  • 7/18/2019 Aquarium Transformation Plan


    to paint the back black:

    - lay out lots of news papers on the ground

    - put all of the rocks one by one on the ground (the rocks that don't fit aqua scape will be discarded)

    aquascape to be selected

    - find all sources of water holding items and put as much aquarium water as I can in there, aquarium is 65 gallons

    30% of 65 gallons = 20 gallons of water to be held in containers

    - what type of paint can I brush on glass, clean front of glass with rubbing alcohol or windex, apply thin even layers with a brush (Can't spray paint at home)

    reverse the direction of the aquarium so the black faces the back side

    - arrange new aqua scape : substrate is needed, and correctly chosen rocks, lotsof them are needed, clean them, place them

    - 2-3 assasin snails are needed to kill the existing pest snails

    - heater is needed, look up correct heater for 65 gallon tank

    - actinic light bulb for lighting fixture is needed

    - use straight blade to clean the back (now the front) of tank with algae, careful not to scratch the glass

    - a new filter is needed: select one from the DIY aquarium guy, wet dry, high GPH, proper filter with lots of bio material

    this filter should have multiple inputs into the tank with LOTS of GPH and should eliminate the EHIEM and HOB filter (can give to ali or sell)

    - get rid of pleco, jack dempsy, excess Red Zebra's, get one by one, new, tiny beautiful african chichlid

    tank should look amazing now.

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