Page 1: April 2013 Trumpet - Clover stalks the rich and the poor, the educated and the uneducated. Death is no respecter

The greatest news Death carries with it a certain dread. It has always been the enemy, the great, mysterious monster that makes people quake with fear. Death stalks the rich and the poor, the educated and the uneducated. Death is no respecter of race, color or creed. Its shadow haunts us day and night. We never know when the moment of death will come for us. Is there any hope? …. The greatest news that mortal ear has ever heard is the news that Jesus Christ has risen from the dead, as he had promised. … Because Christ lives, we also shall live. The greatest truth that you can ever hear is that Jesus Christ died but rose again, and that you, too, will die but can rise again into newness of life. —Billy Graham

TLCW – APRIL 4th Trinity Lutheran Church Women will resume their monthly meetings on Thursday, April 4 at

1:30 p.m. in the Gathering Place. All women of

Trinity are welcome to attend. “A Little Lunch” is served after the meeting.

April 9th – Fair Stand Supper in the Gathering Place 5:00-7:00 pm

First Communion for 5th Grade Students

5th Grade students of Trinity have completed their communion instruction. Their first time to receive the bread and wine was on Maundy Thursday, Mar 28th. Those students were: Emily Black, Sydney Blagg, Amelia Guerrin, Natalie Huse, Kohl Jacobsen, Ben Johnson, Kaitlin Johnson, Thomas Lindsey, Owen Naumann, Brady Olsen and Grant Strukel. Holy Communion is served on the first and fourth Sundays of the month during both the 8:30 and 10:45 a.m. worship services.

A Word or Two … by Pastor Mark

“My life is like a finely tuned 24-cylinder engine; one little thing throws it off.” I spoke those words to a colleague at the radio station last Sunday morning before I left to lead worship at Trinity. I was complaining about a same-day procedure that I had to have done at the hospital.

Now, I don’t know about you, but I have about a zillion components that make my life run, and on a good day they all work together. The problem is that we can’t count on that happening very much. A flat tire, a trip to the doctor’s, an unexpected emergency – whoosh! The schedule has to be re-tuned. And if things get too crazy, you need an overhaul. But you know what? Having to skid to a stop and do something you don’t want to do has its advantages. It helps you get perspective, lets you know that life isn’t about keeping the engine tuned. It makes you a little more flexible, maybe even more human. The Lord reminds us in Proverbs 16:9 that He has all the cards: “People plan their course in their hearts, but the LORD determines their steps.” That is a great reminder. Our plans are important. In fact, they are necessary if we are to live. But they aren’t final. In life you will have interruptions, and the greatest one is death. But just as problems come and go, even death is not the end. The Lord determines the steps of those who believe, and so we can relax and let the engine go out of tune once in a while.

The Trumpet April , 2013 Trinity Lutheran Church, ELCA 235 East 7th Street, Blue Earth, MN

The mission of Trinity Lutheran Church, as God’s chosen and baptized people,

nurtured by word and sacrament, is to live for others boldly sharing the good news of Christ; using all the gifts we have been given.

Page 2: April 2013 Trumpet - Clover stalks the rich and the poor, the educated and the uneducated. Death is no respecter

April 9 5:00 – 7:00 Served in the Gathering Place at Trinity Lutheran Church

Menu includes: Hot Beef Commercial or sandwich, mashed potatoes/gravy, Cole Slaw, Potato Salad, Brownie, Homemade Pies, Milk or Coffee. Deliveries are available by phoning (from 3:00-6:00 p.m.) -- call 526-5863. Deliveries will be made from 5:00-7:00 p.m. Take-outs available also. Proceeds benefit the work of the Trinity Lutheran Church Women and their mission projects.

In April our weekly Bible study for adults moves further into the Gospel of Luke. Matthew’s Gospel demonstrates that Jesus is the Messiah that the Jews have been waiting for. Mark’s is a fast-moving portrait of a mysterious Jesus who is revealed only toward the end. Luke has a different flavor all together. It is written by a physician (the same person who wrote Acts), and has a doctor’s compassion and technical knowledge. In it we find some of most beloved parables, such as the prodigal son. Faith and Life meets most weeks of the year in the Gathering Place. We get together Tuesdays at 6:30

PM and Wednesdays at 9:45 AM (same content at both). Every week you can enjoy treats and coffee, interesting background on the Bible, and good discussion. You don’t have to know anything about the Bible, just have a desire to get into its pages. Come and try it out!

125th will be celebrated in 2016

The Council is asking for volunteers to be on the Steering Committee (to oversee all of the activities during that year of celebration). If you are interested in being in the grass roots process of the planning, please contact our Council Vice President Linda Adams. You can call her at 525-2109 or email her at [email protected]. RideShare RideShare RideShare RideShare

to to to to Trinity!Trinity!Trinity!Trinity!

Would you like

someone to pick you up so you can attend activities at Trinity? Would you like to be a ‘chauffer’ for members to attend activities at Trinity? If so, contact Donna in the church office (526-3463). She will put you in touch with a driver and/or passenger.

Malaria Update Last year, Trinity participated in an ELCA campaign to fight malaria. The following is from Jessica Nipp Hacker,

Coordinator, ELCA Malaria Campaign: “I am happy to report that we have raised over $6 million for the ELCA Malaria Campaign. In 2012, we needed to raise $4 million and together – we did it! The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is well on its way to raising the committed $15 million by 2015 to support ongoing malaria programs of our Lutheran brothers and sisters in Africa. We are working through these Lutheran connections to provide malaria prevention, education and treatment for people who are vulnerable to this curable disease.”

April 19 th 7:30 p.m. Concert at Trinity

The Wartburg College Choir (with our own Morgan Dickman)

will be singing at Trinity on Friday evening, April 19.

Your help is needed and would be appreciated in housing members of the choir and/or

making a financial contribution to assist with

their supper. Any questions - check with Mike Ellingsen –

507-526-5808 or [email protected].

Reminder that the Memorial Service for Ike Enderson will be held on Saturday, April 13th at 2:00 p.m. at St. Luke’s Chapel.

Page 3: April 2013 Trumpet - Clover stalks the rich and the poor, the educated and the uneducated. Death is no respecter

In the book of John (20:24-25), Thomas one of the Twelve, was not with the disciples when Jesus came. So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord!” But he said to them “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.” Our hands tell a story. My story is one of holding the hands of my mother and father and the hands of my brothers and a sister. My hands also reached to my grandmother’s and grandfather’s hands. These hands were all loving hands that reached out to me too. Even though God gave us only two hands, these hands of ours can extend to the ends of the earth. When hands have felt the love of others, there is nothing they can’t do! Think of all the things are hands can do. They talk, play, pray, hug, and touch the lives of others. They may feel rough or smooth and maybe long or short. Our hands can be very talented when they are asked to do the right thing. Our hands are a gift from God. They have been created to serve Him and others. How beautiful are the hands that make their Creator blessed.

���� Just A Note ���� Sunday, April 7th - Worship with Holy Communion, the Cherubs (Grade 1-3) will sing at 10:45. Sunday, April 14th - Worship, the Hand Bells will play. . Friday, April 19th - Wartburg College Choir will perform at 7:30 p.m. at Trinity. Sunday, April 21st - Worship, the Senior Choir will sing. Sunday, April 28th - Worship with Holy Communion, Youth Contemporary Service.

Looking Ahead

Grace Notes Grace Notes Grace Notes Grace Notes –––– Lynn WilmsLynn WilmsLynn WilmsLynn Wilms Music and Worship DeveloperMusic and Worship DeveloperMusic and Worship DeveloperMusic and Worship Developer

Our Lord’s hands loved us so much He died on the cross for our sins. His hands had the marks of being nailed to the cross. His hands were those of a fisherman. His hands opened with love to all He ministered to. His hands were the hands of our Creator and the Creator of the world. How beautiful are the hands that loved us so much!

Sunday, May 5th - Hand Bells and Choir Festival at 8:30 and 10:45 worship Sunday, May 12th - Last day of Sunday School All the Children Sing during worship!

Page 4: April 2013 Trumpet - Clover stalks the rich and the poor, the educated and the uneducated. Death is no respecter

2013 is the 25th anniversary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in

America. Each month, a snippet of history will be shared in this column. First Female Synod Bishop In the 25-year history of the ELCA, women have served as teachers, missionaries and deaconesses. But in 1992, one female pastor brought church leadership to a new level. The Rev. April Larson was elected bishop of the ELCA La Crosse Area Synod (the second female Lutheran bishop in the world). Born in Decorah, Iowa, she graduated from the University of Iowa with a degree in vocal performance. After graduation, she taught kindergarten through 12th grade at a Catholic school in Cresco, Iowa. While there, she was called into ministry. In 1972, Pastor Larson enrolled at Wartburg Theological Seminary in Dubuque, Iowa. She was ordained in 1978. She was a part of the first group of 10 women to graduate from the seminary. In 1989, she accepted a position as assistant to the bishop of the ELCA Southeastern Minnesota Synod. After retiring from the La Crosse Synod in 2008, she has been senior pastor at First Lutheran in Duluth. Pastors Judd and April Larson have three children. Their son, Ben, was following in the footsteps of his parents. He attended Wartburg Theological Seminary where he met his wife, Renee. Ben and Renee, along with Ben’s cousin Jon, served in Haiti, teaching Lutheran theology in the Lutheran Church of Haiti.

In January 2010, they were residing in Port-au-Prince, the epicenter of the massive earthquake that year. Renee and Jon were able to escape when the roof of the building they were in collapsed. Ben was trapped underneath three layers of concrete. With help from the ELCA, Ben’s body was recovered and brought back to the United States. Renee is now a pastor at Heart River Lutheran Church in Mandan, North Dakota.

Sunday – 8:30 Randy

Anderson, Mike Holland Gary Holmseth

Sunday – 10:45

Brian Omland, John McDonald Todd Levenhagen, Jim Fellows

Listed below are birthdays of members in the church active data base. If there is an addition or correction, please call the church office (526-3463). April 1 – Alec Huber, Karl Kampf 2 – Chad Schonrock 3 – Kali Anderson Logan O’Hara 4 – Jace Huber, Kellen Jacobs, Alissa Norman, Lindsey Norman, Marnie Norman Beth Steenhard 5 – Brileigh Frahm-Joel, Rachel Kienitz, Jerrick Urban 7 – Twila Tibbetts, Bonita Zimmer 8 – Connor Olson, Elin Roverud

10 – Erma Schwab 11 – Sonja Hanson, Mitchell Heironimus 13 – Judy Frandle, Julie Loge, Maxton Loge 14 – Kristine Lopez 15 – Jody Eckhardt, Lisa Passante 16 – Natali Fellows 17 – Allen Hanson, Jan Northwick, Steffan Roverud 18 – Don Coombes, Cody Eckhardt, Jim Fellows, Alicia Murphy, Taylor Weerts, 19 – Daryl Amundson, Becky Anderson, Jim Skaden 20 – Natalie Huse 21 – Joel Kienitz 22 – Cindy Bly, Cale Borris, Brian Omland, Erica Sunde 25 – Tim Keebaugh 26 – Ryder Dutton, Leo Helland Judith Mehl, Nathan Stindtman, Henry Survis, Linda Wells 27 – Myrl Bell, Mike Holland 28 – Mark Anderson, Dennis Montgomery, Heather Noll, Sheila Schonrock, Jess Urban 29 – Tom Eckhardt, Lily Olson Dane Sohn 30 – John Keister, Manning Lane Paula McCool, Zach Schonrock



*The favorite dessert item at

the Soup Suppers was Scotcheroos! *Approximately 45 people faithfully attend Bible Study. *The mortgage was re-financed in December 2012 and we are six months ahead in payments. *Sunday School children have given $261.30 in offerings since January. Church Mouse . . .

Page 5: April 2013 Trumpet - Clover stalks the rich and the poor, the educated and the uneducated. Death is no respecter

Preparing to Elect a Synod Bishop “Electing a bishop is one of the most important responsibilities in the life of a synod and a key responsibility of the synod assembly,” according to Ann Peterson, Vice-President of the Southeastern Minnesota Synod. At the 2013 Southeastern Minnesota Synod Assembly, to be held June 7-8 in Rochester, Minn., voting members will elect the third bishop of this synod. In this synod, bishops are limited to two terms so Bishop Usgaard’s time as bishop will come to an end. When a congregation calls a new pastor, they go through careful self-study, prepare a congregational profile, and evaluate potential pastors based on the particular gifts the congregation seeks. The synod’s Committee on the Election of a Bishop is working to guide the synod through a similar process. The process of electing a bishop is very different than most other elections. As Rev. Mark Boorsma, chair of the election committee, explains, “Unlike secular elections for leadership roles, the church does not wait for qualified women and men to ‘toss their hat in the ring.’ Instead, praying constantly for the Spirit’s guidance, congregations search proactively for persons with the gifts and vision necessary for leading God’s people well.” The eight individuals who will participate in forums around the synod as part of the process of the

election of a synod bishop have now been identified. A forum will be held Thursday, May 23 at 7:00 p.m. at Grace Lutheran Church, 300 Elm Ave E, Waseca, MN The participants will be: Rev. Steven J. Berkeland Rev. Dr. Vernon (Vern) Christopherson Rev. Steven (Steve) Delzer Rev. April Ulring Larson Rev. Dr. Glenn Monson Rev. Sarah Nietz Rev. Dr. Norman Wahl Rev. Dr. Melanie Wallschlaeger

(Profiles of these participants are available in the church office)

Our synod’s 2013 election of a bishop comes as we mark the 25th anniversary of the ELCA and of our synod – a time to look back on where our journey together has taken us, but also a time to look to the future. Martin Luther wrote: “Faith is a living, daring confidence in God’s grace so certain that you could stake your life on it one thousand times.” Ann Peterson reflects on Luther’s statement saying, “As we prepare for the election and the transitions that will follow, we are called to consider prayerfully what God is calling us to do together as a synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in southeastern Minnesota, and to move ahead with that living, daring confidence in God’s grace.” I received an email from a woman in Texas who hit on our website because she was born here. Have you checked out the new website? The Trustees are discussing options for on-line donations. Further details will be coming! You can also have automatic donations to Trinity through the Simply Giving Program. Contact the church office for information.

General Church e-mail [email protected]

Donna Perryman, Office Admin.

Rev. Dr.Rev. Dr.Rev. Dr.Rev. Dr. MarkMarkMarkMark F.F.F.F. WilmsWilmsWilmsWilms [email protected]

Lynn Wilms, MusicLynn Wilms, MusicLynn Wilms, MusicLynn Wilms, Music And Worship DeveloperAnd Worship DeveloperAnd Worship DeveloperAnd Worship Developer

[email protected] Cindy Bly, Education DirectorCindy Bly, Education DirectorCindy Bly, Education DirectorCindy Bly, Education Director

[email protected] Kim JacKim JacKim JacKim Jacobson, Youth Directorobson, Youth Directorobson, Youth Directorobson, Youth Director

[email protected]

If you would like to receive your Trumpet newsletter electronically,

just send Donna an email at [email protected]

Church Office Hours are

Monday – Friday 8:30 – 5:00 p.m. (507) 526-3463

Page 6: April 2013 Trumpet - Clover stalks the rich and the poor, the educated and the uneducated. Death is no respecter

IMPORTANT APRIL DATES to put on your calendar: Wednesday, April 3: Last day of elementary Release Time for this school year! THANK YOU to all who helped in any way to make this important ministry possible! 6:00 PM – Confirmation class resumes Sunday, April 7: Cherub Choir (Grades 1-3) sings during the 10:45 worship

Monday, April 8 : Students in Wednesday morning Release Time (Grades 4-6) will be going to the Lake Crystal Recreation Center for a fun evening of swimming and gym activities. **Parents are needed to drive and chaperone (contact Cindy if you can help) **Meet at Trinity at 5:00 PM (swim from 6:00 to 8:00)

**Cost is $3.00 per student

1. Green Lake Day Camp – July 28-Aug. 1

Students completing Kindergarten – Fourth Grade! Registrations have been passed out in Release Time and Sunday School. If your child did not receive one, let Cindy know or stop by the office.

DAY CAMP NEEDS: Adult volunteers (choose a day or even a half day to help)

Host Home: for 3 – 4 Green Lake staff (not responsible for meals) Families to provide evening meals for Green Lake staff

2. Preschool Family Night: Monday, July 29, 5:30 – 7:30 PM For students who will start Sunday School in the fall (age 3 by Sept. 1) through students entering Kindergarten in the fall.

Once again, the Green Lake staff will provide the programming. Details will be mailed to families in early summer.

3. Bible Camp Opportunities: Students wishing to go to Bible Camp have several options this summer -- Green Lake Bible Camp OR Okoboji Bible Camp

Registrations have been passed out for both camps but if you didn’t receive one let Cindy know!

He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! The early believers would greet each other with the good news of Jesus! The Easter message is the most important message of the church. We, too, continue to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord!


LOTS of McDONALD’S MONEY still available! As Bible camp fees continue to go up, we want to help families as much as we can so all students have the opportunity to go to Bible Camp. Coupons can be purchased after worship, at coffee hour or in the office. For every dollar purchased, Trinity receives 40 cents. At this time we have 12 campers registered. Let’s help them out!!

Page 7: April 2013 Trumpet - Clover stalks the rich and the poor, the educated and the uneducated. Death is no respecter

April Youth New We are just “ordinary” on our own. We are just “ordinary” on our own. We are just “ordinary” on our own. We are just “ordinary” on our own.

1st John 4:13 “This is how we know He lives in us; He has given us of His spirit”

We just celebrated Easter on March 31st, but we as Christians know that Easter is a day we can celebrate everyday! I read something the day after Palm Sunday that I really wanted to share. It is called ‘Palm Monday…’

Palm Monday…. The donkey awakened, his mind still savoring the afterglow of the most exciting day of his life. Never before had he felt such a rush of pleasure and pride. He walked into town and found a group of people by the well. “I’ll show myself to them,” he thought. But they didn’t notice him. They went on drawing their water and paid him no mind. “Throw your garments down,” he said crossly. “Don’t you know who I am?” They just looked at him in amazement. Someone slapped him across the tail and ordered him to move. “Miserable heathens!” he muttered to himself. “I’ll just go to the market where the good people are. They will remember me.” But the same thing happened. No one paid any attention to the donkey as he strutted down the main street in front of the marketplace. “The palm branches! Where are the palm branches?” he shouted. “Yesterday, you threw palm branches!” Hurt and confused, the donkey returned home to his mother. “Foolish child,” she said gently. “Don’t you realize that without Him, you are just an ordinary donkey?” — Author Unknown

We are also just “ordinary” without Christ in our lives. I can’t imagine my life without Him. I know people personally that don’t have a relationship with Him and they just go through their “ordinary” lives thinking that when they are blessed by something, they must be “lucky”. It makes me sad, but yet I know that we are not to judge them but rather continue to live our lives in such a way that they see that Christ lives in us. We are to love them where they’re at and share about Christ with them and what He’s done in our lives so that they can live a life that is “out of the ordinary”

Youth meeting times...

7up: 9:40 A.M.

April 7th, 14th, 21st

and 28th

SALSA: 4:00 P.M.

April 3rd, 17th, 24th

SWAP: 7:00 P.M.

April 3rd, 17th (***)


Special dates looking ahead:

*April 17th: 7:30..

Special meeting will

be held at Trinity for

youth of Faribault

County area to help

plan a youth event

and community

worship for Giant


May 19th:



Sunday, with

special program

at coffee hour

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