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 A Bridge called Hope

By Dan Mason 

Jesus Christ is our Hope of 

Salvation, and God’s Bridge

to Life


Valued andLoved 

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and Loved  By Dan Mason

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 Letter from Dan

I would like to thank the Lord Jesus Christfor the words given to me for this book.

I would like to dedicate this book to Pastor

Dan Hill and to Pastor Patricia Abdalla.Pastor Dan’s and Pastor Patricia’s love forGod’s people, and the Lord Jesus Christ, canbe seen in all they do

Special thanks to my wife, Pat for standingby me with her great beauty and love, allthese years. You have been a greatencouragement for all that have met you.

 Love, Dan

Hebrew 12:2

Looking unto Jesus the Author andFinisher of our Faith

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Valued and Loved

By Dan Mason

Contents:1. The Vision of the Church Leader2. Let’s Identify the Cause3. My Story

4. The Vision of the Gift5. Ready to Climb to Higher Heights6. The Prayer of Commitment7. The Story of David8. Finding Love9. Bible Verses

Reference:King James Bible

Copyright: 2011

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This book was written, because the Lord hasbeen showing me for a long time, the

emptiness in the hearts of His people.

It seems that every church I have enteredinto for fellowship, I’ve noticed that a largemajority of the people have lost value and

the ability to love themselves and others.

It is my hope, that after reading this book,many will come to the agreement that JesusChrist will always provide the love neededfor many to be healed, by faith.

For we love Him, because He first loved us.

May God Bless You on Your JourneyCalled Life.

Love, Dan

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The Vision.

One night while I was thanking God, I hadmy eyes closed, when all of a sudden theLord gave me a vision of a church leaderwith his head slumped forward. His wordstouched my heart. I heard him say: (I justwanted to be appreciated, valued and loved.)

After hearing him say these words, I sawmyself hold him in my arms. I patted him onthe back and then said; “you are”.

As I began to think about this, I started to

realize that there is in all of us the fear of being worthless, and the more we try wenever seem to please everyone. For thisreason, many will growl, bite and snap atthose in ministries, helps groups and pastorsuntil the leaders are worn out by all thenegative comments and objections. Theattitude of many is not humble submission,but prideful criticism of the need to correctothers. For this reason, God does notpromote them, they promote themselves. I

hope that by reading this book you find yourplace in life and peace with God.

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Let’s Identify the Cause

I once knew of a woman who had lost twoof her three children. She, because of hergreat loss, overshadowed her only child witha suffocating love. She over protected, over

corrected, and demanded an adult thinkingfor a small child’s behavior. She didn’t trustthe child’s judgment, and so by fear, forcedthe child to do things her way. Her fear of being alone and constant rejection in life

caused her to try to make her child perfect.The child picked up on these same fears astheir life’s teaching. He or she must beperfect in order to be accepted.

For this reason, the child grew up resentingand fearing authority figures and correction.As the child grew into adulthood, the teenbegan to rebel against good judgment andbecame a party animal with no discipline.The child now having been raised by fear

and manipulation for control becomes aworkaholic and a perfectionist for value andworth, or in some cases, they give up

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completely. They themselves take their

childhood training to a new level bymanipulating and controlling others for self want and demands. And anyone against theirhard shell mind set was really against them.

They only had one opinion, theirs. For this

reason, they get angry when things don’t gotheir way and when others don’t help themaccomplish their dreams. For this reason,they remain a child on the inside, not willingto grow up to face responsibility; therefore,

fear runs their life by bad choices to thepoint of depression.

As an adult they have two choices, they caneither take hand outs from others or they canwork long hours to try to prove to self andothers their value by wealth.

For this reason, the person now an adult willsearch for worth and power by higher

education or leadership in social groups andchurch in order to gain control of their life.They look like a leader but they are really

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out of control, because they refuse to give

up control to God. Trust is a hard word forthem to swallow, because in order to trustthey have to let go of their will. In order forthem to let go they will have to give up theirlife long friend, fear.

Who do they look like?

They look like and act like everyone thathas never had a personal relationship withGod beyond give me. The bible talks about

trusting in the Lord and not leaning on yourown understanding. But there are a lot of people in this world that rely on those withskills and knowledge without first relying onGod by spiritual understanding. This can bedangerous. The bible says that there is a waythat seems right by man but its end is theway of death.

I believe there is nothing wrong with highereducation, but that skills and intelligence

should always be lead by God’s spiritualunderstanding of the situation. If you don’tbelieve me, look at Moses. He killed a man

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thinking it was the right thing to do and that

God would honor him for saving one of Hischildren. His mistake in the flesh would costhim 40 more years of training in the desert,this time by God himself. The product thatcame from the next last 40 years was calledhumbleness and submissiveness to God.

Moses in the last 40 years learned patienceand understanding on what it means tofollow God. This is what made him great.

Are you asking, but not receiving?It sometimes takes a long time to get thecorrect answer from God. We, His people,get into a big rush. We pray on Monday and

expect an answer by Tuesday. And if wehave to wait, we start to disbelieve God inHis Word. We pull up our seed with doubtand disbelief thinking God has said no.

What happens a lot of time is that peoplewill start getting impatient and will create aplan on their own and say God bless this.

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This is so dangerous. You could end up

creating something out of the flesh and notof the spirit by promise.

Take a good look at Abraham and his wifeSarah. God promised them a son namedIsaac, but they got tired of waiting. Sarah

now takes her handmaid to her husband andsays sleep with her and give me a child. Hedoes, and now ahead of schedule, a son isborn out of the flesh and not out of thepromise. Remember, sometimes God has to

create a work in us before He can developthe dream we want on the outside. After all,what good would it do to give a child atwenty dollar bill and believe that they wereresponsible enough to handle that largeamount of money? Without training orsupervision, most children would feed theirflesh with all types of toys or candy withoutgiving regard to the prayer or dream theyhad asked the Lord for one week earlier.

For a teenager, it could be a car. For a youngadult it could be an education. For an older

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adult it could be life and friends and a


The real question is what are your dreamsand where is your God? I’ll bet He is rightthere in the midst of your answer holding onto your future, if you can let go to all of 

those wants and desires that side track youoff your future.

So is it really God’s fault you didn’t receiveyour answer, or could it be you weren’t

willing to walk toward your dream.

Here I’ll explain it this way.

I want this new car that someone is holdingfor me until the end of summer. The car cost$1,000. 00. I have been given one half themoney and only need to save the other half in six months. But as time passes by I startto be pulled by the need to join my friends atthese costly social gatherings. Therefore,

after a while I take the money I would havesaved from my job to spend it on food,items, clothes and friends. By the end of the

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summer, I saved a total of $400.00. I’m

short $100.00 and now the car belongs tosomeone else. Who is at fault, you or God?Did God let you down? No, you lost hold of your dream. It is the same way with a personlosing weight. We pray God help me. Butthen we shove a greasy hamburger, large fry

and milk shake down the hatch. The realreason we fail is because we set our eyes onthe prize instead of the race. Remember, it isup to you to walk toward the goal.

And remember, anything worth receivingalways costs us something. To walk anundisciplined life leads to emptiness andsorrow. A disciplined life sets you apartfrom others. I know, I’ve had to learn thisthe hard way myself. You see you’re notalone. And if God can love me in my faultsand mistakes, He can love you too.

Are you really loved?Sure you are.

Even in your mistakes? Yes, all the time.

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God didn’t demand you to be perfect. He

called you to be willing to learn. The biblesays; “therefore be perfect as your Father inheaven is perfect.”

You know and I know that there is no oneon this earth who is perfect, only Jesus. The

bible says that all of us have sinned andhave fallen short of the glory of God. I call itthe call of God. So what does He mean thento say be perfect? It’s the call to be perfectin love, to walk in love, to forgive others

and self of our short comings.

You see, if you ever knew the whole storybehind some one’s life you most likelywouldn’t have judged them the way you did.Just before Jesus died, He called out to theFather and said; “Father forgive them theyknow not what they do.” Jesus saw thewhole view correctly when it came to youand I. That’s why God is so forgiving. Heloves you for who you are, not for what you

can be, should be, or will be. Just the wayyou are. Even with your faults and defects.

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And believe me we all have faults. The bible

says; we love Him because He first loved us.

God just wants a personal relationship withyou and only you. He doesn’t want to gothrough your mother or earthly father. Hewants to be the Father. The person you call

on. The person you can trust, as well as theperson that will always love you, in goodtimes and bad. He is not pushing you away.

If you look closely, it is you that hid yourface from Him.

Remember Adam and Eve?

They hid themselves from the Fatherthinking they could hide from their sin andrebellion. Think about it, can anyone hidefrom God? No. God is everywhere. And Heis all knowing. He knew you were going tosin the moment you got up this morning. He

didn’t tempt you to sin. You did that on yourown.

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It’s when we fall away and don’t run back to

Him that we lose fellowship with the Father.All we need say is Father forgive me of myshort comings and faults. We don’t need tobeat ourselves up, put ourselves down, orfeel worthless or unapproved. If you do anyof these things, you are really saying to God;

“I know what’s best and I deserve to beshamed and unloved.” But what you arereally saying is that the blood sacrifice of Jesus on the cross wasn’t enough for my sin,and that there needs to be a beating of self 

on the inside. Once someone sins, they arerequired to do only one thing, repent and fallback in line with His plan. It’s calledlearning from your mistakes.

Do you want answers to your prayers?

Forgive yourself and others. I know it’shard. Ask the Father for this grace even if ittakes you a long time. Say it daily. I willforgive them and I have forgiven them. The

debt has been paid and is no longer owed.Just like the man who owed a small amountof money to a person and couldn’t pay it

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back. Forgive. For if you who owe so much

to God, how can you require others to payback for that little thing they did to you?

If you can’t forgive, your Father in heavenwill note your unforgiveness as rebellion to


Pray, Father help me to forgive. Let me not judge or condemn others, but hold them withvalue as being created by You. Allow me to

see people the way You see people. Perhapsthis way I’ll see You.

You see, God wants to accept you and Hewants you to accept others. I’ve often beentold that I can love others, but still notsupport or follow after their sin and life stylethat leads away from the truth of the cross of Christ.

Are you being shamed or degraded? Seek 

the cross and know your rights as aChristian, but put no one to shame. Look like and represent the man and woman of 

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God that you are. You where born into the

body of Christ and into the priesthood asbelievers with a purpose. Now walk accordingly as God would want you to.

Your belief and faith in belonging to Himstands to reason. Christ died for you. Now

learn to walk in love. Learn to talk in love,and learn to show God’s love. For it was thecross Christ carried that represented God’sfavor to the entire world. God wanted us tosee, listen and follow concerning His never-

ending love by faith in Jesus.

Remember, the same love you give to othersyou need to give to yourself. You’re worthit. I can think of no better person to give thatlove to but you. You’re loved. You’reapproved. You’re chosen by Him for alltimes and for all things.

Now walk through the available doors as

they open.He has called you to greatness.

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This door called success.

The doors are open, but it’s up to you towalk through them. Which goal will you gofor first? Let’s take a small goal first thenafter you see your goal come to pass, let’smove on to bigger and better things. As you

pray, know and believe God is with you. Hispresence is with you. His desire is to makeyou strong in Him and for life, and to allowHimself to shine through you. He wants tolet others see the Lord as a God that answers

prayer for all His children, leaving no oneout.

You’re that important to Him. He leaves noone out. He is only looking for someonewith the desire and the ability to walk byfaith. Remember, faith is the substance. Ithas movement. It carries and supports yourdesire and determination to follow afterGod, even if it means breaking down wallsof fear. For God will never lead you around

a mountain or obstacle, only over it. It buildsstrength for a higher closeness with Him. If you’re led around the mountain or

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wilderness one more time, it’s possible that

with each journey’s end, before the nexttime around, there was a door you wereoverlooking. It could be you need to climbup instead of walking around in circles.

Remember the children of God after they

left Egypt? They circled that same oldmountain 40 years before they were ready tomove forward and over their obstacles calledfear and doubt.

Ask the Lord to strengthen you and to makeyou ready for the next journey. Now ask Him to help you not miss the next door of opportunity. Remember, a journey may takedays, weeks, months or years. It all dependson what your goals are with God’s help. It isGod who has the plan and He is more thanwilling to prepare you for greatness. But it isstill up to you to make the climb. God willcall you to walk toward His higher calling,

but don’t be childish enough to force open adoor. Walk only toward the prize, and Godwill do the rest. Now pay close attention,

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believe and understand His presence and

voice. The bible reports it like this; “Ask and you shall receive, knock and the doorwill be open unto you, seek and you shallfind.” Faith makes the journey where thephysical sight cannot see. For what’simpossible for man is possible with God.

For this reason, human understanding oftentimes never reaches the doors of opportunities.

Is a door too high to reach?

Maybe you’re taking too big a step. I’veoften times looked at situations far beyondmy ability and said, how can I do this, onlyto find God’s grace helping me all the way.The bible says; “what’s impossible for manis possible for God.” I’ve often times had torely on this to make it through.

My own story.In 2007, I had a kidney stone. I sought the

help of a near by doctor who felt it best tohave the stone blasted at a clinic. So, in the

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summer months of 2007, I had the stone

blasted in the early morning hours.

Everything seemed to go according to plan. Iwent home feeling great and soughtrecovery over the next few days. Butsomething went wrong. I started to vomit,

and over the next 8 days, no matter howmuch or what type of medicine I took, Icontinued to vomit up every meal.

On Thursday, the 8th

day, to my surprise, I

woke up completely blind in both eyes. Itwas like looking through a 10 gallon fishtank and trying to read what was on theother side. I was rushed to a near-by EyeCenter and was told that the constantvomiting and me being diabetic caused bothmy retinas to swell up with water, and thatlaser surgery was needed to start the repairin the hope of recovery.

In November of 2010, after many surgeries,

injections and laser treatments, my eyeshave improved a great deal, but to no avail.I lost my drivers license and have had to

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retire. However, through the faithfulness of 

God, I saw Him work many miracles with asupporting hand at every turn. His presencewas always there. He has never left me orforsaken me. He was always my helper,because during 2007 to 2010, I gained greatinsight into the strength of God and the

weakness of man.

When I was weak, He was strong. For whatseemed impossible in getting my work donebecame possible. He was always there

encouraging me forward. I never wentwithout a paycheck or a helping hand. I’mthankful for that. I learned to lean on Himand stop relying in self.

You see, between 2007 and 2010, I wasgiven a 24” monitor to do my work at mystation. The fonts were made large, but evenwith that,

I had to use a magnifying glass to see what I

was typing.

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Even today, after retirement, I type with a

large monitor with the fonts on extra large. Iuse the help of glasses and magnification,but by His grace, I’ve been given this book.Is this sadness on my part? No. I’m happy tosay that you and I have a story to tell or asong to sing.

What is our story?It’s the love of God and His great

compassion for His children. He doesn’twant us bitter at heart, he wants us blessed.

Say to whatever you are facing that this is just a trial on the road to success, and thatnothing is impossible for those who believe.So again I ask you. What is your goal? Is itabout self and people helping you? Or areyou relying on your heavenly Father, the onewho knows your weaknesses and yourstrengths, the one who is molding you intoHis image? He is the one who has a plan foryour success. Where is your Father rightnow? I know where He is. He is right there

beside you hoping you’ll say yes to Him inwhat He has called you to be, which is asuccess in life.

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Are you working your plan or His?I once belonged to a nearby church that wasvery beautiful to behold, although thecongregation was not growing in numbers.As I walked by the pastor in the hallway one

day, the eye of the Lord came upon me. Itwas then that I heard in the spirit thepastor’s inner thoughts. He said; “I’ve triedeverything and it’s just not working.” Thiswas the second time in my life I’ve heard

the same cry of a pastor’s heart to say this. Itseems that in a church many years beforethis, I had heard the same thing.

In both cases, the churches were very large,but the congregation was not movingforward.

Do I know the answer as to the reason why?The answer is no. But in each case I heardthe pastors say; “I’ve tried everything.” It

makes me wonder if it was that we, aspeople, seem to create and work our ownplan instead of following His? I wonder if 

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we, His people, seem to complain and

murmur too much about the things we donot understand, and complain about thesituations and trials we have gone through. Iknow that with every turn in life there is adoor of opportunity that opens, but if welook at any situation long enough, we may

start to find fault with the prize, only to let itpass on by to someone else.

The vision of the gift.A long time ago I was given a vision of why

I was not receiving from the Lord. Heshowed me a large conveyor belt descendingfrom heaven. On the conveyor belt was alarge package coming down toward me.Having prayed for this package, I began toexam it in detail. I began to say, the box istoo big. It’s the wrong size and color. It’snot the right time in my life. I even started todoubt the way it was coming to me.

As the box went by me, I watched as

someone else took my gift. It was then that Iheard the Lord say that this was the prayedover gift I was waiting for. But now

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someone else who believed for it has it. Do

you realize what I had done? I don’t evenremember what the gift had in it. I was toobusy tearing down everything about it bydoubt and fear.

My lack of movement caused me to miss outon the prize, and now it belonged tosomeone else. Does this mean we lost theopportunity all together? No. It just meanswe will end up taking another journey, and

waiting for another door.

We all do this in life. The Lord starts to giveus something, and the next thing we do iscondemn and tear apart the ministry orblessing we are about to, or have received.

Therefore, instead of speaking God’s wordand blessing over the subject or promise, wepronounce death unto it.

Perhaps all of us should remember the birthof John the Baptist.

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I still remember when his earthly father had

heard from the angel of the coming birth of John. John’s father questioned the angel onhow this could be so. The angel said thatbecause John did not believe the wordsspoken, he would be silent for the 9 monthsof pregnancy until his son’s birth. People

marveled as to what had happened, and atthe words spoken at his son’s birth.

Perhaps that’s a good lesson for all of us tolearn. If in doubt, perhaps we should look at

the word and not our understanding of thesituation. Be silent to the words of condemnation and speak God’s word over itinstead.

You see, the best way to reach your goal orany higher calling is by praise and not bywords of doubt. I know this to be a fact inmy own life. Often time’s events look hopeless in our own life but it is usuallybecause we are listening to the wrong voice

or spirit. You see, in your own strength youwill never reach some of the doors presentedbefore you. They’re beyond our natural

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thinking and reach. It’s only by praise and

worship that we enter in to receive all Godhas for us. It lifts us up and out of self.

I know this to be a fact. You and I arespiritual people living in a physical body.We have a mind and an emotional soul, but

your physical body here on earth will neverreach your spiritual Father. It is only by thespirit that we contact Him. The bible reportsthat; “it’s not by might nor by power but byMy Spirit says the Lord.”

The bible also says;” they that worship Himmust worship Him in Spirit.” There aremany ways of entering into the presence of the Lord. Prayer is one way. Reading of theword is another, but the fastest way in is byPraise. The bible even says to worship Himin songs, hymns and spiritual songs. In eachcase, God is trying to reach us for fellowshipand answers.

Remember. He that waivers is like a wave of the sea, driven with the wind and tossed. Let

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not that man think he shall receive anything

from the Lord.

So who is he that waivers?It is anyone who listens to the breath of manin doubt and fear. It is anyone who gives noregard to the word or love of God for help.

You see, the wind or breath of man willblow you off course.

It will make your ship or life run aground.

The next thing you notice, you’re stuck inyour circumstances until someone helps youout of the mud and then back on course. Forthis reason, I never set sail without takingalong wisdom and knowledge. They areyour two best friends in life.

One good way of finding wisdom is byasking older well grounded Christians forprayer, help and advice.

The bible says; “he who lacks wisdom, lethim ask of God.”

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My prayer is that you constantly seek God’s

wisdom in everything you do.

Are you feeling alone? Confused? Are youunsure of yourself? Believe me, it happensto all of us. The best thing to do is seek God’s presence and then trust. Now hold on

to God’s word and say yes. Now watch asdoors open. Don’t worry, He won’t let youdown. The bible says; “God is not a manthat He should lie, or the Son of Man thatHe should repent.”

God doesn’t want to see or cause failure inyour life, but so many of us have beenbruised and beaten down. For this reason,it’s hard for many to see a future. Life is justtoo challenging for many. It’s like a personwith a broken leg trying to walk down thestreet. The leg has got to be healed beforeyou can run your race or set your goal. If this is you, I recommend counseling andprayer. Seek a support group in your church.

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These hurts and negative emotions have got

to be set free before anyone makes a journeyof great length. Once set free from thewrong mind set, you can make the climbwith no hold backs.

I once knew a woman I’ll call Jane. Jane

was a nice lady, but she let life rule her.Whatever came her way, she just accepted itas God’s will. Therefore, the more thingsthat went wrong, the more negative Jane got.She felt like God didn’t love her. Jane had a

good job, she just didn’t know it and shethought she could never move forward. Shelacked motivation and faith in God. Shethought God was against her. Therefore,when job openings came up, she didn’t tryfor them. She just knew someone morecapable would apply.

Jane is like so many of us who have neverlet go to trust in God for advancement. Iknow where this comes from. When a child

is taught that he or she is worthless, theystart to believe they can’t trust the world orsometimes God. What they have done is

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viewed life through their parent’s eyes in a

very complaining and negative way. Thechild, having believed this, grows upbelieving in very little for their life.

But there is hope. Once the child, now mucholder, grows up, they have a right to change

their way of thinking and to let go to God.What happens next is that the adult gives into knowing God, starts to find his or herplace in life, and then starts a personalrelationship with the Father. The mind set,

no longer in control, allows the Father toadvance the person to any level they sochoose if they’re willing to climb.

Are you ready to climb?Then take off those weights that hold youdown. Take off those burdens and false guiltthat report you as incapable. Study to seeyourself approved. Now learn to fly withstrength from the Lord. Believe in Him andbelieve in you. Do you see yourself 

approved, or are you still challenged in thatarea? Look at yourself the way God seesyou. Know that you have a purpose and a

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call. Watch His value and worth change

your life. This is only done by studying andbuilding up the spirit within you. The biblereports; “I am washed by the blood of thelamb.” Not only that, but that I am sanctifiedand redeemed. I’m purchased with a price. Iam no longer my own. Old things have

passed away, all things have become new.

So quit looking backward and begin to look forward. We all make mistakes. It’s time tostop viewing them. It’s time to start anew

every day, and if you mess up this day, ask God to help you on the next. If you’re stillhaving trouble, seek a prayer partner andthen trust in God.

Remember, the more people praying foryou, the more likely you will succeed. Youdon’t need to do it alone.

I want your success. God wants yoursuccess. We all want your success.

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Let’s pray.

God forgive me. I’ve always tried to dothings alone and without you. I never trustedyou completely because I was afraid. I hurtinside from all my failures and mistakes.Forgive me for doing things without you. Iask that you forgive me of all my sins. I’m

asking you to make me your child. To comeinto my life and to set me free fromchildhood mind sets. I’m asking you to bemy Lord and Savior. I accept your Son Jesusfor all my sins and ask that you would

remove all the blame and criticism from mypast life. Set me free and teach me Yourways.Thank you

Now sign your name and date it


Believe that this day is a new day chosen for

you, and that God has set you apart andmade you clean and brand new. Rely onyour Heavenly Father. He believes in you.

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Remember to start each day as if it were

new. Believe God is helping you, and thank Him for His help.

Remember trials come our way, but youhave a helper now. He is someone who willnever leave you or forsake you. He is more

than a helper, He is your friend.

The story of David.

David was my next door neighbor. I hadknown him for years, but like most friends,we grew apart. I found the Lord, but Daviddidn’t. It wasn’t until years later that ourpaths would cross again. David, by this time,had divorced his first wife and had just losthis live in. His faithful dog had just died andnow David was alone.

David started to drink very heavy. He wasfound in town leaning on the side of a curb

and the police asking him if he was alright.David did have one drinking buddy. I don’twant to give his name, so I’ll call him John.

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Since David wasn’t alone anymore, David

and John would drink until all hours of theday and night. The television and cigarettesmoking went on for hours.

But, something changed that one summerday several years ago. David stopped

drinking. He came outside and went nextdoor to where my friend and I were sitting.As David approached, I noticed that he washolding a bible he had found. David cameup to me and asked me; what was the

meaning of this verse. As I looked at thebible verse I read the story about how youmust be born again. To my surprise this wasthe first time David had ever sought theLord.

With David looking at me, I asked him toturn and look at the house across the streeton the hill. I said let’s suppose God lives inthat house and you want to reach Him. Asyou approach the side of the street, you

notice that the street isn’t a street at all, but adeep valley like the Grand Canyon.

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Since you can’t get to the other side, youyell and yell with all your might for Him tocome out of the house, but to no avail. Hedoesn’t hear you.You keep trying, and then someone tells youof a bridge that you can use in order to get

from one side of the canyon to the other.

The Bridge is called the Cross of Christ.

All you have to do is accept Jesus for the

payment and for making a way to get to theFather. By accepting Jesus, you haveaccepted the Father’s will and the ability tocontact the Father at any time.

After hearing this, David told me heunderstood now what it means to be bornagain. He knew he had walked away fromGod all his life and now needed to acceptGod’s Son for love and forgiveness. I thenasked David if he would like to accept

Christ for the forgiveness of sin and to havea personal relationship with God. He said he

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would, and with God leading the way in

prayer, David accepted Jesus Christ.

It had been two days since David acceptedthe Lord when all of a sudden John showedup at my door. John told me he thinks Davidis dead. John said he had been trying to

revive David by mouth to mouth and ithadn’t been working. John wants theemergency squad as quickly as possible.

After calling the squad, I ran to David’s

house. There I found David lying on thefloor. I turned my head to watch theemergency squad screaming down the streettoward my direction. As I got out of the wayI walked down the steps only to hear God’svoice. “You brought him home to Me Dan;you brought him home to Me.”

I’ll never forget that moment. David madeit home and was now safe. He was in theFather’s arms being comforted in love.

The story doesn’t end there. RememberJohn? John missed David very much and henever did stop drinking.

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Although I never saw John again, I heard

about what had happened.

One year after David passed away, on thesame day, John took his life.

God help us for all the David’s and John’s in

the world. They need us. For no one needsto die and go to Hell. The price has beenpaid. All we need to do is accept the work of the cross and the Son of God. His name isJesus.

I hope you understand, God loves us, andwithout His Son we have no hope.Remember you are loved. You are wantedand you are chosen. God is still knocking atyour heart and He wants to come in.

The Lord gave me a writing a long time agowhen I met my wife that expresses themeaning of love. I have enclosed it, becauseit shows all of us the power of love and what

love can do in this world.

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May God bless, and remember success is

only found when we walk toward the personJesus Christ.

P.S. If this book has helped you, whydon’t you pass it on to someone you know?Perhaps someone you know will find Jesus

Christ and meaning for life just like you.

Love, Dan

Finding Love

Love is the greatest of all rewards one canreceive in life. Love’s very existence restsupon the shared enjoyment of each other.Within loves founded truth, stands the

understanding support of God, creatingpurpose and the plan for life.

Love’s enjoyment can only be compared toheavenly, perfect and without flaw. Love

shows us purpose and meaning, withoutdemands. Love shares its heart, knowing ithas found security in and with someone for

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total commitment. Love’s fruitfulness can

only be described as giving one's total self without fear.

Love is an open hand and heart whose doornever closes. Love’s joyful commitmentreaches life’s goals in faith. In love’s secure

strength is the awesome belief that allcreation was created for purpose to enjoy.Love’s hand never fails, but believes with,and in, others. Love moves in power as faithholds its purpose. Its pleasure is found in


Love creates compassion and understandingthrough the gentle softness of one's words.Its reward is the strength and charactermolded by God. Two develop a trust thatforms this cornerstone for living. Lovesacrifices itself and all selfish desires forworldly gain unto death.1. Love’s power moves mountains2. It’s strength builds cities

3. It’s eyes portray boldness4. It’s ideas create beauty5. It’s hands form art

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6. It’s mind envisions success

7. For in love, all things are possible

In finding love, one finds heaven throughChrist, and purpose for marriage as man andwife.

For God is Love, and man is God’s tool tolove

Thank you for Your Commitment and Love

to Jesus Christ.

Love Dan

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Bible Verses UsedProverb 3Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; andlean not unto thine own understanding.

Proverb 16: 25

There is a way that seemeth right unto aman, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

Exodus 2: 11-14

And it came to pass in those days, whenMoses was grown, that he went out unto hisbrethren, and looked on their burdens: andhe spied an Egyptian smiting an Hebrew,one of his brethren.12 And he looked this way and that way,and when he saw that there was no man, heslew the Egyptian, and hid him in the sand.13 And when he went out the second day,behold, two men of the Hebrews strovetogether: and he said to him that did the

wrong, Wherefore smitest thou thy fellow?14 And he said, Who made thee a princeand a judge over us? intendest thou to kill

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me, as thou killedst the Egyptian? And

Moses feared, and said, Surely this thing isknown.

Gen 16Now Sarai Abram's wife bare him no

children: and she had an handmaid, anEgyptian, whose name was Hagar.2 And Sarai said unto Abram, Behold now,the LORD hath restrained me from bearing:I pray thee, go in unto my maid; it may be

that I may obtain children by her. AndAbram hearkened to the voice of Sarai.3 And Sarai Abram's wife took Hagar hermaid the Egyptian, after Abram had dweltten years in the land of Canaan, and gave herto her husband Abram to be his wife.4 And he went in unto Hagar, and sheconceived: and when she saw that she hadconceived, her mistress was despised in hereyes.

Gen 17And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear theea son indeed; and thou shalt call his name

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Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with

him for an everlasting covenant, and withhis seed after him.20 And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee:Behold, I have blessed him, and will makehim fruitful, and will multiply himexceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget,

and I will make him a great nation.21 But my covenant will I establish withIsaac, which Sarah shall bear unto thee atthis set time in the next year.

Matt 5Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Fatherwhich is in heaven is perfect.

Gen 3And they heard the voice of the LORD Godwalking in the garden in the cool of the day:and Adam and his wife hid themselves fromthe presence of the LORD God amongst thetrees of the garden.

9 And the LORD God called unto Adam,and said unto him, Where art thou?

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10 And he said, I heard thy voice in the

garden, and I was afraid, because I wasnaked; and I hid myself.11 And He said, Who told thee that thouwast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree,whereof I commanded thee that thoushouldest not eat?

12 And the man said, The woman whomthou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.13 And the LORD God said unto thewoman, What is this that thou hast done?

And the woman said, The serpent beguiledme, and I did eat.

Mark 11But if ye do not forgive, neither will yourFather which is in heaven forgive yourtrespasses.

I Peter 29 But ye are a chosen generation, a royalpriesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar

people; that ye should show forth the praisesof Him who hath called you out of darknessinto His marvellous light:

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10 Which in time past were not a people,

but are now the people of God: which hadnot obtained mercy, but now have obtainedmercy.

I Cor 7Ye are bought with a price; be not ye the

servants of men.

I Peter 17 That the trial of your faith, being muchmore precious than of gold that perisheth,

though it be tried with fire, might be foundunto praise and honour and glory at theappearing of Jesus Christ:8 Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom,though now ye see him not, yet believing, yerejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:9 Receiving the end of your faith, even thesalvation of your souls.10 Of which salvation the prophets haveinquired and searched diligently, who

prophesied of the grace that should comeunto you:11 Searching what, or whatmanner of time the Spirit of Christ which

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was in them did signify, when it testified

beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and theglory that should follow.

Duet 8And thou shalt remember all the way whichthe LORD thy God led thee these forty years

in the wilderness, to humble thee, and toprove thee, to know what was in thine heart,whether thou wouldest keep Hiscommandments, or no.3 And He humbled thee, and suffered thee

to hunger, and fed thee with manna, whichthou knewest not, neither did thy fathersknow; that He might make thee know thatman doth not live by bread only, but byevery word that proceedeth out of the mouthof the LORD doth man live.4 Thy raiment waxed not old upon thee,neither did thy foot swell, these forty years.5 Thou shalt also consider in thine heart,that, as a man chasteneth his son, so theLORD thy God chasteneth thee.

6 Therefore thou shalt keep thecommandments of the LORD thy God, towalk in His ways, and to fear Him.

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7 For the LORD thy God bringeth thee into

a good land, a land of brooks of water, of fountains and depths that spring out of valleys and hills;

Luke 119 And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be

given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock,and it shall be opened unto you.10 For every one that asketh receiveth; andhe that seeketh findeth; and to him thatknocketh it shall be opened.

11 If a son shall ask bread of any of youthat is a father, will he give him a stone? orif he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him aserpent?12 Or if he shall ask an egg, will he offerhim a scorpion?13 If ye then, being evil, know how to givegood gifts unto your children: how muchmore shall your heavenly Father give theHoly Spirit to them that ask Him?

2 Cor 12Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, inreproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in

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distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am

weak, then am I strong.

And He said unto me, My grace is sufficientfor thee: for My strength is made perfect inweakness. Most gladly therefore will I ratherglory in my infirmities, that the power of 

Christ may rest upon me.

I Cor 10Neither murmur ye, as some of them alsomurmured, and were destroyed of the


Luke 1Now Elisabeth's full time came that sheshould be delivered; and she brought forth ason.58 And her neighbors and her cousins heardhow the Lord had showed great mercy uponher; and they rejoiced with her.59 And itcame to pass, that on the eighth day theycame to circumcise the child; and they

called him Zacharias, after the name of hisfather.60 And his mother answered andsaid, Not so; but he shall be called John.

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61 And they said unto her, There is none of 

thy kindred that is called by this name.62And they made signs to his father, how hewould have him called.63 And he asked for a writing table, andwrote, saying, His name is John. And theyall marvelled.

64 And his mouth was opened immediately,and his tongue loosed, and he spake, andpraised God.65 And fear came on all that dwelt roundabout them: and all these sayings were

noised abroad throughout all the hill countryof Judaea.66 And all they that heard them laid themup in their hearts, saying, What manner of child shall this be! And the hand of the Lordwas with him.

Zech 4Then he answered and spake unto me,saying, This is the word of the LORD untoZerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by

power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.

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John 4: 24

God is a Spirit: and they that worship Himmust worship Him in spirit and in truth.

James 1:6But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering.For he that wavereth is like a wave of the

sea driven with the wind and tossed.7 Forlet not that man think that he shall receiveany thing of the Lord.8 A double mindedman is unstable in all his ways.

I Cor 1Give me now wisdom and knowledge, that Imay go out and come in before this people:for who can judge this thy people, that is sogreat?11 And God said to Solomon,Because this was in thine heart, and thouhast not asked for riches, wealth, or honour,nor the life of thine enemies, neither yet hastasked long life; but hast asked wisdom andknowledge for thyself, that thou mayest judge my people, over whom I have made

thee king:12 Wisdom and knowledge isgranted unto thee; and I will give theeriches, and wealth, and honour, such as none

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of the kings have had that have been before

thee, neither shall there any after thee havethe like.

Numbers 23God is not a man, that He should lie; neitherthe son of man, that He should repent: hath

He said, and shall He not do it? or hath Hespoken, and shall He not make it good?

2 Tim 2Study to show thyself approved unto God, a

workman that needeth not to be ashamed,rightly dividing the word of truth.

Hebrews 13Let your conversation be withoutcovetousness; and be content with suchthings as ye have: for He hath said, I willnever leave thee, nor forsake thee.

2 Cor 5Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a

new creature: old things are passed away;behold, all things are become new.

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18 And all things are of God, who hath

reconciled us to Himself by Jesus Christ,and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;19 To wit, that God was inChrist, reconciling the world unto Himself,not imputing their trespasses unto them; andhath committed unto us the word of 

reconciliation. 20 Now then we areambassadors for Christ, as though God didbeseech you by us: we pray you in Christ'sstead, be ye reconciled to God.

21 For He hath made Him to be sin for us,who knew no sin; that we might be made therighteousness of God in Him.

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The Story of Our Salvation 

John 3: 1616 For God so loved the world, that Hegave His only begotten Son, that whosoeverbelieveth in Him should not perish, but haveeverlasting life.17 For God sent not his Son into the world

to condemn the world; but that the worldthrough Him might be saved.18 He that believeth on Him is notcondemned: but he that believeth not iscondemned already, because he hath not

believed in the name of the only begottenSon of God.19 And this is the condemnation, that lightis come into the world, and men loveddarkness rather than light, because theirdeeds were evil.20 For every one that doeth evil hateth thelight, neither cometh to the light, lest hisdeeds should be reproved.21 But he that doeth truth cometh to thelight, that his deeds may be made manifest,

that they are wrought in God.

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