  • 8/17/2019 AngularFire - A Real-time Backend for AngularJS From Firebase


    11/2/2016 Ang ularFire - A real-time backend for Ang ular JS from Fir ebase. ibr ar ies/ang ular /api .html#ang ular fi re- fi rebasear ray- addnewdata

    AngularFire   View on GitHub Issues


     AngularFire is the officially supported AngularJS binding for Firebase. This binding lets you associate Firebase

    references with Angular models so that they will be transparently and immediately kept in sync with the database

    and with all other clients currently using your application.

    The focus of this library is to abstract much of the boilerplate involved in creating Angular bindings from Firebase

    to Angular, and to make it easy to create services that sync to your database. However, this library does not

    attempt to replace the capabilities of the entire Firebase client library’s API and that may still be suitable for some

    advanced usages. Feel free to use the methods provided by the core Firebase client library alongside the

     AngularFire binding.


    The $firebaseObject   service takes a Firebase   reference or Firebase Query   and returns a JavaScript object

    which contains the data at the provided Firebase  reference and some extra AngularFire-specific fields. Note that

    the data will not be available immediately since retrieving it  is an  asynchronous operation. You can use the

    $loaded()  promise to get notified when the data has loaded.

    This service automatically keeps local objects in sync with any changes made to the remote Firebase database.

    However, note that any changes to that object will not   automatically result in any changes to the

    remote data. All such changes will have to be performed by updating the object directly and then calling

    $save()   on the object, or by utilizing $bindTo()   (see more below).

    app.controller("MyCtrl", ["$scope", "$firebaseObject",

    function($scope, $firebaseObject) {

    var  ref =new Firebase(URL);

    var  obj = $firebaseObject(ref);

    // to take an action after the data loads, use the $loaded() promise  

    obj.$loaded().then(function() {

    console.log("loaded record:", obj.$id, obj.someOtherKeyInData);

    // To iterate the key/value pairs of the object, use angular.forEach() 

    angular.forEach(obj, function(value, key) {

    console.log(key, value);



    // To make the data available in the DOM, assign it to $scope 

    $ = obj;

    // For three-way data bindings, bind it to the scope instead 

    obj.$bindTo($scope, "data");

  • 8/17/2019 AngularFire - A Real-time Backend for AngularJS From Firebase


    11/2/2016 Ang ularFire - A real-time backend for Ang ular JS from Fir ebase. ibr ar ies/ang ular /api .html#ang ular fi re- fi rebasear ray- addnewdata 2




    The key where this record is stored. The same as obj.$ref().key() .


    The priority for this record according to the last update we received. Modifying this value and then calling

    $save()  will also update the server’s priority.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Because Angular’s $watch()   function ignores keys prefixed with $ , changing this field

    inside the $bindTo()  function will not trigger an update unless a field without a $   prefix is also updated. It is

    best to avoid using $bindTo()   for editing $  variables and just rely on the $save()  method.


    If the value in the database is a primitive (boolean, string, or number) then the value will be stored under this

    $value  key. Modifying this value and then calling $save()   will also update the server’s value.

    Note that any time other keys exist, this one will be ignored. To change an object to a primitive value, delete the

    other keys and add this key to the object. As a shortcut, we can use:

    var obj = $firebaseObject(ref); // an object with data keys 

    $firebaseUtils.updateRec(obj, newPrimitiveValue); // updateRec will delete the other keys for us

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Because Angular’s $watch()   function ignores keys prefixed with $ , changing this field

    inside the $bindTo()  function will not trigger an update unless a field without a $   prefix is also updated. It is

    best to avoid using $bindTo()   for editing $  variables and just rely on the $save()  method.


    Removes the entire object locally and from the database. This method returns a promise that will be fulfilled when

    the data has been removed from the server. The promise will be resolved with a Firebase   reference for the

    exterminated record.

    var  obj = $firebaseObject(ref);

    obj.$remove().then(function(ref) {

    // data has been deleted locally and in the database 

    }, function(error) {

    console.log("Error:", error);



  • 8/17/2019 AngularFire - A Real-time Backend for AngularJS From Firebase


    11/2/2016 Ang ularFire - A real-time backend for Ang ular JS from Fir ebase. ibr ar ies/ang ular /api .html#ang ular fi re- fi rebasear ray- addnewdata 3

    If changes are made to data, then calling $save()  will push those changes to the server. This method returns a

    promise that will resolve with this object’s Firebase  reference when the write is completed.

    var  obj = $firebaseObject(ref); = "bar";

    obj.$save().then(function(ref) {

    ref.key() === obj.$id; // true 

    }, function(error) {

    console.log("Error:", error);



    Returns a promise which is resolved when the initial object data has been downloaded from the database. The

    promise resolves to the $firebaseObject  itself.

    var  obj = $firebaseObject(ref);


    .then(function(data) {

    console.log(data === obj); // true 


    .catch(function(error) {

    console.error("Error:", error);


     As a shortcut, the resolve()   / reject()   methods can optionally be passed directly into $loaded() :

    var  obj = $firebaseObject(ref);


    function(data) {

    console.log(data === obj); // true 


    function(error) {

    console.error("Error:", error);



    Returns the Firebase   reference used to create this object.

    var  ob = $firebaseObject(ref);

    obj.$ref() === ref; // true

    $bindTo(scope, varName)

  • 8/17/2019 AngularFire - A Real-time Backend for AngularJS From Firebase


    11/2/2016 Ang ularFire - A real-time backend for Ang ular JS from Fir ebase. ibr ar ies/ang ular /api .html#ang ular fi re- fi rebasear ray- addnewdata 4

    Creates a three-way binding between a scope variable and the database data. When the scope  data is updated,

    changes are pushed to the database, and when changes occur in the database, they are pushed instantly into

    scope . This method returns a promise that resolves after the initial value is pulled from the database and set in

    the scope   variable.

    var  ref =new Firebase(URL); // assume value here is { foo: "bar"  } 

    var  obj = $firebaseObject(ref);

    obj.$bindTo($scope, "data").then(function() {

    console.log($; // { foo: "bar"  } 

    $ = "baz"; // will be saved to the database 

    ref.set({ foo: "baz"  }); // this would update the database and $ 


    We can now bind to any property on our object directly in the HTML, and have it saved instantly to the database.

    Security and Firebase Rules can be used for validation to ensure data is formatted correctly at the server.

    Only one scope variable can be bound at a time. If a second attempts to bind to the same $firebaseObject

    instance, the promise will be rejected and the bind will fail.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Angular does not report variables prefixed with $   to any $watch()   listeners. a simple

    workaround here is to use a variable prefixed with _ , which will not be saved to the server, but will trigger $watch() .

    var  obj = $firebaseObject(ref);

    obj.$bindTo($scope, "widget").then(function() {

    $scope.widget.$priority = 99;

    $scope.widget._updated = true;


    If $destroy()   is emitted by scope   (this happens when a controller is destroyed), then this object is

    automatically unbound from scope . It can also be manually unbound using the unbind()   method, which ispassed into the promise callback.

    var  obj = $firebaseObject(ref);

    obj.$bindTo($scope, "data").then(function(unbind) {

    // unbind this later 



  • 8/17/2019 AngularFire - A Real-time Backend for AngularJS From Firebase


    11/2/2016 Ang ularFire - A real-time backend for Ang ular JS from Fir ebase. ibr ar ies/ang ular /api .html#ang ular fi re- fi rebasear ray- addnewdata 5

    $watch(callback, context)

    Registers an event listener which will be notified any time there is a change to the data. Returns an unregister 

    function that, when invoked, will stop notifying the callback of changes.

    var  obj = $firebaseObject(ref);

    var  unwatch = obj.$watch(function() {

    console.log("data changed!");


    // at some time in the future, we can unregister using 



    Calling this method cancels event listeners and frees memory used by this object (deletes the local data).

    Changes are no longer synchronized to or from the database.


    The $firebaseArray   service takes a Firebase   reference or Firebase Query   and returns a JavaScript array

    which contains the data at the provided Firebase  reference. Note that the data will not be available immediately

    since retrieving it is an asynchronous operation. You can use the $loaded()  promise to get notified when the

    data has loaded.

    This service automatically keeps this local array in sync with any changes made to the remote database. This is

    a PSEUDO READ-ONLY ARRAY suitable for use in directives like ng-repeat  and with Angular filters (which

    expect an array).

    While using read attributes and methods like length   and toString()   will work great on this array, you should

    avoid directly manipulating the array. Methods like splice() , push() , pop() , shift() , unshift() , and

    reverse()   will cause the local data to become out of sync with the server. Instead, utilize the $add() ,

    $remove() , and $save()  methods provided by the service to change the structure of the array. To get the id of 

    an item in a $firebaseArray within ng-repeat , call $id   on that item.

    // JavaScript 

    app.controller("MyCtrl", ["$scope", "$firebaseArray",

    function($scope, $firebaseArray) {

    var  list = $firebaseArray(new Firebase(URL));

    // add an item 

    list.$add({ foo: "bar"  }).then(...);

    // remove an item 


  • 8/17/2019 AngularFire - A Real-time Backend for AngularJS From Firebase


    11/2/2016 Ang ularFire - A real-time backend for Ang ular JS from Fir ebase. ibr ar ies/ang ular /api .html#ang ular fi re- fi rebasear ray- addnewdata 6

      // make the list available in the DOM 

    $scope.list = list;




    {{ item | json }}

    The $firebaseArray   service can also take a query  to only sync a subset of data.

    app.controller("MyCtrl", ["$scope", "$firebaseArray",

    function($scope, $firebaseArray) {

    var  messagesRef =new Firebase(URL).child("messages");

    var  query = messagesRef.orderByChild("timestamp").limitToLast(10);

    var  list = $firebaseArray(query);



    Note that, while the array itself should not be modified, it is practical to change specific elements of the array and

    save them back to the remote database:

    // JavaScript 

    var  list = $firebaseArray(new Firebase(URL));

    list[2].foo = "bar";




    Creates a new record in the database and adds the record to our local synchronized array.

    This method returns a promise which is resolved after data has been saved to the server. The promise resolves tothe Firebase   reference for the newly added record, providing easy access to its key.

    var  list = $firebaseArray(ref);

    list.$add({ foo: "bar"  }).then(function(ref) {

    var  id = ref.key();

    console.log("added record with id "  + id);

    list.$indexFor(id); // returns location in the array 


  • 8/17/2019 AngularFire - A Real-time Backend for AngularJS From Firebase


    11/2/2016 Ang ularFire - A real-time backend for Ang ular JS from Fir ebase. ibr ar ies/ang ular /api .html#ang ular fi re- fi rebasear ray- addnewdata 7


    Remove a record from the database and from the local array. This method returns a promise that resolves after 

    the record is deleted at the server. It will contain a Firebase   reference to the deleted record. It accepts either an

    array index or a reference to an item that exists in the array.

    var  list = $firebaseArray(ref);

    var  item = list[2];list.$remove(item).then(function(ref) {

    ref.key() === item.$id; // true 



    The array itself cannot be modified, but records in the array can be updated and saved back to the database

    individually. This method saves an existing, modified local record back to the database. It accepts either an array

    index or a reference to an item that exists in the array.

    $scope.list = $firebaseArray(ref);

    This method returns a promise which is resolved after data has been saved to the server. The promise resolves to

    the Firebase  reference for the saved record, providing easy access to its key.

    var  list = $firebaseArray(ref);

    list[2].foo = "bar";

    list.$save(2).then(function(ref) {

    ref.key() === list[2].$id; // true 



    Returns the record from the array for the given key. If the key is not found, returns null . This method utilizes

    $indexFor(key)   to find the appropriate record.

    var  list = $firebaseArray(ref);

    var  rec = list.$getRecord("foo"); // record with $id === "foo"  or null


  • 8/17/2019 AngularFire - A Real-time Backend for AngularJS From Firebase


    11/2/2016 Ang ularFire - A real-time backend for Ang ular JS from Fir ebase. ibr ar ies/ang ular /api .html#ang ular fi re- fi rebasear ray- addnewdata 8

    Returns the key for a record in the array. It accepts either an array index or a reference to an item that exists in

    the array.

    // assume records "alpha", "bravo", and "charlie" 

    var  list = $firebaseArray(ref);

    list.$keyAt(1); // bravo 

    list.$keyAt( list[1] ); // bravo


    The inverse of $keyAt() , this method takes a key and finds the associated record in the array. If the record does

    not exist, -1 is returned.

    // assume records "alpha", "bravo", and "charlie" 

    var  list = $firebaseArray(ref);

    list.$indexFor("alpha"); // 0 

    list.$indexFor("bravo"); // 1 list.$indexFor("zulu"); // -1


    Returns a promise which is resolved when the initial array data has been downloaded from the database. The

    promise resolves to the $firebaseArray .

    var  list = $firebaseArray(ref);

    list.$loaded().then(function(x) {

    x === list; // true 


    .catch(function(error) {

    console.log("Error:", error);


    The resolve/reject methods may also be passed directly into $loaded:

    var  list = $firebaseArray(ref);


    function(x) {

    x === list; // true 

    }, function(error) {

    console.error("Error:", error);



  • 8/17/2019 AngularFire - A Real-time Backend for AngularJS From Firebase


    11/2/2016 Ang ularFire - A real-time backend for Ang ular JS from Fir ebase. ibr ar ies/ang ular /api .html#ang ular fi re- fi rebasear ray- addnewdata 9

    Returns the Firebase   reference used to create this array.

    var  list = $firebaseArray(ref);

    sync === list.$ref(); // true

    $watch(cb[, context])

     Any callback passed here will be invoked each time data in the array is updated from the server. The callback

    receives an object with the following keys:

    var  list = $firebaseArray(ref);

    list.$watch(function(event) {



    // logs { event: "child_removed", key: "foo"  } 


    // logs { event: "child_added", key: "", prevId: ""  } 

    list.$add({ hello: "world"  });

     A common use case for this would be to customize the sorting for a synchronized array. Since each time an add

    or update arrives from the server, the data could become out of order, we can re-sort on each event. We don’t

    have to worry about excessive re-sorts slowing down Angular’s compile process, or creating excessive DOM

    updates, because the events are already batched nicely into a single $apply   event (we gather them up and

    trigger the events in batches before telling $digest   to dirty check).

    var  list = $firebaseArray(ref);

    // sort our list 


    // each time the server sends records, re-sort 

    list.$watch(function() { list.sort(compare); });

    // custom sorting routine (sort by last name) 

    function  compare(a, b) {

    return  a.lastName.localeCompare(b.lastName);


    event : The database event type which fired ( child_added , child_moved , child_removed , or 

    child_changed ).

    key : The ID of the record that triggered the event.

    prevChild : If event is child_added   or child_moved , this contains the previous record’s key or null   if 

    key   belongs to the first record in the collection.

  • 8/17/2019 AngularFire - A Real-time Backend for AngularJS From Firebase


    11/2/2016 Ang ularFire - A real-time backend for Ang ular JS from Fir ebase. ibr ar ies/ang ular /api .html#ang ular fi re- fi rebasear ray- addnewdata 10


    Stop listening for events and free memory used by this array (empties the local copy). Changes are no longer 

    synchronized to or from the database.


    There are several powerful techniques for transforming the data downloaded and saved by $firebaseArray   and

    $firebaseObject . These techniques should only be attempted by advanced Angular users who know

    their way around the code.


    You can create a new factory from a $firebaseObject . It can add additional methods or override any existing


    var  ColorFactory = $firebaseObject.$extend({

    getMyFavoriteColor: function() {

    return  this.favoriteColor +", no green!"; // obscure Monty Python reference 



    var  factory =new ColorFactory(ref);

    var  favColor = factory.getMyFavoriteColor();

    This technique can also be used to transform how data is stored and saved by overriding the following private


    // Add a counter to our object... 

    var  FactoryWithCounter = $firebaseObject.$extend({

    // add a method to the prototype that returns our counter 

    getUpdateCount: function() { return  this._counter; },

    // each time an update arrives from the server, apply the change locally 

    $$updated: function(snap) {

    // apply the changes using the super method 

    $$updated: Called with a snapshot any time a value  event is received from the database, must apply the

    updates and return true if any changes occurred.

    $$error : Passed an Error  any time a security error occurs. These are generally not recoverable.

    $$notify: Sends notifications to any listeners registered with $watch() .

    toJSON: As with any object, if a toJSON()  method is provided, it will be used by JSON.stringify()   to

    parse the JSON content before it is saved to the database.

    $$defaults: A key / value pair that can be used to create default values for any fields which are not found in

    the server data (i.e. undefined fields). By default, they are applied each time $$updated   is invoked. If thatmethod is overridden, it would need to implement this behavior.

  • 8/17/2019 AngularFire - A Real-time Backend for AngularJS From Firebase


    11/2/2016 Ang ularFire - A real-time backend for Ang ular JS from Fir ebase. ibr ar ies/ang ular /api .html#ang ular fi re- fi rebasear ray- addnewdata 1

      var  changed = $firebaseObject.prototype.$$updated.apply(this, arguments);

    // add / increment a counter each time there is an update 

    if( !this._counter ) { this._counter = 0; }


    // return  whether or not changes occurred 

    return  changed;




    You can create a new factory from a $firebaseArray . It can add additional methods or override any existing


    app.factory("ArrayWithSum", function($firebaseArray) {

    return  $firebaseArray.$extend({

    sum: function() {var  total =0;

    angular.forEach(this.$list, function(rec) {

    total += rec.x;


    return  total;




    We can then use this factory with by instantiating it:

    var  list =new ArrayWithSum(ref);

    list.$loaded().then(function() {

    console.log("List has "  + list.sum() + " items");


    This technique can be used to transform how data is stored by overriding the following private methods:

    $$added: Called with a snapshot and prevChild any time a child_added  event occurs.

    $$updated: Called with a snapshot any time a child_changed   event occurs.

    $$moved: Called with a snapshot and prevChild any time child_moved   event occurs.

    $$removed: Called with a snapshot any time a child_removed  event occurs.

    $$error : Passed an Error  any time a security error occurs. These are generally not recoverable.

    $$getKey: Tells AngularFire what the unique ID is for each record (the default just returns this.$id ).

    $$notify: Notifies any listeners registered with $watch; normally this method would not be modified.

    $$process: Handles the actual splicing of data into and out of the array. Normally this method would not be


    $$defaults: A key / value pair that can be used to create default values for any fields which are not found in

    the server data (i.e. undefined fields). By default, they are applied each time $$added   or $$updated   are

    invoked. If those methods are overridden, they would need to implement this behavior.

  • 8/17/2019 AngularFire - A Real-time Backend for AngularJS From Firebase


    11/2/2016 Ang ularFire - A real-time backend for Ang ular JS from Fir ebase. ibr ar ies/ang ular /api .html#ang ular fi re- fi rebasear ray- addnewdata 12

    To illustrate, let’s create a factory that creates Widget   instances, and transforms dates:

    // an object to return  in our WidgetFactory 

    app.factory("Widget", function($firebaseUtils) {

    function  Widget(snapshot) {

    // store the record id so AngularFire can identify it 

    this.$id = snapshot.key();

    // apply the data 



    Widget.prototype = {

    update: function(snapshot) {

    var  oldData = angular.extend({},;

    // apply changes to instead of directly on `this` = snapshot.val();

    // add a parsed date to our widget this._date = new Date(;

    // determine if  anything changed, note that angular.equals will not check 

    // $value or $priority (since it excludes anything that starts with $) 

    // so be careful when using angular.equals() 

    return  !angular.equals(, oldData);


    getDate: function() {

    return  this._date;


    toJSON: function() {

    // since we changed where our data is stored, we need to tell AngularFire how  

    // to get the JSON version of it. We can use $firebaseUtils.toJSON() to remove 

    // private variables, copy the data into a shippable format, and do validation 

    return  $firebaseUtils.toJSON(;


    return  Widget;


    // now let's create a synchronized array factory that uses our Widget 

    app.factory("WidgetFactory", function($firebaseArray, Widget) {

    return  $firebaseArray.$extend({

    // change the added behavior to return  Widget objects 

    $$added: function(snap) {

    // instead of creating the default POJO (plain old JavaScript object) 

    // we will return  an instance of the Widget class each time a child_added 

    // event is received from the server 

    return new Widget(snap);


    // override the update behavior to call Widget.update() 

  • 8/17/2019 AngularFire - A Real-time Backend for AngularJS From Firebase


    11/2/2016 Ang ularFire - A real-time backend for Ang ular JS from Fir ebase. ibr ar ies/ang ular /api .html#ang ular fi re- fi rebasear ray- addnewdata 13

      $$updated:function(snap) {

    // we need to return  true/false here or $watch listeners will not get triggered 

    // luckily, our Widget.prototype.update() method already returns a boolean if 

    // anything has changed 

    return  this.$getRecord(snap.key()).update(snap);




    Passing a Class into $extend

    Instead of just a list of functions, we can also pass in a class constructor to inherit methods from

    $firebaseArray . The prototype for this class will be preserved, and it will inherit from $firebaseArray .

    This is an extremely advanced feature. Do not use this unless you know that you need it

    This class constructor is expected to call $firebaseArray ‘s constructor (i.e. the super constructor).

    The following factory adds an update counter which is incremented each time $$added()   or $$updated()   iscalled:

    app.factory("ArrayWithCounter", function($firebaseArray, Widget) {

    // $firebaseArray and $firebaseObject constructors both accept a single argument, a `Firebase ̀ ref 

    function  ArrayWithCounter(ref) {

    // initialize a counter 

    this.counter = 0;

    // call the super constructor 

    return  $, ref);


    // override the add behavior to return  a Widget 

    ArrayWithCounter.prototype.$$added = function(snap) {

    return new Widget(snap);

    // override the update behavior to call Widget.update() 

    ArrayWithCounter.prototype.$$updated = function(snap) {

    var  widget = this.$getRecord(snap.key());

    return  widget.update();

    // pass our constructor to $extend, which will automatically extract the 

    // prototype methods and call the constructor appropriately 

    return  $firebaseArray.$extend(ArrayWithCounter);


    Decorating the Se rvices

    In general, it will be more useful to extend the services to create new services than to use this technique.

    However, it is also possible to modify $firebaseArray   or $firebaseObject   globally by using Angular’s

  • 8/17/2019 AngularFire - A Real-time Backend for AngularJS From Firebase


    11/2/2016 Ang ularFire - A real-time backend for Ang ular JS from Fir ebase. ibr ar ies/ang ular /api .html#ang ular fi re- fi rebasear ray- addnewdata 14

    $decorate()  method.

    app.config(function($provide) {

    $provide.decorator("$firebaseObject", function($delegate, $firebaseUtils) {

    var  _super = $delegate.prototype.$$updated;

    // override any instance of $firebaseObject to look for a date field 

    // and transforms it to a Date object. 

    $delegate.prototype.$$updated = function(snap) {var  changed =, snap);

    if( this.hasOwnProperty("date") ) {

    this._dateObj = new Date(;


    return  changed;

    // add a method that fetches the date object we just created 

    $delegate.prototype.getDate = function() {

    return  this._dateObj;

    // variables starting with _ are ignored by AngularFire so we don't need 

    // to worry about the toJSON method here 

    return  $delegate;




    With the ability to extend the AngularFire services, services can be built to represent our synchronized collections

    with a minimal amount of code. For example, we can create a User   factory:

    // create a User factory with a getFullName() method 

    app.factory("UserFactory", function($firebaseObject) {

    return  $firebaseObject.$extend({

    getFullName: function() {

    // concatenate first and last name 

    return  this.first_name +" "  + this.last_name;




     And create a new instance:

    // create a User object from our Factory 

    app.factory("User", function(UserFactory) {

    var  ref =new Firebase(URL+"/users/");

    return function(userid) {

    return new UserFactory(ref.child(userid));

  • 8/17/2019 AngularFire - A Real-time Backend for AngularJS From Firebase


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    Similarly, we can extend $firebaseArray   by creating a Message   object:

    app.factory("Message", function($firebaseArray) {

    function  Message(snap) {

    // store the user ID so AngularFire can identify the records // in this case, we store it in a custom location, so we'll need 

    // to override $$getKey 

    this.message_id = snap.key();

    this.message = snap.val();


    Message.prototype = {

    update: function(snap) {

    // store a string into this.message (instead of the default $value) 

    if( snap.val() !== this.message ) {

    this.message = snap.val();

    return  true;

    }return  false;


    toJSON: function() {

    // tell AngularFire what data to save, in this case a string 

    return  this.message;


    return  Message;


    We can then use that to extend the $firebaseArray   factory:

    app.factory("MessageFactory", function($firebaseArray, Message) {

    return  $firebaseArray.$extend({

    // override the $createObject behavior to return  a Message object 

    $$added: function(snap) {

    return new Message(snap);


    // override the $$updated behavior to call a method on the Message 

    $$updated: function(snap) {var  msg = this.$getRecord(snap.key());

    return  msg.update(snap);


    // our messages store the unique id in a special location, so tell $firebaseArray 

    // how to find the id for each record 

    $$getKey: function(rec) {

    return  rec.message_id;




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     And finally, we can put it all together into a synchronized list of messages:

    app.factory("MessageList", function(MessageFactory) {

    return function(ref) {

    return new MessageFactory(ref);




     AngularFire includes support for user authentication and management  with the $firebaseAuth   service.

    var  app = angular.module("app", ["firebase"]);

    Note: The $firebaseAuth   service requires Firebase 1.1.0 or later.

    Authentication Service Constructor

    The $firebaseAuth   factory takes a Firebase   reference as its only argument. Note that the authentication

    state is global to your application, even if multiple $firebaseAuth   objects are created.

    app.controller("MyAuthCtrl", ["$scope", "$firebaseAuth",

    function($scope, $firebaseAuth) {

    var  ref =new Firebase("" ); $scope.authObj = $firebaseAuth(ref);



    The authentication object returned by $firebaseAuth  contains several methods for authenticating users,

    responding to changes in authentication state, and managing user accounts for email / password users.

    $authWithCus tomToken(authToken[, options])

     Authenticates the client using a custom authentication token. This function takes two arguments: an

    authentication token or a Firebase Secret and an object containing optional client arguments, such as configuring

    session persistence.

    $scope.authObj.$authWithCustomToken( "").then(function(authData) {

    console.log("Logged in as:", authData.uid);

    }).catch(function(error) {

    console.error("Authentication failed:", error);


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    This method returns a promise which is resolved or rejected when the authentication attempt is completed. If 

    successful, the promise will be fulfilled with an object containing the payload of the authentication token. If 

    unsuccessful, the promise will be rejected with an Error   object.

    Read our documentation on Custom Login for more details about generating your own custom authentication



     Authenticates the client using a new, temporary guest account. This function takes one argument: an object

    containing optional client arguments, such as configuring session persistence.

    $scope.authObj.$authAnonymously().then(function(authData) {

    console.log("Logged in as:", authData.uid);

    }).catch(function(error) {

    console.error("Authentication failed:", error);


    This method returns a promise which is resolved or rejected when the authentication attempt is completed. If 

    successful, the promise will be fulfilled with an object containing authentication data about the logged-in user. If 

    unsuccessful, the promise will be rejected with an Error   object.

    Read our documentation on anonymous authentication for more details about anonymous authentication.

    $authWithPassword(credential s[, options])

     Authenticates the client using an email / password c ombination. This function takes two arguments: an objectcontaining email   and password  attributes corresponding to the user account and an object containing optional

    client arguments, such as configuring session persistence.


    email: "[email protected]",

    password: "mypassword" 

    }).then(function(authData) {

    console.log("Logged in as:", authData.uid);

    }).catch(function(error) {

    console.error("Authentication failed:", error);


    This method returns a promise which is resolved or rejected when the authentication attempt is completed. If 

    successful, the promise will be fulfilled with an object containing authentication data about the logged-in user. If 

    unsuccessful, the promise will be rejected with an Error   object.

    Read our documentation on email / password authentication for more details about email / password


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    $authWithOAuthPopup(provider[, options])

     Authenticates the client using a popup-based OAuth flow. This function takes two arguments: the unique string

    identifying the OAuth provider to authenticate with (e.g. "google" ) and an object containing optional client

    arguments, such as configuring session persistence.

    $scope.authObj.$authWithOAuthPopup( "google").then(function(authData) {console.log("Logged in as:", authData.uid);

    }).catch(function(error) {

    console.error("Authentication failed:", error);


    This method returns a promise which is resolved or rejected when the authentication attempt is completed. If 

    successful, the promise will be fulfilled with an object containing authentication data about the logged-in user. If 

    unsuccessful, the promise will be rejected with an Error   object.

    Firebase currently supports Facebook, GitHub, Google, and Twitter authentication. Refer to the table on our user 

    authentication documentation  for information about configuring each provider.

    $authWithOAuthRedirect(provider[, options])

     Authenticates the client using a redirect-based OAuth flow. This function takes two arguments: the unique string

    identifying the OAuth provider to authenticate with (e.g. "google" ) and an object containing optional client

    arguments, such as configuring session persistence.

    $scope.authObj.$authWithOAuthRedirect( "google").then(function(authData) {

    console.log("Logged in as:", authData.uid);

    }).then(function() {

    // Never called because of page redirect 

    }).catch(function(error) {

    console.error("Authentication failed:", error);


    This method returns a rejected promise with an Error   object if the authentication attempt fails. Upon successful

    authentication, the browser will be redirected as part of the OAuth authentication flow. As such, the returned

    promise will never be fulfilled. Instead, you should use the $onAuth()   method to detect when the authentication

    has been successfully completed.

    Firebase currently supports Facebook, GitHub, Google, and Twitter authentication. Refer to the table on our user 

    authentication documentation  for information about configuring each provider.

    $authWithOAuthToken(provider, credentials[, options])

     Authenticates the client using OAuth access tokens or c redentials. This function takes three arguments: the

    unique string identifying the OAuth provider to authenticate with (e.g. "google" ), either a string, such as an

    OAuth 2.0 access token, or an object of key / value pairs, such as a set of OAuth 1.0a credentials, and an object

  • 8/17/2019 AngularFire - A Real-time Backend for AngularJS From Firebase


    11/2/2016 Ang ularFire - A real-time backend for Ang ular JS from Fir ebase. ibr ar ies/ang ular /api .html#ang ular fi re- fi rebasear ray- addnewdata 19

    containing optional client arguments, such as configuring session persistence.

    $scope.authObj.$authWithOAuthToken( "google", "").then(function(authData) {

    console.log("Logged in as:", authData.uid);

    }).catch(function(error) {

    console.error("Authentication failed:", error);


    This method returns a promise which is resolved or rejected when the authentication attempt is completed. If 

    successful, the promise will be fulfilled with an object containing authentication data about the logged-in user. If 

    unsuccessful, the promise will be rejected with an Error   object.

    Firebase currently supports Facebook, GitHub, Google, and Twitter authentication. Refer to the table on our user 

    authentication documentation  for information about configuring each provider.


    Synchronously retrieves the current authentication state of the client. If the user is authenticated, an objectcontaining the fields uid   (the unique user ID), provider   (string identifying the provider), auth   (the

    authentication token payload), and expires   (expiration time in seconds since the Unix epoch) - and more,

    depending upon the provider used to authenticate - will be returned. Otherwise, the return value will be null .

    var  authData = $scope.authObj.$getAuth();

    if  (authData) {

    console.log("Logged in as:", authData.uid);

    } else  {

    console.log("Logged out");


    $onAuth(callback[, context])

    Listens for changes to the client’s authentication state. The provided callback  will fire when the client’s

    authenticate state changes. If authenticated, the callback will be passed an object containing the fields uid   (the

    unique user ID), provider   (string identifying the provider), auth   (the authentication token payload), and

    expires  (expiration time in seconds since the Unix epoch) - and more, depending upon the provider used to

    authenticate. Otherwise, the callback will be passed null .

    $scope.authObj.$onAuth(function(authData) {

    if  (authData) {

    console.log("Logged in as:", authData.uid);

    } else  {

    console.log("Logged out");



    This method can also take an optional second argument which, if provided, will be used as this  when calling

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    your callback.

    This method returns a function which can be used to unregister the provided callback . Once the callback   is

    unregistered, changes in authentication state will not cause the callback   to fire.

    var  offAuth = $scope.authObj.$onAuth(callback);

    // ... sometime later, unregister the callback 



    Unauthenticates a client from the Firebase database. It takes no arguments and returns no value. When logout is

    called, the $onAuth()  callback(s) will be fired.

    {{ }} | Logout


    Helper method which returns a promise fulfilled with the current authentication state. This is intended to be used

    in the resolve()  method of Angular routers. See the “Using Authentication with Routers” section of our 

     AngularFire guide for more information and a full example.


    Helper method which returns a promise fulfilled with the current authentication state if the user is authenticated

    but otherwise rejects the promise. This is intended to be used in the resolve()  method of Angular routers to

    prevented unauthenticated users from seeing authenticated pages momentarily during page load. See the “Using

     Authentication with Routers”  section of our AngularFire guide for more information and a full example.


    Creates a new user account using an email / password combination. This function returns a promise that is

    resolved with an object containing user data about the created user. Currently, the object only contains the

    created user’s uid .


    email: "[email protected]",

    password: "mypassword" 

    }).then(function(userData) {

    console.log("User "  + userData.uid +" created successfully!");

    return  $scope.authObj.$authWithPassword({

    email: "[email protected]",

  • 8/17/2019 AngularFire - A Real-time Backend for AngularJS From Firebase


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    }).then(function(authData) {

    console.log("Logged in as:", authData.uid);

    }).catch(function(error) {

    console.error("Error: ", error);


    Note that this function only creates the user. If you wish to log in as the newly created user, call$authWithPassword()  after the promise for this method has been fulfilled.


    Changes the password of an existing user using an email / password combination. This function returns a

    promise that is resolved when the password has been successfully changed on the Firebase authentication



    email: "[email protected]",

    oldPassword: "mypassword",

    newPassword: "otherpassword" 

    }).then(function() {

    console.log("Password changed successfully!");

    }).catch(function(error) {

    console.error("Error: ", error);



    Changes the email of an existing user using an email / password combination. This function returns a promise

    that is resolved when the email has been successfully changed on the Firebase Authentication servers.


    oldEmail: "[email protected]",

    newEmail: "[email protected]",

    password: "mypassword" 

    }).then(function() {

    console.log("Email changed successfully!");

    }).catch(function(error) {console.error("Error: ", error);


    Note: The $changeEmail()   method requires Firebase 2.1.0 or later.


    Removes an existing user account using an email / password combination. This function returns a promise that is

    resolved when the user has been successfully removed on the Firebase Authentication servers.

  • 8/17/2019 AngularFire - A Real-time Backend for AngularJS From Firebase


    11/2/2016 Ang ularFire - A real-time backend for Ang ular JS from Fir ebase.


    email: "[email protected]",

    password: "mypassword" 

    }).then(function() {

    console.log("User removed successfully!");

    }).catch(function(error) {

    console.error("Error: ", error);


    Note that removing a user also logs that user out and will therefor fire any onAuth()   callbacks that you have



    Sends a password-reset email to the owner of the account, containing a token that may be used to authenticate

    and change the user’s password. This function returns a promise that is resolved when the email notification has

    been sent successfully.


    email: "[email protected]

    }).then(function() {

    console.log("Password reset email sent successfully!");

    }).catch(function(error) {

    console.error("Error: ", error);



    Brow se r Ve rsion Supporte d W ith Polyfi ll

    Internet Explorer 9+ 9+ (Angular 1.3 only supports 9+)

    Firefox 4.0 3.0?

    Chrome 7 5?

    Safari 5.1.4 ?

    Opera 11.6 ?

    Polyfills are automatically included to support older browsers. See src/polyfills.js   for links and details.

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