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Regular Meeting


Time: 3:00 pm Date: Thursday, December 6, 2018

Location: Red, White and Blue Main Fire Station

316 N. Main Street, Breckenridge, CO 80424


1.0 Call to Order

2.0 Roll Call

3.0 Approval of Changes to the Agenda

4.0 Citizens Comments

5.0 Approval of Minutes

5.1 October 25, 2018 Regular Meeting

5.2 October 31, 2018 Special Meeting

6.0 Public Hearing (The two resolutions will be provided with budget documents under separate cover)

6.1 Resolution 2018-07 Amendment to the 2018 Budget

6.2 Resolution 2018-08 Adopt the Budget, Set Mill Levies, and Appropriate Sums of Money

7.0 Board Action

7.1 Adopt Resolution 2018-07 Amendment to the 2018 Budget

7.2 Adopt Resolution 2018-08 Adopt the Budget, Set Mill Levies, and Appropriate Sums of Money

8.0 Review and Approval of Financial and Budgetary Reports

8.1 Claims Detail for October 2018

8.2 Variance Report for October 2018

8.3 Income Statement

9.0 Staff Reports

9.1 Finance Division Updates –L. Johnson

9.2 Human Resources Updates - Seidler

9.3 Fire Chief Report and Updates - Keating

9.4 Operational Division Updates - Kuhn

9.5 Administrative Division Updates – Nelson

9.6 Accreditation Updates – Roberts

9.7 Local 4325 Updated – Caldwell

10.0 Adopt Resolution 2018-09 2019 Designating Location to Post Notice

11.0 Citizens Comments

12.0 Other Business

13.0 Adjournment

I hereby certify that the above notice and agenda of meeting was posted by me in the designated location at least

72 hours prior to said meeting.

Chief Jim Keating

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Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors Minutes

October 18, 2018

1.0 Call to Order The regular meeting of the board of directors (BOD) of the Red, White & Blue Fire Protection District (RWBFPD) was called to order by BOD President Arch Gothard at 3:00 p.m.

2.0 Roll Call Board Members Present: X Dean Lippert X Rich Rafferty X Jim Brook X Ken Wiegand X Arch Gothard District/Department Attendees: Fire Chief Jim Keating; Deputy Chiefs Jay Nelson and Paul Kuhn; HR Officer Amanda Seidler; Captain Tim Caldwell. Administrative Assistant Jessica Johnson served as recording secretary. Finance Officer Laura Johnson was not in attendance, although was available for questions via text/email. Citizens Attending: Teresa Perkins, Deb Keating, Brian Binge. Attorney Bob Cole entered at 3:09 p.m. and attended the duration of the meeting. Assistant Summit County Manager Sarah Vaine entered the meeting at 3:25 p.m. and exited at 4:45 p.m..

3.0 Approval of Changes to the Agenda No changes were made to the agenda.

4.0 Citizens’ Comments No comments were made.

5.0 Public Hearing – 2019 Proposed Budget M/S Directors Wiegand/Rafferty to enter the Public Hearing at 3:02 p.m. A comprehensive draft of the proposed 2019 budget was provided to each board member. Fire Chief Keating and Deputy Chief Nelson explained the process of drafting the proposed budget in detail to those in attendance. Deputy Chief Nelson highlighted that each budget line is designed to connect directly to our accreditation program. A discussion of the proposed budget ensued and staff was credited with the creation of a very well-constructed budget.

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M/S Directors Wiegand/Brook to exit the Public Hearing at 3:16 p.m. Motion carried

M/S Directors Wiegand/Lippert to approve the 2019 draft budget. Roll Call vote, unanimous. Motion carried.

6.0 Approval of Minutes from September 25, 2018 Special Meeting Approval of Minutes from September 27, 2018 Regular Meeting M/S Directors Wiegand/Rafferty to approve the minutes from both September 25, 2018 Special Meeting and September 27, 2018 Regular Meeting. Voice vote, unanimous. Motion carried.

7.0 Review and Approval of Financial and Budgetary Reports 7.1 Claims Detail for September 2018

The BOD discussed the claims detail report. 7.2 Variance Report for September 2018

The BOD discussed the variance report. 7.3 Income Statement

No comments were made regarding the income statement.

M/S Directors Lippert/Brook to approve the claims detail reports. Voice vote, unanimous. Motion carried.

8.0 Chief’s Report Fire Chief Keating provided a written report to the BOD on various items which occurred during the month of September. Chief Keating also reminded the BOD to RSVP for the annual awards event with Jessica by November 10th.

9.0 Staff Reports 9.1 Finance Division Updates – L. Johnson

FO Johnson provided a written update to the BOD on various items which occurred during the month of September. The BOD discussed the report.

9.2 Human Resources Updates – A. Seidler HR Officer Seidler provided a written update to the BOD on various items which occurred during the month of September. No comments were made regarding HR Officer Seidler’s update.

9.3 Operational Division Updates – Kuhn Deputy Chief Kuhn provided a written update to the BOD on various items which occurred during the month of September. No comments were made regarding Deputy Chief Kuhn’s update.

9.4 Administrative Division Updates – Nelson Deputy Chief Nelson provided a written update to the BOD on various items which occurred during the month of September.

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A change order was required to the generator contract for Station 4 to correct the existing feeder to the main electrical panel which was not up to code. The wiring was found to be aluminum with multiple wires under one lug, which is not an approved wiring method per code. The generator is now fully functional and running well. Starting immediately, with a goal of eliminating payroll errors, employees will now be required to approve their own timecards in Netduty. The time cards currently are reviewed and submitted directly by their supervisor. Having this additional review will expedite the payroll process and furnish further oversight in the payroll approval process.

9.5 Accreditation Updates – Battalion Chief Roberts A written report updating the BOD on activities during the month of September was submitted by B.C. Roberts and was included in the board packet.

9.6 Local 4325 Update – Captain Caldwell A written report updating the BOD on activities during the month of September was submitted by Captain Caldwell and was included in the board packet.

10.0 Executive Session – Determining positions relative to matters that may be subject to negotiations, developing strategy for negotiations, and instructing negotiators. M/S Directors Brook/Rafferty to enter executive session at 3:30 p.m. with all Board members, attorney Bob Cole, Chief Jim Keating and Assistant County Manager Sarah Vaine. Motion Passed. At 5:12 p.m. M/S Brook/Lippert to exit the executive session and return to the regular meeting. Motion Passed.

11.0 Comments No comments were made.

12.0 Other business No other business was discussed.

13.0 Adjournment M/S Wiegand/Lippert to adjourn meeting at 5:13 p.m. Motion Passed.

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Meeting Minutes

September 25, 2018

1.0 Call to Order The special meeting of the Board of Directors (BOD) of the Red, White and Blue Fire Protection District (RWBFPD) was called to order by BOD President Arch Gothard at 1:04 p.m. at the South Branch Library at 103 S. Harris Street in Breckenridge, Colorado.

2.0 Roll Call Board Members Present: X Dean Lippert X Rich Rafferty X Arch Gothard Others Present: X Chief Jim Keating X Attorney Robert Cole

3.0 Approval of the Meeting Agenda

The meeting agenda was approved with no changes, as presented by Asst. County Manager Sarah Vaine.

4.0 New Business M/S Directors Lippert/Rafferty at 1:05 p.m. to enter executive session for the purpose as described, Gothard, Lippert, and Rafferty voting aye.

Ambulance Operations Discussion with the Summit County Board of County Commissioners and staff, Summit Fire and EMS Board of Directors and staff, and Red, White and Blue Fire District Board of Directors and staff (Executive Session Recommended – CRS 24-6-402 (4) (a)(b)(e) – Determining positions relative to matters that may be subject to negotiations and property, developing strategy for negotiations, and instructing negotiators and the legal issues related thereto)

At 2:35 p.m. the Executive Session was suspended for travel of all RWBFPD Board Members and staff back to RWB Station 6.

At 2:45 p.m. the Executive Session was resumed at Station 6.

5.0 Adjournment

At 3:20 p.m. M/S Rafferty/Lippert to adjourn the Executive Session. Motion passed.

At 3:20 p.m. M/S Rafferty/Lippert to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed.

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11/29/18 RED, WHITE, AND BLUE FIRE DISTRICT Page: 120:08:53 Claim Details Report ID: AP100 For the Accounting Period: 10/18

————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————Claim Vendor #/Name/ Document $/ Disc $ CashLine # Check Invoice #/Inv Date/Description Line $ PO # Fund Org Acct Object Proj Account————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

6788 -94779E 402 SNAKE RIVER FIRE FLEET SERVICES 16,444.00 Fleet Maintenance Contract- Qtrly Payment 1 1111 09/28/18 Qrtly Assessment 16,444.00 1000 4600 435 1020

6789 -94742E 467 Colorado Natural Gas, Inc. 308.05 autopay 1 10/25/18 St 7 Gas 308.05 1000 4870 382 1020

6790 -94741E 812 TIGER, INC. 1,032.00 OLBP 1 1018235183 11/07/18 St 4 Natural Gas Service 337.81 1000 4840 382 1020 2 1018235183 11/07/18 St 6 Natural Gas Service 694.19 1000 4860 382 1020

6791 -94755E 19 XCEL ENERGY 1,735.25 AUTOPAY 1 stmt 10/23/18 Electric North 468.05 1000 4840 381 1020 3 stmt 10/23/18 Electric Museum 81.69 1000 4860 381 1020 4 stmt 10/23/18 Electric Main 794.17 1000 4860 381 1020 6 stmt 10/23/18 Electric South 391.34 1000 4870 381 1020

6794 -94778E 504 Stericycle, Inc. 80.56 OLBP 1 3004419971 10/01/18 Bio-Hazard Waste Disposal 80.56 1000 4700 491 1020

6795 -94777E 856 MetLife Small Business Center 373.10 autopay- monthly 1 5348811 10/14/18 Vision 373.10 1000 2140 1020

6796 -94754E 665 Mountain Pest Control, Inc. 242.00 OLBP 1 1062133 10/27/18 St 4 Pest control 60.50 1000 4840 450 1020 2 1032133 10/27/18 St 6 Pest Control 121.00 1000 4860 450 1020 3 1062133 10/27/18 St 7 Pest Control 60.50 1000 4870 450 1020

6797 -94776E 879 RED WHITE & BLUE CAREER 857.50 Union Dues Mid Month 1 10/15/18 Union Dues Mid Month 857.50 1000 2220 1020

6798 -94753E 879 RED WHITE & BLUE CAREER 857.50 Union Dues End of Month 1 10/28/18 Union Dues End of Month 857.50 1000 2220 1020

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11/29/18 RED, WHITE, AND BLUE FIRE DISTRICT Page: 220:08:53 Claim Details Report ID: AP100 For the Accounting Period: 10/18

————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————Claim Vendor #/Name/ Document $/ Disc $ CashLine # Check Invoice #/Inv Date/Description Line $ PO # Fund Org Acct Object Proj Account————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

6799 -94752E 880 THE SUMMIT FOUNDATION 167.83 Summit Foundation End of Month 1 10/31/18 Summit Foundation End of Month 167.83 1000 2221 1020

6800 -94775E 880 THE SUMMIT FOUNDATION 167.83 Summit Foundation Mid Month 1 10/15/18 Summit Foundation Mid Month 167.83 1000 2221 1020

6801 40550S 790 AMERICAN GENERAL LIFE COMPANIES 155.73 Check - Accident Insurance Send copy of invoice with paper check.

1 10/27/18 Accident Insurance 155.73 1000 2141 1020

6802 -94774E 94 Upper Blue Sanitation District 1,165.32 AUTOPAY qtrly stmt 01/01/17 to 3/31/2017 1 10/01/18 St 4 Sanitation 453.18 1000 4840 383 1020 2 10/01/18 St 5 Sanitation 78.00 1000 4850 383 1020 3 10/01/18 St 6 Sanitation 361.14 1000 4860 383 1020 4 10/01/18 St 6 Sanitation Museum 78.00 1000 4860 383 1020 5 10/01/18 St7 Sanitation 195.00 1000 4870 383 1020

6803 -94751E 893 CEBT Payments 64,983.50 OLBP - Monthly Billing- 1 0025853 10/12/18 CEBT-Health Ins 64,983.50 1000 1410 1020

6804 -94773E 897 RED WHITE & BLUE HRA & FSA 2,218.75 HRA (RWB ER Contribution) and FSA-DEP and FSA-MED (employee funded FSA and deducted from Employee paycheck each payroll) - Mid Month Payroll

1 10/15/18 RWB ER HRA Contribution 1,562.50 1000 2130 1020 2 10/15/18 RWB EE FSA-DEP 329.16 1000 2130 1020 3 10/15/18 RWB EE FSA-MED 327.09 1000 2130 1020

6805 -94750E 897 RED WHITE & BLUE HRA & FSA 2,218.75 HRA (RWB ER Contribution) and FSA-DEP and FSA-MED (employee funded FSA and deducted from Employee paycheck each payroll) - End of Month Payroll

1 10/31/18 RWB ER HRA Contribution 1,562.50 1000 2130 1020 2 10/31/18 RWB EE FSA-DEP 329.16 1000 2130 1020 3 10/31/18 RWB EE FSA-MED 327.09 1000 2130 1020

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11/29/18 RED, WHITE, AND BLUE FIRE DISTRICT Page: 320:08:53 Claim Details Report ID: AP100 For the Accounting Period: 10/18

————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————Claim Vendor #/Name/ Document $/ Disc $ CashLine # Check Invoice #/Inv Date/Description Line $ PO # Fund Org Acct Object Proj Account————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

6806 -94772E 475 St. Anthony Hospital 151.36 OLBP 1 5229 10/09/18 Meds 151.36 1000 4700 200 1020

6807 -94771E 898 DELTA DENTAL OF COLORADO 3,334.25 Autopay 1 10/01/18 Monthly Billing 3,334.25 1000 2140 1020

6808 -94740E 397 BoundTree Medical, LLC. 584.96 1 83004001 10/09/18 Meds 29.34 1000 4700 200 1020 2 83014167 10/22/18 Meds 555.62 1000 4700 200 1020

6810 -94732E 742 Chase 13,944.58 OLBP 1 10/02/18 CO State Chiefs-Conf (2) 790.00 1000 4100 375 1020 2 10/10/18 MyTradingCards-Subscription 9.95 1000 4100 332 1020 3 10/15/18 CO State Chiefs-Lippert 170.00 1000 4100 375 1020 4 10/04/18 IAFC-Dues-Hoehn 284.00 1000 4100 332 1020 5 10/19/18 511-Tactical-Job Shirts 472.82 1000 4200 231 1020 6 10/01/18 CO State Chiefs-Bergbauer 445.00 1000 4200 376 1020 7 10/03/18 Comcast-St 7 Internet 184.85 1000 4500 336 1020 8 10/02/18 Peak Performance-Savin 242.06 1000 4500 339 1020 9 10/02/18 Peak Perf-ESCI Copies 4.90 1000 4100 320 1020 10 10/04/18 Comcast-St 4 Internet 129.85 1000 4500 336 1020 11 10/04/18 Century Link 1.05 1000 4500 336 1020 12 10/06/18 Comcast-St 5 Internet 184.85 1000 4500 336 1020 13 10/10/18 Century Link 290.22 1000 4500 336 1020 14 10/10/18 Amazon-Printer/Toner 98.98 1000 4500 480 1020 15 10/13/18 Comcast-St 6 Internet 134.85 1000 4500 336 1020 16 10/15/18 Splashtop-Support-100 Computer 249.00 1000 4500 251 1020 17 10/21/18 Verizon-Voice 209.37 1000 4500 337 1020 18 10/21/18 Verizon-Data 560.28 1000 4500 337 1020 19 10/21/18 BirchGrove-55ActivTrak Users 1,848.00 1000 4500 251 1020 20 10/23/18 Comcast-PRI Trunk 281.49 1000 4500 336 1020 21 10/23/18 BirchGrove-5 Users- HCTC 167.04 1000 4500 251 1020 22 10/30/18 AT&T 593.76 1000 4500 337 1020 23 10/07/18 Sam's Club-OpenHouseSoup 46.84 1000 4300 240 1020 24 10/09/18 CityMarket-OpenHouse Buns 39.60 1000 4300 240 1020 25 10/13/18 Walmart-OpenHouse Totes 10.97 1000 4300 240 1020 26 10/16/18 Walmart-Linen Storage Bins 36.69 1000 4300 240 1020 27 10/03/18 PublicSafety- Excellence Conf 695.00 1000 4100 203 1020 28 10/03/18 Engine Co Leather-Awards 600.00 1000 4100 205 1020 29 10/05/18 Edcor Training-PALS Renewal 140.00 1000 4200 377 1020 30 10/15/18 PublicSafety-CTO Renewal Fee 325.00 1000 4200 377 1020

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11/29/18 RED, WHITE, AND BLUE FIRE DISTRICT Page: 420:08:53 Claim Details Report ID: AP100 For the Accounting Period: 10/18

————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————Claim Vendor #/Name/ Document $/ Disc $ CashLine # Check Invoice #/Inv Date/Description Line $ PO # Fund Org Acct Object Proj Account———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 31 10/17/18 Building Warriors-Peer Conf 250.00 1000 4200 377 1020 . 32 10/20/18 Amazon-Indoor Thermometer 45.16 1000 4100 203 1020 33 10/06/18 Super8-Price Adjustment -9.81 1000 4200 222 1020 34 10/05/18 Super8-Wildland 107.91 1000 4200 222 1020 35 10/05/18 Super8-Wildland 98.00 1000 4200 222 1020 36 10/06/18 KingSoopers-Wildland Fuel 39.95 1000 4200 222 1020 37 10/01/18 Haix-Refund- Boots -678.30 1000 4200 230 1020 38 10/10/18 CityMarket-E7 Batteries 7.98 1000 4200 234 1020 39 10/28/18 CityMarket-M5 Traffic Wands 9.25 1000 4200 234 1020 40 10/08/18 City Market-OpenHouse Soup 81.71 1000 4300 240 1020 41 10/24/18 CMC-LeadershipSummitHoehn 1,250.00 1000 4100 375 1020 42 10/08/18 Sanders-OpenHouse Propane 166.04 1000 4300 240 1020 43 10/08/18 City Market-Rice Krispies 7.98 1000 4300 240 1020 44 10/10/18 BRUENINGER-City Market-Ice 11.11 1000 4300 240 1020 45 10/31/18 Stio-Vest for Austin B 103.95 1000 4100 231 1020 46 10/02/18 True Value-Small Engine Repair 17.99 1000 4200 234 1020 47 10/01/18 Walmart-OpenHouse Props 30.20 1000 4300 240 1020 48 10/01/18 AlpinAire 6.00 1000 4700 491 1020 49 10/02/18 Office Depot- Folders 20.58 1000 4100 201 1020 50 10/08/18 City Market- OpenHouse Soup 37.79 1000 4300 240 1020 51 10/09/18 Amazon-Mop Heads St 4 10.20 1000 4840 215 1020 52 10/09/18 Amazon-Mop Heads St 5 10.20 1000 4850 215 1020 53 10/09/18 Amazon-Mop Heads St 6 10.19 1000 4860 215 1020 54 10/09/18 Amazon-Mop Heads St 7 10.19 1000 4870 215 1020 55 10/09/18 Amazon- Toilet Paper St 4 11.99 1000 4840 215 1020 56 10/09/18 Amazon- Toilet Paper St 5 11.99 1000 4850 215 1020 57 10/09/18 Amazon- Toilet Paper St 6 12.00 1000 4860 215 1020 58 10/09/18 Amazon- Toilet Paper St 7 12.00 1000 4870 215 1020 59 10/09/18 Western Paper-Cleaning St 4 41.36 1000 4840 215 1020 60 10/09/18 Western Paper-Cleaning St 5 41.37 1000 4850 215 1020 61 10/09/18 Western Paper-Cleaning St 6 41.37 1000 4860 215 1020 62 10/09/18 Western Paper-Cleaning St 7 41.37 1000 4870 215 1020 63 10/12/18 USPS-Shipping-Wildland 9.70 1000 4200 222 1020 64 10/11/18 OfficeDepot-Copy Paper 131.96 1000 4100 201 1020 65 10/12/18 Office Depot-Envelopes 49.98 1000 4100 201 1020 66 10/15/18 AlpinAire 54.00 1000 4700 491 1020 67 10/18/18 City Market-Board Meeting 19.73 1000 4100 205 1020 68 10/18/18 City Market-Open Enrollment 35.42 1000 4100 205 1020 69 10/20/18 Office Depot-Binders 15.96 1000 4100 201 1020 70 10/18/18 Office Depot-Office Supplies 271.45 1000 4100 201 1020 71 10/22/18 City Market-Open Enrollment 45.07 1000 4100 205 1020 72 10/22/18 AlpinAire 155.00 1000 4700 491 1020 73 10/25/18 CityMarket-HALLOWEEN CANDY 144.91 1000 4100 205 1020 74 10/01/18 Amazon-Touch Up Paint 29.40 1000 4662 440 1020

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11/29/18 RED, WHITE, AND BLUE FIRE DISTRICT Page: 520:08:53 Claim Details Report ID: AP100 For the Accounting Period: 10/18

————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————Claim Vendor #/Name/ Document $/ Disc $ CashLine # Check Invoice #/Inv Date/Description Line $ PO # Fund Org Acct Object Proj Account———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 75 10/19/18 Shipping-Teresa Perkins 6.70 1000 4100 331 1020 76 10/02/18 Galls-Barrier Tape 135.00 1000 4300 211 1020 77 10/04/18 Co Dept Labor-BoilerInspection 123.47 1000 4860 450 1020 78 10/05/18 Select Blinds-Bedroom Blinds 7 671.56 1000 4870 450 1020 79 10/05/18 Select Blinds-Bedroom Blinds 6 191.92 1000 4860 450 1020 82 10/08/18 Office Depot-Foam Boards WL 167.97 1000 4300 210 1020 83 10/11/18 Amazon-Vacuums St 6 259.98 1000 4860 450 1020 84 10/12/18 Amazon-2 Memory Cards 57.98 1000 4300 211 1020 85 10/15/18 Select Blinds-Blind St 7 164.28 1000 4870 450 1020 86 10/29/18 Drop Box 99.00 1000 4300 210 1020

6811 -94770E 700 COMCAST BUSINESS 27.46 Autopayment - AlpineBank 2 10/11/18 St 6 Cable Service 27.46 1000 4860 386 1020

6812 -94769E 700 COMCAST BUSINESS 13.98 Autopayment - AlpineBank 4 10/11/18 St 7 Cable Service 13.98 1000 4870 386 1020

6814 -94768E 859 MARLIN BUSINESS BANK 223.70 AUTOPAY Lease Contract # 401-1498427-001 Savin Copier

Account # 1498427 Lease Expires 1/31/2021. Set up on autopayment 1st of each month 1 16357271 10/10/18 Contract 401-1498427-001 223.70 9000 5000 610 1020

6815 -94767E 700 COMCAST BUSINESS 105.65 Autopayment - AlpineBank 1 10/08/18 St 4 Cable Service 19.76 1000 4840 386 1020 2 10/08/18 SC Ambul Cable 85.89 1000 4840 386 1020

6817 -94739E 402 SNAKE RIVER FIRE FLEET SERVICES 2,521.06 OLBP Monthly Parts Billing

4 10/31/18 2004 E-One 4x2 2.00 1000 4614 440 1020 5 10/31/18 2016 E-One 4x4 2.00 1000 4615 440 1020 7 10/31/18 2007 E-One 4x4 1,945.20 1000 4617 440 1020 8 10/31/18 2010 Pierce Tower 103.25 1000 4618 440 1020 9 10/31/18 2012 Timberwolf 468.61 1000 4619 440 1020 16 10/31/18 2012 Pierce Tender 0.00 1000 4627 440 1020 17 10/31/18 2015 Rosenbauer Tender 0.00 1000 4628 440 1020 21 10/31/18 2004 F550 Wildland 0.00 1000 4634 440 1020 22 10/31/18 2006 F550 Wildland 0.00 1000 4637 440 1020 23 10/31/18 2007 Medic Unit 4644 0.00 1000 4644 440 1020 24 10/31/18 2007 Medic Unit 4646 0.00 1000 4646 440 1020

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————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————Claim Vendor #/Name/ Document $/ Disc $ CashLine # Check Invoice #/Inv Date/Description Line $ PO # Fund Org Acct Object Proj Account———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 26 10/31/18 2017 Medic Unit 4648 0.00 1000 4648 440 1020 30 10/31/18 2008 Red Escape - Pool 0.00 1000 4651 440 1020 37 10/31/18 1999 F350 Plow Truck 0.00 1000 4653 440 1020 38 10/31/18 2006 Escape - CRM 4654/4657 0.00 1000 4654 440 1020 39 10/31/18 2005 Expedition Alt BC Car 0.00 1000 4656 440 1020 46 10/31/18 2018 Tacoma - CRM 0.00 1000 4659 440 1020 47 10/31/18 2016 Toyota Highlander-Keating 0.00 1000 4660 440 1020 48 10/31/18 2010 Traverse Kuhn 0.00 1000 4661 440 1020 49 10/31/18 2014 Tahoe Nelson 0.00 1000 4662 440 1020 50 10/31/18 2010 Suburban BC Car 0.00 1000 4666 440 1020 52 10/31/18 2013-F350 WL/Plow 0.00 1000 4667 440 1020

6838 -94766E 21 WASTE MANAGEMENT 806.67 AUTO PAY 1 09/27/18 St 6 Trash 344.88 1000 4860 384 1020 2 09/27/18 St 4 Trash 280.20 1000 4840 384 1020 3 09/27/18 St7 Trash 181.59 1000 4870 384 1020

6839 -94765E 849 CoPro EFP INC 507.72 1 4257 10/04/18 Campbell pants 507.72 1000 4200 231 1020

6840 -94764E 22 SUMMIT FIRE AUTHORITY 200.00 1 1701 10/02/18 Hutch 20.00 1000 4200 376 1020 2 1701 10/02/18 Austin, Campbell, Austin 90.00 1000 4200 377 1020 3 1701 10/02/18 Felt, Wiegand, Clark 90.00 1000 4200 378 1020

6842 -94763E 44 COLORADO MOTOR PARTS 481.70 1 99765353 08/18/18 lamp 8.29 1000 4614 440 1020 2 974368 08/08/18 battery charger 239.99 1000 4840 450 1020 3 798309 09/05/18 Blue Def 25.26 1000 4618 440 1020 4 833798 09/23/18 2.5 DEF 24.98 1000 4627 440 1020 5 99842038 09/27/18 Silicone & Wash 24.64 1000 4600 270 1020 6 99843439 09/28/18 Battery 153.57 1000 4667 440 1020 7 093018 09/30/18 Late Charge 4.97 1000 4100 800 1020

6843 -94762E 45 COLLINS, COCKREL AND COLE 13,626.07 1 09/30/18 Legal Fees 13,626.07 1000 4100 320 1020

6844 40543S 636 U.S. Bank Commercial Banking 61,452.20 Tower 4 Truck Commericial Loan Invoice Prinicipal Payment due 4/15/11 $41,552.32

Interest Payment 10/18/10 - 1/1/11 @4.10% $8,194.79 Interest Payment 1/1/11 - 4/15/11 @ 4.10% $19,899.88 1 1810018355 09/30/18 Prinicipal Due-T4 - 10/15/ 56,564.19 1000 5000 610 1020 2 1810018355 09/30/18 Interest 04/16/18/ - 10/15 4,957.35 1000 5000 610 1020

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11/29/18 RED, WHITE, AND BLUE FIRE DISTRICT Page: 720:08:53 Claim Details Report ID: AP100 For the Accounting Period: 10/18

————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————Claim Vendor #/Name/ Document $/ Disc $ CashLine # Check Invoice #/Inv Date/Description Line $ PO # Fund Org Acct Object Proj Account———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 3 1810018355 09/30/18 Adjustment -69.34 1000 5000 610 1020

6845 40544S 946 Laura Johnson 97.12 1 10/22/18 Drive Reimb GFOA Class 97.12 1000 4100 375 1020

6846 -94761E 771 HEAVEN'S BEST CARPET & 649.50 1 5469 10/16/18 Main Station Carpet Clean 649.50 1000 4860 450 1020

6847 40545S 804 Amanda Seidler 29.97 1 10/16/18 Batteries - Open House 29.97 1000 4300 240 1020

6848 40546S 804 Amanda Seidler 34.53 1 10/16/18 B-Shift Benefits Fair 34.53 1000 4100 205 1020

6849 -94760E 967 Agent Drain 480.20 1 10056 10/17/18 Drain - South Station 480.20 1000 4870 450 1020

6850 -94759E 757 RED DOG RADIOS, LLC 671.95 1 5863 10/10/18 Tait TP9100 batteries 518.25 1000 4500 482 1020 2 5835 09/20/18 TK-5720 & Antennae 153.70 9000 4500 920 1020

6851 -94758E 161 PRINT THIS 2,287.25 1 289698 10/12/18 RWB Duty T-s 2,287.25 1000 4200 231 1020

6852 -94757E 948 Custom Direct, LLC 1,456.20 1 12095 10/10/18 Printing Tabor-RWB 1,456.20 1000 4100 320 1020

6853 -94756E 42 FRONT RANGE FIRE APPARATUS 1,394.07 1 61731 10/04/18 Key Hose 1,394.07 1000 4200 234 1020

6881 -94749E 46 BRECKENRIDGE BUILDING CENTER 16.52 1 2933547 10/05/18 Stopper 16.52 1000 4860 450 1020

6882 -94748E 849 CoPro EFP INC 60.00 1 4298 10/18/18 Brass finial 60.00 1000 4200 230 1020

6883 -94747E 849 CoPro EFP INC 219.94 1 4248 10/16/18 Repalce zippers/mend uniforms 219.94 1000 4200 230 1020

6884 -94746E 928 ROCKY MOUNTAIN WATER 618.99 1 921276 10/26/18 Water Filter Replacement 618.99 7113 1000 4800 450 1020

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11/29/18 RED, WHITE, AND BLUE FIRE DISTRICT Page: 820:08:53 Claim Details Report ID: AP100 For the Accounting Period: 10/18

————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————Claim Vendor #/Name/ Document $/ Disc $ CashLine # Check Invoice #/Inv Date/Description Line $ PO # Fund Org Acct Object Proj Account————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

6885 40547S 524 Erik Kuffner 15.00 1 10/23/18 Big O Tire Reimbursement 15.00 1000 4600 220 1020

6886 40548S 809 JOHN WIEGAND 170.98 1 06/06/18 Lodging for Training 170.98 1000 4200 378 1020

6887 -94745E 479 Airpro, Inc. 428.43 1 11128 10/25/18 Preventative Mtnc 102.50 1000 4840 450 1020 2 11128 10/25/18 Preventative Mtnc 102.50 1000 4860 450 1020 3 11128 10/25/18 Preventative Mtnc 102.50 1000 4850 450 1020 4 11128 10/25/18 Preventative Mtnc 102.50 1000 4870 450 1020 5 11128 10/25/18 Preventative Mtnc 18.43 1000 4870 450 1020

6888 -94744E 146 GALL'S LLC - DBA NEVE'S UNIFORMS 125.15 1 3010135440 10/22/18 Composite Toe 125.15 1000 4100 231 1020

6889 -94743E 850 PCM/Tiger Direct 335.00 1 360101 10/17/18 laserjet pro 335.00 1000 4500 480 1020

6890 40549S 834 Tim Caldwell 526.60 1 10/23/18 Lodging Rigging Rescue 526.60 1000 4100 375 1020

6891 -94738E 1 TOWN OF BRECKENRIDGE- FUEL 3,439.56 OLBP Monthly Fuel Billing

Admin Fee 4 3419 10/31/18 2004 E-One 4x2 170.38 1000 4614 261 1020 5 3419 10/31/18 2016 E-One 4x4 229.50 1000 4615 261 1020 7 3419 10/31/18 2007 E-One 4x4 263.25 1000 4617 261 1020 8 3419 10/31/18 2010 Pierce Tower 610.85 1000 4618 261 1020 9 3419 10/31/18 2012 Timberwolf 303.77 1000 4619 261 1020 23 3419 10/31/18 2007 Medic Unit 4644 315.38 1000 4644 261 1020 24 3419 10/31/18 2007 Medic Unit 4646 150.15 1000 4646 261 1020 26 3419 10/31/18 2017 Medic Unit 4648 285.65 1000 4648 261 1020 30 3419 10/31/18 2008 Red Escape - Pool 69.09 1000 4651 262 1020 38 3419 10/31/18 2006 Escape - CRM 4654/4657 69.27 1000 4654 262 1020 39 3419 10/31/18 2005 Expedition Alt BC Car 51.68 1000 4656 262 1020 46 3419 10/31/18 2018 Tacoma - CRM 77.83 1000 4659 262 1020 47 3419 10/31/18 2016 Toyota Highlander-Keating 76.92 1000 4660 262 1020 48 3419 10/31/18 2010 Traverse Kuhn 189.12 1000 4661 262 1020 49 3419 10/31/18 2014 Tahoe Nelson 150.82 1000 4662 262 1020 50 3419 10/31/18 2010 Suburban BC Car 183.73 1000 4666 262 1020 54 3386 10/31/18 Admin Fee 242.17 1000 4600 304 1020

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11/29/18 RED, WHITE, AND BLUE FIRE DISTRICT Page: 920:08:53 Claim Details Report ID: AP100 For the Accounting Period: 10/18

————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————Claim Vendor #/Name/ Document $/ Disc $ CashLine # Check Invoice #/Inv Date/Description Line $ PO # Fund Org Acct Object Proj Account————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

6892 -94737E 646 L.N. Curtis & Sons/Intermountain 870.00 1 227327 10/23/18 2 pair fire boots 870.00 1000 4200 230 1020

6893 -94736E 759 Centennial Fire & Safety 800.00 1 3980 10/29/18 Bauer Air Compressor service 800.00 1000 4200 234 1020

6894 40551S 524 Erik Kuffner 125.00 1 10/29/18 Station Duty Boots 125.00 1000 4200 231 1020

6895 -94735E 627 Eagle Engraving Inc. 92.95 1 2018-4762 10/29/18 Awards engraving 92.95 1000 4100 205 1020

6896 -94734E 707 Lowe's Commercial Services 138.28 1 10/08/18 cleaner 8.88 1000 4300 240 1020 2 10/08/18 cleaner 32.35 1000 4840 215 1020 3 10/08/18 cleaner 32.35 1000 4850 215 1020 4 10/08/18 cleaner 32.35 1000 4860 215 1020 5 10/08/18 cleaner 32.35 1000 4870 215 1020

6897 -94733E 534 Breckenridge Mechanical 495.37 1 7519085 10/31/18 Pipe 495.37 1000 4860 450 1020

# of Claims 57 Total: 206,567.59

Total Electronic Claims 143,960.46 Total Non-Electronic Claims 62607.13

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11/29/18 RED, WHITE, AND BLUE FIRE DISTRICT Page: 1020:08:53 Fund Summary for Claims Report ID: AP110 For the Accounting Period: 10/18

———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Fund/Account Amount———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 1000 GENERAL 1020 Alpine Bank - General Checking $206,190.19 9000 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES FUND 1020 Alpine Bank - General Checking $377.40

Total: $206,567.59

Page 19: AGENDA December 2018

RWB BOD Variance Explanations October 2018

(84% of Budgeted Operating Expenditures; 80% of Capital Expenditures; 83% through year)

GENERAL OPERATING FUND REVENUES - (Explanations provided for variances of 5% and $10,000)

General Operating Fund Property Taxes (1000-3110) – at 100% of Budget; compared to 100% in October

2017 collections.

Specific Ownership Taxes (3120) – at 109% of Budget, compared to 119% in October 2017

Plan Review Fees (3420) - at 15%, compared to 110% in October 2017; this will come in under budget for year,

due to lack of large projects being planned in 2018

EMS Fee Revenue (3500) - at 139% of Budget compared to 73% in October 2017. SCAS has changed their

accounting methods and they are now breaking out 2017 revenues from 2018 revenues; any EMS Fee Revenue

received in 2018 for 2017 is booked to 2018 revenues. SCAS also sent a reconciliation for prior months due to

mistakes in SCAS accounting methods; RWB Fire received a $106,000 deposit in July for this. SCAS has

caught up on their accounting, and we have now received/accrued all revenue due through October 2018

HCTC Revenue (3606) - at 100%; RWB received HCTC Q1, Q2, Q3 & Q4 2018 assessments

Grant Revenues (3607) - at 73%; SAFER Grant revenue for January - July payroll has been received; August –

October will be billed and the Grant has reached the end of its cycle 10/31/2018. The SAFER employees will

now be accounted for in Operations (4200) Salaries & Benefits

Interest in Investments (3701) - at 171%

Task Force & WL Deployment Revenues (3800) - at 27%, RWB Fire is now billing for summer wildland

deployments and expects total billings to be $417,753 for 2018

Other Operating Revenues (3900) - at 68%, compared to 67% in October 2017

Overall, 98% of budgeted revenues have been accrued through October 2018. At end of October 2017,

revenues were at 94% of budget.

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GENERAL OPERATING FUND EXPENDITURES - (Explanations provided for variances of 5% and


Administration –

Overall this Division is at 77% of budget, compared to 78% at October 2017

Auditing (4100-302) – at 118% - ACM increased their rate for 2017 Audit/CAFR after 2018 Budget was


Consulting Services (4100-308) – at 172% - Consulting for Ballot regarding Gallagher

Operations –

Overall this Division is at 86% of budget, compared to 83% at October 2017

This is consistent with being 83% through the year

Overtime (4200-112) – 163% of total budget – 2 employees were on Leave, which created the need for other

employees to work overtime

Wildland Salaries & OT (4200-114) – 114% of total budget – this is expected, due to the over $417K in WL

Billings/Revenues which are over double the budget of $200K

Community Risk Management –

Overall this Division is at 80% of budget, compared to 81% at October 2017

Training, Health & Safety –

Overall this Division is at 80% of budget, compared to 89% at October 2017

Salaries (4400-110) – 61% of total budget – An employee termed in March 2018, and this position is not

expected to be filled – however the savings in Salary & Benefits from being an employee short will stay at

HCTC, so by year end this amount will be at 100%

SFA Contribution/Quarterly Training Assessment (4400-372) – 100% of total budget, as Q1 payment was made

in January 2018 and Q2 payment was made in March 2018 and Q3 payment was made in June 2018 and Q4

payment was made in September 2018

SFA Contribution/Haz Mat Assessment (4400-374) – 100% of total budget, as entire $15,155 payment for year

was made in February 2018

IT/Communications –

Overall this Division is at 85% of budget, compared to 84% (exclude Capital Expenditures) at October 2017

Fleet –

Overall this functional area is at 82% of budget, compared to 90% at October 2017

This is consistent with being 83% through the year

4560-435 Annual Fleet Maintenance Contract – at 100% - Q4 Fleet Maintenance Contract was paid in October

4634-440 2004 F550 Wildland Truck Vehicle Maintenance – at 97%

4637-440 2006 F550 Wildland Truck Vehicle Maintenance – at 99%

4644-440 2007 Medic Unit Vehicle Maintenance – at 177%

4648-440 2017 Medic Unit Vehicle Maintenance – at 191%

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Overall this Division is at 76% of budget, compared to 73% (exclude Capital Expenditures) at October 2017

Buildings –

Overall this functional area is at 75% of budget, compared to 65% at October 2017

Building Maintenance (#450) is at 89% of budget, compared to 63% at October 2017

Other & Grants –

Overall this area is at 95% of budget, compared to 98% at October 2017

General Operating Fund Treasurer Fees (4900-301) – 100% in line with 100% of Property Tax Revenues


Debt Service –

All Debt Service has been moved to Capital Expenditure Fund for 2018

Other Expenses –

This line is at 16% of budget. The 2018 budgeted Old Hire Pension Fund payment of $48,265 was paid in June

2018, and transfers to Reserve Fund and Capital Fund have not been made




Page 22: AGENDA December 2018


Capital Expenditures Fund Property Taxes (9000-3119) – 99% of Budget; compared to 100% in 09/17


There are no 2018 Budgeted or Actual Capital Expenditures in following Departments:

Administration - (9000-4100-920)

Community Risk Management - (9000-4300-920)

Training, Health & Safety – (9000-4400-920)

EMS - (9000-4700-920)

Operations – (9000-4200-920) –

This line is at 0% of Budget, as no Capital Expenditures were made in Operations in January - August 2018

IT/Communications – (9000-4500-920) – $42,453; this is 62% of Budget

$15,000 to ESRI for the district’s GPS mapping software

$17,507 to Emergency Reporting for new records management system (High Plains replacement)

$5,200 to Locality Media for 1st Due Size Up for real time mapping and structure pre-plans, which will work

with Emergency Reporting

$1,898 to netDuty for online scheduling interface software

$1,164 + $154 = $1,318 total to Red Dog Radios for Kenwood Mobile Radios

$1,529 to PCM/Tiger for 13.3: Keyvision

Fleet – (9000-4600-920) – $186,757; this is 98% of Budget

$153,572 for Purchase Order for budgeted Type 6 Wildand engine; deposit was paid for $57,614

$30,600 for Toyota Tacoma truck was purchased for CRM in March 2018

$2,343 for additional expenses for Toyota Tacoma in May (license plates, topper and graphics)

$242 to SVI Trucks for Tacoma Truck Decals

Buildings – (9000-4800-920) – $85,513; this is 53% of Budget

$56,255 PO was issued in April for Station #4 generator

$8,900 was paid to Gambino for painting Station #7 – South

$17,858 was paid to Breck Mechanical for gas line for new generator

$2,500 was paid to CE Power to replace AL feeder conductor

Other & Grants – (9000-4900-309) – $21,420; this is 100% of Budget

Capital Expenditures Fund Treasurer Fee (9000-4900-309) – at 100% in line with 100% of Property Tax

Revenues received

Debt Service – (9000-5000-610) - $125,025; this is 100% of Budget

This line is at 100% of Budget, as a principal/interest payment for the Tower truck was made to US Bank in

March and October 2018. Monthly payments ($223.70) are made for copier.

Other Expenses – (9000-5200-950)

This line is at 0% of Budget, as no transfers to Capital Fund also have been made



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11/21/18 RED, WHITE, AND BLUE FIRE DISTRICT Page: 109:27:54 Income Statement Report ID: LB170A For the Accounting Period: 10 / 18

1000 GENERAL———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ------------------- Current Year -------------------------- CurrentAccount Object Description Month Current YTD Budget Variance %————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————


3110 Property Taxes 43,938.35 7,275,478.57 7,286,644.00 -11,165.43 100 3111 Delinquent Property Taxes 180.52 3,653.59 -5,000.00 8,653.59 -73 3112 Prop Tax - Abatements/Refunds 6,858.00 -6,858.00 3120 Specific Ownership Taxes 48,073.75 379,831.06 350,000.00 29,831.06 109 3420 Plan Review Fees (& other rolled up) 1,000.00 21,748.00 150,000.00 -128,252.00 14 3424 Tents/Special Events & Other 475.00 5,100.00 6,000.00 -900.00 85 3500 EMS Fee Revenue 38,256.65 416,397.55 300,000.00 116,397.55 139 3606 HCTC Revenues - quarterly 73,631.25 294,525.00 294,525.00 100 3607 Grant Revenues 126,299.85 173,015.00 -46,715.15 73 3700 Interest Earnings 20.00 20.00 3701 Interest on Investments 10,929.90 102,792.24 60,000.00 42,792.24 171 3702 Interest on Delinquent Taxes 2,630.06 9,783.42 7,500.00 2,283.42 130 3703 Interest on Health Reimbursement Account 41.70 351.84 100.00 251.84 352 3800 Task Force & WL Deployment Revenues 54,097.77 54,097.77 200,000.00 -145,902.23 27 3900 Other Operating Revenues 250.00 13,327.21 19,698.00 -6,370.79 68 98

Total Revenue 273,504.95 8,703,406.10 8,849,340.00 -145,933.90 98

Expenses 4100 Administration 110 Salaries 54,632.56 545,191.60 685,759.00 140,567.40 80 121 Medical/Dental Premiums - ER 5,855.40 58,554.00 70,265.00 11,711.00 83 122 FPPA - ER 1,978.64 19,786.40 23,744.00 3,957.60 83 123 PERA - ER 4,876.98 48,614.82 63,549.00 14,934.18 76 124 HRA - ER 875.00 8,750.00 10,710.00 1,960.00 82 125 AD&D/Life 60.80 608.00 1,006.00 398.00 60 126 Payroll Tax/Medicare 753.23 7,515.83 9,944.00 2,428.17 76 201 Office Supplies 489.93 2,335.13 4,000.00 1,664.87 58 203 Supplies-Accreditation & Planning 740.16 5,128.80 18,500.00 13,371.20 28 205 Supplies-Admin & Board Mtgs 972.61 5,250.14 12,000.00 6,749.86 44 206 Supplies-Elections 20,286.99 30,000.00 9,713.01 68 231 Uniforms 435.86 1,260.73 2,000.00 739.27 63 241 Public Relations 2,530.50 7,000.00 4,469.50 36 302 Auditing 15,890.00 13,500.00 -2,390.00 118 305 HR/Benefit/Payroll Outsource 728.11 8,163.60 16,500.00 8,336.40 49 308 Consulting Services 12,920.44 7,500.00 -5,420.44 172 310 Conference Services 23.48 -23.48 320 Legal 15,087.17 28,254.42 50,000.00 21,745.58 57 331 Postage 6.70 279.29 1,000.00 720.71 28 332 Dues, Fees, Subscriptions (& postage rollup) 293.95 10,233.49 14,500.00 4,266.51 71 334 Advertising 637.69 2,000.00 1,362.31 32 371 Outside Trng & Certs -2,086.06 375 Training & Seminars 4,919.78 14,487.19 17,000.00 2,512.81 85 520 Insurance 163,244.07 220,000.00 56,755.93 74

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11/21/18 RED, WHITE, AND BLUE FIRE DISTRICT Page: 209:27:55 Income Statement Report ID: LB170A For the Accounting Period: 10 / 18

1000 GENERAL———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ------------------- Current Year -------------------------- CurrentAccount Object Description Month Current YTD Budget Variance %———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 800 Other Expenses 4.97 136.59 -136.59 Total Account 90,625.79 980,083.20 1,280,477.00 300,393.80 77

4200 Operations 110 Salaries 299,755.18 2,933,076.33 3,572,193.00 639,116.67 82 111 Shift Premium 14,481.18 187,954.65 224,222.00 36,267.35 84 112 Overtime 30,484.14 367,567.93 225,000.00 -142,567.93 163 114 Wildland Salaries & OT 62,278.28 205,322.45 180,000.00 -25,322.45 114 121 Medical/Dental Premiums - ER 47,179.40 476,536.40 593,135.00 116,598.60 80 122 FPPA - ER 32,844.50 329,323.04 406,217.00 76,893.96 81 124 HRA - ER 5,875.00 57,875.00 71,910.00 14,035.00 80 125 AD&D/Life 309.39 3,130.63 6,955.00 3,824.37 45 126 Payroll Tax/Medicare 5,663.21 51,556.98 51,797.00 240.02 100 220 Supplies - Wildland Firefighting 5,484.54 10,000.00 4,515.46 55 222 Wildland Deployment Expenditures 245.75 5,339.34 8,000.00 2,660.66 67 230 Uniform Bunker Gear 471.64 18,099.52 23,000.00 4,900.48 79 231 Uniforms 3,186.03 10,426.62 12,000.00 1,573.38 87 234 Equipment & Maintenance 2,229.29 20,108.24 33,000.00 12,891.76 61 238 Rehab 603.96 800.00 196.04 75 373 Training - Forest Service Firefighting 3,000.00 -3,000.00 376 A Shift Training 465.00 6,679.84 11,000.00 4,320.16 61 377 B Shift Training 805.00 7,502.44 11,000.00 3,497.56 68 378 C Shift Training 260.98 11,164.39 11,000.00 -164.39 101 700 Grants 2,500.00 2,500.00 Total Account 506,533.97 4,700,752.30 5,453,729.00 752,976.70 86

4300 Comm Risk Mgmt 110 Salaries 11,238.42 112,384.20 134,862.00 22,477.80 83 121 Medical/Dental Premiums - ER 1,612.80 16,128.00 19,354.00 3,226.00 83 122 FPPA - ER 476.72 4,767.20 5,721.00 953.80 83 123 PERA - ER 895.78 8,957.80 11,151.00 2,193.20 80 124 HRA - ER 250.00 2,500.00 3,060.00 560.00 82 125 AD&D/Life 14.14 141.40 302.00 160.60 47 126 Payroll Tax/Medicare 149.98 1,503.40 1,956.00 452.60 77 207 Supplies-Code Development 307.53 1,200.00 892.47 26 208 Supplies-Permitting, etc. 400.00 400.00 209 Supplies-Code Enforcement 2,518.65 2,300.00 -218.65 110 210 Supplies-Wild Land Mitigation 266.97 699.95 5,000.00 4,300.05 14 211 Supplies-Fire Investigation 192.98 681.47 1,000.00 318.53 68 213 Supplies - Car Seats -20.00 264.00 750.00 486.00 35 240 Public Education 507.78 6,637.42 7,500.00 862.58 88 241 Public Relations 23.11 -23.11 242 Honor Guard 1,330.69 2,000.00 669.31 67 361 Fire Investigation Services 300.00 300.00 375 Training & Seminars 2,614.66 5,000.00 2,385.34 52 Total Account 15,585.57 161,459.48 201,856.00 40,396.52 80

4400 Training 110 Salaries 11,461.30 137,067.28 223,353.00 86,285.72 61 121 Medical/Dental Premiums - ER 1,770.30 24,259.50 36,309.00 12,049.50 67

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1000 GENERAL———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ------------------- Current Year -------------------------- CurrentAccount Object Description Month Current YTD Budget Variance %———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 122 FPPA - ER 675.08 9,153.38 17,284.00 8,130.62 53 123 PERA - ER 692.06 6,920.60 8,470.00 1,549.40 82 124 HRA - ER 250.00 2,875.00 4,590.00 1,715.00 63 125 AD&D/Life 14.14 176.75 1,280.00 1,103.25 14 126 Payroll Tax/Medicare 158.06 1,890.57 3,239.00 1,348.43 58 212 Supplies-Safety 181.94 100.00 -81.94 182 234 Equipment & Maintenance 252.43 1,700.00 1,447.57 15 341 New Hire Physical 275.25 1,500.00 1,224.75 18 342 Health & Wellness 25,470.16 30,000.00 4,529.84 85 343 CDL Physicals 1,123.10 1,000.00 -123.10 112 344 Immunizations 1,000.00 1,000.00 372 SFA Contrib/Assessmt Trng qtrly 258,640.92 258,693.00 52.08 100 374 SFA Contrib/Assessmt Haz Mat 15,155.00 15,158.00 3.00 100 Total Account 15,020.94 483,441.88 603,676.00 120,234.12 80

4500 IT/Communications 251 Software - General 2,264.04 10,878.78 11,000.00 121.22 99 252 Software - Cisco 2,825.00 2,825.00 253 Software - Microsoft License 8,751.80 13,300.00 4,548.20 66 254 Software - Antivirus/Backup 1,698.00 4,151.00 5,000.00 849.00 83 300 Professional Services 8,363.93 15,725.00 7,361.07 53 335 Phone Services - General 423.32 250.00 -173.32 169 336 Phone Services 1,207.16 11,434.53 14,200.00 2,765.47 81 337 Cellular 1,363.41 11,748.16 13,000.00 1,251.84 90 338 Web/Email 6,599.57 8,600.00 2,000.43 77 339 Printer Maintenance 242.06 3,264.46 4,000.00 735.54 82 351 SCCC - Comm Ops 88,879.00 89,000.00 121.00 100 353 SCCC - RMS Mainenance 5.80 -5.80 354 SCCC - Emergency Alerting 1,400.00 1,750.00 350.00 80 480 I/HW - General 433.98 2,352.85 6,500.00 4,147.15 36 481 I/HW - Printer Supplies 195.57 850.00 654.43 23 482 I/HW - Radio Repair/Equipment 518.25 1,667.76 1,750.00 82.24 95 483 I/HW - Network 858.66 3,000.00 2,141.34 29 484 EMS- IT Equip Repair 863.78 -863.78 Total Account 7,726.90 161,838.97 190,750.00 28,911.03 85

4600 Fleet 220 Supplies - Wildland Firefighting 15.00 15.00 -15.00 262 Unleaded 20.01 -20.01 270 Fleet supplies 24.64 1,080.52 1,300.00 219.48 83 304 Fuel Admin fee TOB 242.17 2,700.67 3,500.00 799.33 77 400 Vehicle - Spec & other related costs 500.00 500.00 435 Annual Fleet Maintenance Contract - qtrly paymts 16,444.00 65,981.20 66,000.00 18.80 100 Total Account 16,725.81 69,797.40 71,300.00 1,502.60 98

4614 2004 E-One 4X2 261 Diesel 170.38 2,898.87 2,250.00 -648.87 129 440 Vehicle Maintenance 10.29 4,159.21 5,000.00 840.79 83 Total Account 180.67 7,058.08 7,250.00 191.92 97

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1000 GENERAL———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ------------------- Current Year -------------------------- CurrentAccount Object Description Month Current YTD Budget Variance %———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 4615 2016 E-One 4x4 261 Diesel 229.50 3,450.65 6,000.00 2,549.35 58 440 Vehicle Maintenance 2.00 2,031.91 5,000.00 2,968.09 41 Total Account 231.50 5,482.56 11,000.00 5,517.44 50

4617 2007 E-One 4X4 261 Diesel 263.25 3,105.11 6,000.00 2,894.89 52 440 Vehicle Maintenance 1,945.20 8,369.41 10,000.00 1,630.59 84 Total Account 2,208.45 11,474.52 16,000.00 4,525.48 72

4618 2010 Pierce Tower 261 Diesel 610.85 4,161.43 9,000.00 4,838.57 46 440 Vehicle Maintenance 128.51 17,909.24 18,000.00 90.76 99 Total Account 739.36 22,070.67 27,000.00 4,929.33 82

4619 2012 Timberwolf 261 Diesel 303.77 1,961.33 1,500.00 -461.33 131 440 Vehicle Maintenance 468.61 1,026.33 2,000.00 973.67 51 Total Account 772.38 2,987.66 3,500.00 512.34 85

4627 2012 Pierce Tender 261 Diesel 206.99 600.00 393.01 34 440 Vehicle Maintenance 24.98 318.76 750.00 431.24 43 Total Account 24.98 525.75 1,350.00 824.25 39

4628 2014 Rosenbauer Tender 261 Diesel 190.70 600.00 409.30 32 440 Vehicle Maintenance 750.00 750.00 Total Account 190.70 1,350.00 1,159.30 14

4634 2004 F550 Wildland 261 Diesel 174.33 600.00 425.67 29 262 Unleaded 10.22 -10.22 440 Vehicle Maintenance 3,635.17 3,750.00 114.83 97 Total Account 3,819.72 4,350.00 530.28 88

4637 2006 F550 Wildland 261 Diesel 295.15 600.00 304.85 49 440 Vehicle Maintenance 7,922.32 8,000.00 77.68 99 Total Account 8,217.47 8,600.00 382.53 96

4644 2007 Medic Unit (4) 261 Diesel 315.38 3,071.39 3,900.00 828.61 79 440 Vehicle Maintenance 5,317.30 3,000.00 -2,317.30 177 Total Account 315.38 8,388.69 6,900.00 -1,488.69 122

4646 2007 Medic Unit 4646 (6) 261 Diesel 150.15 2,744.38 3,900.00 1,155.62 70 440 Vehicle Maintenance 7,590.64 15,000.00 7,409.36 51

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11/21/18 RED, WHITE, AND BLUE FIRE DISTRICT Page: 509:27:55 Income Statement Report ID: LB170A For the Accounting Period: 10 / 18

1000 GENERAL———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ------------------- Current Year -------------------------- CurrentAccount Object Description Month Current YTD Budget Variance %———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Total Account 150.15 10,335.02 18,900.00 8,564.98 55

4648 2017 Medic Unit 4648 261 Diesel 285.65 3,027.40 2,500.00 -527.40 121 440 Vehicle Maintenance 1,913.23 1,000.00 -913.23 191 Total Account 285.65 4,940.63 3,500.00 -1,440.63 141

4651 2008 Escape-Pool 262 Unleaded 69.09 635.57 1,050.00 414.43 61 440 Vehicle Maintenance 1,054.21 750.00 -304.21 141 Total Account 69.09 1,689.78 1,800.00 110.22 94

4653 1999 F350 Plow Truck-Station 7 262 Unleaded 40.13 300.00 259.87 13 440 Vehicle Maintenance 124.69 1,500.00 1,375.31 8 Total Account 164.82 1,800.00 1,635.18 9

4654 2006 Escape-CRM 262 Unleaded 69.27 515.51 -515.51 Total Account 69.27 515.51 -515.51

4656 2005 Expedition 262 Unleaded 51.68 237.36 900.00 662.64 26 440 Vehicle Maintenance 1,252.78 2,000.00 747.22 63 Total Account 51.68 1,490.14 2,900.00 1,409.86 51

4657 2006 Escape 262 Unleaded 47.14 600.00 552.86 8 440 Vehicle Maintenance 476.83 1,000.00 523.17 48 Total Account 523.97 1,600.00 1,076.03 33

4658 2003 Ranger-CRM 262 Unleaded 57.60 750.00 692.40 8 440 Vehicle Maintenance 750.00 750.00 Total Account 57.60 1,500.00 1,442.40 4

4659 2018 Toyota Tacome CRM 100 Personnel Services 77.83 470.90 -470.90 Total Account 77.83 470.90 -470.90

4660 2016 Toyota Highlander -Keating 262 Unleaded 76.92 493.19 500.00 6.81 99 440 Vehicle Maintenance 14.00 500.00 486.00 3 Total Account 76.92 507.19 1,000.00 492.81 51

4661 2010 Traverse -Kuhn 262 Unleaded 189.12 1,541.36 1,500.00 -41.36 103 440 Vehicle Maintenance 1,915.42 1,500.00 -415.42 128 Total Account 189.12 3,456.78 3,000.00 -456.78 115

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1000 GENERAL———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ------------------- Current Year -------------------------- CurrentAccount Object Description Month Current YTD Budget Variance %———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 4662 2014 Chevy Tahoe -Nelson 262 Unleaded 150.82 1,142.62 1,500.00 357.38 76 440 Vehicle Maintenance 29.40 625.39 1,500.00 874.61 42 Total Account 180.22 1,768.01 3,000.00 1,231.99 59

4666 2010 Suburban-BC Car 262 Unleaded 183.73 1,911.44 2,000.00 88.56 96 440 Vehicle Maintenance 71.74 2,500.00 2,428.26 3 Total Account 183.73 1,983.18 4,500.00 2,516.82 44

4667 2013-F350 WL/Plow-Staion 6 262 Unleaded 162.21 500.00 337.79 32 440 Vehicle Maintenance 153.57 205.09 2,500.00 2,294.91 8 Total Account 153.57 367.30 3,000.00 2,632.70 12

4700 EMS 200 Supplies 736.32 27,373.94 40,000.00 12,626.06 68 375 Training & Seminars 4,341.46 8,000.00 3,658.54 54 491 EMS Services & Contracts 295.56 10,582.99 14,000.00 3,417.01 76 700 Grants 4,563.44 -4,563.44 Total Account 1,031.88 46,861.83 62,000.00 15,138.17 76

4800 Buildings 300 Professional Services 1,200.00 3,500.00 2,300.00 34 450 Building Maintenance 618.99 13,815.92 15,000.00 1,184.08 92 Total Account 618.99 15,015.92 18,500.00 3,484.08 81

4840 North Station 215 Supplies-Cleaning/Custodial 95.90 883.68 1,500.00 616.32 59 381 Electric 468.05 5,044.73 6,500.00 1,455.27 78 382 Gas 337.81 3,077.74 7,000.00 3,922.26 44 383 Sanitation 453.18 1,812.72 2,310.00 497.28 78 384 Trash 280.20 1,491.84 1,300.00 -191.84 115 385 Water 742.44 1,100.00 357.56 67 386 Cable 105.65 455.27 150.00 -305.27 304 450 Building Maintenance 402.99 14,141.67 15,000.00 858.33 94 Total Account 2,143.78 27,650.09 34,860.00 7,209.91 79

4850 West Station 215 Supplies-Cleaning/Custodial 95.91 756.28 750.00 -6.28 101 381 Electric 1,183.81 3,500.00 2,316.19 34 382 Gas 861.83 2,000.00 1,138.17 43 383 Sanitation 78.00 312.00 400.00 88.00 78 384 Trash 137.59 500.00 362.41 28 385 Water 344.37 500.00 155.63 69 386 Cable 110.00 110.00 450 Building Maintenance 102.50 3,014.06 3,000.00 -14.06 100 Total Account 276.41 6,609.94 10,760.00 4,150.06 61

4860 Main Station

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1000 GENERAL———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ------------------- Current Year -------------------------- CurrentAccount Object Description Month Current YTD Budget Variance %———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 215 Supplies-Cleaning/Custodial 95.91 1,206.25 5,000.00 3,793.75 24 381 Electric 875.86 9,421.26 12,500.00 3,078.74 75 382 Gas 694.19 6,334.72 13,000.00 6,665.28 49 383 Sanitation 439.14 1,756.56 2,200.00 443.44 80 384 Trash 344.88 3,377.67 3,000.00 -377.67 113 385 Water 1,675.60 1,500.00 -175.60 112 386 Cable 27.46 274.60 300.00 25.40 92 450 Building Maintenance 1,960.26 26,307.00 30,000.00 3,693.00 88 Total Account 4,437.70 50,353.66 67,500.00 17,146.34 75

4870 South Station 215 Supplies-Cleaning/Custodial 95.91 799.31 1,000.00 200.69 80 381 Electric 391.34 4,203.25 6,700.00 2,496.75 63 382 Gas 308.05 3,865.97 7,000.00 3,134.03 55 383 Sanitation 195.00 780.00 1,000.00 220.00 78 384 Trash 181.59 1,727.48 1,650.00 -77.48 105 385 Water -150.00 450.00 600.00 150.00 75 386 Cable 13.98 139.80 200.00 60.20 70 450 Building Maintenance 1,497.47 9,990.40 13,000.00 3,009.60 77 Total Account 2,533.34 21,956.21 31,150.00 9,193.79 70

4900 Other and Grants 116 Leave Time Payout (term) 20,000.00 20,000.00 301 Treasurer's Fees 2,337.47 364,456.06 364,332.00 -124.06 100 Total Account 2,337.47 364,456.06 384,332.00 19,875.94 95

Total Expenses 671,558.50 7,188,763.59 8,544,690.00 1,355,926.41 84

Net Income from Operations -398,053.55 1,514,642.51

Other Expenses 5200 Transfers 821 Transfer to Pension Fund 48,265.00 48,265.00 100 822 Transfer to General Reserve 110,480.00 110,480.00 950 Transfers to Capital Fund 9000 145,904.00 145,904.00 Total Account 48,265.00 304,649.00 256,384.00 16

Total Other Expenses 0.00 48,265.00 304,649.00 256,384.00 16

Net Income -398,053.55 1,466,377.51

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7120 PENSION———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ------------------- Current Year -------------------------- CurrentAccount Object Description Month Current YTD Budget Variance %————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————


3701 Interest on Investments 40,740.13 67,968.99 127,735.00 -59,766.01 53 3910 Transfer from Gen. Fund (2900) 48,265.00 48,265.00 100 66

Total Revenue 40,740.13 116,233.99 176,000.00 -59,766.01 66

Expenses 5100 Pension 140 Pension Payments 40,661.85 121,985.55 176,000.00 54,014.45 69 303 Pension Administration 5,023.55 15,041.55 -15,041.55 Total Account 45,685.40 137,027.10 176,000.00 38,972.90 78

Total Expenses 45,685.40 137,027.10 176,000.00 38,972.90 78

Net Income from Operations -4,945.27 -20,793.11

Net Income -4,945.27 -20,793.11

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9000 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES FUND———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ------------------- Current Year -------------------------- CurrentAccount Object Description Month Current YTD Budget Variance %————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————


3111 Delinquent Property Taxes 10.56 148.62 148.62 3119 Property Taxes - Capital Reserve 2,582.38 427,596.45 428,626.00 -1,029.55 100 3702 Interest on Delinquent Taxes 154.61 575.10 575.10 3901 Sale of Assets 3,576.00 2,500.00 1,076.00 143 100

Total Revenue 2,747.55 431,896.17 431,126.00 770.17 100

Expenses 4200 Operations 920 Long-Range CapEx 11,000.00 11,000.00 Total Account 11,000.00 11,000.00

4500 IT/Communications 920 Long-Range CapEx 153.70 42,453.30 69,000.00 26,546.70 62 Total Account 153.70 42,453.30 69,000.00 26,546.70 62

4600 Fleet 920 Long-Range CapEx 186,757.57 190,000.00 3,242.43 98 Total Account 186,757.57 190,000.00 3,242.43 98

4800 Buildings 920 Long-Range CapEx 85,513.50 160,000.00 74,486.50 53 Total Account 85,513.50 160,000.00 74,486.50 53

4900 Other and Grants 309 Treasurer's Fees - Capital Reserve 137.41 21,419.93 21,441.00 21.07 100 Total Account 137.41 21,419.93 21,441.00 21.07 100

5000 Debt Service 610 Principal(interest) - RWB 61,345.16 125,024.74 125,589.00 564.26 100 Total Account 61,345.16 125,024.74 125,589.00 564.26 100

Total Expenses 61,636.27 461,169.04 577,030.00 115,860.96 80

Net Income from Operations -58,888.72 -29,272.87

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9000 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES FUND———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ------------------- Current Year -------------------------- CurrentAccount Object Description Month Current YTD Budget Variance %————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Other Expenses 5200 Transfers 950 Transfers to Capital Fund 9000 -145,904.00 -145,904.00 Total Account -145,904.00 -145,904.00

Total Other Expenses 0.00 0.00 -145,904.00 -145,904.00

Net Income -58,888.72 -29,272.87

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11/21/18 RED, WHITE, AND BLUE FIRE DISTRICT Page: 109:27:55 Balance Sheet Report ID: L150 For the Accounting Period: 10 / 18



ASSETS Petty Cash 100.00 Alpine Bank - General Checking 428,078.92 Alpine Bank - FSA/HRA 22,400.05 Colotrust - Tax Collection 2,083,920.61 Colotrust - General Fund Reserve 2,951.16 ColoTrust - Emergency Reserve 461,518.38 Colotrust - Health Reimbursement Account 21,226.11 CSIP Investments - General Fund Reserve 1,637,991.48 Sigma General Fund 910,869.77 Property Tax Receivable 7,298,769.00 Due from County Treasurer 92,487.09 Prepaid Expense 64,983.50 ---------------- Total ASSETS 13,025,296.07

------------------ Total Assets 13,025,296.07

Liabilities and Equity

LIABILITIES Transfers intra-fund ( 1,998,846.00) FSA Program Payable 43,249.90 UHC Dental/VSP Vision Payable 167.34 Misc Employee Deductions Payable ( 132.07) Deferred Property Taxes 7,298,769.00 Current Year PO Reserve 1,698.00 Fund Balance 5,230,098.39 Fund Balance - Capital Reserve 983,914.00 ---------------- Total LIABILITIES 11,558,918.56

------------------ Total Liabilities 11,558,918.56 NET INCOME CURRENT YEAR INCOME/(LOSS) 1,466,377.51 ---------------- Total NET INCOME 1,466,377.51

------------------ Total Liabilities & Equity 13,025,296.07

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ASSETS Investments - FPPA Pension 1,504,249.08 ---------------- Total ASSETS 1,504,249.08

------------------ Total Assets 1,504,249.08

Liabilities and Equity

LIABILITIES Fund Balance 1,525,042.19 ---------------- Total LIABILITIES 1,525,042.19

------------------ Total Liabilities 1,525,042.19 NET INCOME CURRENT YEAR INCOME/(LOSS) ( 20,793.11) ---------------- Total NET INCOME ( 20,793.11)

------------------ Total Liabilities & Equity 1,504,249.08

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ASSETS Alpine Bank - General Checking 91,594.59 ---------------- Total ASSETS 91,594.59

------------------ Total Assets 91,594.59

Liabilities and Equity

LIABILITIES Checks Payable 91,594.59 ---------------- Total LIABILITIES 91,594.59

------------------ Total Liabilities & Equity 91,594.59

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ASSETS Alpine Bank - General Checking ( 341,369.11) Colotrust - Tax Collection 404,289.08 Sigma General Fund 2,000,000.00 Property Tax Receivable 428,626.00 Due from County Treasurer 2,611.16 ---------------- Total ASSETS 2,494,157.13

------------------ Total Assets 2,494,157.13

Liabilities and Equity

LIABILITIES Transfers intra-fund 1,998,846.00 Deferred Property Taxes 428,626.00 Current Year PO Reserve 95,958.00 ---------------- Total LIABILITIES 2,523,430.00

------------------ Total Liabilities 2,523,430.00 NET INCOME CURRENT YEAR INCOME/(LOSS) ( 29,272.87) ---------------- Total NET INCOME ( 29,272.87)

------------------ Total Liabilities & Equity 2,494,157.13

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———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Beginning Transfers Transfers Ending Fund/Account Balance Received In Disbursed Out Balance————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————1000 GENERAL 1010 Petty Cash 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 1020 Alpine Bank - General Checking 305,612.63 253,131.34 600,757.45 524,474.86 206,947.64 428,078.92 1025 Alpine Bank - FSA/HRA 21,916.07 4,498.21 0.00 4,014.23 0.00 22,400.05 1030 Colotrust - Tax Collection 2,577,446.83 106,473.78 0.00 0.00 600,000.00 2,083,920.61 1040 Colotrust - General Fund Reserve 2,945.35 5.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,951.16 1050 ColoTrust - Emergency Reserve 460,611.54 906.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 461,518.38 1060 Colotrust - Health Reimbursement 21,184.41 41.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 21,226.11 1080 CSIP Investments - General Fund 1,637,723.82 267.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,637,991.48 1093 Sigma General Fund 906,537.41 4,332.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 910,869.77 Total Fund 5,934,078.06 369,657.70 600,757.45 528,489.09 806,947.64 5,569,056.487120 PENSION 1090 Investments - FPPA Pension 1,509,194.35 48,265.00 0.00 53,210.27 0.00 1,504,249.087930 CLAIMS FUND 1020 Alpine Bank - General Checking 108,242.36 0.00 206,567.59 223,215.36 0.00 91,594.599000 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES FUND 1020 Alpine Bank - General Checking -279,870.25 400.08 0.00 61,521.54 377.40 -341,369.11 1030 Colotrust - Tax Collection 402,846.66 1,442.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 404,289.08 1093 Sigma General Fund 2,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000,000.00 Total Fund 2,122,976.41 1,842.50 61,521.54 377.40 2,062,919.97

Totals 9,674,491.18 419,765.20 807,325.04 866,436.26 807,325.04 9,227,820.12

*** Transfers In and Transfers Out columns should match. There are a couple exceptions to this: 1) Canceled Electronic Checks and2) Payroll Journal Vouchers that include local deductions set up with receipt accounting. Please see cash reconciliation procedurein manual or call for more details.

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1000 GENERAL——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Account Beginning Debit Credit Net Change Ending Balance———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

ASSETS 1010 Petty Cash 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 1020 Alpine Bank - General Checking 305,612.63 853,888.79 731,422.50 122,466.29 428,078.92 1025 Alpine Bank - FSA/HRA 21,916.07 4,498.21 4,014.23 483.98 22,400.05 1030 Colotrust - Tax Collection 2,577,446.83 106,473.78 600,000.00 ( 493,526.22) 2,083,920.61 1040 Colotrust - General Fund Reserve 2,945.35 5.81 0.00 5.81 2,951.16 1050 ColoTrust - Emergency Reserve 460,611.54 906.84 0.00 906.84 461,518.38 1060 Colotrust - Health Reimbursement Ac 21,184.41 41.70 0.00 41.70 21,226.11 1080 CSIP Investments - General Fund Res 1,637,723.82 267.66 0.00 267.66 1,637,991.48 1093 Sigma General Fund 906,537.41 12,429.32 8,096.96 4,332.36 910,869.77 1110 Accounts Receivable 23,597.85 0.00 23,597.85 ( 23,597.85) 0.00 1210 Property Tax Receivable 7,298,769.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,298,769.00 1211 Due from County Treasurer 101,058.43 92,485.21 101,056.55 ( 8,571.34) 92,487.09 1410 Prepaid Expense 63,511.36 64,983.50 63,511.36 1,472.14 64,983.50 1812 Revenue Control ( 8,429,901.15) 8,096.96 281,601.91 ( 273,504.95) ( 8,703,406.10)

Total ASSETS 4,991,113.55 1,144,077.78 1,813,301.36 ( 669,223.58) 4,321,889.97

LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY 2010 Accounts Payable ( 131.23) 207,705.09 207,836.32 131.23 0.00 2110 Transfers intra-fund ( 1,998,846.00) 600,000.00 600,000.00 0.00 ( 1,998,846.00) 2120 PERA Payable 0.02 16,704.85 16,704.83 ( 0.02) 0.00 2121 PERA 401K 0.00 4,550.00 4,550.00 0.00 0.00 2130 FSA Program Payable 42,765.92 17,568.05 18,052.03 483.98 43,249.90 2140 UHC Dental/VSP Vision Payable 145.65 3,707.35 3,729.04 21.69 167.34 2141 Misc Employee Deductions Payable ( 132.11) 531.62 531.66 0.04 ( 132.07) 2150 FPPA Pension Payable 0.00 106,299.20 106,299.20 0.00 0.00 2151 FPPA Def Comp Payable 0.00 19,426.72 19,426.72 0.00 0.00 2180 Payroll Taxes Payable 0.00 77,361.65 77,361.65 0.00 0.00 2220 IAFF Dues Payable 0.00 1,715.00 1,715.00 0.00 0.00 2221 Summit Foundation - donation deduct 0.00 335.66 335.66 0.00 0.00 2610 Deferred Property Taxes 7,298,769.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,298,769.00 2621 Expenditure Control ( 6,565,470.09) 802,153.38 132,292.88 ( 669,860.50) ( 7,235,330.59) 2622 Encumbrance control 0.00 2,393.00 695.00 ( 1,698.00) ( 1,698.00) 2625 Current Year PO Reserve 0.00 695.00 2,393.00 1,698.00 1,698.00 2900 Fund Balance 5,230,098.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,230,098.39 2909 Fund Balance - Capital Reserve 983,914.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 983,914.00

Total LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY 4,991,113.55 1,861,146.57 1,191,922.99 ( 669,223.58) 4,321,889.97

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7120 PENSION——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Account Beginning Debit Credit Net Change Ending Balance———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

ASSETS 1090 Investments - FPPA Pension 1,509,194.35 48,265.00 53,210.27 ( 4,945.27) 1,504,249.08 1812 Revenue Control ( 75,493.86) 48,265.00 89,005.13 ( 40,740.13) ( 116,233.99)

Total ASSETS 1,433,700.49 96,530.00 142,215.40 ( 45,685.40) 1,388,015.09

LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY 2621 Expenditure Control ( 91,341.70) 45,685.40 0.00 ( 45,685.40) ( 137,027.10) 2900 Fund Balance 1,525,042.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,525,042.19

Total LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY 1,433,700.49 45,685.40 0.00 ( 45,685.40) 1,388,015.09

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7930 CLAIMS FUND——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Account Beginning Debit Credit Net Change Ending Balance———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

ASSETS 1020 Alpine Bank - General Checking 108,242.36 206,567.59 223,215.36 ( 16,647.77) 91,594.59

Total ASSETS 108,242.36 206,567.59 223,215.36 ( 16,647.77) 91,594.59

LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY 2050 Checks Payable 108,242.36 223,215.36 206,567.59 ( 16,647.77) 91,594.59

Total LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY 108,242.36 223,215.36 206,567.59 ( 16,647.77) 91,594.59

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9000 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES FUND——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Account Beginning Debit Credit Net Change Ending Balance———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

ASSETS 1020 Alpine Bank - General Checking ( 279,870.25) 400.08 61,898.94 ( 61,498.86) ( 341,369.11) 1030 Colotrust - Tax Collection 402,846.66 1,442.42 0.00 1,442.42 404,289.08 1093 Sigma General Fund 2,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000,000.00 1210 Property Tax Receivable 428,626.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 428,626.00 1211 Due from County Treasurer 1,443.44 2,610.14 1,442.42 1,167.72 2,611.16 1812 Revenue Control ( 429,148.62) 0.00 2,747.55 ( 2,747.55) ( 431,896.17)

Total ASSETS 2,123,897.23 4,452.64 66,088.91 ( 61,636.27) 2,062,260.96

LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY 2010 Accounts Payable 0.00 377.40 377.40 0.00 0.00 2110 Transfers intra-fund 1,998,846.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,998,846.00 2610 Deferred Property Taxes 428,626.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 428,626.00 2621 Expenditure Control ( 303,574.77) 62,036.35 400.08 ( 61,636.27) ( 365,211.04) 2622 Encumbrance control ( 95,958.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 ( 95,958.00) 2625 Current Year PO Reserve 95,958.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 95,958.00

Total LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY 2,123,897.23 62,413.75 777.48 ( 61,636.27) 2,062,260.96

Page 42: AGENDA December 2018

Red, White, & Blue : Investment Portfolio/Ladder Target for total ladder, in $000s $3,000

Maximum duration, months 36

Target $000s per quarter $250

Broker Type Issuer FDIC/Cuisip Yield Current Maturity Q3 18 Q4 18 Q1 19 Q2 19 Q3 19 Q4 19 Q1 20 Q2 20 Q3 20 Q4 20 Q1 21 Q2 21 Q3 21 Q4 21 TOTAL TOTAL

Sigma/National Financial

CD Comenity Capital 57570 1.65% $249,000.00 01/22/19 249,000.00 249,000.00

Interest Per Year $4,108.50 1,035.56 1,024.30 371.45 12,452.24 261,452.24

CD Sallie Mae Bank 795450K38 2.30% $245,000.00 02/10/20 245,000.00 245,000.00

Interest Per Year $5,635.00 2,817.50 2,817.50 2,817.50 2,817.50 11,270.00 256,270.00

CD Wells Fargo Bank 949763RWB 2.80% $248,000.00 06/29/20 248,000.00 248,000.00

Interest Per Year $6,944.00 3,472.00 3,472.00 3,472.00 3,472.00 13,888.00 261,888.00

CD BMW Bank 35141 1.20% $248,000.00 06/17/19 248,000.00 248,000.00

Interest Per Year $2,976.00 1,488.00 1,488.00 10,416.00 258,416.00

CD Discover Bank 254673KO8 2.15% $245,000.00 01/10/20 245,000.00 245,000.00

Interest Per Year $5,267.50 2,633.75 2,633.75 2,633.75 2,633.75 2,633.75 13,168.75 258,168.75

CD Ally Bank 02006LU43 1.55% $245,000.00 12/31/18 245,000.00 245,000.00

Interest Per Year $3,797.50 1,898.75 7,595.00 252,595.00

CD Goldman Sachs Bank 38148PPL5 1.75% $245,000.00 09/13/19 245,000.00 245,000.00

Per Year $4,287.50 2,143.75 2,143.75 2,143.75 8,575.00 253,575.00

CD American Express Centurion02587DP69 1.70% $200,000.00 10/19/19 200,000.00 200,000.00

Interest Per Year $3,400.00 1,700.00 1,700.00 1,700.00 8,500.00 208,500.00

CD American Express FSB 02587CGF1 1.90% $245,000.00 03/12/20 245,000.00 245,000.00

Interest Per Year $4,655.00 2,327.50 2,327.50 2,327.50 2,327.50 11,637.50 256,637.50

CD American Eagle Bank 02554DBK2 1.75% $245,000.00 06/08/20 245,000.00 245,000.00

Interest Per Year $4,287.50 2,143.75 2,143.75 2,143.75 2,143.75 12,862.50 257,862.50

CD TIAA FSB 87270LAO6 1.90% $245,000.00 09/14/20 245,000.00 245,000.00

Interest Per Year $4,655.00 2,327.50 2,327.50 2,327.50 2,327.50 2,327.50 13,965.00 258,965.00

CD Citibank 17312QS67 3.00% $245,000.00 09/07/21 245,000.00 245,000.00

Interest Per Year $7,350.00 3,675.00 3,675.00 3,675.00 3,675.00 3,675.00 3,675.00 22,050.00 267,050.00

Cash MM Change inValue $5,869.77 5,869.77

TOTAL Sigma/National Financial - Acct # 1093 $2,910,869.77 $2,910,869.77


Total CSIP Term Investment

Term Investment 2.53% $1,500,000.00 07/23/19 1,500,000.00

Per Year 37,950.00 2.53%


TOTAL SIGMA AND CSIP $4,410,869.77

RW 10.31.18 Investments_Portfolio Ladder.xlsx

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To: Chief Keating, Board of Directors

From: Laura Johnson, CPA

Date: December 6, 2018

Re: Finance Staff Report

Monthly Responsibilities:

Downloaded PayChex and PayChex Benefits reports; updated all reports and created JVs and RVs

and Claims as needed; recorded County Tax Receipts and A/R balance; calculated, executed and

recorded ColoTrust and Alpine Bank transfers; ran Board Reports Package, produced Variance

Report and Finance Report for Board

Budget & Year End:

Prepared final 2019 Budget document

Prepared 10/31/2018 YTD and projected year end variances from Budget

Prepared Wild Land Income Statement with Chief Kuhn

Prepared Overtime analysis with Chief Kuhn


Worked on Work Comp processes with Fire Chiefs and HR Officer Amanda Seidler

Investigated options for taking credit card payments at front desk for permit fees

Submitted SAFER grant billing with Chief Kuhn

Billed for Wildland with Chief Kuhn

CGFOA Conference Update:

Attended CGFOA Conference November 14-16. Items of interest:

CO Municipal League expects SB 18-200 to be revised to keep PERA Local Government Employee

contribution rate to stay fixed at 8% and not increase gradually up to 10% due to strong funding of

Local Government PERA Fund

There is increasing concern about the FPPA D&D Fund 80% funding level. The FPPA D&D Plan

will increase to a 2.8% contribution rate in 2018, and they expect that legislation will be adopted to

increase this rate rapidly to restore funding. RWB contributes all 2.8% on behalf of its employees

There is discussion of how to level the playing field between residential ST rentals (Airbnb) and

commercial (hotel) rentals through lodging tax, licensing fees and possibly examining the Property

Tax Assessment Rate for ST Residential Rentals.

Interest rates are expected to remain constant through 2019


3 rate hikes have happened thru October 2018. Economists are mixed if there will be 1 more this


As of 11/28/18 ColoTrust Prime yield is at 2.12% and ColoTrust Plus yield is at 2.41%

As of 10/31/18: 5 year Treasury is at 2.98%; 2 Year Treasury is at 2.87%

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This information is for institutional investor use only, not for further distribution to retail investors, and does not represent an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any fund or other security. Investors should consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses before investing in any of the Colorado Statewide Investment Pool (“CSIP”) portfolios. This and other information about the CSIP’s portfolios is available in the current Information Statement, which should be read carefully before investing. A copy of the Information Statement may be obtained by calling 1-855-274-7468 or is available on the CSIP’s website at While the CSIP Liquid Portfolio seeks to maintain a stable net asset value of $1.00 per share and the CSIP Term Portfolio seeks to achieve a net asset value of $1.00 per share at the stated maturity, it is possible to lose money investing in the CSIP. An investment in the CSIP is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. Shares of the CSIP’s portfolios are distributed by PFM Fund Distributors, Inc., member Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) ( and Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC) ( PFM Fund Distributors, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of PFM Asset Management LLC.

The march to higher interest rates took on a new tone in October as investors shunned longer maturities and riskier investments, beating down the prices of long-term Treasuries and corporate and mortgage-backed securities (MBS), even as signs emerged that the pace of global growth would soon slow.

Economic Highlights• The U.S. stock market gave up nearly all its gains for the year as

investors became concerned about rising rates, the upcoming midterm elections, future corporate earnings, a trade war with China, Brexit, Italian budget woes and general geopolitical uncertainty.

• The advance release of third-quarter U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) showed surprisingly strong growth of 3.5%, boosted by consumer spending, government spending and inventory replenishment. These factors more than offset weak business investment and the biggest drag from trade in 33 years.

• The U.S. economy added 250,000 new jobs in October, well above estimates, while the unemployment rate remained unchanged at 3.7% – the lowest since 1969.

• Average hourly earnings – an important measure of wage growth – rose 3.1% year over year (YoY), the fastest pace since 2009.

• The Federal Reserve’s Beige Book–released in advance of the November Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting–was subdued, noting “modest to moderate growth” in economic activity from a majority of Federal Reserve (Fed) Districts. In particular, manufacturers reported moderate output growth, citing concerns over rising materials and shipping costs, trade uncertainty and difficulty finding qualified workers.

• The U.S. housing market has weakened as rising home prices, higher mortgage rates, a scarcity of materials and lack of construction labor have slowed activity. Residential investment fell 4% in the third quarter, the third consecutive quarter as a drag to GDP growth. A drop in forward indicators, like housing starts and building permits, portends further weakness in the months ahead.

• The U.S. dollar (USD) pushed higher over the month, increasing the drag on exports and corporate earnings, especially those of multinational companies. It also does not bode well for emerging-market (EM) economies because a significant portion of their debt is denominated in USD, which became more costly to pay back.

Bond Markets• U.S. Treasury yields rose in early October to new highs for this

phase of the cycle, with 10-year and two-year yields reaching their highest levels since 2011 and 2008, respectively. But, the sell-off in equity markets triggered a brief rally that left yields higher for the month, though off their highs. The 30-year Treasury led rate increases, rising by 20 basis points (bps) (0.20%) during the month.

• The five- to 30-year part of the Treasury yield curve steepened during October, partially reversing the strong flattening trend of the past several years.

• Fixed-income returns were mixed for the month. For example, one- and five-year Treasuries returned 0.20% and 0.10%, respectively. Meanwhile, 10- and 30-year maturities returned -0.60% and -3.64%, respectively.

Equity Markets• After posting all-time highs in September, U.S. equities neared

“correction territory” in October. The Nasdaq Composite Index plunged 9.2%, the S&P 500 Index (S&P) fell 6.8% and the Dow Industrials tumbled 5.0%, leaving only modest gains for the year. Sector performance within the S&P was mostly negative in October with nine of the 11 sectors posting negative returns.

• By market capitalization, large-caps (Russell 1000 Index) were the best performers during the month. Value stocks outperformed growth stocks within all three market capitalizations.

PFM Outlook• A myriad of recent speeches and post-FOMC meeting statements

seemed to affirm the Fed’s commitment to continue the current tightening cycle. This affirmation, in combination with a solid domestic economic backdrop and the possibility of additional rate hikes in coming quarters, leads us to continue positioning portfolios with a defensive interest rate risk profile – durations will remain short of benchmarks.

• Federal agency yield spreads relative to U.S. Treasuries remain very tight. Light issuance from government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) through the balance of the year should be modestly supportive of performance in the sector over the near-term.

• Supranational issuers are nearing the end of their fiscal year, and new issuance is expected to be quiet over the next couple of months. We will minimize new purchases in an effort to gear up for seasonal supply upticks early next year.

• Corporate debt faced a tough October as credit spreads widened with the equity market sell-off and volatility spiked. Headwinds facing the sector, such as higher rates and perhaps peak earnings, have begun to impact our views on future return prospects. As a result, we will continue to be more selective when evaluating corporate debt offering. We will also continue to reduce holdings of issues where yield spreads have tightened to expensive levels.

• MBS returns continue to lag. And, with Fed balance sheet holdings in MBS set for more significant reduction over the next quarter, new purchases will be limited and selective.

• AAA-rated asset-backed securities (ABS) continue to generate positive excess returns. The sector offers a defensive bias to credit allocations, and we will continue to overweight ABS.

• With the effective federal funds rate at over 2%, money market funds and ultra-short-term fixed-income investments have been among the best performers year-to-date (YTD). A seasonal rise in issuance of Treasury bills may present an attractive risk-free alternative as we move into the new year.

Fixed Income | November 2018

Page 45: AGENDA December 2018

Maturity Oct 31, 2017 Sep 30, 2018 Oct 31, 2018Monthly Change


TreasuryFederal Agency

Corporates- A Industrials


3-Month 1.13% 2.20% 2.33% 0.13% 3-Month 2.33% 2.27% 2.72% -

6-Month 1.28% 2.37% 2.49% 0.12% 6-Month 2.49% 2.43% 2.80% -

2-Year 1.60% 2.82% 2.87% 0.05% 2-Year 2.87% 2.93% 3.26% 1.98%

5-Year 2.02% 2.95% 2.98% 0.03% 5-Year 2.98% 3.10% 3.57% 2.29%

10-Year 2.38% 3.06% 3.14% 0.08% 10-Year 3.14% 3.40% 4.00% 2.74%

30-Year 2.88% 3.21% 3.39% 0.18% 30-Year 3.39% 3.68% 4.53% 3.34%

Index Oct 31, 2017 Sep 30, 2018 Oct 31, 2018Monthly Change

Indicator Release Date Period ActualSurvey


1-Month LIBOR 1.24% 2.26% 2.31% 0.05% Nonfarm Payrolls 2-Nov Oct 250k 200k

3-Month LIBOR 1.38% 2.40% 2.56% 0.16% CPI ExFood&Energy YoY 11-Oct Sep 2.2% 2.3%

Effective Fed Funds Rate 1.07% 2.18% 2.20% 0.02% Retail Sales MoM 15-Oct Sep 0.1% 0.4%

Fed Funds Target Rate 1.25% 2.25% 2.25% 0.00% Consumer Confidence 30-Oct Oct 137.9 135.9

Gold ($/oz) $1,271 $1,192 $1,215 $24 GDP Annualized QoQ 26-Oct 3Q Adv 3.5% 3.3%

Crude Oil ($/Barrel) $54.38 $73.25 $65.31 -$7.94 New Home Sales MoM 24-Oct Sep -5.5% -0.6%

U.S. Dollars per Euro $1.16 $1.16 $1.13 -$0.03 FOMC Rate Dec. (Upper) 8-Nov Nov 2.25% 2.25%

© PFM Asset Management LLC

U.S. Treasury Yields

Spot Prices and Benchmark Rates

Source: Bloomberg. Data as of October 31, 2018, unless otherwise noted.The views expressed constitute the perspective of PFM’s asset management business at the time of distribution and are subject to change. The content is based on sources generally believed to be reliable and available to the public; however, PFM cannot guarantee its accuracy, completeness or suitability. This material is for general information purposes only and is not intended to provide specific advice or a specific recommendation. PFM is the marketing name for a group of affiliated companies providing a range of services. All services are provided through separate agreements with each company. Investment advisory services are provided by PFM Asset Management LLC, which is registered with the SEC under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. For more information regarding PFM’s services or entities, please visit

Yields by Sector and Maturity as of October 31, 2018

Economic Indicators









U.S. Treasury Yield Curve




3-mo 2-yr 5-yr 10-yr 30-yr

0.13% 0.11%





-1.12%1-5 Year Treasury 1-5 Year Agency 1-5 Year AAA-A

Corp1-5 Year Municipals 0-5 Year MBS

October Prior 12 Months

ICE BAML Fixed Income Index Returns For the period ended October 31, 2018









ICE BAML U.S. Treasury Master Index

S&P 500 Russell 2000(Small Cap)

MSCI EAFE(Developed Europe/Asia)

Total Return of Major Indices

October Prior 12 Months

For the period ended October 31, 2018


Oct '17 Jan '18 Apr '18 Jul '18 Oct '18

30-Day Money Market Yields

Commercial Paper (A1/P1) Federal Agency U.S. T-Bill


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To: Chief Jim Keating

From: Amanda Seidler

Date: 11/28/2018

Re: Human Resources and PIO update ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Talent Acquisition:

o With Chief Kuhn, Captain Oese, D/O Kuffner, and FF/P Felt, participated in Summit High School’s Career and Job

Fair on November 15.

o Assisted North West Fire with their oral board interviews on October 27 at the request of Chief Kristy Olme and

with Chief Keating’s approval. Captain Rial and FF Austin also served on the panel.

Total Rewards:

o Managed leaves of absence (LOA) and work comp (WC) claims.

o Supported a legal request with records collection.

o Coordinated 2019 open enrollment and benefits fair on October 3, 19, and 23 with 14 partners. From October 26

to November 9, met with every employee to ensure their elections were what they wanted for 2019 benefits.

Verified elections for insurance plans and health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs) and flexible spending

accounts (FSAs).

o Attended a safety meeting with CCOM and Pinnacol with the focus on finding a way to conduct a fit for duty exam

year round for when an employee is returning to work from an injury.

o Attended the CEBT ( Our Health Insurance Provider) quarterly board meeting on November 3. Highlights include:

1. The loss ratio (paid claims/contributions) for the 12 months ending September 2018 was 94.7%

which was 1.1% decrease from May. As the loss ratio greatly influences the renewal rates, it is

anticipated the rate renewal for July 1 plans will be 1% lower as the 3 months falling off are similar

to the 3 added. There was a net gain of $1.7 million attributable to pharmacy rebates and the

Kaiser Permanente risk sharing agreement worth 1 million.

2. Revenue is at $192 million which will likely hit the $200 million mark within a year.

3. To encourage better consumer decisions and quality treatment, presentations were given by

Healthcare Bluebook as well as Surgery Plus. The HB service shows transparency particularly for

MRI and lab work. These options will be reviewed at July's meeting and possibly implemented

1/1/2020. Colorado Mountain College will likely use their CEBT refund, see #6, to independently

subscribe to these services. From SP one fascinating statistic was that only 25% of surgeons are

licensed, board certified, fellowship trained, state sanctioned, free of criminal charges, and free of

medical malpractice history. SP does the legwork to ensure quality care with each claim.

4. Consideration to get a copay for urgent care created in the PPO plans will be researched for

January and possibly put in effect by July. This could reduce the copays for emergency rooms by

replacing with an urgent care one.

5. The auditors reported that independent lab claims were approximately 59k claims, $1.6 million

paid in claims, with an average claim being $27.64 which is less than a copay. Consideration to

change the lab co pay for PPO was discussed and determined that the plan language document will

be changed.

6. The dividend from unrestricted surplus is in excess of $7 million, more than expected, and a

practice last done in 2010. 56 employers with 2 years in CEBT will receive $379/enrollee. 227

employers with more than 2 years will receive $626/enrollee. 49 employers including RWBFire

have fewer than two years and are not eligible for a dividend.

7. 9 new employers, including Durango FPD, joined CEBT for 3.4 million in premiums. Only 1 client

with 4 employees dropped.

Page 55: AGENDA December 2018

8. IT update highlighted the progress on a mobile app, improved print summary page, mass new hire

registration, and employer access to print temporary ID cards.

9. COBRA administration will be included in CEBT services effective June 1, 2019 or sooner.

24HourFlex is charging $0.45 per employee per month. COBRA participants will be charged the 2%

admin fee. This service relieves a significant compliance liability for RWBFire.

10. Next meeting dates are January 25, April 26, and July 14-17, 2019.

Public Information Officer (PIO)

o Provided support to the PR firm with photos for their mailed publications.

o Attended the Summit PIO bi-monthly meeting on October 10.

o Supported Captain McMillan with a wildland fire presentation at Summit Middle School on October 18.

o Assisted with the Fire Leadership Challenge conference raffle on October 24.

o Attended the First Responders Appreciation Banquet on Saturday, November 10 at the Elks Lodge. RWBFire’s

wildland mitigation team was honored.

o Supported FF/P White with the tactical gear and armor packages ceremony on November 28.

o Facebook statistics as of 10/10/2018: 4,640 likes (increase of 46), 5,213 followers (increase of 40), and a total of 39

posts reaching 60,036 people since October 10. The most popular and engaging posts feature the promotion of

Lacey Theiler to FF/Paramedic, the video of FF/Paramedic Schlachter, a safety message on space heaters, and the

structure fire in Keystone.

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To: Red, White & Blue Board of Directors From: Jim Keating, Chief

Re: Department Activity Report for October/November 2018

Item #1 – Incident Response Data YTD 1/1/18 to 10/31/18

2018 2017 Fires 27 22

EMS 1164 1038

Alarms (no fire conditions) * 369 333

Haz Mat 64 94

Service Calls 138 99

Good Intent 317 222

Misc. 6 3

Total Calls for Calendar Year to Date: 2085 1811

*This listing is comprehensive in coverage. The largest percentage of calls are for carbon monoxide calls,

smoke from cooking - burnt toast, leaking pipes, construction dust, steam, and vandalism.

Item #2 – EMS Transport and Revenue Report:

Please review the chart below for the current payments made to the District for 2018 transports. We are

receiving timely payments as well as increased documentation. For your reference we had budgeted

$300,000.00 for 2018 EMS revenue.

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Item #3 – Wildfire 2018/2019:

The final stats were released for the 2018 chipping program. In 2018, there were 2646 homes participating,

producing 12,015 piles. For comparison, in 2017, there were 2841 homes and 9,227 piles. The 2018 project

spent $165,757.00 versus the $113,500.00 in 2017.

Since the passage of the latest 1A county tax measure, a group has been formed to review projects that are

being considered to be funded from the annual 1 million dollars collected. The committees first meeting

was on Monday November 19, 2018, and must complete work on a suggested budget no later than 11/23/18

to be included in the 2019 budget.

I met with the new County Assistant Manager Bently, Sheriff Fitzsimons, and U.S. Forest Service Bill

Jackson, to verify that the seasonal rangers and Summit Sheriffs overtime would be the funded from 1A

and I was assured it would be. I also notified the County that our District, nor SFE, budgeted monies for

2019 to cover any of these costs.

Peak 7 is in a position to benefit from the 1A funding for some of the pre-approved forest service projects,

if the cooperation continues in the Peak 7 area as far as access granted through properties.

Item #4 – Public Awareness:

As shown in the photo below, this is the public information sign that is displayed in the 12 Breckenridge

Free Ride busses daily. We have reauthorized the postings for 2018/2019 ski season. We had positive

responses from the signs during the 2017/2018 ski season. The first quarter payment is expending the final

donation from the Missouri Valley Fire Chiefs conference we hosted in 2017.

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Item #5 – 2019 Board Meeting Schedule and Board Member Information:

Board meetings occur on the 4th Thursday of the month, unless otherwise indicated with *, and will be held

in the Boardroom located in the RWB Main Station at 316 North Main Street, Breckenridge. All Board

meetings begin at 3:00 p.m.

Following is the proposed meeting schedule:

January 24

February 28

March 28

April 25

May 23

June 20*

July 25

August 22

September 26

October 17*

November – no meeting scheduled

December 5*

Current Board Members:

Arch Gothard - Term ends May 2019 due to 15 yr. term limit. Board appointment within 60 days required.

Jim Brook - Current term expires May 2020, eligible for 4-year re-election term.

Ken Wiegand - Current term expires May 2022, eligible for 4-year re-election term.

Rich Rafferty - Current term expires May 2020, eligible for 4-year re-election term.

Dean Lippert - Current term expires May 2022, eligible for 4-year re-election term.

Current Officers:

Chairperson - Arch Gothard

Vice Chairperson - Jim Brook

Secretary/Treasurer - Ken Wiegand

Current Committee Appointments:

Compensation - Arch Gothard and Jim Brook

Bank Reconciliation - Arch Gothard

Summit Fire Authority (SFA) Representative - Jim Brook

SFA Alternate - Teresa Perkins

Wildfire Council Representative - Ken Wiegand

Audit and Investment - Ken Wiegand and Rich Rafferty

Facilities - Dean Lippert

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Item #6 – 2018 Budget Amendment:

We have posted the legal language that will allow for a budget amendment for 2018. The budget

amendment will be required as it is required for expenditures that exceed the adopted budget. The

additional EMS revenues received and the unexpected number of wildland deployment reimbursements

cannot be applied to offset the expense. Work will continue up to the day prior to our Board Meeting to

determine the final amount. We are awaiting the Summit County charges for the Gallagher mail ballot

election. I will provide more specifics of the budget amendment prior to the board meeting.

Item #7 –Awards Night 2018:

Despite an unexpected concert held at the gondola parking lot that attracted approximately 5,000

attendees, and the snowy road conditions, we had 114 adults and 42 children in attendance at the Awards

Event. The following is a recap of the awards and recognitions:

New Hire Recognition

o FF Brandon Raslawski

o Caroline Wockner

2018 Promotions - both promoted to Paramedic

o FF Lacey Theiler

o Driver/Operator Angelo Lodice

Years of Service Recognition:

o 5 Years

FF Scott Livingood

FF Lacey Theiler

FF Jason White

HR Officer Amanda Seidler

o 10 Years

Driver/Operator Erik Kuffner

FF/Paramedic Tony Steele

FF/Paramedic John Zeising

o 15 Years

Captain Derik Goossen

Driver/Operator Paramedic Angelo Lodice

Driver Operator Eric Mc Connell

o 20 Years

Deputy Chief Jay Nelson

IT Manager Marti Owen

o 35 Years

Captain Bill Randall

2018 Firefighter of the Year - is selected by their peers

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o Captain Tim Caldwell

RWB Support Staff Member - is selected by their peers

o HCTC Training Captain Dave Rial

Chiefs Leadership Award - selected by the Fire Chief

o Captain Tim Caldwell

Unit Commendation - awarded to any group who has performed in an outstanding manner worthy

of recognition – selected by Chief Officers

o RWB Mitigation Team:

Captain Keith McMillan

Captain Matt Benedict

Driver/Operator Chris Turturici

FF Scott Livingood

FF John Wiegand

FF Paramedic Ty Humphries

Niebergall Award - selected by Local 4325 Members

o Clint Maas

The Lifesaving Award – presented to members of the organization or civilians that are part of a

successful revival of a cardiac patient

o The team of:

Captain Jason Kline

Captain Keith McMillan

Driver/Operator Angelo Lodice

FF paramedic Aaron Schlachter

FF Paramedic Chris Drumwright

FF Ryan Doyle

Courage, Commitment and Caring Award - chosen by previous recipients

o Chief Jim Keating

Item #8 –EMS Issues:

I spoke with Chief Berino on Monday November 26, 2018. He briefed me on his Board discussions of

November 18, 2018. The SFE Board is requiring Summit County to guarantee continued funding of the

EMS system after the sunset of the EMS 1A monies. The County has indicated that guaranteeing funding

would not be possible. Also, the SFE Board is not accepting other County requirements, such as

maintaining current SCAS employees and supervisors in the system.

He stated that his Board will allow participation in the EMS system of one-person co-staffing with a

SCAS employee, with SFE receiving 22.5% of the collected revenue for their transports. This participation

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will continue through the ski season, ending no later than April 1, 2019. If by that date no progress is made

toward consolidation, any SFE consideration to consolidate with SCAS will end.

Chief Berino also indicated he received a call from the Asst. County Manager Sarah Vaine last week

asking what his position was on RWB asking for 70% of the collected revenue for transports. It was

framed that this would reduce the amount of 1A funding available to SFE.

With the current funding mechanism used by the County of paying RWB and SFE with the revenues

collected for EMS transports that each complete; this reference does not reflect accurately. At this time, I

have not heard from the County on the status of our EMS IGA.

Item #9 – HCTC Fire and EMS Training Coordinator:

The open position was posted on 11/26/18 with a new title and requirements. It will become a coordinator

position and it is suggested the position carry a paramedic certification. The other major change is that the

position will become an employee of SFE.

The organizational change implemented two years ago moved the organization towards a joint

management of the facility between RWB and SFE. It was decided that each organization would

contribute two employees to the operation of the training facility. Our employees will be Training Captain

David Rial and Office Administrator Leslie Wagner. SFE provides Training Captain Tyson Houston and

the new Coordinator position. The Operations Chiefs from both organizations will have the responsibility

for direct oversight of the Coordinator position.

In 2019, changes are planned to streamline the financial operations of HCTC. We are working to

eliminate much of the operational monies being paid back and forth between the agencies.

Item #10 – On the Agenda at the Next Board Meeting on Thursday, December 6, 2018 at 3:00 p.m.:

Public Hearing on the 2019 budget

2019 Budget Approval

Public Hearing on Amended budget

Approval of 2019 Board meeting schedule

Discussion and possible approval of a 1-year IGA with Summit County for EMS transport

The future of HCTC

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Memorandum To: Chief Jim Keating From: Deputy Chief Paul Kuhn Date: 11/20/2018 Re: Operation’s Board Report Oct. / Nov. 2018 Significant Responses:

Near drowning at Grand Lodge Pool. Mom and Child were delivered to SMC and the 3YO patient discharged in good condition. Quick actions by the mom and the crew ended in a positive outcome. CO call at 96 Moonstone, had about ten visitors renting the premises with high levels of CO in the area. All visitors were asked to find different lodging for the night while the management company handled to hazard. The issue was related to the boiler not operating properly. Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) Rollover on Highway 9 by the Tarn, Flights on scene, extrication of the victim who was pinned in the car and a tree branch intruding in the vehicle.

Significant Project Updates: Our defensible space mitigation team has been very busy this year. They have completed around 225 evaluations for our citizens. There outstanding inspections and relationship building has earned them awards at the First Responders Banquet at the Elks Lodge. Another great public relations project had a successful ending with the crew spending time with the citizens of the Wellington Neighborhood. Our fire fighters mingled with the crowd and handed out candy to the children of Wellington during Halloween. Many compliments and thanks were received. All crews had a walkthrough of the Grand Lodge Phase 3 construction project. The project is in the early stages of being closed in and it gives the crews ideas of access and response needs for any injured workers. The layout of the structure is taking final shape and gives the crews a good perspective on what the final building configuration will resemble. Big thanks to Jackie for organizing the building familiarizations.

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C-shift, Amanda and myself participated in the Summit High School Jobs Fair. We had a booth with information on pursuing a career in the fire service with members of C shift answering many questions on the role of a fire fighter. It was a great opportunity to interact with young people that are exploring carrier choices. Personnel and Advancements:

Years of service with RWB for October

• Chuck Oese 18 years • Eric Kuhn 16 years • Leslie Wagner 16 years • Terence Campbell 15 years • Angelo Lodice 14 years • Jessica Johnson 1 year • Joshua Rynders 1 year Years of service for November

• Marti Owen 20 years • John Zeising 10 years • Jim Keating 6 years • Matt Austin 2 years • Joan Ferris 2 years Erik Kuffner qualified as Acting Captain Dan Felt Qualified as Acting Driver Operator

Joint Training:

• Joint EMS Training: Skills day at HCTC for EMS training included different scenarios that involved all personnel achieving a positive outcome for the patients. One scenario was a medical issue that escalated into a CPR where the patient became unresponsive. EMT basics jumped in to do compressions and help with vitals while the paramedics were looking at drug dosages and EKG monitoring for a plan of action. Overall the scenarios were excellent and provided a chance for all to work together in an EMS environment.

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• Joint Fire @ HCTC: Joint Fire Training included Fire Fighter Olympics in which the trainings for the year were combined and performed against the clock and other crews. There is a trophy that is presented to the winners of the contest which is displayed at HCTC. This year’s winner is RWB A Shift E-7 crew.

District Trainings:

• Our Standard Operating Policies and Guidelines are being reviewed on continuous basis by all staff members. Our new Records Management System (RMS) helps track who has completed the training on the SOP/Gs. Crews are getting more familiar with the new RMS which makes it easier to document training events.

High Country Training Center:

• Fan Motor for the second floor burn room is being replaced by Kidde the week of November 20 and be back on line by the end of the month.

• The standpipe replacement project has been completed and the standpipe is ready for use inside the burn building.

• Tolin Mechanical is adjusting the freeze protection for the burn building snow

melt pad. New antifreeze will be added to the mixture to keep freezing temperatures from causing damage this winter.

• Haz Mat IGA has been reviewed by all parties and will be sent to the Emergency

Manager for final approval by the county. We hope to have a signed copy by the end of October.


We deployed a second crew in early part of October to the Silver Creek Fire near Rabbit Ears Pass by Steamboat to do a crew swap. The weather started cooperating towards the middle of their deployment with showers and cooler temperatures in the night time. This crew included Derek Goossen, Matt Austin and Chris Turturicci and was demobilized on October 7, 2018. The geographic and fuel type is very similar to our own and the experience gathered by the crew is tremendous. This was our last deployment of the season.

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Major Apparatus Repairs for September:

• 2010 Truck had a coolant leak and air leaks that are eluding the mechanics. • 2007 E-1 4x4 had temperature control switch replaced and Kussmal (electrical

connect to a 110 volt system) replaced.

Fuel Costs for the month of October were $3439. Parts costs from Snake River Fleets were $2521.

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316 N. Main Street • Post Office Box 710 • Breckenridge, CO 80424 970-453-2474 • Fax 970-453-1350 •


Community Risk Management (CRM) October 2018 October 2017 YTD 2018 YTD 2017 Permits Issued 30 38 326 268 Permit Related Inspections 58 21 441 275 Primary Inspections 30 28 235 209 Follow-up Inspections 2 3 28 37 Mitigation Inspections 4 4 212 66 Car Seat Installations 3 9 51 51 Station Tours 40 33 329 307

We held our annual Fire Prevention Week Open House on Wednesday, October 10th. “Look. Listen. Learn. Be Aware - Fire Can Happen Anywhere.” was this year’s Fire Prevention Week theme. The latest statistics from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) show that if you have a reported fire in your home, you are more likely to die today than you were a few decades ago. We have been lucky the last few years, but this year our Open House was on a cold and snowy day. Our community partners and residents are truly amazing - not to mention hearty! Even with the bad weather, we had approximately 500 people attend. It would not have been possible without the overwhelming support of our local businesses and community partners. Austin and I have been working on updating the inspection schedule in our records management system. All occupancies that require an inspection have now been assigned a rotation of one to five years following recommendations from the National Fire Protection Association and a risk assessment score. Occupancies that are scheduled yearly have a higher risk associated with them, including: restaurants, night clubs, bars, critical infrastructures, and high occupancy condominiums. Those occupancies inspected every five years include townhomes, business offices, and storage facilities. When an occupancy is not scheduled for inspection during the year, they will receive self-guided inspection forms to fill out and return. There are no new significant fires to report this month.

Date: November 24, 2018 To: Chief Keating From: Deputy Chief Nelson RE: October 2018 Monthly Reports

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IT/Communications Marti has been working with our copier provider to address a HIPAA exposure issue that was uncovered during the month. Personal medical information was left on the copier; however, the information was found to be exempted from HIPAA protection. During our investigation to determine who may have left it on the printer, we discovered that the log file for the copier did not keep a long enough trail. Marti has been looking at add on programs to maintain our HIPAA compliance. She has also attended several meetings with the EMS & Fire network administrators to work through countywide IT policies related to HIPAA. In all there are 5 technology related HIPAA policies that we must have in place. This group worked to standardize the language to apply to all emergency services agencies in the County and remain in compliance with required HIPAA language and procedures. Marti and I both have been working with Summit 911 to fully incorporate our station alerting systems into the CAD systems. This has been a long and tedious project as we have had to build out the triggers for both our agency and Summit Fire & EMS. This was done in order to continue the project forward and fully incorporate station alerting into the 911 center. Summit Fire & EMS was unable to dedicate staff time to this project, so we stepped to the plate to help finish off the project. The system will be fully implemented as we go into December. October

Tickets Opened Tickets Closed Tickets Awaiting Parts or User Response

Average Days Opened

Total Time Spent on Tickets

37 35 7 7 45 h, 30 min

The above table represents user requested assistance for infrastructure and application support only. Users open a ticket for assistance by emailing [email protected]. The issue, the amount of time, and any costs associated with the ticket can all be tracked through a program called Spiceworks, a free IT tool. Facilities

• STATION 4 (NORTH) o One of the heating boilers had a control board go bad, which resulted in a lack of

heat in the building. • STATION 5 (WEST)

o The exhaust removal system was damaged when it was struck by the engine in the bay. The ducting, track, and hose for this exhaust drop will all have to be replaced. The system is being relocated in an effort to prevent future damage.

• STATION 6 (MAIN) o Therearpadboilerhasalowwaterfaultthatisbeinginvestigated.Thisfault


• STATION 7 (SOUTH) o Both bay heaters had the control boards go bad in them during the past 60 days.

The boards have been replaced and the heaters are operating normally.

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Administrative Duties Station 4 Generator Costs to Date

Generator delivery and concrete work (1st payment) $45,000.00 Generator wiring and Acceptance Test (final payment) $11.240.12 Electrical Change Order per Code Requirement $2,500.00 Gas Piping installation $17,858.00

Total Cost $76,598.12 Budgeted Amount $75,000.00

During the month of October, I attended a conference call with the building officials and Kim McDonald from Summit Fire & EMS to discuss the adoption of the 2018 codes. The building officials are planning a January 1, 2020 adoption of the 2018 codes. This means that the two fire agencies will need to adopt the 2018 codes for enforcement on January 1, 2020. Kim and I have developed a plan that has been communicated to our staffs with a timeline for work on the amendment package during the first quarter of 2019. The 2018 International Fire Code has significant layout changes and additions that we are currently looking at the impacts to our amendments. Our next building and fire code official meeting will be at the end of November. Ryan and I have been working together on updating several policies related to Community Risk Management and Information Technologies. Since several of these policies tie directly into our Annual Compliance Report for Accreditation, we felt it was important that we work through these together. We have updated and created new policies to document how we are operating and to help guide our programs in these functional areas. I have been working with Bill Clark of the Summit County Ambulance Service to finalize the contracts with the State of Colorado data vault to become test agencies for provider outcome feedback data. This interface is connected to most of the hospitals in the State of Colorado. It combines emergency department and/or hospital impressions with our provider’s run report. The purpose of this program is to help providers ensure they are providing the proper treatment for the injuries/illness the patient ends up being diagnosed with. Lastly, I was selected by Columbia Southern University to participate in an upcoming beta course on Servant Leadership. This course is offered through their continuing education department. The course focuses on personal awareness and development as well as external relationship dynamics and leadership strategies. I am looking forward to continuing my leadership growth through these unique opportunities.

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(970) 453-2474 Fax (970) 453-1350


TO: Chief J. Keating & RWB Board of Directors

FROM: Battalion Chief Ryan Roberts

DATE: November 25, 2018

RE: Accreditation Board Report – November/December 2018

Accreditation continues to be a pillar and process that we continue to incorporate more into the everyday culture of the District. Staff

is continuing to understand, use, and embrace the processes. The pieces, the FESSAM, Strategic Plan, and Community Risk

Assessment-Standards of Cover, and now the CAAS Self-Assessment; are being used in the decision making and thought processes.

We will continue to ‘create excellence’ through our processes; which drives transparency and supports the professional and positive

direction of our District! Here is an update on where we stand on accreditation.

Following the CAAS process in the coming months, we will immediately begin working on the annual compliance report, update of

the Strategic Plan and Community Risk Assessment-Standards of Cover.

Commission on Accreditation of Ambulance Services (CAAS) CAAS has received the most attention of the accreditation mindset during the past month and the couple months coming up. During

the past month, much of the focus has been on cleaning up, finalizing, and updating numerous policies, guidelines, and organizational

documents. In addition, work has begun with sharing of the identified areas with Summit County Ambulance Service.

101 ORGANIZATION - Purpose: The clear delineation of service ownership and organizational structure is necessary to

assure accountability to customers, partners, medical oversight, and local/state/federal authorities. These standards are

important for the organization to maximize its own effectiveness and to be responsive to the public. (7 – Self-Assessment

Areas) Section Complete!

102 INTER-AGENCY RELATIONS - Purpose: Positive inter-agency relations are necessary to provide high quality patient

care services. A high quality EMS system depends on cooperation between various types of public safety agencies and all

local EMS providers. The following standards are to emphasize these relationships. (7 – Self-Assessment Areas) Section


103 MANAGEMENT - Purpose: The purpose of these standards is to establish general management policies and practices

not specifically addressed in other sections. (10 – Self-Assessment Areas) 9/10 self-assessment areas completed

104 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Purpose: Standards in this section relate to the general need for an emergency medical

services provider to accurately track and plan for its fiscal resources while meeting its day-to-day management

responsibilities. (9 – Self-Assessment Areas) 6/9 self-assessment areas completed. The remaining three self-assessment areas

are related directly to SCAS billing, accounts receivable, and training components. We are trying to work with SCAS to get

these completed.

105 COMMUNITY RELATIONS AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS - Purpose: Due to the high visibility and unique expertise of

EMS agencies there exists a responsibility to keep the public well informed about out-of-hospital care and related health

issues. These agencies must maintain a respected, high profile to enhance out-of-hospital care in their communities. (11 –

Self-Assessment Areas) 11/11 self-assessment areas completed. Section Complete!

106 HUMAN RESOURCES - Purpose: The process by which an EMS agency selects, trains, and maintains a working

relationship with employees is critical to the success of the agency. (14 – Self-Assessment Areas) 14/14 self-assessment

areas completed. Section Complete!

201 CLINICAL STANDARDS - Purpose: Well-defined clinical standards are an essential foundation to the provision of

quality out-of-hospital health care. (16 – Self-Assessment Areas) 16/16 self-assessment areas completed. Section Complete!

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202 SAFE OPERATIONS & MANAGING RISK - Purpose: Comprehensive safety standards are required to assure that

patients, employees, and the agency are protected from unnecessary risk. (11 – Self-Assessment Areas) 11/11 self-

assessment areas completed; Section Complete!

203 EQUIPMENT & FACILITIES - Purpose: All equipment and facilities must be maintained to a high standard to assure

the delivery of quality patient care. (12 – Self-Assessment Areas) 10/12 self-assessment areas completed

204 COMMUNICATIONS CENTER - Purpose: Efficient call taking, effective resource deployment, and continuous

communications capabilities are required to maintain an effective EMS agency. (12 – Self-Assessment Areas) 12/12 self-

assessment areas completed. Section Complete!

The areas are all progressing positively, with a focus now on completion on finishing the writing but more importantly gathering and

completing the necessary supporting documents. In addition, we are completing additional trainings, policy development, guideline

implementation, etc. to ensure that we are compliant with the requirements of CAAS.

As you will notice, there are five items that still need completed! Three items are within the control of SCAS and one is an item we

are working through, the temperature monitoring and locking of vehicles. We still have a target date of turning everything into

CAAS for review in 2018! This would allow a site visit potentially still early 2019; while the system is busy. I believe this is an

achievable goal.

Strategic Plan Review and Update

I will be working with Chief Keating and the other managers/leaders in our organization relative to updates in the strategic plan for

approval by the Board in January 2019. This is a direct requirement of the CFAI process as well as for tracking the progress that we

made in 2018.

Annual Compliance Report

The annual compliance report (ACR) is due on February 15, 2019. This will be our 2nd (of 4) ACR assigned to Mike Stallings as part

of the current cycle. This will be the focus in January, with much work being accomplished and worked through with the

implementation of two new reporting systems, merging the old systems. We have made some initial plans on how everything will


Fire and Emergency Services Self-Assessment Manual (FESSAM)

In early 2019 we will begin an in-depth update of the FESSAM. This document is the 10 categories and 250+ performance indicators

that guide how we do business. Also, we have recently been notified that there is a process beginning for the development of the 10th

edition of the FESSAM, and we will likely be the first group to go before the commission under the new standards.

Community Risk Assessment - Standards of Cover (CRA-SOC)

I will be making some updates, primarily related to the information from 2018 into the CRA-SOC. In early 2019, I also intend to

make a community version of the CRA-SOC to allow as a quick read and less detail that members of the public would likely better

understand. This CRA-SOC update will also include some items and deficiencies that have been identified within the CAAS process,

to include an all-in-one document to support both accreditation processes.

Snoqualmie Fire Department I have been asked to serve on the peer team for the Snoqualmie Fire Department (WA) for their accreditation process. We are going

on site in the 2nd week of January of 2019.

As I have identified within this update and previously, I fully embrace the accreditation model and the positive movement that have

within our organization toward accreditation. These processes, CFAI and CAAS, provide the roadmap and framework of every aspect

of our organization through the processes identified for us to continue to be a World Class Organization!

Respectfully Submitted,

Ryan J. Roberts

Ryan J. Roberts, CFO, CTO, MPA

Battalion Chief/Accreditation Manager

Page 71: AGENDA December 2018

To: RedWhite&BlueBoardofDirectorsFrom:TimCaldwellDate: 11/29/2018Re: RedWhite&BlueCareerFirefightersAssociation___________________________________________________________________________________SeptemberupdatesfromLocal4325:

• $500.00inemergencyaidtoaformer4325member• $500.00inemergencyaidtoaSouthMetrofirefighterandhisfamily• $500.00inemergencyaidtoRWBemployee’sextendedfamily• Cosponsoredtheannualawardsandholidaybanquet• Wrappedthe6delectionworkandaccounts.(Thankyoutoallwho

contributedtothesuccessfuleffort)• Purchased,preparedanddeliveredamealforafamilyherethroughDomus


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WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 24-6-402(2)(c), C.R.S., notice and, where

possible, the agenda of the District Board of Directors (“Board”) meetings at which the

adoption of any formal action is to occur or at which a majority or quorum of the body is

in attendance, or is expected to be in attendance, shall be posted within the boundaries of

the District at least 24 hours prior to each meeting at a location designated at the first

regular meeting of each year; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 32-1-903(2), C.R.S., notices of regular and

special Board meetings must be posted at three public places within the District and at the

office of the County Clerk and Recorder at least 72 hours prior to said meeting, which

shall continue to be done as required.




Notices of meetings (regular, special and study session) of the Board required

pursuant to Section 24-6-401, et seq., C.R.S., shall be posted within the boundaries of the

District at least 24 hours prior to each meeting at, as a minimum, the following location

within the District boundaries:

Red, White, & Blue Fire Protection District

316 N Main Street

Breckenridge, CO 80424

Adopted this 6th day of December, 2018.

____________________ Arch Gothard, President


Ken Wiegand, Secretary

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