
Analysis of Previous Student’s Blog

By Ellie Zambakides

Geeta Gohil • I looked through Geeta’s blog to see how she had presented all of the work

she had done to contribute to her final product. I first noticed the amount of posts she had made (103 posts) which meant that I could immediately tell she had probably documented everything she had done in the lead up to her music video.

• Her blog stood out to me because of the amount of detail in her writing and the different formats used for the posts, she had many videos, images, prezi’s, powerpoints and much more. As well as writing that showed a lot of effort had been put into it when she wrote the text.

• I also really liked the layout of her blog, I thought it was very clear and easy to navigate. Moreover, she presented things in chronological order with her finished product at the very top of the page.

• In addition I really enjoyed her blog as a whole because it is very visual and easy to read. She has clearly put a lot of effort into her blog and it show, this also makes it useful for her when she went on to making the actual music video because she had done so much detailed planning and there may have been less improvising the video as everything is well thought-out, from the audience, to the storyboard, props even background looks into the music industry videos and her particular genre.

• Overall I would use this blog as a good reference when I start to post on my own page as if I am struggling I can see how she has done something and it could inspire me to create better posts and include different ways of presenting my videos.

Drafting• When looking through her drafting section I noticed how detailed

everything was. There is a variety of different medias embedded into her blog and a lot of the posts have a large amount of very descriptive text explaining what that post is, as well as the actual post itself. There are a lot of images to show the progression for everything she has created leading up to her final products. I think she has done this section very well because she shows so many examples of what she has been creating as well as feedback and much more, this is very good as having a log of what your product has lead up to will be very beneficial when evaluation your work. • I particularly like the post that

shows her 2 drafts and the final draft of her music video side by side. It really allows the viewer to see the progression she has made and what she changed to make the video better.

Research • Geeta has clearly put a lot of effort into her research which is a good idea,

as the research is the first thing you do in the process of making the video and if you don’t research then it may make the time when you have to make your video harder because you don’t know what to do. She has many many great blog posts that use lots of colours and pictures. There are a lot of videos and slideshares, however, I would mention that maybe a couple other things such as scribd etc would also be a good idea to have.

• When looking through her research and then back at her finished video, digipaks and advert it is very clear where her inspiration came from. Moreover, all of the colours that is involved in her research is visibly reflected in her work. Furthermore, most of her posts are of a high quality.

• My favourite post was the one that she did on music theory, I really liked this post because I thought it was very detailed and covered so many theories which will be very beneficial to her when making the video. Additionally it is helpful to me as I can refer to her work to make sure I have covered all of the theories she has mentioned.

Evaluation • In my opinion one of the strongest sections of her blog was the evaluation

section as it is very detailed and there is different medias on there. Each question is a different post as well as being presented in a different way. She used videos, text, images, Issuu etc. More importantly the questions are written very well as they explain a lot and have a lot of information and detail in them. It can be of use to me when I have to evaluate my work as now I know that making videos, and creating different ways to view each question is a good idea. I particularly like question 2 as it is a video but it has a voice over and some of her video showing, as well as pictures and labels etc. I will try and do something like this when it comes to evaluating my magazine.

Why Her Blog Was Successful

• She had clearly done a lot of work on her blog posts as they are al very detailed and she has posted a lot of them. This means that because she has done very good planning, drafting research etc, she has a strong foundation to make her video as there is a lot of structure to create the video.

• Furthermore, it is evident that she understood the tasks she had to complete and has really thought through what she wants to create, why she's creating it, how she will create it and generally everything that will go into the music video.

• There are lots of videos on her blog which is good a big walls of texts can be daunting to read and are less interesting and engaging. Therefore, by having videos she can present the post in a way the reader will find more entertaining.

• Her blog also seems very organised as though she knew what she was doing and was confident in her posts and what she was putting on her bog.

• Geeta’s blog is very helpful to me as I can see the level of detail and amount of effort I have to put into my posts. Moreover, I know that I need to use a variety of medias for my posts varying from videos I made to prezis and anything else I can use. For example, her evaluations use videos she has made, as well as text and an issuu document that is available to read. This is very helpful as I know that when I have to create this, it would be good to try a few different things out rather then just having walls of text.

• I will also take on board how much detail she has gone into in her writing, she mentions things throughout that at first glance I would not have considered to include in my writing. Moreover, she puts a lot of pictures on her blog to accompany the writing which is very useful and as it is such a visual blog it makes it more interesting to look at and read.

What Can I Learn From her Blog

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