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Don’t Talk to Me About Content Management #AIIM2016 Stephen Ludlow

Senior Director, ECM Product Marketing 28 April 2016

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In  recent  years,  there  has  been  much  debate  on  various  approaches  to  solve  the  enterprise  content  management  (ECM)  and  publishing  problem….  

Further,  looking  back  on  the  myriad  of  failed  content  management  iniKaKves  across  the  industry,  common  themes  begin  to  shape  that  help  explain  the  reasons  for  so  many  misguided  projects.  

By   Scott Abel |  Mar  4,  2006  The  Content  Wrangler  

“   “  

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Avoiding  Enterprise  Content  Management  PiOalls  

Developing  a  sound  strategy  for  a  successful  enterprise  content  management  rollout  can  be  challenging,  but,  fortunately,  numerous  resources  offer  advice  on  best  pracKces  and  piOalls  to  avoid.  

By  Peter Hagopian|  Jun  12,  2008  Informa>on  Week  

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ECM  Rescue  –  Recovering  from  a  Failed  ImplementaKon    

How  is  ECM  Different  

1.  ECM  is  about  managing  informaKon,  not  just  storing  it  

2.  ECM  is  (perceived  to  be)  opKonal  

3.  ECM  is  everywhere  

4.  ECM  changes  ingrained  work  habits  

By  Greg Clark|  Apr  1,  2009  AIIM  Interna>onal  Conference  

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Five  Best  PracKces  for  Avoiding  ECM  Project  Failure  

Failing  to  understand  user  requirements,  obtain  the  necessary  sponsorship  and  address  change  management  are  among  the  primary  reasons  why  some  enterprise  content  management  projects  fail.  Learn  how  to  ensure  your  iniKaKve  succeeds.  

By    Karen  M.  Shegda    |  Jul  1,  2009  Gartner  

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 8  Reasons  Why  ECM  ImplementaKons  Experience  High  Failure  Rates,  and  What  to  Do  About  It  

…more  o^en  than  not,  ECM  implementaKons  fall  short  of  the  iniKal  promise.  

These  so  called  failures  are  of  three  specific  types:    

1.  Failure  to  Garner  AdopKon  2.  Failure  to  Achieve  Timeline  Goals  

3.  Failure  to  Stay  within  Budget   By  Jeetu  Patel    |  May  25,  2010  The  Digital  Landfill  -­‐  AIIM  

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Top  5  Reasons  for  Enterprise  Content  Management  (ECM)  ImplementaKon  Failure  –  RecommendaKons  to  avoid  failures  

Reason  #1:  Lack  of  ECM  Strategy  and  Roadmap  

Reason  #2:  Resistance  to  Change  

Reason  #3:  Over  Budget  and  missed  deadlines  

Reason  #4:  Lack  of  InformaKon  Governance  and  InformaKon  Architecture  

Reason  #5:  Lack  of  thoughOul,  scalable  and  appropriate  architecture   By    Naresh  Kumar  Gandesiri    |  Mar  8,  2011  

VirtUSA  Blog  

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The  'Why'  of  ECM  Failure  and  the  'How'  of  ECM  Success  

Based  on  20  years  of  industry  data,  we  can  say  that  nearly  50  percent  of  all  ECM  programs  fail  just  from  a  technology  perspecKve.  And  of  the  50  percent  that  succeed,  half  of  those  fail  to  really  provide  value  to  the  business.  

By  Lane  Severson      |  Jul  16,  2014  CMS  Wire  

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Learning  from  ECM  implementaKon  failure  

The  only  thing  more  nerve-­‐wracking  than  implemenKng  a  new  content  management  system  is  the  fear  of  failing  during  or  soon  a^er  the  process.  

By  Lisa  Hoover  McGreevy    |  April  29,  2016  Fierce  Content  Management  

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I've  Seen  the  Future  of  ECM,  and  It's  Not  ECM  

But  in  my  opinion,  ECM  has  trouble  gaining  funding  and  support  because  IT  and  RM  haven’t  built  compelling  enough  business  cases  for  it.  Worst  case,  they  rely  on  fuzzy  things  like  Kme  saved  searching  for  and  working  with  documents,  o^en  using  very  generic  and  amorphous  terms  that  execuKves  don’t  buy.    

“   “  By  Joe  Shepley  |  Dec  21,  2016  CMS  Wire  

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Top  FTC  Lawyer  on  the  Biggest  Privacy  Issues  

‘Nobody  in  corporate  America  cares  about  informaKon  governance.  It’s  not  the  term  that  resonates  in  the  C-­‐suite.  It  doesn’t  mean  anything…    “   “  

By  David  Shonka  |  April  19,  2016  Bloomberg  

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10+  Years  of  ECM  Fu>lity  

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Campaign  &  Lead  Gen  

Opportunity  &  Quote   Sales  Order   Engineering  

(Project)  ProducKon  &  

Delivery   Service  

Sales  Order  





Offer   ProducKon  Order  

Quality  InspecKon  








Product  InformaKon  


Leads  Sheets  


Product  SpecisficaKon  

Sales  Order  

Order  ConfirmaKon  

Requirements  SpecificaKon  

Enginering  Drawings  

Project  DocumentaKon  

Detailed  SpecificaKon  

Purchase  Orders  

Material  Requirements  

Quality  InspecKons  

Case  /  Problem  DocumentaKon  

Customer  emails  

SoluKon  DescripKon  


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It’s  Kme  to  Re-­‐Think  ECM  

And  its  role  in  your  Digital  Transforma>on  

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•  Content  in  Context  in  Business  Process  

•  AdopKon  through  IntegraKon  

•  Access  and  Share    InformaKon  

•  AdopKon  through  Simplicity  

Control   InfoGov  -­‐  AdopKon  through  Transparency  

ECM  in  Digital  TransformaKon  

Process  ProducKvity   Personal  ProducKvity  

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Personal  ProducKvity  

I  just  want  access  to  my  files  

I  need  to  share  documents  to  get  my  job  done  

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Personal  ProducKvity  

Enterprise  File  Sync  &  Share  § File access and management

§ Sharing and collaboration - inside and outside the firewall

§ Access from any device


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EFSS  -­‐  Are  You  Crazy?  

Allow  users  to:  

§ Organize  informaKon  the  way  they    want  to  organize  it  

§ Determine  access  rights  

§ Access  the  informaKon  inside    and  outside  the  firewall  

§ Collaborate  with  stakeholders    outside  the  organizaKon  

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IT  Opps  Email  

Storage  Network  


Who  will  deploy  EFSS?  

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§ Mobile  control  § Audit  § EncrypKon  


§ User  Management    

§ AD  IntegraKon  § Usage  Reports  


§  Costs  Certainty  §  StandardizaKon  §  Vendor  Stability  


Needs - IT Opps

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§ No  Training  § Parity    § Instant  Roll-­‐Out  


§ Basic  RetenKon  § LiKgaKon  Holds  § Export  


§  ExisKng  ECM  §  ProducKvity  Apps  


Needs - ECM Practitioners

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Process  ProducKvity  

Don’t  make  me  file  informa>on  in  another  applica>on  I  need  the  right  informa>on  at  the  right  >me  to  get  my  job  done  

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§ Makes business processes more effective through integration

§  Insures ECM adoption by extending ECM into lead applications

§ Metadata from Lead Application puts content in context

§ Backbone for unstructured content across value chains

Process  ProducKvity  

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Templates  Based  on  Business  Objects  

Folder  and  Metadata  Templates  specific  to  the  object  in  the  lead  applicaKons  

§  Accounts  §  Products  §  OpportuniKes  §  Etc.  



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Leverage  IntegraKon  for  Metadata  Account  Workspace:  

An  account  workspace    is  auto-­‐created  for  the  Salesforce  account.      Account  Details  are    synchronized  as  metadata  

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Leverage  Templates  for  Consistency  

Limited  taxonomy      Role  based  permissions    Based  on  known  business  process  

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Control  Process  ProducKvity   Personal  ProducKvity  

•  Majority  of  the  business  records  of  the  organizaKon  

•  Many  records  are  case-­‐based  

•  Classified  through  inheritance  using  templates  

•  CriKcal  to  the  line  of  business  

•  Riskiest  and  Costliest  Content  

•  Automated  capture  and  management  outside  of  lead  applicaKon  

•  Automate  or  facilitate  classificaKon  for  reten)on  purposes  

•  Search,  hold  and  export  criKcal  

•  CriKcal  for  government  and  highly  regulated  industries  

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Auto-­‐Classifica>on  Machine  Learning  that  applies  classifica>on  metadata  


25-­‐50  Documents  Per  Classifica>on  

Test  Documents  

25-­‐50  Documents  Per  Classifica>on  

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Auto-­‐Classifica>on  Requires  Process  and  Technology  

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Leverage  Templates  for  ClassificaKon  

Apply  ClassificaKon  thorough  inheritance    Metadata  integraKon  updates  trigger  events  

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It’s  Kme  to  Re-­‐Think  ECM  

And  how  we  implement  

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Personal  Produc>vity  in  The  Digital  First  World    Present   Future  

A  simple  paradigm  shi^  to  EFSS  that  makes  knowledge  workers  more  producKve  in  their  access  and  sharing  of  files  

Fileshares  sKll  the  most  prevalent  way  that  users  access  and  share  their  informaKon  

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Personal  Produc>vity  in  The  Digital  First  World    Present   Future  

EFSS  provides  the    simplicity  and  flexibility  to  ensure  that  content  is  being  captured  in  an  Enterprise  ApplicaKon  

ECM  offered  as  collaboraKon  by  design  sKll  fails  to  capture  the  vast  majority  of  the  content  created  

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Personal  Produc>vity  in  The  Digital  First  World    Present   Future  

A  simple,  standard  EFSS  that  becomes  a  standard  tool  for  users  to  be  more  producKve  

A  myriad  of  file  synch  and  share  applicaKon  on  the  desktop  and  across  the  organizaKon  

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Process  Produc>vity  in  The  Digital  First  World    Present   Future  

ECM  design  tackles  one  business  process  at  a  Kme,  making  taxonomy,  metadata,  etc  easier  to  define  and  roll-­‐out  

ECM  design  and  implementaKon  is  a  huge,  complex  undertaking,  o^en  requiring  training  and  change  management  

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Process  Produc>vity  in  The  Digital  First  World    Present   Future  

ECM  is  exposed  in  lead  applicaKons,  transparently  acKng  as  the  bridge  across  the  silos  

ECM  is  a  desKnaKon  –  we  corral  content  into  one  locaKon  –  CreaKng  Content  Silos  

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Process  Produc>vity  in  The  Digital  First  World    Present   Future  

Metadata  is  pre-­‐populated  based  on  the  process  defined  and  with  data  from  the  lead  applicaKon  

Capturing  metadata  is  in  the  hands  of  the  users  and  o^en  neglected    

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Process  Produc>vity  in  The  Digital  First  World    Present   Future  

Content  is  delivered  in  context  and  inline  with  processes,  creaKng  business  value  

Content  is  managed  but  not  maximized.  ECM  is  treated  solely  as  a  repository  

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Control  in  The  Digital  First  World    Present   Future  

InformaKon  governace  by  design,  transparently  embedded  in  the  way  we  work  

InformaKon  Governance  is  a  separate  acKvity  imposed  by  the  organizaKon  

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Control  in  The  Digital  First  World    Present   Future  

Lead  applicaKon  that  contains  the  business  logic  and  metadata  needed  to  update  triggering  event  

Event-­‐based  retenKon  policies  but  no  way  to  feasibly  update  triggering  metadata  

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Control  in  The  Digital  First  World    Present   Future  

Simple,  consistant  retenKon  where  needed  with  fine-­‐grained  RM  on  the  most  criKcal  business  records  

RM-­‐driven  retenKon  applies  RM  rigour  on  all  content  

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§ Determine  where  your  company  is  spending  money  and  aiach  your  project  to  it  § Digital  TransformaKon  of  Processes  is  aoracKng  budget  due  to  the  ability  to  impact  top-­‐line  growth  

§ Look  to  the  ERP  systems  and  CRM  systems  

Final  Advice  for  ECM  PracKKoners  

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Thank  You!    Stephen  Ludlow  @ludlow_at_work  

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