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Mary Kellan CarrAIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa

10/A World Literature 4th period

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family ties and traditions

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one in a million

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Not alone

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"At first I didn't want to go to the support group because I was afraid and ashamed of what the people would think about me,“

-Bernhard Kamatoto

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“…have an excuse to disappear , to pass in secret. Your mama thought she’s spare you shame.” (Stratton 185)

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Works citedC.M. “C.M.” Stories from around the World. AVERT: AVERTing HIV and AIDS, n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2010. < aids-

hiv-stories.htm#tab-14>. C.M. is a woman who has a problem with promiscuity and because of it she obtained HIV/ AIDS. She has to deal with telling her current partner of her condition. Each story given had to be individually submitted. So all the information is about the individual person. The website is credible because I checked up on the organization that the story was sent to. This enhanced my understanding because some people cannot help how they get HIV/ AIDS but she did it to herself by sleeping around carelessly. I have to understand that some people are not honest, but at the same time, some people do not ask enough questions.

Fenton, Kevin, Dr. “Scientists Say a Gel Can Slow HIV Spread.” Interview by Ira Flatow. Talk of the Nation: Science Friday. Global Issues In Context, 23 July 2010. Web. 31 Oct. 2010. < gic/>. Scientists discuss a gel that has the potential to slow the spread of HIV after sexual intercourse. I found this interview on Global Issues in Context, but it was originally from NPR. I went to NPR to make sure it was actually there. Then I briefly searched the information discussed to check the credibility. This interview opened my eyes to the possibility of slowing the disease. Previously I thought there was not way to slow or stop HIV once it was contracted, but now I think otherwise.

Kamatoto, Bernhard. “Bernhard.” Stories from around the World. AVERT: AVERTing HIV and AIDS, n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2010. < aids-hiv-stories.htm#tab-16>. A resident boxer living in Sub-Sahran Africa come down with AIDS and had to learn that just because you are healthy, you can still get HIV/ AIDS. Instead of hiding. Bernhard is speaking out and broadcasting his illness. Each story given had to be individually submitted. So all the information is about the individual person. The website is credible because I checked up on the organization that the story was sent to. This story enhanced my understanding because Bernhard is one of the few people that share the condition. And he used his celebrity spotlight to his advantage. Kapitako, Alvine. “Ex boxer living positively with HIV ‘... I do not think of dying but rather how I will serve the nation...’” Southern Times 2 May 2010: n. pag. Web. 8 Nov. 2010. < article.php?title=Ex_boxer_living_positively_with_HIV_’%85_I_do_not_think_of_dying_but_rather_how_I_will_serve_the_nation%85’&id=3656>. This was an interview peroformed by Alvine Kapitako asking Bernhard Kamatoto about his discovery of HIV. He just talks about the steps he went through to cope and his reaction to the illness. This is an inline newspaper. It comes directly from the SOuth Africa region, which is where Kamatoto lives. This allows me to get a more realistic point of view on his situation. Now I can feel the emotion instead if just reading what he says.

Malaika. “Malaika.” HIV and AIDS Stories from Friends and Family of Positive Peopl of. AVERT: AVERTing HIV and AIDS, n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2010. < friend-hiv.htm#tab-13>. Malakai is a brother who loves his sister dearly and when she started becoming sick he was too worried about the custom of respecting elders. When she finally saw the symptoms medicine was too late to help her. I found this story on an organization website. Each individual person had to post their own story and each person poured their heart for others to hear. This source is valuable because I checked up on the information it gave. This submission helped me understand that families do care. In my book I got the impression that if you brought shame to the family, you would be a shame to them too. Sometimes traditional customs can get in the way of saving lives.

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Masina, Zandile. “Zandile Masina: Home Care Volunteer on ARV’s.” The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. The Global Fund, n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2010. < documents/ publications/ other/ posters/ July2004_gideonmendell.pdf>. Zandile is infected with HIV and she is now taking drugs to get it under control. She spends her time volunteering for others who are struggling more than her.I evaluated the source by checking out the organization. This particular source came from a guy who went to Saziland and took people’s photo and allowed them to tell their story. Pictures are said to be worth 1000 words and she had four, all showing her hard work. This specific lady helped me understand how even in time of sickness people are still willing to give more. I first thought that towns would shun those who had AIDS not help them. However, I am glad to hear that people out there are considerate passionate.

Stratton, Allan. Chanda’s Secrets. Ed. Barbara Pulling. Toronto: Annick, 2004. Print. Chanda’s Secrets is a novel loosely based on the affects of AIDS on women and children. Even though this book is a novel it is still credible. The author, Allan Stratton, has had personal experiences with the issues that he wrote about in the book. Not only does he have personal knowledge but his editors would have made sure his writing was correct before publishing. This enhanced my understanding because before reading the novel I had very limited knowledge on the affects of AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa.

- - -. Personal interview. 29 Oct. 2010. Allan Stratton, the author of Chanda’s Secrets explains the reasoning for not writing about a specific country. He did not want to make it seem that it was only happening in one place, therefore he wrote about the general Sub-Saharan Area. I feel that he is a credible source, first because I talked directly to him via skype. Second, he has actually been to Botswana and first hand saw the things that go on there. At first it did confuse me how it wasn’t set in a specific part, but after explaining why, it totally makes sense. I also think his reasoning was very smart and logical. “Sub-Saharan Africa AIDS and HIV Statistics.” AVERTing HIV and AIDS. AVERT, 2009. Web. 31 Oct. 2010. < africa-hiv-aids-statistics.htm>. A table showing countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and statistics relating to HIV/ AIDS. The statistics include number of people living with HIV/ AIDS, deaths related to HIV/ AIDS, orphans due to HIV/ AIDS, as well as other statistics. I think this site is credible for many reasons. For one it is maintained by a reliable source. Also the information presented can be checked and backed up with information from other trusted websites. This greatly impacted my impression of HIV/ AIDS in Africa. The statistics shown really put into perspective the severity of the issue.

Total Contributions 2009. Chart. Donora. UNAIDS, n.d. Web. 1 Nov. 2010. < en/ Partnerships/ Donors/ default.asp>. A chart of total donations to UNAIDS in 2009. This is a reliable chart because UNAIDS is a credible website, but also because there is other outside charts supporting the information.The chart give concrete numbers that show the enormous amount of money donated a year to helping. This has helped me understand how HIV/ AIDS is a truly universal disease.

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