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ALV Report on Catalog Profile and CatalogCodes

ALV Report on Catalog Profile and Catalog Codes


Author: Jogeswara Rao Kavala



After the exposure to many standard ALV reports for master data , it is seen that the clients or end-users

expect similar reports for Catalog-Profiles, Code Groups and Codes, so that it will be easier to search for such

available profiles which suit to their requirements and they can make use of the same, saving lot of time, effort

and data duplication.

For big organizations, comprising of several units where SAP-PM is adopted, this requirement is very common.

We do not have such ready report/s provided by SAP. At the same time, SAP has given good tools for

Functional persons to generate reports on their own.

These are Quick viewer, and Infoset Queries.Present article is based on Infoset Query.


Let's see what we are going to achieve after this article:

A report with selection screen like this


will generate a report like this: (list of all profiles related to 'Motors')

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DO you find it is relevant and useful to you? Then here is how to make it !


Step 1. Create an Infoset as follows


- Create an infoset (Say 'CATCODES') using 'SQ02' Tcode. opting for Table-Join in the

initial screen.

- In the Join page Insert these tables as shown ( select left-outer-join for QPGR and QPCD

tables join)


- Click Back ,

- Select the required fields from tables (left) to the Field Groups in the right. (Drag & Drop) as

shown here.

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In order to arrange the Calatogs in the sort order of B, C, 5, 2, A in the ALV screen, a user

defined field 'SORT' is being created in the following section.


For this click on the 'Extras ' tab on the application toolbar to have Extras window on the


Click on the 'New' icon and create 'Additional Field ' named 'SORT '

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The specification of field 'SORT ' while creating


Now, keep cursor on the 'SORT' field (Red Boxed area) and click on the 'CODE ' icon (Green

box), and write the following code.

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Generated by Jive on 2013-07-19+02:00


Save the code,


Making of 'Selection screen' of the report

Go to 'Selections'  tab (next to 'Extras' tab) and create the select-option.

Here we are creating the 2 selection fields shown in the 1st image of this document. i.e.,

Catalog Profile' and 'Created By'.

For this click on 'New ' icon in this tab and create two selection fields 'CATPROF' and

'CRTDBY' one after one as shown here.


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Now the 'Selections' tab will look like this.

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Save and Generate the Infoset.


This completes the job in Infoset creation (SQ02).

Come to initial screen of SQ02 and assign this infoset to your usergroup. (User group is

created through SQ03)


Step 2. Create Infoset-Query through SQ01 as follows.


Create a Query (say 'CATCODES') using the infoset made above 'CATCODES '.

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Click 'Next' arrow

Select all the 3 tables appearing here used in Infoset and click next.


Select the fields required for display in ALV.


Click on Basic List button and arrive at the following screen.

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(If this screen does not appear go to 'Settings' menu, check the 'Graphical Menu Painter'

option in the 'Settings' option)


The red box list shows the Field selections you need to appear in the output.

For column coloring you have to drag & Drop colors from tool box to the corresponding field

as shown by the Red arrow on the right.


That's all. Now You save the query and return to the initial screen. Execute and test.


To have a Tcode for the program you've just generated


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In the SQ01 screen


to get this result.

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Copy this string (Report name), Run SE93 in Development Client and create a Z-Tcode with

desired name using the above program name.

Transport the request to Production.

Now the report you've made is operated using the Tcode you've created.


In my organisation this report was very much sought and proved very useful for end-users to find and use already prepared profiles (by users in other units) for their similar equipments.

This report has got many such uses.

The making of this report here has been demonstrated using 'Standard Client 'option in the 

SQ02 (Environment --> Query Areas), so that no transport needs to be done during creation 

or modifications. However as explained, the Z-Tcode has to be created in Workbench Dev 

Client, once.

Also, it is aimed through this document, the beginners in the Infoset query area to be 

benefited without referring to other detailed documents on SQ03, SQ02, SQ01.


Hoping it is useful to many.


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ALV Report on Catalog Profile and Catalog Codes

Generated by Jive on 2013-07-19+02:00

-Jogeswara Rao K' 

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