An Act to Legalise and Regulate Cremation Services in Malta
An Act to Legalise and Regulate Cremation Services in Malta
Establish the responsible entity for licencing
Establish the functions of the Licencing entity
Set criteria for the application for cremation
Provide for the possible means of storage or disposal of ashes
Registration of Cremations
3. Consultation Questions
4. Submissions
Data Protection Statement the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act (Chapter 586)
An Act to Legalise and Regulate Cremation Services in Malta
Hon. Chris Fearne Deputy Prime Minister Minister for Health
Presently Maltese law only allows burial in designated cemeteries or, in rare cases.
at sea. Recent research shows that up to one third of the Maltese population would
consider alternatives to these. This consultation document presents a legal and
regulatory framework to allow and regulate cremation in the Maltese Islands.
Whilst continuing to invest in the extension and embellishment of our existing
cemeteries, it is appropriate to consider and legislate in favour of allowing for a
wider choice according to individual wishes. The principle guiding this document is
that ultimately the decision on how to dispose of one’s remains after death is an
individual and private matter, possibly between the individual and his close family.
On the other hand, Government, through the regulator, must ensure that standards
are kept and the regulations are observed.
This consultation document poses a number of questions you might wish to answer.
However, more than that, we value your input on any or all matters related to
cremation. Your views, comments and suggestions will be taken into consideration.
An outstanding element of this Government is the fact that it has never shied away
from working on issues which are delicate for many. This characteristic has spurred the
incredible advancements made in the area of civil liberties. Likewise, this cremation
bill is progress in a sector which has, for centuries, remained unchanged, despite the
fact that death is an inevitability for us all.
The concept of cremation is by no means modern or new; indeed, throughout
history, many civilizations adopted it as the main method of disposing of their dead.
Today, this is reflected in the fact that most countries around the world have access
to cremation.
We want to extend this access to cremation in Malta, without distinction between
class, culture, or religion. Personal autonmy and choice are fundamental values not
only during our lives, but also in death. We must also keep in mind the loved ones
we leave behind, for whom last goodbyes are always difficult. Cremation will offer
a dignified, alternative ceremony for those who do not feel comfortable with the
burial process.
Introducing cremation as a choice is not only a liberal measure, but also an
environmental one. Modern day technology allows for cremation techniques which
have a minimal impact on the environment, and naturally, cremation facilities do not
require the same large amount of space which cemeteries need.
The consultation phase is crucial for any legislative proposal, since it gives us, the
legislators, the opportunity to listen to your opinions and concerns on proposals
which will ultimately affect us all. Having proposed it, it is my honour and privilege to
have been entrusted with such an important Private Members’ Bill, by means of which
we will be extending individual choice and rights during a truly sensitive moment.
An Act to Legalise and Regulate Cremation Services in Malta
1 baCkground
Cremation is an alternative to burial which is chosen by millions around the world. Burial is the main funerary technique
adopted in the Maltese Islands as the current legislation does not regulate alternative burial techniques, such as
cremation. Consequently, all corpses are buried in cemeteries, a few are buried at sea and others are cremated abroad
and the choice for cremation remains inaccessible in Malta. This choice can depend on various factors including
religious beliefs, the desire to preserve the environment or a matter of a wish by the person who died.
Countries that have introduced cremation reported that cremation is a less expensive option in comparison to burial.
Cremation is not an alternative to a funeral, but rather an alternative to burial or other forms of disposition. The
cremated remains can be scattered or buried, or they may be kept with the family in a decorative container. There are
many new and different ways to dispose of ashes today.
For the past fifteen years, various governments touched on the subject even by proposing plans for the setting up of a
crematorium however this never materialised. At least four planning applications were filed with the relative authority
however these were either withdrawn or objected to, due to the lack of a legal framework which permits such form of
burial. This interest for the choice of cremation as a form of burial is also supported by the public. A survey undertaken
in the past months indicated that thirty percent of the population would prefer to be cremated rather than buried.
The Cemeteries Policy and Design Guidance which was drafted by representatives of the Planning Authority, the
Environment and Resources Authority, the Environmental Health Directorate within the Superintendence of Public Health
and the Superintendent of Cultural Heritage was approved in April 2015. This guidance document makes provision for
the introduction of alternative burial techniques including cremation.
In its electoral manifesto under the Civil Rights chapter this government pledged to initiate discussions on the introduction
of cremation in Malta. In 2018, the Parliament’s Social Affairs Committee discussed the topic seeking views of various
stakeholders and made its recommendations in a report which was tabled on 16th May 2018. Government embarked
on a research exercise to examine foreign legislation and met the relevant local stakeholders in the sector. The process
of drafting the necessary legal provisions to legalise cremation is now at an advanced stage, and Government is
therefore presenting the following proposal of an outline of the legal framework to the public for consultation.
The proposed Cremation Bill will, among others:
Legalise the act of cremation;
Establish the responsible entity for licencing;
Establish the functions of the Licencing entity;
Set criteria for the application for cremation;
Provide for the possible means of storage or disposal of ashes; and
Registration of Cremations.
legalise The aCT of CremaTion
Provide the legal provision for cremation as a method of burial since the current legislation does not allow alternative
burial methods. Such legislation will stipulate that crematoria should have a valid licence to operate.
esTablish The resPonsible enTiTy for liCenCing
Establish the Superintendent for Public Health as the entity responsible for licencing and regulatory aspects of
crematoria which is in line with that of the responsibility for burials as established by current local legislation.
esTablish The funCTions of The liCenCing enTiTy
Establish the functions with responsibility for the establishment of standards to ensure quality, safety and efficacy which
are required from crematoria. The entity is to be responsible for functions related to licencing for the operation of the
crematory and have the authority for inspections, for requesting the necessary documentation including health and
environment impact assessments. The entity has the authority for regulatory and enforcement actions on crematoria
and the cremation process. The Licencing entity may establish advisory committees to carry out such functions. The
legislation should empower the Licencing entity to impose any such conditions on the facilities and cremation process
as may deem fit.
seT CriTeria for The aPPliCaTion for CremaTion
The Licencing entity will outline the application form, the application process, and the criteria for the application for
the cremation of a body. The entity also defines the documents and verifications necessary for a cremation to occur.
Provide for The Possible means of sTorage or disPosal of ashes
The legislation will outline the allowed means of storage and disposal of ashes.
regisTraTion of CremaTions
Registrations of cremation: safe keeping of details on cremated bodies are to be kept and the obligatory required
information to be recorded will be outlined in the legislation. This requires the establishment of a system within which all
cremations carried out in licensed crematoria are recorded.
An Act to Legalise and Regulate Cremation Services in Malta
Many people care deeply about what happens to their own and their loved ones’ bodies after death. It is therefore
important to capture individuals’ wishes and ensure that they are respected as far as practically possible.
Government is therefore asking the general public to reflect on the proposed Bill and provide their comments, in
particular, to the following issues:
a) What, if any, should Government’s role be in the cremation industry? Should Government, for instance,
consider the option of Public-Private Partnerships as a method of sharing the delivery of cremation
b) Do you agree with the creation of a Register for the registration of a person’s wish to be cremated
following his death? If yes, should this Register be a national Register, similar to the Organ Donation
Register, or should every crematorium have its own Register?
c) Should a crematorium have the necessary means to store and preserve DNA of persons cremated
for a defined period of time?
d) Is there any concerning matter or issue which has not been mentioned in the above summary, and which
you feel is important for the purposes of the law?
e) General comments of support or concern will also be considered and appreciated.
Submissions must be sent in through the following channels:
By email: [email protected]
All input towards this consultation must be received by Friday 29th March, 2019.
We thank you in advance for your input.
Please be informed that submissions will be published on the webpage of this consultation at the end of the scoping
phase. The lead Ministry has sole discretion upon the publication of comments.
Received contributions, together with the identity of the contributor, will be published on the Internet, unless the
contributor objects to the publication of his/her personal data on the grounds that such publication would harm his/
her legitimate interests. In this case the contribution may be published in anonymous form. Otherwise the contribution
3 ConsulTaTion QuesTions
will not be published nor will, in principle, its content be taken into account. Any objections concerning the publication
of personal data should be sent to the service responsible for the consultation on the following email address:
[email protected].
daTa ProTeCTion sTaTemenT The general daTa ProTeCTion regulaTion and The daTa ProTeCTion aCT (ChaPTer 586)
The General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act Chapter 586 regulate the processing of personal
data whether held electronically or in manual form. The Ministry for European Affairs and Equality collects only
information which is necessary for it to perform its intended functions and is set to fully comply with the Data Protection
Principles as set out in the Data Protection Legislation. Verification of the ID number provided will take place as deemed
necessary. All personal data provided will be processed according to the General Data Protection Regulation and the
Data Protection Act (Cap 586).
In addition, please be aware of:
· Disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (Chapter 496)
As we are a public authority all documents we hold, including documents related to this public consultation process,
may be released following a request to us under the Freedom of Information Act (Chap. 496), unless such request may
be subject of an exemption arising from the same Act.
t +356 2295 7350
t +356 2295 7350
Att li Jillegalizza u Jirregola s-Servizzi tal-Kremazzjoni f’Malta
Jillegalizza l-att tal-kremazzjoni
Jistabbilixxi l-funzjonijiet tal-entità gal-lienzjar
Jistabbilixxi kriterji gat-twettiq tal-kremazzjoni
Reistrazzjoni tal-Kremazzjonijiet
u l-Privatezza tad-Data (Kapitolu 586)
Onor. Mr Chris Fearne Deputat Prim Ministru Ministru gas-Saa
Il-lii Maltija attwali tippermetti biss dfin f’imiterji magula jew, f’kaijiet rari,
fil-baar. Rierka rienti turi li sa terz tal-popolazzjoni Maltija tikkunsidra alternattivi
gal dan id-dfin. Dan id-dokument ta’ konsultazzjoni jippreenta qafas legali u
regolatorju biex jippermetti u jirregola l-kremazzjoni fil-Gejjer Maltin.
Filwaqt li nkomplu ninvestu fl-estensjoni u fit-tisbi ta-imiterji eistenti tagna, hu
xieraq li nikkunsidraw u li nilleilaw favur gala usa’ skont ix-xewqat individwali.
Il-prinipju gwida ta’ dan id-dokument hu dak li fl-aar mill-aar, id-deijoni ta’
kif tiddisponi mill-fdalijiet wara l-mewt, hi wada individwali u privata, possibbilment
bejn l-individwu u qrabatu. Min-naa l-ora, il-Gvern, permezz tar-regolatur,
gandu jigura li l-istandards jinammu u r-regolamenti jkunu osservati.
Dan id-dokument ta’ konsultazzjoni jqajjem gadd ta’ mistoqsijiet li jista’ jkun li
tixtieq twieeb. Madankollu, aktar minn hekk, nagtu importanza lis-sehem tiegek
dwar suerimenti jew proposti marbuta mal-kremazzjoni. Il-fehmiet, il-kummenti u
s-suerimenti tiegek se jiu kkunsidrati.
Karatteristika prominenti ta’ dan il-Gvern hi li ma jiddejjaqx jadem fuq suetti li
huma sensittivi gal afna. Dan kien krujali biex gamilna passi ta’ gant fil-qasam
tal-libertajiet ivili. Bl-istess mod, il-legalizzazzjoni tal-kremazzjoni hi pass ‘l quddiem
f’qasam li, gal mijiet ta’ snin, ma nbidilx f’pajjina, minkejja li l-mewt hi realtà gal
kull individwu.
Il-kunett li isem jii kkremat wara l-mewt mhuwiex wieed did; anzi, matul
is-sekli, kienu bosta -ivilizazzjonijiet li jikkremaw il-mejtin taghom. Illum-il
urnata, dan hu rifless fil-fatt li l-kremazzjoni hi aessibbli fil-maoranza tal-pajjii
madwar id-dinja.
Din l-aessibilità irridu nestenduha f’pajjina wkoll, mingajr distinzjoni bejn klassi,
kultura, jew relijon. L-awtonomija u l-gala personali hi prinipju fundamentali mhux
biss tul ajjitna, ida wkoll meta niu gall-mewt. Irridu nommu f’mona wkoll li
gall-geie tagna, l-aar tislima dejjem hi diffili. Permezz tal-kremazzjoni,
qegdin noffru alternattiva dinjitua gal min ma jossx li -erimonja tad-dfin
tirrappreentah b’mod adegwat.
Li wieed ikollu l-gala tal-kremazzjoni mhijiex biss miura liberali, ida wkoll
ambjentali. It-teknoloija ta’ minijietna tippermetti metodi ta’ kremazzjoni li
gandhom impatt minimu fuq l-ambjent, u naturalment, failitajiet krematorji ma
jitiux l-ammont ta’ spazju li imiterju jetie.
Il-fai ta’ konsultazzjoni hi krujali gal kull pass leilattiv, gax jagti ans lilna
l-leilaturi li nisimgu l-opinjonijiet u tassib tagkom dwar il-proposti li fl-aar
mill-aar, se jaffettwaw il-ajja tagna lkoll. Huwa unur u privile galija li wara li
adt l-inizjattiva sabiex nipproponiha, ejt afdata bi Private Members’ Bill daqshekk
importanti, li biha se inwessgu l-galiet u d-drittijiet tal-individwu f’mument
daqshekk sensittiv.
1 sfond
Il-kremazzjoni hi alternattiva gal dfin magula minn miljuni madwar id-dinja. Id-dfin hi t-teknika funerarja ewlenija
adottata fil-Gejjer Maltin hekk kif il-leilazzjoni attwali ma tirregolax tekniki ta’ dfin alternattivi, bal dik tal-
kremazzjoni. Galdaqstant il-kadavri kollha jindifnu fi-imiterji, ftit midfunin fil-baar filwaqt li orajn jiu kremati lil hinn
minn xtutna ladarba l-gala gall-kremazzjoni tibqa’ wada mhux aessibbli f’Malta. Din l-gala tista’ tiddependi
fuq gadd ta’ fatturi, inklui t-twemmin reliju; ix-xewqa li tippreserva l-ambjent jew fuq xewqa tal-persuna mejta.
Il-pajjii li introduew il-kremazzjoni rrapportaw li l-kremazzjoni, mill-aspett finanzjarju, hi gala inqas galja meta
mqabbla mad-dfin. Il-kremazzjoni mhix alternattiva gal funeral ida hi aktar alternattiva gal dfin jew forom ora ta’
dispoizzjoni. Il-fdalijiet kremati jistgu jiu mferrxin jew midfunin, jew jistgu jinammu mill-qraba f’kontenitur dekorattiv.
Illum jeistu bosta modi odda u differenti biex tiddisponi mill-irmied.
Gal dawn l-aar mistax-il sena, numru ta’ gvernijiet tefgu arsithom fuq dan is-suett billi pproponew pjanijiet
gal twaqqif ta’ krematorju, liema proposti baqgu fuq l-ixkaffa. Mill-inqas erba’ applikazzjonijiet gall-ippjanar ew
sottomessi lill-awtorità responsabbli, madankollu ew irtirati jew tressqu oezzjonijiet minabba nuqqas ta’ qafas
legali li jippermetti din il-forma ta’ dfin. L-interess fl-gala tal-kremazzjoni bala forma ta’ dfin kiseb ukoll l-appo
tal-pubbliku. Starri li sar fl-aar xhur wera li tletin fil-mija tal-popolazzjoni tippreferi aktar kieku kellha tii kremata
milli midfuna.
Ambjent, tad-Direttorat gas-Saa Ambjentali fi dan is-Sovrintendenza tas-Saa Pubblika u tas-Suprintendent
gall-Wirt Kulturali, iet approvata f’April tal-2015. Dan id-dokument ta’ gwida jipprovdi dispoizzjonijiet gall-
introduzzjoni ta’ tekniki tad-dfin alternattivi, inklua dik tal-kremazzjoni.
Fil-manifest elettorali tiegu, fil-kapitolu dwar id-Drittijiet ivili, dan il-gvern wieged li jibda diskussjonijiet dwar
l-introduzzjoni tal-kremazzjoni f’Malta. Fl-2018, il-Kumitat dwar l-Affarijiet Sojali tal-Parlament iddiskuta s-suett bl-
gan li jixtarr fehmiet tal-bosta partijiet interessati u gamel ir-rakkomandazzjonijiet tiegu f’rapport li ie ppreentat
lill-Kamra tad-Deputati nhar is-16 ta’ Mejju, 2018. Il-gvern beda eerizzju ta’ rierka biex jeamina leilazzjoni barranija
filwaqt li ltaqa’ mal-partijiet interessati lokali rilevanti f’dan il-qasam. Il-proess tal-abbozzar tad-dispoizzjonijiet
legali metie biex tii legalizzata l-kremazzjoni issa jinsab fi stadju avvanzat, galhekk il-gvern qed jippreenta din
il-proposta tal-punti ewlenin tal-qafas legali gall-konsultazzjoni pubblika.
L-Abbozz ta’ Lii dwar il-Kremazzjoni se jara li, fost affarijiet orajn:
Jillegalizza l-att tal-kremazzjoni;
Jistabbilixxi l-funzjonijiet tal-entità gal-lienzjar;
Jistabbilixxi kriterji gat-twettiq tal-kremazzjoni;
Reistrazzjoni tal-Kremazzjonijiet.
metodi ta’ dfin alternattivi. Din il-leilazzjoni se tistipula li l-krematorji gandu jkollhom lienzja valida biex joperaw.
jisTabbilixxi l-enTiTà resPonsabbli ghall-hrug Tal-liCenzji
Jistabbilixxi lis-Suprintendent gas-Saa Pubblika bala l-entità responsabbli gal-lienzjar u gall-aspetti
regolatorji tal-krematorji, kif ukoll li l-krematorji huma konformi mar-responsabbiltà gal dfin hekk kif stabbilit mil-
leilazzjoni lokali.
li huma metiein mill-krematorji. L-entità gandha tkun responsabbli gall-funzjonijiet marbutin mal-lienzjar gat-
taddim tal-krematorju u gandha jkollha s-setga li twettaq spezzjonijiet, li titlob gad-dokumentazzjoni metiea u
gall-valutazzjonijiet tal-impatt fuq is-saa u l-ambjent. L-entità gandha s-setga li twettaq azzjonijiet regolatorji u
ta’ infurzar fuq il-krematorji u fuq il-proess ta’ kremazzjoni. L-entità gal-lienzjar tista’ twaqqaf kumitati konsultattivi
bl-gan li jwettqu dawn il-funzjonijiet. Il-leilazzjoni gandha tagti s-setga lill-entità gal-lienzjar li timponi
kwalunkwe kundizzjoni fuq il-failitajiet u fuq il-proess ta’ kremazzjoni hekk kif jidhrilha xieraq.
jisTabbilixxi kriTerji ghaT-TweTTiQ Tal-kremazzjoni
applikazzjoni gall-kremazzjoni ta’ isem. L-entità gandha wkoll tifformola d-dokumenti u l-verifiki metiein biex
issir kremazzjoni.
regisTrazzjoni Tal-kremazzjonijieT
Reistrazzjonijiet tal-kremazzjoni: i-amma b’mod sigur tad-dettalji tal-isma kkremati kif ukoll it-tagrif obbligatorju
metie li gandu jii rreistrat se jitfasslu f’din il-leilazzjoni. Dan jetie il-olqien ta’ sistema li fiha jkunu rreistrati
l-kremazzjonijiet kollha mwettqin fil-krematorji lienzjati.
Att li Jillegalizza u Jirregola s-Servizzi tal-Kremazzjoni f’Malta
Huma bosta li gandhom gal qalbhom ferm x’jiri minn isimhom u minn dak tal-geie taghom wara mewthom,
galhekk huwa importanti li tittieed nota tax-xewqat tal-individwi u jkun gurat li kemm jista’ jkun jiu rrispettati.
Galdaqstant il-gvern qed jitlob lill-pubbliku inenerali biex jirrifletti fuq l-abbozz propost u jgaddi l-kummenti tiegu,
b’mod partikolari, dwar il-proposti li ejjin:
a) X’gandu jkun, kemm-il darba hemm lok tiegu, l-irwol tal-gvern fl-industrija tal-kremazzjoni?
Pereempju, il-gvern gandu jikkunsidra l-gala ta’ subija bejn is-settur pubbliku u dak privat biex is-
servizzi ta’ kremazzjoni jkunu offruti b’mod konunt?
b) Taqbel mal-olqien ta’ Reistru fejn tii rreistrata x-xewqa ta’ persuna li tii kkremata wara mewtha?
Jekk iva, dan ir-Reistru gandu jkun reistru nazzjonali, simili gar-Reistru tad-Donazzjoni ta’ Organi,
jew kull krematorju gandu jkollu r-Reistru tiegu?
c) Gandu krematorju jkollu l-mezzi metiein biex jaen u jippreserva d-DNA ta’ persuni kremati gal
perjodu ta’ mien definit?
d) Hemm xi punti orajn li jolqtuk li mhumiex inklui fis-sommarju t’hawn fuq u li toss li huma importanti
gall-finijiet tal-lii?
e) Kummenti inenerali favur jew ta’ tassib se jiu kkunsidrati u apprezzati.
Ir-rappreentazzjonijiet gandhom isiru bil-miktub u jintbagtu kif ej:
Bl-imejl: [email protected]
Is-sehem tiegek gal din il-konsultazzjoni gandu jasal sal-imga 29 ta’ Marzu, 2019
Grazzi bil-quddiem gas-sehem tiegek.
Jekk jogbok kun af li s-sottomissjonijiet se jiu ppubblikati fuq il-websajt ta’ din il-konsultazzjoni fi tmiem din il-fai
ta’ konsultazzjoni. Hi gad-diskrezzjoni unika tal-Ministeru ewlieni jippubblikax il-kummenti sottomessi.
3 misToQsijieT ghall-konsulTazzjoni
bal din tagmel sara lill-interessi leittimi tiegu/tagha. F’dan il-ka il-kontribuzzjoni tista’ tii ppubblikata f’forma
anonima. Inkella, il-kontribuzzjoni ma tiix ippubblikata u lanqas, fil-prinipju, il-kontenut tagha ma jiix kkunsidrat.
Kwalunkwe oezzjoni dwar il-pubblikazzjoni ta’ data personali gandha tintbagat lis-servizz responsabbli gall-
konsultazzjoni bl-imejl fuq l-indirizz li ej: [email protected].
id-dikjarazzjoni dwar il-ProTezzjoni Tad-daTa r-regolamenT generali dwar il-ProTezzjoni Tad-daTa u l-aTT dwar il-ProTezzjoni u l-PrivaTezza Tad-daTa (kaPiTolu 586)
Ir-Regolament enerali gall-Protezzjoni tad-Data u l-Att dwar il-Protezzjoni tad-Data Kapitolu 586 jirregolaw
l-ipproessar tad-data personali kemm jekk mimuma elettronikament kif ukoll jekk f’forma manwali. Il-Ministeru
gall-Affarijiet Ewropej u l-Ugwaljanza jibor biss l-informazzjoni li hija metiea biex iwettaq il-funzjonijiet masubin
tiegu u huwa stabbilit li jikkonforma bis-si mal-Prinipji tal-Protezzjoni tad-Data kif stabbilit fil-Leilazzjoni dwar
il-Protezzjoni tad-Data. Verifika tan-numru ta’ identifikazzjoni pprovdut se sse kif jitqies metie. Id-data personali
kollha pprovduta se tii pproessata skont ir-Regolament enerali dwar il-Protezzjoni tad-Data u l-Att dwar il-
Protezzjoni tad-Data (Kap. 586).
· L-ivelar ta’ dokument bl-Att dwar il-Libertà tal-Informazzjoni (Kapitolu 496)
Bala Awtorità Pubblika kull dokument mimum gandna, inklui dokumenti relatati mal-proess ta’ din il-konsultazzjoni,
jistgu jiu velati billi ssir talba gal dokumenti skont l-Att dwar il-Libertà tal-Informazzjoni (Kap. 496), sakemm it-talba
ma tkunx suett gal raunijiet konkluivi biex dokumenti uffijali ma jkunux velati tat dan l-Att.

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