Page 1: annual report 2004 - Apex Challenge · December 2003 and received by the Charity Commission on 20th January 2004, and amended by Supplemental Deed, agreed and signed by its trustees

annual report 2004

Financial Year: January 2004 - December 2004 Registered Charity No. 1102633


Page 2: annual report 2004 - Apex Challenge · December 2003 and received by the Charity Commission on 20th January 2004, and amended by Supplemental Deed, agreed and signed by its trustees

apex challenge =


2 Roman Place, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS8 2DS.

The ^éÉñ=`Ü~ääÉåÖÉ=is a registered charity and

is governed by its own Declaration of Trust,

agreed and signed by its trustees on 11th

December 2003 and received by the Charity

Commission on 20th January 2004, and amended

by Supplemental Deed, agreed and signed by its

trustees on 22nd February 2004 and accepted by

the Charity Commission on 15th March 2004 on

which date the charity was accepted in the Central

Register of Charities.

The charity operates throughout England and

Wales. It is also part of the Scout Association and

operates under its rules and guidelines.


The Apex Challenge currently has three trustees.

These first trustees are permanent appointments:


53 Clumber Street, Hull, HU5 3RH.


2 Roman Place, Leeds, LS8 2DS.


2 Roman Place, Leeds, LS8 2DS.

New trustees may be appointed by the existing

trustees for a term of one year by a resolution

passed at a special meeting called under clause 15

of the Apex Challenge Declaration of Trust. In

selecting individuals for appointment as trustees,

the existing trustees must have regard to the

skills, knowledge and experience needed for the

effective administration of the charity.


Page 3: annual report 2004 - Apex Challenge · December 2003 and received by the Charity Commission on 20th January 2004, and amended by Supplemental Deed, agreed and signed by its trustees

” The Apex Challenge aims to promote the development of young people in

achieving their full physical intellectual social and spiritual potentials, as

individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of the local national

and international communities particularly by the provision of specialised

outdoor activities. “

The ^éÉñ=`Ü~ääÉåÖÉ=set=the following for 2004 which were achieved:

• to organise two successful competitions.

• to attract more teams to take part in the competitions.

• to have teams travelling to the competitions from further afield than Yorkshire.

• to increase brand awareness of the Apex Challenge in Scout groups.

• to get more participation in the Network side of the competition.

• to increase the quality of activities within the competition.


Page 4: annual report 2004 - Apex Challenge · December 2003 and received by the Charity Commission on 20th January 2004, and amended by Supplemental Deed, agreed and signed by its trustees

summary of main activities

• Formed the Apex Challenge into a registered charity.

• Redesigned the charity’s website to make it more user-friendly.

• Considered what extra safety checks need to be put in place when planning event activities.

• Obtained first aid training for all trustees.

• Developed dedicated computer software for managing the event efficiently.

• Agreed the financial relationship the Apex Challenge will have with South Yorkshire Scouts.

• Planned and held May 2004 Overnight Challenge

• Planned and held September 2004 Daytime Challenge.

• Finalised 2004 accounts.

• Produced first annual report.


Page 5: annual report 2004 - Apex Challenge · December 2003 and received by the Charity Commission on 20th January 2004, and amended by Supplemental Deed, agreed and signed by its trustees

summary of main achievements

• Registered the Apex Challenge as

a separate charity, taking control

of the Apex Challenge accounts.

• Put on a successful Overnight

Challenge in May.

• Attracted more teams than ever

before from the Scout Network to

the May competition.

• Welcomed more teams than ever

to the May competition.

• Got teams travelling from as far

as Scotland, Manchester and

Birmingham at the May event.

• Increased the number of hits and

messages to the Apex website.

• Got better prizes donated to the

May 2004 competition including a

tent, clothing and days out.

• Had new people running extra

activity bases.

• Broke more records for the

number of teams entering the

September 2004 competition.

• Achieved more corporate

sponsorship including a large

donation from Radio Services Ltd.

• Put systems in place to check all

consent forms thoroughly before

the event starts. R=

Page 6: annual report 2004 - Apex Challenge · December 2003 and received by the Charity Commission on 20th January 2004, and amended by Supplemental Deed, agreed and signed by its trustees

j~íí=oáÅÜ~êÇë=J=bîÉåí=lêÖ~åáëÉêI=`Ü~áêã~åK==It’s been a pleasure to be part of the Apex Challenge team in 2004. Nearly five hundred young people took part in our two events, each of them experiencing new things and seemingly revelling in being part of the competitions. We’re proud that the Apex Challenge name is now widely associated with high-quality, modern and dynamic Scouting. This was always the aim and why we, as ex-Scouts ourselves, wanted to put something back into the organisation which gave us so much. Deciding where we take the Apex Challenge next is a difficult job. It’s all too easy to get caught up in the marketing, sponsorship and logistical arrangements, but we’re clear that the events simply need to be about providing a safe, high quality outdoor experience to as many young people as possible, and that’s exactly what we’ll be working on in 2005. Plans are already well developed for our Overnight event on 7th-8th May and we’re pleased to be taking the competition to a brand new area, Sherwood Forest in Nottinghamshire. We’re sure we can build on previous years’ successes to improve the event still further.

a~îáÇ=m~éÉ=J=^ëëáëí~åí=bîÉåí=lêÖ~åáëÉêI=qêÉ~ëìêÉêI=pçÑíï~êÉ=aÉëáÖåÉêK= One of the things which has always set the Apex Challenge apart from other competitions is the way it has embraced the latest technology. There has always been a great deal of electronic wizardry on display at the start of the event, but behind the scenes there are still many elements of our activities that do not make the most of the systems at our disposal. Too much time has been spent in previous years administering team entries, mailing lists and web pages. My current task is coming up with a way of automating the process to free us up to put more time into the creative rather than the bureaucratic part of running a highly-successful Scout competition. Once the computer takes the strain of the day-to-day website updates it’ll make more time to generate new ideas. The custom-built software that keeps track of all the teams’ scores and routes around the playing area remains one of the most impressive parts of the Apex Challenge system. In 2005 I want to develop this further with new ideas to use it to create more of a “wow” factor at the event. We’re working on ideas for a countdown timer so teams see as they arrive back how close they are to their time limit before they start losing points. There’s also an option being tested to have them checking themselves back in at the end of the event to free up the computer-based team to get through processing their control cards even quicker.

g~ãÉë=tÉÄëíÉê=J=^ëëáëí~åí=bîÉåí=lêÖ~åáëÉêI=pÉÅêÉí~êóI=tÉÄã~ëíÉêK= For most people, it is the Apex Challenge website that gives them their first snapshot of what the charity and the event is all about. It is through the site that they find out details of forthcoming events, enter them, and then ultimately check their full results and see all the photos from their day out. Much of my year is spent keeping the website up-to-date and as full of new content as possible. My aim for 2005 is to increase the number of hits the site is getting to make sure that as many people know about the Apex Challenge as possible. There are already plans to re-design the site yet further to make it even easier to navigate, and also to make sure the front pages look fresher more often. To have the same front page greeting you each time you log on makes it look as though nothing new has happened and there is no reason to keep checking the pages. That is my main challenge for the next 12 months; to come up with new ideas for content for the website that will keep people regularly checking it. In 2004 we’ve made great progress on smartening up all the printed material that bears the Apex Challenge name to make sure it impresses all who see it. This is something else that needs continuing over the forthcoming year so that these documents, like the website, do not become stale with teams who’ve been to previous events getting exactly the same pieces of paper time and time again.


Page 7: annual report 2004 - Apex Challenge · December 2003 and received by the Charity Commission on 20th January 2004, and amended by Supplemental Deed, agreed and signed by its trustees

may 2004 overnight challenge

More than 200 Scouts began

arriving at Wharncliffe, just

outside Grenoside on the

North side of Sheffield on the

evening of Saturday 8th May.

The weather forecast hadn’t

been great (cloudy, drizzle

and heavy showers) but

thankfully it wasn’t raining as

the fifty or so teams began

registering at the start of the

competition. This was the

biggest number of teams we

had ever had turn up to an


After they’d received their

entry pack and been to the

event briefing they enjoyed

the most spectacular start to

an event yet. It was “I’m a

Celebrity…”, South Yorkshire

style. Rather than a high-

level metal walkway to get in

and out of the playing area,

the Overnight Challenge

teams had to climb along a

large wooden bridge. It was

needed to avoid damage to a

farmer’s dry stone wall, but it

was a great excuse to add an

extra element to the start of

the evening’s activities!

Many teams set off clutching

well-planned strategies and

routes to follow. It wasn’t too

difficult to stick to these for

the first couple of control

points and activity bases

while it was still twilight.

Once darkness set in, even

with torches and glowsticks it

was still much harder to

navigate. Most activity bases

got busy fairly quickly and

teams had to decide whether

to queue up or go off to get

some extra controls while

they waited.

Waiting for them were

several old favourite activities

that were made all the more

thrilling taking place at night

(albeit with floodlights in

places for safety) notably

rock climbing and lawn-

mower racing. With the area

including water for the first

time we took the opportunity

to introduce this into some of

the challenges. The canoeing

activity was very popular as

was the tight-rope challenge

over water. There were also

several other skill-based

challenges including one

where teams had to

manoeuvre a candle under a

piece of string to burn it and

release the control punch to

get the points, and in another

nod to “I’m a Celebrity…”

teams had to face their own

bush-tucker trial involving a

large bucket full of maggots.

Exhausted but happy faces

arrived back at the base

camp in the early hours of

the morning as teams


completed their challenge

and headed off to bed while

the scoring team worked

through the night to collate

the results and print results

booklets, one per team

member, as they slept.

The teams awoke to the

sound and smell of breakfast

cooking ahead of the awards

presentation. They had been

competing for some of the

best prizes we’ve yet given

away including a tent,

sleeping bags, fleeces,

rucksacks, CD-ROM maps

and days out at theme parks.

A team from Stannington

Explorers in South Yorkshire

took the Explorer

Competition’s top prize,

while Woodseats Network

came top of the Network

league beating another eight

teams, the most number of

entries there has ever been in

the Network event.

Page 8: annual report 2004 - Apex Challenge · December 2003 and received by the Charity Commission on 20th January 2004, and amended by Supplemental Deed, agreed and signed by its trustees

sept 2004 daytime challenge


2004’s second Apex

Challenge competition, the

Daytime event in September,

was yet another record-

breaker. It broke several

more records than the

Overnight Challenge in May.

More teams entered than

ever before. There were more

activity bases for the teams

to try out than ever before.

Usually there are just a dozen

but we were fortunate

enough to have 14 teams of

helpers able to put on

activities. The top score from

the winning team set a new

competition record as well.

It was a return to a site close

to the first Apex Challenge

area in the Peak District’s

Burbage Valley for the 200 or

so Scouts who turned up for

the event, albeit a slightly

different part of it. The

combination of moors,

woodland, flat areas and hills

make it an ideal location for

the competition.

The Apex Challenge truly has

carved itself out an identity in

the Scouting calendar. It’s a

brand that is known in many

different parts of the country

and it’s great to see the

mixture of new faces at each

competition mixing with the

regulars who’ve been to

several events over the last

three years. We hope the

event is a mixture of all the

best bits of Scouting. That’s

always been the aim; to

provide an event where

everyone can try as many

different activities as

possible, while having a

healthy element of

competition against other

groups and units.

Team members were treated

to the old favourites of rock

climbing, abseiling and lawn

mower racing, but this time

there was a huge variety of

other challenges for them to

try. There was a series of

pipes and pumps they needed

to use to get water up to the

top of a hill. There was a

maze of strings to crawl over

and under with a “bomb”

that any sudden movement

could trigger. Mountain

biking made a return after an

absence of several events.

And there was a slimmed-

down paintballing challenge

that left several youngsters

covered in red dye.

Once the teams arrived back

their free gifts kept them

amused, secured thanks to

the extra sponsorship that

was secured. Each competitor

got a custom printed Apex

Challenge frisbee. Not only

could they be used as a great

toy, but shoved in a rucksack

on a camping trip and they

double as a handy plate with

a rim!

The results team swung into

action in its fastest time yet

to produce final scores for the

end-of-the-day awards

presentation, once again

managing a results booklet

for each team member rather

than just one between four.

Both the Explorer and

Network competitions were

won by teams from

Sheffield’s Woodseats Scouts.

They won sleeping bags,

camping chairs and outdoor

clothing. The gauntlet’s now

been thrown down for other

teams to end their seemingly

unbeatable run!

Page 9: annual report 2004 - Apex Challenge · December 2003 and received by the Charity Commission on 20th January 2004, and amended by Supplemental Deed, agreed and signed by its trustees


accounts summary The following accounts summary has been prepared from a full list of receipts and payments from the Apex

Challenge accounts over the past 12 months. A full version of this detailing each item is available on request.


aÉëÅêáéíáçå= ^ãçìåí=

Balance brought forward from 2003 £ 491.83

Sponsorship donation - W. Boyes & Co. Ltd. £ 50.00

Sponsorship donation - Real Radio £ 100.00

Sponsorship donation - Radio Services Ltd. £ 250.00

Entry fees for May 2004 competition £ 1445.00

Entry fees for September 2004 competition £ 1265.00

qlq^i= ¡=PSMNKUP=


aÉëÅêáéíáçå= ^ãçìåí=

Activity base and event day equipment expenses £ 321.52

Catering £ 166.28

Floodlights £ 58.63

Frisbees (free gift for all competitors at September 2004 competition) £ 170.38

Generator hire and fuel £ 100.96

Hi-Vis Tabards £ 27.80

Laminator £ 29.99

Maps and map bags £ 35.04

Marquee hire £ 775.50

Printer and USB cable £ 185.65

Prizes £ 14.00

Sound system (split four ways with friends of Woodseats Venture Unit) £ 220.00

Stationery £397.92

T-shirts £355.00

Toilet hire £120.00

Trophies £ 40.00

qlq^i= ¡=PMNUKST=

Page 10: annual report 2004 - Apex Challenge · December 2003 and received by the Charity Commission on 20th January 2004, and amended by Supplemental Deed, agreed and signed by its trustees


accounts summary (cont.)

_^i^k`b=^p=̂ q=PNëí=ab`=OMMQ=

aÉëÅêáéíáçå= ^ãçìåí=

Income £ 3601.83

Expenditure £ 3018.67

qlq^i=_^i^k`b=`^oofba=clot^oa= ¡=RUPKNS=


mìêÅÜ~ëÉ=Ç~íÉ= aÉëÅêáéíáçå= s~äìÉ=~í=mìêÅÜ~ëÉ=

03/05/2004 4 x Hi-Vis Tabards £ 27.80

03/05/2004 Dark Peak Ordnance Survey Map £ 7.11

03/05/2004 2 x Floodlights £ 66.84

06/05/2004 Long arm stapler £ 17.99

09/08/2004 Sound system (joint purchase with friends of Woodseats Venture Unit) £ 220.00

06/09/2004 Laminator £ 29.99

08/12/2004 Oki B4250 laser printer and USB cable £ 185.65

= qlq^i=s^irb=̂ q=mro`e^pb= ¡=RRRKPU==


aìÉ=Ç~íÉ= aÉëÅêáéíáçå= ^ãçìåí=

— NONE £ 0.00

= qlq^i= ¡=MKMM=

Page 11: annual report 2004 - Apex Challenge · December 2003 and received by the Charity Commission on 20th January 2004, and amended by Supplemental Deed, agreed and signed by its trustees




Matthew Richards (Trustee) Date: David Pape (Trustee) Date: James Webster (Trustee) Date:


Page 12: annual report 2004 - Apex Challenge · December 2003 and received by the Charity Commission on 20th January 2004, and amended by Supplemental Deed, agreed and signed by its trustees

fÑ=óçì=ïçìäÇ=äáâÉ=ÑìêíÜÉê=ÅçéáÉë=çÑ=íÜáë=~ååì~ä=êÉéçêíI=éäÉ~ëÉ=Åçåí~ÅíW==Apex Challenge, 2 Roman Place,

Leeds, West Yorkshire,

LS8 2DS.

A small charge to cover printing, postage and packing will be required.

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