
Assignment 5- In Fear Swede

Josh Gibson, Jamie Charters, Fazal Mahmood, Harvey Karavis

THE SCRIPT (Josh Gibson)The script only accounts for up to 1 minuet and 30 seconds of the trailer. This is because the last 15 seconds of the trailer are a series of fast paced jump cuts that would be difficult to scripture.

THE SCRIPT (Josh Gibson)

Actors, Props and Makeup (Jamie Charters)

Actors, Props and Makeup (Jamie Charters)

Prop Research Construction End Product


Due to nobody in our group being able to drive, we had to compromise and use our bikes, as we can all ride one an they are suitable modes of transport.

The bike was already constructed

The bike will be used instead of the car. We will use 2 different bikes to represent the different seats in the car.

Hotel sign The hotel sign is going to be used to create the main narrative of the film. It is fairly realistic, as it is the same drawing from the movie.

The sign was constructed on card with a sharpie marker. It was hand drawn by Jamie

Actors, Props and Makeup (Jamie Charters)

Green washing up liquid is mixed with red food colouring, to make fake blood

Soil will be put on the faces of the character to make it look more realistic

Story Board (Fazal Mahmood)

Story Board (Fazal Mahmood)

Story Board (Fazal Mahmood)

The story board isn’t completely filled because it follows the script in the fact that it only runs up to 1minuet and 30 seconds in the trailer

Locations (Harvey Karavis)

Location Ideas

Bears Rail

Long Walk

Great Park

Black Forrest

Magna carta

Old Windsor(by the river)

Savill Gardens

Virginia Waters

Locations (Harvey Karavis)Virginia water Black Forrest

Great Park Bears Rails

Locations (Harvey Karavis)I chose locations that were very forest like as they suited the setting of the film best. As “In Fear” is a British film, it was even easier to match the flora and plant life in the movie to that of a location near us.

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