Page 1: As seen on TV - Hypnosis Expert · Hypnosis & NLP for sports performance enhancement is one of the most closely guarded secrets. Elliott works with elite sports people across a wide

D.C.H., HA NLP Master & Trainer

As seen on TV

Page 2: As seen on TV - Hypnosis Expert · Hypnosis & NLP for sports performance enhancement is one of the most closely guarded secrets. Elliott works with elite sports people across a wide

Elliott Wald D.C.H, H.A, Master Hypnotherapist and NLP Trainer, is recognised as a leading expert in the field of Hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and cutting edge modern psychology, with over 20 years professional experience.

Elliott is a truly exceptional and effective hypnotist with an impressive track record of clients who have found his unique abilities ‘life changing’, including; celebrities from film, television, sporting and media industries, as well as thousands of members of the general public, who have experienced his extraordinary results.

He has demonstrated his outstanding skills on National TV, with numerous appearances as the ‘Hypnosis Expert’ on ITV’s This Morning Show, the BBC’s Alternative Therapies documentary and Sky Living’s Lorraine Kelly’s Next Big Fat Challenge. His success continues to be featured on television, in newspapers, magazines and as a guest speaker on various radio shows such as talkSPORT, Virgin Radio and BBC Radio 2.

Elliott is also the author of three books:- ‘Stop Smoking Easily in 7 days’, Win the Mental Weight Loss Game’ and ‘Contagious Concepts’.

Elliott Wald trained extensively with the London College of Clinical Hypnosis at Birkbeck College, University of London.

His qualifications include awards from the prestigious British Medical Hypnotherapy Examination Board. Elliott has trained with and assisted the world famous hypnotist Paul McKenna on numerous seminars and training courses. He is a Master and Trainer of NLP learning from its creator Dr Richard Bandler. In 2001 Elliott was elected to the board of the Hypnotherapy Association, a position held for over 16 years.

One of the world’s most successful hypnotherapists Paul McKenna:

BBC’s ‘Alternative Therapies’

BBC Documentary Alternative Therapies with Professor Kathy Sykes. Elliott changes a lady’s compulsion for chocolate to disliking chocolate altogether.

ITV’s ‘This Morning’ Show

Elliott Wald’s many appearances on ITV’s ‘This Morning Show’ as the Hypnosis Expert, Live on air helping people overcome their intense phobias.

“Elliott Wald is an experienced and professional clinical practitioner, his high level skills in Hypnosis, NLP and coaching are exemplified with his success in helping people make significant changes in their lives.”

Page 3: As seen on TV - Hypnosis Expert · Hypnosis & NLP for sports performance enhancement is one of the most closely guarded secrets. Elliott works with elite sports people across a wide

Everything you do, every habit both good and bad, every behaviour, every decision, every action is first decided in your subconscious mind.

Hypnosis works by helping you to change your thoughts, feelings, behaviours and actions at a subconscious level...


• Do you want to gain more confidence?• Do you want to free yourself from anxiety?• Do you want to eliminate panic attacks?• Do you want to break free from the confines of a fear or a phobia?• Do you want to overcome an addiction?• Do you want to lose weight?• Do you want to banish your exam nerves?• Do you want to be able to sail through a job interview or work presentation? • Do you want to feel motivated and positive about your work and life choices?


In a survey of psychotherapy literature published by Dr. Alfred A Barrios, he gave the following recovery rates and hypnosis was found to be the fastest and most effective method.

Lose WeightAddictionsConfidencePanic attacksFears & PhobiasInsomnia

AnxietyStressFearless flyingSports ExcellencePresentationsExam Nerves

“One of the 10 leading hypnotherapists in Britain”

Independent on Sunday 23.03.03

“Elliott Wald is THE go-to guy for making dramatic changes in the way that people think and feel. He has a passion to help people transform their lives that marks him out as unique. If you want to see quick, powerful and lasting results, then you really should see Elliott!”

Igor Ledochowski, Founder of StreetHypnosis

“I met Elliott Wald 5 years ago and was impressed with his knowledge but more importantly his delivery and passion for self development. There are many who have knowledge but his integrity and desire to make his topic practical for all to use. He is in my mind one of the best in the world.” Jamie Edwards – CEO Trained Brain

“Elliott has immense drive, energy and enthusiasm and has the ability to transmit this to those whom he is speaking and invoke in them the will to make the changes they are seeking. Elliott has a depth of theoretical knowledge which he is able to apply in practice.”

Josephine P Teague MSc BSc (Hons) Chairman Hypnotherapy Association

“An outstanding innovator, engaging and enthusiastic, he continually positively impacts the lives of people around him, if Elliott Wald says he is going to do something, then you better believe he will follow it through.”

Patrick Stockhausen CEO Taking Stock Global Investments, Taking Stock

Hypnosis – it’s not magic but it feels like magic!

Hypnotherapy 6 Sessions


38%Behaviour Therapy

72 SessionsPsychotherapy

699 Sessions

Page 4: As seen on TV - Hypnosis Expert · Hypnosis & NLP for sports performance enhancement is one of the most closely guarded secrets. Elliott works with elite sports people across a wide

Now that you know the mechanics of why you haven’t been able to successfully lose weight on your own, you can stop feeling guilty or angry with yourself about your weight.

Now you know that there is something out there that can create the changes you want.

Losing weight isn’t just about losing weight. It’s about taking control of your life!

Elliott will show you how to lose weight and deal with habits such as eating when you are not hungry, snacking, cravings, overeating, rewarding yourself with food, procrastination, and self-sabotage.

Over 4 million people watched Elliott help Nicola stop her addiction to chocolate on the BBC2 television programme ‘Alternative Therapies’ with professor Kathy Sykes.

Weight Loss

You’ve probably tried dieting, diet fads, maybe even diet pills and exercising... Yet the elusive goal of losing weight has slipped you by.

Diet fads are just that - fads - and diet pills can be very dangerous and are not worth the risk. And for most, the combination of dieting and exercising lasted for only a short period of time, because you lost your willpower and went back to your old eating and daily habits.

Willpower is an insufficient tool in our weight-loss journey. Willpower is located in the conscious part of our brain. It gives a short burst of mental energy for a short period of time and no more. That explains why you do so well at the beginning of all your diet and exercise routines, but then end up back in the

same rut. The moment your willpower runs out, you go back to your old behavioural patterns, which are the same ones that made you gain weight in the first place.

Why hypnosis works for weight loss?

Because our habits and behaviours are located in our subconscious mind, this is the part of our mind that we must access to create real, long-lasting changes. This part of your brain runs on automatic. Whenever you are faced with a new situation, your mind - faster than the blink of an eye - goes to this same place to find information (negative and positive behavioural patterns), on how you have reacted to this same or similar situation in the past.

Hypnosis uses the laws of the mind to create the changes you want, so that you don’t have to suffer to achieve your goals. That’s because the subconscious mind is much more powerful than the conscious. It is the source of your real power - the very core of who you are resides here. In fact, it is estimated that about 88 percent of the mind resides in this area, which is why hypnosis is so powerful and effective.

“As a nutritionist and personal trainer with over 20 years experience, I know that to be successful in controlling your weight, it is important to have your mind working for you. I would recommend Elliott Wald to anyone interested in losing weight.” Sasha Clarke - Managing Director, Vytal Nutrition

• Eliminate your bad habits• Change your attitude to eating• Speed up your metabolism• Reduce portion size• Feel motivated to exercise• Boost your confidence• Banish your cravings

Page 5: As seen on TV - Hypnosis Expert · Hypnosis & NLP for sports performance enhancement is one of the most closely guarded secrets. Elliott works with elite sports people across a wide

Would you like more confidence? Confidence when talking to others?Confidence when socialising?Confidence when giving presentations?Creating a strong sense of confidence and a high level of self-esteem is one of the most important and beneficial steps towards your happiness and a better life. Your level of self-confidence can show in many ways; your behaviour, body language, how you speak and what you say.

Many people with low self-esteem think that they’re not very important and that their views carry no weight. The word ‘esteem’ comes from a Latin word which means ‘to estimate’. So, self-esteem is how you estimate yourself. Your self-esteem is an ever flowing reflection of what you think about yourself on the inside and what you do on the outside. The good news is that self-confidence and self-esteem really can be learned quickly. Increase your self-esteem and confidence and you will feel happier and be more productive in every area of your life.

Confident people... walk confidently... talk confidently... and carry themselves with confidence. Confident people trust their own abilities, have a sense of control in their lives and really believe in themselves. Self-confident people have qualities that everyone admires and you can achieve that too.

Confidence & Self-EsteemSports Enhancement & PerformanceWhat separates a good sports performer from a true champion? ‘THE MIND’!

The mind and body work as a unit, whatever affects one, affects the other. Maximum potential performance will only be achieved if both the body and mind are programmed and trained. The mental aspect is more important than many athletes realise.

Below are just a few of the benefits you will gain with Hypnosis & NLP for sports enhancement performance:

• How to improve your focus• How to improve confidence• How to trust your skills in competition• How to take your practice game to competition• How to stay composed under pressure• How to deal with adversity or setbacks• How to come back mentally after an injury

Hypnosis & NLP for sports performance enhancement is one of the most closely guarded secrets. Elliott works with elite sports people across a wide range of sports.

As an example, a top football striker Elliott helped; he hypnotised the striker to increase the size of the goal in their minds eye, making them even more confident to score. He has used the same technique to allow the striker to score from deeper into the field creating a direct plumb line to the goal.

Elliott also assists with returning to play after an injury, which can often be difficult for many athletes depending on the nature of the injury.

Athletes are often left with “mental scars” long after an injury is physically healed. With hypnosis, the injured athlete is shown strategies to deal better with the pressures associated with returning to a prior level of performance pre-injury.

• Premier League Football Players • Professional & Club Rugby Players• Professional & Amateur Boxing• Tennis Players• PGA Golfers

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Fears & Phobias

Elliott Wald has had numerous television appearances proving time and time again how he can help people overcome their intense phobias, in many instances in only a couple of hours.

He has starred as the Hypnosis Expert on ITV ‘s This Morning Show’s phobia week, live on air helping people he has never before met overcome their phobias and fears.

After watching Elliott helping phobic viewers overcome their fears this is what the presenters said:

Elliott can help you by re-programming your phobia and fearful thoughts and replace them with new, calm, relaxed and in control feelings.

Fern Britton ‘Elliott you’re a miracle worker’

Phillip Schofield ‘That was amazing’

Eamonn Holmes ‘Elliott I want your

business card’

Phobias and Fears that Elliott helps…Flying... Motorway Driving... Heights... Blushing... Vomiting... Needles... Claustrophobia... Balloons... Birds... Bees... Spiders... Lifts... Escalators... And many more...

Donna Holdway’s fear of balloons used to stop her from attending any events or situations which may have balloons.

Case Study: Balloons

Page 7: As seen on TV - Hypnosis Expert · Hypnosis & NLP for sports performance enhancement is one of the most closely guarded secrets. Elliott works with elite sports people across a wide

Nicola Limm had been terrified of needles since she was just nine-years old, she had always dreamed of having her ears pierced, after the show Nicola had her ears pierced.

Case Study: Needles Case Study: Soup

Sue Brearley’s phobia of soup had become so bad that she couldn’t even go down the soup aisle in a shop, within two hours Elliott had Sue eating soup.

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Case Study: MudLilli Reddall had a phobia of mud for over 30 years and couldn’t even bring herself to say the word, Elliott gets Lilli walking on a mud tray, in a mud bath and picking up mud.

Case Study: Pigeons

With help from Elliott, Sarah Durkin overcame her huge phobia of pigeons.

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Case Study: ToiletsKim Gandy had a serious phobia of toilets and especially white toilet seats; she was even going to cancel her wedding because of the toilet situation.

Panic Attacks

A panic attack comes out of the blue and without apparent reasoning. Having one panic attack is bad enough, but most people could cope with it as long as they knew they wouldn’t have another.

The problem with panic attacks is that once you have had one, you:

1. Worry that you are going to have another one.

2. Can sometimes get a ‘conditioning’ effect that triggers panic again when you return to a similar situation to where the first one happened.

3. Create what becomes known as the fear of fear.

These 3 factors make it more likely that you will have another panic attack, which is why many people find that they don’t just have one.

The symptoms people experience during panic attacks are known as the fight-or-flight reaction, which provides a surge of energy. The body tenses producing the classic symptoms of a fast heartbeat, shortness of breath, butterflies in the stomach and the panic attack is marked by fear that can build to sheer terror.

By creating new associations and re-programming existing unconscious thoughts that produce the panic attacks, hypnosis can help you to replace those feelings of anxiety with a feeling of calmness and control.

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Questions & Answers

What is hypnosis?Hypnosis is a natural state of altered awareness. Your attention is normally preoccupied with a multitude of simultaneous demands and thoughts that keep your mind buzzing. During hypnosis these distractions are temporarily suspended, allowing you to

access the powerful hidden resources of your unconscious mind.

Hypnosis has been around for more than a century to treat a broad spectrum of medical conditions. In recent years it has received increasingly popular attention and professional recognition. Since 1955 it has been recognised by the British Medical Association [BMA] as an approved treatment. It has now developed into a science and there is a section devoted to medical hypnosis at the Royal Society of Medicine in London.

What will it be like?Sensations differ, but just about everyone finds hypnosis to be a very pleasant and relaxing experience. You will be left with a feeling of well being and a more positive attitude to life.

Will I lose control?No, because you will be in a totally relaxed state, your mind will be free of ‘chatter’ leaving you more in control of your thoughts and aware of your surroundings.

Is hypnosis dangerous?There is nothing dangerous about hypnosis. It is simply being in another state of consciousness. You do this yourself now when you daydream, when you concentrate or become totally absorbed in things of compelling interest.

What if I cannot be hypnotised?Almost everyone can enter a state of hypnosis. The few exceptions include people who are totally inebriated through alcohol or drugs and individuals who have suffered some brain damage that affects their powers of concentration.

Can someone come with me?Of course. Although the work we do is strictly confidential, you are more than welcome to bring someone along with you.

“...access the powerful hidden resources of your unconscious mind.”

“There is nothing dangerous about

hypnosis. It is simply being in

another state of consciousness.”

Page 11: As seen on TV - Hypnosis Expert · Hypnosis & NLP for sports performance enhancement is one of the most closely guarded secrets. Elliott works with elite sports people across a wide

CALL: 07875 [email protected]

Hypnosis: hyp·no·sis Pronunciation: hip-’nO-s&s,noun, plural hyp·no·ses /-”sEz/ Etymology: New Latin 1:

“a state that resembles sleep but is induced by a person whose suggestions are readily accepted by the subject”.

Expert: ex·pert Pronunciation: ‘ek-”sp&rt, ik-’ adjective Etymology: from Middle French & Latin; Latin expertus:

“having, involving, or demonstrating great skill, dexterity, or knowledge derived from training or experience”.

Centennial Medical CareUnit 509, Centennial Park,

Centennial Way,Elstree,

Hertfordshire, WD6 3FG

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