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Animal ClassesConnor Chung

Page 2: Animal Classes

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Page 3: Animal Classes

CONTENTS• What are the animal classes? Reptiles• Komodo Dragon• Habitat and facts• The Komodo Dragon’s body• Mating • Life cycles

Mammals• Slow Loris• The Slow Lories body• Mating and facts • Life Cycle

Fish• Mudskipper• Habitat• Life Cycle








Page 4: Animal Classes

CONTENTS: PART TWO(Mudskipper)• The mudskipper’s body

• Birds• Peregrine falcon• Habitat• Mating• Life Cycle

• Amphibians• Poison dart frog• Habitat and facts• Mating• Life Cycle

• Insects









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What are the animal classes?

Animals are living creatures that surround us in this vast world. What you may not have known is that these animals are branched up into 6 different classes:

Fish, Mammals, Reptiles, Caecilians, Birds, and Amphibians


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ReptilesReptiles are one of 6 different animal classes. They are distinguished by the fact that they: are cold-blooded ( their body temperature changes with their surroundings), lay eggs (normally), and have scales:

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Komodo DragonKomodo Dragons are reptiles, but very different than the cute, cuddly turtles you keep as a pet. No, Komodo dragons, over 10 feet long, are one of the most deadliest animals that have ever roamed this earth.


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Komodo Dragons live in Komodo, Flores, Rinca, and Padar Island (Padar Island is not in this picture). These animals use camouflage and patience to overcome their prey, but if the prey is bitten but escapes, the prey dies within 24 hours due to immense poisoning from the Komodo Dragon’s fatal bite. They have been terrorizing civilians and people, but despite their length of 10 feet, carnivorous eating habits, and a weight of 330 pounds, these animals are endangered due to poaching, human activity, and natural disasters.


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The Komodo Dragon’s body


Front leg

Hind leg tail

Forked tongue

Bacteria-filled saliva


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MATINGKomodo Dragons live normally around 30 years and over. The female lays eggs during August to September, after they hatch, the babies are left on their own to survive in the harsh wilderness, vulnerable to adult Komodo Dragons, birds and mammals.


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THE LIFE CYCLEThe Komodo dragon hatches out of an egg after 200-210 days after being laid

It grows into a young Komodo Dragon, eating small animals It then

grows into a fully grown Komodo dragon, and lays eggs if female


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MammalsMammals are distinguished by: drinking milk, being born live( But, platypuses lay eggs), and being warm-blooded.


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SLOW LORISSlow Lories are mammals unique for their protection against harmful predators. It licks it’s poisonous elbows ( seriously) and licks it’s body, making it poisonous as well. Even that makes it have a poisonous bite! Watch out predators, lest you become the prey! Its fur is dense, soft and brown. Its underside and face is white with dark ears and eye rings. The Slow Loris is located in southern Asia.


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The Slow Lories Body

EyesPoisonous elbow



Thick fur


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MATING AND FACTSSlow Lories mate by the male following the female, attracting it and starting to mate, then have young around after 210 days.


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LIFE CYCLE Slow Lories are born 184-197after pregnancy

Is mature when about 18 months, has babies

Is weaned when about 190 days old


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FISHFish is distinctively distinguished by: gills, living underwater (excluding the mudskipper), and laying eggs.


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MUDSKIPPERThe mudskipper is probably one of the world’s strangest fish.It has a special ability that allows it to live ON LAND!!! All it needs is moisture on its lungs. These unique fish live in the marshland flats, and lives 6-11 years.


They live across a region from the Atlantic coast of Africa as far east as the Pacific islands of Samoa and Tonga

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HabitatThese unique fish live in the mangroves:

Their abode is in the deep mud, where they nestle themselves and climb out of water to produce food for young.

They live across a region from the Atlantic coast of Africa as far east as the Pacific islands of Samoa and Tonga


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LIFE CYCLEThe mudskipper Is laid in a small fertilized egg

It then grows into a tiny embryo

It even grows further, into a larvae

It grows into a Juvenile

Finally into an adult, and lays eggs if female


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BIRDSBirds are mostly distinguished from other classes by; wings, laying eggs, and feathers.


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PEREGRINE FALCONThe peregrine falcon is a bird of prey with many interesting characteristics. Probably the most interesting fact is that it can fly 200 mph! Way faster than your average car. The fastest bird in the world!! As a majestic bird of prey, the common pigeon still has nightmares about it.


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The orange spots are places where the peregrine falcon lives in this world today. They especially populate in urban areas frequently.


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Peregrine falcons mate together by the male ( normally 2-3 years old) meets a female and starts to bring food and eventually lays eggs.

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Life cycle The Young peregrine falcon hatches about 30 days after the eggs are laid. They are fledglings


She then grows into a young peregrine falcon

She then grows into an adult peregrine falcon, and lays eggs when mated with a male falcon

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AMPHIBIANSAmphibians are distinguished by; having smooth or wet skin, having the ability to breathe on land and on water, and being cold-blooded.

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Poison Dart frogsThis unique little guy may be small, but even sumo wrestlers will not even challenge it. People who are hurt from the poison injected from this deadly, dangerous, and… kind of cute frog, will die shortly afterwards.

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Habitat and facts This deadly little fellow lives in the tropical rainforests in South America.

It’s colorful coat sends a very obvious message to ravenous predators; “ Hey, I’m poisonous, watch out!”.

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MATINGThe male starts mating around mid-July mid-Summer, during the rainy season of the tropics. They fight over territory and attract females by giving out loud booming trills

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Life cycle

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InsectsInsects are all around you. These tiny creatures are distinguished by having exoskeletons; having their skeleton on the outside.

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Ants are one of the most populated species, they are also strong for their size and industrial. In fact, they can carry 20 times their body weight!

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The ant’s body


Head Trunk Abdomen


Poison sac




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