Page 1: ·Archibldd Ltd.; · The Standard and the Montreal Fam 1y Herald or Witness fo only S1.50. · Do .You· think ·you will ever miss


' . .

The Standard and the Montreal Fam 1y Herald or Witness fo only S1.50. · Do .You· think ·you will ever miss the money spent in t~is · way?

VOLUME LI. (11.00 a year in advaDCe, $1.50 OTBUWJSJC.]


The S. S. Prospero called here on Wednesday at about 1.30 p.m. on her way north. Sb~ did qpt haul in, no freight offcPag. Slie took on-board several passengers, including J. Goodison, M.H.A., (Mrs. Goodiaon and two of their children being on the wharf to see him off) and a woman whose name we did not learn, accom· paoied by four children, the youngest an infant of about two weeks o\d. The boat will call here again on her return, aod not again till the 10th August, a four weeks' interval.

Whilst giving due credit to the Government and the Contractors for their part in \)riaginJ.. bet }lere once a moa•h, our cth&ens consider that she should call here

• every trip in order to Jive this town and the neighbonng ones the opportunity of communiq, tion with the other porta of cal! The section of country that would be thus sen•ed is populous and contributes a large portion of the subsidy the boat enjo~, and there­fore js entitled to share in the benefits of steam communication with the aorthera part of the country • .:.----~ C. of E. HJgh Scta»l Bnter­

talnmentJ Jt Ia difficult to apeak too hitbiJ

Ia pniae of the catertalameat beld bl tiM c. of E. Blr~ School Sdlotan o ton lut aich=St.Pau1:• B&ll Miaa Noel• the Pnadpal, aad bertalated t.uta. Miu T. Noel aad MIM I. CobtafC muat ladeed ba.e worked bard aad well to ret apu elaborate aad psseraUy aceUcat a pl'O(t&ID ia tbe llinl~ ti.e, two ~u we are told, anll· able Cor the purpoae. ud it muat ba.e COtlle u a revelation to ma.ny of the palo• ud aldll beatowed oa tb~ youar pcrformera. ud of tbe D&tafal cleftf'Deu aad aptitude Of tlae Newfoundland boy and (irl, tile woadcrfully bricht aacl capable way lD wlllc:la tbeJ' baadlecl tlae ..... of tile ftried•...S ~ftl prognm. From the commeace­Jneat till aearlyll o'clock the aa­cSleace wu:kept latereatec!. amuaed, aDd in a atate of pleued a11rpriae. Tbe claildrea looked ••IJ' pretty. Ia Ia thelr wlaite dreaea. and u for tlte of the characten in die ~tta ud other dramatic piecee. ~1 were brilllut. prp oaa ud r-eraJty aaitable to the parta. wbilat the lloraJ decoratlOD of the atap leat a YerJ pleulor ~ect to the whole eatedalameaE Tbe proceed• amoanted to the budaome aam of $38.

-Yr. 1-' . C. BerU.u wu 10 towa yeaterday oa bualaeaa coaaected with hia dutiea aa Aaditlr·Genent. Mr. Berteau waa accompanied by Miu Berteau and Muter Berteau.

..!'&raoJto PA4PP..-We ban Jaa& opea· ed our _,Dd eblpmea\ or 8uiii1Der 8alt.-1Dav Tblela etroaf proof or lacraulaa trad1, the IDP.Irlorl 7 of OllJ' workmaa· a hlp aad a&eriii)C' qllall&y or our l(ooda. Tlau eblpmeal laclud.. a apreadkS uaortmea& or auiUap Ia all tbe moet ) fublonable ebed... Ba .... yoar ant anll mMe In the la&ettl New York llyle, wltb taoo7 ooat pockew, trom IIi_ I ~ SDMial &&lea &loa !linD to mall ordere wrlle so-day for mauure carde a•Jd umpl .. or new eammer eulttoga.

J • .t. w. MA.DIOAK Tb\ Esper& TaUore ----The fiabet1 n!potta for tbia lo-

cality abow no impro•emeat. Trapa hue taken aome amall haula but the returoa for hook·aad-lloe ia Jf practically ail for the week. Re· p porta from the head of Trinity Bay, about New Uarbor, Dildo, ai., aay that tbe fiahery then! Ia the worat ia the memory of the oldeat fieber­mea. Dowa the north ahore of the Bay, the catch to date ia poor.

-The maay troatera ud other paaaengera lea•illl' or boardla&' t e traJa at ~~OD find (I'Ut faCOD• ftllieDce or{ oat of ao platform bela&' tbeni • ditch by the aide of the tnck Ia iery dugeroua ud tbe JftAlcat cauUoa ia aeceual')' to aiold acc:ideat. .

-The news of the fislaery ill the Straits and up to Smokey by the S. S. Iagraham which arriYed at St. John's the alfht before laat, is JIQ&. eacouragt~~g. The Straits ..tftt on the whQle do, we regret to think, poorly. There is yet hope fo~ the parts aorth of the Straits; but the seuon ia ad· vaaciag.

CLOTHING REPAIRED. ~adies' White Skirts aad Gen·

Uemea's Clothing Cleaned and Repaired. Apply to

MISS ANNlB BRUNLHBS, Shop Victoria Street.

VIctoria Boo~ Store The P~~am tor

Always to the froat with season· able goods for sports.

For the apeckled beauties-Fly, Gut. aad Eye Hoob. Lines of all'1rinds--Sil.k, Hair, and Cut. Fly Boxes. Rods-Bamboo, Joint· ed, ~ad Tops. Trout Baskets and Floats. Cricket Balls, Wickets and Bate. Indoor games in &Teat f' variety. Beet stationery always in stock. All the latest novels aDd maguiaes.

Bilb #IU DIU guarta'iy. ~

~Ill CIDY. - ~qagtr. --==mrc:p;z:a:;

(For the ~nfotnratioa ot the public),


bega to announce that its

ANNUAL EXHIBITION will take pJace in the mouth of October-a6out a week before the exhibition at St. John'a.

Further particulars will be given later on.

Ponraits by r•oto&npby.


Is a ne,tative quality tltat every man has to a cer­tain ~xtcnt, especially tke business man of to-day1 because he has ,<;o many matter8 dem.a11.din4 Ids attention. The ntore to rtJ1ne7llber and think about, the m,ore to tor4et .

DON'T FORGET We are makin.t mammoth preparfttions to handle

you,r trade for the 0(/MIHG F.!lLL.


In a few words we explain.

Two ancl a lutlf yea,,., a§o, ou,r output lNr-s fiO pairs· of boots pc.,. day. Last year (1009) u•.ere compcl.led to increase it to 150 pairs per day. From

• the jlrst of tile present year lOe kavc been turnint out re.tularly 930 pairs daily, or in other words


. vkoein_t one-third of tke country's population, a ntl evon at thiS inorea..Y81 we are a/Jsolzttely ltna/Jlo to supply ou,1· trade satisfactorily.

.!lny m,ystery thon why we should have to in­crease oztr output f

lliir" It is conclz(,Sivo proof of the superior lines of lliir" BOOTS and SllOES.II!!JI which we tza·n out and we want to .tet in, touch with YOU, Mr. Dealer. YOU who arc in doubt a,s to what make of BOOTS and SIIJOES yozt should stock f or the coming F.ll.LL S~.ll.SO.N,

INVESTIGATE a71-d see if it isn't time fo1· YOU to .ttl in line too.


·Archibldd B~os. Ltd.; . TpE PIOIEERS Of IGDERI 'HOE llJUf~CTURIJ8







FLOUR lllltead of tho&e IBferior GradtJ.

' The Purcha5~ed and will on) ' th11lk of cemTrlgl)ack for mor

He knows what he i!'l buying and The Lake of the W cods Milling Co. guarantee that he gets what he bought.




Anyone requiring CAR(;OES from Ship·s Side or from "Bond Hulk, during the Au­tumn and Fall can have orders booked and prices quoted now.

le Art letallllll Clll In at 18.11 P~r T•.


IF YOU WANT ,. zc:=3

~arthen Drain Pipes, Bends, Junctions, and Traps a} l sizes, Pressed and Stock Brick, Mortar, Sand, Cement and Plaster, Plain and Louv;e Chimney T ops, Plate Glass, &c., &c.,

Call at OUf Store: 21 ADELAIDE STREET, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD. ,

WILLIAM J. ELLIS, Contractor, Builder and Appraiser.

UMail orders promptly attended to. j ro6m


DAILY EXPECTED per schooner Belle Franklin,

Cargo of Old flllne' 'ort~ 'ydqo Screeqed Coal,: ~Low rates while discharging .

R. D. McRae _& Sons. Board, Scantling, Dry Goods.

Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware. Llbnber of Good Quality .pow in Stock.

j -ALSO-

Full assortmcn~ of Dq Goods, Provigion , Groceries, liard­ware, Mattras!Cs, Crockerywnre, Furnitw·c, &c.

CENTRAL FIKE INSWNCE COIP.oo' Thomas_ Ross, Harbor Gr:~ce.


ASSETS • .£11,000,000 STG.

Guaranteed by tbe London. Liver· p<>QI aud Globe Iuaurance Co.


EtrDA. Tbe Flour for every Family. It's tested and guaranteed by the

manufacturers. Price low enough for every man. high enough for any man. It's



. .

Page 2: ·Archibldd Ltd.; · The Standard and the Montreal Fam 1y Herald or Witness fo only S1.50. · Do .You· think ·you will ever miss

, . . "~

who have .. not yet Dlscharrged in·debted 'to the S,-TAN DARD

Subscribers other p~rsons

.._...-.I!>~,.. BY PAVING WHAT THtEV P.ROMPTLV ... ~::::-'""0111....,_/



Llat of Places Be-Named b7 No­' mencJatiure Committee Since

Their l'int Keating Jan­U&I'J 30th, 1904.

~ Cilt's Cove, Hr. Maio District, re­

named Avondale North. Belle Island, Conception Bay, re­

named Bell Island. Botwoodville, Notre Dame ~.

rcuamed Bot..vood. Mosquito Cove, Couceptioo Bay,

renamed Bristol's liope. Sboal Bay, T rinity Bay, renamed

Cavendish. Western Arm, Fo~ro distric•, re­

named Carmanvalle. Middle Bight, Hr. Main, renamed

Codner. Crab's, St. George's district, re·

named Crabbes. Bircby Cove, Bay of Islands, re·

named Curling. Railway Station near Cra~be's,re­

namcd Crabbe's east. Railway Station between Ctabbe's

Brook aud Highlands, re-named Craabe's W eat.

Graad RlYer, Hamilton Inlet, re-named Gilliesport.

Doa- Bay, Fogo district, re-named &or wood.

RiYerhead, White Bay, re-named Hampden.

~nrhead, . Bay or Islaads, re­named Humbermoutb.

Fox Island, FortlUle district, re­'IWDed tale Galet.

Ram's Ialaad, Placentia Bay, re-namedloaa. •

Qaeeaatowa, F910 diatri~ re­aaased Joe Battta Arm.

unaort. Notre Dame BaJ. re-

Rane4 Harbor, Trinity district, re-aamed MelrcMe. / I

Kiq'a CoYe. Triaity /iatrrct, re-aa.ecl Milton. ~ ,

Jlulael'• CoYe. Trinity d1strid, re­au:aed New Melbourae.

Sbip OQye and RObia Hood, T.B., re-DUDed Port Rextoa.

Gra•Cla. Bay St. George's, rc­aamecl Port-au-Port.

Oapliil CoYe. Ferrylud district, ftHWiled St. Michael's.

Broad CoYe. St. J"'ba's West, re­aaaaed St. Phili,P's. ~ Boaavtsta district, re­

llime4 Salnge Ba:r. Blat hJaada, Bouvuta district,

......... S...Oa. ·Gr••liUYer Gat, Codroy Valley,

re-aamecJ Seantoa. · Spaalard'a Bay, Trinity district,

rHamed SJ:!a!~iar.d's Cove. Iadi&D Ana, lJoaaviata Bay, rc­

aamed Summerville. Tlltoa Harbor, Fogo district, re­

tWiled Tilting. Toa4'a Cove, Ferryland district,

re-named Tor's Cove. North West Arm, Sweet Bay. B. • B., re-named Wiater Brook.

H. J. B. WOODS, Postmuter·Geaeral.

Geael'lfPoat Oflice, St. Johll'a, NOd.,

38th May, 1910. j104i

FOR SALE. 800 ... No. 1 SBINGUS, Also. Matched BOARD, ac.

11t111t11a1 s&ct raoi otliui. Firewood, Oats, Hay, Cattle Feed, Harness, &c., for sale.

· ·Also, Provisions and Groceries. Verbena Flour always in stock

at bottom price. · THOIIAS W AJ.SB,


R. 1t. SQU~ES-,TC B. . IOUCitdl, .....

IOTUY PUIUC. Ornca. - 1. XIIilaBRLltY ROW,

IIXD"f Rnur, (OppoUte Star o( the Bca HalL)

Teleplloae a &T. 10JDts.


The golden c,·ening falls

I J ap:mcse Menthol is unequal­led as a p:un rclie\'ing ageut. Applied iu the "D. & L."

hi<~ remark~, but dill not nppcar to be seriou"tly anjua:cd. He pick­ed U(t the trm:k and continued working. 'J.'bc boss came nlong and bearioar " tbc quarrel dis· charged Shu(• Then th~: matter aeemed fo end. On the following­day Miller became worse, bis skull bad been fractured, nnd hl• died bom the effects ef the in· juries received.

/ Adown the west ; · ' Her mate, the wild bird calls

Home to her nesl

The breezy day is done, The winds breathe low;

For r~t all men into ,Retirement go. The racing clouds have sped

To other skies ; a Calm, fresh, and peaceful, now, ~II Nature lies.

The sun's lottg co•rse is o'er, His gl~ies fade ; ·

The mrraad s tan; turn out On night-parade.

And now, the soul, to God, Goes forth in prayer,

Because, 'tis now it feels That God i$ ncar.

So, in Life's EvcntiJe, When Earth Krows dint,

Then may the r)aing soul Be lost i1L.Hitu.


The Scenes of Long Ago. Ob, m1 heart 'tis sad and weary,

All JD love with that dear place. Thi.!l..~ing when 'twas light and

lliry, In those day~ at Harbor G'aoe.

When kind friends they made me happ.)'.

And no sorrow ,di~l know, When I was a little ",t:bappie"

'Mid the scenes of1ong ago.

Fancy oocc again has brought me To the scenes of boyhood days,

Where companions oft bad soug-ht me,

For to roam her banks and braes,

Or to ramble th~:qugb the wild-woods, •

W.bere the zephyrs round the ftowers.

In the days of happy childhood Such amusement then was

ours. As in fancy now I'm viewing,

All the many scenes loog gone, One especially I'm wooing,

'Tis. the aport on "Lady Poo"; As I watch her famous waters,

Where the "Weasel" used to glide,

Cheered by her sons and daugh· ters,

Assheraced the "Minnie Clyde."

Of another scene I'm boasting, Which yet makes my heart to

thriD, 'Twas in winter time when coast­

ing, O'er tb~ well-known " Stret·

• ton's llill." How, unmindful of the weather,

Faster than the train we'd pace, That old biU when Jx>ya together,

Then in dear old Harbor Grace. Oh, forget them I shall never,

No, not while on earth I'll dwell, For to me they shall be ever '

More than human tongue can tell.

And in fancy I'll re\'icw them, While my span of lif,s'ball flow,

Oh, I can't forget to woo them, Those dear scenes of long ago.

J A.M.aS MURPRV. St. John;&, July, 1910. ,

Sanctumettes. Trade Review, July 7th.

F'IsBRRV Naws.~n the whole the coadition of tlte coasW fishery has slightly improved since last week, and, if suitable weather continues, the voyage may .round out an average one. On the west coast of the Island. from Port au Basques to Lamaline, the catch bas been "cry good fo.r th't w~k; but, from the latter potnt to Bunn, there was nothing doing when the Western coastal boat passed down the other day. In Placentia Bay, and round Cape St. Mary's g-rounds, there bas been good fishing, and both traps and hook· and-line mel1 have done well. At Branch and neighboring places there bas been a good spurt, and fish are teported very plentiful on tb~ grounds. There is fair work being done at St. Mary's and Tre­passey, and,~better work from Portugal Co~ to Cape Race. •

From Cat>t St. Francis north there is a shght• imfrovement io some places, but, al around, the Northern fishery is not healthy· looking to date. How~v~, the fis}lcnnen are not desp;unng, a.s

~'ate years the Northern section Newfoundland does the best of

work on squid bait, which ully appears about the 15th of Ju y.

igb~or wron~ly,\be city re­tail r is u¥-dcr the 1m pression tb~t flout, and,\for that matter, prOVl· aio~ generally, cannot go any big~r th3ll they are quoted at pr~t, and, ·meanwhile .he wiU refrain from booking orders till at le~ the first ot August~ _____ ,

Mv.AT AND THR Riuncov­is t~!medy? says 4n Am­wri ~d replies: Let the

Menthol Plaster it i!> the most effective remedy known fot' Lumbago, Sciatica, Rheumatic Aches and P11ins. Try a uo. & L " Menthol PJastcr the next time you arc suffering from any one of these com­pl:uots and be convinced. 25c. each nt druggil:'ts.


A 8»lendld Tonlo Bu!lds up tho Systom

. '1\'T.ongthona tho / MuGCIQII •

Clwea Now f.lfe t7 aU mMicllle tleol­O.•;e.Cto~O>. Uol!t:.W. ' .. ~-· ~~

- > .....-- ')! '

public eat more bread.lft'sh, vege­tables, ana rr~~ ~t"''f which arc quite as wh~nkas meat(espe· cilfUy during the summer months), and continue to do so until the meat associations and meat t.tu ts can lie bt,pughtto tbcirSt"nses.' It lies largely with the fishmonger to drive the nail home with his customers and potential custom­ers.

Shute, who ·liVt.>S with hi, wi­dowed mother al 39 Ottawa St. is completely overwhelmed by the shock. lie is a slight lad and according to his friends was mak­ing a stiJf batt~ in the hard work about the wharvC!'. • Since -ttle opening of n:H·igation he baa constantly been at work and baa DC\'er appeared of a quarrelsome disposition. He i. a temperate mao, never touchinG" liquor, aod bears a good reputation antong'$l the neighbors. He c:tme to this city' from South Side, llarbor Grace, Newfs>undlaud, about the first of Jauuary. He was the sex­on of the Arigli.ean Church at South Side, Hatbor Grace. Be­side! bis mother, two brothers, Llewellyn and Jack, Uve in this city.

Since his arrest Shute has made a plain statement of his story to the policl! giving all details lead­ing u"f> to the quarrel.

A $AD f;TOil\'. " It is the first time," says the

boy, ''that I gQt into anv kiud of troubre. I hJ•c never· io my life appeared in court, and never

MomtRN Mootts-There ought had any trouble WJ'th the J?Olice. to be food {or reftectiou for New- I do not know what is the tnside foundlandc:ra in this. There is of a Court House and I never no doubt about it, the world is ~o-· spolre to a Ia wyer. lf I am in iug to call for more fish in the un- trouble now, it is because I went mediate future ; but the c:tterers wild and could not stand it any of the goods will have to put them longer. up iu an attractive manner to do "Since the naviga· justite to possible demands or the tion I was wharf business. loading and ships.

Insult to Mother Avengea by Son.

Resenting insults to his motbe's name, Stephen Shute, ao 18-year old longshoreman, attacked an­other worker with :t piece of planking. The wounds resul~d 1n d~tb aud Shute is oow in Cen· station awaiting a trial on the charge of manslaughter. Tbc tleatl man, William Mifler, known about the whan·cs as •• Yank" Miller, was about • twentf·six years of age and was one o the most rugged men around \be docks. He weigb~d 200 pou~~~ and the lad wbo ts oow tn Jail was physically no watch for htm.

Shute was arraigned before Judge Lanctot this morning on the charge of manslaughter. Be was represented by counsel who entered a plea of not guilty. Tbe preliminary hearing will begin on Friday.

Shute s&owcd si~us ot having spent a restless naght and took vet-y litlle interest in the proceed· ings this morning, apparently O\•crwbelmed by the result of 1\is blows.

According to the storr of the prisoner the dead man, s1nce they had been working together, had constantly twitted him ~bout nationality and about his l~ck of strength. Fro!%' jibes the te~ing continued unttl at last Mtller wQuld throw various articles lying about the shed at the priloner, finally striking him· with a dead rat. Even with this Shute took no direct action, but on Saturday morning after finding that jeering and jesting in an ordinary way failed to have any effect Miller referred to the young man's mother in language that could not be misunderstOod.

The prisoner in his statement says that when ~iller made t~e infamous • remarks about has mother he could no Ienger re­strain himself. He grabbed a piece of scantling and "Struck Miller across· the legs, arms and head. Then he threw down '\be board. Miller at once desisted-in

Nerves at High Tension

Slloht extre .uean meene oollep•e­• Restoretlon obtained by uatngOR.

A.W.CHASE'S NERVB FOOD Tbn au.eecaatol men 11nd woOlen ait

ol(eo of ~bC) bigb·aLrung nervous t_ype -keon and aeUvo-but with too UtUo rt'lervo !o~o.

A little Cfrlra worry a:od anxiety 11nd rnap goes tbo :oervoos l)'lll.em.• Weeki and montl}l are ottu required before enern ancl vigor aro regained. R~t belra, 10 doet fresh tlr and

exorclse, but tho blood molt alto be made rich and red by use of Dl'. A. W. Chue '• Nerve Food.

llr. Wm. Bnnt0111 VJetorla St., Strath· roy Ool., writu:~,. nervou.s eystem ~:nea aU UJ~Strung. I could not. aletWt b:ad no appetite, my dlgt'st.ion wu_ poor obd 1 had jt'rkioiJ ot tho ll111bl1. Dr. Cbue'a Nerve Food helped mo a:od I (Qotloned untD I bad takea twenty· foor boset. Tllia trt'atmeDl baa m~do a radteal elwlp in my eoodiUoo, bu1ld· Joe up tho .,-.tem a_nd ttrengt.henln.r "the nervea. " Dr. Cbue't Nerve Food, SO et'ota a box, all dealcra or Edma.o· 1011, Batel 6 ·eo., Toroato.

For many weeks, Miller and I were on the same gang and from the first day he started to abuse me, without the slightest prO\•o­cation. There i$ no kind of abuse that 1 did not stand from him. I was called the lowest and mean­est names, I stood some treacher­ous passing blo"'t· all kinds of obstacleS thrown maliciously in my way and one day my face was mopped with i\ dead rat. What could I do? More than once I felt like jumping nt the fellow and making the light of my life, but what could I do in fighting him with my fists. ~lillcr wa'l about twice my wcl!{ht aud there was no sense in 1t. I had to swallow it in spite ofallthc other men of our gang who were blaming me for enduring !>0 much. "Why don't you g(} at him and give him a goot:Wnc?" they used to say, ''No;Jc of us would stand f9r that m\Jch." But I never fought in my life~ e:..:cept when I was a school boy 11od I was in no shape to face. such a big fellow, and I did not want to be fired as I needed the job. I have to support mv mother and I can't takr any cliances"at idleness.

"Saturday, Miller bad Men ab­usiug me, and 1 suppose he bad rcac~ the limit,'because I went blind wild. 'l'o tb'e best of my memor~·, I was coming in t~ shed w1tb a heavily loaded truck when pa&sing 1-cro s Miller, be started c:tlling me " cod" and many other names and gave me a slap on tlie Deck. I dropped my truck and talcing the first we"f>>n that I could r~ach, a piece or board about two feet in length, two or three inches in width and one inch in tbicknbs, I struck him thrice. The first blow landed onbis back, the second be st~ped with. hi~ right band anll the third hit him at the back of the bead and he fell down. The foreman immediately stepped in and fired me.

"A few minute$ later, wben I walked away with my pay, Miller was unload1ng my tr~ck. It is the last time I saw ham, and I never thought he would die."­Montreal Daily Star, July Sth.

Teachers Convention.

(From Synod Proceeding'$. ) ~r. BlackaJl moved a resol~­

tion in reference to the c.'thlbl· tlons to be held in the fall or tllis year. "Be it resolved that it be recom­

mended to thc...C'Iuv'ch of Eng· land Boards ofEdUealion to grant leave of absence for oue week to such teachers as wish to attend exhibitions, to enable them to do so.,

Mr. P . G. Butler stated that 250 teachers bad written the N. T.~. asking that a Con,·ention be ~Cld this yea.r, and be thought 1t a good opportuni~y to bold !h~ ~n­\'Cntion at the tlii\C of exh1batloos. When the exhibitions will be taking place, there will be lee­lures deliv&ed by experts on Art, Model Schools, \Vomcn's Work (including Domestic Science and needlework), Floriculture, and also a general educational exwbi· tion. The ~.A. bad voted'$400

towarlls the c. pen ·'I of the Con-,·ention. ..., . Rev. J. H. Reed thought the

Superintendent might try to nr­r:tnge with the Government to P.:t)' the expenses of the teacher~. tf tt wa thought thC'!cxhibition would be a benefit to the children. and of this he (:\ir. J~cid) bad his doubt ...

~1r. Blackall's motton was put an.d carried. ·

The Manufacturers Exhibition.

Preparations for the St. John's Manufacturers' Exhibition to he held in the Fall js being encrgeti· cnlly advanced. The promoter were dt;sirou& of holding this ex· bibitiort in one of the rinks at the time the Agricultural Exhibition would be held in the other, and applied to the Goverument for as~ sastance. Some of the Manufac­turers Committee thought the Government showed them a very cold shoulder. If ~ it has ~n its mistake, and oow the two ex­hibitions are lo be beld the ~ame time and near to one another. '="=--

Items of Interest. - Have the bola and (irls COD•

aide red our plano becoming pouea· aecl of a inc four· bladed penknife?

.,.. STAICDAKil WILL io'OLLOW.­Aay aui>Kriber wiahiag to hue bia STAKDA•o aeat to Labrador or tbe French Shoreduriaa=- the &ahiaa=- aea· aon. or to Syclaey. ~ets.:- direct from thla office will. pi~' aead ua hia from·home addrua;

-It is said that Messrs. Baine, Johnstone & Co., will

1 have a

st~er of the Adventure type built in Sc:otlaad in time for next spring's seal fishery.

.. TO LABitADORMEl'l AlCD OTB&RS The STAN~ao from aow to end of 1910for oDIJY01t& c:ent.a with three large-briglit ~ picturn &ood eaou&'h for !rammg-. MaJ' be aeat for tliat money from the office to any addreu at home or abroad, In New­foundland. Labrador or Canada. Add 25 cent .. mort. for poatagea, if to be mailed to the United Statea or Great Britain. STA"lfDARD for one yr:ar, $1. with the s.amepicturee. ]( to the U. S .. or G. B .. add 50 ceata for poatagea.

----·· - -One trap at Northern Bay -had ou Tuesday week 40 qtls. of codfish This is the best c:ttcb reported there up to that date.

~MILE TOPROCtrih: Mt;JlCj;lNJ::.

Wlntleld, OnL Tho W. U.Comatock Co.

Jle11r Sin! :-Am "Ill nit your " Or. ~lur­ae'•lodl•nRootPUla" ln th1tl<><:allty.1 have cuttomen who c:ome :ll milo, tor tbo nko or JlOUlng Mono• a I'IUa .. Thla apl!alul for IUclf a.1 tu their "•lue. l oao tbem In our family wllb" Lhe mOIL aatlt­ractory re•oiU." My wire hu ~o cor· od of "~k·llcadltt:lte bv their nte. Wo could not do without them.

Yourt, e &c., A. K II.Alll'r& I'.

- W cd.nesday week's hailstorm was oot anyway as great at Bay Roberts, Spaniard's Bay and other places as it was here. Trouling parties who were on Ne\v llarbor Barrens th.,atdaysay tbatlhe raiu was but an 6rd10ary shower.

-Sull'!!rcrt from llboumatttm find In· tt.aoL reUol In Tho " D. It L. 'rcnthol Pt.atW!r. Uo auro and get Lhe genuine. made by Davia.~ Lav. renee Co,

-Counterfeit 10, 25 and 55 cent piec:ea are reported all over New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.


-All babla• whoeo mother• do not know about Dr. Chuo'a OlotmeoL aro truly to bo piUed. Thoy are aure to bavo aklo tronblca ot one Jclnd or another auch u chat\ug, lklo lrrltaUoo IK'ald bead! milk rub. or baby ecaema and noth ng oaa .,t>rl~ thorn comfort 110 quickly '"' nr. Chuo't Ointment. Jt 11.0p1 lloblng promptly · and boalt tho 1kln beanllluJ!y.

-The thr_ee_ao_n_a_o_r_w-m. Da V'is of Cartwrigbt, were playing near their home, Uie.,youngeat, a child, of live. when six lll«tumaux dogs owned by Davis came along nod proeeodtd to devour him. He was ltteralty torn iu pieces :and died shortly arter· wards. The rather sh?t the dogs.


nue In the blood 11 polson and caosn palo. Mrs. Tboa. Covert, Uls;hlaoll Orovo Out.. wrlto.r. " .Por yo&ra f tultor· ed with bUiou•n-h tlonl'11eh lroublo and terrible ht!ldac ca. Hav'ln~ mod Dr. Cbuo'a l(tdnoy and Liver 1'111• will aay uubcaltat!oglg that t.hla I• tho moat otroctlvo trea tment obt.alnablo tor ,tbe~o troublu."

- There are too many mea who expect an editor t~ work in def~nce of their pet notions and hobbies, all­vocate th~r views agniast tlse etroogest op"}>Oaition and coolly w!tb hold business support by whtch alone a small newspaper can live ....... Exchallge.

-You cAl"'T ooDor. them!all. ~roqqulloO bite~~, 11nnburo, bruls~•, 1kln hunrlda. Some or thom -will attack •you th111 tea­aon tnro. Hl\·e a Un or Davia Menthol

11\tc on hand. 2.:1 Cl'nta

- -The L~be~are jubilant orer recent trade returns which show that British supremacy jtt the world's trade is unahaken, and they artrut: that tariff rerorm ia not ne­cessary.

.Oa--. 1\1orse's Indian H.oot· Pills.

J)r. Morse's Indian l{oot Pills.

lVlorse's Indian Root Pili~.

Dr. Morse's Indian l~oot Pills.;

~To Save Doctor's Bills, use Or. j"orse's lodlao Root Pills

For Sa'• by all Dealen.

- --1- ~-

TO BOYS AND GJilLS Of all Ages, from 5 tq 100.


For THREE new Yearly Sublc:ribers to the STANDARD, banded in with $1,00 each. or for the Staadard aud MfatreaJ Jo'amUy lleralll or Witness or Daily Star at $1.50 each. 3 lartc colored pictures ac­company the papers.

60 CENTS The same Pen Knife for 4 new subscribers band-• ed in with 60 cents eac:b for th~AMDA•D till

end at 1910; or for 4 new subAcribers to STANDA"RD a . amily Herald or l)aily Star or Weekly Witaea, at $1.00 ea • rcc large.. colored pictures go with this offer also.

A l?air of Scissors will be given as a Premium iustead of the P en Knife, 1f preferred.

This P\'n Knife is not a cheap but a good article, costing us as much as our best prcmiu1n Scis!oOrs so much admired, valued by the maiMlfatturers at a dollar. A cut appears in anothor place. A sample of the Knife may be seen by anyone t!Jat means work.

for Peat Samples.

T~( Jo~n Guy Ter-Ccqtenary Celebratioq CommiH(e have been giver} by the Government a certain amounL of money to be donated as prizes for the best samples of Peat put up in small bricks ready for use as fuel :..nd exhibited a t ilS

I'DUSTRIAL AID ST~PLE PRODUCT EXHIBITIO,. The Committee 'have decided to offer the following p ri7.CS :

1st Prtie: 2nd Prize 3rd Prize:

$25.00. $15.00. $10.00.

Further particulars later on.


The Boy's and pu-rs Friend. How to obta in this reallf tine 4- Bladcd Knife. Sec :uh·ertiscmeut

j n ano~bcr part of tbi~ papcz::

A Successful Ne

Mr. Frank Hope Scot(. H.A-1 of St. Cbads llall, Durbalu, brother of· Mr. J. A. Scott, hlanag~of the Evening Jicra)d, was orda . • od Deacon by His Grace tbc Arc · bishop of York, in his Cathcd l on Trinity Sunday. T.hc . ev. gentleman has been tlppotnted as­sistant Curate at St. 1\l:u-y's Churcb,Sculcoates,Hull.-Hcrald.

(Mr. Scott is a brother-in-law bf Mr. Johb G. Munn of this town. He is a clever yo..ung fellow, and went through his col!ege cour~e ~ith vefl great credit. He as only in btS 22nd year, and would llave been ad,• anced to the diacon­ate a year ago bad be been of age. The STANDAllD voices the good wishes of his many friends for a very successful career in his high and sacred call ing.]

.IEir" The STA'l'<"D.utD will be maiC­ed to any addreas reached by poet in Newfoundland. Labrador or Can­ada from now till the end of Octo­ber for 30 cents. and three be.~uti£,ul large colored pictures will be thrown in free.

-Amou~:,rst the passQngcrs by S. S ln,·cr~lorc the other tlay were the Rev. W. H. Wcb\.er, a Dear's Cove boy " trood" returning to his mission ailrawil­ton Inlet, and Sandwich Bay; Mr Ian Thompson for Battle llarbor, the. guest of Mr. Crouth('r, Mrs. T. Dunn, Mrs. J. Butt, and Mtj>. A. Crocker for Labrador, and trc Rc\·. Mr. Thorne. .

SEND the S'X'AISD,.RD to your friend on,

Labrador, Sydney. or anywhere in Canada. From now to the cad of October, '"ill cost you oaly 30 C£!';TS. to end of vear 40 CENT!!.

STANDAitn and Family Herald or Weekly Witness to end of year Sl.OO; for a year $1.50. Jlili1"' Tbrce Large Colored Pictures F~EE with even· 0~~ •

-YOUR WATCH AS A CoMPAsS. - Let your watch lie flat in"·our hand, with the hour hand pbint­injf towards the suu, and then the poant on the circlO:: balf·w~y ix'­twecn where the hour hand as and XII will' be directly south in the northern hemisphere, and tlin:t't· ly north in the southern. -Dt~Ant,.r:, a almple and agr~blo

pornacto, 1t1ade from Canadian Bear

fh'::~;:~ ~. ~~. roota and make• liDari's LiDlmeDt llSCd bY Physician&. Keep 11Dart's Lilli11ent in toe boose.

. '




Page 3: ·Archibldd Ltd.; · The Standard and the Montreal Fam 1y Herald or Witness fo only S1.50. · Do .You· think ·you will ever miss



• '1 . 1 '


DOLLAR~ I DOLLAR! TO END 1910 DOLLAR l • DOLLAR l DOL~AR l • l • ""''"" __ ._ ........... ~ ................... - ""': ~ .......... ,...,..,

Standard and ·Montreal Family Herald Qr Weekly Witness $1.00 to end 1910. with Three large Colored Pictures " c-~ The two for $1.50 a year. with Three Ia rae Colored P ictures.-<:;: , I

J. A.' Whitman, Merchant Tail or,


Our Fall and Winter Stock of Suilings, Overcoating& and Trou· f>Crint,.~ or all kinds-lnrge!.t and best we ever importc!d now in, amongst them the new aud fash­ionable green sh;:ules.

~lcn~urc Card!; and pal~ns t.npplicd 9n npplication.

~~t JJarbor f.iracr Stan~ari). A Nil


Attempts to Ease Ule Shack· les that neither we · nor our Fathers nor future Generations are able Com­fortably to bearT Why not take them oft P

~· ETUR~ED TO \YORK tN A WEEK •l.r. t>. lo\. Shannon tared or Cal.atrll

by ono ~lacle Treatment of "l'atber Morrisey's


J)nlbou•le, ~.D., No•. 7J, •9011· .PATUIIrt\· :lh!OICIN& co.,LTD.

CUstom work or all kinds exe­cuted al lowest price~ and with despatch. __ G.- '-

Jlor th~~ )NI'II 1 h:wl &UfTrnd from 1 C.t.orrb in the had until Atatc~1 l i)OJ,

"·hen t had to leave my W(lrk, tneo In shin ~tie wills. aClc:r try in)( 4 dtlfcreut to­callcJ catVrb aar~, &tu.l t•-a. dodo111 who claimed there ,. ... 119 c:u~. One sin~o~ t~truent or Father Motri41cy'• prescription eond me aud 1 retur11ed 1.o v.or\; in a ,.-cek. alter trarting 10 like the t~atnaeot, and IIA\"e ntver ~ ao Diu~ u a cold Ia lhe bead tin~.

• . P. bl. SHANNON.

The Gloucester Times of Juae bas an article that a St. John's contemporaly desigoatts as a

Mir"Fi\ Style, and Workrnanship "'-ir Yankee view." We guaranteed. 111 no wish to quarrel with that We hue pl~nty of letteB like thU

· t• d · · "th th p<O\iog pos11.1v~ly that " l'albcr Horrfa..

G U A R 0 I A N dessgna IO';J, nn .caD. JOin~~ e ey•a No. 26" Cocnbilled Tnat.ment hu Yankee 't'tmcs 1n rts WlSb that cured handndt ot c:ua of Catanb the decision "will put an cod to gc:~~crolly aft" oU1~ treatm~uu h*i this lour-standing dispute." Wet J;1iJ~. Why abouldo't it care yoa? la FIRE AND LIFE

~ssurantt ~a'~· IU&:QTBU.J


I · h t th: t th • iustke to yOWKif Kf•-e It a trial . Com-mere Y :WtS 0 say a 0 we blotd Treatment (fible'- and Salve) hope, With our respected Yankee soc. At you.r dealer'•, or from Patbcr conlc01porary that.such a very de- ~ Morrbc:y Mediciae Co., .I,td., Chatham, s irablc issue will result, we have N.B. u not vcry·~h faith that it wi ll. Attempted Burdt.,,_~t The retatton~ between Newfoutt~l- the ~3


land and the United States will j . !.r_::eral OSPlwu. be we trust improved, much im- ~t 1 30 o'clock m Salurda

1\0I'!MIUIUIV 0A.J'JTJJJ .; •.• .L9,000,000 &J ~roved as the result of the Hague N " b. t N g· ;. tt b yd 'fO'I'.t.J rnarr11n ~UP· • , fi d" b t • we . tg u~ .uac.e ear

1u J.;1111 0 , .•••••••.•••••••..• ~.75(1,000 8~ nbunal s ID tags ; u a:' we a mao oo the roof tf]iog to eater u 1111u r ... oov"' ui•w'neoY 31)(l,li008L& ,stated long ago, the Trc.a~y IS an the Hospital. Dr. Arch. Tait was

obsolete one. Even ta •ts most called. rbe1 ea" a man eater a. favorable interpretation ia our in· .&loaet. The doctor forted opeo tfie tcrcsts, the privileges it grants, door, found a tall 1ouog fellow whilst they might b8e been bear- there. search~ hi• pocketa. secured able at the time of its framiac from them 11z buo~es of .k.e1!'· a

N f dl d d Lab ' key to uer1 room 1n the bu1ld1ng.

=z:= __

when e"! ouo u ~0 ra- Tbe fellow threatened to sboot the dor were lto~ttled, arc sntolerable doctor a ad reached for hi a back oow that tb,bc areas are already pocket. The doctor released his comparatimy well-settled and de· bold. tbe fellow made off. Mi .. veloped, aod are coming- increas- Hackett recognized bim a,s a Pia· iogly so. We have oo hesitation centia mao named Sullinn. a late in saying that were "the shoe on priaoaer. transferred t<1 the hoapital the other foot" the United States aome time ago, aod aioce employed would not suffer (or a miaute the u "el.e•ator m11.n •· and later aa a burdc:usome restrictions that the haod 10 the Bruce. Constables

L I. U flqlshlllft · · ' Keefe and Power promptly weot to Ulllatra ,.IU'C" ,.,. Treaty, even ~n tts utm«?St ilia brother·a bouse. secured him, ~ewfo~~ tnterprctatton, n~- and lodrd him in jail. Be Ia au poaesoll'"i"l\rittsh people, to rema1n old offender, the one aent.nced to a

OUR -~QrrO: " Best Qnalitti, -.owest Prices!"

We have all grades ~r. Lumber i.n stock, and ~nl l'eqUI~lDi mater I in that line are asked to tnSpect them and obtain the prices.

On band~ooo feet or s-8 Spruce, siutable for Fencing. The lot i1 offer ed for one month from date nt go ct1. per 100 rect-cbeap and good fencing.

To arrive-a large shipment of all kinds of Lumber. ALL AS DRY AS :UIOit&.

HOUte-P'mishinp (or inside and out­side work. All neatly finished and supplied at short notice.

Seod ua your orders, and receive prompt atenlioo, good m1teriAl and the belt prices.


tmposed on . its people. Our idea year'• impriaoomeot for robbin&" the of a wise statesmaolikc · policy offertory bozea in the R . C. Citbe· would be for the .. two wreat coa- dral at Bel•edere. t racting parties," Great Britain PEAT_A_ND--C-0 ....... -PETE. aod her now fri~odly big daufrh- w

Standard's SnapCompetltion - Prizes Awarded, $1.00, Two Ivory-Hanclled Pen­knives, and 12 Pictures.

The efforts of Masters F. R. Ward, and B., Badcock and Miss Mias Mary Alice Ward were in merits so equal that tbe three judges fouad difficulty in arriv· tog at the conclusion they did. The STANDARD tried to "squa~ up matters" as much as possible, by addiug an additional penknife to the list of prize:.. We also ~rave 4 morepic.tures than we promtsed.

tcr the United Strtes, to meet in Cohference aad modify the Treaty in such a way that we shall have never again· sound ground for complaint over the way our fore­fathers "sold us Cor naught" and put shackles on us that neither we aor our fathers, nor those to come after us, could, can, or will bear without suJferiag. Such au arrangement would no doubt cost the Mother Country somtthing, as the se{tlcment of the "French Shore" question did ; but then look at the enhanced prosperity lhia part of the Empire would eo· j~, look at the harmony, and ex­tension of good feellng, and the abteaceof danger-spots, that would

- - - ------ c __ - - be established between the two Sons of lnilUd Benefit Sliety. great Aoclo Saxon nations,~

4th-Elsie Badeock, for " Please E nter A nd Try.''


.-J Present Memberahip 20,000.

plcs and tongues. Cbimencal, perhaps., this suggestion.' It is a disrrace toCh•iliution an~ Christi· aalty tbat fair settlements arc chimerical. Doubtless some such arrangement wnt ba~e to be come to "ooc of these days," but after bow 'tnucb }¢art-burnings aod sufferinc . -----

5th-George Walsh, for • t People Explain All Things."-[Some

· try to, George.)

"Poll~· Eat A Turnip." (_Polly { ..---~~-..... ~--~-" bad better beware, or llhC W i ll be '-Asaya-NeuraU­onthcdoelor'!lbo.nd!lil tbeturnir l' Ttoil: N ew 1\CMcov ,. 0 " was of tbc size shown at the Bar- Nwvous ExbausdoD bor Grace Agri'fltural Exliibi- l Indig'->stion, Heartburn, Dy~p-tions.J 1

A · later " ~oap" by tbc . arne ~>in nod Constipation result more and, so:newbat rc·a'\!lureR ~s b)· I often from nervous exhaustion

sayin~r: "Polly Eats aud 'farries." than from food. Dieting or pills Thts snap may be coupled with I will nota..-ail. Theonlyremedyl.s

anotber furni$cd by the same iodcfatigablc snapper ~,.of 48 spcci- nen:e rc1Jair. "AsAVA· Nuu-JDcns) which reads thu : •I Pip~ llALL" is nud makeS possible tht5 Eats .Apples 1'crribly." Who cure. ltfeeds the nerves, induce Pips is we do not kiJow. We sleep, quickens the appcnte nnd would say to him or her that }"bile digestion, :and these disorders dis­apple (and in a less dcgrc~ tur- appear. .,.r bottle. Obtain otps) arc wholesome, and wbilc f' ..-an ordinary healthy ~ewfound- from the local agent. laad boy or girl can often accom-plish prodigious feats in apple aod STUPP'S PHAIWAC"i.

tunti p ..ea ti Df with com pletc safe-' '==::;:;::=::;:=::::::::::===::;~ ty, yet the p1tcher that goes often - - -to the wetL111ay at last be oroken. PAN6S AND TORTURES '" -E,·en peop~ llo:u-e usurulll OF A WEAK STOIACH. healthy occnsionn.lly requin some kind of nfood tonic Fer. rovim, that excellent combi. nation of beef, iron aud sherry wine, if taken when the ~lS· tcm is run down from o\·cr. work or a sli~llt cold, will prc,·cnt :1. more sctious illness Fcn-odm gives strength tocon­v:tfcscents and nil thin-blooded people. Sl.OO a bottle

·- - --J We would therefore advise moo· eratioo as lo quantity. It may be, though, that the effect of tc.rrot:. produced on the spectator is clue to the way Pips performs tl]e op­ctatioo. In that case "'e shll ad· vise moderation-in the extrcise­of the facial muscles.)

·• Prince Edward A Temper­ance," will act as a sort of text for a sermon to the Pollies and Pipses in the world; unfo~uoate· ly, however, it is not Engltsh "as she is spoke.''

Our tennis players will be pleas­ed to learn that "Prince Edward Admires Tennis." If the Prince but realited wbat a p1cnS3nt place Harbor Grace is in tbl! summer season, and were he as fTcc to come and go as the ordinary man or means, be would fnvor the town with bi-resencc. Then the llst sna,p -"Prince Edward Arrived Thursday"-would be a record of a welcome event.

"Peal Engaged A Train." lf the Peat meant be the article now beiug- exploited for fuel, the Reid Co. will be pleased to receive it as a prophecy. Allother says :

Peat Enjoyed A Time." P roba­bly Peter ts meant tn both cases, attd the spelling should be P ete.

Prompt Belief and Cure Can be Obtained Through

Dr. Williams Pink Pills.

Indigelttion is a condition in · which the stomltch is more or less unable to dig~t the food. E,·en a liglit case or indigestion mcaas much misery, but when the trou­ble is at its worst the life of the sufferer is ope of constant and acute ruisery. Iodirstioa is re­cogni%cd b~ burototr scasation in th stomach, bloating, aa op­pressive feeling of weicbt, belch· tag wind. pains in the rqioa of tbe heart, often vomitiag and oauaea, and a clread of food for the mi~rr it causes. Dietiac and the uae ol pre-digested fooda may give some relief, but will ac.-er cure iodigcstioa. The work of digestion depeada upoa the blood aad tb.rves, and the only,wa1 lO cur digestion is to so tone up tbe s tomacli that it will do the work that ,rature intended it should do. The very best way to cure a weak strotnach is through a course or Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, These renew the blood, strengthen the nerves aad tju!l gi,·e tone to the stomach, and en­able it to do i ts work with cast­and comfort.

1 '- obJtc>'- are \0 ad vane. tho lut.reat. or EagiC..bmen and Ulelr doecendanll bJ' providing a auro aod cerl&ln mean1of mlltual prok'Gtlon In llmH of eloknea and dlttrON; and t.o lltrengthen tbo bond of union between England and tbe landa bt'T 1001 ban peopled.

Benetl&. aro: ln ()UO of 1lckneu, , medlca.l attendance and a weekly bon• flt. In cueofdeath1$100: dntb of wife sao. dntb ot child between 6 aod lA, su.

intUaUon F- ue unltorDl. Three dollan for all 1.4 .. up to 60.


Summer Number.

6th-Miss C;urie LcDrew, Cupids, for "Pbili p Erected a Tablet."

7th-Mildred E. Ward, 'for " Pad· dy's Efforts Await Trial."

8th-Bertha M. Young, U. Island Cove, for "People Eat Apple Tarts."

9th-AonettaMaklnsoa,Cochranc Dale, for " Papa Eat A Tea.''

lOth-Dorothy White, New Har­bor, for "Peter Envies Allan

"Paul Envelops A Tune." "Praise Egypt and Toronto." Peaccless Enemies Are T)rc-

some. (veryJ One or two more that mightha,•e

been seat but wcru't-" Pretty Euviroameots Attract Tourls~s."

No one suffering rrom indigestion in evea the slightest form should neglect the trouble for an in­stant; to c}n so mt-:tns that it ob· tains c. tir~er bold,..and daily the misery nod ~ufiering i!'l increased, and the cure made more difficult. At the first approach of tbe trou­ble take Dr. Williauls' Pink Pills and il will P.-:Cdily dis.."lppear. TbC<Jc Pills w1ll cure even the mo11t obstinate case of indiges· lion, but naturally it take-; longer to do so. Mr. Philip T.afleur, St. Jerome, Que., says : " After I lert college, where I h:Jd studied bard for four years, I sulfered so much (rom indigestion that I found it difficult tQ earn my living. I was troubled with terrible pains, a bloating feeling and a soreness in tbe jllomach. This led to a loss of appetite and I began to show si~ns of a general breakdown. I lrted ~vera! different trcatrneols without finding an..t_apparcnt re­lief, and my nervous system bad grown so shattered that I couhl not work. A priest who was :a­tcrestcd in me advised m-:. to trl Dr. Williams' Pink ~·tlls and I

In the thirty yean of t&. nhtence, the 8. 0. 11:. B. 8. bu paid to En&lll.hmen or their tamiUca, over one million aqd a quarter dollan ln relief of dJ1treu, or what 11 DC? leN 1.o 11111 polot, t.o prevant dll.,...

The Society bu a low rate but exul· lout .cbeme of lire loaurance.

Partlcularaoan bo bad from mom bore Lodge .. Diamond Jubilee," No. 2M, Har­bor Oraoo.

John W . Oarter, . Sup. Grand Soc., Toronto


JAMES 0. MUNN,. Dealer in Real Estate, Commis·

s ion Agent, Conveyancer, Com. of Sup. Court, Auctioneer, etc.

Harbor Gra~, - Newfoundland.

Dr. A. B. Lehr, Dentist,

203 Water St., ST: JOHN'S, FLO. IUIR'$ "llRBLE W .RIS,

Cabot Bullcl.imr, Water S~et St. .fohn's.

. " (Ettabl.labed l&f7.) \

F uU linea Granite and M~le Bea.datonea, Monuments and Ce~e­t er1 Decoration oow on baqd. 'Oeaigna and eatimalefl on appli~· tton. :&eat workmanship. Low~t prices.




The Newfoundland Quarterly Summer Number is just before us with an interesting table of con­tents, lite~ and artistic. The .first piece is an article by .Arcb­bishQp Howley sbowiog that Shakespeare's prescn~tion ofJoan of Arc, rer.ently "Beatified," she whom we have always re­garded as the heroic, modest and virtuous Maid ol. Orlea~ is a gross mis rcpresetltation of f~cts now universally acknowledged. Judge Prowse is out with his racy Old Colonial Judge's s tories. A. J. McNeilly in Game and Game Fish Preservation and a lmnsla­tion of Tbe leatb sonnet of Cam· oeos, a sweet, sad aod simple re­presentation of the inability of the charming scenery, charmingly described to "glad as io days of yore those eyes of ours now wet with tears ; but in a pretty conceit he owllS their pow, to yield yearniugs for ·• bls bliss. ' The translation s trikes us as being in happy -.cia. We ha\·e enjoyed a bit here and there from tbe ve.rscs io this number con· tributcd b_y R. G. McDonald, F. B. Wood, Dan Carroll, L. Fred. Brown, and W. T . H. Salter, and promise ourselves a pleasant hour with the prose writers, who be­sides those- already named arc J. E. Ray, F. C. Berteau, Rev. M. F. Power, P .P ., a " NewfotJnd­·l~nder,' ' and SF. Jenner. The vi'ews are an at'tracth·e feature of t~is publication, which will repay relldlng, aJJd be a nice " remem­brance'' for abeent friends.

-A German aeronaut say1 ho bas an airship that will carry him fromGermany to America in three d.'lys. Be sayll he has already beca t hre a half aa,. aloft ia it.

Thompson." • 11th- H. M. Lcdrew, Cupids, for

"Peter Elected a Treasurer." F rank"rn,: t.egge.. ( 13 years old)

Heart's COntent, with an assidui­ty worthy or tbe ce.lchratcdBeoja­min F ., sent io four dozen spcci· mens ; but as none of these were on coupons, they could not be put in for competition. We have, how­ever, sent him a picture io rCCQg­nition of his efforts.

What Posltio~ do you Watat? followed ms adv;.ce. n was nt'St long before i.':.ey began to bring

Telo~aphor, J~ngln~r, F.leetrlcl•n me ba~ lo health, aoc.l in the Obomllt, Met:Allartsf•t, SurYOJ'Qr, Na\•1· CO\~i'Se of a couple of months my galor Schooi-Toaelior Draughtaman, Plo.mber Sheet-lolol&l \vorker, nr wbat s tomach was as sound as ever ; not. tiludy ·~ bQmo under tbe Ia torn•· my nervous system strong and

A few-specimens of Master Lcgg's large crFation :

t~~·~~r:;;'!:,~~n::. S:g,O:i :{ ~;:q'!i "ig'orous, and I have since enjoy­Fall. and hundred~ el11ewhore lhrOUifh ed ~he best of health. I owe all lbo falaud, and you will ba\"e a botler this to Dr Williams' Pink Pill" obauoe. .A c:our .. (an:r. ono you want) . · .., tor dlapoul at thf• oOlca al a mueli .for whtch I shall always feel reduced rate. Apply early, u only one. ~atdul."

" Pic Eater.; are Troublesome." [This must be thq complaint of some .Yankee disciple of Escula·

~To ilA.RBOR GR.lC£ AND BAY Sold by all dealers in medicine, PE<>PL£ FRO~ KO!d.e.-You can get or will be aenl by ~1, post pai\1, the STANDARD sent to your nddre11s a\ 50 cents per box, or 11ix boxes to end of year l9l0 for ooly 40 cent II fnr 12.70, by addreesin~ Mesare. T . in 11tnmps or otherwise. Add 30c. MoMurdo & Co., St. John's.

pius.] '

Itching Piles For 27 Yrs.

for postn~e if to the United States or Great Britain, TELEPHONE INST4LLED. The Lake Como Mystery.

• New York, June 23-Tbc Chnr·

Dcapal~d of ever oettlng Nllef until leton murder mystery is solved. cuNI c.amo a,. .. ,.. ago with uee of Portet' Carleton, au American DR. CHASE'S OINTMI!NT.,

h youth of rood family, -sought by Mr. Jo 0 JobniOn, Cawlo7, Alta., the police of two continents, was

WTite~: " yeara ago I was Rred ot blind, it.ebibg pll .. of twnt,Y·IOveu arrested in Hobokc11, N.J., short­yura' •tandlna by UAiur Dr. Obato'e ly before noon to-day as he step­Oiotmont, I utod to think that deat.b p00 fro"b:r-rthc North German

~llld bo tho qol7 rolltt I eould ever Llo.vd liner Princess Irenll. In t ! roan the terdblo mlaery ot pUet. ' Dr. Chase'• Ointment I• worJh. six· less thao au hour be liad confess­

ty dollar~~ a box lnttead of alrl)t cent.. ed without n tremor that in a fit Y11m :1 dl~eut m110 aloee ualog lt. I ot temper he bad beaten his wire om t'orJDiDJJ all the Uate flO" &114 IICYer into insensibility with a mallet, ~niu a day. Words flU tCI tJqlrCII 10.7 jammed her bOdy in a trunk and ~j~1"t:, ~~- Ut~ ::~:0:11!!nP~J!•:! sunk it in the silent wlters of the morh aboot It 111 It de~erve~.. Ally Italian lake. Sue wn.S Mary Scott one doubling tbia C&D WTito dlreot t.o Casfle, of San Frttacisco, a WO· me!.' ' .

Do not aeeept. 1111 lmitallcm or eubltl· mo.o si.'rteen yea~bis seniot, and tuto In place of Dr, Obt-te'• Ollltmeot, the dlvolced wife of Neville H. for tbt'rQ blf yttt to be dbc:overe4 a Castle, a San Francisco lawyer. tnt~tm~n' whleh 10 pro~nptly lriv_oe re- Cbarlcton is only 21, and a son lief from lteWog and 10 thoro'lllfhly of Judge Paul Charlcton, law of-turC!II every tonu of pllet. 60 Ulfte a fi B h:~r, ot all doalel"lf, or Edma010a, Bat. of the u~eau of Insular Af· & ro., Toronto. Write tor a tzee top~ fatrs at Wasbmgton, and a class of Dr. <!hue'• Boelpet. molte of President T~t at Yale.

~ -".I ...

Now that the STANDARD Office is supplied wi(h telephone com­munication with the low11, Rh•er· bt'ad, South Sid~ Carboncar, Freshwater, Victoria Village,and will in a few days. be tbu con­nected with Heart's Content, our customers in these places will of­ten find " the phone " the best way of making t heir requirements known to us.

Flying Machines A few years ~ fl,m.

machines were hardly thoqht of, nor wao

Scott's Emulsion in summer. Now Scott'• f_mal:rion is as much a sum.o met' u a winter remedy.

Science did it. AD Dnoalela

1..- ~ .. ~· ..


· STANJ)ARD'S STANOAIU> circulates widely in be!\l uusiNt·:sc, :wd

1 AMfL\ circles th roughout the coumry. Is a Clean, Readable, Relinble, and I ndcpcndcnt ~apcr.

Advertisers find it pays to usc a pa~r of good reputation. Quality counts.

CIRCULATION Our Job \\T ork Department is under charge of an

experienced competer1t foreman. It has ~lent • reputation-a Rrowing one. Often has-tO work eXt?.\ to fill orders. All sorts of pnntin~ executed neatly, promptly. at reasonable rates.


Business Men-elsewhere more than in .. Ncw· found land-arc increasingly becoming convinced -of the value of having their name and busitess before the Public. Have something the public W'f!l'S or would be the better of. Then the more widely you let such be known the better. One of the REST and cuEAJ EST ways of so doint: is tltrouih the use of your ..-me and business on Du.ineas P-per-Euvel­opes, Letter or Note Paper, Bill >Heads.

RAPIDLY Look, too, at the savinK of time effected through ,

the use of PRINTERS 1~. Five minutes a day saved through letter headings, etc., means 1 soo minutes a year. Business men do not need so much to be reminded of this as the )II..~ house· wife. Then, by the use of printed" oiUcr books, receipt books, and other forms, how many more hours a year will be saved, not to talk of records of transactions kept.

Jarbor ~rate Jtandard - Only $1.00 ye~r prepaid

Bill Heads. Letter and Note Paper Heads, En­velopes, Vi:;iting Cards, Memorial Cards, Notices of Meeting Cards, Receipt Books, 0.-der Books, Counter Checks, etc.

WITH Church, Factories' and Societies' Financial Forms

or othlr requisites. Posters, Dodgers, Circulars, Bags, T~, Tickets, etc.

Montreal Family Herald --OR--

Weekly Witness •

$1.50 YEAR. ..

!12irColored Pictures Free with above Offers on request . . ,

·························~·························: I, · ·cBES:&"EY woons i . . : : · ,. lias the Oldest Established •

: Musical Instrument House; ~ . ~OW EXISTEN'l~ l N NJI\VFOUNDLAND. f f MiY"Nothin!fSboddy kept. :

: PIANO~ A.ND ORGANS i i . From the l!est Manufacturers in the World. · t i Leading Musicia~arc our Patrons. They sho1 d know. f i WRITE US. • i CHE.SLEY WOODS, 14{) Water Street, ST. 30BN'S. ~ : M. SEARLE, Agent Ior Harbor Grace.

.., •..•..••••••.......... ~····················••0. St ... John's Marl)le Works


J\40nUments, Headstones, Tablets and such like Work

can be suited by addressing the .P1·opriclor or" h~ abov(·-. nnmctl ' '({ ork~.

lt:frOutpOt't l~Uct't' o~ enquiry pt·omptly au '\IN·cd, c timal.l•o; of prices and s~yl..:s fnl'l:~hcd, nnd . atis(nclion :u~sm·cd to customers.

J. MciNTYRE, Proptietor.

-. "

Page 4: ·Archibldd Ltd.; · The Standard and the Montreal Fam 1y Herald or Witness fo only S1.50. · Do .You· think ·you will ever miss


The Harbot Grace Standard tUld the Family Herald and Weekly Scar o( Montreal ($2) for $f.!6 (t picture). The Stthdard and Montrea Weekly WiUtess~2) for (r picture). The Standard and the Canadian l,ictorial, monthly. (l2) for (r picture). The Standard and WOJid Wide weekly) $1.75 (1 picture). The Slandard per half-year for so cents (t picture). The Standard per year for fr.oo (r pic­ture). The S~n .rd and a largr pair ofmckt;l.p1ated Scissors, $•·!5· The Standard .and a somewhat slighter pai~ nickel plated Sctssors, The Standard and a half-dozen famed W. H. Rogers Tea Spoons, All an adyance .. .... .. . .. . ....... ..... •....... ....


GENERAL MERCHANTS. -- ~- - - _:::z.;_: __ --~---.,~-- .. ____ ___......... __ , lmporten ol Britiah, American, Canadian, Jo'rench and Getman

Dry IIIIIs. Prewl,lons. 8recerles. Jhlinre.Lu~emre --&XPORT&Rtt Or--

" Codfl)ll. Cod Oil. Cedllfer 011, S~en, Jef1111, ~tl..,.



Batteaux, Webber's Harbor, Orleans and Hawk's. Harbor.

and other ialaad towna, aad aa the celebration laere wlU follow cloaely -the next clay-on the C.pidA one. it wlll be coateraint for thC*C that ~(ather at it to proceed hither aad complete the cetebraUoo.

Western UD1011 'l'elepaph 0o. Goet to BQ Boberta.

It bu beea underatoocl for aome time put tbat Bay Roberta would be the ()lace aelected bJ the Weat· era UDLOD Teletr~ Co.. for the locatioa of ita Ne Ddlud Cable Station. The matter baa been de· &nltely aettled, tbe aeceuary land boarht, coatn.cta let, etc.

lrfr. A. D. Wetmore. the W. U. T.

BIUGUS BBips. An foota.JI match

took placa Jut Thurlday •••illf oa BaUer'• UQ~a. the coat•tlar ta .. Warth-, of Clarke'• Bqcla ud Bripa. Tltey played for .. r. ly aa bouuuacl aertlier aide 111cceed· cd lJa rettl• a pl until ja•t a few minata beJore the time wu up wbea Brig11a rot one thua coming off tictotioua. We cona-ratW.te Mr. Loaia De,.{oe, the captain, on the aucceu. of hia team.

Mr. Fred. Aafl arri•ed on Sat· orday and apen Sunday, peat at Hawthorne.

A foreip •eaael !a wllh arrhed to Mr. J. Biacoc:k on Saturday laat. Aft diaehara-to~ part of the cargo here It proceec!i to Comfort Blrht, Labrador, with the remainder.

Coroner's Verdic' R · d N f dl d C • In Ule Shute Case. e1 ew OUll an Ompany A terdict to the eJfec:t that Will·

iam Miller died aa a result of a blow on the head, adJiliniatered by Stephea Shute, whoae arTest ahould be maiatained, waa returaed by the c:oroaer'aj_ury thla aU.eroooo.

Dr. McTa&'prr. of the morgue, who made the autopar. atated brief· ly the nature o{ the akull wbicla he aaid was the cauae of death, There were al10 slco• of hemorrha(e. which were apparently c:auaed by the wound.

THE S: S. GLENCOE Leaves Placentia every Wednesday for the following

porta:- . Burin, St. Lawrence, Fortune, Grand Bank, Belleoram, St. Jacques, Harbor Breton, ' Hermitage, Pushthrouah, Balena, Rencontre (alternately) Reuben's Harbor, Bamea,


.. FISHING OUTFITS Supplied at all the above Es~blishmeot.s HIGHEST PRICES PAlO for a11 kinds of Produce.

Co'a. Conatructloa Superlateadent, arrbcd in llay Roberta on Moaday, aad ftrk wu bepo tbe aext day. A cable hut ia beior erected. tlae trench ia belar built, ud the cable steamer i upected to arrlte Ia two weeka' ti~ to laad the lhore eod of the c:ablt. Oae cable will rua from Peo~ce. Cornwall, .Enalaad, to Bay · Roberta. aad aaother from Bay Roberta to New Yotk. The whole i1 expected to be In complete working order by NMember.

Mra. W. Dote of, St. Joba'a; ac­companied by her eblklren, arrited here 011 Woaday momlar and In· teada apeadlng the auaamer wltb mother, Mra. Wm. Bartlett.

Mr. Bert Cbowa anhed from Clarke'• Beach oa ~~ ucl Ia reaiatertd at the Cabot botet.

The &rat wltne11 was lobo Mur­ray, 563. City Ball ueoue. 'IODjr· ahoremaa. Be aaid tbc deceaaed'a name wu William Miller, aged 31. and worked " a labt>rer. He came to the cit, on April 3rd lut, but coald aot aay where he came from except trom 10me place Ia the United States. Witneu did oot know any· tbia.r personally about the affray. OQ Suaday he went to deceaaed '1 boardiac b.oue. at 9 Craie Street w.-. aM fooacl bUll Mad la bed.

BurgeoB · GLaPran~ .. ~~~~ternaOo tely) ~

Ouv, ..,IIUUII'I Ve,

l~t Jlarbot @tare ~tanbatb spirit. " Important bistGrical AJI1) events," the founding of the first br. Cbarlea Wblteway of Ma•

p~ Harbor came in on Moaday'a

"Se wu after me aU:tbe time. " wu the anawer Shute rne whea wl'- J, Pare raa ap to him after

Bole.,.,..., Bam\ leJU\d llf. Port au Buquea.

FREIGHT RECEIVED DAILY FOR ABOVE PORTS. ~MIDI 8'1 anno.tcmB. Brili h Colon1, EJnpi~e-buildlag COI"ar a A A.Ut P~ •.•~ ··- Colonial Defeo~ against foreign FRJD,•."v. JULY lS. 1910. invasion-. Harbor Grace has no

desire to moaopoli1e such. E\•ea if abe had the d~ire abe bas ao power. The other: parts of the Island had and hue a perfect right to participate in tb~ae events

Harbor .Grace's AtUtude Guy • Celebration.

Whilat 'llarbor Grace wollld, It roea without U.JID~. ha ejolced ,._ ... ~==--==~-------111!1--~!!111!1!===---~!!!!!1!!!11!!!1!!!!!:! &ad tbi• towal: c a by the Westen& Unloa feel pleuure In c:aarr_atulat our alater-dty on

Reid N e~foundland Company·

ALl. nAv•A RrauT TO JotN. and""" shall ever profoundly re-Tbe Car boa ear correspondent of gret if'tbey do not.

the Daily News ~oes Harbor A. to H&rbor Grace being a•le Grace anCi we tbiak hiJDK!f also to take ita part worthily, that an injustice in the criticiam be matter aced give ao ~!Jcent. bas bestowed oa the attitude of The Celebration( wUl aot o( Harbor Grace as regards the Guy , coune be on suet( ari elaborate celebration. Those taking the scale as if all the ol1ier parts or leading place in the Ce1ebratioa the Bay and Island h!ld joined in hue beea anxious from the out- formally, but all the same it aet to obtaia the CCM)pe.rat~· f will be., thanks to the energy of Cuboaear and sister towns, those haria, the charge or it., STAKDAao bas repeatedlJ dec • thanlcs to the support and sympa·

A . Having a lraowleqe of pro- thy o( outside fricuds, it will be by Ceecliap from the begiaaing,~ we far ~e grandest and most attrac· know whereof we affirm. As our tive Celebration t~wa bas ever readers are a'tWare. lt was 9-e-Jiis- witaeued, seco~ to few the torical Society of .Har~r Gtace Island ba.s ever bad part iu. that fint IIIO'fed in the ~q,ifter of a celdwatiOil here. At the outset The Guy Ter·Cen~ Cel· it waa felt that particularly be· ebration. auae of Carboaear being 80 inti-mately coaaected with the Guy Colony, aDd with the a-allant de- Preparatioaa en traia-Filllda am· feac:ea or Carboaear falaad, her Ouot to OYer $1700-More expected partic:ipatioa Ia what the News' Aay attrplua to be ptat bato Hoa-earboaear corresp»Ddeat agrees pital Fud-8aaa:aaf111 celtbra· with ua iD desipatiag as "an im· tlon uaured-Leadinr featarea : ~t historical event," was IJiduatrial Exhibition. Harbor molt &ttiaa and . most desi~ble, Torchlight Parade. Two Rept· aad nery disposition was mani- tu. Jo'lreworka, Sporb. likely fiete4 to give her an honored Sham Attack on Cuboaear Ial&Dd .aa4 equal if aot superior place to . Harbor Grace itself. At a very -Bac Crowda upeOecl. early •taa'e ia the movement the The.Hattaor Grace Gay ~xeeutlYe matter was brought ul!t and it was Commattee aad ~e nnoua aub-

.zderecl bw the ma ority that a committeea had a JOint meeting oa CODaa • .~ • • J , Monday night laat. The proc:Oed­formal wntten anvatatio~ m&Jht 11aga aboweci. the preparatfo..., for be r~ed as a sort of dactati~a; 1 the combar "l'er•Centenary celebra­eo it was left to the leading tion are prorreaaing aati&IKtorilJ. apirita of the organization to com· I The " siaewa of war" hu attalaed mualcate to the citizens of Carbo- the sum of oYer $1700: and whea aear the anxiety of Harbor Grace I the aubacriptioaa are ~1 ia, ample U,at C1lrboaear should join with for ~1 parpoac;a requtred will be bar in the affair. This they' did, proYided. Cltiaens ud outal~e

ber l[oOcl fortune, parti~alarly aioce abe la oar alater-dty, wboae JK'OI­perity aboald be dear to u1 if ouly becaaae wlaat promote• her rood adnnc:e. oura.

Tbe Ray Roberta people are to be CIOIIIr&tal&~ oa the anc:ceu which baa uteDde'd their --'rOfl to ret tbla a-reat company to plant Ita ab· tion la their towJL TlleJ were fa•· ored with po11eaalor a commodioua allcl otbenriale aaltable locatio. for the laybar of the eeteral cablu needed i btat the uefJf aad aater­priae uuS ptablic apirlt that di•· played theee &dtaa~ aad otlu=a are worthy of hifh praiee aod lml· tatioo. Partical&r credit for thl• maat be gha, aad ia freely allcl gratefully IiteD b.r_the Bay Roberta people. to llr. C. 11:. RaMell of the Gu~tdlaa. He exerted himaelf to Uae utmoet to iaterest the delera· tioo ia :Bay Roberta. la lho..nar them aroaad, ba laariq' a c:o81alit· tee of the dtiseu appoilated, ud la aumetona other wa~ llr. R....U worked Uke a 'rrOju aDd rot a Roman'• triumph.

Dr. Pritcbarcl'l !101111 Bumecl tO the GroaDd.

We R~TCt to h.r of the bar.lJa& to the groaad at 1 p.m. 011 Wedaea­claJ of tile reaideace of Dr. Prit· cnnt at Bay Roberta. Dearly all ita coatcata. It was oa'&.: atraDOU ekta of U. ci that Pftftatecl a mat ~ o1 tile towa beilll' deatsoyed. Tbe fire orirloated la tile l&qtory where a crematory Ia uecL Tbe Dr. ud lira. Pritchard bad only left the boaae lor Spaniard'• Bay tweaty mbautea befOre. Tlae lloate wu owaed by Kra. Taylor, aad tlloiwb it and Ita coateata are aa1d to Ia~ beea inaared for $1500.00, tbe lou of oae'• boai!P aad bouaebold KOOCI• are hard, iad\ed lmpouible. to re­place.

At a meeting of gentlemen callect at per lut week'• aanoancemeot. to for~d arr&Dg'ementa for tbe propoatd Tennia Club, it waa de· clded to make tbe memberabip fee for gentlemen $1.00 : the la4iea baY· iq already bed their f~ at 50 casta each. __ Jt waa al80 thought well to mue aome &rr~U~pmeDt whereby members would be able to get their bata at a leuned Gte. Mr. Hunt waa aaked and agreed to act u treaaarer, aad Mr. A. G. MIIIUl with Mr. E. Oke waa ap­pointed to aee to the matter of get. tiD( the namea of any rentlemaa that would.. like to join lhe dub. Amonpt tboae1that will add their oamea wlll no doubt be aome of the Direct Cable Co'a. aWf expected next mootb.

i th bel. · friend• need haYe ao fear that thear a such a WaJ. •Y . tev~ aa donatiQDI wiU not be needed or will •

was best fi~ to effect ata ObJect. be miupeot. Good tnaatworthy • aad ~vtace • t~e. ~pte. of men are at the head of atf&in tlaat


Carbonear that thear JOtDUlg wtth will not permit aquanderuag. All Harbor Grace in the celebration money• not required for a worthy would be greeted with great satis- celebration of the occaaldp will be faction. Tbe:t would be pained to pat Into the Guy Hoapltal Fuod. think that uy stone was left ua• Therefore ri,.. fr~y an~ liberally. turned .!zD Sbeir part to attain a ~h;u~~~~~tioo hate wsll ahortly moat d~f!-6le end. The program u ouUined before

This sptrit, 110 • far as. we have ia our columna ha8 with one exeep­bad means of- dtscoYerusg, baa tioa practically been decided opon. beea maa.if~ted all . thrQugbout, That exception la the matter of the pd we a~l to the aulller011s preaence of the ~ret warahlp• d~ leading catisens of Carboaear to alderated. Owior to obatadea that bear us out ia *hat-we have said. the committee foud' impoeaible ~

/' We have both privately and pub- aurmouat, the ~nee of one WJU I . tel · •• .a • L be all t~t caa ~_,bly be aecured.

bay VOtt.A:U our owa ~atimeaus There ia e~ry likelihood that t1ie aad those of the Commtttee. !ea. aqotiatioaa now in prograa will Harbor Grace bas been aaxaous reaalt in H. )of. S. Brilliant betag throughout tba.t Carbonear and on the eceae. whea the abaal battle other to'W1l8 should joiu with her, wiU ta.lre place. The~ wiU

• not- for aay selfish reason, we be- be an attraetlte one. Au duatrial lieve but out of a desire to make exhibition at which Ye maaa· the ~ebralion worthy of what faetured gooda. from St. John'a and Carboaear correspondent agrees ont~rts.. iacladiag ~lh produ~ wi tb 111 in recogailiag as an • • im- wit be d11played durtag tbe. three

...__t h' to • 1_ t." daJI of tbe celebration. It 11 not po....... aa nca .... en expected that aay one hall i11 to"ll

We should regret UJOSt prouad- will a.ccommoclate all that wUl be l,y' if Carbonear or any of our sis- diaplayed. • ter tOWllS, or any part of the Beafdea Harbor Grace exhibitors, Island should elect to let Elaroor a number of tbe leading maoufac· Grace, Cupids aad Bristol's Hope turera of ~t. l~hn '1 and .the o.ut­" go it alone" as tb,e correspon· porta hue •IJ.'!Ified tbelr mtention dent advises. Their CQ-Operation to send e~l11b1ta. The Lake• or

at this stage would be wei- Fortune w11l be repreaeoted with even wood and fishq;y produeta, Grand eomed, and they or any o~ them F'alla will send i6a exhibit. the Reid have oaly tn bold a meetillJ of NOd. Co. and many other• will. It their citizens, and desire to ).O~ ia upected. do the Several wbea tbeir right to 'do 80 '\trilllte bue aeot hluad10me donations. recopiled, tb~r assisJ.aace we f.., A regatta at Briatol'a Hope where comed, their help found helpful, hlatorie alghta aucb u Guier'• aad au honored place accorded oc.k, etc., can be aeeu, a regatta at them in what we have tiaie and d7. Lake. a torchlight parade on

• I h ceJ b ti \harbor, fire WOrn cfllplay, ~pta . put 10rt as a e ra 00 1~rta of 'f&rioua kind., etc., etc., ta whtcb they should one and :a.l rep tathe ruard• from the C. take part. c. , and other bri(&dea. The

But whether they do or do not bri ea would come sa- force b11t take a formal-part, we have every for e lateneu of the date for their delrire and great confidence that oatio . "':'-, they will t:Uce a real parL Awa7 A ery large io8ax of vi•ltora witb that "listless and apathetic from i8'~~t part3a of the leland spirit" that the correspondent and o lssde ~expected, and U·

seems t? think ~ot ~ut of place. ~~~:~P':J:;;:=~U~n~ ~~~ away wath. that atJly Jealousy ~hat celleac and other notabl• ._re U· finds vent an sucti phases as • an pected to grace the pfoceedlnp adjunct of Harbor Grace I" M with tttelr preaence. The Reld for w.11nd the citizens of HarbOr NOd. COt are heartlly ~~liar Crace worthy of the name, with to con• nsitora at reduc'Ca fares all our fault& w~ have a broader from o ide nta, from St. John'•

Through the kindoeaa of Mr. Go­thorpe. who Ia bimlelf by the way a loftl' of the r._me.. a place for a co•rt on lhe JUclley ground• baa beea placed at the diapoaal of the club. a ra,-or tlfat 11 hta-hly appre­ciated by the ladiea aad geotl.ulen intereated in lhe pme. Tennia we look upon u a that will f-. niah JUit u much pleuant and healthful uerciae aa a person do­airu to (tt out ofit. gentle or more strenuous. aod one ill which there it room for any amount of lkill, not to apeak of opportuoltiea of aocial ptheringa. Thla club ia a publle one, opeu to uy that care to join.

-Though our cricket and foot­ball club• a~ buing raightly prac:· tice at the park ao match hal yet taken place u:cept the one oa the occuioa of the Bell Island ucar· sioo. A c:rieket match with a Bay Roberta team would hate been ar· raapcl tbla week bat for the ab­aeoee of ao maay of our beat players at the Ardrlbald Brothers' Plcaie. We trust it will take place aext week. The beat part of the aeuoa will 1000 be roue. Carbonear, Heart's 'Content and Bay Roberti hue, we anderatand, only to ~ aaked to play to arrange a match. It ia time for both footballera and cricketcn to put on a .. huaUe."

-14r. W. Warren bas built a aew boat. modelled on the llaes of the whale boa.b uaed at the reptta here. Mr. Warren inteuda putUar bia boat into lhe regatta thla lA· 100.





pettt of lira. G. Pomeroy. 1tllill4. ••Ptrin· train uuS Ia apeadlq a few daJij ..-YOUB GBOOD 11&8 'lDII.

Mluea Em .. and BIUc:be Bart- teaaeat of the AUaa LiM. aald be lett. who bad beea apeadiq the wu CIOIDilll' tbfOII&'h tbe lhed In week ead at St. Joha'a, retal'lied by CIOIDpaajwfth llr. Pare ud he U.l"f Moada7'1 train. trollble 'hetweea two men.

A apeeial train came Ia oa Tae. .. What did yoa hit him for ?" da7 eftoing at tea o'clock wiOa the uked witae• of Shute at the time SIWilrock ucanioailtl. who aum· "Well,thia mu baa •a aagflng berecl aboat oae bu~ A claace me for a week or more. I am a wu Mid iut after la St. Patrick'• Newfoaadlan4er ud be wu alway• BaU a.r wu hft aap uatil tile pokiar faa at me," was the reply of ..... eaaa' boun. PoWer'• Baad Sbate. fllflliahlac tile iaaale. They re. When Mr. RbhulAw Miller to be turaed to St. JobD'I by a apedal ilf bad abape he called the ambu· traJa Wedllee4a.7 eTeallll'· lance. ,

WeciMada7 aftenaooa aporta were --- --JteW Ia BatJer'f rar. whea football A NOTABLE PICNIC. ... cricket aatdaee were played behNea the c,!¥.~ lkjpa te.ama. tie fonDer -.1 • Ice cream and otller refnabaaeata were aold on the leld. A .. mber of ·~ton wne praeat aad a moat njoyable time WUipeDL

TlaO membera of tlle Teaaia Club 111ft a coacert ia S! Patrick'• Hall Wedaeaday alltbt. the proceecla to defray aome of the upeaaa ia· curred in COilllecti~ with the clab. A aplendid ~mme wu flten, all doiDr their part. well. aa waa etideoeed by tbe applauae of the maay rialtora prheaa.

Mra. Muud, Miu Manoel of Ex­ploit. ancl.- -three Mluea Croebie. who came for tbe holiday w~ da7, left for Bt.y Roberta to-clay.

Dr. Shukel weat to the city on eYeolaf,' retaralll( b7 Thursday• train a.ccompaaiecl by Mlu Ruth Shalllrel of Non ScotlL

CoUUPONDE!IT. Bria-ua. July Hth, 1910.


Mra. R. J. Smith went to Bay Roberta oa Monday morning · aid retaroeJ the •me day.

Mr. Bamoellrillaey who hu been teaching at Chauel the put winter to hi• home here oa Saturday, alao Mr. Frank Rowe who baa been teachlag at: Lewlapofta.

Capt. A. Smith weqt to St. John '• John • by Moaday'a traia oa a buai­neaa trip. ud returaed. on Thurs­day.

Miu Beaase Norman went to Bay Roberta oa Saturday, to apead Suo­day with aer maay friend• there.

Re•. T. B. James. who hill been Put.or of the Yethocllat Church here for tbe put four yeara, p•e hi• farewell aermon oo Sunday. Be lhortlyleatea for .Ellie too, T .B.

We wiab Mr. and Mra. Jamea etery auceeaa ia their new circuit.

CoRllUPOtrDENT. Cuplda, July 14th. 1910.

-The Archibald Brothera' picnic,

referred to ln laat iaaue, waa held thia week. Oa Tuuclay the party, conalatinr of the etDployera and their male employeea to the uumber or about &fty, foregathered at the Factory, whence they proceeded to the Railway Station, where quite a number of friend• had auembled to aee them off. and to aead them otf with hearty ~lleera. A tlat car too'k aH their furgare. pro•iliou .. Oth!Br uiaftea for haYiD( a " feD• eral time'' that lad been pro­•id by tile Meura. Archibald on a moat elaborate and lnilh acale. wbil1t the plcllleken beltowed themaeltea in the puaeorer can. Arrlftd at ~clletoo, the party asarched to their camplor ground, about four mileao8', between Tickle Poad ud Island Pond. an ideal apot for their obje~t. whllat Mr. Jqrdan Sheppard auperiateuded the arrugementa to con•ey by wheela to the Ame flace their teot.a. boata aad the 100 other thiop that con· atituted the oalfit. Six~tenta were erecact for comfort :uad coa•enieoce, beafdes the luger marcfuee. com· modioua uough and deslped to aeat Uae whole compan;r at tbe meal• to be enjoyed dar1og their four day'• outing with appetitea that oalyyouth aitd llle in the open caa ldte. IJito' the detail• that made up tKe ·:good time" that they had, •pace wtU aot let 111 enter. but they c:aa be i&n&floed, aod wiU furniah pleau.ot lifeloug memoriea.

The w~er throughout their atay was deH(htfal, and nigh as 20od u could be deaired, and lbe lteu.ra Archibald had with libetali­tJ aad forethoueht ma,e eYery pro­Yialon tbey could think of to gin eajoyment to tbemaehes and the rcat of tbe company, whieb included aa raeata Mr. R. T. Pa.raoas and Mr. L. Whitman, the former or whom took 10me very fine pboto­gtaplu of acenery. etc.

. Tbe retam to town will be made b7. to-airht'a traio.

The party hue thoroughly eajoy· ed themsel•ea. and the Meaara Ar· ciibald feel more tban repaid for labor and e.xpenae they bate un­dergone, which taking into account the~· for the holiday week tba,t will atill ran on, will mount iDto a ••m little if aoyleas than five hu!'· dred or 1i.x hundred dollara. It w)ll be the tam of the female employeea to hue their outing later on.

' It ia pleasing to the Preu tore· c:ord thi• nldence of the cordia~ re­lations eristiag between this eater· prislog company and thOle uao­clated with them in £he work of buildinJ!' •P • large and ftoarilhio busiaeu. and of contributinr ill DO email meaaure to tbe proaperity of Harbor Grace.

lst r.lillt'alll11b • •· -Tilill aaa pt cnclit for work·

lor hard. tJaoaila eGIM of theluiat mea we lalow are thlo. Atchlaoa Globe. . ------ llaaten Gerald Strapp and Willie Jeaea left bJ Sat11rday'a early trata for AYOaclale oa a n1lt to Dr. 1onea.

-The eleaneilfi)wn in the world i• aaid to be Broek. io Holland. The inhabllaota, who are mostly peaaaota, keep their bousea fruhly painted, their gardena jn perlect onler and their Jlrda an• atrata aa tidy u po11ible. The town baa been lamoua for ita cleanllaeu from time. immemoriaL ----Mti'A•D' Lr~tuuutTOo. Ln•f,.ao. OonUomon,-Lut Aua:uat my borM wu blldl:p: ou& In elo"n pr&c• by a ~bed wtn foq- Three ot tho cue., (emaU on•) b•ted 1100n, but thootbore belamo foul aod rou.n, aod though I trJed many ldnda of medlolna they bid ao liene11clal ronlL A& lul a dooior achiMd ma to uao MnJAADO LJ!ftKalfT aod ln tour weolu' Umo nery .ore wu hu.lod 11nd tho hair bu .,.owu over each ooe Ia nne oondiUon. The UnJment Ia corlalnly wondortulln IC. workJog.

JOJT!f R. lfOLUJ:!f. WilD- Perry Baker.

- At au iate"iew wilb Preaideot Reid lately had by the News, it was stated t]Jat 33 miles of the huclc on the Bq~· eta Branch bad been compte and that the -company are oow b log locomoti•ea. care, etc.. aod wi extend their work· abor• 10 u to be able to undertake stil greater worka.

-The 12·year-old 10n of Sergt. Cox wu killed at Bell Island on Wedneaday thra' falling off an ore ear be wu riding on. II t..b.ere oo way to prueat these fll~accl· denta ?

- LI J>.£ lNSUitAl~CE B~tN.£SS in Canada and the U.S. l~t 1.ear was g-ood according to •• Th~1fe In sur· ance Preaa" a copy o( a special ed.l· tion we hereby ncknowled~ T t.Y• re•iv:ll i1 a sign of better tubes. and of the growtli of coo6dencc tn the tnsur:u~ce companies greatly aha\· tered by the revelation• of four o(\ five yeara ago. It is to be hoped the regulations the Govern menta of the two countries abotc·named ha1e established tog"ether with the more iotelligeot intereat and part the policy holden teet; awaked up to take in the proper management or the compaoiea will reaalt iD aacb careful 1!Dd straightforward man· ag'Cment that "acares'' will DOt OC• cur again, which Cl.aae manyiooo­ce.ot policy-bolder• to loae their head• &Ad their ia'VCitmenta at the liame time. The tnaur:u~ce P~e11 lllJDmari~ laat year'a situation as fOllow•:

- There Ia of late 10 partieulat ~ mach c:omiar CUd (Oi.q- to aad fro tb1a old town that It ia difBclllt to keep "the ran'' of it alL Amoapt thoae that haft bec.a in_towu lately baYe beea former lbf1)or Gradan1 Yr. J. J. Marpby, of the Reid Ntld. Co •• St. John'a, tlae Rev. 1. Lynch, P.P .• Nortbera Bay. the Rev. Scully P.l> .. KUar'• Cote. and Nlu Tobia, Principal of the R. c. Bleb &hoot of the town (that hu by the by flten Harbor Crace and 10 other aootbero towns aome of their moat P!'QIIIlilent citi&en•). aa al10 Dr Ctoa Of Hermltace and ltfi11 Grace, daurbter of Mr. )ohn Trapnell, the Rev. Dr. Phelan of Nbrth Riter, the Boo. J . B. A1re aad Miu A7re. Mr. ], DaYey of tJt, Joho'a. Mr. A. M. R~ of Gault Broa.. Moatftal, MIM'fu.bella.Lemeuurier, and Mlu Loc:kward, :or Clemeatport. N.B. peata of Caaoa ud Mra. Noel or the Jiledort. . .I

Claim• and beaefib approJtimat­ing the eoormoua amount of $531,· 500,000 paid by compuiea ud uao­ciation• in the Uuited :statu aad aaoadL 3usiaeu began to return to ita 110rmal conditione. Paymenta for death claim• and matored en· dowmeata increaaed in all of the States : ratio of payment• for aur-

-Meura. ~ Churchill and John rendered policiea decreaaed ; la~ DaYeJ are illltown oa baaiaeu con· ratio decreaaed-ditidend apportion­aected with the aew GontDmeat meat for peyment in 19LO iacreued

a......,.. · [ "' .. ,m ... •• 4ollan. I ·

--8oiDe boa.ta had a lltUe &lh thi11 morailll', aacl to judce from what was eoiCl la the market fair catcbea were taken by the trapa and boata.

-Capt. Tucker, of the brigt. Cle· mentlne. came from St. loha'a by Wedneaday 's train. Tbe Clemen­tine made the rua up {rom Barbado!l to St. lobo'• 1n 20 daya.

MaaterGra.nt Pater10n came from St. John ·a by Jut night ·a train. and will remaJn here for a week. Grant goes t.o Glugow in ~Septem· ber to attend acbool.

tr-AcctPT AT 0Nct.-0ne year'a STANDARD and a Libnu•y in the lhape of Web ter·a lateat loterna· tional Dlctionary-$L4 wortb-for only $11, freight free.

-John SuJUnn. Esq .• J .P., lo· spector General of P olice. w.11 in town on Tuesday. Bit visit wa11 connected with the taking o"er or the Police quarters in the new Cov­erameot Building on Bannerman Street.

-Mr. W. 1. Janes. manager of H. G. Boot & Shoe Factory, lelt here by Saturday'• train, en route for Boaton, on a basineu trip to the leather markets of Mauacbu~etta. Mr. lanea was accompanied by hi• 100 Leroy. Mr. Jaoea will be ab­sent for tome three weeki.

- The sight of the real fight mu1t have been •err!'. aod in· deed degrading : bat the exhibition of tbe apectacle oo canvaas. in cold blood, 10 to speak, i11 brutal on the part of the eXhibitors and brubllz· 1og in tbe case of the spectators. It should be di6CIOuntenaneed. a rd. ir po11ible prohibited in this country.

-CtRCUIT CoURT U S O£R SEW SYST£w • ..,..(n•tea<\_ of despatching the cruiser Fiona as heretofore the idea will be to utilise the c:ci,ting railll»d aod 1teamboat service&. wl)kh now touch every point of im­portance around the seaboard, and 110 frequently as j o mal.-e it feasible for the jud/:'.:1 to avail of them with· out impainng the efficiency of the circu1t; lichedule.-Chronicle.

[This will, '*e ba.e lilUc doubt prove to be a. cheaper ancS in etery way better ayatem.)

-The Premier and L:uly Morris are expected to be in Bristol on the 3rd. and 4th. of Augu•t. the gueata · of the Lord Mayor. The cbiei ob~ ject of Sir Edward's visi t i1 to di• cu11 the queation of direct atea communication between Newf<1uncf. land and Briatol-a moat deairable thiog ; but we truat S ir Edward will " aay a good word'' for the Guy Celebration and the Guy Hospital, and bring out with him 110me of tbe BriatoUaos to join ia .tLe proceed· inp here :uad at Cupids. lt seems regrettable, and indeed acarcely tbe corTeet tbing t~t • Bristol should donate a Tablet memorial of the of the exploit. of her famous citizen the Colonia:er. aad yet the city and cititena ha•e no reprcacnlative at, ita unveiling , and at the elabornle fnnctiona with whlcll old Briatbj's Hope. (Harbor Grace) and. the pre­.ent Briatol'a Hope (nee ruosquuo). and we ttust other to"•ns are to honor the ~reat event, which. as the Briatol Daijy 'l'lmes says. was truly one of Eml'\re building,

liwfs LinlleAt net bv Physicians.



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