Page 1: AIP- Chilean Web Services and Capacity Building related to different Societal Benefit Areas GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot – Phase 8 – GEOSS Stakeholder

AIP- Chilean Web Services and

Capacity Building related to different Societal Benefit Areas

GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot – Phase 8 –

GEOSS Stakeholder Network Workshop: "Global and Regional Observation Networks Sustainability"

Thursday, 26 March 2015, 14:00-15:30

Presented Lucia Lovison-Golob Ph.D.

AIP - Capacity Building Leader Geospatial Director -- Afriterra Foundation

Page 2: AIP- Chilean Web Services and Capacity Building related to different Societal Benefit Areas GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot – Phase 8 – GEOSS Stakeholder

AIP8- Chilean Web Services

• Participating Chilean entities in AIP8:

• Chilean regional emergencies authorities.

Page 3: AIP- Chilean Web Services and Capacity Building related to different Societal Benefit Areas GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot – Phase 8 – GEOSS Stakeholder

AIP8- Chilean Web Services

• There also are international agencies. Chilean Web Services are part of GCI through GeoDAB of ConnectinGEO.

Page 4: AIP- Chilean Web Services and Capacity Building related to different Societal Benefit Areas GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot – Phase 8 – GEOSS Stakeholder

AIP8- Chilean Web Services

AIP8 - Chilean Testing areas:1- Copahue volcanic area.2-Talcahuano earthquake area.3-Valparaiso fires area.4- Iquique earthquake area.5- Villarrica volcanic area.

EO image of 5 March, 2015 of Villarrica volcano that started to erupt on 3 March 2015. 3,300 people evacuated in a 6 miles radius.

Valparaiso Fires, April 2014

Talcahuano, 27 February 2010, 8.8-magnitudo quake & tsunami.

Copahue volcano, erupted on 28 May, 2013 and October 2014.

Page 5: AIP- Chilean Web Services and Capacity Building related to different Societal Benefit Areas GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot – Phase 8 – GEOSS Stakeholder

AIP8- Chilean Web Services

• Goals:• 1-Developing metadata & indexing them as CSW by IDE/NOAA,

Satellite Tasking Services at SAF/NASA, WPCS, social media.• 2- Using GEO DAB to make them accessible, searchable and

discoverable to GCI –GEOSS.• 3- Testing them by Chilean and International GEOSS Users.• 4- Develop list of recommendations for ONEMI.• 5- Develop an Alert System app for mobile/desktop GEOSS Users

with interoperable OGC/ISO standards.

EO image 21 October, 2014, pansharped, used Satellite Tasking Service, NASA., Goddard Space Flight Ceneter.

Example of WPCS, SWIR (8,9,10)Copahue Volcanic region, 8 October 2014, Lovison et al., 201 5

Talcahuano Coastal station, WFS, SHOA, 2014

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AIP8- Chilean Web Services• Building Capacity: • Involving more Chilean PEOPLE and other agencies;

documenting work done and doing a workshop in Santiago.

• Chilean Disasters agency is already using social media, but within GEOSS-AIP8, we plan to increase Chilean resilience by improving their interoperability, capacity to share, integrate data and by allowing access to resources within and outside Chile through social media.

CSN & IRIS, 2014

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AIP8- Capacity Building WG

• CB WG activities for AIP8:• Hold bi-weekly telecons during AIP.• Continue to post Best Practices for AIP- participants in IEEE

web site and info/links about other GEOSS initiatives (example GEOCAB and/or Community Portals).

• Focus on discussing, documenting and publishing Apps components workflows (for their use & re-use).

• Publish Machine Learning info for geospatial web services.• Workshop (Spanish and English) in Santiago, Chile in 2015.• Use Metrics and survey for Capacity Building from and by the

GEOSS Users within AIP.

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AIP8- Capacity Building WG• CB WG activities for AIP8:• Testing & developing Models & Validation through WPS & WPCS Chaining.

• Testing & developing different approaches on how to integrate referenced Big Data (Satellite Providers data with many sparse, individual ones—VGI, UAV) for disasters and other SBA.

• Disseminating AIP-results through Best Practices.

• Disseminating Code through GitHub (a distributed repository web hosting service).

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AIP8- Capacity Building WG• Conclusions• Capacity Building within AIP needs to be supported by ALL countries and Arctic /

Antarctic regions together (addressing as much as possible political, cultural, language, economic, ethical and others –related to inequalities --barriers).

• AIP- work from experts from GEO emerging countries is few. Efforts are focused on getting more of them onboard.

• AIP-GEOSS documentation from geospatial scientists/experts needs routinely to be requested, so to share some lesson learned and/or components used, and to better disseminate their knowledge .

• Sustainable models (both economic , legal, safe, others) for GEOSS need to be identified, pursued, documented ( clarifying how to do some processes – such as the GCI registration --, what options are available to adopt for sharing /integrating data and services ).

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AIP8- Capacity Building WG

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