

Assistive Technology

By: Andrea Lackey

A device/service that assists students with disabilities

A device/service that improves the functional performance of students with disabilities

A device/service that helps students with IEP goals to participate in the general education setting

A device or service that increases, maintains, or improves the functional performance of an individual with a disability

Assistive Technology

Assistant Technology Helps Students to…

Communicate with Others

Perform Academic Tasks

Participate in extracurricular Activities

Move Around the School

Use proper Seating

Access Materials

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA ’04)

Schools are required to offer Assistive Technology Services

Should be considered for all students with disabilities

A written plan from the IEP team must be written based on the student

Data on the effectiveness of the device must be recorded and reviewed

Laws on Assistive Technology

Evaluating the Students’ Need

Buying/Leasing/Getting the Device

Selecting/Fitting/Adapting/Repairing/Replacing the Device

Coordinating the Services for the Student User

Providing Training/Technical Assistance to Student, Parents, & Teachers Involved

Assistive Technology Services

Know their students’ strengths/weaknesses

Attend meetings, participate in training & share important information

Know their students’ IEP goals/objectives

Take time to implement the Assistive Technology correctly

Allow their students to practice with their devices

Be mindful that it may take students longer to complete tasks

Understand ways to help student be successful academically/socially

Regularly monitor & record their students’ progress

Teachers Should…

Examples of Disabilities that Benefit from Assistive


Hearing impaired

Seeing impaired

Learning disabled



Hearing Aids

Sound Canceling Headphones

Classroom Amplifications

Personal FM Systems

Captioning Devices

Hearing Impaired Examples

Student Learning Outcome:

TSW better hear andunderstand the teacher during whole group instruction. TSW respond to the teacher during whole group instruction.

Hearing Impaired Tool: Classroom Amplification System

Increased Contrast

Enlarged Images

Tactile & Auditory Materials

Books on Tape/CD

Magnifier/Magnifying Glasses

Screen Magnification Software

Screen Reader

Braille Keyboard/Notetaker

Braille Translator Software

Other Braille Materials

Reading Machines

Seeing Impaired

Student Learning Outcome:

TSW participate in instructional activities on the computer. TSW use the computer as a toolfor research. TSW find needed information on the internet.

Seeing Impaired Tool: Screen Magnification System

Picture/Print Schedules

Electronic Organizer

Software Programs

Touch Screen Computer

Portable Word Processor

Word Cards/Word Wall

Audio Books

Graphic Organizers

Learning Disabled

Student Learning Outcome:

TSW listen to and comprehend texts. TSW ask and answer questions about key details in texts. TSW work Towards being able to read texts.

Learning Disabled Tool: Audio Books

Adapted Toys/Games/Puzzles/Sporting Equipment

Switch Activations with Battery Interrupter

Universal Cuff to hold Writing Tools/Utensils

Modified Scissors, Pencils, & Other Tools

Graphic Design Software

Adaptive Computer Games

Physical Seating & Positioning

Physically Disabled

Student Learning Outcome:

TSW participate in writing workshop with the class. TSW write based on the Instructional lessonto the best of their ability.

Physically Disabled Tool: Modified Writing Tools

Assistive Technology is any device or service that increases, maintains, or improves the functional performance of an individual with a disability

Federal Law requires Assistive Technology be considered for all students with an IEP

Teachers should take Assistive Technology seriously and complete all the necessary steps to insure the best practice for each student.

In Conclusion…

IRIS center peabody college vanderbilt university. Retrieved January 20, 2015 from

Woodley wonder works. Retrieved January 20,2015 from


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