

Shinran Shonin wrote 19 Hymns on Benefit in the Present. The 18th Hymn of them goes like this:Countless Amida Buddha reside/ In the light of the Buddha of Unhindered Light;

Each one of these transformed Buddhas protects/ The person of true and real shinjin.This means that Amida Buddha comes to us in various forms. Let me tell you my own experience.

I arrived United States from Japan on March 4, 1960. My first assignment Church was Oakland Buddhist Church. Since I left all my family in Japan, a kind of lonely feeling struck me some time during the beginning period of the first Church work - especially in the evening. But one day a small package was delivered to me in mail. It was from my mother in Japan. In the package I found various kinds of cookies and crackers, pairs of socks, underwears - the things I could get from neighbor stores. Together with those a letter from my mother was enclosed. That letter says “Dear Sensho: I am always thinking about you. Please take care of yourself and work hard to spread the precious teaching of the Nembutsu.”

When I received it, I felt my mother is with me. Even though my mother is not phyically with me, I received my mother’s heart, my mother’s love. And my loneliness has gone. My mother is with me. My mother as transformed Buddha is with me. I recited Buddha’s Name in gratitude.

My mother died on March 2, 1971 at the age of 79 years. When I visited her few months before her death, she was half blind and lying in her sick bed. When I got into her room, she stretched her arms and said, “Sensho, Welcome back home, come close to me.” She touched my cheek with both palms and said, “You gained weight. Watch out getting fat. You have to take care of yourself”. Even though my mother herself was sick and blind, she did not complain about her own physical condition, but worried about her son’s health and his life in America. My mother’s love was so great that I could not but cry and recite Amida’s Name. I saw transformed Buddha in front of me.

In Sutra “Gassho to Amida”, a famous phrase goes like this: “When I call Amida’s Name, It’s Amida calling me.” When I am lonely, I say Namuamidabutsu. Then I hear Amida Buddha calling me by saying, “I am always with you, leaving everything about yourself to me. You are OK as you are.” Amida’s calling voices give me strength and encouragement. I could give a strong step forward with Nembutsu.

When I realize that I am blessed with transformed Buddhas, I recite Buddha’s Name Namuamidabutsu in gratitude.

Shinran Shonin was Eshinni’s Amida Buddha, and Eshinnin was Shinran Shonin’s Amida Buddha. Julie is Calvin’s Amida Buddha. My mother is my Amida Buddha. Do you have your Amida Buddha with you?


BUDDHIST CHURCH OF PARLIERP.O. Box 547 360 Newmark Avenue

Parlier, California 93648Phone: (559) 646-2844



ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe Buddhist Church of Parlier would like to extend our

appreciation to the following for their generous donationsTEMPLESawae Kimura & Family 7th year memorial for Mas Kimura ................................ $200.00David & Aya Windle 7th year memorial for Mas Kimura ................................ $100.00Okubo Family Memorial for Mary Okubo .............................................. $100.00Mrs. Tokiye Inouye In appreciation of the newsletter ....................................... $25.00Mrs. Sawae Kimura Fall Ohigan ........................................................................ $20.00Sangha Gathering donations October donations ............................................................. $46.00MEMBERSHIP DUES:Mr. & Mrs. Gary Kozuki DONATIONS for MONTHLY MEMORIAL SERVICE:Mr. & Mrs. Shiz Kimura ............ $20.00 Mrs. Matsuko Suehiro ................ $20.00 Mr. & Mrs. Kelvin Miyakawa .... $50.00 Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Yoshimoto .... $20.00 Mrs. Miyo Ohara ........................ $20.00 Mr. Kaz Yoshimoto .................... $20.00



The November Shotsuki Service will be on Sunday, Nov. 17, 2013.Families, as well as all members and friends are encouraged to attend.

NOVEMBER SHOTSUKIDECEASED MOURNERMrs. Haruye Mihara 64 yrs Mr. Arthur Mihara Mr. Shunzo Kurokawa 55 yrs Ms. Arlene Kurokawa Mrs. Ryu Kurokawa 45 yrs Ms. Arlene Kurokawa Mr. Masaitsu Furumoto 49 yrs Mr. Roy Furumoto Mr. Shozo Kubo 35 yrs Mr. Larry Kubo Mr. Kakuichi Sunamoto 34 yrs Mrs. Terry Tsuji Mr. Heiichi Sasai 33 yrs Dr. Steven Sasai Mrs. Hide Yamashiro 31 yrs Mr. James Suehiro 27 yrs Mrs. Matsuko Suehiro Mr. Kazuo Yagi 25 yrs Mr. Kyoichi Yagi Mr. Shimeo Yagi 21 yrs Mr. Kyoichi Yagi Mr. Shaw Yorizane 22 yrs Mrs. Cheryl Koga Mrs. Sakino Nakamichi 22 yrs Mr. Toshiye Nakamichi Mr. Kanichi Yoshizaki 79 yrs Mrs. Takako Kanemoto Mr. Toraichi Yamada 58 yrs Mr. Minoru Yamada Mrs. Shizuye Nemoto 23 yrs Mr. Tommy Hayashi Mrs. Ruby Chizuko Yorizane 11 yrs Mrs. Cheryl Koga Mrs. Peggy Okada 3 yrs Mr. George Okada Mrs. Fumiye Yamanaka 3 yrs Mr. Tom Yamanaka Mr. Robert Kusunoki 3 yrs Mrs. Denise Kusunoki


Zenchishiki – Causes and Conditions I often wonder why there are such a big difference in people’s interest in religion and their spiritual

ness. Some people are extremely devout in their belief and live their life within the teaching. In fact you can

say the religion is their life. But on the other hand, there are people who could care less about religion and don’t give it hardly any thoughts at all. Of course there are many who fit somewhere in between.

I’m one of those who are somewhere in between, but like many of you out there I have learned over the years and come to understand and appreciate what is important in this life. We sense it through personal experiences and simple observation of how others live and conduct themselves. If we have met these people and have been influenced by them our lives are richer for it. Shinran Shonin calls them Zenchishiki, or causes and conditions in our life. People of Zenchishiki are good teachers of the Dharma who somehow have the ability to make our head turn towards Amida Buddha. They may not always appear as good and kind, or make you feel good about yourself. They are the ones who correct you if your ideas and thoughts of the Dharma are headed in the wrong direction. It’s hard to meet such people, but even more difficult to recognize or realize you have met them. However, without them it will be extremely difficult to hear the true Dharma. Zenchiskis aren’t always people. Animals, objects, daily situations that come your way are also zenchishikis as they make you reflect and guide you towards the path of the nembutsu.

We are born as human beings through myriads of causes and conditions. I believe Rev. Shigaraki calls it the conditional arising. Many of you may have heard the phrase: to be born as a human is as difficult as a sea turtle wondering in the vast ocean with a single tire floating aimlessly on the surface. As the turtle comes up for air once every three years its head would coincidentally and miraculously hit the tire as an arrow would hit the bull’s eye of a target. What are the chances of that happening? It’s definitely improbable if not impossible and hence it’s been used as an example of how difficult it is to be born as human being. But here I am. How fortunate. I beat the odds. I hit the bull’s eye. However, just living each day eating, sleeping, working, raising a family, taking vacations socializing and occasionally volunteering is living, it is not much different than the lives of animals. There has to be more than that. I recall a conversation I had with an elderly woman many years ago. We were talking about life in general. She was not particularly a religious person, but she attended services often at a local temple. She ended the conversation with this comment, which still bothers me to this day “I don’t know if this is all there is to life. Is it? I feel like I’ve missed something”.

As a post war child growing up in Japan I have numerous, very vivid memories of my father, with his hands together in gassho and reciting the nembutsu, having lengthy nightly services in front of our family obutsudan. Sometimes I would join him and just sit next to him. When we were finished he would turn to me and say, “Ii ko da ne. Hotoke san wa tottemo yorokonde iruyo,” translated means, “Good girl. You made Amida Buddha so happy”. His praise made me feel really good about myself, but I didn’t think much about it at the time. But somehow, these experiences left an impression in me, that there is something important in saying Namu Amida Butsu and putting my hands together in gassho. In my adulthood I found out how important these experiences were and the reason my life is what it is today.My father, Toshio Saiki, was a small man, no taller than 5’2”, man of few words, and during my teenage years I felt as I hardly knew him. Nonetheless I had huge respect for him. He was a giant in all ways to me, kind, compassionate and absolutely sure in his belief. As I mentioned earlier, there are people whom religion is their life. For my father, Amida Buddha was his life. He didn’t just live. He lived his life in the nembutsu accepting and appreciating whatever that came his way. I know from the stories he shared with me his life was a difficult one, starting when he lost his mother at a young age of two, going to war, Atomic bomb in (Cont. on page 4)


THOUGHTS FROM THE SANGHABy Toshie Mori, Church Vice-President


THOUGHTS FROM THE SANGHA (Cont from page 3)Hiroshima, losing a son, then his wife, my mother. Because of these hardships he understood life and what nembutsu meant. He understood the heart of Amida Buddha and the liberation received through the wisdom of nembutsu. I could still see the twinkle in his eyes and becoming emotional when he talked about the path Shinran Shonin opened for him, a path in which he actually experienced shinjin to attain Buddhahood through the power of the nembutsu. When I think about him my heart overflows with deep appreciation and the rims of my eyes become hot and wet. I’m comforted knowing that my father, as a Buddha, is always with me. This is the legacy he left behind for me. He was my very first zenchishiki in my life. Namu Amida Butsu. Thanks dad.

I consider myself to be the luckiest person in this world as I had myriads of people who have influenced me. Causes and conditions, or zenchishiki, have brought these wonderful people and events in my life without me seeking them out.

Another one of them is my husband who has taken over my father’s role of being my spiritual mentor and a partner. It’s hard to believe we have been married over 40 years and even harder to believe he now lives the life of nembutsu, just like my dad. He is one person who disliked any kind of religion in his younger days. He used to proudly say I’m an atheist and the only thing I believe in is me. But to look at him today I’d say he is a changed man. Where did the change come from? When did this happen? My only comment is Buddha works in miraculous ways. All the causes and conditions have come together perfectly that led him to Amida Buddha. Now, even though he is still full of blind passions and complaints, and we have our share of disagreements and differences, with his eyes and mind wide open he lives a life of gratitude and nembutsu. Now I watch in awe, his back, and appreciate the causes and conditions that have brought all of it together for me. There’s nothing more I can ask for or need.

In closing I hope you have met your zenchishiki. They are treasures beyond anything imaginable. Please continue to recite the nembutsu often and hear the calling voice of Amida Buddha. Go to the temple every chance you get, listen to the Dharma, as within the Dharma you will find Amida Buddha. Na man da……………….

Radio Broadcast – 10/19/13

Saturday, Nov. 2nd7:30am-Noon





The Parlier Buddhist Church Board meeting was called to order by Vice President Toshie Mori on October 14, 2013. Gassho was led by Rev. Inouye.Those in attendance were: Curtis Koga, Cheryl Koga, Glenn Yoshimoto, Rev. Inouye, Tad Kozuki, Toshie Mori, Yuki Mori, Steve Sasai, Calvin Doi, Neil Okino, and Kaye Kozuki. A quorum was established.Minutes were read and corrections were made. Motion to accept the minutes as corrected was made by Tad K. and seconded by Calvin. Motion passed.Treasurer’s Report: After reviewing the treasurer’s report for the month of Sept, Curtis made a motion to accept the report and Steve S. seconded. Motion passed. Minister’s Report:The Etaikyo Scroll taken in a thief at our church earlier in the year was returned. We are happy to have it back!!10/15 – Hiroshi Mayeda, past BCA president memorial service10/16 – CCMA meeting in Fowler at 10a10/20 – Monthly Memorial Service 10aGuest speaker for the Obon service on July 13, 2014 will be retired Reverend William Masuda.It was brought up by Rev. Inouye at the minister’s meeting to have Parlier’s Obon on Sat. July 19. Reverend Nakagawa of the Fresno Betsuin said that was Fowler’s planned date for their Obon. Further discussion about Parlier’s date for Obon in 2014 will be held at the CCDC meeting.11/3 – Sangha Gathering 10a11/4 – Reverend Harada will be in Parlier for his monthly classes at 7p. Please try to attend and show your support for the CBE (Center for Buddhist Education)11/9 – CCJr. YBA Conference at the Fresno Betsuin11/14 – Curtis’s monthly discussion group (Thurs. for Nov. only)11/16 – Omigaki 8a. Q&A with Reverend Hidehito Sakamoto at 4p. dinner to follow. 11/17 – Eshinni Service/Monthly Memorial Service 10a. Guest Reverend Hidehito Sakamoto will give a Dharma talk.Committee Reports:1. Maintenance – The lobby water fountain motor needs to be repaired. James G. was absent so no report was given.2. BWA – Monthly clean up on Oct 19. Group 2 headed by Irene & Tad Kozuki did the cleaning.Oct. 20 is the monthly memorial service with Gail H. and Lynne Yoshimoto in charge of refreshments.Thank you to Denise Kusunoki for the Board treats this month. Calvin also brought manju. Julie represented Parlier at the FBWL delegates meeting in West LA.3. Publication – Everything is running smoothly4. Finances – Dennis was absent so no report was

made.5. V&P – The Nembutsu Seminar headed by Curtis K. and Jeannette Wong Sing was well attended. The Baby Boomers Seminar was a success with many in attendance. Parlier was well represented. The next activity will be the leadership retreat in Jan.Steve S. made a motion to accept the reports seconded by Glenn Y. Motion passed.Old Business:1. There will be a Q&A with Reverend Hidehito Sakamoto on Sat. Nov. 16 at 4p. Everyone is encouraged to attend.2. October’s Sangha Gathering was impressive. Calvin gave a 10 min talk about Amida Buddha and Mrs. Fumie Inouye demonstrated the shodo style in writing “Namu Amida Butsu”. Sho & Kari Higuchi provided the special treats. Everyone had a good time.New Business:1. Notification of the retirement of Reverend Inouye from the Parlier Buddhist Church as of Dec. 31, 2013, will be sent in a letter to each temple family. 2. There will be a meeting with Bishop Umezu and all interested members regarding the future direction of our temple on Nov. 13 at 7p. 3. Reverend H. Sakamoto has resigned from the BCA effective at the end of 2013. 4. The Late Bishop’s Memorial Services which we observe annually in June will donate any osaisen to the Zaidan fund provided for this purpose at the BCA level.5. Reverend Inouye will attempt to get two more guest Reverends for 2014. 6. Minister’s Assistant report was given since all MA in Central Cal were asked to attend a meeting called by Rinban Nakagawa and Reverend Alan Sakamoto. Our MAs reported that there will be “practical training” available for them through both Reverends. This will help our MAs to do more at their own temples. There is a unique situation in CC because there are only be 2 Reverends for the whole area. 7. The next service will the Eshinni Service with Rev. H. Sakamoto of Reedley as the guest Reverend. It will be held on Nov. 17 at 10a followed by the Tofu Fest luncheon. There will also be Q&A with Rev. H. Sakamoto on Nov. 16 at 4p at our temple. Everyone is welcome.8. A thank you card was received from Reverend Shinseki.9. Election time is here. Ballots will be sent out soon so please return them as quickly as possible.Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Curtis and seconded by Cheryl. Motion passed.Next Board meeting will be November 11 at 7p.



buddhist women’s associationBy Kaye Kozuki, BWA Newsletter Writer

November is here already!! That means…Christmas and the New Year are just around the corner. I’m sure you have already gotten the message since Christmas decorations have been out in the stores since before Halloween, even before the start of October. Crazy isn’t it!!! But I’m looking forward to a good year in 2014. The Nembutsu Seminar was held once again in Fowler on Sept. 29. There was a good turn out of members from different temples in CC. Workshops presenters were: Rev. Nakagawa on chanting, Rev. Alan Sakamoto on Buddhism in the Workplace, and Rev. Hidehito Sakamoto on Impermanence. I attended Rev. Sakamoto’s workshop and he gave an easy to understand, concise explanation on what impermanence is through drawings and simple explanations. A delicious chicken bowl lunch was prepared by the V&P committee. It was a nice Sunday morning event. The 4th annual Baby Boomers’ Seminar was held on October 5th. It was well attended and Parlier had good representation. BCA President and his wife, Ron & Karen Murakami came all the way from White River, Washington. Ron was interested in what was happening in Central Cal and thought this seminar would be a good activity to attend since they, too, are baby boomers. They see the need for active participation in order to keep our wonderful religion alive and flourshing. Ron and Karen even stayed until the end to help clean-up. Reverend Peter Hata from the West Covina Buddhist Temple was the keynote speaker. He is a former member of the jazz group, “Hiroshima”. Peter spoke about how he came to Buddhism and how his music has changed. Peter’s views on life and his deep understanding of Buddhism are reflected in his current music which has become much more mellow and flowing. Rev. Peter started out as a grass roots member of the church and gradually became more involved to the point of becoming the resident minister, all in the course of about 7 years. Impressive!Our Sangha Gathering for October was another informative and learning experience. Calvin talked about “Amida Buddha”. He pointed to the rays around the statue that represent immeasurable light or wisdom. Calvin explained that when we put our hands together to say the nembutsu, we are calling Buddha’s name in gratitude and thankfulness. As a joint activity, Mrs. Fumie Inouye demonstrated how to write using paints and brushes in shodo style. She prepared numerous pages that showed step by step strokes. The characters for “Namu Amida Butsu” were written in katakana. We practiced each character with our fingers, brushes, then finally painted the outlined characters with bokujyu, which is the specialized black ink for shodo writing. Everyone learned from Mrs. Inouye’s lesson and enjoyed it very much. Sho & Kari Higuchi provided a


wonderful lunch with sandwiches, breakfast rolls, chips, dip, and drinks. Sho and Kari always do such a great job of providing delicious and nourishing food. Thank you everyone for helping to make our Sangha Gatherings a learning experience along with great food and company.Thank you Group 2 headed by Irene & Tad Kozuki for cleaning the church in October. Because most of the group was there to clean, the cleaning got done quickly.Rev. Harada had his October monthly class at the Fresno Dharma Center. His presentation was on Rennyo Shonin, the Great Propagator of Shin Buddhism. His next class will be held in Parlier so let’s show our support to him by attending. It will be at 7p at our temple. Call anyone on the Church Board or BWA Board and they will gladly provide transportation. Curtis’s monthly discussion group discussed an article by Dr. Jeff Wilson entitled “Shin Buddhism in Contemporary America” about the concept of relaxing, trusting, thanking when explaining Jodo Shinhsu Buddhism to those not familiar with our religion. If we cannot communicate what it is about Jodo Shinshu Buddhism that we think others should pay attention to, we cannot spread interest in Buddhism. I’m only touching on what is discussed. Please join us. These discussion groups by Curtis are informal and informational. CCBWL UPDATE:The 2013 FBWA Delegates Meeting was held on Sat. October 12. The Opening Message was from Bishop Kodo Umezu. He stated that FBWA has contributed over $160,000 to CBE and it’s programs. He said BWA needs to go toward with Buddhist Education as its main goal. Our main speaker was Rev. Marvin Harada. His topic was “Buddhist Education and what you can do at the local chapter level.” He said BWA can support and initiate Buddhist Education at the local level, help to initiate creative and interesting Buddhist education programs and create more stimulating Buddhist curriculums. He is working on getting brochures and booklets to every temple. Our afternoon speaker was Rev. Shoko Angela Oh. Her talk was on “Buddhism and Social Justice”. She talked about her life and how she became a Reverend after being a lawyer for many years. She will one of the 9 speakers for next years Conference in Irvine.FBWA Conference Schedules:Southern District: October 10-12, 2014, Hyatt Regency in Irvine, CANorthwest District: October 7-9, 2016, Westin Hotel in Bellevue, Washington15th World Convention in Calgary, Canada - 2015(See Julie about tour schedules)Central District: 2018 Info to come.16th World Convention in San Francisco - 2019

(Cont. on page 7)



November Events:11/2 – Yard Sale –7:30-12 noon 11/2 – Ballots for BWA cabinet to be sent out. Please return as soon as possible. 11/3 – Sangha Gathering 10a. Don’t miss this special event!!11/4 – Rev. Harada will be speaking in Parlier at 7p. Everyone is encouraged to attend. If you would like a ride, please contact anyone on the BWA or Church Board.11/14 – Curtis’s monthly discussion group 7p. (Thursday for this month only).11/16 – Monthly church cleaning by Group 3 headed by Joyce & Steve Sasai 8a.11/16 – Omigaki – All members are asked to come clean the onaijin, church grounds, and other areas that do not regularly get attention. 11/16 - General Meeting/Elections for BWA immediately following the omigaki.11/16 – Q&A with Rev. H. Sakamoto at 4p.11/17 – Eshinni/Kakushinni BWA Service/Monthly Memorial Service with guest Reverend Hidehito Sakamoto from Reedley at 10a. Tofu Fest will follow, yum, yum!! Everyone is invited. Bring your favorite tofu entree. Games will follow the lunch (Oh Boy!!) Gail H., Yuki G., Miyo O., and Fusa I. are in charge. Looking Ahead:12/1 – Sangha Gathering 10a12/7 – Cleaning of the church by Group 1 headed by Gail Hachiya 8a12/8 – Bodhi Day/ Monthly Memorial Service 10a.

Toban will be South District and set up will be by Toshie M. & Cheryl K.12/11 – Curtis’s Discussion Group 7p12/31 – Joya-E Service *Don’t forget Taichi and Welcome Center every Thurs morning. Everyone is welcome.Board Refreshments:November – Charlene MiyakawaDecember – Julie DoiCleaning Schedule:November 16 –Group 3 headed by Joyce & Steve Sasai and Omigaki with all members neededDecember 7 – Group 1 headed by Gail H.

Wonders of WD40The main ingredient of WD40 is fish oil.1. Removes road tar and grime from cars.2. Removes lipstick stains. 3. Loosens stubborn zippers.4. Removes stains from stainless steel sinks.5. Removes tomato stains from clothing.6. Keeps glass shower doors free of water spots.7. It removes that nasty tar and scuff marks from

the kitchen flooring. It doesn’t seem to harm the finish and you won’t have to scrub nearly as hard to get them off. Just remember to open some windows if you have a lot of marks.

8. Spraying an umbrella stem makes it easier to open and close.

9. Removes all traces of duct tape.10.Folks even spray it on their arms, hands, and knees to

relieve arthritis pain.

BWA NEWS (Cont. from page 6)


DRIVEDrop off your Canned Foods during the month of

November. Donations will go to the Parlier Lions Club.




upcoming DECEMBER events

1 (Sun) Sangha Gathering ......................10:00am 2 (Mon) Rev. Harada Class, Fresno .........7:00pm 7 (Sat) Church Cleanup, Group 1 .........8:00am 8 (Sun) Bodhi Day Service ....................10:00am 9 (Mon) Board Meeting ............................7:00pm 11 (Wed) Curtis Discussion Group ...........7:00pm 31 (Tues) Joya-E Year-end Service ........................


Address Service Requested



Eshinni Service & BWAMemorial Service with

Rev. Hidehito Sakamoto, Guest SpeakerSunday, November 17, 2013

10:00 a.m.


Minister Rev. Sensho Inouye ...... 834-3175Church President Dennis Ikuta ................. 638-4962Vice-President Toshie Mori ................... 638-8614Secretary Kay Kozuki ................... 646-2538Treasurer Glenn Yoshimoto ...........897-1811Maintenance James Goishi ................. 638-5510Fujinkai Presidents Julie Doi ........................ 896-6354 Cheryl Koga ................. 638-4669Newletter Editors Curtis Koga .................. 638-4669 Julie Doi ........................ 896-6354 Karen Shimizu.............. 896-0795Webmaster Glenn Nakamichi ......... 896-5240

NOVEMBER Buddhist radio broadcast kfib (am900) Saturday 7:20am

NOVEMBERJapanese English 2 Mr. Yuki Mori George Teraoka 9 Rev. Kakei Nakagawa Rev. Alan Sakamoto 16 Rev. Kakei Nakagawa Gordy Misaki 23 Rev. Hide Sakamoto Cliff Osaki 30 Rev. Hide Sakamoto Michael MaruyamaDECEMBERJapanese English 7 Mr. Yuki Mori Gene Tsukamoto 14 Mr. Yuki Mori Rod Hata 21 Rev. Kakei Nakagawa Garrett Sano 28 Rev. Kakei Nakagawa Toshie Mori


Church Cleanup Group 3/Omigaki


1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 22 23

24 25 26

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


ParlierBoard Meeting



Dharma Class:1:00pm

Sumi: 3:00pmCalligraphy



Dharma Class:1:00pm

Sumi: 3:00pmCalligraphy



(see above)

V & P MeetingFowler7:00pm


Mah Jong9:00am


Mah Jong9:00am7:00pm

Eshinni Service& BWA Mem. w/

Rev. H. Sakamoto10:00am

Tofu Festival

Bishop UmezuParlier Church



If you wish to donate contactRev. Sakamoto at the Reedley Church: (559) 638-2146



Mah Jong9:00am


Parlier Class(See aboveschedule)


Yard Sale8am-12pm

Rev. Harada’sLecture atParlier BC


CurtisDiscussion Class


CC Jr. YBAConferenceat Fresno

Dharma Center9:00am

Mah Jong9:00am

CCMA Mtg. & Farewell Party

for Rev. H.Sakamoto10:00am

Welcome Center9:15am-11:30am

Parlier ClassTaichi

(Parlier Church)8:00am

Q & A w/ Rev. H. Sakamoto 4:00pm

Parlier ClassTaichi

(Parlier Church)8:00am

Welcome Center9:15am-11:30am


(see above)

CCDC Mtg.@ Fowler7:00pm

29 30


3rd Year M/S forRobert Kusunoki


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