  • 7/27/2019 Adv Escort Set - Up (Equipment and BO Skills



    This ship, is the Old, RA level Advanced Escort. It's for people that don't have that initial Ferrari Budget that many of the older

    hands pvpers have. I will have the Ideal Gear, along with it's present gear listed, (same with Doffs) this ship is surprisingly still

    competitive even after 3 years. The position oftwo powers have changed and that's all since I made this ship way back in the day,

    plus the addition of Doffs and gear sets. Presently I have 0 Rep grinded.

    Azn Rep Grind: (Ideal) Rommy T2:Crit Chance T4: I suspect the placate is going to get changed. I'd go Secondary Shielding,

    especially with all the plas torps in pvp right now.

    Borg/Omega: T2 If you do alot of pugging the hull repair nanites. T4: Graviton Amplifier.

    Advanced Escort.

    Weapons: AccX2 CrtD XI Tetryon Dual Heavy Cannons X3 (want to upgrade to XIIs), XI CrtDX2 CrtH Quantum Torpedo.

    3 AccX2 CrtD Tetryon Turrets. XI

    Deflector: Borg

    Engine: Borg

    Shield: Maco Mk X (will be replaced with the Elite Fleet Shield once my guild unlocks it)


    Eng: 1 MVAM Console. (optional. If you bought the mvam already might as well use it's console. If not then replace this with an

    Ablative Hull, or even better the + to crit chance Rommy Console. Honestly once I get there I'm probably going to drop the MVAM

    console entirely. The bug is -still- quicker, as is the defiant and bops even in MVAM beta command might as well crit them harder)

    1 Borg.

    Sci: Flow Cap or Particle Generator, 2 Field Generators

    Tac 4 Tetryon Pulse Generators XI blues. (you know what the ideal is. XII purple)


    Cmdr: APO3, CRF2, THY2, TT

    Lt Cmdr: APD2, THY2, TT What? No second CRF? You'll see why.

    LT Eng: EPTS1 EPTS2

    LT Sci: Here's where the variables start. Primary attack mode. Polarize Hull1, TSS2

    Ens Sci: Tractor Beam 1

    Variant LT Sci. TSS1, Feedback Pulse 1. Ens sci PH. Variant 2: TSS1, TBR1. Ens Sci PH1. Variant 3: HE1, TSS2, Ens sc i. TSS1.

    DOFFS: 2 Energy weapon specialists. (cannon attack type) 2 Shield Distribution officers (right now all of these are Blue on my ship)

    1 Torpedo officer purple.

    Ideal Doffs: 2 Energy Weapon Specialists (purple), 2 Attack Pattern Doffs (purple), 1 Shield Distribution officer (purple)

    Variant 2 Doffs. 2 Energy weapon Specialists, (cannons again) 2 SDOs, and Tractor Beam Officer, for Tractor beam repulsors. This

    gives your TBR a potent Engine Power Drain attack.

    Between Tac Initiative, and the Cannon doffs you'd be amazed at just how many CRFs you can pump down range. My average up

    time for CRF2, is only 5 seconds off from perfect chaining, and as often as not, I can perfect chain it. This also lets me run HY2

    which is by far the most effective of the HYs in the game. HY1 does not give you enough torpedoes to use effectively, and they can

    miss. HY3 has a far far too high opportunity cost, for a minimal gain in damage and an even smaller gain in Effective Damage.

    If I ever get the Attack Pattern Doffs, this gives me perfect cycling of APO3s and APD2s 100 percent of the time barring the odd sub

    nuke. APD2 fits -perfectly- between the shared CD of APO as well. So presently you can fit it in for either yourself or a team mate,

    between the Shared CD when Tac Initiative is up.

    Even premade v premade I've found people can live through the quad DHC setup because at the end of the day the damage is still

    coming in piecemeal. It's much harder for a healer to have the Twitch necessary to help someone survive 3 6k Torpedoes (average

    damage. Realistically one of those is going to crit for 15k or more if they are fired properly).

  • 7/27/2019 Adv Escort Set - Up (Equipment and BO Skills


    armatage/ fleet akira

    it took a wile, but i finnaly got one. i am not a fan of pets and spam, so ive always been a bit put off by it. the ship itself though,

    being another more off beat escort, is extreamly awesome when you play to its strengths. of all the escorts, this is proboly on

    average the least well flown by the player base, don't let that fool you though, this is an extreamly solid ship. like other escorts

    with 3 ENS tac, this is not a 4 cannon ship, but THY1 is an extreamly good skill, it has the highest per hit torp damage, especially

    for crit


    3 DHC, 1 quantum/photon, 3 turrets


    TT1, CRF1, CRF2, APO3

    THY1, THY2


    EPtE1, AtD1, EPtS3

    TSS1, HE2


    omega deflector

    omega engine

    maco/fleet elite resistant


    2 turn, photon point defense

    2, or 3 with fleetflowcap -th, shield heal proc

    4 energy type damage


    2/3 EPtX cooldown damage control doffs, 2/3 shield distribution doffs, OR 3 +10 defense in recall mode flight deck doffs

    this ship with the LTC eng has a ton of flexibility and potential. listed is my preferred standard layout. the akira like other escorts

    can dart around with the best of them with high engine power. EPtS3 with the right f leet elite shield will give you resistance

    levels in the mid 60% range. actual shield hitpoints start being pretty irreverent then, especially when backed up by shield

    repair drones. wile you dont have APO3 up, you can use AtD to help turn on a dime and continue to dog fight very well. the torp

    console is incredibly helpful during an alpha strike, it will fire 6 photons that the tool tip says deals about 2k damage each, to up

    to 8 targets. but all that really maters is the 6 heading to your target, along with 2 or 3 of you HY torps, you can deliver a brutal

    stream of kinetic damage to hull when well timed with an alpha strike. this has been the key to getting me a ton of kills.

    theres several other ways to use that LTC eng too, hers a few variations

    EPtE1, AtS1, EPtS3

    HE1, TSS2


    EPtE1, RSP1, EPtS3

  • 7/27/2019 Adv Escort Set - Up (Equipment and BO Skills


    HE1, TSS2

    these focus a bit more on defense. try picking up the AtS doff, it can add a heal over time with AtS, very nice. people love the

    orange diaper, personally i don't on escorts, your not flying them right if you arent trying to avoid heavy damage rather then

    tanking. your other shield countermeasures should keep you covered with good pioleting

    EPtE1, ES1, EPtS3

    TSS1, HE2or

    EPtE1, EPtS2, ET3

    HE1, TSS2

    perfect for pugmades! support your team with almost no sacrifice to your own survivability. this is part of why this ship can be

    so great, escort movement and firepower with more defensive and support options

    EPtE1, EPtS2, DEM2

    TSS1, HE2


    EPtE1, EPtS2, EWP1

    TSS1, HE2

    heres a bit more heavy offense or control. DEM with CRF is a beautiful thing, every shot will deal a bit more hull damage, this is

    devastating to sci ships and bops. every little bit helps when your trying to drop facings and deliver torps, killing that hull is the

    goal. you could drop the torps and use BO instead with the DEM doff. preload BO, and fire off 2 back to back in that 8 second


    theres EWP too, an awesome zone control, DOT, and hold ability. you could use particle gens and plasma weapons with the

    plasma tac consoles to further buff EWP's damage too

    for hanger pets, i just don't like them, but i do use them. i use the shield repair drones, at least they arent effecting my

    opponents at all. but, they are making me significantly tankier wile alive. if i was truly honorable, id use type 8 shuttles lol. there

    are of course the runabouts to spam holds and chrono pocs, deltas could potentially aid in your glider shield striping, and t he

    fighters could add to the torpedo spam. keeping these pets on recall with the right flight deck doff will boast your defense score

    by up to 30. pure hax really, its all part of the power of this mostly overlooked by the pros ship.

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