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"Once an addict, always an addict?"   Not so fast.

At the Sherwood Recovery treatment center we do not believe "once an addict, always an addict."  In fact, we know that an addict can be completely and permanently healed.

Addiction is merely a symptom of a more important underlying issue.  Resolve the issue...eliminate the addiction.  Our experienced staff's goal here at the treatment center is to help you accomplish rehab in weeks...not years.

First, we will repair your body.  It's full of toxins and in disrepair.  Our treatment center has a sauna designed to flush the toxins, correct your blood chemistry, replenish vitamins and nutrients, increase blood flow, lower blood pressure and design an exercise regimen specifically to meet

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your rehabilitation needs.  Learn more...

Second, we will mend your mind.  Unknown to you, your addiction has altered your brain activity.  It has actually created new neural pathways that place your addiction front and center to the detriment of all else.  Without surgery we will rewire your brain.  Here, at the treatment center, we will create brand new pathways that will make your brain function at peek efficiency.  While an incredibly complex concept, it is as simple as watching a movie.  Once your brain is functioning properly, we will help you replace destructive thinking such as overgeneralizing, magnifying negatives while minimizing positives and replacing these destructive ideas with more realistic and effective thoughts.  This will dramatically decrease emotional distress and self-defeating behavior.  Finally, we will teach you how to identify and manage your emotions in a positive way.   This will prepare you for your reconnection with friends, loved ones and life.  Learn more...

Third and finally, we will heal your spirit. You are wounded.  We don't yet know when it happened or how it happened but this much we do is the cause of your addiction.  Like a domino effect, your addiction then resulted in your spirit disconnecting from reality, morality, friends, family and, if you are a person of faith, your creator.  It robbed you of your confidence, self esteem and the joy that comes from living life to its fullest.  The final phase of your recovery will involve those here at the treatment center introducing to you the concepts of "Discovery," "Restoration" and "Reconnection."  We will help you discover and address the underlying issue that first triggered your addiction.  We will help restore your spirit, liberating the real you.  The person you used to be but happier and healthier.  Finally, we will help you reconnect with everything and everyone.  Learn more...

At Sherwood Hills Recovery,

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Addiction Recovery is only half the story...

During your time at the treatment center, we will have restored your health, discovered and addressed the cause of your addiction, exercised your emotional demons, transformed you into a productive, forward thinking maker of decisions and helped you reconnect with loved ones.  Now what?

"Every client must exit our program sober, mindful and empowered.  Only then are they prepared for a life of purposeful action."

At Sherwood Hills Recovery Resort, our philosophy of complete and total recovery from addiction extends far beyond eradicating the need for substance abuse.  We prepare you for life.  

You came to us "broken and scattered" and are now leaving us "whole and focused."  

You are confident, motivated and excited.  You are empowered and determined. You have laid a course to achieve your highest aspirations. You have a goal and a purpose.  Together, we have planned its execution and the moment has arrived to take action... execute the plan.

 You are ready and you know it.

That's the Sherwood Hills Recovery difference.

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Body, Mind, Spirit... LIFE!

Restoring the Body

           Preparing you for a purpose driven life of action begins with restoring your body and health.  At Sherwood Hills Recovery Resort, an inpatient drug rehab center, our comprehensive nutrition and fitness program is designed to accelerate your recovery and provide a solid educational foundation for a happy, healthy lifestyle.

Complete Physical with Blood Work

Step ONE...assess your health. Drug and alcohol abuse can take a substantial toll on the human body.  In order to restore you to peek physical condition, it is imperative to be aware of any and all conditions that could hinder your recovery.

A complete physical will evaluate a person's current condition by examining the circulatory, HEENT, respiratory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, lymphatic, musculoskeletal and neurological systems.

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In addition, a complete blood panel work up will measure your red blood cells (which carry oxygen throughout the body), your white blood cells (the immune cells) and platelets (which help blood clot) as well as shapes, sub types and sizes of the cells.  The results help determine the path to detox and recovery.For example, a low red blood cell count might indicate Anemia.  The "differential" analysis determines whether a low count stems from internal bleeding, a lack of iron or a lack of B vitamins.  A change in the number and types of white blood cells can indicate problems in the bone marrow where these cells are made or suggest general illness.

Sauna-Vitamin DETOX

Although it is common knowledge that toxins become stored within the body, not many are aware that drug residues also get lodged within the body's tissues.  This includes drugs such as cocaine and heroin as well as prescription drugs.  A sauna-based detoxification cleanses the body giving new life to someone coming off drugs or who has stopped taking drugs.

As chemicals and drugs build up in the fat tissues, they don't necessarily create any effect while stored. It is when they become released into the bloodstream that the effects begin. Uncontrolled, they circulate in the blood and are basically re-poisoning the body. When the

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released toxins are drugs, it can spark cravings for those drugs, leading to relapse when the person had already stopped using drugs. What releases these into the blood? Anything which causes the body to use fat can do so - exercise, stress and so on.The body needs support while all this is happening. Nutrition is vital to ensure the body purges these chemicals effectively. The correct exercise done at the right time is also important. How much time is spent in the sauna and at what heat level is also vital to the proper release in relation to the amount of exercise and vitamins and mineral supplements.

At Sherwood Hills Recovery Resort, the Sauna-Vitamin Detox, when combined with our Power Nutritional Recovery Program and a personalized exercise program, eliminates cravings, restores normal sleep patterns, improves memory, eliminates back pain and fatigue and reduces symptoms associated with allergies.  These improvements affect the personality in a positive way making one feel brighter, alive and happier.      

Bio-Chemical Repair

There are certain biochemical imbalances that can make a person more prone to the addictive cycle, and by restoring the body’s chemical balance, a person is much

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more capable of overcoming an addiction.In biochemical repair, clients receive individualized medical assessments and customized biochemical treatment regimens. Initially, a series of medically supervised laboratory tests are run to identify problematic factors such as hypothyroidism, hypoglycemia, vitamin and mineral deficiencies or toxicities, excessive metals, food allergies and histamine levels. Amino acid and hormonal imbalances are also identified. The test results are interpreted by physicians who correct imbalances with the use of an individualized combination of dietary and natural supplements.

For example if a person has a high histamine level, neurons in the brain fire excessively causing racing thoughts that result in insomnia, extreme anxiety, difficulty concentrating and compulsive behavior. To address this condition, a patient is given the amino acid L-Methionine to bring down histamine levels to reduce or eliminate these symptoms.

In extreme cases, biochemical repair therapy may even sometimes involve the use of IV drips to supply amino acids, vitamins and minerals to rapidly restore health. Those in recovery find relief from withdrawal symptoms and receive a boost to their overall health almost immediately.

Nutritional and Supplement Program

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Following your Bio-Chemical assessment, a customized nutritional and supplement program will be developed. Substance abuse depletes the body, brain and nervous system of critical minerals and nutrients. The chefs at our restaurant will create delicious, personalized, nutrient rich meals based on the clinical staff's recommendations. In addition, you will receive daily doses of the supplement Q96.  Studies at universities in 4 countries have identified Q96 as the "go to" supplement to quickly restore minerals and nutrients to the brain and central nervous system.  This will provide the substructure required to begin your exercise regime.

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Exercise to Health

Exercise can be a helpful tool when recovering from an addiction, as it provides a way to keep busy and be healthy. Exercise can help relieve stress and reduce depression, both factors that can help reduce the rate of addiction. Exercise releases endorphins, which can elevate your mood and make you feel more confident in your recovery and help you to succeed.

Following an exercise routine when recovering from addiction lets you fill the space that was once occupied by bad habits with healthy habits. Time spent out on a bike ride, at the gym or on a trail means you're not spending that time at peer-pressure-filled bars or parties. It is important in recovery to find healthy alternatives to whatever bad habit to which you were accustomed.

Exercise actually mimics a lot of the same effects that drugs have on the brain, because exercise stimulates certain neurochemicals that sense pleasure.  The different exercises that you do can have varied effects on your recovery. Cardio exercise can help you have more energy, burn fat and lose weight. Strength training exercises can help you develop muscle and increase your metabolism. You can try stretching exercises such as yoga and Pilates to quiet your mind and energize your body through sequential postures and breathing exercises.

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Massage as Part of Detoxification

Incorporating massage into a substance abuse program is advantageous in all of the stages of quitting an addiction: withdrawal, detoxification and abstinence. The physical, emotional and spiritual components of recovery all can be directly benefited by the healing power of therapeutic touch. The nurturing contact of massage utilizes skin as the translator of the therapist’s intent. Skin, the largest sensory organ in our body, is our primary sense for connecting information from our external surroundings to our internal environment. Through an inpatient drub rehab center you will have all the tools necessary to heal your body from the effects of drug addiction.

Healing the Spirit through a AddictionRecovery Center

Healing the spirit involves a "breakthrough," a reconnecting to the life sourceof all good things.  For a person of faith, this would include mending theconnection to their creator. To others, this is a process of rediscovery.  It isthe time to fill your life spring with hope, determination, motivation, positive

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reflection, confidence, empathy, direction and more. It is the moment ofMindful Empowerment.  The ability to look forward, with peace andconfidence, realizing that an exciting journey is about to begin.  One thatwill change your life forever... overflowing with purpose, power and meaning.

Trauma Recovery Workshop

Treating an addiction without treating the underlying trauma is much like trying to kill a tree by trimming the branches.  To "kill" an addiction, one must dig to the root of the addiction.  The root of addiction is often internalized emotional pain, the spiritual side.  Simply trimming the branches of a tree will not prevent the branches from growing back.  Simply treating the addiction will not prevent the addiction from growing back.

The reason behind addictive behavior is to self-medicate in order to numb unresolved spiritual issues:  The emotion anger, pain, fear, guilt, or shame.  Until this underlying spiritual issue, the “emotional baggage,” is resolved, the addictive behavior is still necessary and will continue.  When the underlying emotional issues are resolved, there is no reason for the addictive behavior because there are no painful emotions to avoid. But until the core emotional issues

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feeding the addiction are resolved, the addictive behavior will continue.  One may be able to stop the addictive behavior temporarily, but when something in the here and now triggers these buried emotions from the past and they come flooding back, we will do what worked in the past to numb this pain.  The core problem is not the addiction itself, but the emotional pain necessitating the need to self-medicate to feel better.  This dance makes perfect sense, because most of us would chose to be numb than continually be in emotional and spiritual pain.

7 Reasons Why Our Workshops Are So Effective In Treating Emotional Trauma and Addiction "The Spiritual Side"

        1.  Addictions are the most pervasive and treatable mental health issues, yet millions of people continue to struggle because treatment often does not address the hidden core spiritual or emotional issue.

        2.  These issues are very often rooted in unresolved emotional trauma from as far back as childhood. This wounding is of a spiritual nature.  The deep impact of this trauma may not be consciously recognized, even by the patient.  This invisible "emotional baggage" weighs us down, making life a difficult chore instead of an exciting adventure.

       3.  While traditional "talk therapy" is clinically appropriate for some mental health issues, it has minimal success in resolving emotional trauma because talk therapy impacts the left-brain.  Emotional trauma is stored in the right brain and limbic system.  Often trauma victims find little relief in therapy, and resign themselves to a life of hopelessness, powerlessness, and despair.

       4.  The treatment used in our programs has been recognized as the "treatment of choice" for unresolved emotional trauma because it accesses the right brain and limbic system where trauma is stored.

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        5.  The dramatic increase in the use of psychotropic medication in an attempt to cope with unresolved emotional pain demonstrates the ineffectiveness of traditional talk therapy in resolving emotional trauma.

        6.  Effective treatment of emotional trauma reduces or eliminates the need to self-medicate with addictions or psychotropic medication.

         7. Instead of masking the symptoms, our powerful and effective treatment cuts to the root of the trauma, eliminating the need to numb emotional pain with medications or addictions and eliminating the root cause of depression and anxiety.

         Trauma and Addiction Recovery is a clinical program designed to assist those with unresolved emotional trauma to address and resolve these deep-seated spiritual or emotional issues in a few days through powerfully effective workshops.

Family and Couples Therapy

Addiction doesn't only affect the user's life; the whole family is transformed. Strong relationships with family and friends are essential for successful drug and alcohol abuse treatment. Family and Couples Therapy includes the spouse and other family members of the addicted person.  In

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addition, some sessions may take place without the addicted individual present. These sessions are a chance for counselor to instruct the family on the best, most productive ways to help their loved one make a smooth transition back into normal life following treatment.

There are several potential benefits of family or couples therapy:

• Family members can act as a powerful force for change in the addicted person's life.

• Including family members can increase the likelihood a person will stay in therapy.

• Each family member can begin to heal the damage their loved one's addiction has caused in their own life.

Studies show family therapy results in lower relapse rates, increased happiness in the family, and better functioning in children of addicted parents.

Most addiction recovery centers are heavily influenced by organized religion and twelve-step philosophy.  While we embrace the profound ideas that come from these pursuits, at Sherwood Hills Recovery Resort we invite our clients to explore all types of faiths and spiritual beliefs if they choose to do so.  In addition, our core treatment philosophy includes work that guides you through examining your beliefs and values during your addiction.  This spiritual work is designed to complete a holistic approach to your recovery.

Mending the Mind

"Guard your thoughts for they become words.  Watch your words for they become action.  Beware your actions as they become your character and watch your character as it becomes your destiny."

- Margaret Thatcher

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Wiser words were never spoken.  The mind is the central player in life.  Unfortunately, substance abuse results in nutrient and mineral depletion, in addition to rerouting of Neural Pathways, robbing you of your most valuable asset in the quest for recovery.  At Sherwood Hills Recovery, drug and alcohol treatment center, we have the technology and experience to rejuvenate and repair your mind, providing the architecture for permanent and lasting freedom from addiction.

BrainCore Therapy

BrainCore Therapy provides a unique drug free approach to treating Neurological Dysregulation Syndrome (NDS).  NDS is a condition that results from tension on the nervous system caused by subluxation, poor nutrition, stress, drugs or trauma. The BrainCore technology and science is based on a training procedure that effectively regulates the nervous system providing proven relief of conditions associated with NSD.

In order to understand how BrainCore therapy works we first need to understand how the brain works. The systems that govern the human brain are the most complex and compact on earth. In order for the brain to function optimally, the parts of the brain must talk to one another constantly. The brain accomplishes this communication by transmitting electrical signals along neurons that connect one area of the

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brain to another. The electrical signals are expressed as brain waves. Using non-invasive surface electrodes that are placed on the surface of the scalp, the BrainCore system is able to translate these brainwaves on to a computer screen for observation – It’s like having a window to the brain.

Over thirty years of research has demonstrated that, for any given circumstance there is an accepted normal pattern of brain wave activity. This healthy pattern is referred to as Neurological Regulation. A healthy, balanced, and properly regulated nervous system will produce the appropriate brain waves at the appropriate levels and at the appropriate times for any given situation.

BrainCore Therapy is a form of neurofeedback that allows the nervous system to retrain itself to create new, more appropriate wave patterns and break the cycle of NDS. Though the BrainCore technology is quite complex, the training activity is simple, painless, drugless and non-invasive. Surface electrodes are placed on the scalp and EEG activity is transmitted to the computer screen. Visual feedback of the patient’s brainwaves in the form of an animated game such as Pac Man, or a movie is provided instantly. The animated game or a movie only plays when the patient is producing the correct brainwave. If the patient’s brain stops producing the desired brain wave the game or the movie, stop playing. As the nervous system reorganizes itself based on this instantaneous information, the patterns begin to normalize. Over the course of 10 to 20 training sessions, the brain modifies itself to begin producing the appropriate brain waves at the appropriate times resulting in an alleviation of the symptoms.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

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The human experience of cognition includes our perceptions, thoughts, emotions and understanding.  Cognitive behavioral therapy particularly explores the conflicts between what we want to do and what we actually do.  Addiction is a clear example of this – while addicts will often say they want to change their addictive behavior, and may genuinely want to quit alcohol, drugs, or other compulsive behaviors that are causing them problems, they find it extremely difficult to do so.

Cognitive behavioral therapy explains this by clarifying the way that people’s thoughts and emotions interact. Psychologists realized that many of us hold beliefs that are untrue, unrealistic, or impossible to live up to, and these thoughts, in turn, cause negative feelings that can feed anxiety, depression and conditions like addiction.  By examining our thoughts and associated feelings in a safe therapeutic setting, along with the events that trigger those thoughts and feelings, and the behavior that we carry out as a result, we can begin to change the automatic processes that sabotage our efforts at changing our behaviors.

According to the cognitive behavioral therapy approach addictive behaviors, such as drinking, drug use, and other types of harmful excessive behavior, is the result of inaccurate thoughts and subsequent negative feelings.  Cognitive behavioral therapy has an excellent track record, with numerous studies demonstrating its effectiveness in treating depression, anxiety and other conditions, including addiction.

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Rope Course Challenge

Our philosophy with all our ropes courses is "Challenge by Choice," which simply means that no participant will be forced to participate on an element. However, participants are strongly encouraged to go beyond their perceived limitations. The nudge to get outside of one's personal "comfort zone" allows for immeasurable opportunities of growth.  Our three ropes courses are set in the serene woods surrounding Sherwood Hills within a few hundred feet of the resort.  Our courses consist of a mixture of low range elements and high range elements.  Certified facilitators guide you through the ropes challenges with care and adventure.

In our other Challenge Courses you explore fun and challenging games with everyday objects that improve communication and develop teamwork. These exciting low impact activities you can do with your family and friends. As the hands-on challenges slowly increase in fun and complexity so does your self-confidence and productivity. Your brain also gets a workout as we explore individual comfort zones, drama triangles and personal mission statements that increase personal communication with the world around you. As you improve your concentration, communication and strategizing skill this transfers to a positive impact on daily activities and can be applied to real world principles and recovery.

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Through attending a drug and alcohol treatment center you will be able to heal your mind and find permanent and lasting freedom from addiction.

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