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  • 1. Learn to cookAinhoa Barea Fernndez

2. Learn to cook - 2nd grade. - Objectives: Learn some recipes.Taste new foods.Eat healthier.Avoid sex discrimination.Learn how to help at home. 3. MethodologyPrepare some recipes, at the same time explain the characteristics of the ingredients and how they are grown, colours, taste... Children invent their own recipes. 4. Day 1 Talk about the ingredients that children know, recipes and food types. View pictures with different recipes. 5. Day 2 Try making the recipes that the teacher propose. 6. Day 3 Each child make the recipe more they liked or another recipe to make at home. 7. Recipes 8. Vocabulary Apple, banana, apricot, cherry, peach, corn, cheese, bread, biscuits, bacon, ham, turkey, sausage...Knife, fork, spoon, plate, molds... Cut, peel, paint, toast, decorate, spread, knead... 9. Evaluation Learn to handle food.Creativity.Learn how to use cookware.Positive attitude.Eat cooked.

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