Download - Apple Jacks


EME 2040


By: Samantha Ortiz & Mercedes Nunez

An issue with science is that teachers have minimal content preparation in

mathematics and science, according to the

Educational Testing Service in 1999.

The American Association for the The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS, 1993) Advancement of Science (AAAS, 1993) called on teachers and schools to engage called on teachers and schools to engage students in students in doing science doing science rather than just rather than just

hearing about it or seeing a demonstration.hearing about it or seeing a demonstration.

As the AAAS, we too plan on having our students D O SCIENCE in the lesson:


Techno l ogyTechno l ogy

I ntegrat i on Integrat i on

Strateg i esStrateg i esThis project will include the use of video cameras. This is at a relative advantage being that most schools are

already supplied with them and if not, they are not as expensive as purchasing a “Smartboard”per say. Because the classroom will be divided into TWO

separate groups, if a student is not able to do the jumping jacks or physical activity, they can be in

charge of recording with the camera. I can be of assistance with this for students that don’t

understand as easily how to use the material.

How this will all play out…

1.Classroom will be divided into 2 groups.

2. Group #1 will assign half their group to be the “consumers” (eat an apple and drink a glass of water) while the other

half will be the “media group”. After 30 minutes the “media group” will video

record the “consumers” doing 1-minutes worth of jumping jacks and 1-

minute worth of jumping rope.

3. Group #2 will also split in half. However, the “consumers” will not actually consume

anything. The “media group” will also video record the “consumers” doing jumping jacks

and jump rope.

In the end students will be able to interact with technology and science on a personal level and

use it to compare and contrast two different variables. The effect of energy on the human

body will be analyzed and observed…not just READ and LEARNED from a book!

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