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Are Tattoos A Graven Image?

Page 2: Are Tattoos a Graven Image - Blood Sacrifice?

Selah 1


Keeping Yah Veh’s commandments is a prerequisite of being

transformed into his image, as the Ruach HaKodesh pours out

upon you heavenly oil, light, fire, and power! It is sad that the

younger generations do not even know the 10 commandments!

The ten commandments given on Mount Sinai, shine forth a

new also in the New Testament. Yah Veh reveals his heart to

you through his commandments! He has personally shown

you what moves his heart, and what pleases him. In fulfilling

his requests, you bring great joy to his heart, and he fills your

heart with his peace (shalom), and happiness. As you journey

through this book you will be reflecting on what pleases Yah

Veh, and asked to walk in the call of love to keep his holy


Quote from Five Wise Virgins Oil to Fill Their Lamps “The wise

virgin is fully aware of the enemy’s end time battle. And that the

dragon is angry with the woman, and went to make war with the

rest of her offspring, on those who keep the commandments of

Yah Veh. (Revelation 12:7) The enemy knowing his time is short,

is determined to achieve his objective at all costs. He is

determined to make us disregard the commandments of Yah

Veh. For whoever ceases to keep the commandments of Yah Veh

draws away from the dominion of Yah Veh and enters the

enemy’s territory! The wise virgin belongs to Yah Veh and keeps

his commandments, and does not abide under the lawless one,

who adherents to dissolve his commandments. She knows that

he who does not keep the commandments despises Yah Veh.

She also knows to keep the commandments of Yah Shua, to lose

one’s life, deny oneself, love one’s enemies, and so on .. as

completely binding. Yah Veh’s commandments, show us how to

attain happiness, and that is by loving him, our family, and our

neighbor. All the commandments are either a call to love or a

strict warning against actions contrary to love, such as murder,


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theft, adultery, and slander. The commandments are intended to

keep us from sinning against Yah Veh’s love.”

“My righteousness justness is near; my salvation is gone forth,

and mine arms shall judge the people; the isles islands shall

wait upon await me, and on mine arm shall they trust wait. Lift

up your eyes to the heavens, and look upon the earth beneath:

for the heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth

shall wax old wear out like a garment clothes, and they that

dwell settle therein shall die in like manner as stingers: but my

salvation shall be for ever eternal, and my righteousness

justness shall not be abolished broken down. Hearken unto

me, ye that know righteousness justness, the people in whose

heart is my Torah; fear awe not the reproach of men, neither be

ye afraid terrify of their reviling. For the moth shall eat them up

like a garment clothes, and the worm moth shall eat them like

wool: but my righteousness justness shall be for ever eternal,

and my salvation from generation to generation.” Isaiah 51:5-8

Yah Shua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ) taught that whoever breaks

one of the these least of the commandments, and teaches

mankind to break them, shall be called the least in the kingdom

of heaven. But whoever does the commandments and teaches

others to do them, shall be called great in the kingdom of

heaven. “For I say unto you, that except your righteousness

shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye

shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven."

"Think Presume not that I am come to destroy disintegrate the

law Torah, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy

disintegrate, but rather to fulfill/shalam. For verily I say Amen!

I word unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot iota or one

tittle shall in no wise never no way pass from the law Torah, till

all be fulfilled/shalamed becometh. So Whosoever therefore

shall break release one of these least commandments misvoth,

and shall teach men so doctrinated humanity thus, he shall be

called the least in the kingdom sovereigndom of heaven the

heavens: but whosoever shall do and teach doctrinated them,

the same shall be called great mega in the kingdom


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sovereigndom of heaven the heavens. For I say word unto

you, That except unless your righteousness justness shall

exceed the righteousness super abound much more of than

the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case no way enter into

the kingdom sovereigndom of heaven the heavens." Matthew


Selah 2


We are to cast down prideful imaginations and every vain thought

that exalts itself against the knowledge of Yah Veh (God). Pride

stops people from knowing Yah Veh. The devil’s sin is pride,

thinking that he knows more than God. Pride leads to rebellion.

Many people think that they do not have to listen to anyone!


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Yah Veh is unlimited in his knowledge, and power, there are

so many things we can learn from him, if we would only listen.

The Pharisees made a huge mistake in putting religious tradition

before honoring YHVH, and calling the use of his name blasphemy,

as they accused Yah Shua of blasphemy for speaking YHVH’S

name. This is the spirit of the Anti-Christ! This is the sin of spiritual

pride, and must be repented of, and cleansed by the blood of the

slain Lamb of Elohim (God), Yah Shua of Nazareth. The Pharisees are

alive and well today they are in every Synagogue and Church,

many have the spirit of religious pride, and arrogance. The Christian

churches also have been operating under the Spirit of the Anti-Christ

when they get angry at those who worship God Hebraic

names. The end time battle is over who you will worship, will you

worship Yah Veh or Satan? I have conducted meetings with both

Messianic and Christian believers in the same place. Yah Veh was so

pleased with them coming together, the angels came to sing with us,

and the Body of Christ, was filled with the outpouring of the Ruach

HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) everybody in the meeting started operating in

their gifts and callings.

God Yah Veh gave his covenant names to the patriarchs. Those

names are backed up by his covenants. Do not disregard his

covenants, or his names. Each and every name is holy, and

is to be completely honored and esteemed! If you love God

then you will greatly value his attributes. Pentecost took place

because they were in one accord. They were of one mind and

heart, offering up praises to Yah Veh, for the resurrection of his

beloved Son. As you journey on to know God deeper, come

into the oneness of his name.

If you were to look up in the dictionary the meaning of god/God

you will find various definitions which vary in meaning pertaining to

“A man of great beauty”, to a spiritual being of supernatural

powers, believed in and worshiped by mankind, or “A being

conceived as perfect, omnipotent, omniscient, originator and ruler

of the universe, the principal object of faith and worship in

monotheistic religions.” Definition from the Second College Edition

The American Heritage Dictionary. The use of the word “God” is

a supernatural being, this is not his covenant name. Everyone


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has a mother and father, and may have a son or daughter, or

a husband and a wife. As you call them by these definitions,

you are still not calling them by their personal name. You would

not give the birth name to your son as son, nor would you give

the birth name of your daughter as daughter! No you name them

by a personal name, such as Sarah, Rachel, Leah, Yah Shua,

Benjamin, ect… God also has given his covenant names to the

children of Israel, he can be called God because he is a supernatural

being, but he prefers to be called upon by his covenant names.

His covenant names go into more detail about who he is, and what

he does.

PRAYER: O’ King Sovereign Yah Veh Sabaoth hear our

repentance, your chosen people and your Church are deeply

afflicted by their arrogance, hypocrisy, pride, and unquestioning

slavery to tradition embodied in the spirit of the Pharisee, and

the Anti-Christ spirit! We will put our differences aside to come

and worship you in one accord!

We pray in agreement Isaiah 51:9-12 the prayer to awake the

arm of Yah Veh!

“Awake, awake, put on enrobe strength. O arm of the Lord Yah

Veh; awake, as in the ancient days, in the generations of old

eternal. Art thou not in that hath cut Rahab hewn Rahab/pride,

(Rahab/Pride – An ancient name for Egypt) and wounded

pierced the dragon monster? Art thou not it which hath dried

parched the (Red) sea, the waters of the great deep abyss; that

hath made set the depths of the sea a way for the redeemed to

pass over? Therefore the redeemed of the Lord Yah Veh shall

return, and come with singing shouting unto Zion Siyon; and

everlasting joy eternal cheerfulness shall be upon their head:

they shall obtain attain gladness rejoicing and joy cheerfulness;

and sorrow grief and mourning sighing shall flee away. I, even

I, am he that comforteth sigheth over you: who art thou, that

thou shouldest be afraid of awe a man that shall die, and the

son of man humanity which shall be made given as grass;”


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You break into pieces the heads of Leviathan (which is pride)

and feed its flesh to your holy saints in the wilderness. Psalm

74:14-21 “Thou brakest crushest the heads of leviathan in

pieces, and gavest him to be meat for food to the people

inhabiting the wilderness - the desert dwellers. Thou dist cleave

splittest the foundation of the flood wadi: thou driest up mighty

perennial rivers. The day is thine, the night also is thine: thou

hast prepared the light and the sun. Thou hast set stationed all

the borders of the earth: thou hast made formed summer and

winter. Remember this, that the enemy hath reproached, O

Lord Yah Veh, and that the foolish people have blasphemed

scorned thy name. O deliver give not the soul of they turtledove

unto the multitude of the wicked live beings: forget not the

congregation lives of thy poor humble for ever in perpetuity.

Have respect Look upon the covenant: for the dark places

darknesses of the earth are full of the habitations folds of cruelty

violence. O let not the oppressed return ashamed shamed: let

the poor humble and needy praise halal thy name.”

Are you “Casting down imaginations logic, and every high thing

exaltation that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God

ELOHIM (YHVH, YAH SHUA), and bringing into captivity

capturing every thought comprehension to the obedience of

Christ the MESSIAH; And having in a readliness preparedness to

revenge avenge all disobedience, when your obedience is

fulfilled.” 2 Corinthians 10:5-6

And form of rebellion against Yah Veh is sin, and a stench in

his nostrils. King Sovereign Yah Veh Sabaoth is a God of mercy,

because he sent his beloved Son to die in our place for our sins,

but he is also a God of wrath when it pertains to the wicked. When

he is provoked to anger, because mankind did not listen to the

prophets he sent, and they did not repent, then he sends his

judgments. If you do not believe this then go to the “Lord of

Hosts” scriptures and find out for yourself! Or you may read

my e-book “Yah Veh Sabaoth (the Lord of Hosts) Judges the



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Cedar is frequently used as a symbol for strength but the voice

of the Lord of Hosts breaks the cedars (pride). May you hear

his voice so your pride may be broken. Pride of knowledge,

material possessions, and everything which you hold in high

esteem over Yah Veh. May he break the cedars of pride in

your life. Pride, jealous, envy, strife have to go in the name of

Yah Shua of Nazareth, and by the voice of the Lord of Hosts.

“The voice of the Lord YAH VEH breaketh the cedars; yea, the

Lord YAH VEH breaketh the cedars of Lebanon. He maketh

them also to skip dance like a calf; Lebanon and Sirion Shirion

like a young unicorn son of reems.” Psalm 29:5-6


The day of the Lord of Hosts is vastly approaching and it

shall be upon every one that is proud, pompous, and lofty,

and upon everyone that is lifted up, the Lord of Hosts

Yah Veh shall bring them down, they are coming down!

“I have seen the wicked in great power tyrant, and spreading

himself stripped naked like a green bay tree native. Yet he

passed away, and, lo behold, he was not:” Psalm 37:35-36

“For the day of the Lord of Hosts YAH VEH SABAOTH shall

be upon every one that is proud all the pompous and lofty,

and upon every one all that is lifted up; and he shall be brought

low abased: And upon all the cedars of Lebanon, that are high

and lifted up,” Isaiah 2:12-13


“Open thy doors, O Lebanon, that the fire may devour consume

thy cedars, Howl fir tree; for the cedar is fallen, because the

mighty are spoiled ravaged: howl, O ye oaks of Bashan; for the

forest of the vintage crop is come down be toppled.” Zechariah

11:1-2 7

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You must ask the Holy Spirit to root out all pride for the Lord of

Hosts hates the sin of pride, it is an abomination to him. If you

think that you know it all, and do not take into account the

wisdom and understanding in the fear of the Lord then you

need to repent! The All Mighty breaketh the cedars of Lebanon.

Hear what the voice of the Lord has to say now and humble

yourself, and turn from your wicked pride, and arrogance.

Leviathan (Satan) “… he is a king sovereign over all the children

sons of pride.” Job 41:34 If you are going to enter the New

Jerusalem you must be written in the Lamb’s book of life.

Yah Veh is purifying his servants, to be holy, because he is




If you were to die today are you prepared to meet your maker!

Are you prepared to stand before his judgment seat! Have

you repented of all of your sins, and turned away from them.

Little white lies, are still lies, we plead the sacrificial blood and

name of Adonay (Lord) Yah Shua HaMashiach over each and

every abomination, and lie that we have committed against the


“And there shall in no way enter into the New Jerusalem any

thing that defileth profaneth, neither whatsoever worketh doeth

abomination, or maketh a lie lieth: but except they which are

written scribed in the LAMB’S book scroll of life.” Revelation



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Selah 3


The first commandment is “Thou shalt have no other gods

before Me.” He commands no other gods before him!

He should be first in your life, turn off your Sodom and

Gomorrah TV programs, shut of your WII, turn off your

video games, don’t let sports or money be your god! Ask

yourself now what you put before studying about Yah Veh?

Make a list and post it on your bathroom mirror, then one

by one instead of worshipping your idols, seek Yah Veh while


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he may be found, the time is drawing close, where you will

have to make a choice to take the mark of the beast, or

be persecuted for doing Yah Veh’s commandments, and

your testimony for Yah Shua (Jesus). If you can’t discipline

yourself now to choose Yah Veh above all things, then how

in the future are you going to withstand the temptation of

the Anti-Christ? Ask the Ruach HaKodesh to help you, he

is your helper, and teacher, if you do not understand what

you are reading in the Bible, ask for the spirit of the fear

of Yah Veh, who is saving you from the damnation of hell,

and the spirit of wisdom (which begins with the fear of

Yah Veh), and the spirit of understanding.


“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images (statue,

example golden calf), or any likeness of anything that is in the

heavens above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the

water under the earth. Thou shalt now bow down thyself to

them nor serve them, for I Yah Veh thy God am a jealous God,

visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the

third and fourth generation of them that hate Me; and showing

mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my



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A “tattoo” is a graven image on your body, which has the

likeness of things in the heavens, the earth and in the sea.

If you have an “tattoo” in which you call art, then think again,

you have allowed an open door for that image to control you

through fallen demonic spirits! Your image came through

a needle which drew blood. The Satanist use the drawing

of blood to gain power in their kingdom of darkness. In fact

they have human and animal sacrifices to gain more demons.

Yes this is sickening, but in reality when you got a tattoo blood

was drawn and you opened the door portal to demons entering,

you opened a door to connect to the spirit world. Satan is trying

to get the younger generations to accept tattoos as nothing but


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the cool thing to do, so later on they will not even question

taking the mark of the beast. Satan uses every open door to

come in with his demons, whether the door is small or large.

Repent of any and open doors in which you have let the enemy

of your soul enter.

Let us utterly overthrow, bind, break into pieces, cast out,

and demolish idols which stand before Yah Veh. I plead the

sacrificial blood and name of Adonay (Lord) Yah Shua

HaMashiach over each and every abomination that you have

committed against Yah Veh a holy God.

Thou shalt now bow down thyself to them nor serve them, for I

Yah Veh thy God am a jealous God.

"Thou shalt not bow down prostrate to their gods elohim, nor

serve them, nor do work after their works; but in demolishing,

thou shalt utterly overthrow demolish them, and in breaking,

quite break down their images monoliths. And ye shall serve the

Lord YAH VEH your God ELOHIM, and he shall bless thy bread,

and thy water; and I will take turn aside sickness away from the

midst of thee. There shall nothing cast their young naught

abort, nor be barren sterile, in thy land: the number of thy days

I will shall fulfill. And I will shall send my fear before thee at thy

face, and will destroy shall agitate all the people to whom thou

shalt come, and I will make shall give that all thine enemies turn

their backs neck unto thee. And I will send hornets before thee

at thy face, which shall drive out expel the Hivite Hivviy, the

Canaanite Kenaaniy, and the Hittite Hethiy, from before thee thy

face.” Exodus 23:24-28

For I Yah Veh thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of

the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth

generation of them that hate Me; and showing mercy unto

thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments.

God visits the iniquity of the fathers on their children to the

third and fourth generation, to them that hate him! And for

those that love him and keep his commandments he shows



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We learn to worship YHVH in humility as Job learned after all the

calamities and personal tragedy he suffered. He realized

that he was nothing in comparison to YHVH. “Behold, I am of

small account, nothing in comparison to YHVH! I lay my hand

on my mouth … I know that thou can do all things, and that no

purpose if thine can be thwarted … I despise myself, and repent

in dust and ashes.” Job 40 – 42

With Job’s confession came the turning point in his live, and his

darkness became YHVH’S light. “Then Job Iyob answered the

Lord YAH VEH, and said, I know that thou canst do every thing

thou art able in all, and that no thought intrigue can be

withholden shall be cut off from thee. Who is he that hideth

concealeth counsel without knowledge? Therefore have I

uttered told, that I understood discerned not; things too

wonderful marvellous for me, which I knew not. Hear, I

beseech thee, and I will speak shall word: I will demand shall

ask of thee, and declare thou unto me let me know. I have

heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eyes

seeth hath seen thee. Wherefore I abhor myself spurn, and

repent sigh in dust and ashes.” Job 42:1-6

“Many shall be purified, and made white whitened, and tried

refined; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the

wicked shall understand discern; but the wise enwisened shall

understand comprehendingly discern. And from the time that

the daily sacrifice continual shall be taken away turned aside,

and the abomination that maketh desolate desolateth set up be

given there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.

Blessed Blithesome is he that waiteth, and cometh to toucheth

the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.” Daniel

(Dani El) 12:10-12


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Selah 4







In Hebrews 5:5-6 it says, “So Thus also Christ the MESSIAH

glorified not himself to be made become an high arch priest but

he that said spake unto him, Thou art my Son, to day have I

begotten birthed thee. Exactly As he saith wordeth also in

another place elsewhere, Thou art a priest for ever unto the

eons after the order of Melchizedek Malki Sedeq.”


Page 16: Are Tattoos a Graven Image - Blood Sacrifice?

Yah Shua is a priest to the eons after the order of Malki Sedeq,

who in the days of his flesh, he offered petitions and entreaties

as our mediator, with his mighty voice of crying and tears to

entreat his Father (who was able to save him from death) and

his Abba Father heard him by his revering. Though being Yah

Veh’s beloved Son he still learned obedience by what he

suffered; and being completed/ shalamed he became the

causer of eternal salvation to all who obey him; Yah Veh

ordained his Son an arch priest after the order of Malki Sedeq.

Yah Shua is our arch priest, he learned obedience by what he

suffered, he offers up prayers of petitions for us. He entered the

heavenly Holy of Holies, and put his spotless blood on the

mercy seat, it is our privilege to obey him, and to come boldly

to the Father’s throne of grace, to obtain mercy, and grace in

our time of need. We praise Yah Shua now in our daily lives,

and for all of eternity for his full testimony. Yah Shua ever lives

makes intercession for us!

“And having an high a mega priest over the house of God EL;

Let us draw come near with a true heart in full assurance

bearance of faith trust, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil

conscience, and our bodies washed bathed with pure water.”


Thanksgiving is definitely in order to Herb Jahn, for producing

the exeGeses Bible. He has made the scripture part this

message possible, through his literal translation of the Bible,

bringing into light the Hebrew and Aramaic meaning of the

scriptures. All rights are reserved to the remainder of this

message, except for evangelistic purposes.

All scripture quoted is from the exeGeses parallel Bible, the

fourth edition. Copyright © 1994 by Herb Jahn, Exegete.

All rights reserved to all other text. Copyright © 2010 by Bonnie

Starsky. 15

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