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  • For you to get a good grade in your A&P course, you will need to recognize certain terms.

    Breaking down words into their most basic components is the easiest way to do this.

    A suffix is a word added to another word that changes its meaning. In the world of anatomy, suffixes are king.


    Derm(at) is a word meaning skin.

    Add -ology (the study of) to that word and it becomes:


    Dermatology is the study of skin.

  • Got it? Great.

    Lets begin.

  • -algia


  • Fibromyalgia is a common ailment in which a person experiences chronic, widespread pain.

    Fibro is Latin for fibrous tissues and myo is Greek for muscle.

  • -cyte


  • A lymphocyte is a white blood cell that acts as part of the immune system.

  • -ectomy


  • Appendectomy, the removal of the appendix, is the most common emergency surgery performed in the United States.

  • -emia

    blood condition

  • To help treat anemia, or low blood iron, is to include leafy greens, red meat, and legumes

    in ones diet.

  • -itis


  • Rhinitis is one of the most common ailmentsinflammation of the mucous membrane in the

    nose. Symptoms include a runny nose, sniffling, and postnasal drip.

  • -oma

    tumor, mass

  • A scintillating scotoma is a visual aura that usually precedes a migraine. During this phenomenon, a mass of flickering or fluctuating light obscures normal vision.

  • -opsy

    to view

  • When cancer is possibly detected, doctors will usually perform a biopsy and remove a small portion of the area in question to evaluate.

  • -gram


  • An ECG, or electrocardiogram, is a visual record of electrical currents within the heart. It is used

    to diagnose possible heart conditions.

  • Hyperemia is:

    a. the study of blood disorders

    b. an abnormal increase of blood in any part of the body

    c. normal blood flow in any part of the body

    d. cancer of the blood

    answer: b

  • Arthralgia is:

    a. pain in the joints

    b. an inflammation of a joint

    c. restricted blood flow to a joint

    d. a visual record of the bone

    answer: a

  • Get a head start with Anatomy & Physiology. Available for:

    All the images and content are from Anatomy & Physiology, an app that visually and interactively engages users in the core concepts of an undergraduate A&P course.

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