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Guvera Vasireddy

Department Of Pathology

Osmania Medical College

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Causes of inadequate production of red cells

• Nutritional deficiencies,

• That arise secondary to renal failure and chronic


• Disorders that lead to generalized bone marrow failure,

such as aplastic anemia, primary hematopoietic


• Infiltrative disorders that lead to marrow replacement

(such as metastatic cancer and disseminated

granulomatous disease).

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Inherited genetic defects

Defects leading to stem cell depletion Fanconi anemia, telomerase defects

Defects affecting erythroblast maturation Thalassemia syndromes

Nutritional deficiencies

Deficiencies affecting DNA synthesis B12 and folate deficiencies

Deficiencies affecting hemoglobin


Iron deficiency anemia

Erythropoietin deficiency Renal failure, anemia of chronic disease

Immune-mediated injury of progenitors Aplastic anemia, pure red cell aplasia

Inflammation-mediated iron sequestration Anemia of chronic disease

Primary hematopoietic neoplasms Acute leukemia, myelodysplasia,

myeloproliferative disorders ( Chapter 13 )

Space-occupying marrow lesions Metastatic neoplasms, granulomatous disease

Infections of red cell progenitors Parvovirus B19 infection

Unknown mechanisms Endocrine disorders, hepatocellular liver


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MCV-based algorithmic approach to anemia diagnosis (does size matter?).

Green R Hematology 2012;2012:492-498

©2012 by American Society of Hematology

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Megaloblastic Anemias

• Megaloblastic anemias are a heterogeneous group of

disorders that share common morphologic characteristics.

• Erythrocytes are larger

• Neutrophils can be hyper segmented

• Megakaryocytes are abnormal

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Decreased Intake

• Inadequate diet, vegetarianism

Impaired Absorption

• Intrinsic factor deficiency - Pernicious anemia

• Gastrectomy

• Malabsorption states

• Diffuse intestinal disease (e.g., lymphoma, systemic sclerosis)

• Ileal resection, ileitis

• Competitive parasitic uptake - Fish tapeworm infestation

• Bacterial overgrowth in blind loops and diverticula of bowel

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Decreased Intake

• Inadequate diet, alcoholism, infancy

Impaired Absorption

• Malabsorption states

• Intrinsic intestinal disease

• Anticonvulsants, oral contraceptives

Increased Loss

• Hemodialysis

Increased Requirement

• Pregnancy, infancy, disseminated cancer, markedly increased hematopoiesis

Impaired Utilization

• Folic acid antagonists

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• Metabolic inhibitors of DNA synthesis and/or folate metabolism (e.g., methotrexate)

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Biochemical Functions of Vitamin B12

• Only two reactions in humans are known to require vitamin B12.

• In one, methylcobalamin serves as an essential cofactor in the conversion of homocysteine to methionine by methionine synthase.

• In the process, methylcobalamin yields a methyl group that is recovered from N5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid (N5-methyl FH4), the principal form of folic acid in plasma.

• The other known reaction that depends on vitamin B12 is the

isomerization of methylmalonyl coenzyme A to succinyl coenzyme A, which requires adenosylcobalamin as a prosthetic group on the enzyme methylmalonyl–coenzyme A mutase

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Hypothesis on neuronal damage in B12 deficiency

• A deficiency of vitamin B12 leads to increased plasma and urine levels of methylmalonic acid.

• Interruption of this reaction and the consequent buildup of methylmalonate and propionate (a precursor) could lead to the formation and incorporation of abnormal fatty acids into neuronal lipids.

• It has been suggested that this biochemical abnormality predisposes to myelin breakdown and thereby produces the neurologic complications of vitamin B12 deficiency.

• However, rare individuals with hereditary deficiencies of methylmalonyl–coenzyme A mutase, while having complications related to methylmalonyl acidemia, do not suffer from the neurologic abnormalities seen in vitamin B12 deficiency, casting doubt on this explanation.

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‘Folate Trapping’

• Fundamental cause of the impaired DNA synthesis in vitamin B12 deficiency is due to reduced availability of FH4.

• which is “trapped” as N5-methyl FH4.

• The FH4 deficit may be further exacerbated by an “internal” folate deficiency caused by a failure to synthesize metabolically active polyglutamylated forms.

• This stems from the requirement for vitamin B12 in the synthesis of methionine, which contributes a carbon group needed in the metabolic reactions that create folate polyglutamates

• Whatever the mechanism, lack of folate is the proximate cause of anemia in vitamin B12 deficiency, since the anemia improves with administration of folic acid.

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Morphology – peripheral smear

• The presence of red cells that are macrocytic and oval (macro-ovalocytes) is highly characteristic.

• They are larger than normal and contain ample hemoglobin, most macrocytes lack the central pallor of normal red cells and even appear “hyperchromic,” but the MCHC is not elevated.

• There is marked variation in the size (anisocytosis) and shape (poikilocytosis) of red cells.

• The reticulocyte count is low.

• Nucleated red cell progenitors occasionally appear in the circulating blood when anemia is severe.

• Neutrophils are also larger than normal (macropolymorphonuclear) and hypersegmented, having five or more nuclear lobules instead of the normal three to four

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Morphology – Bone marrow

• The marrow is markedly hypercellular as a result of increased hematopoietic precursors, which often completely replace the fatty marrow.

• Megaloblastic changes are detected at all stages of erythroid development.

• The most primitive cells (promegaloblasts) are large, with a deeply basophilic cytoplasm, prominent nucleoli, and a distinctive, fine nuclear chromatin pattern.

• As these cells differentiate and begin to accumulate hemoglobin, the nucleus retains its finely distributed chromatin and fails to develop the clumped pyknotic chromatin typical of normoblasts.

• The anemia is further exacerbated by a mild degree of red cell hemolysis of uncertain etiology.

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nuclear-to-cytoplasmic asynchrony and Ineffective erythropoiesis

• While nuclear maturation is delayed, cytoplasmic maturation and hemoglobin accumulation proceed at a normal pace, leading to nuclear-to-cytoplasmic asynchrony.

• Because DNA synthesis is impaired in all proliferating cells, granulocytic precursors also display dysmaturation in the form of giant metamyelocytes and band forms.

• Megakaryocytes, too, can be abnormally large and have bizarre, multilobate nuclei.

• The marrow hyperplasia is a response to increased levels of growth factors, such as erythropoietin.

• However, the derangement in DNA synthesis causes most precursors to undergo apoptosis in the marrow (an example of ineffective hematopoiesis) and leads to pancytopenia.

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Pernicious anemia

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Vitamin B12 absorption

• Absorption of vitamin B12 requires intrinsic factor, which is secreted by the parietal cells of the fundic mucosa.

• Vitamin B12 is freed from binding proteins in food through the action of pepsin in the stomach and binds to salivary proteins called cobalophilins, or R-binders.

• In the duodenum, bound vitamin B12 is released by the action of pancreatic proteases. It then associates with intrinsic factor.

• This complex is transported to the ileum, where it is endocytosed by ileal enterocytes that express intrinsic factor receptors on their surfaces.

• Within ileal cells, vitamin B12 associates with a major carrier protein, transcobalamin II, and is secreted into the plasma.

• Transcobalamin II delivers vitamin B12 to the liver and other cells of the body, including rapidly proliferating cells in the bone marrow and the gastrointestinal tract.

• In addition to this major pathway, there is also an alternative uptake mechanism that is not dependent on intrinsic factor or an intact terminal ileum.

• Up to 1% of a large oral dose can be absorbed by this pathway, making it feasible to treat pernicious anemia with high doses of oral vitamin B12.

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Anemias of Vitamin B12 Deficiency: Pernicious Anemia

• Pernicious anemia is a specific form of megaloblastic anemia caused by autoimmune gastritis and an attendant failure of intrinsic factor production, which leads to vitamin B12 deficiency.

• Histologically, there is a chronic atrophic gastritis marked by a loss of parietal cells, a prominent infiltrate of lymphocytes and plasma cells, and

• Megaloblastic changes in mucosal cells similar to those found in erythroid precursors are present.

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Auto antibodies in pernicious anemia

• Three types of autoantibodies are present in many, but not all, patients.

• About 75% of patients have a type I antibody that blocks the binding of vitamin B12 to intrinsic factor.

• Type I antibodies are found in both plasma and gastric juice.

• Type II antibodies prevent binding of the intrinsic factor–vitamin B12 complex to its ileal receptor.

• These antibodies are also found in a large proportion of patients with pernicious anemia.

• Type III antibodies, present in 85% to 90% of patients, recognize the α and β subunits of the gastric proton pump, which is normally localized to the microvilli of the canalicular system of the gastric parietal cell.

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Role of CD4+ T cells in pernicious anemia

• Autoreactive T-cell response initiates gastric mucosal injury and triggers the formation of autoantibodies, which cause epithelial injury.

• When the mass of intrinsic factor–secreting cells falls below a threshold (and reserves of stored vitamin B12 are depleted), anemia develops.

• The common association of pernicious anemia with other autoimmune disorders, particularly autoimmune thyroiditis and adrenalitis, is also consistent with an underlying immune basis.

• The tendency to develop multiple autoimmune disorders, including pernicious anemia, is linked to specific sequence variants of NALP1,an innate immune receptor is located on chromosome 17p13.

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GI tract lesions in pernicious anemia

• The stomach typically shows diffuse chronic gastritis.

• The most characteristic alteration is atrophy of the fundic glands, affecting both chief cells and parietal cells, the latter being virtually absent.

• The glandular lining epithelium is replaced by mucus-secreting goblet cells that resemble those lining the large intestine, a form of metaplasia referred to as intestinalization.

• Some of the cells as well as their nuclei may increase to double the normal size, a form of “megaloblastic” change exactly analogous to that seen in the marrow.

• With time, the tongue may become shiny, glazed, and “beefy” (atrophic glossitis).

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CNS lesions in pernicious anemia

• Central nervous system lesions are found in about three fourths of all cases of florid pernicious anemia but can also be seen in the absence of overt hematologic findings.

• The principal alterations involve the spinal cord, where there is demyelination of the dorsal and lateral tracts, sometimes followed by loss of axons.

• These changes give rise to spastic paraparesis, sensory ataxia, and severe paresthesias in the lower limbs.

• Less frequently, degenerative changes occur in the ganglia of the posterior roots and in peripheral nerves.

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(1) a moderate to severe megaloblastic anemia, (2) leukopenia with hypersegmented granulocytes, (3) low serum vitamin B12, and (4) elevated levels of homocysteine and methylmalonic acid in the serum. The diagnosis is confirmed by a striking increase in reticulocytes and an improvement in hematocrit levels beginning about 5 days after parenteral administration of vitamin B12. Serum antibodies to intrinsic factor are highly specific for pernicious anemia. Their presence attests to the cause rather than the presence or absence of vitamin B12 deficiency.

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Long term effects of pernicious anemia

• Pernicious anemia is insidious in onset, so the anemia is often quite severe by the time the affected person seeks medical attention.

• Persons with atrophic and metaplastic changes in the gastric mucosa associated with pernicious anemia are at increased risk of developing gastric carcinoma.

• Serum homocysteine levels are raised in individuals with vitamin B12 deficiency.

• Elevated homocysteine levels are a risk factor for atherosclerosis and thrombosis, and vitamin B12 deficiency may increase the incidence of vascular disease.

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Prognosis in pernicious anemia

• The gastric atrophy and metaplastic changes are due to autoimmunity and not vitamin B12 deficiency; hence, parenteral administration of vitamin B12 corrects the megaloblastic changes in the marrow and the epithelial cells of the alimentary tract, but gastric atrophy and achlorhydria persist.

• With parenteral or high-dose oral vitamin B12, the anemia can be cured and the peripheral neurologic changes reversed or at least halted in their progression, but the changes in the gastric mucosa and the risk of carcinoma are unaffected.

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Fe Deficiency Anemia • Due to increased loss or decreased

ingestion, almost always, in USA, nowadays, increased loss is the reason

• Microcytic (low MCV), Hypochromic (low MCHC)


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Ferritin (GREAT test)


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Clinical Fe-Defic-Anemia

• Adult men: GI Blood Loss

• PRE menopausal women: menorrhagia

• POST menopausal women: GI Blood Loss

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2 BEST lab tests: • Serum Ferritin

•Prussian blue hemosiderin stain of marrow (also called an “iron” stain)

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Anemia of Chronic Disease*




• LIVER, KIDNEY failure * Please remember these patients may very very much

look like iron deficiency anemia, BUT, they have


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WBC suppression as well

• Some are idiopathic, but MOST are related to drugs, radiation

• FANCONI’s ANEMIA is the only one that is inherited, and NOT acquired

• Act at STEM CELL level, except for “pure” red cell aplasia

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• Are anemias caused by metastatic tumor cells replacing the bone marrow extensively

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POLYCYTHEMIA • Relative (e.g., hemoconcentration)

• Absolute




• EPO “Doping”

• CVAC, the trendy California bubble pods

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P. VERA •A “myeloproliferative”


•ALL cell lines are increased, not just RBCs

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