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In This Issue

• Editorial

• 2013: What’s Next

• The Road Ahead- Obstacles

• Cover Story: Inside Syria

• Faith Speeches: Haq Nawaz Jhangvi

• Shia equality or Shia supremacy?


• Book Review – Maulana Masood Azhar

• Message to the Sunni Officials

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Faith Speeches – Maulana Haq Nawaz Jhangvi

The Road Ahead – Obstacles I

Cover Story – Inside the Syria, Playing the Iran’s Game

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We present you this first issue of Al-Rashideen. We

hope this to be a platform where relevant issues facing

the Ummah are studied / analyzed upon by students of

colleges and universities, and Muslim youngsters whose

first or second language is English.

Before going any further, I would pen off with the

words of an Iraqi who called on an Egyptian Channel

some 3 years ago. Not much has changed vis-à-vis the

Ahlus Sunnah since then. These words echo the current

state of affairs in the Muslim World:

‘O Brothers!!! I am calling from Baghdad I call you O Baghdad what evil has caught you?

What was the value of Baghdad? Weren’t you (O Baghdad) the happiness of eyes? I call

you from Iraq! O my dear fellows!! Is there any eye in Egypt who is weeping for

Baghdad? I wish I could help the ones who are in sorrow and beating their chest because

of being badly tortured Sheikh Hammad thousands of women and men of Ahlus Sunnah

have come to me. They have given me the responsibility of a trustworthy thing. They

said if people of Islam will be killed and destroyed, then who will help us? Then who will

save us from cruelty and torture? Our women are being prisoned. (People of) Ahlus

Sunnah are killed….Ahh Respect of Muhammad (PBUH)…..Ahhh Religion of

Prophet……..Beards were being burned, elders were thrown in fire and were burned. The

ones who were much old were beaten with hunter lashes on their backs. I was also

tortured (because they wanted) that I put lie and curse Mother Aisha R.A. and on my

father Abu Bakr R.A. ……Ahh my father my father…..with which face shall I live on this

world? They put dirt in my beard.

O Ahlus Sunnah save your brothers from these Rafdhis…….Ahh Respect of Muhammad

(PBUH)…..Ahh Respect of Prophet…..Ahh helplessness of the Religion of Islam…..Our

women were kidnapped….Ahh respect and glory of Ahlus Sunnah. They stop us on roads

and burn us alive because amongst us are the people with the names Abu Bakr, Umar

and Usman and (people) with names of those of the Prophet’s Sahaba. They said to us

that abuse Aisha R.A. for them, when we denied, they cut our fingers….O Sheikh I have

delivered the responsibility given to me. O Allah be my witness….I have delivered the

Message….I saw a young girl, she was raped…..She was saying (By Allah) I was a virgin,

Wallahey I was an Hafiza (Memorizer of Quran)….Then she screamed and said who will

convey the story of my torture to the Messenger of Allah (PBUH)……She was saying

(Shia) Men have crossed all limits of torture and brutality. The respect of Allah’s

Messenger was abused………

O Sheikh listen….I have delivered the story of Shia torture and brutality. The wounds

which I got (from Shia) are still fresh because my son’s name was Umar and my

daughter’s Aisha…..These rafidhis burned my 3 year old child inside an oven and killed

him, and then they put the burnt body in front of his old father (me) Oh Allah Be my

witness….Oh Allah you are my Lord be my witness Oh people of Islam is there any

helper for the Muslims……Is there any Ibn Taimiyya (for help) to stop the hands of the


Assalam O AlaikumAssalam O AlaikumAssalam O AlaikumAssalam O Alaikum

From the Editor’s desk


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2013: What next? nother year has passed by & on the dawn of 1434 A.H. Taliban are battling with the crusader armies in the rugged terrains of Afghanistan, Chechen guerillas fighting for an Emirate in the Caucasus, Palestinians with stones in hand defying the Israeli Onslaught, Kashmiri’s protesting against the Indian Militancy, Syrians rising up against the Shiite Nusayri Bashar, Ulama getting martyred in the streets of Karachi, Pakistan by Shiite militias. A cursory look at these conflict areas brings to light the Muslim plight. With meager resources and scarce bullets at their disposal, they are nevertheless acting as a fire-wall against the Judeo-Christian, Hindu & Shiite nexus. Not much has changed vis-à-vis Muslim fortunes since 1757 when the British entered the Indian Sub-Continent, gained charge and then eventually snatched the Ottoman Caliphate in 1924.Since then, its been a series of unfortunate events starting from Kemalist reforms in Turkey, Israel’s independence in 1948, little or no Islamization in Pakistan, Break-up of Bangladesh, Russian Invasion of Afghanistan and continuing all the way to the 1979 ‘Shiite’ heretic revolution in Iran to 2011’s Arab Spring. Our debacle & its causes had begun along time ago, but for the sake of brevity let’s just not limit ourselves to the American invasion of Afghanistan & Iraq as the setting up the stage for Muslim conflict. We have been under-attack both militarily, ideologically and psychologically since the last 200 years and more so since the last 1 century. Be it Hindu India, Christian USA-Russia, Buddhist & Communist China-Burma-Philippines, Shiite Iran-Syria, every possible Non-Muslim has stepped in the Bandwagon Muslim Crusades. Hindu India stepped in since 1948,USA & Russia were there remotely behind the scenes before, but directly since the ‘80’s,China ,Burma and Philippines hopped in since the late ‘80’s and early ‘90’s,and Iran and Syria have been cruising along since the ‘70’s.


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We were analyzing and discussing the withdrawal of NATO & American forces from Afghanistan in 2014, when all of a sudden the Arab Spring comes up and the mass butchery of Muslims is done in Bahrain, Syria aided by their Shiite Master-Patron Iran. We are under attack: there is no denying that. And we are being so right, left & centre. And the reality as espoused in a popular Hadith ‘that there would be a time when the kuffar would invite each other (the way we invite people at food) against Muslims’ is very much visible now. I believe that the only good news in the midst of all this is the rise of Mujahideen movements & their resilience and courage to move on despite heavy odds. And what is driving them? One reason is the spirit of Jihad and Shahadat which is expressedly present in Quran and Sunnah. In the words of noted Egyptian Jihadi Ideologue Zawahiri ‘The West can snatch away our territories, kill our women and children, but they can never extinguish in us the spirit of Jihad and martyrdom as espoused in the Quran and Sunnah’ Another reason is the renewing of this Quranic Spirit (of Jihad) by individuals who have time & time again saved the Islamic Tradition from being ignored by the Muslim Masses. When the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in the late ‘70’s, it was Abdullah Azzam (A Palestenian alim) who through his speeches and dawah, rallied the support of Muslim youngsters the world over to join the Holy cause in the mountains of Afghanistan. When Serb and Croat Christians aided by US and Russian Petro-dollars started the Muslim carnage in Bosnia, it was Shamil Basayev (Bosnian) and Ameer Khattab (Arab) who led the Muslim resistance. When US and NATO forces were using the tacit help of the Shias of Iran and Iraq, it was Abu Mus’ab Al-Zarqawi (Jordanian) who dampened any hopes of a complete American & Shiite take-over of Iraq for a long time to come. When the Indian Golliath was on the verge of winning the battle of hearts and minds in Kashmir, it was Masu’d Azhar (A Pakistani alim) who re-ignited the spirit of Jihad in the hearts of Kashmiris and Mujahideen posted there. When the

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Jewish aggressor was getting accustomed to Muslim slumber in Palestine, it was Ahmed Yaseen (A Palestenian alim) who woke the Muslims by forming Hamas. When in the early 80’s the Shiite revolution in Iran started being exported via Iranian petro-dollars in Iraq, Pakistan & parts of the Middle-East it was Maulana Haq Nawaz Jhangvi (A Pakistani alim) and his supporters, who stood up to check the Shiite inspired onslaught. All the above-mentioned examples point in one direction: The presence of Internationalism in Islam. And that has been the case and point of Islam’s growth as a world religion. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) was an Arab, among his Sahaba there were Hazrat Salman from Persia, Sohaib from Rome, Bilal from Africa and many others. Out of the 144,000 Sahaba thousands are buried outside the Arab Heartland in China, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Russia and scattered the world over. Islam strengthened and grew in Spain, Indian-Sub Continent, Persian Iran and many other regions. Being Muslim does not mean that our loyalties rest within the boundaries of states and nations where we reside. We are one the world over, and the examples highlighted above are enough to prove that. As a relevant example I would quote, Bhutto: “Gandhi once observed that if Islam is uprooted from the subcontinent, it will flourish elsewhere, but if Hinduism is uprooted from the subcontinent, it would be the end of Hinduism. The meaning of the remark was that if Hinduism had to be protected at the cost of uprooting Islam from the subcontinent, there was a justification in it. Is it the aim to prove that, Gandhi indeed was a Mahatma?”1 What Bhutto points out is that had Gandhi not clandestinely paved the way for the Break-up of India, and had Muslims & Hindus continue to live together, Islam would have thrived in India at the cost of Hinduism. And he was right, today according to the World Religious Freedom Report 2012, 94% of the world’s Hindu’s reside in India. 1 If I am Assassinated, Z.A.Bhutto Pg142 (New Dehli,1979 Edition)

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And before signing off, the New Year brings us to the point of no-return. We are being constantly taken for granted, our lands taken away in petty deals, our life-styles and culture snatched at the gun-point of Immunity marketing. All this and much more has made the Muslim an easy prey to Kill. We are with our backs on the wall, the only way out is to Hit and march forward!!!! There is no turning back………

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The Road Ahead-Obstacles I

By Usman Khan Whatever that has happened and

continues to be happening in Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Tunisia, Syria and the likes is resonant to so many revolutions that have taken part in the Muslim world in the 21st century.

We have the Independence movements of Egypt, Algeria, and Pakistan as a prime example of hijacked revolutions. The Pakistan movement were steeped into a religious awakening owing to the masses and the visionary leadership of men such as Iqbal, Quaid-e-Azam & Maulana Shabbir Ahmad Uthmani. But what happened afterwards is a trend most unfortunate that has time and time again resulted in a deep despair among the Muslims. It is this trend which caused a pioneer of the freedom movement to retort.

“Who’s Shariah? I don’t want to get involved. The moment I enter this field the Ulema will take over.”1

It is this trend which has caused the constitution to supersede Islamic laws and if an Islamic law/punishment is not accepted by 2/3rd majority in the parliament, such laws are not valid. This is why we see Ulema having to fight over the issue of blasphemy in the parliament of the ‘Muslim’ Pakistan and has this law accepted. That this law should have automatically been a part of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan since its inception in 1947, it was not the cause. This trend, this cause is a lack

of trust in Islam and a motion of little or no self-confidence via faith.

This zero self-confidence is the outcome of secularism (as a state of mind). But leaving that argument aside, I plan to assess the havoc played by such an indifferent attitude towards religion.

I would be limiting my arguments to the 19th and 20th century realm. The examples to follow are disheartening to say the least, and in order to save the current Arab spring from a Judeo- Christian onslaught, we need to ponder over them.

Sharif of Makkah, a Syed by descent is gullible enough to fight the Turkish caliphate in the promise of an unlimited rule in Arabia by the British government. This is the time of the Second World War.

During the Second World War Turkey sided with Germany and its allies. As the war went, Turkey started strengthening the noose against Great Britain. Ulema and lay muslims alike supported Turkey’s stand so much that Maulana Hussain Ahmad Madani gave the verdict that it is prohibited for Muslims to join the British army in its fight against Turkey. At the same time pressure was put on Afghanistan’s ruler Ameer Habibullah by Muslim clerics to wage a war from India’s tribal areas, in a bid to


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devastate the British at home. Ameer Habibullah in the words of the Indian viceroy Lord Curzon remained ‘a loyal friend who at the time of war cooperated with us.’ This done with the entry of United States into the war, Germany lost the war. At the treaty of Versailles, Turkey was torn into pieces, and with the conquest of Palestine, British Prime Minister Llyod George termed it as the victory of the crusaders.

The Turkish caliphate had been decimated, but it stood as a temporal Muslim institution. That too was swept away by yet another Muslim ’Mustafa Kamal Ataturk’. The crusader dream of avenging Saladin’s victory of Jerusalem came true, but not without the hypocrisy of Muslims such as Habibullah Khan and Mustafa Kamal. What made them do what they did isn’t a very difficult question to answer. It was zero self-confidence which built around them a façade of Judaeo-Christian supremacy at whose alter, they sacrificed Islam.

The next example is that of Kashmir. The Radcliffe award meant that Muslim majority areas go to Pakistan and vise versa. The Indian government in a last ditch effort managed to convince Maharaja Hari Singh to play his ‘Hindu’ card, and side with India. This was one wrong i.e. to go against the wishes of an entire Muslim population, and also against the Radcliffe award. For those of us who argue ‘two wrongs don’t make a right’; the Quaid e Azam ordered Liaquat Ali Khan to administer a ‘covert’ war in the tribal belt of Pakistan. Major General Akbar Khan who was given charge of the operation writes that after the death of the Quaid, the Pakistani government became reluctant to fight the war, courtesy allegations of interference in Indian held Kashmir at the UN2. We never look at what India did but are quick to point out that Pakistan must keep its boots on the ground.

For the Pakistani government post Quaid e Azam, ‘zero self-confidence’ came to the rescue

and gave in the argument ‘because of your behaviour India kills the Muslims of Kashmir with greater impunity’. As if she wasn’t doing it before?

In 1998 the US government under Bill Clinton sent missiles into Afghanistan to kill Osama Bin Laden. The missiles trespassed Pakistani airspace. In protest the Muslim masses caused a hue and cry. Protests and road blockades marred every city. In a quest to question this ‘Anti- Americanism’ on the streets, the then Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif gave a statement endorsing a Shariah Bill in the parliament. Obviously so, the attention was soon diverted and the Shariah bill issue was soon lost in the pile of pending acts of amendment. Some three years later the then Army chief Pervez Musharraf sided with US in its war against Muslims on the pretext

‘America would have bombed us to stone age.3’

No self-confidence again wins the battle and becomes the perfect recipe for inaction.

The example of Zia ul Haq is something that cannot be attributed to an ‘lesser’ understanding of faith. Zia ul Haq stands out among the many Pakistani leaders of the past. That he was an exception and a rarity, that is the hard fact. That this was the man who helped Mujahideen route the Russian Red army, who bought India to its knees by supporting Bhindranwale & his ‘Khalistani’ rebels, carried on with Pakistan’s nuclear ambitions regardless of US disapproval is no small achievement.

But the point to be honed in is that why such a powerful dictator like Zia ul Haq could not amend and change the present system. Sympathizers argue that the international scenario must be kept in perspective, etc. My point is that if Zia could

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hang Bhutto, why Zia couldn’t have carried out a ‘complete’ Islamization; not by law but by action. What did image matter to him? At the end of the day, apparently it did. In his 10 year rule he changed the world scene by having helped removed the 2nd Superpower of its time. He changed the Pakistan Army, its ISI, had support of even the masses, but that final step which he never took would go down in the annals of history as a ‘lost opportunity’ and nothing else.

The one single reason which I have identified in each of the above there examples merits closer attention. Has not this reluctance to accept our faith become a fact of life for most of us? How many times have we shuddered at the sound of orators like Maulana Masood Azhar inciting masses for Jihad? Have we forgotten the Quranic call:-

“O Prophet, urge the believers to battle ” (Surah Anfal, verse 65)

How many of us have forgotten prisoners like Aafia siddiqui, Sheikh Omar Abdul Rehman and many others? Have we not listened to the Prophetic saying

‘Free the Prisoner’ (Bukhari)

How many of us have chided Ulama such as Ameer-e-Azeemat4, Maulana Abdul Rashid Ghazi and Maulana Ahmed Ludhianvi for fomenting hatred and terror? Have we not read the Quranic Verse?

‘….Those of His servants only who are possessed of knowledge (Ulama) fear Allah. Surely Allah is Mighty, Forgiving.’(32:28)

There are many examples which can be touched upon here, but for now I would suffice with these. If the Muslim world desires to come out of the shadows of Democracy, & benefit from this Arab Spring, it must clear the hurdles in its way. The first obstacle I have identified. In

order to overcome it, I shall cite examples from the Seerah of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W), his companions and then all the way to the leaders of some not so distant past….

From the Seerah of the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.) The instance where an (Honorable) Qurayshite woman had stolen,and the Qurayshites sent one of the Sahaba came to intercede on her behalf infront of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.).The Prophet stated that the reason for the decline & going astray of the previous Ummah’s was that when their rich and honorable commit a crime they are left alone,when their poor commit the same,they are punished(i.e. their different treatment vis-a-vis the rich and the poor) ,and By Allah if Fatima Bint Muhammad had done the act, I would have cut her hands. (I have relied on an approximate translation here) Hafiz Hajr Asqalani explains the merits of this hadith and concludes

• T - This hadith discusses that when someone becomes liable for punishment, he should not be let off even though he may be your relative or an honorable member of society. And it further strictly condones the person who tries to make a way out of this situation by not applying the Islamic Law in this case.

• - It also helps us analyze the cause of the decline/going astray of the previous ummah’s which is ruling/going against sharia’h.

The Prophet’s (PBUH) example mentioned above should remove the doubts in the minds and hearts of every Muslim, that there is no place for zero self-confidence or impotence in carrying out the sharia’h law in Islam regardless of what the society and world says.

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From the Seerah of the Prophet’s Companions

A person comes in the presence of Hazrat Umar, and presents his case saying that I have had a dispute with this Jew. I had gone in the presence of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W).This person was a hypocrite. He says that I ha sought the verdict of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W).Hazrat Umar replied as to the Prophet’s decision. He replied, that the Prophet had ruled in the Jew’s favor. Hazrat Umar did not enter into an argument with this (outwardly professing) Muslim, instead he takes out his sword and sever’s the hypocrite’s head,and proclaims:

‘Anyone who doesn’t accept the Prophet’s Judgement,in Umar’s court his punishment is ONLY death’5

The above-mentioned example is enough to burst the myth that acting according to sharia’h is problematic vis-a-vis Muslim Image.

From a not-so-distant past

Mullah Omar, leader of the Taliban movement refuses to hand over Osama Bin Laden & other Mujahideen to the United States of America, and in a bid loses his regime post 9/11.And, regardless of all that remarks that Islam does not allow Muslims to be handed over to non-muslims. He stands firm in the midst of all the euphoria. He remains stead-fast and this is an echo of the Glorious Muslim past.

1 Islamization of Pakistan, Afzal Iqbal

2 Raiders in Kashmir, Major General Akbar Khan

3 In the Line of Fire, General Pervez Musharraf

4 Appellation of Maulana Haq Nawaz Jhangvi (1952-1990).Appellations are common for Authoritative Ulama in the Indian Sub-

continent .Examples include Ameer-e-

Shariat for Maulana Ataullah Shah Bukhari, Sheikh-ul-Hind for Mufti Mahmud-ul-Hassan and Muarikh-e-Islam for Maulana Zia-ul-Rahman Farooqi

5 Pandra Taarikh Saaz Taqreerain (15 Memorable Speeches),Maulana Haq Nawaz Jhangvi

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Looked on to Bashar Al Assad’s

Unrelenting massacre of

Sunnis in Syria

“All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”

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Allepo, Homs,




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Syrian Bloggers crying

to the world for help

Bashar Forces destroying

the Masjids


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“We are all Jabhat Al-Nusrah” - THE MUJAHIDEEN

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AlHamdulillah (All Praise to Allah), uptil now I

can with complete faith in my God, that there

is no such person or group on the soil of

Pakistan who can cause confusion and dis-

order in my gatherings ,and then walk away

home with convenience & ease.

This I am talking about the common man,

EVEN the police does not have the courage &

audacity to cause disturbance in my jalsa

(Public Gathering)…..This I am saying with

complete faith in my God, I myself am

nothing. That’s why if there is any sound or

protest (from the crowd) anywhere, you don’t

have to look in that direction nor take any

notice of it. It’s between me & that person. If

you promise to listen to my talk that way,

then I shall begin otherwise we shall make dua

(Religious Supplication) and call off the jalsa.

I request the intelligence agents, government

angels, CID reporters; whatever you may call

them to record the words of my claim with

sincerity & honesty. It would be their favour

on me, if they note these words.

Shia is the biggest infidel in the whole

universe (Shia Qaainaat ka badtareen kafir


This is my claim, very brief very clear and very

transparent. I want to bring testimonial

evidence to this statement of mine, to proof

its veracity and objectivity. My witnesses to

this claim and the evidence which I

would bring in support of it, would be the

judicial verdicts (Fatawa) of the authoritative

Ulama across the 1400 year old history of

Islam, Prophetic traditions, and the last

verdict which cannot be refuted by any

authority in the world. So much so that even

the Prophet cannot challenge that verdict &

that verdict would be that of God ALL-Mighty

which I would bring today. Today I would

expose this matter leaving no doubt and

uncertainty present in the mind of anyone

present. And this stand and position, I have

endured troubles and affliction of every kind

over a period of 15 years. And now, there is no

power in the world

which can take away this stance & position

away from me. You cannot imagine the level

of punishment which I have endured for

presenting this stance and stand. It is not my

habit to eulogize or self-praise, or to talk

about myself. May Allah forgive me (for such

self-praise) and protect me from it. Anyways,

after reflection and utmost discretion of my

own, we have adopted this line (i.e.

mission).And in line with this statement is

that up till now it is the wish of both me and

workers of Sipah-e-Sahaba (Army of the

Companions of the Holy Prophet) that we

make this position accepted in Pakistan’s

constitution. We do it today, (maybe) next

year, (maybe) five years later. It is probable

that in our lifetime, we may not be successful

but with complete trust and faith in God, I can

say that if we continue (in this direction) being

well-intentioned, then that day would indeed

come on Pakistan’s soil, when our stand and

position be accepted in the National

Assembly. I have without any foreword or introduction,

presented the words of my claim.

Shia is the biggest and filthiest infidel in the

whole Universe (Shia Qaainaat ka badtareen

aur ghaleez tareen kafir hai).

These words are very clear. I want to give

arguments and proofs in support of my claim.

And, in line with this talk, I would praise the

Companions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)

which is my life’s permanent and unshakeable

goal. Among my power and the information

which I could extract, there is no authoritative

alim (religious scholar) in my observation

across the 1400 year-old Islamic History who

after a perusal & study of shiism not declared

Shiites as unbelievers. This cannot happen. As

a specimen and example, I would name a few


Sage of the community (Hakeem ul Ummah)

Imam Malik Bin Anas referring to the ayat of

the Quran (Surah Al-Fath, Last Ayat) declares

openly that in the light of this ayat, Shiites are

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are Non-Muslims & Un-believers. Malik Bin

Anas is not today’s personality….Centuries

have passed (since his death).Keeping this

ayat in front of him, he has given the verdict

against Shiism, which even today is present in

the Quranic tafaseer. Pick up any tafseer you

would find Imam Malik’s verdict (fatwa). The

most simple and easy to understand exegesis

(tafsir) is that of Sheikh-ul-Islam Allama

Shabbir Ahmed Usmani. In this ayat you

would notice Imam Malik’s fatwa.

For your satisfaction, I will bring few more

judicial verdicts. This is my challenge that

there has been no person, no alim in these

1400 years who after a perusal of Shiism has

hesitated in declaring twelver Shiites as Un-

believers and infidels. He had to say it.

The most reliable book of the Hanafi Fiqh

(School of Islamic Law) Fatawa Alamgiri which

was arranged under the supervision of Mughal

emperor Aurangzeb Alamgir, and which was

compiled by 500 ulama. In it this truth has

been stated in open words,

Mun Ankara suhbata abi bakr fahua kafir

(Any person who doesn’t believe in Abu Bakr

being a companion of the Holy Prophet is an

infidel and unbeliever)

This is also not today’s verdict. Centuries have

passed (since its compilation).I was not born

yet, nor my father nor even my grand-father,

when on that particular day 500 ulama were

writing with their pen’s Siddiq-e-Akbar’s

(appellation for Hazrat Abu Bakr) enemies as


Mujadid Alif Thani (Revivalist of the second

millennium) Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi, whose

bravery and valour is history’s authentic fact.

Who alone dealt with his period’s despotic

ruler, by facing (opposition), who endured

detention at Gwalior Fort, who earned the

appellation mujadid i.e. Revivalist by the

community of the faithful. This same mujadid

writes with his sanctified pen that Shiites are

non-Muslims and infidels, and that the ulama

of the Indian Sub-Continent have declared

Shiites as kafirs.

Shiites had written against this verdict of the

Ulama of the Indian Sub-Continent, that we

are Muslims and your verdict is wrong and

invalid. Mujadid Alif Thani gave valid

arguments in the light of Quran & Sunnah to

refute the retaliatory verdict and claim of the

Shiites, and confirmed and supported the

verdict of the Ulama in his famous pamphlet

‘Refutation of the Rafhidis’ (Radd-e-

Rawafiz).In it he writes that Shiites are the

biggest infidel in the whole universe. It’s been

over four centuries since the time of Mujadid

Alif Thani, and we are now into the 5th

century. This is also not today’s issue and

discourse, it is quite old. And even today, you

would find Mujadid Alif Thani’s verdict in this

world. You can take it and study it.

After Mujadid Alif Thani comes the Muslim

Community’s Grand Leader, the great scholar

of the Indian Sub-Continent, Leader of Holy

Men, Shah Waliullah Muhadith Dehlvi. May

Allah bestow His unlimited grace and mercy

on the grave of the great leader. In his

authentic & reliable book ‘Aids to

Understanding God’ (Tafheemat-e-Illaya) he

narrates one such dream of his. That in the

state of dreaming, he had the privilege of

seeing the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Shah

Waliullah writes, that in my dream I

questioned (the Prophet PBUH) O Master

what do I make and think of Shiites. He

further writes, that my master advised me to

study the Shiite belief of Imamate; the truth

will become clear to you. Shah Waliullah

writes, that the next morning I read and

studied afresh the Shiite concept of Imamate

and after reading it gave the decision that

Shiites do confess with tongue that the Holy

Prophet (PBUH) is the last Prophet, but in

reality Shiites do not acknowledge the khatm-

e-Nubuwwat of the Holy Prophet

(PBUH).They believe in 12 Prophets’ after the

Holy Prophet (PBUH).You very well know that

the denier of the finality of Prophet-hood is a

Non-Muslim. This fact is apparent and

manifest to every Muslim.

Shah Waliullah has written this brief verdict, I

would like to clarify. In order to make you

understand as the Shiite belief of Imamate, I

would say something.

Shiite issue of Imamate is that the Imam is

infallible (mas’um). His obedience is

obligatory. He receives esoteric revelation

(wahi) from God. Every year on the night of

ascension (laylat-ul-Qadr), that year’s

complete commands come down on him.

That year he obeys and carries out the

commands. The next year on the night of

ascension (laytal-ul-Qadr) new commands

come down. The Imam has the power and

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authority to make prohibited (haram) that

which is permissible (halal), and that which is

prohibited (haram) as permissible

(halal).When the Imam sleeps, his ablution

doesn’t break. Imam can see from the front

and from the back. Miracles manifest from the

Imam’s hands continuously. The Imam’s birth

is unlike that of ordinary mortals, instead he is

born from the mother’s thighs (and not her

womb).Imam’s status and position is superior

and elevated than all the (Holy) Prophets of

Allah. This is the Shiite belief of

Imamate….Revelation comes down on the

infallible Imam, he is born from the mother’s

thigh, fragrance and scented odour comes

from the Imam’s body. Some Twelwer Shiites

have written that the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH)

status and position is comparatively higher

than that of the Imam’s. But Iran’s Khomeini,

leader and guide of the 15th Century Shiites

writes in his Al-Hakumat Al-Islamiya (Islamic

Government) that the status and position of

the 12 Imams is superior to that of every angel

and Prophet.

This is the Shiite belief of Imamate on the

basis of which Shah Waliullah had written that

Shiites do not acknowledge the Finality of

ProphetHood, instead are its worst deniers.

And when they are deniers of the belief of

Khatme-e-Nubuwwat then they are Non-

Muslims. And, this Shah Waliullah has not just

written and come at this conclusion by

himself, but instead on the order of the Holy

Prophet (PBUH) vis-à-vis a dream and after a

fresh perusal of the matter, wrote with

complete valour and determination that

surely by tongue Shiite confess to the Finality

of ProphetHood but in reality they do not

acknowledge this.

‘Aids to Understanding God’ (Tafheemat-e-

Illaya) is available even today. It’s available in

the Persian Language. Any person amongst

you who wishes so, can study the book

himself. He can search for Shah Waliullah’s

words, and look at it with his own eyes. I am

not talking about today’s issue. I haven’t

touched upon a new matter. I haven’t created

an innovation. Nor have we opened the way

for dissention or animosity among the

Ummah. We are saying the same thing which

for decades the authoritative Ulama of the

Ummah have been repeating in the light of

Quran and Sunnah.

Before Shah Waliullah I should have

mentioned one more personality. Infact even

before Mujadid Alif Thani (I should have talked

about) Allama Ibn Taimiyya, who was a

mountain of knowledge, who was an ocean of

knowledge. And whose bravery and courage

was such that his funeral took place in a state

of detention (i.e. from prison).Who did not

find it in his honor to submit before the tyrant

of his time. His love for the people was such,

that when pen & paper was snatched away

from him, he used coal for writing on the

leaves of the trees to guide the Ummah. And

used to give guidance to the Ummah while

sitting in jail. This Ibn Taimiyya in his Book as-

Sarim al-Maslul ‘ala Shatim ar-Rasul (The

Drawn Sword against those who insult the

Messenger) writes that Shia is the biggest

infidel in the whole universe. You can today

read Ibn Taimiyya’s book with your own eyes

and see for it himself the Imam’s verdict.

My venerable audience, I had reached (the

history) up to Shah Waliullah. Moving on,

Shah Waliullah’s capable son Abdul Aziz has

by written Tohfa-e-Ithna Ashari (Gift to the

twelvers) fixed a thorn in Shiism’s side which

can never be extracted by it’s progeny till the

Day of Judgement. Shah Abdul Aziz in his

Fatawa Azizi writes

‘Hanafi Fiqh declares that Shiites are non-

Muslims and with it a Sunni Female’s nikah

cannot take place’

This is the family which helped the political

cause (i.e. the Struggle for Independence) in

the Indian Sub-Continent. This is the family

which took on fights with the powerful British

Raj in the Sub-Continent. This is the family,

who had the courage to look into the eyes of

the rulers. And see with what courage they

are condemning Shiites as unbelievers.

Respectable Audience! After Shah Abdul Aziz

let’s move further-on. Leader of the Scholars

of Ahl Sunnah, the most pious among the

pious, Shaykh-ul-Islam, the Great hero of the

Indian War of Independence Allama Rasheed

Ahmed Gangohi in his Fatawa Rasheedia

writes in reply to a question. The questioner

asks that a Sunni woman by belief enters into

nikah with a Shiite on the basis of

misunderstanding & delusion regarding his

belief. Is it necessary for her to obtain a

divorce now, or without it, she can be

separated from him (on the pretext) that the

Page 21: AlRashideen First Issue

marriage never took place. That Sunni women

should obtain a divorce or not? The second

question…..A father is Sunni and his children

become Shiite. Can they become heirs to their

father’s property etc?

The Saint of his time, the great Mujahid of the

war of Independence, extremely pious scholar

writes that the women can separate from the

man without the divorce, because Shiite is an

infidel, and that the Sunni female’s nikah

never took place. Similarly, the sons of the

Sunni Father who have become Shiite, cannot

be the heirs of his inheritance or property. The

father was a Muslim, and the children being

Shiites have become infidels or unbelievers.

Honorable Listeners!.....

After Maulana Rasheed Ahmed Gangohi, let’s

move forward. Leader and guide of the

Scholars & followers of the Barelvi school of

thought, I would take his name with honor &

respect……Maulana Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi

in his Fatawa Rizvia and in a brief booklet of

his Radd-ur-Rafza has written that Shiites are

the worst among non-believers. And his

words are that Shiites whether he be big or

small, male or female, urban dweller or

villager is without any doubt outside the pale

of Islam. And, he is not just content on this

alone, instead he further declares

‘Who-ever doubts the kufr of the Shiites, he

himself is an infidel’

This is Maulana Ahmed Raza’s verdict which is

present in his fatawa Rizvia. Further-more he

instilled so much hatred for Shiites to the

extent, that a person asks if a Shiite enters (or

falls) into a well, should we dis-charge the

complete well or should we extract some

bucket-full of water, so that the well becomes

pure? I would with utmost respect request the

Barelvi Scholars that why are you not ready to

obey on the verdict of your leader & guide. If

the Barelvi scholars do not agree with my

statement, then at least youngsters (and

ordinary people) of the Barelvi school should

support us in our stand and position. Ahmed

Raza writes (in reply to the above-mentioned

question) writes, ‘Discharge the whole well

and then the well would become pure’. And

the reason (for this statement of his) he writes

that a shia would always try to make Sunni’s

eat haram. If he cannot do anything, the least

he would do is to urinate in the well of Ahlu

Sunnah. That is why, it is incumbent and

necessary to discharge all the water in the

well. And this statement is not said by

Maulana Ahmed Raza alone, but Shaykh-ul-

Arab wal Ajam (Leader of the Arabs and Non-

Arabs) Maulana Hussain Ahmed Madani has

also narrated a similar stance. Someone had

asked a similar question that whether food

cooked by Shiites can be eaten or not. Upon

this, Shaykh-ul-Arab wal Ajam says not to eat

(and the reason he provides is) if a Shia cannot

do anything, he would spit in the food, and

then serve food to the Ahlu Sunnah. A

confirmation of such an incident which is even

more grotesque was narrated by Maulana

Muhammad Abdullah of Bhakkar, Punjab. A

friend of his is a member of the Tablighi

Jamat. He had business relations with a Shia.

They were partners, and had cordial relations

with each other. He narrated one such

personal incident to Maulana Abdullah.

He says that this Shiite with whom I had

business relations, I went (to his home).He

had arranged food for me. When the food was

served, I moved my hands towards it. It was a

village environment; there was no custom of a

veil or Purdah. His wife, who is a Sunni, stands

up and motions with her hand that I must not

eat the food. I hesitated…..I have trade

relations with him; the tyrant must have

poisoned the food. Here I die, and here he is

free (to do whatever with my share in the

business).Nevertheless he urged me to eat,

while his wife motioned me (behind his back)

not to eat. He saw what his wife was doing.

He asked her why is she stopping me from

eating? In reply, she said that she was right in

preventing me from eating. The argument is

prolonged further myself asked the Shia as to

what is the reason, what is the matter? Rather

than answering me, he gets up and starts

beating his wife, started torturing her. When

he had abused her further, his wife cried out

he had sexual intercourse with me, and

mixed the impurity (i.e. semen discharge) in

the food. My religious sense of honor does

not permit me, that I give such impurity in

food to a Muslim Brother !!!

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Shia equality or Shia sShia equality or Shia sShia equality or Shia sShia equality or Shia supremacy?upremacy?upremacy?upremacy? Raza Hossein Borr

Every human being as a citizen of a country has an

equal right of participation in political process. The

person may be a Shia, a Sunni, a Christian, a Jew or

the follower of any other religion. As the Declaration

of Human Rights has stated all human beings are

equal and must be treated equally and must have

equal opportunities in their countries. If we accept

this article of the Declaration of Human Rights we

must also accept that the Shias must have equal rights

with the Sunnis wherever they live and the Sunnis

must have equal rights with the Shias wherever they

live. If we consider equality of rights as the most

important value that governs the relationships

between different people we campaign for something

which is just, acceptable and supportable.

If we campaign for the supremacy of one religion, we

act in contrast of the value of equal rights and

therefore, our campaign is not just, is not

acceptable and must not be supported. It is true that

many Shias in the Islamic World have no equal rights

in many areas of life but it is also true that the Sunnis

of Iran have fewer rights than any Shia in any Islamic

country. Iran has taken the role of championing the

rights of the Shia people. It is fighting relentlessly in

all countries to secure their rights but Iran which is

dominated by the Shias, have deliberately denied the

most basic rights of the Sunnis in the last 28 years.

Discrimination against the Sunnis covers every part of

life from education, to politics, business, religion, etc.

These are some examples:

1. Educational discrimination against the Sunnis of


There are 44,000 students in Iranian Baluchistan

universities. Even 4, 000 of them are not Sunni

Baluch. The Iranian government deliberately does not

allow the Sunni Baluch of Iran to enter universities

freely. This is while, according to one United Nations

research, the Baluch children are the most talented

children in Iran. This policy is pursued in all other

Sunni dominated areas. Only in one county of

Baluchistan, there are 500 schools which are built with

cardboards and tents.

2. Political discrimination against the Sunnis of Iran

Since the beginning of the revolution, the Shia regime

of Iran has not allowed even one Sunni

to become prime minister, president, minister, an

army general, and an ambassador. There is not even

one single Sunni in the Iranian Foreign Ministry. There

is not even one Sunni chief executive in the whole

country. All the officials in the Sunnis provinces and

cities are the Shias who have been appointed by the

Shia government.

3. Religious discrimination against the Sunnis of


The Iranian media and leaders cite every day dozens

of insulting remarks about the principles of Sunni

religion. They have published hundreds of books

which discredit the most important values of Islam.

So much so that the Iranian government has recently

built a huge temple to promote Abu Lu Lu, the killer of

Omar (the second Caliph), as a great Islamic figure.

The regime celebrates every year the murder of Omar

by staging some ceremonies in which his effigy is

burnt in public.

There are about one million Sunnis in Tehran, the

capital of Iran, but the Iranian authorities do not allow

them to build even one mosque. They are not allowed

to perform their prayers in other Shia mosques. When

they try to perform Friday prayers in parks, the

security forces attack them.

4. Economic discrimination against the Sunnis of


99% of the Iranian businesses are under the control of

the Shia population of Iran while 30% of Iranian

population is Sunni. The government creates every

barrier for the Sunnis to stop them from starting or

developing their businesses. The major import and

export licences are allocated to the Shia businessmen.

Even in the main cities of Sunnis, all the facilities of

business are given to the Shias to deliberately

impoverish the Sunni population of Iran. 70% to 80%

of Sunnis are unemployed.

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Shia inclusions in political and economic

sources in Sunni dominated countries

While Iran is applying all kinds of discriminations

against the Sunnis, the Sunni governments are quite

generous towards their Shia populations. It is a

paradox that a regime that is fighting for the rights of

the Shias in different countries discriminates more

than any other country against the Sunnis in Iran. The

Sunni governments are usually inclined to include the

Shias in the mainstream political and economic

process. These are some examples:

1. Pakistan

Everybody knows the Bhutto family in Pakistan. They

are a Shia family but they have governed Pakistan

three times. There have been other Shia presidents

and prime ministers in Pakistan. The Shias in Pakistan

enjoy complete equality in a Sunni dominated

country. There have been many Shia ministers in all

Governments of Pakistan from the beginning of

Pakistan up to now. There are Shia army generals,

there are Shia ambassadors and diplomats and there

are big Shia businessmen. They have their own

mosques. There are Shias in different levels of the civil

service as well.

2. Afghanistan

There are several Shia ministers in the Afghan

government. There have been always Shia ministers

in various Afghan regimes. There are Shia governors

in Afghanistan. There are Shia army generals in

Afghanistan. There are very rich Shia businessmen in

Afghanistan too.

3. Kuwait

There are two Shia ministers in Kuwait. There are

many Shia generals in Kuwait army. There are dozens

of Shia ministers, army generals, ambassadors,

businessmen and high officials in Qatar and other

Arab countries.

While we see that there are so many Shia high officials

in Islamic and Arab world, but there is not a single high

official from the Sunnis in Iran. Why is there so much

discrimination against the Sunnis in a regime that

claims to embody Islamic justice, Islamic equality and

brotherhood? And why there is so much silence about

the exclusions of Sunnis from all sources of power in

Iran? If the Shia government of Iran is fighting for the

rights of Shias everywhere, why the Sunni

governments of the world are not fighting for the

rights of Sunnis in Iran?

Practically the Shias have secured their supremacy in

Iran at the cost of 30% of its Sunni population. Now

they are seeking supremacy in other countries. For

them the idea of equal rights is not a value of

considerable importance when it comes to getting

their own supremacy but when they do not have equal

rights in other countries, they make a great issue of it.

What is disturbing everybody is not the quest of the

Shias for their equal rights but their desire for

supremacy. That has generated considerable

resistance everywhere. Iran as the main Shia country

must accept the value of equal rights for all its citizens

inside Iran and then make its case for the equality of

rights of the Shias in other countries. Nobody believes

in the Iranian campaign for equal rights of the Shias in

the Islamic countries if the Iranian regime does not

believe in the equal rights of the Sunnis in Iran. The

Iranian regime must first make itself a believable

example and must establish a model system which is a

model of equality.

Iran has challenged other Islamic countries that they

were not following the Islamic principles of

brotherhood, equality and justice. If the government

believes in these principles it must implement them

fully and completely in Iran first. Once Iran becomes

the embodiment of equality and justice, many other

people and governments would follow it voluntarily.

The Iranian regime can bring more credibility to its

own system and to its own religion if it carries out

what it preaches.

Nobody is ready to accept the supremacy of the Shias.

It is a delusion that may initially grab some points but

finally as the quest for supremacy is conducted

recklessly, as it is done by the present regime of Iran,

it will backfire and would result in the suppression of

Shias in different countries.

30% of Iranian population is Sunni. Eight of its

provinces are dominated by the Sunnis. Yet there has

not been a single minister, army general, ambassador

or a top official in the last 28 years in the Islamic

Republic of Iran. The situation is clear. There is no

idea of equal rights in the minds of the Shia

population of Iran and specifically its rulers. The other

amazing thing is the complete silence of the ordinary

Shia people over the suppression of Sunnis. Even

more amazing is the complete silence of the Iranian

politicians, intellectuals, journalists and political

activists over the total exclusion of Sunnis from all

sources of power. The systematic discrimination that

has been carried out against the Sunnis of Iran has not

been criticised by any Iranian Shia politician. It seems

that there is a total consensus among all Shia groups

of Iran about the exclusion of Sunnis from all sources

ess. These are some examples:

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and centres of political and economic powers while all

of them collectively protest strongly against the

discrimination carried out against the Shias in Sunni

dominated countries.

The Shia groups of different political tendencies have

differences but these differences are all about who has

the power and who must have it. All governments of

Iran have taken over the power with great promises of

equality of rights and equality of opportunity but as

soon as they got established, they adapted the same

old policies of oppression and suppression of different

classes and groups and specifically the Sunnis.

Discrimination by Iranian media and journalists

against the Sunnis

The Iranian media of the Shia opposition groups

follow the same policy of discrimination against

Sunnis. They publish everyday hundreds of articles

and news on every aspect of life in Iran but they refuse

to publish the news of hanging of the Sunnis of

Baluchistan by Iranian regime. If a Shia journalist gets

arrested, they follow every movement of his family

and report every thing about him to maintain his

presence in the media. If ten Sunnis get killed in

Baluchistan, the opposition media of Iran refuse to

publish the news even if it has been published by the

Iranian regime. The Iranian media publishes hundreds

of articles about the Shia political prisoners in other

countries and refuse to publish any article on the

political prisoners of Sunni community of Iran.

Even those security forces of Iran who have defected

to the West reveal the secrets of serial killings of the

Shia intellectuals and journalists but they refuse to

disclose the serial killings of the Sunni leaders and

intellectuals. All the Shia politicians and journalists of

Iran seem to agree with the present government in its

policies of genocide and complete exclusion of the


The same media that applied discrimination against

the Sunnis , publishes extensively about any news

regarding persecution of the Shias in the Sunni

countries. They report widely the news of Hezbollah

and the Shia demonstrations in Bahrain. They portray

Hezbollah as the hero of the Arab world and the Shias

of Bahrain as the oppressed people who have been

persecuted by Bahrain authorities but they refuse to

publish the news of executions and persecutions of

the Sunnis in Iran.

These are not only the Shias of Iran who have

dominated Muslims; the Shias of Iraq are persuing

the same path. If the Shias in Iraq are not seeking

supremacy why did they dissolve the Iraqi army, civil

service and the Iraqi secret services? If those

establishments were allowed to function, today the

situation would have been much better. Cleansing

the Sunnis from the sensitive cities and areas in Iraq

is seeking Shia supremacy. The same could be true

about Lebanon. If Hezbollah is not looking for

supremacy why is it seeking the toppling of an

elected government which has been elected

democratically and freely according to the Lebanese


It is right for the Hezbollah to have its appropriate

share in the Lebanese government but it is also the

right for the Sunnis in Iran to fight for their fair share

of power. The Sunnis of Iraq have the same rights

that the Shias have in Iran and Lebanon.

As evidence demonstrates it seems that wherever

the Shias are in power the Sunnis are completely

excluded. Is there a deep-rooted discriminatory

belief in the Shia mind?

Reza Hossein Borr is a leadership consultant and the

creator of 150 CDs.

He is also the author of Manual Success, Manual of

Coaching and Mentoring, Motivational Stories that

Can Change Your Life, and a New Vision for the

Islamic World. He can be contacted by email:

[email protected]

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One of the doubts expressed about Jihaad is that it is synonymous with killing, attacking and causing

mayhem and disorder. In fact, many non-Muslims shrink away from accepting Islaam only because

of the injunction of Jihaad. Orientalists have used this to propagate the misnomer that Islam is a

barbaric and oppressive religion that advocates expansion by force. Fearing such vehement criticism

from the Orientalists, many Muslim authors and historians have approached the issue of Jihaad very

apologetically. Instead of portraying the Islaamic conquests and military expeditions with pride and

revealing the sacrifices and valour they contain, they have opted to rather adopt an attitude of

embarrassment and remorse. They have repeatedly made attempts to explain that these situations

occurred for reasons of exigency because Islaam would otherwise have nothing to do with the


In their works our pious predecessors have described these battles and military expeditions in

wonderful detail. They have presented the sacrifices and valour of the Sahabah with pride and as

precedents to be proudly emulated. In fact, they even penned works dedicated to this subject and

etched these narrations in history. Using logical proofs and proofs from the Shari’ah, we shall

address this important subject in brief.

May Allaah grant every Muslim the ability to enliven the compulsory duty of Jihaad, thereby allowing

the blessings and mercy of this act to spread throughout the world.

Our Claim

The followers of Islaam are unanimous about the fact that Jihaad is a great mercy from Allaah and it

is through this great mercy that this world and the entire universe remains in existence. Were it not

for Jihaad, this world and the entire universe would be corrupted and destroyed. Without it no

Masjid would have any sanctity and no religious institution would be saved from ruin. In fact,

oppression and transgression would become so rampant that people of every religious

denomination would find it impossible to practise their religion in peace. It is on the basis of the

crystal clear verses of the Glorious Qur'aan that the adherents of Islaam can make this claim with

complete conviction.

The First Proof Allah Declares:

If it were not for the fact that Allaah opposes some people with others, monasteries, churches and

synagogues would be destroyed, as well as Masaajid in which Allaah’s name is taken in abundance (However,

because Allaah makes the people of truth repel attacks from the evil ones of their respective times, these

places of worship remain safe). Allaah will certainly assist those who assist Him (those who assist His Deen).

Verily Allaah is Omnipotent, Mighty. {Surah Hajj, verse 40}

This verse makes it clear that it is by the clashing of people of the truth and people of falsehood that

Jihad A Cause of Mercy or Anarchy – By Maulana Masood Azhar

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the safety of places of worship is ensured. If Jihaad was stopped, there would be none on earth to

worship Allaah.

In fact, it was exactly this that Rasulullaah preferred to before the decisive Battle of Badr when he

prayed, “O Allaah! If this small group (of Muslims) is destroyed, there will be none on earth to take

Your Name.”

Had people been prohibited from fighting battles in all circumstances, this would have opposed the

divine system of Allaah because every nation has to wage war at some stage of their existence to

ensure their survival. Had this not been the case and had it not been for Allaah pitching the forces of

good against the forces of evil, there would remain not a trace of good on the face of this earth. The

forces of evil who are in the majority during every era would then have ravaged every sanctified

place on earth, leaving no place of worship standing.

The Second Proof Allaah states:

If Allaah had not repelled (driven back) some (corrupt) men by others (had good men not prevailed over the corrupt and

evil ones), the (entire) earth would have been corrupted (Allaah therefore sets matters straight in this way from time to

time). However, Allaah is the One Who showers grace on the universe. {Surah Baqarah, verse 251}

A study of the circumstances surrounding this verse reveals that some time after Hadhrat Moosa

(A.S), the behaviour of the Bani Israa’eel changed. This occurred while Hadhrat Dawood (A.S) was

still a child. As a result, a tyrant called Jaaloot (Goliath) managed to subdue them. He killed many of

them, took away their belongings, expelled them from their homes, imprisoned them and subjected

them to various types of difficulties. The oppressed Bani Israa’eel then requested the Nabi of the

time Hadhrat Ishmu’eel (A.S) to appoint a king for them, under whose leadership they would revolt

and free themselves from the clutches of Jaaloot.

When the Nabi (A.S) expressed the fear that they would perhaps not accept the command to fight,

they assured him that they would certainly do so by saying, “Why should we not fight when we have

been separated from our homes and our children?” However, when Allaah made it compulsory for

them to fight, all but a few of them rejected the command. Nevertheless, the Nabi (A.S) informed

them that Allaah had appointed Hadhrat Taaloot as their king, under whose leadership they were to

wage Jihaad to liberate themselves. However, because Hadhrat Taaloot was a poor man who did not

belong to a noble family, the Bani Israa’eel objected to his appointment, making it clear that they

wanted their king to be someone with wealth and of high birth. The Nabi (A.S) pointed out that

Allaah had approved of Hadhrat Taaloot and that he excelled the rest of them in knowledge and

physical strength. He also told them that Allaah reserved the right to appoint whoever He wills as


After passing through some tests, the people who were eventually left with Hadhrat Taaloot to face

Jaaloot numbered only 313. The others fell behind when they failed to pass through the tests.

However, Allaah does not require armies to be strong in number to be victorious. To separate the

grain from the chaff, Allaah issues the command of Jihaad and it is always the true and sincere

Mu'mineen who rally to the call. Thereafter, regardless of their numbers and armaments, Allaah

grants them victory when they reach the battlefield.

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When the small army of Hadhrat Taaloot faced the large and powerful army of Jaaloot, Jaaloot came

forward to boast. When Hadhrat Taaloot sent a young boy forward to fight Jaaloot, Jaaloot laughed

and said that he was strong enough to take on the entire army of Hadhrat Taaloot. However, the

young boy was no ordinary boy. He was destined to be a prophet and his name was

Dawood. Using a simple slingshot, Hadhrat Dawood (A.S) managed to kill Jaaloot and the Bani

Israa’eel were freed from his tyranny. Peace and safety once more prevailed on earth.

It is after narrating this incident that Allaah states that had it not been for the forces of good

opposing the forces of evil, life on earth would be corrupted. However, because Allaah is the One

Who showers grace on the universe, He frees the universe from the forces of evil by allowing the

forces of good to defeat them. This allows people to freely choose the path of good. When this

happens, it is not necessary for the forces of good to be as powerful or more powerful than the

forces of evil. All that is required is for the forces for good to have the courage to reach the

battlefield and to place their trust in Allaah. Allaah will then grant them victory

even though they may be in a physically inferior position. This is exactly what happened when the

small army of Hadhrat Taaloot defeated the larger and more powerful army of Jaaloot. In fact,

Allaah had the gigantic Jaaloot killed by a little boy.

In a similar manner, Allaah gave victory to Rasulullaah (S.A.W) and the Sahabah (R.A) in the Battle

of Badr when their army of only 313 were poorly equipped and outnumbered by the 1000 strong

Quraysh army who were armed to the teeth. In addition to this, Abu Jahal who was the proud and

ruthless leader of the Quraysh was toppled by two boys named Mu’aadh and Mu’awwidh. It was

then Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas’ood, a man from a family of no high social standing, severed Abu

Jahal’s head.

Through the Battle of Badr, the entire region of Hijaaz was freed from the shackles of injustice,

ignorance, kufr and Shirk when the Muslims defeated the Mushrikeen. When the seventy

Mushrikeen were killed in the battle, the roads to the justice and freedom of Islaam were

opened not only to the people of Hijaaz but to all of humanity.

A Stark Reality:

Hadhrat Sheikhul Islaam (Maulana Shabbir Ahmed Usmani) makes the following comment on the

above incident: “When the army of Jaaloot fled, the Mu'mineen were victorious. Hadhrat Taaloot

then married his daughter to Hadhrat Dawood (A.S) and after he passed away, Hadhrat Dawood

(A.S) became the king. This incident makes it clear that Jihaad has always been practised and that it

contains the mercy and favour of Allaah. It is only foolish people who will state that Jihaad is not for

the Ambiyaa.”

An Interesting Point of Logic: When land becomes uncultivable, three steps have to be taken. The

first is that the hoe has to be used. In this way, all weeds and other obstacles need to be removed.

The second step is to nourish the land with fertilizer. It is only after this that the seeds are planted

and watered. After these steps one can expect the land to flourish with crops.

In a similar manner, when kufr, Shirk, corruption and other forms of oppression become rife on

earth, the first step to remove it is to wield the hoe of Jihaad. Thereafter, the blood of the Kuffaar

becomes the fertilizer. Experience shows that the more poisonous a fertilizer is, the better it is for

the ground. Therefore, the earth also becomes a better place when it is fertilised with the blood of

people who are the worst elements and the most dangerous. After this, the third step is that the

seeds of Muslim blood need to planted. With the blessed blood of Muslim martyrs, the Islaam

will then flourish and the excellent tree of Imaan takes firm root and continues to prosper.

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The Third Proof

One of the greatest causes of lawlessness on earth is widespread corruption that in terms of the

Qur’aan is worse than killing. Allaah says:

Corruption (preventing people from Deen is worse than killing. {Surah Baqara, verse 217}

The Qur’aan condemns this corruption in various verses and states that spreading corruption is a

hallmark of the Kuffaar. In verse 7 of Surah Aal Imraan, the Qur’aan identifies that one of the

distinctive characteristics of the Kuffaar that they search for avenues to cause mischief. It is

behaviour like this that causes disunity and disputes amongst mankind because of which people

are killed, property is destroyed and people are plunged into deviation. Jihaad is a cure for all of this,

because of which Allaah says:

Continue fighting them until no corruption (especially no Shirk and turning others away from Islaam) exists and until

religion (worship) is only for Allaah (until people worship Allaah only). {Surah

Baqara, verse 193}

It is therefore clear that the objective of Jihaad is to obliterate lawlessness and oppression and to

check the Kuffaar from preventing people from entering Islaam. It ensures that Allaah’s law prevails

on earth, which is the natural state of affairs that the world needs as urgently as arid land needs

water. Of course, the verse following the above verse makes it clear that once the Kuffaar

desist from kufr and Shirk, no aggression can be perpetrated against them because the only

objective of Jihaad is to get rid of evil and corruption.

In the commentary of this verse, it is necessary to quote the following historical statement of

Hadhrat Sheikhul Hind (Maulana Mahmud-ul-Hassan). He says, “It should be remembered that

Jihaad should certainly be waged against those Kuffaar who refuse to desist.”

Such are the high objectives of Jihaad. Allaah reiterates this message in Surah Anfaal, where Allaah


Fight them until no corruption (kufr) exists and all religion (worship) is for Allaah. {Surah Anfaal, verse 39}

This verse refers to the final objective of Jihaad, which is to exterminate every shred of resistance

that kufr offers so that Islaam dominates over all other religions and all abide to the law of Allaah.

This may take place together with the existence of other religions as occurred during the periods of

the Khulafaa Raashideen and other Muslim leaders. Alternatively, it can also occur after all other

religions have been eliminated, as will occur during the period when Hadhrat Isa (A.S) will return to

this world. This verse tells us that both offensive and defensive forms of Jihaad should always

continue until the above mentioned objective is attained in both forms.

Allaah has revealed the Qur’aan as a cure and a mercy. Since the Qur’aan has prescribed Jihaad as

the cure for corruption and lawlessness, it follows that Jihaad contains curative properties and is also

a source of mercy. While verses mentioned earlier state that Jihaad is a source of mercy, the Qur’aan

also makes it clear that Jihaad is a cure for the hearts. In the following verse, Allaah mentions six

benefits of Jihaad. Allaah says:

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Fight them! (1) Allaah will punish them at your hands (when they are killed), (2) will humiliate them (when they are

imprisoned and defeated), (3) will assist you against them, (4) will heal the (pain and sorrow in the) hearts of the

Mu'mineen (who suffered at the hands of the Kuffaar) and (5) remove the fury of their hearts (which was built when the

Kuffaar broke the treaty). (6) Allaah accepts the repentance (from kufr) of whoever He wills (thereby allowing the

Kuffaar to become Muslims). Allaah is All Knowing (He knows the deeds and ideas of all), the Wise (His decisions are

based on wisdom and knowledge). {Surah Taubah, verses 14,15}

A Pertinent Point

The Qur’aan has emphatically condemned killing and aggression and pronounced the punishment as

eternity in Jahannam. Allaah says:

Whoever purposely murders a Mu'min (regarding his act as a permissible act), his punishment shall be Jahannam where

he shall live forever. Allaah shall be angry with him, curse him and prepare for him a dreadful punishment. {Surah Nisaa,

verse 93}

While the above verse condemns killing a Mu'min, the following verse condemns killing any person

and likens it to killing all of mankind. Allaah says:

Whoever kills another for a reason other than (executing a murderer of) a soul or (other than executing someone who

causes) corruption on the earth, then it is as if he had killed all of mankind. {Surah Maa’idah, verse 32}

When someone kills another, others also learn how to commit the act and are encouraged to do the


Although the Qur’aan has explicitly forbidden killing, there are certain crimes which lead to social

dysfunction. Like a cancerous limb, they have to be surgically removed so that their ill effects do not

spread elsewhere. The Qur’aan has therefore prescribed the cure for such evils as execution. As long

as the execution is employed as a curative measure, it no longer remains an abominable act. In fact,

it now assumes the form of a mercy to mankind because it protects society from much more serious


The Qur’aan first cites the evil and disastrous consequences of these evils before prescribing the cure

which will put an effective end to it. In fact, the cure is so effective that the evil no longer remains an

obstacle to public peace and security. We shall now cite a few examples of ways that the Qur’aan has

prescribed to eradicate evils. By employing these ways, Rasulullaah (S.A.W) and the Sahabah (R.A)

achieved much success. In a broad context, the Qur’aan has instructed that Muslims fight the

Mushrikeen. Allaah says:

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Fight all the Mushrikeen (in every condition) just as they fight all of you (regardless of your condition and

whereabouts), and know that indeed Allaah is with those who possess Taqwa (and

will assist them against their enemies). {Surah Taubah, verse 36}

The Qur’aan has also commanded that the leaders of the Kuffaar should be fought because they

are the very root and source of all evil who spread evil all over when their followers blindly follow

them. When they are effectively terminated, kufr and evil will also not last.

The relevant verse of the Qur’aan states:

If they break their promises after entering into a treaty and condemn your Deen, then fight the leaders of kufr.

Indeed they are such that they have no (regard for the) promises (they make) so that they (would) refrain (from

betraying others). {Surah Taubah, verse 12}

The Qur’aan has also explicitly commanded Muslims to fight the Ahlul Kitaab. Allaah says:

Fight those from the ones who have been given the Book (the Jews and Christians) who do not believe in Allaah and

the Last Day, who do not accept as unlawful those things that Allaah and His Rasool r have declared unlawful (such as

liquor, pork, interest, etc), and who do not accept the true Deen (of Islaam). Fight them until they pay the Jizya with

their own hands in humiliation (bowing under Muslim rule). {Surah Taubah, verse 29}

The Qur’aan has also commanded Muslims to wage Jihaad against those people who vilify and

cause harm to Rasulullaah (S.A.W). Referring to them, Allaah says:

They are accursed (cast far from Allaah’s mercy). (Therefore,) Wherever they go (to seek asylum), they will be seized

and massacred (unless they desist from their evil practices). {Surah Ahzaab,

verse 61}

The above is just a glance at a few commands to fight the Mushrikeen, the Ahlul Kitaab and all

those who vilify Rasulullaah (S.A.W). This makes it clear the most effective means of eradicating

these many evils is Jihaad. Looking further, one would read that the Qur’aan also commands that

Jihaad be waged against those Muslims who fight another group of Muslims for no good reason.

The Qur’aan states that when two parties of Muslims have a dispute, efforts should be made to

reconcile their differences in a diplomatic manner. When this fails, Jihaad may be waged against

the party acting aggressively and oppressively until they submit to the commands of Allaah.

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If Iran were to attack Pakistan and preparations

become underway especially during 9th & 10th

Muharram, and if orders come that all government

offices of Pakistan be run over and come under siege,

then can anyone tell me should Iran send its army?

These Muharram procession mourners present in

every city are Iran’s free soldiers and without being

paid they can take over the country with Iran’s

weapons and sticks and knives. If something like this

happens and in the presence of all officers, these

processions corner them and take control of all

strategic locations, and if no one is present to give

orders to do something about this, what would


They would kill which-ever Sunni Officer they feel

like, imprison who-ever they feel, and the remaining

forces and police become silent spectators, then your

position would be such that you cannot take your

injured to hospitals. For roads leading to hospitals

would be blocked and so would be the case for police

stations. These plans are under-way & Pakistan’s

Sunni officers and politicians are not getting this…..

When these processions are not mandatory, not

sunnat, not even wajib, no book of theirs has any

mention of this, it’s not been reported by an ‘imam’

then why the need for them?.....They know that what

they have to do………….

Then you would cry and scream that Allama Haq

Nawaz Jhangvi was right, the soldiers of the Sahaba

were right….Listen to us……We are your defenders,

and this nation’s….We are your well-wishers

tyrants….differentiate between friend & foe…..Today

you are being praised (by them), that’s their

strategy…..In their religion there is no sympathy for


O Sunni officers take heed……

Today you are defending them….Those who have in

their books written that save us i.e. except our shias,

the rest are sons born out of wed-lock, and in Al-

Rauza Kafi they have stated that all sunnis are the

children of prostitutes…..& further-more it is written

that you can steal and kill a sunni but from behind,

because if you kill from the front, you would be killed

in retaliation i.e. qisas and your one Shiite is precious

than 1 lakh sunnis

You favour them who have always not let any chance

to hit you and who have always supported the kuffar

in destroying Islamic governments…..For God’s Sake

don’t let the country burn…and Be-Ware of



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