniform columnlike comal comate comatose combatant combative combed combinable combinational combinative combinatorial combinatory combined comburant comburent combustible combustive comely comestible cometary cometic comfortable comforted comforting comfortless comfy comic comical coming commanding commemorating commemorative commendable commensal commensurable commensurate commercial commercialised commercialized comminatory commiserative commissioned committed commodious common commonplace commonsense commonsensible commonsensical communal communicable communicational communicative communicatory communist communistic commutable commutative comose compact companionable companionate comparable comparative compartmental compartmentalised compartmentalized compartmented compassionate compatible compelling compendious compensable compensated competent competitive competitory complacent complaining complaintive complaisant complemental complementary complete completed completing complex compliant complicated complimentary composed composite compositional compound compounded comprehended comprehendible comprehensible comprehensive compressed compressible compromising compulsive compulsory computable computational comradely concave concealed concealing conceited conceivable concentrated concentric concentrical conceptional conceptive conceptual conceptualistic concerned concerted concessive conciliable conciliative conciliatory concise concluded concluding conclusive concomitant concordant concrete concretistic concupiscent concurrent concurring condemnable condemnatory condemning condescending condign conditional conditioned condolent conducive conductive condylar conelike confederate confederative confident confidential confiding configurational configured confined confining confirmable confirmative confirmatory confirmed confirming confiscate conflicting confluent conformable conforming conformist confounded confounding confrontational confucian confusable confused confusing confutable confutative congealed congeneric congenerical congenerous congenial congenital congested congestive conglomerate congolese congratulatory congregational congregationalist congressional congruent congruous conic conical coniferous conjectural conjoined conjoint conjugal conjugate conjugated conjunct conjunctival conjunctive connate connatural connected connective conniving connotational connotative connubial conquerable consanguine consanguineal consanguineous conscienceless conscientious conscionable conscious consecrate consecrated consecutive consensual consentaneous consentient consenting consequent consequential conservative conserved considerable considerate considered consistent consolable consolatory consolidated consolidative consoling consonant consonantal conspecific conspicuous conspirative conspiratorial constant constipated constituent constituted constitutional constitutive constrained constraining constricted constricting constrictive constructive consubstantial consular consultative consultatory consultive consumable consuming consummate consummated consumptive contagious contained contaminated contaminating contaminative contemplative contemporaneous contemporary contemptible contemptuous content contented contentious conterminous contestable contested contextual contiguous continent continental contingent continual continuant continued continuing continuous contorted contraband contrabass contraceptive contraclockwise contractable contracted contractile contractual contradictory contralateral contralto contrapuntal contrarious contrary contrasting contrastive contrasty contributing contributive contributory contrite contrived controllable controlled controlling controversial contumacious contumelious convalescent convenient conventional conventionalised conventionalized conventual convergent conversant conversational converse convertible convex conveyable convinced convincible convincing convivial convolute convoluted convulsive cooccurring cooked cool coolheaded cooperative coordinate coordinated coordinating coordinative copacetic copasetic copernican copesetic copesettic copious coplanar coppery coptic copular copulative copulatory copyrighted coquettish coral corbelled cordate corded cordial cordiform cordless coreferent coreferential coriaceous corinthian corked corking corky cormose cormous corneal corned corneous cornered cornish corny coronary coroneted corporal corporate corporatist corporeal corpulent corpuscular correct correctable corrected correctional corrective correlate correlated correlational correlative correspondent corresponding corrigible corroborant corroborative corroboratory corroded corrosive corrugated corrupt corrupted corruptible corrupting corruptive corsican cortical corticifugal corticipetal corticoafferent corticoefferent corticofugal coruscant corvine corymbose coseismal coseismic cosher cosignatory cosmetic cosmic cosmogenic cosmogonic cosmogonical cosmologic cosmological cosmopolitan costal costate costive costless costly costumed cosy coterminous cottony cotyloid cotyloidal couchant countable counter counteractive counterbalanced counterclockwise counterfactual counterfeit counterinsurgent counterintuitive counterpoised counterproductive counterrevolutionary countertenor counterterror counterterrorist countless countrified countryfied countrywide countywide coupled courageous courteous courtly cousinly couth couthie couthy covalent covariant covered covert coveted covetous cowardly cowled coy cozyStarting with CR crabbed crabby crabwise crack crackbrained cracked crackers cracking crackle crafty cragfast cragged craggy cramped cranial craniometric craniometrical crank cranky crannied crapulent crapulous crashing crass craved craven crazed crazy creaky creamy creaseless creaseproof creative credal credentialled credible creditable credited creditworthy credulous creedal creepy crenate crenated crenulate crenulated creole crepuscular crescendo crescent cresson crested crestfallen cretaceous cretinous criminal criminative criminatory criminological crimson cringing crinkled crinkly crinoid crippled crippling crisp crispate crispy crisscross crisscrossed criterial criterional critical croaky croatian crocked crocketed cromwellian crookback crookbacked crooked cropped cross crossbred crossed crosshatched crosstown crosswise crotchety croupy crowded crowing crowned crowning crownless crucial cruciate cruciferous cruciform cruddy crude cruel crumbly crummy crumpled crural crushed crushing crustacean crustaceous crustal crusted crustlike crustose crusty crying cryogenic cryonic cryptanalytic cryptic cryptical cryptobiotic cryptogamic cryptogamous cryptographic cryptographical cryptologic cryptological crystalised crystalized crystalline crystallised crystallizedStarting with CT ctenoidStarting with CU cuban cubelike cubic cubical cubiform cubist cubistic cubital cuboid cuboidal cucurbitaceous cuddlesome cuddly culinary culpable cultivable cultivatable cultivated cultural cultured cumbersome cumbrous cumulative cumuliform cumulous cuneal cuneate cuneiform cunning cuplike cupric cuprous cupular cupulate curable curative curatorial curdled cured curious curled curling curly curmudgeonly current curricular currish cursed cursive cursorial cursory curst curt curtained curtainless curtal curvaceous curved curvey curvilineal curvilinear curving curvy cushioned cushiony cushy cuspate cuspated cusped cuspidal cuspidate cuspidated cussed custodial custom customary cut cutaneal cutaneous cute cuticular cuttable cutthroat cuttingStarting with CY cyan cyanobacterial cyanogenetic cyanogenic cyanophyte cybernetic cyclic cyclical cycloid cycloidal cyclonal cyclonic cyclonical cyclopean cyclothymic cylindric cylindrical cymose cynical cyprian cyprinid cyprinoid cypriot cypriote cyrillic cystic cytoarchitectonic cytoarchitectural cytogenetic cytogenetical cytokinetic cytologic cytological cytolytic cytomegalic cytopathogenic cytophotometric cytoplasmatic cytoplasmic cytoplastic cytotoxicStarting with CZ czarist czaristic czech czechoslovakian

A More Categories for the Adjectives Starting with CThis article contains lists of adjectives that start with C. All the adjectives have been organized into different categories including the Shortest/Longest Adjectives, Interesting Adjectives, Positive Adjectives to Describe a Person, Positive Adjectives to Describe an Event, Positive Adjectives to Describe a Place, Negative Adjectives to Describe a Person, Negative Adjectives to Describe an Event, Negative Adjectives to Describe a Place, Heroic Adjectives, Sporty Adjectives and Romantic Adjectives.Adjectives that Start with CInteresting Adjectivescadaverous: very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold cadaverous appearancecantankerous: having a difficult and contrary disposition a cantankerous and venomous-tongued old ladycapricious: determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason a capricious refusalcrestfallen: brought low in spirit left us fatigued and crestfallencrotchety: irritable he was tired and crotchetyPositive Adjectives to Describe a Personcarefree: free from anxiety or responsibility carefree womancaring: feeling and exhibiting concern and empathy for others caring friendscautious: showing careful forethought a cautious driverchildlike: befitting a young child; exhibiting childlike simplicity and credulity childlike innocencecultured: marked by refinement in taste and manners cultured individualPositive Adjectives to Describe an Eventcharitable: full of love and generosity; showing or motivated by sympathy and understanding and generosity charitable programclimactic: consisting of or causing a climax climactic sceneconcurrent: occurring or operating at the same time concurrent eventscontinuous: continuing in time or space without interruption continuous processcultural: denoting or deriving from or distinctive of the ways of living built up by a group of people cultural presentationPositive Adjectives to Describe a Placecalm: pleasantly free from wind calm and peaceful resorcapacious: large in capacity capacious roomcheerful: being full of or promoting cheer; having or showing good spirits cheerful restaurantcool: of or at a fairly low temperature cool mountaintop forestcozy: enjoying or affording comforting warmth and shelter especially in a small space cozy coffeeshopNegative Adjectives to Describe a Personcaptious: tending to find and call attention to faults captious tutorcareless: marked by lack of attention or consideration or forethought or thoroughness careless waitercowardly: lacking courage; ignobly timid and faint-hearted a cowardly officialcruel: able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering cruel leadercynical: believing the worst of human nature and motives cynical criticsNegative Adjectives to Describe an Eventcalamitous: having extremely unfortunate or dire consequences; bringing ruin calamitous economic trendcatastrophic: extremely harmful; bringing physical or financial ruin catastrophic environmental disasterschaotic: lacking a visible order or organization chaotic government ruleconspiratorial: relating to or characteristic of conspiracy or conspirators conspiratorial activitiescontroversial: marked by or capable of arousing controversy controversial electionsNegative Adjectives to Describe a Placeconstricting: tending to constrict freedom constricting trapcraggy: having hills and crags craggy islandcrumbly: easily broken into small fragments or reduced to powder crumbly staircasecrummy: of very poor quality; flimsy crummy housecursed: deserving a curse; sometimes used as an intensifier cursed tombHeroic Adjectiveschivalrous: courteous and gallant, especially toward women chivalrous knightcoercive: serving or intended to coerce coercive authoritiescombative: having or showing a ready disposition to fight combative warriorcommendable: worthy of high praise commendable noblemancourageous: possessing or displaying courage; able to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching courageous military officialsSporty Adjectivescoltish:playful and lively coltish playercompetent: adequate, but not outstanding or exceptional competent goalkeepercompetitive: showing a fighting disposition competitive teamcompulsive: strongly motivated to succeed compulsive challengercrucial: of extreme importance; vital to the resolution of a crisis crucial game matchRomantic Adjectivescaptivating: capturing interest as if by a spell captivating smilecharming: pleasant or attractive charming personalitychic: elegant and stylish her chic dresscompassionate: showing or having compassion compassionate voicecute: attractive in a pretty or endearing way. cute faceShortest Adjectivescc: being ten more than one hundred ninety a cc amountcd: being one hundred more than three hundred Roman numeral cdci: being one more than one hundred value of cicl: being ten more than one hundred forty equivalent of clcv: being five more than one hundred cv quantitycx: being ten more than one hundred with an amount of cxccc: being one hundred more than two hundred total of cccclv: being five more than one hundred fifty actual value clvclx: being ten more than one hundred fifty sum of clxcod: payable by the recipient on delivery COD parcel

Longest Adjectivescounterrevolutionary: marked by opposition or antipathy to revolution ostracized for his counterrevolutionary tendencieschemotherapeutical: of or relating to chemotherapy chemotherapeutical agentcardiorespiratory: of or pertaining to or affecting both the heart and the lungs and their functions cardiorespiratory systemchromatographical: of or relating to chromatography a chromatographical techniquecompartmentalised: divided up into compartments or categories most sciences have become woefully compartmentalizedcompartmentalized: divided up into compartments or categories a compartmentalized microchannel devicecongregationalist: of or pertaining to or characteristic of a Congregational church congregationalist beliefscounterproductive: tending to hinder the achievement of a goal counterproductive work behaviorcytoarchitectonic: of or relating to cytoarchitecture cytoarchitectonic mapcytoarchitectural: of or relating to cytoarchitecture cytoarchitectural study

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