






Уважаемые коллеги!От всей души поздравляем Вас с наступающими новогодними праздниками и

рождеством! Пусть 2002 год принесет Вам счастье, успехи и новые свершения. Здоровья Вам и Вашим семьям!



Національна академія наук УкраїниКриворізький ботанічний сад

Інститут ботаніки ім. М.Г. Холодного

Наукова конференціямолодих учених

12-15 травня 2002 року“Еколого-біологічні дослідження на природних та

антропогенно-змінених територіях”м. Кривий Ріг – 2002

Вельмишановні колеги!Запрошуємо Вас прийняти участь у роботі наукової конференції молодих учених

“Еколого-біологічні дослідження на природних та антропогенно-змінених територіях”, яка відбудеться 12-15 травня 2002 р. (т.е. 12-15 мая 2002 г.).

На конференції передбачаються усні та стендові доповіді з таких проблем: Еколого-біологічні дослідження на урбанізованих територіях: міське середовище: стан, оцінка та прогнозування; збереження та збагачення біорізноманіття на урбанізованих територіях;



оптимізація міського середовища; рослини і міське середовище: біологічні, молекулярні, фізіологічні та анатомічні аспекти. Ботанічні дослідження на природних та антропогенних територіях:

судинні рослини: систематика, флора, рослинність; спорові рослини: систематика, флора.

Збереження фіторізноманіття на різних рівнях організації: фітоекологія.

Експериментальна ботаніка.

Робочі мови конференції: українська, російська, англійська.

Адреса оргкомітету:50089, м. Кривий Ріг, вул. Маршака, 50.Матяшук Раїсі КостянтинівніКонтактні телефони:(0564) 38-44-74; 38-48-02; 38-49-22E-mail: [email protected]Факс: (0564) 38-48-03

Видання матеріалів конференціїМатеріали конференції плануємо опублікувати окремим збірником. Статті

приймаються розміром 3-5 повних сторінок, в яких мають бути короткий вступ, об’єкти і методи, результати досліджень та їх аналіз, перелік посилань. Підрозділи статті не називати.Вимоги до оформлення

Статті набираються в редакторі Word for Windows 6.0-7.0, Office-97, шрифт Times New Roman (Times New Roman Cyr), розмір 14, через 1.5 інтервалу; текст без переносів і вирівнювань по ширині; поля 2,5 см, сторінки не нумерувати. Абзаци відокремлювати окремою строкою. Латинські назви рослин подаються курсивом. Малюнки і таблиці подаються у вигляді окремих файлів.

Надсилати два примірники віддруковані на білому папері формату А4 і дискету 3,5”.Оргкомітет залишає за собою право відхиляти матеріали, які не відповідають вимогам

конференції та низького наукового рівня. Відхилені матеріали авторам не повертаються.Заявка на участь у конференціїПрізвище . Ім’я . По батькові . Посада . Науковий ступінь . Звання . Назва організації .

Поштова адреса .

Контактні телефони: дом. ( ) . служб. ( ) . E-mail: . Тема доповіді .



Форма участі в конференції: доповідач учасникФорма виступу: пленарна, секційна, стендова доповідьПотреба в готеліПідпис .Дата .

Зразок оформлення матеріалівПослідовність друкування окремих складових публікації має бути такою:




Криворізький ботанічний сад Національної академії наук України50089, м. Кривий Ріг, вул. Маршака, 50тел.: 0564 – 38-48-02E-mail: [email protected]Факс: (0564) 38-48-03

Територія району має складну …

Один примірник статті підписується всіма авторами на звороті останньої сторінки. Разом з матеріалами надсилається супровідний лист від установи та один конверт з адресою автора. Стендовий матеріал має бути виконаний на стандартному аркуші ватману.

Матеріали для публікації надсилати разом із заявкою на участь в конференції до 15 лютого 2002 року (т.е. 15 февраля 2002 года).

Витрати на публікацію матеріалів становлять 10 грн. Кошти перераховуються на адресу оргкомітету після повідомлення про прийняття матеріалів до друку. Оргвнесок для учасників конференції становить 10 грн.Source: В.В. Кучеревский (Криворожский ботанический сад НАН Украины)

WorkshopAnalysis of Single Cells in the Marine Phytoplankton (ASCMAP)

15 - 21 April 2002Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research,

Am Handelshafen 12, 27570 Bremerhaven, Germany

The EU has funded ASCMAP: An analysis of signle cells in the marine phytoplantkon using flow cytometry, artificial neural networks and oligonucleotide probes. This workshop would be held in Bremerhaven, Germany and would bring together the most recent developments in two EU projects AIMS and PICODIV as related to these topics. The workshop would last 7 days and would



be held in the April 15-21 2002. I plan half day invited speakers and half day for contributed talks/posters, hands on demos of the three methods. The application form can be found on the ASCMAPsite at and should be returned to [email protected]. The project will fund all of the accommodation and subsistence costs for about 60 people with European nationality on a first come/first serve basis. Participants must pay their own travel costs and must present a poster of their interest/work related to these topics. Deadline for receipt of the application form is February 1, 2002. Contact [email protected] for more details. thank you for your consideration Dr. Linda MedlinAlfred Wegener InstituteAm Handelshafen 12D-27570 Bremerhaven GermanyNew Telephone Number and Fax Number belowTel. 49-471-4831-1443Fax. 49-471-4831-1425see my homepage for latest trees etc.


Публикации о водорослях в “Українському ботанічному журналі” №№2-5, том 58, 2001

Мушак П.О. Глікопротеїни деяких представників нитчастих синьозелених водоростей // Український ботанічний журнал. – 2001. – 58, №2. – С.216-219.

В статье изложены результаты изучения гликопротеинов синезеленых водорослей Spirulina platensis (Nordst.) Geitl., 26, Anabaena cylindrica Lemm., 37, Nostoc muscorum Ag., 81, N. punctiforme (Kütz.) Hariot, 39. Установлено, что фракционный состав гликопротеинов зависит от условий выращивания водорослей. Показано, что гликопротеины различаются по содержанию белков и углеводов. В составе белкового компонента гликопротеинов обнаружено 16 аминокислот. В наибольшем количестве отмечены аспарагиновая и глутаминовая аминокислоты, глицеин и аргинин. В составе углеводной части как основные компоненты обнаружены арабиноза, глюкоза, галактоза и некоторые неидентифицированные моносахара. РЕЗЮМЕ.

Syvash O.O., Zolotar’ova O.K. Evolutionary analysis of chlorophyll b functional role in photosynthetic apparatus // Український ботанічний журнал. – 2001. – 58, №2. – С.152-159.

25% хлорофилла тилакоидных мембран наземных растений и зеленых водорослей составляет хлорофилл в (Хлв), который не образуется в синезеленых, бурых и красных водорослях.

В работе анализируются возможные эволюционные преимущества Хлв – содержащих организмов.

Оценочные расчеты вклада Хла и Хлв в общее поглощение энергии света растениями показали, что в условиях прямого солнечного освещения участие Хлв в светосборе не обеспечивает растению существенных преимуществ по сравнению с организмами, содержащими только Хла. Предполагается, что наличие Хлв у наземных растений связано, в первую очередь, с необходимостью повысить динамические свойства фотосинтетического аппарата в ответ на резкие изменения интенсивности и спектрального состава света.

Биосинтез Хлв в хлоропластах контролируется величиной мобильного метаболического пула Хла. Трансформация Хла в Хлв и обратно контролируется двумя различными ферментами, что позволяет достаточно быстро изменить как содержание Хлв в растении, так и соотношение Хла/в. РЕЗЮМЕ.

Петльований О.А. Chlorophyta солоних озер Донецько-Приазовського Степу // Український ботанічний журнал. – 2001. – 58, №5. – С.583-593.



Охарактеризовано состояние изученности Chlorophyta соленых водоемов Донецко-Приазовской Степи. Впервые для флоры Украины приводятся 2 рода – Maleochloris Pasch., Siderocelopsis Hind., 8 видов – Pyramimonas nanella Conrad et Kuff., Maleochloris sessilis Pasch., Botryococcus terribilis Kom. et Marvan, Radiococcus planctonicus Lund, Siderocelis granulata (Heynig) Kom., Siderocelopsis kolikwizii (Naum.) Hind., Raphidocelis van-goori Nyg. et al., Stigeoclonium stagnatile (hazen) Coll. Для каждого вида поданы оригинальные рисунки, указаны особенности морфологии и распространения в мире. РЕЗЮМЕ.

Крахмальний О.Ф. Gymnodinium radiatum Kofoid & Swezy (Gymnodiniales, Dinophyta) – новий вид для флори Чорного моря // Український ботанічний журнал. – 2001. – 58, №5. – С.593-595.

Приведены описание и микрофотография нового для флоры Черного моря и Украины в целом редкого вида динофитовых водорослей - Gymnodinium radiatum Kofoid & Swezy, найденного в планктоне Одесского залива в августе 1998 г. Вид известен из Тихого океана (побережье Калифорнии). РЕЗЮМЕ.

Кондратюк С.Я., Шеляг-Сосонко Ю.Р., Мінарченко В.М., Брунь Г.О. Про принципи підготовки та ведення державного обліку і кадастру рослинного світу України // Український ботанічний журнал. – 2001. – 58, №5. – С.618-626.

Коллектив сотрудников Института ботаники им. Н.Г. Холодного НАН Украины подготовил проект Инструкции о порядке ведения государственного учета и кадастра растительного мира. Кадастр определяет порядок учета видового разнообразия различных групп растений, в частности сосудистых растений, мохообразных, лишайников, водорослей и грибов, растительных сообществ и растительных ресурсов, порядок создания экспертного совета и назначения ответственных исполнителей, отбора исходных материалов для подготовки учетных реестров и государственного кадастра растительного мира, а также учреждения, ответственные за ведение государственного кадастра. Рассмотрено состояние нормативно-правовой базы в области воспроизводства природных ресурсов. РЕЗЮМЕ.

Борисова О.В., Царенко П.М. Колекція культур водоростей Інституту ботаніки ім. М.Г. Холодного (IBASU-A) // Український ботанічний журнал. – 2001. – 58, №5. –627-632.

Приведен критический пересмотр материалов коллекции отдела споровых растений Института ботаники им. Н.Г. Холодного НАН Украины, объем которой постоянно увеличивается за счет культур водорослей с территории Украины. В настоящее время она насчитывает около 400 штаммов пресноводных и галофильных водорослей отдела Chlorophyta, относящихся к 3 классам, 5 порядкам, 28 родам и 75 видам. Описаны структура коллекции, состояние культур и методы их поддержания. Приведен дополнительный и исправленный список видов водорослей, представленных в коллекции, с указанием девяти типовых штаммов. Намечены пути дальнейшего развития коллекции. Поднят вопрос о необходимости методических разработок для сохранения штаммов редких и исчезающих видов водорослей Украины. РЕЗЮМЕ.

Альгология, том 11, №4, 2001.

ЕВСТИГНЕЕВА И.Е. Эколого-фитоценотическая характеристика и запасы донной растительности бухты Планерская (Черное море)// Альгология. – 2001. – 11, №4. – С.423-432.

Описаны типы фитоценозов, их структура и развитие на разной глубине на станциях шести гидроботанических разрезов. Определены запасы макрофитов и площадь под ними. По составу водорослей-индикаторов сапробности среды установлено, что качество воды в бухте приближается к мезотрофномк уровню. РЕЗЮМЕ.

ДОГАДИНА Т.В., ГОРБУЛИН О.С., КОСТЕНКО Д.В. Видовой состав и распространение Xanthophyta в Украине // Альгология. – 2001. – 11, №4. – С.433-440.

Приведены результаты обобщения литературных и оригинальных данних о видовом составе и распространении Xanthophyta в водоемах Украины. Указано, что флора Xanthophyta Украины включает 344 видовых и внутривидовых таксона, что составляет 44,96 % мровой флоры Xanthophyta



(incl. Eustigmatophyta). Природные зоны Украины в отношении Xanthophyta изучены неравномерно: для Лесостепи известно 267 видов (276 разновидностей и форм), для Степи – 212 (217), для Украинского Полесья – 85 (90), для Горного Крима – 53 (53), для Украинских Карпат – 29 (29) видов. РЕЗЮМЕ.

ШАРИПОВА М.Ю. Водоросли карстовых пещер заповедника Шульган-Таш (Южный Урал, Россия) // Альгология. – 2001. – 11, №4. – С.441-450.

Приведены данные альгологического исследования двух пещер заповедника Шульган-Таш (Южный Урал, Россия). При помощи культуральных методов выявлен богатый видовой и таксономический состав водорослей – 52 вида, которые относятся к 4 отделам. Из них 45 видов выявлено в пещере Шульган-Таш и 12 – в пещере Мись-Таш. Большинство выявленных водорослей относятся к троглоксенам. Установлено, что с проникновением в глубину пещер уменьшается видовое разнообразие водорослей и изменяются доминирующие альгоугруппировки, а также соотношение водорослей разных отделов. Осуществлено сравнение полученных результатов с данными литературы. РЕЗЮМЕ.

ОЛЬШТЫНСКАЯ А.П. Морфологическая и таксономическая характеристика некоторых диатомей палеогена Украины // Альгология. – 2001. – 11, №4. – С.451-456.

По новым данным о морфологии ископаемых диатомей из палеогеновых отложений Украины описан новый вид Pseudohyalodiscus entis Olsht. sp nov., новая разновидность в составе вида Porodiscus nitidus Grev., редкий вид Actinoptychus sp. и уточнены диагнозы видов Monopsia mammosa Gr. et St., Peponia barbadensis Grev. и Lisitzinia inconspicua (Grev.) Gles. РЕЗЮМЕ.

ГЕНКАЛ С.И., КОРНЕВА Л.Г. Новые находки диатомовых водорослей (Centrophyceae) из волжских водохранилищ (Россия) // Альгология. – 2001. – 11, №4. – С.457-461.

Приведены результаты электронно-микроскопического изучения диатомовых водорослей (Centrophyceae) из некоторых водохранилищ волжского каскада. Описан новый для науки вид – Stephanodiscus volgensis sp. nov., два новых для флоры России представителя рода Thalassiosira (Th. faurii (Gasse) Hasle и Th. gessneri Hust.) и редкая для каскада разновидность Th. bramaputrae var. septentrionalis (Grun.) Makar. РЕЗЮМЕ.

КЕПЕЛЬ А.А. Новый вид рода Hapterophycus Setch. et Gardn. (Scytosiphonaceae, Phaeophyta) из залива Петра Великого (Японское море) // Альгология. – 2001. – 11, №4. – С.462-467.

Описан Hapterophycus prinoriensis Kepel. (Scytosiphonaceae, Phaeophyta) – новый для науки вид бурых водорослей, собранный на побережье залива Петра Великого (Японское море). Характерными особенностями данного вида являются ризоиды на вентральной поверхности корочки, длинные волосинки, которые высунуты более чем на половину длины с криптостом, парафизы 100-230 мкм длиной и сидячие булавовидные до овальных одногнездные спорангии 28-30х80-130 мкм. РЕЗЮМЕ.

КРАХМАЛЬНЫЙ А.Ф. Новый вид рода Peridiniopsis Lemm. (Peridiniales, Dinophyta) // Альгология. – 2001. – 11, №4. – С.468-473.

Описан новый для науки вид динофитовых водорослей – Peridiniopsis rhomboides Krachmalny sp. nov., найденный в различных пресных водоемах Украины в июле 1994 г., в сентябре 1997 г. и мае 1999 р. Обсуждаются его морфологические признаки и отличия от близких видов. РЕЗЮМЕ.

КУРЕЙШЕВИЧ А.В., СИРЕНКО Л.А., УСЕНКО О.М., МЕДВЕДЬ В.А. Оценка динамики биомассы планктонных водорослей в Киевском водозаборе по содержанию хлорофилла а // Альгология. – 2001. – 11, №4. – С.474-485.

Приведены данные о сезонной динамике (в разные годы) видового состава, численности и биомассы водорослей, а также содержания хлорофилла а в планктоне нижнего бьефа Киевского водохранилища в районе Киевского водосборника. Средние показатели содержания хлорофилла а на протяжении 1992-1999 гг. варьировали в границах величин (4,1-6,7 мкг/л), характерных для мезотрофных водоемов. Максимальные концентрации хлорофилла а в планктоне совпадали с максимумами биомассы водорослей; между этими показателями наблюдалась достоверная



корреляция. Предлагается использовать содержание хлорофилла а в планктоне для мониторинга обилия фитопланктона в районах водосборников коммунально-бытового и технического водооснащения. РЕЗЮМЕ.

ПЕТРОСЯН А.Г., ЕЛЬСТЕР А.М. Длительное хранение культур Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohl. (Chrysophyta)// Альгология. – 2001. – 11, №4. – С.486-494.

Рассматриваются некоторые особенности длительного сохранения культур Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohl., которые используются в биотестировании морских вод. Описаны методические приемы их виращивания на агаризованних средах. Предложен оптимальный режим темновой предварительной инкубации культур с кратковременным фотопериодом, который позволяет увеличить жизнедеятельность культуры на протяжении 30-40 суток. РЕЗЮМЕ.

ПОНОМАРЕНКО С.П., ПАРШИКОВА Т.В. Экспресс-оценка эффективности биологически активных веществ на тест-культурах водорослей // Альгология. – 2001. – 11, №4. – С.495-501.

Установлена возможность использования лазерной корреляционно-допплеровськой спектрометрии для экспресс-оценки эффективности емистима С и ивина как стимуляторов роста водорослей в условиях управляемого биосинтеза. Использование этого метода значительно расширит сферу поиска перспективных для фотобиотехнологий стимуляторов роста, ускорит процесс оценки. РЕЗЮМЕ.

НЕСТЕРОВА Д.А. “Цветение” воды в северо-западной части Черного моря (Обзор) // Альгология. – 2001. – 11, №4. – С.502-513.

Обобщены многолетние данные (1973-1997 гг.) о 135 случаях “цветения” воды в эвтрофной северо-западной части Черного моря. К числу видов-возбудителей “цветения” воды отнесен 41 вид и внутренневидовой таксон водорослей из 5 систематических отделов. По частоте вспышек массового развития види-возбудители “цветения” воды разделены на три группы: первая группа объединила виды, которые вызывают “цветение” 5-17 раз; вторая – 3-5 и третья – 1-3 раза. “Цветение” происходило почти целый год в поверхностном слое моря, который попадает под влияние пресноводного стока. Отмечено уменьшение количества случаев “цветения” от 1973-1980 гг. (53 случая) до 1991-1997 (33). Обсуждаются причины, стимулирующие сильное “цветение” воды и их последствия для морской биоты. РЕЗЮМЕ.

БОРИСОВА Е.В., ВОЛОШКО Л.Н., ВАССЕР С.П. Памяти Б.В. Громова // Альгология. – 2001. – 11, №4. – С.514-518.

СИРЕНКО Л.А. Симпозиум по актуальным проблемам современной альгологии // Альгология. – 2001. – 11, №4. – С.519-522.

Journal of Phycology, 2001, Volume 37, Issue 6Luigi Provasoli Award Recipients. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 925.

Algae - Highlights:F. Gerald Plumley. Purification of an enzyme involved in saxitoxin synthesis. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 926-928.James V. Moroney. Carbon concentrating mechanisms in aquatic photosynthetic organisms: a report on CCM 2001. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 928-931.

Minireviews:Susan H. Brawley. Contributions of algal research to science. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 932.Lena Suzuki and Carl Hirschie Johnson. Algae know the time of day: circadian and photoperiodic programs. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 933-942.

Eukaryotic algae have long served as model systems for analyses of circadian (daily) rhythms of many phenomena, including rhythmic gene expression, cell division timing, taxes, photosynthesis, and others. More recently, circadian clocks have been demonstrated in cyanobacteria, and rapid progress on the characteristics



and mechanism of timekeeping in these prokaryotic algae ensued. These daily timekeepers enhance the fitness of algae and may contribute to seasonal responses. ABSTRACT.John A. Raven and Jacqueline Girard-Bascou. Algal model systems and the elucidation of photosynthetic metabolism. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 943-950.

The main impact of algal investigations on a wider understanding of photosynthesis in O2 evolvers has come about through studies on microalgae. Experiments with flashing light led to the concepts of photo- synthetic units and reaction centers. Work on photon yields and the Emerson enhancement effect with fluorescence and spectroscopy, as well as investigations with mutants, were crucial in elaborating and then testing the validity of the Z scheme for light reactions. The carbon reduction (or Calvin) cycle was discovered using 14C, chromatography, and Chlorella (plus Scenedesmus). The availability of complete gene sequences for several cyanobacteria and the flowering plant Arabidopsis and very soon for the eukaryotic alga Chlamydomonas permit important advances in our understanding of photosynthesis in all these organisms. Eukaryotic microalgae and cyanobacteria remain advantageous in fundamental photosynthetic studies. ABSTRACT.Geoffrey Ian McFadden. Primary and secondary endosymbiosis and the origin of plastids. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 951-959.

The theory of endosymbiosis describes the origin of plastids from cyanobacterial-like prokaryotes living within eukaryotic host cells. The endosymbionts are much reduced, but morphological, biochemical, and molecular studies provide clear evidence of a prokaryotic ancestry for plastids. There appears to have been a single (primary) endosymbiosis that produced plastids with two bounding membranes, such as those in green algae, plants, red algae, and glaucophytes. A subsequent round of endosymbioses, in which red or green algae were engulfed and retained by eukaryotic hosts, transferred photosynthesis into other eukaryotic lineages. These endosymbiotic plastid acquisitions from eukaryotic algae are referred to as secondary endosymbioses, and the resulting plastids classically have three or four bounding membranes. Secondary endosymbioses have been a potent factor in eukaryotic evolution, producing much of the modern diversity of life. ABSTRACT.John A. Raven and Colin Brownlee. Understanding membrane function. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 960-967.

Work on algae has had wide-ranging impacts on our understanding of membrane function. Work on giant cells of freshwater and marine algae has been very important in defining and characterizing active transport systems for ions and other solutes and for studying other transport processes at the plasmalemma and tonoplast. Such work was particularly important in changing the focus of studies of higher plant membrane transport processes in the 1960s. Recent technical and genetic advances mean that studies formerly confined to large algal cells can now also be performed on higher plants and microalgae, but work on giant cells still makes important contributions. Studies on fucoid embryos continues to make significant contributions to our understanding of the role of transmembrane calcium fluxes in early development. This work has wide-ranging implications for the development of other organisms. ABSTRACT.Gary H. Wikfors and Masao Ohno. Impact of algal research in aquaculture. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 968-974.

Algal aquaculture worldwide is estimated to be a $5–6 billion U.S. per year industry. The largest portion of this industry is represented by macroalgal production for human food in Asia, with increasing activity in South America and Africa. The technical foundation for a shift in the last half century from wild harvest to farming of seaweeds lies in scientific research elucidating life histories and growth characteristics of seaweeds with economic interest. In several notable cases, scientific breakthroughs enabling seaweed-aquaculture advances were not motivated by aquaculture needs but rather by fundamental biological or ecological questions. After scientific breakthroughs, development of practical cultivation methods has been accomplished by both scientific and commercial-cultivation interests. Microalgal aquaculture is much smaller in economic impact than seaweed cultivation but is the subject of much research. Microalgae are cultured for direct human consumption and for extractable chemicals, but current use and development of cultured microalgae is increasingly related to their use as feeds in marine animal aquaculture. The history of microalgal culture has followed two main paths, one focused on engineering of culture systems to respond to physical and physiological needs for growing microalgae and the other directed toward understanding the nutritional needs of animals—chiefly invertebrates such as mollusks and crustaceans—that feed upon microalgae. The challenge being addressed in current research on microalgae in aquaculture food chains is to combine engineering and nutritional principles so that effective and economical production of microalgal



feed cultures can be accomplished to support an expanding marine animal aquaculture industry. ABSTRACT.Thierry Chopin, Alejandro H. Buschmann, Christina Halling, Max Troell, Nils Kautsky, Amir Neori, George P. Kraemer, José A. Zertuche-González, Charles Yarish, and Christopher Neefus. Integrating seaweeds into marine aquaculture systems: a key toward sustainability. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 975-986.

The rapid development of intensive fed aquaculture (e.g. finfish and shrimp) throughout the world is associated with concerns about the environmental impacts of such often monospecific practices, especially where activities are highly geographically concentrated or located in suboptimal sites whose assimilative capacity is poorly understood and, consequently, prone to being exceeded. One of the main environmental issues is the direct discharge of significant nutrient loads into coastal waters from open-water systems and with the effluents from land-based systems. In its search for best management practices, the aquaculture industry should develop innovative and responsible practices that optimize its efficiency and create diversification, while ensuring the remediation of the consequences of its activities to maintain the health of coastal waters. To avoid pronounced shifts in coastal processes, conversion, not dilution, is a common-sense solution, used for centuries in Asian countries. By integrating fed aquaculture (finfish, shrimp) with inorganic and organic extractive aquaculture (seaweed and shellfish), the wastes of one resource user become a resource (fertilizer or food) for the others. Such a balanced ecosystem approach provides nutrient bioremediation capability, mutual benefits to the cocultured organisms, economic diversification by producing other value-added marine crops, and increased profitability per cultivation unit for the aquaculture industry. Moreover, as guidelines and regulations on aquaculture effluents are forthcoming in several countries, using appropriately selected seaweeds as renewable biological nutrient scrubbers represents a cost-effective means for reaching compliance by reducing the internalization of the total environmental costs. By adopting integrated polytrophic practices, the aquaculture industry should find increasing environmental, economic, and social acceptability and become a full and sustainable partner within the development of integrated coastal management frameworks. ABSTRACT.

Physiology and Biochemistry:Margaret Davey and Richard J. Geider. Impact of iron limitation on the photosynthetic apparatus of the diatom Chaetoceros muelleri (Bacillariophyceae). J. Phycol. 2001 37: 987-1000.

Iron starvation induced marked increases in flavodoxin abundance and decreases in light-saturated and light-limited photosynthesis rates in the diatom Chaetoceros muelleri. Consistent with the substitution of flavodoxin for ferredoxin as an early response to iron starvation, increases of flavodoxin abundance were observed before declines of cell division rate or chl a specific photosynthesis rates. Changes in the abundance of flavodoxin after the addition of iron to iron-starved cells indicated that flavodoxin was not actively degraded under iron-replete conditions. Greater declines in light-saturated oxygen evolution rates than dark oxygen consumption rates indicated that the mitochondrial electron transfer chain was not affected as greatly by iron starvation as the photosynthetic electron transfer chain. The carbon:nitrogen ratio was unaffected by iron starvation, suggesting that photosynthetic electron transfer was a primary target of iron starvation and that reductions in nitrate assimilation were due to energy limitation (the C:N ratio would be expected to rise under nitrogen-limited but energy-replete conditions). Parallel changes were observed in the maximum light-saturated photosynthesis rate and the light-limited initial slope of the photosynthesis-light curve during iron starvation and recovery. The lowest photosynthesis rates were observed in iron-starved cells and the highest values in iron-replete cells. The light saturation parameter, Ik, was not affected by iron starvation, nor was the chl-to-C ratio markedly reduced. These observations were consistent with iron starvation having a similar or greater effect on photochemical charge separation in PSII than on downstream electron transfer steps. Declines of the ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence in iron-starved cells were consistent with PSII being a primary target of iron starvation. The functional cross-section of PSII was affected only marginally (<20%) by iron starvation, with the largest values observed in iron-starved cells. The rate constant for electron transfer calculated from fast repetition rate fluorescence was found to covary with the light-saturated photosynthesis rate; it was lowest in the most severely starved cells. ABSTRACT.Margaret R. Mulholland, Kaori Ohki, and Douglas G. Capone. Nutrient controls on nitrogen uptake and metabolism by natural populations and cultures of Trichodesmium (Cyanobacteria). J. Phycol. 2001 37: 1001-1009.

The effects of inorganic nutrient (ammonium [NH4+] and nitrate [NO3

-]) and amino acid (glutamate [glu] and glutamine [gln]) additions on rates of N2 fixation, N uptake, glutamine synthetase (GS) activity, and



concentrations of intracellular pools of gln and glu were examined in natural and cultured populations of Trichodesmium. Additions of 1 µM glu, gln, NO3

-, or NH4+ did not affect short-term rates of N2 fixation. This

may be an important factor that allows for continued N2 fixation in oligotrophic areas where recycling processes are active. N2 fixation rates decreased when nutrients were supplied at higher concentrations (e.g. 10 µM). Uptake of combined N (NH4

+, NO3-, and amino acids) by Trichodesmium was stimulated by

increased concentrations. For NO3-, proportional increases in NO3

- uptake and decreases in N2 fixation were observed when additions were made to cultures before the onset of the light period. GS activity did not change much in response to the addition of NH4

+, NO3-, glu, or gln. GS is necessary for N metabolism, and

the bulk of this enzyme pool may be conserved. Intracellular pools of glu and gln varied in response to 10 µM additions of NH4

+, glu, or gln. Cells incubated with NH4+ became depleted in intracellular glu and

enriched with intracellular gln. The increase in the gln/glu ratio corresponded to a decrease in the rate of N2

fixation. Although the gln/glu ratio decreased in cells exposed to the amino acids, there was only a corresponding decrease in N2 fixation after the gln addition. The results presented here suggest that combined N concentrations on the order of 1 µM do not affect rates of N2 fixation and metabolism, although higher concentrations (e.g. 10 µM) can. Moreover, these effects are exerted through products of NH4

+ assimilation rather than exogenous N, as has been suggested for other species. These results may help explain how cultures of Trichodesmium are able to simultaneously fix N2 and take up NH4

+ and how natural populations continue to fix N2 once combined N concentrations increase within a bloom. ABSTRACT.Sanjiv Maliakal, Donald P. Cheney, and Gregory L. Rorrer. Halogenated monoterpene production in regenerated plantlet cultures of Ochtodes secundiramea (Rhodophyta, Cryptonemiales). J. Phycol. 2001 37: 1010-1019.

Three genera of macrophytic red algae (Ochtodes, Plocamium, and Portieria) contain novel halogenated monoterpenes. To develop an in vitro system for studying halogenated monoterpene production, a laboratory tissue culture was established for Ochtodes secundiramea (Montagne) Howe (Cryptonemiales, Rhizophyllidaceae). Specifically, callus cells were induced from thallus explants of O. secundiramea plants. Shoot primordia regenerated from callus cells and developed into plantlets that released tetraspores. A sporeling from one of these tetraspores was selected for further culture. Axenic plantlets were cultivated in ESS-enriched natural seawater. Thallus tissue was cut into small pieces before subculture. Each plantlet grew as a symmetrical array of highly branched shoot tissues emanating from a common center, ultimately assuming a spherical shape of 20 mm diameter 4 weeks after subculture. Specific growth rates of over 20% per day were attained in bubble-aerated flask culture at an optimal temperature of 26° C and photosynthetic saturation light intensity of 200 µmol photons·m-2·s-1. The cultured plantlets contained myrcene and seven halogenated monoterpenes, based on gas chromatography–mass spectroscopy analysis of dichloromethane extracts. Although bromomyrcene was the dominant acyclic halogenated monoterpene, the cyclic halogenated monoterpenes chondrocole C and ochtodene were also produced by the O. secundiramea plantlet cultures. Halogenated monoterpene production at light-saturated growth conditions increased with decreasing nitrogen availability below 1.0 mM medium nitrate concentration (N:P ratios of 1.6:1 to 32:1). The halogenated monoterpene yield was insensitive to medium nitrate concentrations above 1.0 mM (N:P ratios of 32:1 to 320:1), where the bromomyrcene yield was 1700 µg per gram of dry cell mass. ABSTRACT.Malena Granbom, Marianne Pedersén, Petra Kadel, and Klaus Lüning. Circadian rhythm of photosynthetic oxygen evolution in Kappaphycus alvarezii (Rhodophyta): dependence on light quantity and quality. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 1020-1025.

The rate of oxygen evolution of the tropical red alga Kappaphycus alvarezii (Doty) Doty was measured for 6 days in the laboratory using a computer-aided method for long-term recording. In cool white light, Kappaphycus exhibited a robust circadian rhythm of O2 evolution in the irradiance range of 100 to 1000 µmol photons·m-2·s-1. With increasing irradiance, the period of the free-running rhythm, , decreased in blue and increased in red light but did not change significantly in green light. The accelerating or slowing action of blue or red light, respectively, points to two photoreceptors used in the light transduction pathway of the circadian oscillator controlling oxygen evolution or the light reactions of photosynthesis in Kappaphycus. No significant changes of were observed with increasing irradiance in cool white light, possibly due to the additive opposing responses caused by blue and red light. ABSTRACT.Thomas M. Arnold, Nancy M. Targett, Christopher E. Tanner, Walter I. Hatch, and Kirstin E. Ferrari. Evidence for methyl jasmonate-induced phlorotannin production in Fucus vesiculosus (Phaeophyceae). J. Phycol. 2001 37: 1026-1029.

The plant growth regulators jasmonic acid and methyl jasmonate (MeJA) have recently been identified in a variety of marine algae; however, their role in these organisms is currently unknown. Here we



report that exposure to MeJA, during periods of tidal emergence causes the induction of polyphenolic chemical defenses (the phlorotannins) in two populations of the common rockweed Fucus vesiculosus (Linnaeus). Phlorotannin concentrations were up to 1.6 times higher in the growing apices of F. vesiculosus from both Avery Point (Connecticut, USA) and Roosevelt Inlet (Delaware, USA) within 10–14 days after a single brief exposure to airborne MeJA at concentrations ranging from 5.42 to 542 nM. The timing and magnitude of this induced increase in phlorotannin concentration are similar to that caused by real and simulated herbivory, raising the question of whether jasmonates, or their oxylipin relatives, are natural elements of antiherbivore responses in Fucus, as they are in vascular plants. ABSTRACT.

Cellular and Molecular Biology:Andrea Grunow and Karl-Ferdinand Lechtreck. Mitosis in Dunaliella bioculata (Chlorophyta): centrin but not basal bodies are at the spindle poles. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 1030-1043.

Centrin, a 20 kDa calmodulin-like protein, is located in various basal body-associated fibers in protists. We used indirect immunofluorescence of isolated cytoskeletons or methanol-fixed cells to analyze the distribution of centrin during mitosis of the biflagellate green alga Dunaliella bioculata (Butcher). The distance between the nucleus and the basal apparatus decreased in late interphase, presumably caused by the contraction of the two centrin-containing nucleus–basal body connectors (NBBCs). During prophase, centrin accumulated on the new basal bodies as shown by postembedding immunogold labeling of serial thin sections. The new basal bodies were in close contact with plaque-like structures on the nuclear envelope. In mitotic cells, basal body pairs were separated and positioned at a considerable distance from the poles of the mitotic spindle. At this stage, we observed four separated centrin dots, two associated with the pairs of basal bodies and two located at the spindle poles as shown by double immunofluorescence, including anti-tubulin staining. The latter signals corresponded to an accumulation of centrin between the plasma membrane and the nuclei, indicating that centrin could be involved in mitotic movements of the nuclei. In telophase, centrin was observed along the nuclear surface and one new NBBC developed in each cell half. Our results demonstrate that centrin is present at the acentriolar spindle poles of Dunaliella independently from its localization in the basal apparatus. ABSTRACT.Yoshihiko Sako, Takashi Yoshida, Aritsune Uchida, Osamu Arakawa, Tamao Noguchi, and Yuzaburo Ishida. Purification and characterization of a sulfotransferase specific to N-21 of saxitoxin and gonyautoxin 2+3 from the toxic dinoflagellate Gymnodinium catenatum (Dinophyceae). J. Phycol. 2001 37: 1044-1051.

A sulfotransferase (ST) specific to N-21 of saxitoxin (STX) and gonyautoxin 2+3 (GTX2+3) designated as N-ST was purified to homogeneity from the cytosolic fraction of clonal-axenic vegetative cells of the toxic dinoflagellate Gymnodinium catenatum Graham GC21V, which causes paralytic shellfish poisoning. The enzyme transferred a sulfate group from 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate (PAPS) to N-21 in the carbamoyl group of STX and GTX2+3 to produce GTX5 and C1+2, respectively. The molecular mass of the purified enzyme was determined by SDS-PAGE to be 59 kDa. Gel filtration chromatography showed a native molecular mass of 65 kDa, indicating that the N-ST is a monomeric enzyme. The N-ST was specific to only N-21 of STX and GTX2+3, and O-22 sulfation was not observed. Moreover, the N-ST was not active toward neo STX and GTX1+4, which differed from STX and GTX2+3, respectively, in only N-1 hydroxylation. When various compounds previously reported to be substrates for STs in other organisms and paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins other than STX and GTX2+3 were added to the reaction mixture, N-ST activity was not decreased. The enzyme required PAPS as the sole source of sulfate. The enzyme was optimally active at pH 6.0 and 25° C, and its activity was enhanced by Mg2+ and Co2+. The Km values of the N-ST for STX and GTX2+3 were 16.1 µM and 29.8 µM, respectively. ABSTRACT.Pernilla Lundgren, Erik Söderbäck, Alon Singer, Edward J. Carpenter, and Birgitta Bergman. Katagnymene: characterization of a novel marine diazotroph. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 1052-1062.

The marine planktonic cyanobacterial genus Katagnymene was described by Lemmermann in 1900 and is found in oligotrophic tropical and subtropical oceans. The genus comprises two species, K. pelagica Lemmermann and K. spiralis Lemmermann, and both were observed in most stations sampled during a cruise in the southwest Pacific Ocean in 1998. Katagnymene is nonheterocystous and characterized by single ensheathed trichomes that do not form colonies. Acetylene reduction-GC demonstrated that natural populations of Katagnymene fixed nitrogen and that nitrogenase activity occurred exclusively in the light during a 12:12 light:dark cycle. Whole cell immunolocalization revealed that nitrogenase (the Fe protein) appeared in 7% of the total number of cells and that these were arranged in zones composed of consecutively arranged cells. At least one zone of nitrogenase-containing cells per trichome was found. Nitrogenase was present throughout both the day and night, as shown by Western blotting, and in the same percentage of cells.



Ultrastructural immunolocalization on sectioned trichomes also confirmed the presence and localization of nitrogenase in Katagnymene. Cultures of Katagnymene are able to grow on nitrogen-free media and fix nitrogen only in the light. Finally, cloning and sequencing of nifH verified the diazotrophic nature of the genus Katagnymene and demonstrated a close relationship to members of the marine genus Trichodesmium. ABSTRACT.

Phylogenetics and Taxonomy:Takashi Denboh, Dian Hendrayanti, and Terunobu Ichimura. Monophyly of the genus Closterium and the order Desmidiales (Charophyceae, Chlorophyta) inferred from nuclear small subunit rDNA data. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 1063-1072.

We newly sequenced the nuclear-encoded small subunit (SSU) rDNA coding region for 21 taxa of the genus Closterium. The new sequences were integrated into an alignment with 13 known sequences of conjugating green algae representing six traditional families (i.e. Zygnemataceae, Mesotaeniaceae, Gonatozygaceae, Peniaceae, Closteriaceae, and Desmidiaceae) and five known charophycean sequences as outgroups. Both maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony analyses supported with high bootstrap values one large clade containing all placoderm desmids (Desmidiales). All the Closterium taxa formed one clade with 100% bootstrap support, indicating their monophyly, but not paraphyly, as suggested earlier. As to the taxa within the genus Closterium, we found two clades of morphologically closely related taxa in both maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony trees. They corresponded to the C. calosporum species complex and the C. moniliferum-ehrenbergii species complex. It is of particular interest that the homothallic entity of C. moniliferum v. moniliferum was distinguished from and ancestral to all other entities of the C. moniliferum-ehrenbergii species complex. Superimposing all 50 charophycean sequences on the higher order SSU rRNA structure model of Closterium, we investigated degrees of nucleotide conservation at a given position in the nucleotide sequence. A characteristic "signature" structure to the genus Closterium was found as an additional helix at the tip of V1 region. In addition, eight base deletions at the tip of helix 10 were found to be characteristic of the C. calosporum species complex, C. gracile, C. incurvum, C. pleurodermatum, and C. pusillum v. maius. These taxa formed one clade with an 82% bootstrap value in maximum parsimony analysis. ABSTRACT.James T. Harper and Gary W. Saunders. Molecular systematics of the Florideophyceae (Rhodophyta) using nuclear large and small subunit rDNA sequence data. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 1073-1082.

Sequence data are presented for approximately 85% of the nuclear large subunit (LSU) rDNA gene for one member of the Bangiophyceae and 47 members of the Florideophyceae, the latter representing all but one of the currently recognized florideophyte orders. Distance, parsimony, and maximum likelihood analyses of these data were used to generate phylogenetic trees, and bootstrap resampling was implemented to infer robustness for distance and parsimony results. LSU phylogenies were congruent with published nuclear small subunit (SSU) rDNA results in that four higher level florideophyte lineages were resolved: lineage 1, containing the order Hildenbrandiales; lineage 2, recovered only under distance analysis, composed of the orders Acrochaetiales, Balliales, Batrachospermales, Corallinales, Nemaliales, Palmariales, and Rhodogorgonales; lineage 3, containing the Ahnfeltiales; and lineage 4, composed of the orders Bonnemaisoniales, Ceramiales, Gelidiales, Gigartinales, Gracilariales, Halymeniales, Plocamiales, and Rhodymeniales. Analyses were also performed on a combined LSU–SSU data set and an SSU-only data set to account for differences in taxon sampling relative to published studies using this latter gene. Combined LSU–SSU analyses resulted in phylogenetic trees of similar topology and support to those obtained from LSU-only analyses. Phylogenetic trees produced from SSU-only analyses differed somewhat in particulars of branching within lineages 2 and 4 but overall were congruent with the LSU-only and combined LSU–SSU results. We close with a discussion of the phylogenetic potential that the LSU has displayed thus far for resolving relationships within the Florideophyceae. ABSTRACT.Sang-Rae Lee, Jung Hyun Oak, Youngbae Suh, and In Kyu Lee. Phylogenetic utility of rbcS sequences: an example from Antithamnion and related genera (Ceramiaceae, Rhodophyta). J. Phycol. 2001 37: 1083-1090.

We report the potential phylogenetic utility of the small RUBISCO subunit (rbc S) sequences from a sampling of Antithamnion and related genera in ceramiacean algae. The size of rbc S was 417 bp for all taxa examined. Analyses of the DNA sequence data indicated that pairwise divergences of rbc S sequences were 3.3%–9.8% among species of Antithamnion, and ranged from 13.6% to 18.0% between Antithamnion and related genera. Phylogenetic analyses fully resolved relationships at the intrageneric level with statistical significance supported by high bootstrap values. Two subgenera of Antithamnion, Pteroton and



Antithamnion, were clearly distinguished in the molecular tree. In the clade of subgenus Pteroton, A. aglandum was allied with A. callocladum and separated from A. nipponicum. In the pairwise distance comparison of sequence variation, Ceramium showed the greatest genetic distances among genera examined in the study. All phylogenetic trees generated by the maximum parsimony, neighbor joining, and maximum likelihood were completely congruent in topology with high confidence. ABSTRACT.Jeffery R. Hughey, Paul C. Silva, and Max H. Hommersand. Solving taxonomic and nomenclatural problems in Pacific Gigartinaceae (Rhodophyta) using DNA from type material. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 1091-1109.

Molecular data obtained by a procedure for extracting PCR-amplifiable nuclear and chloroplast DNA from old and formalin-fixed red algal herbarium specimens were used to elucidate problems in the systematics of Pacific Gigartinaceae. Correspondence between nucleotide sequences of the internal transcribed spacer 1 region or the RUBISCO spacer from type specimens and modern collections supports the following conclusions. (1) The type of Fucus cordatus Turner, now Iridaea cordata (Turner) Bory, came from the southern hemisphere (probably from Isla de los Estados, Argentina) rather than from Banks Island, B.C., Canada. (2) The type of Iridaea heterocarpa P. et R. [Mazzaella heterocarpa (P. et R.) Fred.] represents the tetrasporangial phase of a species of Chondrus, possibly C. crispus Stackh. (3) The types of Iridaea lilacina P. et R., I. phyllocarpa P. et R., and Iridophycus furcatum S. et G. represent a single species from Alaska, Mazzaella phyllocarpa (P. et R.) Perest., currently but incorrectly called M. heterocarpa. (4) The type of Iridophycus oregonum Doty represents the tetrasporangial phase of the species from southern Alaska to southern California known incorrectly as M. heterocarpa. (5) Mazzaella splendens (S. et G.) Fred. is more closely related to M. linearis (S. et G.) Fred. than it is to M. flaccida (S. et G.) Fred. (6) Iridophycus coriaceum S. et G. is conspecific with M. splendens, whereas Rhodoglossum coriaceum E.Y. Dawson is an independent species: Mazzaella coriacea (E.Y. Dawson) Hughey. (7) Iridaea cornucopiae P. et R. is conspecific with Mazzaella laminarioides (Bory) Fred., and the type probably came from Chile rather than from the North Pacific. (8) Plants attributed to Iridaea cornucopiae in Pacific North America are referable to Mazzaella parksii (S. et G.) comb. nov. (9) Rhodoglossum parvum G. M. Smith et Hollenb. is an independent species: Mazzaella parva (G. M. Smith et Hollenb.) comb. nov. (10) Grateloupia squarrulosa S. et G., Grateloupia johnstonii S. et G., and Gigartina pectinata E.Y. Dawson represent a single species: Chondracanthus squarrulosus (S. et G.) comb. nov. ABSTRACT.Niels Daugbjerg and Peter Henriksen. Pigment composition and rbcL sequence data from the silicoflagellate Dictyocha speculum: a heterokont alga with pigments similar to some haptophytes. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 1110-1120.

Monophyly of plastids in the morphologically diverse heterokont algae has rarely been questioned. However, HPLC analysis revealed that the pigment composition of the silicoflagellate Dictyocha speculum Ehrenberg is similar to that observed in a group of haptophytes ("type 4" sensu Jeffrey and Wright 1994). Dictyocha speculum and type 4 haptophytes possess acylfucoxanthins (19'-butanoyloxy- and 19'-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin) in addition to fuco-, diadino-, and diatoxanthin and chl a, c, and c3. The pigment composition of two pedinellids (Apedinella radians [Lohmann] Campbell and Mesopedinella arctica Daugbjerg), a sister group to D. speculum, deviates from D. speculum by lack of chl c 3 and acylfucoxanthins. The distinct pigment composition suggested that plastid evolution in D. speculum differs from that of other heterokont algae. This prompted determination of the plastid-encoded rbcL gene from D. speculum to gain further insight into the evolutionary history of plastids in heterokont algae and haptophytes. A phylogenetic inference based on parsimony, maximum likelihood, and LogDet transformation methods included 35 heterokonts, 19 haptophytes, 8 red algae, and 1 cryptomonad. Three proteobacteria possessing type I RUBISCO were used to root the tree. In phylogenetic analyses, D. speculum was closely related to Rhizochromulina sp. and pedinellids, despite the latter possessing a different pigment composition. Surprisingly, the Dictyochophyceae clustered outside the lineage of heterokont algae but not within the haptophytes. Hence, analyses deduced from rbcL sequences indicated that the plastids in heterokont algae might have a more complex evolutionary history and that the shared pigment composition in D. speculum and type 4 haptophytes could be explained by convergent evolution or gene transfer. The pigment composition in D. speculum may have implications for pigment-based characterization of phytoplankton community structure in natural samples. ABSTRACT.Renhui Li, Wayne W. Carmichael, Scott Brittain, Geoffrey K. Eaglesham, Glen R. Shaw, Yongding Liu, and Makoto M. Watanabe. First report of the cyanotoxins cylindrospermopsin and deoxycylindrospermopsin from Raphidiopsis curvata (Cyanobacteria). J. Phycol. 2001 37: 1121-1126.



A strain of Raphidiopsis (Cyanobacteria) isolated from a fish pond in Wuhan, P. R. China was examined for its taxonomy and production of the alkaloidal hepatotoxins cylindrospermopsin (CYN) and deoxy-cylindrospermopsin (deoxy-CYN). Strain HB1 was identified as R. curvata Fritsch et Rich based on morphological examination of the laboratory culture. HB1 produced mainly deoxy-CYN at a concentration of 1.3 mg·g-1 (dry wt cells) by HPLC and HPLC-MS/MS. CYN was also detected in trace amounts (0.56 µg·g-1). A mouse bioassay did not show lethal toxicity when tested at doses up to 1500 mg dry weight cells·kg-1 body weight within 96 h, demonstrating that production of primarily deoxy-CYN does not lead to significant mouse toxicity by strain HB1. The presence of deoxy-CYN and CYN in R. curvata suggests that Raphidiopsis belongs to the Nostocaceae, but this requires confirmation by molecular systematic studies. Production of these cyanotoxins by Raphidiopsis adds another genus, in addition to Cylindrospermopsis, Aphanizomenon, and Umezakia, now known to produce this group of hepatotoxic cyanotoxins. This is also the first report from China of a CYN and deoxy-CYN producing cyanobacterium. ABSTRACT.Anthony Chiovitti, Gerald T. Kraft, Antony Bacic, David J. Craik, and Ming-Long Liao. Chemistry, properties, and phylogenetic implications of the methylated carrageenans from red algae of the genus Areschougia (Areschougiaceae, Gigartinales, Rhodophyta). J. Phycol. 2001 37: 1127-1137.

The three Australian-endemic species comprising the genus Areschougia have been examined to determine the structure of their nonfibrillar wall components. The polysaccharide extracted from the most widely distributed species, A. congesta (Turner) J. Agardh, was shown by compositional analyses, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, linkage analysis, and 13C-NMR spectroscopy to be a carrageenan composed predominantly of the repeating disaccharides 6'-O-meth- ylcarrabiose 2,4'-disulfate, carrabiose 2,4'-disulfate (the repeating unit of -carrageenan), 4',6'-O-(1-carboxyethylidene)carrabiose 2-sulfate, and 6'-O-methylcarrabiose 2-sulfate. The carrageenan also contained small amounts of 4-linked Galp residues, some bearing methyl ether substitution at O-3 and some possibly bearing sulfate ester and/or glycosyl substitutions at O-3. The A. congesta carrageenan had unique rheological properties, its gels having some similarities to those of commercial -carrageenan but with the viscosity of commercial -carrageenan. Polysaccharides from A. ligulata Harvey ex J. Agardh and A. stuartii Harvey were shown by constituent sugar and FTIR analyses to be sulfated galactans rich in mono-O-methylgalactose. The carrageenan structures of Areschougia spp. were consistent with those of the genera Rhabdonia, Erythroclonium, and Austroclonium, the other genera constituting the family Areschougiaceae. ABSTRACT.

Techniques:John A. Berges, Daniel J. Franklin, and Paul J. Harrison. Evolution of an artificial seawater medium: improvements in enriched seawater, artificial water over the last two decades. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 1138-1145.

Although most phycologists use natural seawater for culturing marine species, artificial media continue to play important roles in overcoming problems of supply and seasonal variability in the quality of natural seawater and also for experiments involving manipulation of micro- and macronutrients. Several artificial media have been developed over the last 90 years; enriched seawater, artificial water (ESAW) is among the more popular recipes. ESAW has the advantage of an ionic balance that is somewhat closer to that of normal seawater. The original paper compared the growth of 83 strains of microalgae in natural seawater (ESNW) versus ESAW and determined that 23% grew more poorly in the artificial water. Since 1980, however, the composition of ESAW, as used by the original authors, has changed considerably. In particular, the added forms of phosphate, iron, and silicate have been changed and the trace metal mixture has been altered to include nickel, molybdenum, and selenium. We tested whether these changes improved the ability of the artificial medium to grow previously difficult to grow phytoplankton species. To test this, we selected eight species that had been shown to grow better in ESNW than in ESAW and compared their growth again, using the currently used recipe with all the above modifications. For all but one species (Apedinella spinifera), growth rate and final yield was no different between the media but in one case (Emiliania huxleyi) was slightly higher in ESAW. No differences in cell morphology or volume were found in any case. We conclude that changes to the enrichment portion of the recipe have significantly improved this artificial seawater medium and that it can be used to grow an even wider range of coastal and open ocean species. ABSTRACT.

Book Reviews:Carole A. Lembi. Limnology, Lake and River Ecosystems. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 1146-1147.

Corrigenda:Corrigendum. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 1151.



Announcements:2002 Annual Meeting of the Phycological Society of America. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 1153.Source:


In the press. Available December 20th, 2001LANGE - BERTALOT - FESTSCHRIFT: Studies on Diatoms. Dedicated to Prof. Dr.

Dr. h. c. Horst Lange - Bertalot on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday. Edited by Regine Jahn, John P. Kociolek, Andrzej Witkowski and Pierre Compère. 2001. 3 coloured plates. 120 b/w photogr. plates 633 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. DM 380 (US$ 190) (ISBN 3-904144-26-X)Contents:PART I: Krammer, K.: Taxonomie und Morphologie von Brevisira arentii (Kolbe) Krammer gen. nov., comb. nov.Kusel - Fetzmann, E. & A. Losert: Cyclotella fottii Hustedt aus dem Ohrid See (Albanien / Mazedonien) und ihre Abgrenzung zu ähnlichen fossilen CyclotellenRott, E., H. J. Kling & T. Perez: Planktonic centric diatoms from the volcanic Lake Taal, PhilippinesHernandez-Becerril, D.U. & J. A. Aké-Castillo: Morphological study of two marine planktonic diatoms of the genus Chaetoceros: C. anastomosans and C. costatusStrelnikova, N.I., E. Fourtanier, J.P. Kociolek & J.A. Barron: Ultrastructure studies of Coscinodiscus and Cestodiscus species from the Eocene and OligoceneCompère, P.: Ulnaria (Kützing) Compère, a new genus name for Fragillaria subgen. Alterasynedra Lange - Bertalot with comments on the typification of Synedra EhrenbergWilliams, D.M.: Comments on the structure of 'post-auxospore' valves of Fragilariforma virescensMayama, S.: Valuable taxonomic characters in the valve mantle and girdle of some Eunotia speciesKociolek, J.P., D. Lyon & S. Spaulding: Revision of the South American species of ActinellaDenys, L. & W. van Bonn: A second species in the epizoic diatom genus Epipellis: E. heptunei sp. nov.Cocquyt, C.: Notes on Cymatopleura calcarata Hustedt, an endemic diatom from Lake TanganyikaReichardt, E.: Revision der Arten um Gomphonema truncatum und G. capitatumMann, D. G.: The systematics of the Sellaphora pupula complex: typification of S. pupulaWolfe, A.P. & H.J.Kling: A consideration of some North American soft-water Brachysira taxa and description of B. arctoborealis sp. nov.Idei,M. & S. Mayama: Pinnularia acidojaponica M. Idei et H. Kobayasi sp. nov. and P. valdetolerans Mayama et H. Kobayasi sp. nov. - new diatoms from Japanese extreme environmentsJordan, R. W.: Taxonomy, morphology and distribution of two Pinnularia species from acid lakes and rivers in Yamagata and Miyagi Prefectures, Northeast JapanCox, E.J.: What constitutes a stauros? A morphogenetic perspectiveRound, F.E.: Morphology of Navicula sensu stricto - an ecologist's perspectiveTolotti; M.: Littoral diatom communities in high mountain lakes of the Adamello-Brenta Regional Park (Trentino/ Italy) and their relation to acidificationCantonati, M.: The diatom communities of the liverwort Chiloscyphus polyanthos var. rivularis in a mountain spring-fed stream in the Adamello - Brenta Regional Park, Northern ItalyWerum, M.: Diatomeen in Quellen hessischer Mittelgebirge - Gefährdung nach Roter Liste in Korrelation zu anthropogenen Eingriffen und GeologieRaeder,U. & L. B. Busse: Composition and development of episammic diatoms in an oligotrophic lake ( Lake Lustsee, Germany) under natural conditions and under artificial phosphate supply using enclosure experiments



Hürlimann,J., F. Elber, K. Niederberger, F. Straub, A. Stöckli & P. Niederhauser: Historische Kieselalgenproben als biologische Referenzen zur Bewertung von Fliessgewässern des Schweizer Mittellandes - erste ErgebnisseLotter, A.F.: The effect of eutrophication on diatom diversity: examples from six Swiss lakesBogaczewicz - Adamczak, B.: The diatom flora of the Eemian Lacustrine Deposits at La Grande Pile - Core GP 11 (Vosges, France)Witak, M.: A Late Glacial diatom flora from lacustrine sediments of Puck Bay, Southern Baltic Sea, PolandStachura - Suchoples, K.: Bioindicative values of dominant diatom species from the Gulf of Gdansk, Southern Baltic Sea, PolandBak, M., B. Wawrzyniak - Wydrowska & A. Witkowski: Odra river discharge as a factor affecting species composition of the Szczecin Lagoon diatom flora, PolandRakowska, B. & M. Rakowski: Diatoms and other phyto- plankton of the Lesny Canal at its outlet to the Odra Zachodnia River, PolandJasprica, N. & M. Caric: Planktonic diatoms and their relation to environmental factors at three stations in the Southern Adriatic, Mediterranean SeaIndex to new names, combinations and typifications in the Lange - Bertalot – FestschriftList of reviewers/PART II:Ruppel, M.: Lebensbild des Botanikers und Diatomologen Horst Lange – BertalotPublications by Horst Lange - Bertalot until the year 2001List of theses supervised by Horst Lange - Bertalot until the year 2001/ Metzeltin,D. & W.-H. Kusber: Annotated list of new diatom taxa decribed by Horst Lange - Bertalot until the year 2000Kusber, W.-H. & D. Metzeltin: Checklist of new diatom combinations, replaced names and validations published by Horst Lange - Bertalot until the year 2000 and additional validations.Published by Gantner Verlag, RuggellDistributed by Koeltz Scientific BooksAlso available from stock:Simonsen, ReimerAtlas of the Diatom Types of Friedrich HUSTEDT, 3 volumes (1 volume text & 2 volumes plates). 1987. 772 plates. X, 526 p. 4to. Hardcover. – In English. DM 940 (US$ 470)Please send your order toKOELTZ SCIENTIFIC BOOKSStreet Address: Herrnwaldstr.6, D 61462 Koenigstein / GermanyMail Address: P.O. Box 1360, D 61453 Koenigstein / GermanyFaxNational: 06174 937240International: 49 6174 937240E-mail [email protected] PhoneNational : 06174 93720International : 49 6174 93720Internethttps://www.koeltz.comSource:

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2. Екологія, значення, питання систематики. – Київ: Наукова думка, 2001. – 342 с. – (Флора водоростей континентальних водойм України).

Костіков І.Ю., Романенко П.О., Демченко Е.М., Дарієнко Т.М., Михайлюк Т.І., Рибчинський О.В., Солоненко А.М. Водорості грунтів України (історія та методи дослідження, система, конспект флори) / Під. ред. С.Я. Кондратюка, Н.П. Масюк. – Київ: Фітосоціоцентр, 2001. – 300с.

В монографии обобщены литературные и оригинальные данные о составе и распространении водорослей в почвах Украины. Приводятся данные о находках в 1080 местонахождениях 932 видов и внутривидовых таксонов. Рассматривается также история исследования почвенных водорослей в Украине, методики качественного исследования фитоэдафона, вопросы таксономии почвенных



водорослей. Система, принятая в монографии, модифицирована с учетом современных цитологических и молекулярных данных.

Для альгологов и почвоведов, преподавателей, аспирантов и студентов биологических факультетов вузов. РЕЗЮМЕ.



The Louis Calder Center - Biological Field Station of Fordham University announces paid research opportunities for undergraduate students in ourCalder Summer Undergraduate Research (CSUR) program. The 2002 summer program will run from May 27th through August 16, 2002.- Applications are due February 8th, 2002.

We offer students hands-on experience and training in a wide variety of field studies, including studies on algae. Examples of topics include:

Benthic algae in southern New York and Catskill mountain streamsCarbon pools at the Louis Calder Center - Biological Field StationCommunity and ecosystem responses to invasive exotic insectsDendrochronology of wildfire sites in the NJ Pine BarrensEcology of symbiotic fungi in hemlock and oak forestsEcology of the West Nile virusField studies on the use of torpor by ground squirrels at high altitudesMicrohabitat conditions and spatial distribution of the deer tickRuffed Grouse population ecology in the central southern AppalachiansVertebrate-habitat relationships at The Louis Calder Center - BiologicalField Station Successful CSUR candidates will be matched with staff scientists with similar research

interests. This year we will offer up to eight (8) awards to qualified undergraduates interested in conducting independent research for 12 weeks during the summer of 2002.

Stipends of $3,600 will be awarded to successful applicants. There is housing on site (subsidized rent) and limited funds to support research and local travel. For details on the program and a list of research areas available this summer for students see An application can be downloaded The field station is located in wooded, southern New York state. General information is

available at: may also request information from the CSUR office by email, mail or fax:CSUR office: 914-273-3078, ext. 10; email: [email protected]; fax: 914-273-2167, or

c/o the Director: [email protected] Applications are due in the CSUR office by February 8th, 2002.

John Wehr Source:

PhD student positionDear all,a PhD student position is available at the University of Konstanz for amotivated

phycologist/plant biologist with a strong background in cell biology and molecular biology from January 2002. The project is actually funded for the next 18 months and is planned to be continued after this time. Funding is by the German Research Foundation and the project is concerned with the intracellular transport of proteins in diatoms and focused on the transport of proteins into the



complex diatom plastids with four surrounding membranes. Payment is according to the German BATIIa/2 salary. Applicants are asked to send an application/CV to the address below.Best regards Prof. Dr. Peter KrothFachbereich BiologiePostfach M611Universitaet Konstanz78457 Konstanz, GermanyFax: ++49(0)7531-88-3042Phone: ++49(0)7531-88-4816/2782E-Mail: [email protected]:// Source:

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Інститут ботаніки ім. М.Г. Холодного НАН України,відділ спорових рослин,вул. Терещенківська, 2,г.Київ-4, МСП, 01601, Українател. (+044) 224-51-57

домашня:вул. Доброхотова, буд. 24, к.54,м.Київ, 03142, Україна


Мантурова Оксана: [email protected]. Ярмошенко Людмила: [email protected]. Романенко Петро: [email protected]. Демченко Едуард: [email protected]. Михайлюк Тетяна: [email protected]. Селезнева Наталья: [email protected]. Горбулін Олег: [email protected]. Громакова Алла: [email protected] (for A.Gromakova). Віннікова Ольга: [email protected] (for O.Vinnikova).Садогурська Світлана і Садогурський Сергій: [email protected]. Масюк Надія Прохорівна. Ліліцька Галина Георгієвна. Виноградова Оксана: [email protected]. Борисова Олена Володимирівна. Царенко Петро Михайлович: [email protected] (To P. Tsarenko). Леонтьєв Дмитро: [email protected]. Петльований Олег. Колесник Олег: [email protected]. Патова Елена Николаевна: [email protected]. Кузяхметов Григорий Гильмиярович: [email protected]. Шарипова Марина Юрьевна: [email protected]. Шкундина Фаина Борисовна: [email protected]. Алейникова Мария Даниловна (редакция журнала “Альгология”). Теренько Галина Викторовна: [email protected]. Прибыловская Наталья Сергеевна: [email protected]. Комулайнен Сергей Федорович: [email protected]. Дубовик Ирина Евгеньевна: [email protected]. Анисимова Ольга Викторовна: [email protected]. Ляшенко Оксана Александровна: [email protected]. Болдина Ольга Николаевна: [email protected]; [email protected]. Хайбуллина Лилия Салаватовна: [email protected]. Ситникова Юлия Алексеевна: [email protected]. Харитонов Вячеслав Гергиевич: [email protected] Бухтиярова Людмила Николаевна: [email protected] Михайлова Татьяна Александровна: [email protected] Иванова Анна Петровна: [email protected]

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