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21st July 2014Warriors, Wisdom and Battalions.

'We are the Panth. We are the liberated ones. Can anyone say they arefree? They are too concerned with their kids. This! This is freedom,this way of the Nihungs. It is a rule bestowed upon us by the tenth

king!' -Baba Santa Singh Ji, oral interview.


Nihungs of the Tarna-Dal.

In 1733 A.D. Akali-Nihung Nawab Kapoor Singh Ji radically altered the structure of theDal-Panth. His revamped system served the Khalsa well, especially since it usheredPunjab into a new era; that of the Sikh empire. In the aftermath of the Anglo-Sikh WarsNihung Dals suffered heavy setbacks, with only the two pontificate, Budha-Dal andTarna-Dal, legions surviving. Contemporarily, more than 20 Nihung Dals abound globallywith seven holding prominent prowess in the Sikh world. Among the latter are the Budha-Dal and Tarna-Dal. Notwithstanding almost two centuries of marginalizing, and

Among the Nihungs.


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factionalism, all Nihung Dals have succeeded in preserving Nawab Kapoor Singh'sfundamental system and chain of command. Via the latter the Budha-Dal holds theparamount power to parent a new Dal, elect Jathedars, pass the final verdict on Nihungmatters and resolve any disputes. The Jathedari-System promulgates a chiefcommander-in-chief who in turn is served by all local, and mediocre, commanders. Hischief aides are a second-in-command and a Jathedar of the Chalda-Vaheer or nomadicbattalion. Pre-1960 era the Budha-Dal Chalda-Vaheer was designated the statues of the5th Takhat and currently travels from state to state, briefing the paramount Jathedar ofthe Budha-Dal on relevant matters. Amongst these 20 existing Nihung Dals, life follows atraditional trend. All proponents serve in various capabilities, and the chief Jathedars seeto the logistics, and spiritual needs of their wards. The Jathedar of each Dal imbues theunique spirit of his own entity, whether that be spiritualism or militarism. These men canbe said to be their Dal, in short. Let us now take a look at some of the most prominentDals today.           


A Nihung in the Punjab.

The Budha-Dal:

'Baba Budha Ji you have performed a great service in the Guru’s house. You shall foreverbe remembered in the world, in your name will run the supreme Khalsa army.' 

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Budha-Dal, pre-2010 A.D.

The name Budha not only reflects this Dal's senior prominence, but also it's primordialorigins. Pontificate amongst all Nihungs (and historically among the Khalsa) the Budha-Dal is a glorious iconoclast. A repository of primeval traditions, this Dal traces it's lineagedirectly to Akali-Nihung Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Initially headed by Akali-Nihung's BinodSingh Ji and Darbara Singh Ji, Nawab Kapoor Singh Ji refurbished it's structure foroptimal effect. Even today the senior pedagogues and generals of the panth reside withthe Budha-Dal, whereas their more younger counterparts are possessed by the Tarna-Dal. In the post-Sikh empire period several entities have attempted to hijack the Budha-Dal, among them the British, the Patiala monarchy and currently the nefarious SGPC.Their attempts so far have proven unsuccessful although currently two Budha-Dal's runrife. The initial Dal is under the aegis of Akali-Nihung Joginder Singh Ji, whilst hissuperior, Baba Surjit Singh Ji, languishes in jail. The second Dal is headed by the SGPC,and a certain Dalbir Singh. The latter has been involved in several violent putchs and hasoften insulted the entire Nihung order. Akali-Nihung Joginder Singh Ji currently residesat Raqba and is presently promulgating Gurmat globally.


       Akali-Nihung Joginder Singh Ji.

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Akali-Nihung Baba Surjit Singh Ji.

The Tarna-Dal:

It is said that upon announcing the birth of the Tarna-Dal, Nawab Kapoor Singh Ji placedthe turban of it's command atop Akali-Nihung Baba Deep Singh Ji's head. The latter, aclose companion of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, accepted this mantle with a vigorousenthusiasm and commenced crafting his command. In tandem with the Nawab, BabaDeep Singh effectively transformed Khalsa military structure via the Tarna-Dal. Primarilyhe trained 7,000 of it's recruits into a 24/7 quick reaction cavalry, whilst it's infantrycounterpart was educated in reconnaissance and special operations. Despitepossessing more manpower than the Budha-Dal, Tarna often bowed to it's wishes andrelied on it for a conclusive verdict. Historically Bibeksar, neighboring Amritsar, was it'shistoric headquarters but in the early 20th century it's Jathedars relocated it to BabaBakala. Presently it is under the command of Akali-Nihung Makhan Singh Ji.Traditionally, and contemporarily, any new Dal formed by the Budha-Dal often derives it'smembers from Tarna's ranks.     

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Historic watercolour depicting Baba Deep Singh Ji battling Afghani Jihadis.


Baba Makhan Singh Ji (right). 

The Baba Bidhi Chand Dal:

After the death of his beloved apostle, Baba Bidhi Chand Ji, Guru Hargobind Sahib Jideputed the latter's son, Baba Lal Chand Ji, to command his father's battalion andensure it's perpetual survival. Even today the direct descendants of Baba Bidhi Chand Jicommand this Dal, and ubiquitously spread the teachings of their beloved forefather'smaster. The Dal's 10th pontificate Jathedar Baba Sohan Singh Ji, with the blessings ofthe Budha-Dal, officially promulgated his command in 1929 A.D. Since then the Dal hasearned extensive accolades for it's altruism and charity. In 1984 A.D. during OperationBluestar, it's 11th Jathedar, Baba Daya Singh Ji, lead 120,000 men in a glorious chargeagainst the Indian army outside Amritsar. His forces finally succumbed to superiorairpower but otherwise inflicted a decisive toll upon their national foes. Emulating theconduct of Guru Nanak Dev Ji in all of it's actions, the Baba Bidhi Chand Dal truly is aninfluential bulwark of the modern Khalsa panth.

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  Baba Daya Singh Ji (1920-2014) with his two successors. 

The Baba Bakala Dal:

The residential battalion of village Bakala, the Baba Bakala Dal is famed for it's anti-corruption stand. Synonymous with the victims of 1984 A.D. the Dal was considerablyreduced at the hands of state personnel and armed forces during the said era. Currentlycommanded by Akali-Nihung Baba Hari Singh Ji it is probably the most picturesqueNihung Dal owing to Baba Hari Singh Ji's high media profile.


Baba Hari Singh Ji with Baba Swarnjit Singh Ji.

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The Harian-Bela Dal:

Akali-Nihung Baba Harbhajan Singh Ji, Budha-Dal, formed this Dal in 1949 A.D.Subsequently, in 1961 A.D., the Harian-Bela Nihungs became famous for their valorousremoval of a corrupt nihilist from Paonta Sahib. After Baba Harbhajan Singh Ji's demise,Baba Bishan Singh Ji, of Tarna-Dal, and Baba Nihal Singh Ji were elected to lead it. In theaftermath of Baba Bishan Singh Ji's demise, Baba Nihal Singh became the solecommandant of Harian-Bela. Despite suffering horrific wounds during the '61 episode,and at the hands of the Indian paramilitary in '84, he still retains his magnetic charismaand legendary stamina. Under him the Harian-Bela Nihungs have seen a mass growth inprominence and possessions. Currently running several hospitals, and educativeventures, the Harian-Bela Nihungs are a spectacle to witness.


The election of Baba Bishan Singh Ji and Baba Nihal Singh Ji.

The Guru Nanak Dev Dal:

Founded in 1960 A.D. with the blessings of Akali-Nihung Chet Singh Ji, the thenCommander-in-Chief of the Budha Dal, the Guru Nanak Dev Dal was the brainchild ofAkali-Nihung Karam Singh Ji Dandiya Wale and Akali-Nihung Kehar Singh Ji (the Dal'sinitial commander). A high spirited Sikh, Akali-Nihung Karam Singh Ji was a closeconfidant of Akali-Nihung Kehar Singh Ji's family, and had given the Dal it's name. Afterit's formation, Baba Kehar Singh Ji led his battalion on a three year sojourn of Khalsashrines throughout India. Currently the Guru Nanak Dev Dal is headed by Akali-NihungMaan Singh Ji, the son and chosen successor of Akali-Nihung Kehar Singh Ji.  

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Baba Maan Singh Ji (right with farla) gifting Baba Santa Singh Ji a sword.

The Khyale Wale Dal:

Descended from a venerable lineage of scholarly saints, it was highly evident that Akali-Nihung Trilok Singh Ji would illuminate his name globally. Thus, with the blessings ofAkali-Nihung Santa Singh Ji and the contemporaneous Budha Dal, amongst thethundering of war drums he was formally recognised as the founding father of theKhyale Wale Dal. Dedicated to the preservation of historic Gurughars, and the mysticalelements of the Khalsa, the Dal is formally encamped at Khyale; a city of prestigioushistoricity and a mythical pull of it's own.


Baba Trilok Singh Ji.

Posted 21st July 2014 by Admin at Misl-E-Hukumat

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