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THE CRYSTAL GATEWAY April Newsletter & Calendar

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Spiritual Iridology- Courses Available

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Spiritual Iridology Information. Dear Friends, As you can see from the previous photo the eyes have many markings which

all have a meaning which you will learn in this Course. Available in person @ Runawaybay on Saturday 27th April for 16 weeks 1 day per week OR Correspondence & Online by Date to suit both of us as I will be spending 3 hours per

week with you for your Practical Class. This is a new endeavour of mine and I have worked it out to be a successful one so that

previous limitations have been removed as so many others are being in line with our new Earth Energies.

Whether it is in person or by correspondence it will still be 16 weeks to cover all subjects. More information on the next page. So if this resonates with you to do please contact me and we will get started, Love &

Blessings, Rosalie xo

[email protected]

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Details for Spiritual Iridology Firstly what is the difference to Iridology & Spiritual Iridology?

The main difference is with this Course is;

Firstly Spiritual Iridology is based on Chinese Psychology so you will be learning how to Counsel people according to Chinese Psychology weekly you will be doing an analysis on the eyes of a partner after learning the Spiritual, Emotional & Physical reasons for each of the markings.

According to Chinese each of the Organs have a Spiritual Purpose ,Emotional as well as a Physical purpose which makes complete understanding.

I find this very valuable as by covering the three aspects ,you are treating a person Holistically . There are specific markings in the eyes showing what you have bought in from past lives to this life to

work on which can be released more quickly with this knowledge and understanding.

The Eyes also show the chakra areas in the eyes and can pinpoint areas needing to be worked on usually on an emotional level.


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Info continued After learning about the markings you will be learning about the Spiritual purpose to each of the

organs, no part of the body is missed as the eyes are the window to the Soul which explains perfectly that there is a Spiritual reason for every part of you.

You will be on a powerful Healing Journey yourself throughout the Course and then be able to guide your family or Clients if you wish to add this tool to your healing practice, something I use on a daily basis with all the Spiritual work I do.

You will also be able to see if there is disharmony in the past, present or future and in which case you are able to deal with it more easily with the necessary tools, becoming preventive medicine.

You will be also performing many Healing Modalities along the way for yourself & future Clients or Family.

I myself am very passionate about this Course as I healed in an incredible way that cannot be explained by mainstream medicine.

I share & Teach by example by showing you that knowledge = power=empowerment=bliss.

In conclusion Spiritual Iridology adds another aspect to the wonderful tool of Iridology

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Gematria (Ancient Egyptian Numerology)

Ancient Egyptian Numerology is the Spiritual/Psychology/Science of the Soul, which reveals the truest essence of a person and the highest potential and life purpose that can be reached in this lifetime.

Held @ Runawaybay, Gold Coast contact [email protected] This is a One day Course. Investment -$120

You will be learning how to create the charts , learn about Compatibility, Year ahead & much more.

The aspects you will learn about yourself others are Personality, Body, Mind, Spirit, Soul, At Heart(emotional), Consciousness & Life Purpose and what you have come to learn to reach your highest potential in each aspect of a person which gives a very in depth reading.

A wonderful tool for Healers or for Business and Personal.

A Certificate is given on the day and you will have the ability to deliver Charts to others for personal or business knowledge.

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Meditation- Readings & Readings & Sacred Circle Gematria Skype 9.30 Healing Healing 9.30-1pm 9.30-4pm

Meditation Readings & Readings Sacred Circle Enrol for Skype 9.30 Healings Healings 9.30-1pm Spiritual Iridogy

Open to Meditation Readings & Readings & Sacred Circle Final EnrolChannel Skype 9.30 Healings Healings 9.30-1pm Spiritual Iridology Open to Meditation Readings & Readings & Sacred Circle Spiritual Channel Skype 9.30 Healings Healings 9.30 pm Iridology 1

Open to Meditation Readings & Readings & Sacred Circle SpiritualChannel Skype 9.30 Healings Healings 9.30-1pm Iridology 2

Open toChannel

Open toChannel

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Happy Easter Blessings Blessings Dear Friends , I hope you had a happy Easter and also a stress free full moon as I know this particular moon was all

about removing any parasites from within or around you, the word parasite being symbolic of course of unwanted energies still needing to be rid of ,this may include people as well as inbuilt negativities.

Always embrace these as its better to find them so you know what needs to go otherwise you may remain puzzled as to why you feel unbalanced not knowing what needs to be removed to help you feel balanced and well.

The last stage of the fifth dimensional energies are now in place so you should be feeling new energies around you, new feelings arising within you , new reaction will be coming forth like never before

You may hear from the media of much mayhem however if you really listen there is much changing behind the mayhem of positive nature of bringing the truth to the fore just like our own lives, our true nature is coming to the fore, what we truly love and what we need to do for our highest good is tapping on our shoulder in a more constant way for us to take notice. .

Those of us as healers are needed more than ever as ascension is inevitable and to be as clear as possible is necessary for the completion of this time which is upon us.

You will also find Healing is at a much deeper level than it has been in previous times as deep cellular core based healing I have found to be the most needed including soul rescue for some which used to be used only on a rare occasion , a sign of the changing times once again.

I also have found the co-creation o f guides channelling through is most of the time now, not just on an occasion, even as I write this Newsletter it is not just my thoughts that are being written it is being a duel written note for you so Blessings & Love I wish to you as Isis & Ra join with me as always send their Blessings In Love & Light,

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Happy April Blessings

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