Page 1: Agenda item 5 ESS Vision 2020: other activities DIGICOM and SIMSTAT DIME-ITDG joint plenary Luxembourg,…

Agenda item 5 ESS Vision 2020: other activities


DIME-ITDG joint plenaryLuxembourg, 24-25.02.2016

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Developments in 2015:• 12 Feb: Green light from ESSC to develop scope proposal• 14 April (VIG-VIN Workshop on ESS Vision 2020 implementation):

VIG asked to set up TF to develop Business Case• 29 May-10 Sept: TF DIGICOM videoconferences;

development of Business Case (in consultation with other stakeholders)

• 19 Nov: Business Case endorsed by the ESSC• 21 Dec: Steering Group (SG DIGICOM) set up

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SG DIGICOM:• Mandate to oversee the execution of DIGICOM

(to be approved by VIG)• 12 NSIs represented (AT,CH,DE,ES,FI,FR,IE,NL,PL,PT,SE,UK)• Inaugural meeting (Videoconference) of 4 February 2016

Work Package Teams:• To support implementation work in the four WPs • Request for expressions of interest to all ESS members

(via the VIN) forthcoming

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WP 1 User analysis Action 1.1-1 Inventory of shareable practices

Action 1.1-2–In-depth user analysisAction 1.1-3–User profiling

Action 1.2-1–Requirements for social network platformAction 1.2-2–Functional and technical specifications

Action 1.2-3–Develop and set-up of pilot social networkWP 2 Innovative and shareable products and tools

Action 2.1-1-Statistical portrait of EuropeAction 2.1-2-Design of multiple promotion channelsAction 2.1-3-Implementation of promotion channels

Action 2.2-1-Repository of shareable toolsAction 2.2-2-Requirements specification for toolsAction 2.3-1-Inventories of shareable solutions

Action 2.3-2-Participation to ESS visualisation eventAction 2.3-3-Piloting of embeddable visualisations

WP 3 Open data dissemination Action 3.1-1-Linked Open Data - Stocktaking and requirment gathering

Action 3.4-1-StocktakingWP 4 Communication and promotion

Action 4.3-1-Inventory of existing outreach and statistical literacy practicesAction 4.3-2-Development of statistical literacy products

Action 4.4-4 - Experimental data and statistics - population and roll-out

Plans for 2016

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Plans for 2016 – highlights:• Inventories• Social network platform• ESS Visualisation Workshop 17-18 May (Valencia)• Statistical portrait of Europe• Experimental statistics

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DIME-ITDG involvement• Foreseen in particular for WP3 (Open Data):

• Linked Open Data

• Dissemination of microdata

• Also for other areas, such as quality• Coordination via the corresponding Work Package Teams

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SIMSTAT: Activities in 2015

Agreement on all relevant statistical issues ensuring exchange of micro-data on intra-EU trade

Agreement on the organisation of the pilot exchange Development of the IT system (Hub, Communication

component) Connection of all participating MSs to the network CCN Agreement on the procedure to analyse exchanged data,

to document the results and to draft the reports.

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SIMSTAT: Activities in 2015

Pilot exchange of micro-data Participants: AT, BG, CZ, DE, DK, EE, EL, FI, FR, HR,

IT, LT, LU, LV, MT, PL, PT, RO, SI and SK Time: April – October 2015 Data elements: 31 data elements, as agreed Reference period: January 2013 – August 2015 Volume: MSs transmitted 839 files, 17.4 GB (zipped) to

the Hub; and received 23 731 files, 23.1 GB (zipped) from the Hub.

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SIMSTAT: Activities in 2015

Following the pilot exchange, the MSs: analysed the exchanged micro-data with the aim to

assess quality, completeness, comparability and re-usability of the exchanged micro-data

evaluated the exchange process from an IT point of view documented the results, and drafted individual country reports.

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Current developments On the basis of the inputs received from the Member

States Eurostat has prepared a consolidated report The report was discussed in the SIMSTAT Task Force

and the related IT Task Force on 9 February 2016 It will be presented to the SIMSTAT Steering Committee

on 2 March 2016, for approval, and to ITGS-Steering Group on 3-4 March 2016.

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Next steps VIG+VIN workshop

15 March 2016 BSDG-SDG

17 March 2016 Stakeholders' forum

7 April 2016 BoP Working Group

20-21 April 2016 NA Working Group

written consultation BSDG

written consultation ESSC meeting

18-19 May 2016

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DIME-ITDG involvement

Developments of the IT systems was presented to ITDG plenary in 2015

Results on the pilot data exchange were presented to DIME-ITDG steering committee in November 2015

Final report will be sent to DIME-ITDG for written consultation in March/April 2016

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ESS Vision 2020: other activities

Thank you for your attention !


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