Page 1: Advantages and Benefits Of Facebook





REG.NO : DME 01851

Page 2: Advantages and Benefits Of Facebook


Based on the Facebook project, the concept that I mainly focus is by sharing interesting and fun facts to the Facebook group of Diploma In Marine Engineering (Batch 31),ALAM. I feel that by updating or posting stuff that are interesting I will attract the interest of my fellow batch mate .

Besides , I trust majority of my batch mate love to read interesting facts and I feel I didn’t made mistake by posting or updating interesting facts in the Facebook group. I also want to ensure that they are alert about the facts , because my will is to deliver the message in fun and enjoying manner and because of that I love to share interesting and fun facts to the group.

Furthermore , by updating this type of stuff I can also enjoy feedback from my fellow colleague. By getting feedback from my member I will be more vigilant and careful when posting or sharing stuff. When I share this of information I not only broaden my general knowledge but I also expanding to everyone so that when I gain something it will be equivalent to the member in the group.

In addition, when I share this interesting and fun facts I actually creating a self-awareness in myself and the people in the group to look for more fun and interesting facts. Besides , I feel jubilant and satisfied if the stuff I post is look and appreciate by the people in the group .Therefore , somehow they will tend to ask post more facts because I’m the only knows where to get it and and I will be very happy doing it .

In a nut shell , I trust myself that I have made the right decision in applying this concept to the group. I hope I have enough contribute to the group and would be very happy if my work been applauded and appreciated by the people in the group .

Page 3: Advantages and Benefits Of Facebook


Based on the project that been given to us the DME 31 Batch by Madam Maizurah,

there are many benefits implement this Facebook project. Doing this project surely provides us

some value to ourselves which is the objective of this project.

The advantages that I find worth it doing the Facebook project is that I can strengthen

fellowship between the batch mate in modern and advance manner.. Although we are live

under the same batch we don’t get to know each other very well especially when we are in

different class. So when entered the “Diploma In Marine Engineering batch 31” group we are

getting closer as the group were really meant to unite us in anyways.

The advantages also of this Facebook project is I able to expend and improve my

knowledge. The post that have been shared and updated by my batch mate are very

meaningful and useful which some of the information I did not know before. As example, the

post that shared by one of my batch mate regarding the only windmill that turn clockwise

which is the windmill in the Ireland.

Moreover, the advantages also that can be utilised from this project is that it can be

used as a source of entertainment. First of all, the gossips, express emotion that you have

among your batch mate is the biggest way that could never leave you to bore. Then, there are

videos of your interests that shared by your batch mate which make your entertain watching it

and in the same time reduce your stress.

In a nutshell, I find that the advantages of doing this Facebook project is enormous but

only few I able highlighted. I am very thankful and grateful to Madam Maizurah for planning

such a useful and advance project which make us easier to top up our mark for our final exam

in the subject.

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By archiving the objective of the project which is provide benefits to the student, every

action always has its reaction. There are few drawbacks and disadvantages that can be happen

during implementing this Facebook project.

First and foremost, the drawbacks that want to express is this project will lose the

benefits of the non-verbal communication among the batch mate. Communicating by using

Facebook in the group, it means that you do not do face to face communication with your

friends and batch mate and only using computers to do it. You will lose one essential aspect of

communication which is non-verbal communication. It includes eye contact, gesture, voice tone

and touching.

Another disadvantage that can be highlighted in this project is an addiction because we

implement it using Facebook. Once you join it, you are likely to spend most of your free time

doing something or the other on Facebook. For some people Facebook could be more addicting

than Cigarette. Using Facebook for your need is actually good for us but when we waste most of

our valuable time then it becomes harmful. This project can be addiction which causes many

problems, mostly because it kills our precious time.

Another disadvantage that can happen during implementing this project is when

someone taking advantage to create chaos is the group. When one of us in the batch took the

advantage in causing chaos in the Facebook group such as teasing one another which would

eventually lead to fight and become major failure to the project. This kind of scenario will affect

the bond between the batch mate become loose and eventually, this is become the prime

factor or Achilles heel of this Facebook project.

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In a nutshell, I feel that the disadvantages have brought major down part of this

Facebook project. Thus, I hope necessary action can be taken in the future to prevent such

disadvantages if a such project commence because if there is no any action taken, then the

project is major failure in achieving its objective to help student in obtaining mark in their

lecture based assessment because most student did not really understand the main purpose of

the project.


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