Page 1: ANE · (CPV – Craig’s Paraphrase Version) Shift Thinking Readiness for Ministry Orientation (RfM):

ANE Today

Bethany Theological Seminary, presented an uplifting message on “Looking Into the Curve”. An offering of $2,553 was also given to the ANE Disaster Benevolence


Saturday’s business

included the following:

♦Approved a budget for

2017 of $628,633.

♦Approved the

following slate: Moderator-Elect – Misty Wintsch; Program & Arrangements – Donna Parcell; Gifts Discernment – Mary Haldeman, Tina Kulp, Ed Liskey, Barb McNally; Standing Committee –Mark Baliles; Alternate Standing Committee –James Myer; District Board Vice Chair – Robert Pickering; Church Development & Evangelism – Margie Sebastiani; Ministry – Karen Hackett, Joel Peña; Nurture & Christian Education – Ryan Arndt; Stewardship – Paul Pintarch; Witness & Outreach – Tonie Roman,

November/December 2016

The forty-seventh Atlantic Northeast District Conference of the Church of the Brethren was held at Elizabethtown College, Leffler Chapel and Performance Center, on October 8. Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus was the theme. Moderator was Dennis Garrison, Pastor of the Hershey Spring Creek congregation. West Green Tree CoB served as host for this year’s conference. A total of 183 delegates attended, representing 64 out of 76 congrega-


Conference this year was one full day: Bible Study by Ronald Good, Gathering Music by Hershey Spring Creek

Worship Team. Worship & Roll Call of Congrega-tions and Fellowships. Followed by reports from District Board and related ministries. Recognition of Craig Smith’s 19 years of

service to the District.

A Minister’s Recognition Luncheon, hosted by the District Ministry Commission, was held at the KAV, Brossman Center. Four fifty-year Ministers, Jack Breidenstine, Hershey Spring Creek; Paul Heisey, Heidelberg; Ernest Reisinger, Chiques; and Paul Steiner, Elizabethtown were recognized, as well as newly ordained, licensed, placed ministers, interims

and ACTS Graduates.

Saturday afternoon service of worship and praise was attended by 316. Light of the Gospel and Hershey Spring Creek praise team opened the service. Keynote speaker Dr. Jeff Carter, President of

Inside this issue:












ALL IN: Going. Glowing. Growing. Godly.

Volume 47, Issue 6

ANE 2016 District Conference Wrap Up






Matt Christ; Camp Swatara – Jennifer Balmer, Jonathan Brenneman, Mike Myers; COBYS – Eric

Landram, Scott Moyer.

♦Learned from the ANE

District Displays

♦Consecrated Glenn

Martin, from the New Beginnings congregation, as

the 2017 Moderator.

Conference, next year,

will be October 7, 2017 at

Elizabethtown College.

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ANE District Conference: Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus Photos by COB News; Glenn Riegel

ALL IN: Going. Glowing. Growing. Godly.

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To reduce costs and save

paper, effective January

2017, ANE Today will be

distributed in a PDF

format which will be

emailed to our

subscribers. If you are

reading this, we need

your email in our

database to make this


Please text using the

information provided, or

scan the QRL code, or

email Kelly at

[email protected]

with your email. Or, you

may sign-up through

our website

under our Newsletter

tab. If you currently

receive other online

publications, we already

have your email, and you

do not need to contact


Making this progression

to email will enable us to

provide you with current

and up-to-date

information about our

commissions, and district

wide events.

If you do not have an

email, and would like to

continue to receive a

hard copy of the

Newsletter, please notify

the District Office.

ANE Today Goes Green in Januray

Craig Smith, District Executive Retires December 31; Search Committee Formed

Paul Brubaker (Middle

Creek), ANE North,

minister– free ministry

Galen Brumbaugh

(Hempfield), ANE South,

Ministry Commission,

retired minister

Jere Cassel (Conestoga),

ANE North, Church

Development Commission,


Ray Flagg (Annville),

ANE West, Stewardship

Commission and

Treasurer, lay person

Karen Hackett

(Wilmington), ANE East,

Nurture Commission,


Jason Haldeman

(Elizabethtown), ANE

South, lay-staff

Melody Keller (Lewiston),

ANE East, Witness &

Outreach Commission,

lay person

Donna Lefever-Hoover

(Annville), ANE West,

Nurture Commission,


Belita Mitchell

(Harrisburg First), ANE

West, minister

Joel Peña (Alpha &

Omega), ANE South,

Ministry Commission–

Elect, Hispanic Ministry,


Misty Wintsch (Mechanic

Grove), ANE South,

Executive Committee,


District Executive, Craig

Smith announced his

retirement in July of this

year after 19 years of

dedicated service to the

ANE District. He will

retire effective

December 31.

The District Board has

appointed a search

committee to take on the

task of filling this vacant

position. Please pray for

each member of the

committee that they will

be led by God’s

wisdom to find the right


Search Committee is as





ALL IN: Going. Glowing. Growing. Godly.

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Or, scan the

QRL Code!

Page 4: ANE · (CPV – Craig’s Paraphrase Version) Shift Thinking Readiness for Ministry Orientation (RfM):

East Cocalico- Baptism:

Breana Ensinger.

Harrisburg First–

Baptism: Anamaria

Morel, Letter: Laura Beth

Arendt, Jonathan J.

Brenneman, Sara


Reaffirmation: Marvin D.


Indian Creek–

Reaffirmation: Herman

Baliles, Ruth Baliles.

Lewiston– Baptism:

Nsmimba Miandabu,

Tyler Norko.

Lirio de los Valles–

Transfer: Sandra de la

Rosa, Estenio Alberto


Middle Creek—Transfer:

Jarrett Miller

Midway– Baptism: Brent

Boyd, Bryce Boyd,

Brooke Boyd, Christopher

Gilbertson, Dyllan Him-

melberger, Evan

Stauffer, Cory Yellets,

Elam Yoder, Caleb Zook,

Transfer: Dale & Karla

Brubaker, Ron & Polly

Good, Duey Peiffer,

Mike Smith, Matt &

Denise Stauffer.

Mohler– Baptism: Ethan

Motter, Elijah Barry.


Michael Leahy, Chrystal


Paxton—Baptsim: Kelsi

Aherne, Gary Auker,

Arthur Berg, Dwight

Phillips, Kathy Phillips,

John Piker, Lorraine


New Members in ANE District

Installation, Ordination and Licensing Services:

Two people also had

their licensing services.

Rose Baer

(Elizabethtown) on Sep-

tember 25 by District

Ministry Commission

Member, Galen Brum-

baugh; Naomi


(Elizabethtown) on Sep-

tember 25 also by Galen


ANE has been busy the

last couple of months with

celebrating many

installation, ordination

and licensing services!

Scott Cooper’s

(Mohrsville) installation

service was October 9

by District Executive,

Craig Smith.

The following had their

ordination services: Brian

Berkey (Mechanic Grove)

on August 28 by Galen

Brumbaugh, District

Ministry Commission

Member; Timothy

Sheaffer (Midway) on

October 9 also by Galen

Brumbaugh; Jeff Stauf-

fer (Blue Ball) on October

23 by Tony Eberly,

District Ministry Commis-

sion Member.

ALL IN: Going. Glowing. Growing. Godly.

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Reaffirmation: Lenard


West Green Tree– Carlyle

Hanshaw, Autum O’Brien,

Cody Pupler, Steven

Pupler, Todd Shelly, Lisa

Shelly, Dakota Sowers.

Naomi Kraenbring and Rose Baer


Peggy and Scott Cooper (Mohrsville)

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The following are

considerations to navigate culture

and shift thinking to impact this

present generation. Let’s turn the

tables on a culture of stuck-ness in

the church and create a culture of

meaningful tradition mingled with

a bright-eyed, eager-spirited,

God-alive wonder! Here are some

kindergarten rules that play well

in life:

♦Take turns. (You don’t own the


By Craig H. Smith

ALL IN: Going. Glowing. Growing. Godly.

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Placement News

Conewago - Exploring Interims. Search committee to be formed.

East Cocalico - Interviewing. John Shaffer serves an Interim.

Florin - Galen Hackman serves as Intentional Interim.

Green Tree - Rod O’Donnell serves as Interim. Profile Developing.

Long Run - Joel Hershey & Bob Spencer serve as Interim Team.

Mechanic Grove - Ready to interview.

Myerstown - Profile circulating. Jack Harpold serves as Interim.

Since this is my last Newsletter, I

leave you with the following:

Seven Things to Keep

1. Keep hope alive.

2. Keep kindness in the forefront.

3. Keep passion burning.

4. Keep blessing others.

5. Keep taking the high road.

6. Keep making a difference.

7. Keep Jesus front and center.

♦Take action. (Nothing gets

accomplished by those who sit idly by.)

♦Take time. (Exhausted leaders

accomplish little.) ♦Take a deep breath.

(Reflection is good for the soul.)

♦Take a picture. (Snapshots of

success help you through tough days.)

Scripture Points:

Yep! I do this. I’m trying to find

common ground with everyone –

anyone who will listen,

anyone who is open, anyone who

will give me the time of day,

anyone who needs a friend,

anyone who desires a splash

of joy, anyone who longs for

a second or third chance – so

“the willing” will reach out to

Jesus and be pulled to safety.

I do this for the Gospel’s

sake, that I might be an ALL

IN Partner in the Good News.

– 1 Corinthians 9:22b -23

(CPV – Craig’s Paraphrase


Shift Thinking

Readiness for Ministry Orientation (RfM): The next RfM

Call for is scheduled for Tuesday, November 16, 2016 at 7:00 PM. These calls are By Invitation Only Conference Calls. Registrants MUST have advanced written affirmation from their congregation’s appropriate leadership body – Executive Committee, Leadership Team, Board, Elders Body, or Ministry Commission – to participate. There is a $50 candidate fee to offset the cost of testing materials. The RfM Orientation Packet is mailed to candidates in advance and will be reviewed during the one-hour Conference Call. Candidates, plus the Pastor or approved congregational representative, should

plan to be on the call.

Contact Krista Dickson, ANE Office Administrator, to register (717-367-4730; Email: [email protected]) by providing her with your

candidate’s mailing address and email address.

Coaches’ Corner

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This is an exciting new ministry that we hope to see grow in the upcoming months and years. If you or your small group is interested in a simple one day type of service project, we have projects and needs for you!

For more information, please check out our ANE website, or contact Mary Etta Reinhart, Director of Witness and Outreach at

[email protected].

Church 2 Church is a “community building” ministry outreach opportunity that allows churches with needs to partner with churches who are interested in a service project. In July, Wyomissing, Mechanic Grove and participants in a denominational Junior High work camp joined together to work with Harrisburg First Church of the Brethren to help build an urban garden on a lot near their church building on Hummel Street. On Thursday, volunteers from Wyomissing worked on a very hot summer day to build the wooden boxes for the raised gardens. On Friday, the junior high workers continued to work in the hot summer sun to install the boxes and filled them with soil for the garden. Volunteers from Mechanic Grove arrived on Saturday to help church members finish the work and plant the garden. Green beans, herbs, and a number of fall vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower were planted or set into the garden. That same afternoon after the work was done…..God blessed the work with a cooling rain!

Church 2 Church at Work: Harrisburg First

ANE’s Ministry Emphasis: Be an ALL IN Church. Be … Going. Glowing. Growing. Godly. 2016 is the year for GOING! Going is the first word of our 3-year emphasis; so, we have designated 2016 The Year of Going! Let’s get Going. Let’s do this! Let’s be the

church we are created to be.

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and April 2017. The November 1 phone conference discussion will focus on the relationship of the millennial generation and the church.

For further information and to register to be a part of the phone conferences, please contact Mary Etta Reinhart, Director of Witness and Outreach by email at [email protected] or by telephone at 717-808-4306.

For more information check out our ANE website or contact Mary Etta Reinhart, Director, Witness & Outreach at mreinhart@ane-

ALL IN: Going. Glowing. Growing. Godly.

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John Neff, President of E³ Ministry Group, LLC is leading a series of monthly telephone conferences that will focus on bringing a renewed vitality and revitalization to congregations. E³ Ministry Group is a team f creative and innovative coaches and consultants with a passion for bringing a renewed vitality and revitalization to congregations. These phone conferences will take place monthly on the first Tuesday of each month from October 2016

Renewed Vitality and Revitalization Phone Conferences Lead by E³ Ministry Group, LLC



ANE District Disaster Benevolence Fund At Work

donation of $1900 enabled this single mom of one to remain in her home and to retain a job. These funds were used to pay off her back rent before eviction. She is currently working a part time job, yet looking for a full time position. Even though the $1900 arrived past the due date, a church member loaned her the money with the understanding of being paid back in full. Drexel Hill Church is an "All in Church, creating a Going, Glowing, Growing and Godly people." The person who loaned the $1900 donated that money back to the Drexel Hill Church to start our own Benevolence Fund. How awesome is our God. "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love

This past summer the ANE District Disaster Benevolence Fund was used to support our Drexel Hill congregation as they reached out to a young mother in their community who was experiencing a severe and unexpected financial crisis. The needs of that young mother exceeded the financial resources of the congregation. Thanks to the Disaster Benevolence Fund, our district was able to team up and work together with Drexel Hill to support and encourage their community outreach ministry.

On behalf of the Drexel Hill Church, I want to share our deepest appreciation for assisting one of our members not to lose her house. Your

him: 1 Corinthians 2:9 Amen.

Love, Peace and Blessings, Margie Sebastiani

This fund can be used by an ANE congregation that has become a victim of disaster or by an ANE congregation reach-ing out to an individual or fami-ly who has experienced an un-expected, significant loss of basic necessities which exceeds the financial resources of the local congregation. What a great way to offer encouragement to our ANE district churches as they GO out into their communities to serve and share the love of Jesus with those in need.

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ALL IN: Going. Glowing. Growing. Godly.

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Women’s Fellowship






History Book Available

There is a limited supply of

“History of the Church of the

Brethren, Eastern Pennsylvania

1915-1965 through the District

Office. Should you be

interested in this FREE and

terrific source

of church

history, please

contact the

District Office

either by

phone or email

to reserve your


In Celebration Eric (Pastor, Lititz) and Heather Landram welcomed their beautiful, wide-eyed daughter, Roslyn Elise on August 6. “We appreciate the prayers, love and support everyone has shown. Roslyn is already so


In Memoriam Stewart Kauffman, retired minister

from Lancaster, passed away Octo-

ber 6.

Choir Robes Available

Lititz CoB has about 40 powder

blue robes of varying sizes with

approximately 35 yellow and

gold stolls. The robes are in

good condition. Please have

those interested inquire to Scott

Bacon, Director of Music

Ministries, (717) 625-2933.

The robes will be offered free

of charge, but are asking that

the new owners pay the ship-

ping fees or pickup.

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Ministry, Child Protection

awareness is promoted,

historical records are archived,

communications are

disseminated, events – big and

small – are planned …

because of your gifts;

♦We continue to resource Church

plant projects and Fellowships

in NY, ME, and PA. …

because of your gifts;

♦Funds and leadership are

provided for Church

revitalization with Drexel Hill

congregation … because of

your gifts;

♦Sr & Jr High Youth events and

service projects take place …

because of your gifts;

♦District Disaster Benevolence

grants, Seeds of Faith grants,

and Barnabas grants for

congregations … because of

your gifts

♦Connecting ANE congregations

through the website, Parking

Lot, ANE Today, and District

Conference … because of your


And much, much more!

As of 9/30/16, the fiscal invest-

ment in these ministries has been

$427, 817.

ANE staff celebrates and sincerely

thanks all ANE members and

congregations who have

contributed volunteer time and

finances this year. It is important to


♦$63,000 was provided as grant

support for four urban

congregations’ outreach

ministries … because of your


♦Resourcing Search Committees

and coordinating the

identifying and calling of

candidates for 16 pastoral

placements are taking place …

because of your gifts;

♦Candidates are interviewed for

Licensing and Ordination to

Ministry … because of your


♦Ministerial training and pastoral

education is being made

available … because of your


♦Interim Ministry is coordinated

and creative church staffing

explored … because of your


♦Ministry Partnering Agencies and

Institutions are supported …

because of your gifts;

♦Official records are kept,

Pastoral Ministry Files are

managed, accountability is

deployed, back-ground checks

are run, new persons are

invited to consider Set-apart

As of 9/30 ANE’s total giving

was $50,868 short of the year

-to-date Ministry Investment

Plan and $17,903 short of


Twenty-eight percent (28%) of

ANE congregations,

fellowships, and projects have

not yet contributed to our

common district ministry. Please

urge your congregations as

members of the ANE family to

celebrate and support these

ministries with a financial gift.

THE GIFT GOES ON…Please remember YOU are a member of the ANE community. With your prayers and financial support, together, we spread the gift of the Gospel in ways that your

congregation can’t do alone.

Together, let’s be… The ALL IN District! Raising up a Going… Glowing… Growing… Godly People

Kay Weaver, ANE Director of Stewardship

E-mail: [email protected]

Giving Thanks For ANE Ministries ANE Ministry Investment Plan (MIP) Update

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Great Fun at the Senior High Harvest Party







ALL IN: Going. Glowing. Growing. Godly.

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Building Church Leaders

Racial Reconciliation

It’s clear, perhaps now more than it has been for some time, that racism is not just a problem of past generations. It is hugely important for Christians to acknowledge that racial diversity is a gift from God, and the church should reflect the diverse beauty of his creation. One of the first steps toward making this happen is acknowledging our painful past and considering how to

move forward in true, gospel-centered recon-ciliation. This download will help you and your team assess and improve your church’s fellowship habits across ethnic boundaries. Table of contents include: A Church United, A Church That Looks Like Heaven, Knowing Where We Stand, Are We In a Relational Rut?, Levels Of Commitment, Stumbling Block, Concealment Reveals Common Ground, Wait

Up For Us, Gracist Language, Not Caring About Diversity Is Not an Option, The Pieces of Reconciliation, and Working Through the


Racial Reconciliation is a resource available to you through the District’s subscription to Building Church Leaders. If this sound like helpful resource for you, please request a copy from Jess at jross@ane-

On Saturday, October 8, the ANE youth cabinet hosted the annual Sr. High Harvest party. Youth gathered at Bucher Farm to eat, bond, and be in fellowship with each other. They competed in 3-legged races, bobbing for apples, and played trainwreck, a Harvest party tradition! The night ended with a devotional walk where cabinet members discussed the conference theme of being ‘All In’ in faith and to be Going, Glowing, Growing, and Godly. All in all, youth gathering in fellowship and having fun together is what makes this party a

success! ~~Ava Bowser, Youth Cabinet Member

Mark Your Calendars for

these upcoming Nurture

sponsored events!

Board Game Day—

November 12, Ambler CoB

Senior High Retreat—

January 20-22,

Camp Swatara

Junior High Lock In—

February 17-18,

Lebanon Valley College

Visit our website or Youth

Facebook page for further


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ALL IN: Going. Glowing. Growing. Godly.

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Sending Your Congregation’s Delegate to

Annual Conference

In 2017, the 231st recorded Church of the Brethren Annual Conference will be held in Grand Rapids, Michigan. And once again congregations will be encouraged to send a delegate to come together for fellowship and to discern the business of the denomination. For those who may be unaware, here is some information on sending a

delegate from your congregation.

Why is it important for my congregation to send a delegate to Annual Conference? Sending a delegate to Annual Conference is the only way to ensure your congregation has a say in decisions that affect the whole church. The Annual Conference delegate body is one of the most important–if not the highest–level of decision making in the Church of the Brethren. Each congregation may play a vital part in Annual Conference by sending a delegate or delegates. The number of delegates a congregation may send is relative to the number of members

in the congregation.

Who can be a delegate and how many delegates does our congregation get? Each congregation may choose who their delegate(s) may be, and all

delegates must be full members of the Church of the Brethren. The pastor of a congregation is not

automatically a delegate.

The number of delegates allowed per congregation is based on its membership statistics as reported in the Church of the Brethren Yearbook for the previous year.

The number allowed is as follows:

1 – 200 members 1 delegate 201 – 400 members 2 delegates 401 – 600 members 3 delegates 601 – 800 members 4 delegates 801+ members 5 delegates What do delegates and their congregations get from Annual Conference? Delegates benefit personally from the opportunities for spiritual renewal, continuing education, and faith formation. Their congregations benefit from the spiritual growth that their church leadership may bring back and share with the church. In addition to business sessions, each Conference features daily worship services, Bible studies, insight sessions on a wide variety of topics, support groups, meal events, an exhibit hall with booths and many free resources, a Brethren Press bookstore, and much more. All of these are open to every Conference attendee. Every congregation that sends a delegate will also receive a copy of that year’s Annual Conference


To take full advantage of sending a delegate, a congregation should make time for that person to report back following the Conference, so that they can share the experience

with the whole congregation.

Delegate registration for Grand Rapids will open online on Wednesday, March 1, 2017. The registration fee for each delegate is $285. For more information about how to send a delegate to Annual Conference, contact the Conference Office by email at [email protected], or call

800-323-8039 ext. 365.

Message From the


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

"Risk Hope," our 2017 Annual Conference theme, emerges as a recurring chorus from an Old Testament saga of tragedy and redemption. As we look toward Grand Rapids, I will be offering a

monthly message addressing, episode by episode, im-portant elements in the story. My hope is to engage churches and individuals in a series of Bible studies that will help us all prepare for our Annual Conference worship and work together. You may have seen the first message posted on the Annual Conference website or linked in Newsline. I have linked it here as well:


Blessings to you in Christ, Carol Scheppard 2017 Annual Conference


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ALL IN: Going. Glowing. Growing. Godly.

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and steadfast” is the best de-scription. There was suffering and healing. It didn’t feel like a “little while”, as we torn down our “old habits” to clear the way for God’s plan. We learned how to forgive. We learned how to love. We learned how the most important part of this process was not in-dividuality ---it IS oneness with Christ as our focal point, our anchor, our

ONLY answer for every issue.

We are still “replanting”, two years later. Replanting our vision, replanting our community, replanting our worship. We remain in constant change and growth, never real-ly “arriving”- always working towards how to worship God by serving others. We still struggle financially. Yet God

Drexel Hill Replant

July 2016

The Drexel Hill Church has a story to share about being a “replant”. What are the first words that come to your mind? Restart — Revive — Resurrect – Save – Regenerate — Renew – Reopen? All of these are true descriptions of what it took to replant

the Drexel Hill Church.

However, 1 Peter 5:10… “And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm

provides for our every need…

loaves and fishes is our mantra.

I could go on and on. So, if you are interested in hearing more about Drexel Hill Church’s replant, give me a call 610-623-8588 or email [email protected] I love singing God’s praises through this amazing journey of a dying church to a shining light in our community. Margie Sebastiani Elder/Moderator

District Office will be

closed the following


Wednesday, November 23 at

Noon through November 24

Monday, December 26

through Monday, January 2





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Events and Seminars

ALL IN: Going. Glowing. Growing. Godly.

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Handbell Concert

Palmyra Church of the Brethren, 45 N Chestnut St., Palmyra, PA, opens our doors and invites you to attend a handbell concert given by Eileen Smith, handbell soloist, on Sunday, December 18th at 3:00 p.m. Please come and delight in the sounds of the holidays as we welcome Eileen and her

accompanist, Evelyn Werner, on piano. A carol sing along will highlight the concert and a good-will offering will be collected to benefit PCoB's Loving God Loving Neighbor Capital Campaign.

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ALL IN: Going. Glowing. Growing. Godly.

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Church of the Brethren minister and Christian re-cording artist LeahJ has

CD Release Concert:

Sunday, December 4, 7:30pm (Doors open at


Lititz Church of the

released a new music video to anticipate her upcoming album release. The album is called "The Impossible." The music video is for the single, "Home to Pennsylvania." Tickets for the CD Release Concert are available online at, where you can also see the music video.

Brethren, 300 West Orange Street, Lititz, PA 17543 Tickets are $8 advance ( or $10 at the door. The concert will also be streamed online for those who can't attend in person. Login infor-mation will be posted online the day of the


SVMC 2017 Workshops

Save the Date!

March 18: Reimaging Art for

Worship; 9am –4pm; $65

March 25: Understanding our

Muslim Neighbor; 9am– 5pm; $55pp

or $35pp (3 or more from same con-


April 24: 10 Plus Reasons to Love

Leviticus; 9am—4pm; $60

Contact us at: 717-361-1450

[email protected]

Page 16: ANE · (CPV – Craig’s Paraphrase Version) Shift Thinking Readiness for Ministry Orientation (RfM):



500 East Cedar Street

Elizabethtown, PA 17022

Non-Profit Organization



Elizabethtown, PA

Permit No. 53


Monday - Thursday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


Craig H. Smith, District Executive

Don V. Mitchell, Director of Church Development & Evangelism

Mary Etta Reinhart, Director of Witness & Outreach

Jess Ross, Director of Nurture

Kay M. Weaver, Director of Stewardship

Krista Dickson, Office Administrator

Kelly Bernstein, Communications Manager

Wanda Rohde, Projects Manager

Phone Number: 717- 367- 4730

FAX Number: 717- 367- 8737



Our Mission:

Creating spiritually healthy New

Testament congregations who

covenant and network

together to further the

Kingdom of God.

Deadline for the Jan/Feb issue of

ANE Today is December 1.

Articles may be faxed to the District Office

or emailed to:

Kelly Bernstein at

[email protected].

When possible, include appropriate logo

or other graphic designs.

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