  • 7/27/2019 An Evaluation of Three Statistical Methods Used To


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    An evaluation of three statistical methods used tomodel resource selection

    David M. BaaschSchool of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68583, USA, [email protected]

    Andrew J. TyreSchool of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68583, USA

    Joshua J. MillspaughDepartment of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211, USA

    Sco E. HygnstromUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln, [email protected]

    Kurt C. VercauterenUSDA/APHIS/WS/National Wildlife Research Center, Fort Collins, CO 80521, USA

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    Baasch, David M.; Tyre, Andrew J.; Millspaugh, Joshua J.; Hygnstrom, Sco E.; and Vercauteren, Kurt C., "An evaluation of threestatistical methods used to model resource selection" (2010).USDA National Wildlife Research Center - Sta Publications. Paper 867.hp://
  • 7/27/2019 An Evaluation of Three Statistical Methods Used To


    Ecological Modelling 221 (2010) 565574

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    Ecological Modelling

    j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / e c o l m o d e l

    An evaluation of three statistical methods used to model resource selection

    David M. Baasch a,, Andrew J. Tyre a, Joshua J. Millspaugh b, Scott E. Hygnstrom a, Kurt C. Vercauteren c

    a School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68583, USAb Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211, USAc USDA/APHIS/WS/National Wildlife Research Center, Fort Collins, CO 80521, USA

    a r t i c l e i n f o

    Article history:

    Received 22 June 2009

    Received in revised form 14 October 2009Accepted 16 October 2009Available online 18 November 2009


    Discrete choiceEvaluation of methodsLogistic-regressionMaxentResource selectionSimulation

    a b s t r a c t

    Theperformanceof statistical methods for modeling resource selectionby animals is difficult to evaluatewithfield databecausetrue selectionpatternsare unknown.Simulated databased on a known probabilitydistribution, though, can be used to evaluate statistical methods. Models should estimate true selectionpatterns if they areto be usefulin analyzingandinterpretingfielddata.We used simulationtechniquestoevaluate the effectiveness of threestatistical methods used in modeling resource selection. We generated25 uselocationsper animal andincluded 10,20, 40,or 80 animals in samples of uselocations. To simulatespecies of different mobility, we generated use locations at four levels according to a known probabilitydistribution across DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge (DNWR) in eastern Nebraska and western Iowa,USA. We either generated 5 random locations per use location or 10,000 random locations (total) within4 predetermined areas around use locations to determine how the definition of availability and thenumber of randomlocations affected results. We analyzed simulateddata using discrete choice, logistic-regression, and a maximum entropy method (Maxent). We used a simple linear regression of estimatedand known probability distributions and area under receiver operating characteristic curves (AUC) toevaluate the performance of each method. Each statistical method was affected differently by number ofanimals and random locations used in analyses, level at which selection of resources occurred, and areaconsidered available. Discrete-choice modeling resulted in precise and accurate estimates of the trueprobability distribution when the area in which use locations were generated was the area defined to

    be available. Logistic-regressionmodels were unbiased andprecise when thearea in which use locationswere generatedand thearea definedto be availablewere thesame size; thefit of these modelsimprovedwith increased numbers of random locations. Maxent resulted in unbiased and precise estimates of theknown probability distribution when the area in which use locations were generated was small (home-range level)and theareadefined to be availablewas large (studyarea). Based on AUCanalyses, allmodelsestimated the selection distribution better than random chance. Results from AUC analyses, however,oftencontradicted results of the linear regression method used to evaluate modelperformance. Discrete-choice modeling was best able to estimate the known selection distribution in our study area regardlessof sample size or number of random locations used in the analyses, but we recommend further studiesusing simulated data over differentlandscapes anddifferent resource metrics to confirmour results. Ourstudy offers an approach and guidance for others interested in assessing the utility of techniques formodeling resource selection in their study area.

    2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    1. Introduction

    Resource selectionis a valuable field of study in animal ecology.Conclusions drawn from resource selection studies have impor-tant implications because they often serve as guidelines for habitatmanagement plans and habitat suitability indices (Garshelis, 2000).

    Corresponding author at: School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 3310 Holdrege St., Hardin Hall 135, Lincoln, NE 68583-0982, USA.Tel.: +1 402 472 0508; fax: +1 402 472 2946.

    E-mail address: [email protected] (D.M. Baasch).

    Effective management and conservation of species requires anunderstandingof habitat requirements, well-guided techniquesforcollecting data, and robust methods for analyzing data. Animalsselectresourcesat different scales dependentupon what is actuallyavailable to them (Owen, 1972). What is perceived by the ani-mal to be available is impacted by numerous factors that are toocomplex to measure fully, but include distance, barriers, inter- orintra-specific competition, risks, and habits or patterns of selec-tion. While we may not be able to assess all the factors that ananimal considers whenusing specific locations, the analysts deter-mination of areas of use and availability are important factors indetermining how well a model actually represents the population

    0304-3800/$ see front matter 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2009.10.033This article is a U.S. government work, and is not subject to copyright in the United States.[email protected]://-/?-http://-/?-http://localhost/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_9/[email protected]://-/?-http://-/?-http://-/?-http://-/?-http://-/?-http://-/?-http://-/?-http://-/?-
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    of interest, regardless of the statistical method used (McClean etal., 1998; Aebischer et al., 1993; Buskirk and Millspaugh, 2006).

    Determination of what is considered available to theanimal andthe numbers of animals to include in the sample are recurringconcerns that exist in analyses of use versus availability stud-ies (Alldrege and Ratti, 1992; Leban et al., 2001; Buskirk andMillspaugh, 2006). In many studies, it is difficult to determineareasan animal did not use (Austin, 2002) and therefore resource selec-tion analyses often involve a determination of available resourcesandthe generation of randomlocations (Keating and Cherry, 2004;

    Johnson et al., 2006). In particular, radio-telemetry studies onlydocument an animals use patterns; this type of data is extremelycommon (Cooper and Millspaugh, 1999; Erickson et al., 2001;Manly et al., 2002; MacKenzie, 2006). Several definitions of avail-ability exist in the literature, most of which are associated withthe geographic range of a species, study area, home range, or local-ized areas around each use location (Johnson, 1980; Buskirk andMillspaugh, 2006). The researchers choice of what is defined tobe available to the animal can affect the results of the analysis(Johnson, 1980; McClean et al., 1998; Boyce et al., 2003). Somestudies used the observed mobility of the study species (i.e., dis-placement distance between consecutive observations) to defineavailableresources(e.g.,Arthur et al.,1996; Cooper andMillspaugh,

    1999), but until recently most quantitative methods did not allowfor such flexibility and definitions of availability were more sub-

    jective. The number of animals observed in a study can also affectresults of resource selection analyses. Alldrege and Ratti (1986)compared univariate and nonparametric approaches for model-ing resource selection and reported methods used by Neu et al.(1974) and Quade (1979) performed well at sample sizes 20 ani-mals with 50 locations/animal. Leban et al. (2001) reached similarconclusions when evaluating compositional analysis (Aebischer etal., 1993). Some studies have evaluated performance of statisticalmodels at differentlevels of availability;however, thetrue underly-ingprobability distributionof theselectionpatterns wasnot known(McClean et al., 1998; Phillips et al., 2004; zesmi et al., 2006) orwas assumed (Leban et al., 2001). We are unaware of any stud-

    ies, however, that used simulated data generated according to aknown probably distribution to examine the effects of sample size(number of animals), number of randomlocations, and areas of useand availability on results of multivariate techniques for modelingresource selection.

    Several statistical techniques have been used to developresource selection functions (RSFs). Through the 1990s, logisticregression was widely used for analyzing data for producing RSFs(Manlyetal.,1993). Recentcriticism of the useof logistic regressionin use-availability studies, however, has raised substantial ques-tions aboutthe method(Keating and Cherry, 2004). In recentyears,theuse of discrete-choicemodels forgeneratingRSFs hasincreased(Cooper and Millspaugh, 1999; McDonald et al., 2006; Thomas etal., 2006). One advantage of using discrete-choice modeling is that

    themodel allowsthe researcher to develop a differentchoice setforeach independent observation of use. Developing a separate set ofrandom locations for each use location allows resources to changethroughout the study period and helps ensure resources definedas available were accessible by the animal when selection of theuse location occurred (Arthur et al., 1996; Cooper and Millspaugh,1999).

    In this study, we explore a new, maximum entropy approachfor developing RSFs (Maxent, version 3.0.6, Phillips et al., 2005).Maxent is a machine learning method that has several aspectsthat make it well suited for modeling resource selection, and hasbeen effective at making predictions or inferencesfrom incompleteinformation in other domains, such as species distribution mod-eling (Phillips et al., 2004; Phillips and Dudk, 2008) and natural

    language processing (Berger et al., 1996). We are unaware, how-

    ever, of any application of Maxent in studies of habitat or resourceselection. Maxent estimates the RSF by finding the distribution ofmaximum entropy subject to theconstraint thatthe expected valueof eachfeatureunder thisestimated distribution matchesitsempir-ical average (Phillips et al., 2006). The method of estimation usedby Maxent is equivalent to finding the maximum likelihood distri-bution that is exponential in a linear combination of the features(i.e., Gibbs distribution,Phillips et al.,2004). Thedeterministicalgo-rithms used in Maxent are guaranteed to converge to the optimal(maximumentropy)probability distribution and employ a regular-ization function to prevent algorithms from over-fitting the data(Phillips et al., 2006; Phillips and Dudk, 2008). Della Pietra et al.(1997), Collins et al. (2002), Dudk et al. (2004), Phillips et al. (2004,2006), and Phillips and Dudk (2008) provide detailed informa-tion on Maxent, machine learning, and the underlying updatingalgorithms used in Maxent.

    The most appropriate method for generating RSFs, assuminga single best method exists, can be determined using simulateddata (Berger et al., 1999; Hirzel et al., 2001; Tyre et al., 2001 ). Ourobjectiveswereto:(1)comparetheperformanceofdiscrete-choice,logistic-regression, and Maxent models in resource selection stud-ies, (2) determine effects of sample size (number of animals) andnumber of random locations used in analyses for each modeling

    technique, and (3) determine effects of species mobility and areadefined to be available on performance of methods. If modelingmethods cannot consistently estimate a known probability dis-tribution based on simple theoretical models, application of themethods to real data is questionable at best, even if all statisticalassumptions are met.

    2. Methods

    We used five steps to investigate the performance of threemethods for estimating RSFs including: (1) generation of realis-tic environmental data; (2) generation of simulated species data(i.e., use locations) responding to direct environmental gradients

    according to a known probability distribution; (3) generation ofrandom locations with respect to predefined choice sets; (4) selec-tion of an appropriate statistical model to be evaluated; and (5)evaluation of methods.

    2.1. Generation of realistic environmental data

    DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge (DNWR), an irregularly shapedarea of 3166 ha in Iowa and Nebraska, USA defined our study area.In ourstudyarea,the average size of terrestrial patches was 10.6 ha(range= 0.1162.5ha); 50 ha in size. We used ArcMap version 9.2 (ESRI, 2006) to convertthe study area into a 30m 30 m raster that defined the 31,136possible resource units within DNWR. We assumed the simulated

    specieswasnotaquaticanddidnotuseroadstoincreasefitnessandremoved these resource units from the study area. We classified allof the raster points by landcover type and calculated the distanceof each point to road, water, and edge of wooded area. Distance toedge of woods was negative for all grid cells classified as woodedand positive for all other grid cells. Distance to road and distanceto water were all 0.0.

    Coefficients from an RSF model of data collected for white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) at DeSoto National WildlifeRefuge during 19911997 were used to generate the knownselection distribution (Baasch, 2008). Each grid cell (i) had aknown probability of use given by Eq. (1) (provided in AppendixA.2) where 1 =0.3617, 2 = 0.0708, 3 =0.0424, 4 = 0.3814,5 =0.2657, 6 = 0.1932, 7 =0.3898, 8 =0.6384, 9 = 0.2460,

    10 = 0.06837 and where xi1xi6 were six of the seven levels of the

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    Fig.1. An illustration of howwe generatedsimulated locationsof use(largerblack, blue,and rednumbered-circles)and random locations(smallerblack,blue, andred circles)used in resource selection analyses. In all 4 examples (panels A, B, C, and D), we: (1) generated use locations 1 at a time and chose the first use location (1), according to aknown probability distribution, from the set of all possible 30 m30 m resource units within the study area; (2) generated use locations 2 and 3 (of the 25/animal simulatedin the study) within an area in which we determined use could occur (solid-line boxes), at a minimum distance of 90 m from the previous use location, and sequentially

    with replacement;and (3)generated 5 randomlocations/use location withinthe area we defined to be available (dashed-lineboxes). (A)We generateduse locations2 (blue,numbered circle) and 3 (red, numbered circle) within a 600 m600 m square area centered on the previous use location (i.e., the animal traveled between 90m and 300 mprior to recording another use location). We generated random locations within a 600 m600 m square area centered on each use location. (B) We generated use locations2 and 3 within a 600 m600 m square area centered on the previous use location and generated random locations within a 1200 m1200 m square area centered on eachuse location. (C) We generated use locations 2 and 3 within a 1200 m1200 m square area centered on the previous use location and generated random locations within a600m600m squareareacenteredon each uselocation. (D)We generateduse locations2 and3 withina 1200 m1200 m squareareacenteredon theprevious uselocationand generated random locations within a 1200 m1200 m square area centered on each use location. When analyzing the data using discrete choice, the color-coordinateduse and random locations were stratified and defined the choice sets. For logistic regression and Maxent, all random locations were evaluated with each use location anddefined the choice sets.

    calculated the mean andstandard error of slope and intercept coef-ficients from linear regressions of the 100 models. Methods thatproduced unbiased estimatesof theknown probability distributionwould havemean slopeand interceptvalues fromlinear-regressionmodels of 1.0 and 0.0, respectively. Estimates of the known distri-bution were considered acceptable when 95% confidence intervals

    around mean slope and intercept coefficients contained 1.0 or 0.0,respectively.

    For discrete choice and logistic regression, we scaled and cen-tered distance measures for all resources across the landscapeusing: DISTscaled = (OBS )/SD. In this equation, DISTscaled werescaled distance measures used in the models, OBS were distances

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    of resource units to respective features, and and SD were themean and standard deviation of respective distance measures inthe set of data, respectively. After scaling, each continuous dis-tance measure had a mean of 0.0 and variance of 1.0. Maxentused (DISTclamped = (OBS MINobs)/(MAXobs MINobs)) to clampor reduce the range of continuous variables to have a minimumvalue of 0.0 and a maximum value of 1.0 for all locations withinthe set of data. In this equation, DISTclamped are clamped distancemeasures used in the models, OBS was the observed distance oflocation to respective feature, and MINobs and MAXobs were mini-mumandmaximumvaluesfordistancetorespectivefeaturesinthesimulated set of data. We used Eq. (5) (Appendix A.2) to calculateMaxent probabilities of selection across thelandscapeand assigneda value of 0.0 or 1.0 to all resources with distances < or > what wasobserved in the simulated set of data, respectively. For example, ifa continuous variable had a range of100 to 100 and a particularset of simulated data had a range of90 to 80, we assigned a valueof 0.0 or 1.0 to all pixels across the landscape with a distance mea-sure 80, respectively, when computing probabilities ofresource selection across the landscape. We used linear-regressionprocedures outlined for discrete choice and logistic-regression todetermine the ability of Maxent to estimate the known underlyingprobability distribution.

    WealsomeasuredmodelperformancebycomparingAUCscoresproduced in the 100 simulations. We used 75% of use locationsalong with the sample of random locations drawn randomly with-out replacement from the area defined to be available to producemodels for receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analyses. Weused the remaining 25% of use locations as a test sample to calcu-late AUC scores for discrete-choice and logistic-regression models(Appendix A.1(5)). To produce AUC scores for Maxent, we set thetest sample size to 25% and AUC values were included in theoutput as a standard function of the program. We produced box-plots to display the average and range in distribution of AUC values(Appendix A.1(6)). We observed trends in AUC values to ascertainimprovementsinfitofmodelstotestdataacrossalllevelsofuseandavailability and across changes in number of animals and random

    locations used to produce each model.We also compared the ability of each method to reproduce

    coefficients of the known model. Differences in how continuousvariables were standardized (scaled and centered, clamped) andrepresentation of the categorical variable in each model (intercept,reference category, estimation of all levels), however, precluded anin-depth comparison of alls. Estimates of coefficients of the land-cover variable produced in analyses led to similar conclusions asother tests of performance so we did not report these results.

    3. Results

    3.1. Ability of statistical methods to estimate the known

    probability distribution

    Increasing the number of random locations used in analysesfrom 5 random locations per use location to 10,000 random loca-tions (total) typically resulted in increased precision and accuracyof estimates of the known probability distribution for all sta-tistical methods, but within each method, these estimates werestatistically indistinguishable. We provided plots of average slopecoefficients and approximate 95% confidence intervals for all threestatistical methods, across various levels of use and availability,andfor sample sizes of 10and 80animals with25 use locations per ani-mal and 5 random locations per use location (Fig. 2); results fromanalyses with 20 and 40 animals fell between those two extremes.We did not include a plot of intercept coefficients as the range of

    all values was between 0.0001 and 0.00005.

    The precision of discrete-choice estimates of the known prob-ability distribution increased (smaller standard errors) as weincreased sample size from 10 to 80 animals (Fig. 2). The accuracyof estimates of the known probability distribution (bias), however,was not affected by the number of animals included in discrete-choice analyses. Estimates of the known probability distributionproduced by discrete-choice models were usually unbiased andprecise when area defined to be available was no larger than thearea in which use occurred. Increasing the number of randomloca-tions from 5 random locations per use location to 10,000 randomlocations total had little or no effect on the precision or accuracyof estimates of the known probability distribution produced bydiscrete-choice models. Across all sample sizes, estimates of theknown probability distribution produced by discrete-choice mod-els wereusually moreprecise and accurate thanlogistic-regressionorMaxentwhentheareadefinedtobeavailablewasatasmallscale.

    The precision of estimates of the known probability distributionproduced by logistic-regression models increased as the number ofanimals included in the analysis increased (Fig. 2). The accuracy ofthese estimates, however, declined as we increased the number ofanimals includedin theanalysis or decreasedthe area definedto beavailable. When we generated use and random locations at largerscales (1200 m), estimates of the known probability distribution

    produced by logistic-regression models were unbiased and precise(Fig.2). Estimatesof theknown probabilitydistributionproducedinlogistic-regression analyses were unbiased and most precise whenlevels of use and availability were equal and the ratio between thenumber of random locations and use locations used in the analysisincreased from 5:1 to 40:1.

    The number of animals and random locations used in analysesand definition of availability affected the accuracy of estimates ofthe known probability distribution produced by Maxent (Fig. 2).Similar to other methods, the precision of estimates of the knownprobability distribution produced by Maxent increased as weincreased the number of animals and random locations and as thelevelofavailabilityincreased.Theaccuracyoftheseestimates,how-ever, decreased as the number of animals increased andthe level of

    availability used in the analysis decreased. Maxent produced unbi-ased and precise estimates of the known probability distributionwhen the ratio between level of use and availability was smallest(300m: DNWR, Fig. 2).

    3.2. Effect of level of use, level of availability, and sample size on

    ROC analyses

    We examined boxplots of AUC scores for all three statisticalmethods, across all levels of use and availability, and for all sam-ple sizes. We observed a trend in the variability and range of AUCscores across numbers of animals used in analyses and levels ofavailability and provided plots of AUC scores from analyses with10 or 80 animals, 5 random locations per use location, and across

    various levels of use and availability(Fig.3). Increasing the numberof animals and random locations did notaffect mean values of AUCscores, butdid influence the variability in AUC scores. Variability inAUC scores was greater at smaller sample sizes (10 animals) thanat larger sample sizes (80 animals). As the ratio between level ofuse and availability decreased, AUC scores increased for all statis-tical methods tested (Fig. 3). We found no difference in AUC scoresacross statistical methods tested.

    4. Discussion

    Our results highlight the critical importance of scale in assign-ing use and availability in studies of resource selection (Boyce,

    2006). The area in which we generated use and random locations

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    Fig.2. Meanslopecoefficient oflinear regression models withknownprobabilitiespredictedby estimatedprobabilitiesof resourceselection andapproximate 95% confidenceintervals ( X 1.96SE) for discrete-choice, logistic-regression, and Maxent models at sample sizes of 10 () or 80 () animals with 25 use locations per animal and 5 randomlocations per use location. Plots are grouped where the ratio between area in which we generated use locations (level of use) and area defined as available was smallest(300 m: study area (A)), 1:2 (B), 1:1 (C), 2:1 (D), and largest (study area: 300 m (E)).

    affected all statistical methods, but the effect differed by method.For discrete-choice models, if selection of resources occurs withina localized area (i.e., within a home range) the area used to definethe choice set should be no larger than the area in which use actu-ally occurred. To determine the area in which use occurred, many

    studies haveused displacement distancesbetweenradio-telemetryobservations (Arthur et al., 1996; Cooper and Millspaugh, 1999).When using discrete choice to model resource selection, our find-ings support definitions of availabilityused in these studies, such asthe definition used by Cooper and Millspaugh (1999). Cooper andMillspaugh (1999) used a circular area with radius equal to one-half of the average displacement distance centered one-quarterdays walk from a previous telemetry location in the direction ofa known bed site to define what was available to elk (Cervus ela-phus) in South Dakota. Arthur et al. (1996) used a circular areacentered on the previous location with radius equal to the distancepolar bears (Ursus maritimus) in the Chukchi and Bearing Seas werelikely to travel within 3 or 6 days dependent on the number ofdays between collections of use locations. Both of these, and otherstudies (McCracken et al., 1998), suggest centering the choice set

    for subsequent use locations on or in the direction of the previoususe location. Such definitions are logical if one assumes the ani-mal has no a priori knowledge of the area in which they select uselocations, but in reality, animals are typically well acquainted withtheir surroundings. A potential problem of such definitions for the

    choice set is that the area in which the choice set is defined maynot contain the subsequent use location. For example, Arthur et al.(1996) reported that on 2630 occasions (

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    Fig. 3. Area underreceiveroperatingcharacteristiccurve (AUC)scores for discrete-choice (white), logistic-regression (red), and MAXENT models (blue)at sample sizesof 10or 80 animals with 25 uselocations peranimal and5 randomlocations peruse location.Plots aregrouped where theratiobetween area in which we generateduse locations(level of use) and area defined as available was smallest (300 m: study area (A)), 1:2 (B), 1:1 (C), 2:1 (D), and largest (study area: 300 m (E)). Boxes encompass central 50% ofobservations and length of whiskers = 1.5 interquartile of the box.

    vious location or other prohibitive factor, this definition should beappropriate and would ensure entire choice sets were contained in

    the sample.When using discrete-choice models to analyze data collectedin areas, such as our study area, where average size of habitatpatches was relatively small ( X= 10.6 ha) with few or no avoidedareas, selecting random locations within a small area centeredon each use location was not problematic. In areas where patchsizes are much larger than those in our study area, however, onecouldlose importanteffects of variables if selection of random loca-tions occurs within small, localized areas around use locations thatdo not include areas avoided by the animal. Multi-level analysesof resource selection can help avoid such pitfalls in these situa-tions (Johnson, 1980; Aebischer et al., 1993; McClean et al., 1998;Thompson and McGarigal, 2002; DEon and Serrouya, 2005). Ourresults suggest, when using discrete choice, one coulduse displace-

    ment distances between successive use locations to determine

    factors that influence selection at a larger, macro-habitat scale andpotentially a smaller scale (one-eighth- or one-quarter-days walk)

    to determine factors that influence selection at a smaller, micro-habitat scale.Logistic-regression and Maxent modeling resulted in accu-

    rate and precise estimates of the known probability distributionwhen the study area was defined to be available. Such definitionsof availability are politically rather than biologically determinedboundaries and can be problematic if the study area is large or theresearch animal is not very mobile (e.g., turtle). If the area definedto be available includes resources outside the range selected by theanimal, resources may not be accessible due to distance, compe-tition, or other preclusive scenarios (Johnson, 1980; Aebischer etal., 1993; Keating and Cherry, 2004). A notable difference betweenthese two techniques was that estimates of the known probabilitydistribution were most accurate and precise for logistic-regression

    when the levels of use and availability both occurred on a larger

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    scale (1200 m) and for Maxent when use occurred within a local-ized area (e.g., within a home range) and availability was definedat a larger scale (study area). The fact that Maxent performed bestunder these conditions is reasonable given its successful applica-tion in the field of species distribution mapping (Phillips et al.,2006). In many species distributionstudies, occurrence or useloca-tions are obtained from specimens in natural history museumsand herbaria and background or random locations are typicallydrawn from across the study area to define the space in whichuse occurred (Ponder et al., 2001; Hoffman, 2008). Occurrencedatain many of these studies tend to be clustered groups of locationsin various regions of the study area (e.g., Fig. 2 in Phillips et al.,2006), which could be related to differences in intensity of sam-pling efforts across the study areas (Ponder et al., 2001). In thesesituations, the distribution of use locations (occurrence) and ran-dom locations (background) would be similar to our study whenuse occurred within a localized area (300 m) and availability wasdefined at the study-area level.

    Previous studies of statistical techniques used in analyses ofresource selection suggest the number of animals included in thesample should be20 with50 locations/animal (Alldregeand Ratti,1986, 1992; Leban et al., 2001). Resource selection models evalu-atedin these studies, however,were nonparametricor multivariate

    approaches with 1 categorical variable (landcover) included in themodels. Our multivariate approaches that included categorical andcontinuous variables showed that increasing the number of ani-mals used in analyses had little effect or resulted in slightly lessaccurate estimates of the known probability distribution. The pre-cision of estimates, however, improved as the number animalsincreased, which was similar to results reported by others (Manly,2002; Manly et al., 2002). It was surprising that the ability to accu-rately estimate resource selection functions with samples as smallas 10 animals with 25 locations/animal was observed in this study;this could be advantageous when analyzing data obtained from asmall population of animals or when budget or time constraintsprohibitmore intensive samplingefforts.Performancein individualstudy areas with different underlying features, however, is neces-

    sary before our results are applied elsewhere.Similar to McFaddens (1978) findings, increasing the number of

    random locations used in discrete-choice analyses had little effecton estimates of the known probability distribution when the areain which use locations were generated was greater than the area inwhich random locations were generated. When levels of use andavailability were misclassified (level of availability > level of use),results of discrete-choice analyses improved slightly by increasingnumbers of use and random locations, but the improvement didnot overcome the misclassification error. Increasing the numberof random locations used in Maxent and logistic-regression analy-ses, however, tended to improve the accuracy of estimates of theknown probability distribution. A potential problem of using anincreased number of random locations in analyses is contamina-

    tion (resources actually used, but classified as random locations;Keating and Cherry, 2004). Contamination may or may not affectthe results of analyses depending upon how robust the statisticalmethod is and the level of contamination in the sample (Keatingand Cherry, 2004; Johnson et al., 2006).

    Interpretation of a statistical methods performance varieddepending on the method used for evaluation. The AUC analy-ses often resulted in different conclusions of model performancethan comparisons of estimated and known probability distribu-tions. A generally accepted guideline for determining acceptabilityof models is that models with good predictive ability have AUCscores >0.75 (Elith, 2002; Phillips and Dudk, 2008). According tothis criterion, all models had good predictive ability when selec-tion of use locations occurred withina smaller area andavailability

    was defined at the study-area level (Fig. 3). Results of AUC analy-

    ses consistently ranked models produced by Maxent with high andlow predictive abilities accurately. As random sampling extendedto the study area and the area of selection decreased, Max-ent performed better than other methods. In these situations, itwas more likely that unused resources were included in the sam-ple of random locations (decreased contamination), the disparitybetween probabilities of selection between used and random loca-tions increased, and thus higher AUC scores. We found, however,AUC scores increased as the area defined to be available increased,which often resulted in an inaccurate measure of performancefor discrete-choice and logistic-regression models. Discrete-choicemodels performed best when the area of use was area definedto be available, which likely resulted in similar probabilities ofselection between used and random locations, and thus lower AUCscores. As AUC score are a measure of the models ability to rank ause location higher than a random one, it was not a reliable mea-sure of performance for the more traditional RSF models (Boyce etal., 2002; Termansen et al., 2006; Austin, 2007; Lobo et al., 2008);calibration curves comparing estimated and known probabilitydistributions were the most telling evaluation of each statisticalmethod. A more complete assessment of AUC methods is neededto determine their utility in evaluating RSFs.

    5. Conclusion

    Discrete-choice models consistently produced the most accu-rate and precise estimates of the known probability distribution inour study area when levels of use and availability were specifiedcorrectly, regardless of the number of animals or random locationsincluded in analyses. When using discrete-choice models to esti-mate resource selection, the area defined as available should berestricted to a small area in which resources were selected. If thelevel in which use occurred is unknown, one should err on the sideof defining a smaller area of availability. Distribution and size ofpatches of landcover, however, could also affect the performanceof statistical methods used in resource selection studies so furtherstudiesusingsimulateddataoverdifferentlandscapesandwithdif-

    ferentdata typesare neededto confirmourresults.We urge cautionwhen using ROC analyses as a measure of model performance inresource selection studies, especiallywhen standardstatistical pro-cedures such as logistic-regression or discrete choice are used. Ourstudyoffersa templateand guidancefor others interested in assess-ing techniques for modeling resource selection for their study site;the performance of these and other statistical methods may vary,however, when applied to study areas with different underlyingfeatures.

    Appendix A.

    A.1. Description of functions, packages, and additional settings in

    Program R (R Development Core Team, 2006) used to select use

    and random locations, produce models, evaluate model

    performance, and create figures

    Reference Function Package Additional Settings

    1 rmultinom stats NA2 sample base NA3 clogita survivalb NA4 glm stats logitc

    5 performance ROCR aucd

    6 boxplot graphics NA

    a The clogit function is a wrapper for the Cox Proportional Hazards regres-sionthat estimatesa logistic-regressionmodel by maximizingthe exactconditionallikelihood (R Development Core Team, 2006).

    b Lumley (2006).c Link used to produce logistic-regression models.d Performance measure setting used to produce AUC scores for discrete-choice

    and logistic-regression models.

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    D.M. Baasch et al. / Ecological Modelling221 (2010) 565574 573

    A.2. Overview of statistical models

    Thestandardequationfor thediscrete-choice model (McDonaldet al., 2006) was:

    P(i) =exp(1xi1 + 2xi2 + + pxip)

    k {UA}

    exp(1xk1 + 2xk2 + + pxkp), (1)

    where P(i) was an estimate of the probability of selection forresource uniti;xi1xip werecharacteristics of resource units;1 pwere coefficients of respective characteristics; U were the set ofindices for unique used units; and A were the set of indices forunits in the random sample of units from the choice set.

    The standard equation for the logistic-regression model was:

    P(i) =exp(0 + 1xi1 + 2xi2 + + pxip)

    1 + exp(0 + 1xi1 + 2xi2 + + pxip), (2)

    where P(i) was an estimate of probability of use for resource uniti; xi1xip were characteristics of resource units (landcover anddistancemeasures);and1 p werecoefficientsofrespectivechar-acteristics.

    The standard equation for a Maxent model (Phillips et al., 2006;Phillips and Dudk, 2008) was:

    q(x) =expp


    Z, (3)

    where q(x) was an estimate of (P[y = 1|x]) or probability of selec-tion for resource unit x; were coefficients of the model; f(x)

    were characteristics of the resource units; and Z =xxef|(x)

    was a normalizing constant used to ensure probabilities sum to1.0.Wherewe onlymodeledlinear terms,if(xi)wassimply1xi1 +2xi2 + +pxip. To obtain Maxent estimates of the conditionalprobability of selection for all resource units within the study area(Phillips and Dudk, 2008), we used:

    Q(y = 1|x) =eHq(x)

    1 + eHq(x) , (4)

    where q was the maximum entropy estimate of the true distribu-tion of selection; and H was the entropy of the Maxent model, q(Phillips and Dudk, 2008).

    We present Eq. (4) with a similar notation used in Eqs. (1) and(2) which resulted in:

    P(i) =exp(H)(exp(1xi1 + 2xi2 + + pxip)/Z )

    1 + exp(H)(exp(1xi1 + 2xi2 + + pxip)/Z )(5)

    where P(i) was the conditional probability of resource unit i beingselected; xip were the characteristics of resource unit i; and 1 pwere coefficients of respective characteristics.

    Eq. (5) is the logistic format of the Maxent model (Phillips and

    Dudk, 2008), which is similar to the logistic-regression model (Eq.(2)); however, theMaxent model containsa parameter estimate forall levels of the categorical variable (landcover) and an interceptestimated by the entropy of the model.


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