Download - Ancient Greece


A N T O N E L L A F R I E R I , P A B L O C O R D O B A , M A R I A M . C U R E , S A M U E L E L J A C H



• Geography played a part in shaping Greek civilization.

• Ancient Greece left a rich heritage in learning, philosophy and the arts.

• Democratic government developed in ancient Greece.

• Through trade, conquest, and cultural exchange, ancient Greece prospered.


• City-state: A city or town that controls surrounding villages and farmland nearby.

• Direct democracy: In direct democracy, take part in the day-to-day affairs with the government.

• Oligarchy: A government in which a small group of people rule.

• Philosophy: The study of the “love of wisdom”

• Cultural hearth: A center of new practices and ideas that spread.


• Greece is a peninsula and a group of islands in the Mediterranean Sea.

• It is mountainous, and has mostly rugged and rocky terrain , also it has an irregular coastline.

• The mountains have a lot of limestone and marble.

• Greece has little farmland, so ancient Greeks depended on the sea to eat because the seas around Greece are full of fish.

• The ancient Greeks settled mostly on the coastal areas that had fertile soil. But these lands were separated and independent civilizations were made.


• Greece was divided into two civilizations: the Minoans, and the Mycenaeans.

• Minoans lived on Crete and the other islands, while the Mycenaeans lives on the Greek mainland.

• Around 3000 B.C,, Minoans emerged on Crete, they were great sailors and they developed a writing system.

• Around 1400 B.C, Mycenaeansconquered the Minoans and used their writing system.

• In 1200 B.C, the Mycenaean civilization collapsed for unknown reasons.


• When the Mycenaeans conquered the Minoans, they built fortified towns, these towns converted into city-states.

• City-states were independent and they frequently fought with other city-states.

• City-states were aristocracies “rule by the best people”.

• When farmers and merchants rebelled, tyrants took control over the city-state, then some tyrants were replaced by oligarchies “Government ruled by a small group of people”.


• The Athenians called their political system Demokratia, which means “ruled” by the people.

- This system affected law-making and the courts.

- There were no lawyers and judges in Athens.

• The basic elements of modern time democracy were originated in Athens.

- Debate (civic)

- Judgment by jury

- Rule of law


• Greeks believed in many deities with supernatural powers. They referred to them as gods and goddesses

- Rule over areas of the human life and natural world.

• Zeus was the chief god, he ruled from his house in Mount Olympus.

• Greeks had no manuscripts or book to explain their religion, instead they used mythology (a collection of stories or histories about their gods)

• To honor their gods, the Greeks built statues and temples.


• Greeks studied philosophy, which means the love for wisdom.

• This “Philosophy” consisted of applying logic or reason to a study of knowledge and the world.

• Few of the most important Greek philosophers were:

• Plato- Who wrote about ethics, religion, and government.

• Socrates- Plato’s teacher.

• Aristotle- Socrates’ student.


• They studied science and mathematics as well.

• People thought that the sun circled the Earth.

• After careful observations and with the usage of math, Aristarchus, concluded that the Earth circled the sun. Still, this idea was not widely accepted until 2,000 years of its invention.


• Along with the other subjects, past was also studied by the Greeks.

• Herodotus is known as the father of history, since he was the first to analyze and note events.

• Important historians:

• Thucydides- Wrote the story of the Pelopponesian wars.

• Xenophon- Recorded Greek history and recorded the sayings of Socrates.


• Greeks developed a great literary tradition which included poetry and drama.

• Plays would be focused on tragedies, heroes, and comedies that mocked the Greek societies.

• Invented a classical type of building in Greece, it was called a temple. • A temple would commonly belong to a god and would be the home for

their statue. • Most famous temple in Greece is located in Athens, it is the



• Greeks held festival to honor their gods.

• The most famous festival was the Olympic games , it was held every four years at Olympia and it was to honor Zeus.

• The best athletes were sent to compete.

• The sports events included running, jumping, and wrestling.


• Ordinary citizens lived in homes of mud and brick.

• Meals of: bread, cheese, olives, and fish

• No space for livestock = no meat

• Agora - public space that included the council-house, religious shrines and marketplace. • Freemen (upper class) : discussing

politics or negotiating

• Women – few rights

Successful merchants

Wealthy landowners



• 1/3 of the population of Athens were slaves.

• Owned by someone else and weren’t free.

• Captured during wartime or were children with parents enslaved.

• Buy freedom or obtain it from master.


• At sea, Athens navy was the strongest, while on land, Sparta’s army was more challenging

• In Sparta they dedicated less time to government and more time to army. • Spartans devoted to army from young age (over


• Women had more rights(business)

• Oligarchy led by army

• Aristocrats: professional military men

• The Persian Wars• City-states united when Darius (king of Persia)


• Darius son (Xerxes) ended giving up after thousands of men and hundreds of ships lost.


• Decline of city-states• Sparta and Athens were enemies.

• Peloponnesian War – Athens lost golden age (27 years)

• Conflict prevented strength

• Spread of Greek culture• Alexander conquered most of the know world.

• Worldwide impact in government, art, and architecture

• Southwest Asia, Southern Europa, and North Africa


• The reason why Greeks could link to the outside world was because of the trading.

• The main merchants were Egypt, Asia and Mesopotamia.

• Trade helped the city-states expand.

• Greece became a multicultural country because trading brought influences.

• They managed to colonize Italy, Spain, Libya, Egypt and Turkey.


• As Greek became more powerful Athens encouraged political freedom.

• Democracy started in Athens because the reformers wanted to stop abuse of power.

• The reformer Solon gave the idea of a democracy, he ended slavery and granted all citizens the right to vote.

• In the citizens where only male adults because women couldn't vote.


• Under Pericles Athens became the first direct democracy.

• In a direct democracy all citizens take part of the day-to-day government affairs.

• In current day Switzerland is the closest to a direct democracy because citizens can vote for their laws.


• In the period between the end of the Persian war and death of alexander (500 b.c and 323 b.c) the classical period started.

• That was a time of great advance in learning and art.

• Athens named the goddess of wisdom was the most important cultural center in this period.

• People lived in simple houses made of mud bricks.

• They ate simple meals of bread, cheese, olive and fish.

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