
Amanda Davies

Animal Reiki

Amanda Davies, Reiki Master (UK) © 2010

Animal Reiki

We hear and read a lot about using Reiki to heal and re-balance ourselves but have

you ever considered how Reiki could help animals? As a Reiki Master/Teacher I am

aware of just how responsive animals can be to Reiki energy, this is due to their

senses being more finely tuned than humans. Touch alone can have a calming and

relaxing effect but when used in conjunction with Reiki your hands can become a

powerful “healing” tool.

As with humans every animal responds differently when receiving Reiki. How an

animal responds during and after Animal Reiki will be determined on how in or out of

balance the animal’s chakras are.

Animal Chakras

Chakras are a complex network of spinning, energy vortices (often called „petals‟ in

Eastern traditions) which run throughout the entire body. Universal energy (Prana,

Chi, Ki) flows in and out of the chakras, along the meridian system, into the aura and

then finally into the physical body. Emotions and actions can affect the chakras and

this is mirrored in the aura. Likewise, external stimuli, both positive and negative,

have an effect on the chakras. When all of the chakras are spinning at the correct

rate this balances the animal on an emotional, mental, and physical level.

Animals have 8 Major chakras, 21 Minor chakras and 6 Bud chakras. There is

another Major chakra which is unique to animals. It is called the Brachial or Key

chakra. This chakra was discovered by the world’s foremost, internationally

renowned, animal healer, Margrit Coates.

The Eight Major Chakras

Chakra Location Function/ Purpose Signs of Imbalance

Body Areas Gemstones



(primary between shoulders


(on a horse, just

chakra –

below where


shoulder meets

should start


at this


links all other Major

chakras, center for

animal-human bonding,

place to start healing

reluctance to be touched (other than for obvious medical reasons: chest, neck, arthritis, inflamed skin, etc.), forelimbs, head

reluctance/refusal to „connect‟

Black Tourmaline (if animal is reluctant to

connect), Herkimer Diamond, piece of programmed Clear Quartz (click on link for programming info)

on top of head,

brain, pituitary gland,

skin, spine, central Clear Quartz,

between the ears

Crown connects to spirit depression, withdrawn and autonomic Azestulite,

(at the „poll‟ on a

nervous system, Tanzanite, Diamond


cranio-sacral system

centre of forehead,

head in general,

Third Eye headaches, bad eyes, pineal gland, natural Lapis Lazuli, Fluorite

just above the acceptance of self

(Brow) distant/distracted body rhythms, higher Amethyst, Charoite


mental self

on physical throat uncommunicative or

(on long-necked

excessively noisy, doesn‟t

Throat communication

animals, over listen to commands (training

vocal chords) requests)

throat, mouth, teeth, jaws (albeit often caused from Root-based fear, animals which chew excessively can often benefit from having energy balanced here)

Blue Quartz, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Topaz

breast/front of

chest to behind herd hierarchy

Heart forelegs (above


brisket to breast

on a horse)

sad (recent emotional grief/

separation/loss?), overly

possessive, unwilling to

interact with other animals,

jealous, nervous around other

animals for no known reason

heart, lungs, immune Rose Quartz, system, thymus Emerald, Pink gland Tourmaline, Jade

Solar middle of the back

personal power/sense of

self (often depleted in


domesticated animals)

dejected, withdrawn, digestive tract, Citrine, Tiger Eye,

aggressive, dominating, no

stomach, liver Amber, Topaz


Sacral (Spleen)

lower lumber area, between tail and middle of back (rump or middle of croup on a horse)

sexuality, emotion (emotional loss of animal partner, home, offspring, etc., can often be stored here). Good place to work on when animal in shock whilst waiting for, or en route to vet

over emotional: excessive whining for no obvious reason (exclude medical

reasons first ), boundary issues: i.e. for a dog/horse: difficulty establishing difference between work (training) time and play (off

lead/ lead rope) time

kidneys, adrenal glands, reproductive Carnelian, Coral, system, lymphatic Orange Calcite system

where tail meets

Root body


excessively fearful/strong

flight reaction, greedy,

sluggish, underweight,


survival, grounding, (this chakra can be especially developed in animals lower down the prey system or food chain, i.e. animals preyed upon by others)

intestines, gut, hips, hind legs, muscular Hematite, Garnet, skeletal system as a Red Jasper, Unakite whole

The 21 Minor chakras in animals are sensory centers and can be found, in among

other places, on the nose, tail and ears. Whilst the Bud and Minor chakras are

smaller energy centers than the Major ones, they are every bit as important and

assist in the function of the Major chakras.

Below: Illustration showing position of the Major Chakras, the primary Minor Chakra and

Bud Chakras on animals. Whilst the illustration is of a horse, the placement is the same for

all animals (allowing for scale and body shape)

The Bud chakras

These are found one on each foot (pad, paw, hoof, etc.) and one on the skin at the

base opening of each ear (see right). They are especially

receptive to subtle energy vibrations; for example changes in

the weather like a thunderstorm, or even impending, major

earth events like an earthquake or hurricane. The Bud chakras

located in the feet are often used to source areas of energy in the

ground which are beneficial to the animal. When they find these

areas they may paw the ground before either laying or rolling on

the spot (not to be confused with a dog finding something „smelly‟

to roll in!). Standing on such an area can also help ground an animal.


Unsurprisingly, most animals‟ senses or instincts are far more finely tuned and

sensitive than humans‟ (although some animals are more developed than others,

like dolphins). As a result, animal chakras are usually far brighter and larger in

comparison to ours. Their strong sixth sense emanates from the primary sensory

center; one of the 21 Minor chakras. This is located at the bridge of the nose, below

the Third Eye or Brow chakra. Animals are constantly absorbing and computing

sensory information; far more so than humans owing to their reliance on instinct for

survival. Aside from using the Bud chakras in their feet as mentioned above, they

may also be seen rubbing a part of their body against a tree, rolling on the ground or

even rubbing up against their fellow animal or human companions to stimulate a

chakra. An animal who has suffered from physical, mental or emotional trauma,

however, may not always be able to repair the resulting energetic imbalance and this

is where we find signs of disease (dis-ease) present.

Brachial chakra

Located on either side of the body, in the area of the shoulders. It is the main energy

center in all animals and links directly to all other chakras. It is the center which

relates to animal-human interaction and any healing should always begin at this

chakra. Animals which have a strong, healthy link with their human companions

usually have a vibrant Brachial chakra, as it is the center where the animal-human

bond is formed and carried.

Each chakra corresponds to an aspect of the self; thought, emotion, senses, instinct

and so on. Whilst governing the same physical areas, animal chakras have,

however, developed or evolved slightly differently from humans‟. This can be further

defined with differences between domestic and wild animals. For example, you tend

to find a more developed Heart chakra in wild animals (strong herd hierarchy) plus a

more pronounced Root Chakra (stronger sense of survival). With a wild horse you

will see a stronger flight response (Solar Plexus chakra) than in a Thoroughbred,

which is a man-made breed. Then we have neutering or castration of domestic

animals; which strongly affects the Sacral (or Spleen) chakra.

Below: Illustration showing positions of Major Chakras, primary Minor (sensory) Chakra and

Bud Chakras on a dog

For the pictures / illustrations, copyright to read (in a prominent position): Copyright image provided courtesy of Patinkas © 2009

For the copy / text, copyright to read (in an prominent position): Copyright article provided courtesy of Patinkas © 2009

History of Reiki

In the late-1800‟s, a man named Dr. Mikao Usui (born 1865) rediscovered the

ancient science of Reiki. Dr. Usui, a minister and dean of a Christian school in Kyoto,

Japan, was teaching a class, when one of his students asked him if he believed that

Jesus healed. His response was, “yes, of course.” The student then asked him for a

demonstration of this healing. He did not have this knowledge, so he could not


This one simple question changed Dr. Usual’s life. It stirred inside of him the desire

to know how to heal. With the knowledge that Jesus healed, he decided to start his

search in America, the land of Christianity. So he enrolled at the University of

Chicago. In his seven-year study of theology and comparative religions, he learned

about the Buddha and his healing abilities. But he found no answers.

Dr. Usui went back to Japan to continue his search. He visited all of the Buddhist

temples and asked the monks if they knew how to heal. All gave the same answer;

they only concentrated on spiritual matters. At one of the temples, he met an old

abbot who remembered that the monks knew how to heal at one time, but it was now

a lost art. He offered Dr. Usui the opportunity to stay and study the Japanese Sutras,

to see if he might find the information he sought. After spending many years studying

the sutras and finding nothing, Dr. Usui decided to learn Chinese. Chinese is an

older language and many of the Japanese Sutras were translated from Chinese. He

studied for many more years and still found no answers.

There was only one other place that he knew of to look; the Sanskrit Sutras. So he

learned Sanskrit and began studying these sutras. Finally, an answer came. In the

Healing Buddha and Lotus Sutras, he found a formula for healing. He was so

ecstatic about this discovery, that he took the information immediately to the old

abbot. Together they decided that to discover the full meaning of the information, Dr.

Usui must meditate.

The next morning, Dr. Usui began the seventeen-mile walk to Mt. Kuramayama to

fast and meditate. Upon arriving at his destination, he gathered 21 stones, sat down

and put the stones in front of him. Every morning he would throw one stone away.

On the morning of the 21st day, in the early hours before dawn, Dr. Usui was in deep

meditation when he noticed a bright light. He wondered if this light was real. He

opened his eyes; it was still there and moved quickly toward him. Usui was

frightened, but willing to risk death for the secrets of healing. The light-struck him in

the third eye and knocked him unconscious. All of the information, symbols and how

to use them began to float by him in millions of brightly coloured bubbles, stopping in

front of him long enough for him to commit the information to memory.

When he came back to full awareness, he remembered everything that was shown

to him. Dr. Usui noticed that he was strong and full of energy, despite his 21 day fast.

“This is the first miracle”, he thought. Wanting to share this new information with the

abbot, he started the long journey back to the temple. On his way down the hill, he

severely stubbed his toe, tearing the toenail back. He grabbed his toe and within a

short while, noticed it was completely healed. “This is the second miracle”, he

thought. He continued his journey and soon came upon a house, which offered

meals to travelers. Noticing his hunger, he decided to stop and break his fast. A man

came out to take his order; Dr. Usui ordered a nice meal. When the meal was ready

the man’s daughter brought it to him. She was a pretty young girl with a scarf tied

like rabbit ears around her head. Dr. Usui asked her why she had such a thing on

her head. She told him that she had a very bad toothache and could not travel the

long distance to town to have it fixed. He beckoned her to come to him and placed

his hands upon her face. After a few moments she said, “Oh, kind monk, you make

magic. My tooth no longer hurts. Thank you”. “This is the third miracle”, he thought.

After Dr. Usui finished his meal and was on the road back to the temple, he noticed

how wonderful he was feeling. There were no ill effects of eating a large meal after

an extended fast. “This is the fourth miracle”, he thought. When he arrived at the

temple, a young monk greeted him. The boy told Dr. Usui that he was glad to see

that he had returned safely and that the old abbot was bed ridden in great pain, Dr.

Usui went directly to the abbot’s cell and sat down on the edge of the bed, he rested

his hands on the abbot’s body while he told him all that he had learned. In a short

while, the abbot looked at him in surprise and said, “You make magic; all of my pain

is gone”. “This is the fifth miracle”, Dr. Usui proclaimed. Dr. Usui then spent years

taking care of sick people (beggars) in the slums of Tokyo. Unfortunately some of

these beggars, although cured of physical illnesses, went back to begging as the life

of a working man is much more tiring than begging. Dr. Usui realized that he had

made a mistake and that the person receiving healing must first ask for it and that

there must be an exchange of energy. This can be money, work, goods or whatever.

Without the person asking for healing or exchanging, he believed the healing would

not work. After this realization, Dr. Usui went around Japan and looked for people

who wanted to be healed as well as setting up a training center for Reiki.

Chujiro Hayashi, a retired naval officer, became a student of Dr. Usui’s. The version

handed down via Mrs. Takata (see below) says that Dr. Hayashi was Usui's best

student and that he took over Mikao Usui’s position when he passed. Her version

also implies that Dr. Usui made no other Reiki Masters. In fact it is from Dr. Hayashi

that the Reiki symbols came to be used as regular tools. Apparently Dr. Hayashi

could not feel the differences in Reiki, so Dr. Usui gave him the symbols to use as a

tool to help him learn. As a result, Dr. Hayashi was able to advance to the Master

level in a relatively short time. After reaching the Master level and working at Dr.

Usui’s Reiki clinic, Dr. Hayashi went on to open his own Reiki clinic in Tokyo.

Mrs. Takata, a Japanese-American woman who grew up in Hawaii, went to Japan

when she needed abdominal surgery. Back in those days surgical procedures and

the anesthetics they used were much more dangerous than today and to undergo

surgery was a very serious thing. But Mrs. Takata was very ill and needed to have

the procedure.

While in the hospital, as she was being prepared for surgery, she heard a voice

saying “Not necessary” she looked around and no one was there. At first she ignored

the voice but then she heard it say “Not necessary” a second time. The voice also

told her that there was an alternative means of treatment and the name of the person

she should speak to in the hospital to find out about it. Mrs. Takata approached this

person and asked if there was something else that could be done for her. They told

her about Dr. Hasashi’s Reiki clinic, she then cancelled her surgery and went to see

Dr. Hayashi. After several months of daily treatments she was completely healed.

Mrs. Takata was so amazed with Reiki that she wanted to learn this healing method

herself. At the time Reiki had never gone outside of Japan and Hawayo Takata was

an American citizen, so her request to become a student was denied. Mrs. Takata

was persistent and kept asking Dr. Hayashi to accept her as his student, and finally

he agreed. Mrs. Takata is credited as being the first person to bring Reiki out of

Japan and into the Western world. It is her stories of Reiki’s origin that we are most

familiar with here in the West; however these “stories” were not always accurate. It

makes sense that Dr. Usui's story had been “Christianised” by Mrs. Takata to make

Reiki more acceptable. The time she first brought Reiki to the USA, happened to be

just prior to the outbreak of war between the USA and Japan, a time when it was felt

that a healing system from the East would not be well received in the West. Another

theory on why Mrs. Takata described Dr. Usui as a Christian monk explains that Mrs.

Takata lived in Hawaii where there is an oral tradition of the teaching story or “Talk

Story” as it translates. The details of what happened may change but the essence of

its meaning stays the same. Mrs. Takata lived on Kauai, (Hawaii) and Oahu. In 1955

she owned a health spa in La Jocinta, California that she sold and moved back to

Hawaii. She also had a Reiki clinic on Kauai, which she closed and it is believed she

opened another one later on Oahu. She travelled throughout the US in the 1970‟s

spreading Reiki teachings.

What is Animal Reiki?

Reiki is a secular enlightenment system as well as a re-balancing system developed

by Mikao Usui in Japan in the early 1900‟s. It is not attached to any religion and

requires no belief system. Reiki is pronounced ray-key and is a Japanese word. Rei

means universal and Ki meaning life force energy. Universal life force energy is what

sustains all life on our planet, it all around us, it is known in Vedic tradition as prana,

chi in China and qudra in Arabic. Through giving Reiki we are channeling universal

life force energy to animals to aid their health and well-being. We do not generate

the energy but receive it from the universe. I think this is a very important part of

Reiki to remember. I have met people who unfortunately have forgotten this and

have become very egotistical. We do not have any special energy or powers as

animal reiki practitioners we simply receive it and pass it on to the animal we are


Those who are attuned to Animal Reiki have their body channels opened and

cleared of blockages this enables them to receive an increase of life force energy.

Prior to an attunement, all people have universal life force energy. However, after the

attunement process, you become more sensitive to the energy and develop the

ability to channel it. In order to understand Reiki, it is important to consider the

meaning of health. Health is a state of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-

being, it does not simply refer to the absence of disease or ailment, but also the

maintenance of those systems. Animal Reiki treats animals as a whole and takes a

holistic approach to maintaining their well-being. It works on a physical, emotional

and spiritual level. In order for the animals we treat to be healthy, we need to have

balance in all these areas.

Energy Exchange

You will become aware of various arguments regarding payment for Animal Reiki;

some people are of the opinion that Animal Reiki is something that should not be

charged for. Some people have reported that Dr. Usui said that for the recipient to

truly benefit from the energy there must be some exchange of energy to balance the

spiritual debt.

There are occasions where I have felt it is necessary to give free Animal Reiki and

there are occasions where I have charged for this exchange of energy. The decision

to charge for is down to your own discretion, perhaps while you are new to Animal

Reiki you may prefer to not charge. However, bear in mind that you have had to pay

for your training, and you also have bills to pay in order to live!

If you spend an increasing amount of time devoted to Animal Reiki, you may need to

charge to cover for your time. My client’s do not usually think twice about paying for

the Animal Reiki treatment any more than they would for any other holistic treatment

I offer. I think that as long as you are honest with clients and comfortable with your

work you may make your own decisions about charging.

* * * Important Animal Reiki Ethics * * *

Reiki is a unique rebalancing method. What follows are some ethical

considerations to help you be aware of some of the issues that you might face

as a result of practicing Animal Reiki.

Ask permission from the owner prior to treating any animal.

Unless otherwise agreed by the client, any information you are given in the Animal

Reiki session should be confidential between you and your animal’s owner.

Prior to treatments, explain to the animal’s owner what you will be doing.

Do not ever promise healing.

Do not ever diagnose. Explain to people that Animal Reiki sessions do not guarantee a cure, and are not a

substitute for appropriate veterinary care.

Do not attempt to diagnose in an area that is not your specialty and that you are

authorized or licensed to do.

Always carry out a full consultation prior to treatment complete with signature from

the animal’s owner.

Always have the animal’s owner present during a treatment to hold the animal

especially large animals – not only does this help make the animal feel secure but if

the animal should fall asleep whilst standing they will not injure themselves. If you

are treating very large animals like horses and their eyes become glazed stop


If you find yourself treating a very timid or distressed animal send reiki using the

hands off method. Reiki is an intelligent energy and the results will be as effective as

hands on treatment. Remember it may not be appropriate to touch the animal

depending on their condition/injuries.

Remember animals are very intelligent! Do not feel you must stick to a certain

routine and work on the chakras in a particular order. There is no right or wrong and

you may find that some animals move around a lot during treatment - they are simply

directing the energy where it is needed.

You MUST seek assurance from the pet’s owner that a vet has examined the animal

(Veterinary Surgery Act 1996).

Have Reiki and Public Liability Insurance.

Giving an Animal Reiki Treatment

A full Reiki treatment may take 30-60 minutes (although some animals may only

need 10minutes) hands are be placed on the animals chakra points (see diagrams

above) and hovering above charka so you are working within the animals‟ aura. I

would usually use a combination of the two. Remember to look after your posture

when working. You can cup small animals such as birds in your hands. Animal such

as cats or dogs can be treated on a therapy couch for larger animals stand and work

around the animal safely. Remember to always have the owner holder the animal

whenever you are working on or around it.

If the animal is aggressive, distressed or to injured to be touched the treatment can

be done hands of with the animal can even be in a cage if necessary.

Animal Reiki can also be sent distantly time and distance are no barrier to this

intelligent energy. To send animal reiki you will need the animal’s location, name, a

photo and the distant symbol. Below is the reiki distant symbol. Use this symbol to

focus and send reiki to the animal/s you are treating.

Alias: The distance symbol Sounds Like: hone sha zay show nen.

Summary: Universal connection properties, bridge between heaven and earth,

transcends time and space for healing.

Hon sha ze sho nen is used to send reiki; you can send Reiki to any animal (with the

owner’s consent) or anything.

It is used to send Animal Reiki over distance and time.

This symbol is associated with the sun and its life energy. The sunlight is used for

connecting people to places, ideas, things and situations which are distance in time,

place or memory.

Distant Animal Reiki symbol can bridge time and space allowing you to send energy

across a room or around the world!

Impressions of Energy when giving Animal Reiki

When giving Animal Reiki you will become familiar with the feeling of the energy

leaving your hands and finger-tips and feelings that you will pick up from the animal

you are treating. These feelings may give clues as to where you need to work for

longer and problems that are there.

Heat - Indicates that energy is needed, spend extra time in this area, the heat will

likely dissipate during treatment. You will then know when you have given enough

energy to that area.

Coolness - This may be an emotional problem.

Visual Impressions - These may assist you to understand the conditions you are

treating some people feel that imagery is help from spirit guides. Others feel it is their

intuition working.

Dull Pain - Could imply a physical problem or damage from the past for example

scar tissue.

Hands Feel Drawn to an Area - Sometimes the hands feel magnetically drawn to

an area. This shows that rebalancing is needed there.

Hands Feel Repelled from an Area - May indicate deep-seated issues.

Sharp Pain – This can indicate a buildup of energy in the area which may be due to

a recent physical problem. Rebalancing and channeling energy here may accelerate

the “healing” process.

Tingling – This may indicate inflammation.


You will receive one attunement for Animal Reiki. You will be attuned to the distant

symbol and attuned to the highly sensitive energy of animals to help you develop an

understanding relationship and connection with the animals you treat on your Animal

Reiki journey.

I offer attunements in both real time or via chi ball as I understand how hectic life can

be at times. When you feel ready to receive your Animal Reiki attunements please

contact me to arrange. [email protected].

I hope you enjoy learning and using Animal Reiki.

Love and light Amanda Davies

Reiki Master/Teacher/Founder Member of GSHA

Copyright © Amanda Davies 2010

N o t f o r r e s a l e

Picture source:

The picture above added to Animal Reiki manual in 2017.


N o t e :

I am not sure if Amanda is still willing to offer free attunements. It has been a while

since she made the manual. However, you can get this Animal Reiki Attunement for

F R E E by contacting Lumen at l u m e n s i l t a ( a t ) g m a i l ( d o t ) c o m .

I love this energy! It was happy, powerful attunement process for me.

Animal Reiki has been tested on my cat. --Lumen

Cats were not harmed by editing this manual and while testing the energies of Animal Reiki :o}

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