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Arkansas Colorectal Roundtable

Policy InitiativesAction Steps for Advocacy Impact

Nikol Hamilton, MSN, RN10/29/2015

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Objectives•Explain the value of policy advocacy at

the state/national constituent levels•Identify the 2015 colorectal cancer

national legislative goals•Showcase leadership for policy mentoring

opportunities•Request partnership via 7 “call to action”

steps for coalition attendees

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Why get involved in Policy?•Leaders in policy influence – YOU!


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Legislative Goals – 2015

H.R. 1220/S.624 Funding/Research• Removing barriers to colorectal

cancer screeningSummary – asking Congress to pass

legislation to eliminate Medicare beneficiary coinsurance for CRC screening colonoscopy

Problem – Medicare oversight in lawSolution – Bipartisan bill support to fix

loophole therefore screening colonoscopy with polyp removal does not trigger coinsurance liability

Current Progress: GovTrack.usH.R. 1220 – 186 cosponsors (113Dems,

73 Rep) S.624 – 24 cosponsors (20 Dem, 4 Rep)


• Increase funding for the Colorectal Cancer Control Program (CRCCP)

• Increase funding for Research with DoD & NIH (including NCI)

• NEW!!! 21st Century Cures Act (H.R. 6) – house passed & need Senate companion bill otherwise dies and never becomes law

$8 billion in funding to NIH/5yrs*Modernize clinical trials + patient

perspective into drug development & regulatory process

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Increasing Access •Gold Standard – Colonoscopy

-rural initiatives-innovative mobility-healthcare outreach regionally within AR

•Younger onset research & tracking•CRC Nurse Navigation support –state

program•Non-invasive options for screening

Ex: Cologuard® stool DNA kit for home use; Flu-Fit & Flu-FOBT Programs

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Connect to AR leaders Senator Cotton Representative in YOUR District

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Be ConsistentSenator Boozman Hill from Home

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Pioneering the Policy Platforms

Social Media is your Friend

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Advocacy Assets

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Action Steps – Make an Impact!

1) Join Arkansas Colorectal Cancer Advocacy Coalition* network hub of communication

2) Participate in the annual Blue Star State Campaign – March Proclamation for CRC

3) Host quarterly Statewide Community Education

4) Attend annual Get Your Rear in Gear Arkansas Wellness Fundraiser

5) Attend Call on Congress in D.C.6) Champion lobby days at the Capital

as a pioneer voice –be visible!7) Engage your political leaders – be


Politicians are no different than patients. They don’t care what you know, till they know you care.

They need to hear from constituents about issues that are important to them!

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Contact Me!Nikol Hamilton, MSN, [email protected] ACAC on Facebook


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