
Yes, another Q title since this features Baby Q finally! And unfortunately

that’s all this will feature, why? Because my game has started crashing

when I try to use the business perk Head for Numbers that Whimsy earned

in an effort to locate all potential baby daddies for the remaining ten. It’s

irritating and annoying and I haven’t tested the Appello Simae spell yet

because I am afraid it will also make the game crash. So someone might

need to be magicked or I’ll have to break out the Tombstone of L&D and by

pass the crashing to find my daddies…also I did find the daddy I wanted but

he showed up too late after I’d already moved on to the next baby daddy

for Baby Q. He will get Baby R instead if I can get him to come over…

But first, time to toss the P twins. Whimsy went first with Pyroar.

Well look at that, she even got a mane. Well done.

Pyroar: RAWR!!

Pyroar Scott



Lazy and playful, oh joy…

And then Tucker handled Pachirisu.

Pachirisu: Not the daddy.

Pachirisu Scott




And then the little cutie Omanyte had her go. She even got a nice outfit


Noivern: Finally one my own size that I can play with.

Omanyte: Hey, I have fingers!!

But first, traditions.

Noivern: I am pleased to have the chance to teach again.

Pyroar: RAWR!!

Noivern: Even if all she wants to say is that.

Omanyte: Want to trade twins? Pachi keeps trying to use Thunderbolt on me.

Noivern: It will hurt you less than me…

Omanyte: Gee, thanks brother…

Omanyte: Well this is safer I guess…

Noivern: At least they are occupied little sister.

Omanyte: Except for the electric hair balls Pachi is hiding in the block tub…

Pyroar: RAWR!!

Let’s leave the kidlets and go follow Whimsy as she makes the rounds

searching for the elusive Baby Daddy Q I want. This is Copur’s Kitchen Cook-

Off in Desiderata Valley’s main hood. He wasn’t here. So Whimsy decided to

enter another cooking contest since she hasn’t done one since Babies A were


Her entry was Crepes Suzette, the competition was Afro Monkey Man,

Caterpillar Dreads and her son in law John. His cheesecake may be a tough

act to best, since Afro Monkey Man’s spaghetti and Caterpillar Dreads poor

looking pancakes have no shot…

Joe Graham: I hear you’re looking for baby daddies, I’m willing to offer my

services. Hehehe…

Whimsy: Oh for the love of Arceus! Move you’re blocking the food judge from

getting to my entry.

Not that it was a problem, naturally Whimsy won.

Whimsy: You’d be surprised at how a little Aromatherapy sprinkling can make all the

difference with the lovely Sitrus and Pecha berry toppings.

You cheated?

Whimsy: No, but I was tempted. Naturally my superior level won me the contest and

more money.

The next stop was Greaves Greener Gardens, also in the main hood. Where

Whimsy stayed for four days straight with a few maxmotives from her ever

loving Banette. She earned a Bronze fishing badge but I never got a

notification or a symbol. I was probably too busy watching the lot portals for

Baby Daddy Q to wander by…he didn’t.

Oh look Baby Daddy K showed up.

UC: What? I know nothing of any babies…

You have clones don’t you?

UC: Why yes strange voice in my head, four in fact. You must be referring to one of


So Baby Daddy Q was a no-show so off we went to the Nature Hobby lot to

try to find him. All we got was a bunch of randoms, Rat Tail (on the ground)

and Orange Shirt would not stop poking each other so I called them over to

fish with Whimsy who earned her Silver fishing badge, again with no

notification. Also showing up was Lilligant, Custom Hair bartender, AL Elder

Townie, Snakeskin Jacket Guy, Baby Daddy F Herbert Benton, and John

again. But NO BD Q!! Grr…

So off to the Dreamy Fields Hobby Lot, where we got in contact with the

male Sports hobby leader Kennedy Grove and Breloom who is apparently

skipping classes. And because Breloom was there no flirting could be done

and I can’t edit hobby lots so no Sim Blendering babies either…and still no BD


Next hobby lot, the My Muse Dance studio. Where Whimsy entered the dance

contest with the Hula she learned in the Orange Islands. Don’t mind

Professor Confused there Smustling…

And of course, Whimsy won.

Whimsy: It’s a talent, what can I say?

Pink Haired Bartender agrees.

After she continued to dance the Hula, teaching Pink Haired Bartender and

Professor Confused as well as Gallade to infect the neighbourhood with it. Of

course Dance Hobby master somehow already knows the Hula…I know, I know

it’s an FT thing and she will always know the dances of the BV spots.

And now all of them know the Hula…since Baby Daddy Q wasn’t here, let’s

head home in defeat…*sigh*

So once back home, Whimsy calls the Garden Club over for an inspection. We

get Armando Cox, Tiffany Zarubin and Sad Old Guy* (a.k.a. Matthew Smith)

as the three. Sad Old Guy became the fall back for Baby Q.

*a reference to the name my friend Mountainshade1 gave to him in her

OWBC and it just became viral from then on. I miss her…*sigh* She hasn’t

been around Boolprop in years…four to be exact.*

Why call for an inspection so late in the challenge? This is why, so Whimsy

can open her first business Whimsy’s Whims where she’ll sell the overstocked

produce from the garden that turned her into a Plantsim. It also has three

vending machines and some quilts she made to use up some money and to get

a Gold Sewing badge. She made the outfit that Tucker is currently wearing

and I like it.

While her three employees work the inside, Whimsy stays outside to fish and

to kill time until I reach level 10. Joining her while fishing actually raises

stars and if you ask them to leave they dock you a star so I gave up trying to

chase them away from the pond. I only stop her to run off the Evil High

Witch who causes trouble on the lot. Sorrento here makes flirting hard since

he’s still madly in love with her but I don’t do it anyway so no matter.

OMG FINALLY!! After four days on the lot my preferred baby daddy Q shows

up. It’s not Sanjay, hell no. It’s the hottie next to him; meet Baby Daddy R,

Silver Sparrow. A second generation spare from Little White Comet’s A

Sparrow Legacy. I KNOW his elf ears are genetic because I saw the results in

Ellie’s legacy. And his name still sounds like a superhero’s moniker to me,

Silver Sparrow…just sounds so awesome.

Autonomous Bust a Move FTW. Turns out Silver here really likes Whimsy and if I

COULD FIND him in the phone book without crashing the game, I would assume that

it’s another triple bolter for these two. I should have used the Blender on her when

he was here but she already had Baby Q cooking so I couldn’t. My options are

limited; risk the Appello Simae spell to summon him to the home lot and have the

game crash, use the Tombstone of L&D to add him to the family, use the Blender

then move him out again, or return to the business and pray he shows up again. I will

try once I go back into the game to see which options work and what ones don’t.

And once I come back again it’s soon time for the P twins to transition and

to call the Headmaster over again for them. I love those cute little knit

outfits for toddler girls, I just wish there were equally cute outfits for the

boys too.

Uggh, having creepy Grady ghost twin flashbacks from The Shining here…

Pachirisu: We can see into your soul…

Pyroar: *slouch* rawr…

Also it was Noivern’s birthday so the Evil Calamari can leave now. And I have no

transition picture…

Noivern: I learned Fly!

Noivern Scott PO/K



LTW: Be Rock God

Finally, we get to see Baby Q, born in the same spot as Omanyte was…

And here she is, Baby Q Quilladin the Spiny Armor Pokemon, a pure Grass

type with the Dex number 651 (Kalos).

X: It relies on its sturdy shell to deflect predators' attacks. It

counterattacks with its sharp quills.

Y: They strengthen their lower bodies by running into one another. They

are very kind and won't start fights.

Stats page 1:

Bab(ies) A: Absol and Articuno (female)

Father: Tucker Gray (NPC), Blond hair, dark blue eyes

Bab(ies) B: Blaziken and Breloom (male)

Father: Victor Aspir (playable), Black hair, brown eyes.

Baby C: Clamperl (female)

Father: Hayden Long (Downtownie), Brown hair, light blue eyes.

Baby D: Deoxys (male)

Father: Herbert Goodie (Elder), Brown hair, green eyes.

Baby E: Eevee (male)

Father: Helios Cross (NPC Chef), Black hair, brown eyes.

Baby F: Forretress (male)

Father: Herbert Benton (NPC Slob)

Bab(ies) G: Golbat (female) , Gallade (male)

Father: Count Curt (a.k.a. Count Crabby, Bitey McHappy), Brown hair, red eyes.

Bab(ies) H: Haunter (male) , Haxorus (male) , Heatran (male) , Houndoom (female)

Father: Shelby Chapman (Townie), Red hair, grey eyes.

Stats page 2:

Bab(ies) I: Igglybuff (female) , Ishizumai (male)

Father: Blake Stephenson (elf-eared Townie), blond hair, light blue eyes.

Baby J: Jellicent (male)

Father: Solander White (legacy import), brown hair, green/black eyes, alien skin

Bab(ies) K: Keldeo (female) , Klang (male) , Kadabra (male) , Kecleon (male)

Father: Unsavoury Charlatan (BV NPC), black hair, skin 1, grey eyes

Baby L: Lilligant (female)

Father: Ideal Plantsim, black hair, vine skin, yellow eyes

Baby M: Malamar (male)

Father: Genie, black hair, S3, brown eyes

Baby N: Noivern (male)

Father: Film and Lit. Hobby Master Cooper Seifert, brown hair, grey eyes, S4

Baby O: Omanyte (female)

Father: Eddie Sharpe, (Uni Student), blond hair, green eyes, S2

Bab(ies) P: Pyroar and Pachirisu (female)

Father: Sorrento Gothique (Custom Townie), black hair, magenta eyes, custom skin

Stats page 3:

Baby Q: Quilladin (female)

Father: Sad Old Guy (a.k.a. Matthew Smith) Garden Club member, brown

hair, grey eyes, S2

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