Page 1: AP Euro · Web viewAustrian Habsburgs 30 Years War Emperor Ferdinand II-Stamped out Protestantism in Bohemia-Confiscated lands of Protestant Nobles Emperor Ferdinand III-Centralized

Chapter 16 Section 3 Notes Absolutism in Austria and Prussia

Austrian Habsburgs

30 Years WarEmperor Ferdinand II

-Stamped out Protestantism in Bohemia-Confiscated lands of Protestant Nobles

Emperor Ferdinand III-Centralized Government-Built a Permanent Army

HOWEVER:-Exhausted and Impoverished-Failed to create a unified Catholic Holy Roman Empire

-Principalities are autonomous*FOCUS ON LAND WE HAVE*

-Dominated Lands of Bohemia, Hungary, and Transylvania-Won Hungary and Transylvania from Ottomans

-Created a somewhat common identity and loyalty amongst people1. German Language2. Catholicism


Prussia in the 17th Century-Hohenzollern Family

Page 2: AP Euro · Web viewAustrian Habsburgs 30 Years War Emperor Ferdinand II-Stamped out Protestantism in Bohemia-Confiscated lands of Protestant Nobles Emperor Ferdinand III-Centralized

Frederick William “GREAT ELECTOR”-United Brandenburg, Prussia, and Rhine Territories

-Opposed by Junkers: German Nobility

-Established a STRONG permanent army by heavy draft and tax

-Junkers: German Nobility -On board because

1. Served as high ranks in military2. Unlimited Control over their Serfs

Frederick I-King of Prussia-Aided Emperor in War of the Spanish Succession

-Lavish reign that mirrored that of Louis XIV

Frederick William I -Soldiers King

-Completed Task: Finest Military System in all of Europe

-Unquestioned Loyalty and Service -Complete Militaristic Society

Prussian Military Might-80,000 Soldiers by 1740

-Fascinated with tall soldiers -Grenadiers

-Prussia: 12th in Population 4th in Military Size

Page 3: AP Euro · Web viewAustrian Habsburgs 30 Years War Emperor Ferdinand II-Stamped out Protestantism in Bohemia-Confiscated lands of Protestant Nobles Emperor Ferdinand III-Centralized
Page 4: AP Euro · Web viewAustrian Habsburgs 30 Years War Emperor Ferdinand II-Stamped out Protestantism in Bohemia-Confiscated lands of Protestant Nobles Emperor Ferdinand III-Centralized

Chapter 16 Section 4 Notes

Development of Russia and Ottoman Empire

Rise of Moscow against the Mongol Yoke-Initially Ruled by Mongols-Ivan III

-Acted independently-Supported by Boyars (High Russian Nobles)-Made Moscow the center of Russia’s new government-Tripled Russian Territory

Ivan IV: Ivan the Terrible-The First TSAR-Believed to be 3rd Rome-Tsar is short for Ceasar, Holy Rulers-Amassed Large Territories (Multiethnic Territories)-Code of Laws

-Wife Dies- turning point in Ivan’s rule1. Used secret police to hunt and kill enemies and CRUSH BOYARS

a. Boyars and their friends, family, servants, peasantsb. Replaced Boyars with more loyal ones

2. Murdered eldest son3. Everyone is servants of the Tsar (merchants, peasants, nobility etc.)

-Succeed by Michael Romanov (Grandnephew) in Time of Troubles-Weak and impoverished country

Page 5: AP Euro · Web viewAustrian Habsburgs 30 Years War Emperor Ferdinand II-Stamped out Protestantism in Bohemia-Confiscated lands of Protestant Nobles Emperor Ferdinand III-Centralized

Russian Society-Tsar is atop society, divine right-Too much land and too few peasants led to dominance of serfdom-Trying to experience more contact with West and Western Ideas (Europe for geographically


Peter the Great

-Experienced Europe, determined to Westernize/Modernize Russia

A. Humble Beginnings: Great Northern War-Desire access to Baltic Sea -Wages war with Sweden, Russia is crushed


-Modernize Military To Compete With Europe -Devoted 80-85% of Revenue to Military -Created Navy -Enlarged Army 210,000 Man Army -Educated Nobles Led -25 Year Conscription-Crushed Sweden second time, -Attained Access to Baltic Sea, Estonia, Latvia, Lith.

-Tamed Streltsy (Military Sharpshooter Guards) -Suppressed revolt and executed over 1,000 rebels.

Page 6: AP Euro · Web viewAustrian Habsburgs 30 Years War Emperor Ferdinand II-Stamped out Protestantism in Bohemia-Confiscated lands of Protestant Nobles Emperor Ferdinand III-Centralized

B. Absolute Modernization Through Westernization of RussiaAbsolute Modern Changes to Russian Culture- Created St. Petersburg (Window to the West)

-Huge expense of resources and manpower-Thousands of peasants died from forced

uncompensated labor -Nobles forced to build elegant homes -Capital is Moved to St. Petersburg

Cultural Changes: ESPECIALLY NOBILITY1. Etiquette: no spitting on floor or scratching at dinner2. Shave beards and wear European clothes (shorter coats) or be punished3. 1 son could inherit land: Unigeniture4. Boyers (Nobles) must earn their status - Nobility worked in Civil or Military Service -Social Position and privileges dependent on service not lineage.

C. Absolute Authority and CENTRALIZATION over Government Bureaucracy and Church1. Creation of 9 member Senate

-Rule while Peter was away-Peter was the sole law maker however

2. Administrative Colleges- Collection of taxes, foreign relations, war, and economic affairs

Page 7: AP Euro · Web viewAustrian Habsburgs 30 Years War Emperor Ferdinand II-Stamped out Protestantism in Bohemia-Confiscated lands of Protestant Nobles Emperor Ferdinand III-Centralized

-Operated according to Tsar Instructions-Staffed with loyal members and nobility

3. Russian Orthodox Church-Appointed his own Bishops-Established government department to govern according to his orders.

* All in all westernization only reached upper class and added a heavy burden to Russia, particularly the Peasants. Most Russians thus disliked Western Civilization*

Growth of Ottoman Empire

-Empire stretched from Persia, North Africa, and to central Europe-All land belonged to Sultan- ruler of Ottoman Empire

-People paid taxes to use-No Nobility

Slaves-Non Muslims (illegal to enslave another Muslim)

-1000 to 3000 male children from Balkans (Tribute/Tax Yearly)

-trained to fight, administer, and become Muslim

-Formed Janissary Corp- core of army made up of non-Muslims slave conscripts

-Became prestigious and voluntary

Millet System-Divided regions into religious communities or millets-Allowed autonomy and tolerance

-Leaders of millets were then loyal

Page 8: AP Euro · Web viewAustrian Habsburgs 30 Years War Emperor Ferdinand II-Stamped out Protestantism in Bohemia-Confiscated lands of Protestant Nobles Emperor Ferdinand III-Centralized

1. Taxes2. Regulated behavior3. Schools, hospitals, etc.

Family, marriage, concubines-Sultans married upstanding social class women

-Fathered children with concubines-male heirs governed territory-Keeps families from challenging Sultan in power

-Sultan Suleiman

-married his concubine, she inherited more power

-daughters married high ranking servants


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