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Ascended Dragon Healing Sanctuary August 1, 2015Executive Summary

As you drive off the pavement onto the dirt road just to the left before crossing the top of the dam for Campbell river's water and hydro supply, you drive past a few bends and up a hill as you approach the crest of the hill there is a large pagoda style gate there that says Dragon's Gate.

The legend of the Ascending Koi states that when a robust koi fish gets out of the pond makes it way up stream in the yellow river and gets to the base of the Dragon's Gate waterfall, it then get ambitious and decides to try to climb the waterfall and pass through the gate. Most only make a few attempts and give up, but the rare few who persist make it to the top of the waterfall where a pagoda style gate goes across the waterfall. Once through, they immediately transform into a dragon. So it all about a spiritual journey.

As it is with Ascended Dragon Healing Sanctuaries we believe that the path to enlightenment can be wraught with hardship in order that we can gain compassion and understanding for our fellow brothers wraught with hardship in order that we can gain compassion and understanding for our fellow brothers and sisters of humanity.

The Intention of the ADHS is to provide a safe place to be from the chaos of life. To provide stillness for those seeking refuge with our mindfullness classes and vipassna meditation centre. To provide healing for those who are hurting with many healing rooms and a wide assortment of modalities to serve specific needs of the clients. To provide food workshops and education about sacred relationshipswith food. To provide education for those seeking a more conscious way of being. To work in harmony with the land giving more back to it than we take. Permaculture courses show us how to live in harmony with the land. We will be leaders in a zero carbon footprint lifestyle.

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Ascended Dragon Healing Sancutary Mission Value and Purpose Statements


Our intention is to create a safe place for guests/clients who seek sanctuary from the chaos of societal life and to offer many modalities of healing there which will raise the student/guest/client's vibrational state which will ripple out into their families, their communities, and the world.


We value eco-sustainable community, the planet, the air we breathe, the water we drink, the foods we eat, the art we make, the knowledge we learn and the attitudes we carry. We bless all these things and hold them sacred.

PurposeWe exist to philosophy and to evoke the greatness in others to step fully into their sacred gifts all the while providing a space where guests students and clients can flourish in a garden of Eden type environment. We intend to create these Eco-sustainable communities all over the globe with the same name and typical feel of high frequency as satellite frequency stations to assist in raising the vibrations of the whole planet. Our goals for our buildings is to create zero or close to zero carbon footprints as an example model for the rest of humanity to utilize.

When you walk up the drive from the parking lot past the lush flower gardens to the front doors, you are greeted by big beautiful doors. Very earthy and hand crafted the whole building pulls one in as its a place of sanctity. A sense of knowing now falls over you as you proceed through the doors.

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Once in the foyer and your shoes are removed, you pass through the next set of doors admiring the colourful bottle walls aside the doors which capture the light like jewels.

The first thing see is a 2 story naturally occurring waterfall that emptys into a koi pond that also hosts tilapia as a food source through aquaponics. As your eyes adjust to the shift in light, you feel how remarkably cool the space is inside when it was so hot outside. You are then greeted by a Greeted by 2 Geisha (service artist) in full regalia. They welcome you in and give you brochures on the space. Offering water or tea and snacks. One Geisha takes over as host and explains how these structures are built out of rammed earth tires uses the naturally cooling and heating of the earth to maintain comfortable temperatures without the use of hydro or fossil fuels. The interior is a lush Japanese gardenwith cherry blossom trees and Japanese maples. She explains that the grey water of the building is with cherry blossom trees and Japanese maples. She explains that the grey water of the building is utilized to water the plants. The drinking water is captured through rainwater catchment systems. Blackwater is contained and used for fertilizer out front of the parking lot where u discover is the the reason for the lush vegetation on you way through the parking lot.

To the right is a door which leads to a big open space with a draw back roof to allow the artists a place to create. You will see easels, drawing tables, perhaps even some sculpture taking place there.

Tattooing's original intention was a right of passage or a spiritual experience 1000s of years ago. Its been Vince Wishart's goal to bring back full this sacred form of art and to provide a space for it. As our Geisha guides us back through the entrance with lush vegetation and sounds of running water

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well being of local people

Ecotourism is about uniting conservation, communities, and sustainable travel. This means that thosewho implement, participate in and market ecotourism activities should adopt the following ecotourism


Minimize physical, social, behavioral, and psychological impacts.Build environmental and cultural awareness and respect.Provide positive experiences for both visitors and hosts.Provide direct financial benefits for conservation.Generate financial benefits for both local people and private industry.Deliver memorable interpretative experiences to visitors that help raise sensitivity to host countries' political, environmental, and social climates.Design, construct and operate low-impact facilities.Recognize the rights and spiritual beliefs of the Indigenous People in your community and work in partnership with them to create empowerment.

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Your host explains that this space is for grounding with nature, releasing the positive ions that can cause havoc and even cancers from our addiction to our devices. She encourages everyone to walk cause havoc and even cancers from our addiction to our devices. She encourages everyone to walk barefoot through the space. After leaving that part of the space she moves u down the hall to the doublegreen house design part showing you the planters on the left and the the glass that goes into each of the tattoo/art rooms on the right of the walkway. These rooms house artists from all over the world who areusually from a tribal culture that use tattooing only for the sacred of experiences. Mauris, Tahitians, andeven some like Vince Wishart who is a hypnotherapist, NLP practitioner, SIIA practitioner, and studies transpersonal psychology and shamanistic visualization into his practice to create the highest outcomes for his clients.

At the end of the hallway the door way opens to yet another courtyard

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revealing a beautiful Japanese garden.

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After passing through the lush green courtyard, at the other side is a temple door leading into another building that is stand alone yet still looks like an earthship design.

Behind these doors is an experience that can found no where on the face of this planet. A Yakusa style bathouse. A Yakusa style bathouse.

Yakusa. If i were to go to a regular bathouse in Japan to have a similar experience, they wont let me in

river location, Costa Rica, Ubud and Hawaii all have similar climates to Japan and the foliage and environment will flourish there

Yakusa artists utilize numerology through birth numbers of their clients and their clients ancestory to create the proper deeper meaning Japanese symbolism for the client. Making this a very pure and sacred work.

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Our host then invites us to the second 5000 sq ft earthship stepped into the hill. As all 3 kidney shaped earthships are stepped into the hillside over the valley which hosts the stream which is diverted to create a waterfall in the foyer of each level.

As we walk into the foyer of this level we notice that this the healer level. A wide range of healing service is offered here ranging from massage, reflexology, medical intuitives, holistic dieticians, NLP, hypnosis, conflict resolution specialists, reiki, quantum touch, to name a few. There is sensory deprivation tanks and and a complimentary 30 min pass to the infrared sauna which is run off of solar deprivation tanks and and a complimentary 30 min pass to the infrared sauna which is run off of solar power is offered to each person in your group.

As your host leads you from that space, up the outdoor steps to the 3rd level which is the Eco education/tourism level...this is where folks from all around the world can come and experience what its like stay in an Earthship, strawbale, or stackwall home. Many hybrids are built into this level including reciprocating roofing systems and solar hot tubs. Guests will learn how to run a Sunfrost refrigerator, how to harness and utilize solar energy, how the water treatment systems work,

As you enter the private foyer of this space you notice that behind the second greenhouse glass inside isa large room which is used for yoga classes and can accommodate up to 100 people. It is also used as a workshop space and training center and the facilitators can create retreats for their followers at our space by having them stay in the adjoining Earthship condos on that level. There will also be treehouse options for the lifestyle people or just simple camping on ground level.

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When you leave this area your guide takes you a beautiful walk up the hill to a Vipassana temple. A place where stillness of mind can occur. Many deities from many faiths line the walk to the temple. To show that all are welcome no matter what their faith. Once in the temple its is asked that no talking occur here. This space will host 10 day silent retreats along with anyone seeking stillness is always welcome there.

Past a large grove of trees the path takes you to large Eco-sustainable community out the back side of the mountain we are on. The hemp fields are the first crop that is seen.

Due to hemp being the most sustainable plant on the planet. It never requires any pesticide, it is the plant that removes the most carbon from the air, as a food source is next to none for nutrition a super food. Hemp requires less than half of the water that cotton requires to create it pound for pound next to cotton. The hemp oil cures cancers...the list is endless of its uses. We create hempcrete (sustainble insulation) at this facility here and we will be Canada's only hemp textile factory making the only only place to buy truly sustainable fabric in Canada. Hemp is PH balanced for your skin reducing body odour to a minimum. Hemp plastics are the most renewable source of plastic and will never run dry. Hemp oil makes great bio-diesel of course we will stand by our bio-diesel and drive suitable cars for those of us require that kind of transportation.

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Our intention is not to be resistors, but to work with the powers that be to create the highest outcomes for all. By remaining flexible and less rigid we will create better communication.

On the right hand side of the property by the lake is delegated the site for the ADHS sustainable collegeoffering perma culture courses, eco-building technique education and farming techniques. We have spoken with Brandy Gallager founder of OUR Eco-village about partnering up for ADHS education facility with their organization which is in Shawnigan Lake. We have also spoken with several colleges that are willing to take on our courses as curriculum for their schools.

We have developed an internship program to teach an educate those who want to become builders for We have developed an internship program to teach an educate those who want to become builders for Green House Designs which is yet another way we intend to give back to the community

We of course will be growing many other crops and this land is only 100 acres currently, and we can access 100s of thousands of acres more in behind it through crown grant.

We are currently seeking investors to assist us to get this project off the ground and will offer crops as collateral to secure loans etc.

We welcome any and all feedback

Business plans available for the individual aspects of this operation including the tattoo, healer level, ecotourism level, yoga level, Greenhouse Designs eco-construction aspect, bio-diesel hemp and the bio-diesel algae (the eco home builder company that Vince's Father Ed Wishart owns)

Ascended Dragon Healing Sanctuary currently operates in East Vancouver, with plans to expand to a commercial space in Kitsalano in the near future.

We are gaining traction with a location in Tulum Mexico where a former eco was being erected in the jungles by Simon Fyall out of earthbags construction and Vince Wishart and Benny Lopez are partnering to do another ADHS there with a test market for an alternative treatment center that utilizes plant medicines as a way through for addicts to recovery. Vince currently runs the Recover-Ink facebook site which has a huge following and is expanding into a reality TV show to carry the message of recovery from drug and alcohol addictions to millions of viewers.

We have partners in Ubud Bali Indonsia that also want to help build one of these centers there, a client from GHD wants us to build him 4 Earthships there so we intend to build a center while our crews are still there. Hawaii has been calling us to create one there as well.

This vision came to Vince while he was meditating after a major growth experience in his life. Every This vision came to Vince while he was meditating after a major growth experience in his life. Every detail came in crystal clear he claimed.

Thank you for your consideration in creating awareness of this grand vision, and being a part of in any capacity. The Ascended Dragon Holdings Association makes all the decisions as to whom we will partner with and what capacities.

We are looking forwards to hearing from you.

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